watch face model. Master class with step by step photo

Suslova Natalya Viktorovna teacher primary school MOU secondary school No. 7 named after. Admiral F.F. Ushakov, Tutaev, Yaroslavl region.
Description: this master class is intended for children from 6 years old, primary school teachers, educators, parents.
Purpose: didactic material for mathematics lessons, interior decoration.
Target: clock face making.
Tasks:- to consolidate the ability to work with paper;
- to develop creative abilities, imagination, fantasy of children;
- develop fine motor skills, accuracy when working with glue, a needle;
- to cultivate patience, confidence in their affairs.

The man who wastes his time
he does not notice how he is getting old.
E Schwartz
Even in ancient times, people knew how to navigate in time and space:
by the stars, by the sun, even then the first sundial.
What kind of clock has not been invented by man throughout his existence: lunar, water, candle, sand, oil.
Such an ingenious invention could not but find general application. Many of the first watches served mankind for a long time and faithfully, but over time, more modern and comfortable watch models appeared.
In today's dynamic world, every minute has to be valued, as the saying "time is money" becomes more and more relevant every year. In order to control yourself, you just need to be well versed in time.
Teaching a child to navigate the clock correctly is a real art. Such activities have to take a lot of time, to explain the options for the name of the same designation. The main thing is patience and the ability to wait, not to demand skills and abilities from the child right away.
The first and best benefit is a home clock with hands, which we will make today.

Walk all century.
Not a person. (watch)
We don't sleep for a day
We don't sleep at night
And day and night
We knock, we knock. (watch)
I have no legs, but I walk
There is no mouth, but I will say
When to sleep, when to wake up
When to start work. (watch)
Here is a hut with arrows,
And inside sits a cuckoo

And screams: "Ku-ku-ku-ku!
I watch the minutes!" (hours)
When to go to bed and get up
When we start the game
When to sit down for a lesson
When there is a pie with raspberries -
The clock will show us everything exactly,
To the question: "What time is it?" -
You can answer anytime.
Watches are a mystical gift.
Not time has power over you,
And you are above it - let it be bright
Your every day and every hour!
The clock does not tolerate inattention,
And in happiness, be a little close to the clock.
They are wealth and recognition
They bring it to us at the appointed hour.

colored cardboard,
colored paper (album sheet),
thread, needle,
small flat button
hole puncher.


Step by step description works:
We need templates to work.

1. Making a dial. On the reverse side of the colored cardboard, trace the outline of the dial.

Circle the inner circle on the landscape sheet.

Cut out details.

Put the parts on top of each other, glue.

Fold the landscape sheet "accordion" into 12 parts, draw circles (other geometric figures) for numbers.

Cut out details.

Glue the details to the dial, draw numbers with a felt-tip pen. The dial is ready!

2. Arrow making. On the back of the dark cardboard, make 2 holes with a hole punch.

Align holes with template holes. Outline arrow patterns.

Cut out the arrows.

3. Assembly of the dial model. Put the arrows on top of each other, align the holes of the arrows, and put them in the center of the circle.

Attach a flat button on top, sew to the dial.

Reverse side of the dial.

Mark the minutes with a marker.

Dial models are ready in different options design.

Creative success!

Various types of watches accompany us everywhere. Wall, floor, wrist. It is simply impossible to do without them. They are used not only for the practical purpose of telling the time, but also for decorating the interior. It is quite possible to make a watch with your own hands from improvised materials.

Interesting options for wall clocks

In fact, there are a lot of options for creating a wall clock at home, but I want to consider the most popular of them.

From vinyl records or discs

How to make a wall clock from vinyl records or discs with your own hands will tell detailed instructions:

Prepare a vinyl record or disc, remove all stickers and dirt from its surface. If you use a disc, then choose with a white core. Prepare the clock mechanism in advance, purchase or use from old clocks.

Apply a primer to the surface with a special spray gun and cover with acrylic, if necessary. Leave for some time to dry. Make the background of the clock more saturated with acrylic in bright colors or gold.

When using a vinyl record, it is better to decorate its surface using decoupage. To do this, prepare a paper picture or from a napkin, apply a layer of glue to the surface of the dial, moisten the picture and fix it on an adhesive base. Apply a layer of glue on top, gently smoothing the surface so that bubbles do not form, and dry.

Cover the drawing with acrylic varnish in three layers. Make suitable numbers and fix on the dial in the right places.

Make a hole in the center of the plate and fasten the mechanism with arrows, which can be of a different color as you wish. Install the battery right time and hang the clock on the wall in the right place.

Such handmade clocks can be presented to friends and relatives, or decorate the interior of any of the rooms with them. Many options for do-it-yourself watches using decoupage technique are shown in the photo.

coffee theme

A clock decorated with coffee beans is suitable for the kitchen. And the creative process will give you a lot of pleasure:

  • prepare the clock mechanism and the base in the shape of a circle;
  • for a beautiful do-it-yourself clock decoupage, select a suitable picture with fragments related to coffee;
  • apply primer to the surface and paint one side in White color, the other in brown. Leave the product to dry;
  • cover with adhesive composition (glue diluted with water - 1: 1);
  • lay the picture evenly so that bubbles do not form, and dry;
  • schematically depict the arrangement of grains;
  • Arrange the coffee beans on the drawing according to the scheme. Lay the grains close to each other, securing with stained glass paint;
  • leave the product to dry, then apply the numbers and mount the clock mechanism;
  • fix the decorated surface of the dial with clear acrylic varnish.

Wood clock

Original and stylish wooden clock for ethnic interior styles, make it even easier:

  • take a saw cut of a tree suitable form and size, not more than 3 cm thick;
  • clean from the bark and unnecessary parts, if necessary, adjust the shape of the future dial;
  • make a hole in the center for installing the hands and clockwork;
  • apply varnish to the surface and let it dry;
  • mount the mechanism and fix the numbers.


A clock from a plate will also decorate the kitchen interior, and besides, it is easy to make them. It is only necessary to drill a hole in the center of the plate, mount the mechanism with arrows and decorate as you wish.

And master classes by the clock with their own hands will tell and show more detailed order work.

With cutlery

Continuing the kitchen theme, I would like to consider another version of the watch with your own hands using cutlery: forks and spoons.

  • take a box from the disk, cut out a circle and paint it in the desired color;
  • drill a hole in the center;
  • wash the cutlery thoroughly, dry it and degrease it;
  • fasten them on the back of the circle at regular intervals, alternating with each other;
  • paint them in different colors;
  • install a mechanical device and hands, set the time and decorate the interior of the kitchen with a clock.

Even more best ideas You will find decorative frames for watches with your own hands on the relevant sites.

DIY watch photo

Stylish wall or table clocks can drastically affect the mood in the interior, bring some shade of your own into it. And wrist chronometers can change the image of a person. However, in search suitable option You can spend a lot of time and still not find what you need. In today's article, we bring to your attention ideas on how to make a watch yourself, a master class describes in detail various techniques for making and decorating watches.

Do-it-yourself watch from a record

From the plate, using the decoupage technique, you can make very beautiful chronometers that can be a gift for loved ones, especially those who are constantly late.

1. We find an unnecessary vinyl record, remove the label. It is better to choose one so that the middle is white - it is almost impossible to paint red with white acrylic.

2. We buy a clock mechanism or take it out of an unnecessary clock.

3. We prime the plate from the can. You can simply paint the surface with acrylic using a sponge, but further work will be more convenient if primed with an aerosol. We dry.

4. Paint the background with a sponge. We chose slightly golden acrylic. Waiting for drying again.

  • smear the surface with glue;
  • wet the card;
  • apply the card to the adhesive surface;
  • on top we apply another layer of PVA;
  • we expel all air bubbles from under the card with fingers or a brush;
  • dry with a hair dryer.

6. Glue rice paper on top. We work with it in the same way as with a regular decoupage napkin.

7. We apply at least 3 layers of varnish.

8. We make marking drawings and paste the numbers of a suitable size.

9. We cut the hole sealed in the process of work again; turning the scissors a couple of times, we increase the hole for the clock mechanism to the desired size.

10. Insert the mechanism, put on the arrows.

11. If there is no loop included with the mechanism, then you can glue it on the Moment glue.

12. Also, if necessary, the arrows can be painted in a contrasting color.

13. Insert the battery.

So we learned how to make a wall clock with our own hands, the master class also revealed to us the features of working in the decoupage technique.

coffee clock

We continue to use decoupage to decorate watches, but another decoration option is also applicable. In this case, we will make a clock from coffee beans with our own hands, and the master class below is devoted to this particular topic.


  • blank with a hole in the center;
  • clockwork;
  • napkin with a beautiful pattern on the theme of coffee;
  • coffee beans
  • priming;
  • decoupage water-based varnish;
  • colored acrylic;
  • contour on glass - silver, gold, bronze;
  • stained glass paint;
  • sponge, brush, regular and rubber roller, paper file, toothpick;
  • PVA glue.

1. We prime the surface of the workpiece.

2. We paint one side with white paint, the other with brown.

3. On a dry surface, we spread PVA glue diluted in a ratio of 1: 2. Wet the napkin and glue it on top. Cover again with glue. We apply a wet stationery file and roll it on top with a roller, getting rid of air bubbles. Leave until completely dry. Then varnished.

4. With a contour, draw the boundaries of filling with coffee beans.

5. After 10-20 minutes, we can start decorating with grains. To do this, we cover a small area with stained glass paint and carefully place coffee on it in random order, moving a toothpick towards each other.

6. After an hour, the paint will dry, and everything will hold.

7. The dial can be made from improvised means, the same coffee beans, you can draw numbers using a contour. With the same contour, you can draw additional details: at least butterflies, if you think they are appropriate.

8. It remains to insert the clockwork, and the battery into it.

Such a clock can be hung in the kitchen: if you have not varnished the grains, they will give aroma for a long time.

Video Compilation

In this collection you will find other options for making watches with your own hands.


And other ways to decorate:

Hello! Remember how you taught your kids to count time, that it can be measured using seconds, minutes, etc.; and that there is a special device for this. Or perhaps you have yet to tell all this to your crumbs? Then I will suggest one very effective method. Together we need to make a clock with our own hands for children from cardboard. The time of work can be devoted to telling a fairy tale about short seconds, minutes striving only forward and such huge hours that seem to last forever, especially for kids. Yes and creative work will not remain without a trace, the little ones develop, doing it.


What to hide for a modern person, even a big one, even a small one, the wrapper is important. Even the same candy may seem tastier if it is wrapped in a wrapper with your favorite movie character, and not in parchment. Therefore, the learning process should be packaged in a beautiful wrapper: use your favorite lego men, cars, stickers, printouts of super heroes, everything that your child likes, what he is ready to look at for hours, what he is even ready to sleep with.

Or even make it in the form of a bracelet on your hand, I think this option will also be appreciated by kids.

Regarding the training system - choose the one that, in your opinion, is more understandable to your baby and which you can present "without stuttering." Someone makes hours like real ones without minutes, someone hides minutes under a leaf so that you can “peep”. Someone, on the contrary, makes a double dial, where both hours and minutes are clearly visible, and even the hands go in a circle, clearly pointing to the number. And someone makes a clock with the task - to stick the appropriate number of minutes on Velcro, and even at the bottom you can lay out in separate numbers what happened (for example, 10:30). Of course, it is more convenient to make such watches with Velcro from felt, although you can also stick Velcro on cardboard. Main idea!

And you can improve the usual home clock - stick the numbers of minutes in a circle for quick learning.

In a word, what else are we talking about? Time to get down to business! We have a universal, basic master class on our nose, which you can take as a basis for your idea.

Step by step instructions for making cardboard clocks

Now we'll try together do under the tree. But first, just a few words about the tools that we will make, and all possible children's help.

A few important points:

  • We have to cut blanks out of paper, and for this we need sharp scissors. If you have scissors with rounded edges, then this part of the work can be entrusted to the baby. Otherwise, it is better, or rather, safer, to do it yourself.
  • To fasten the arrows on the structure, we again need a sharp object: either nail scissors with sharp edges, or a nail. Only 3 holes. But safety is more important. If the baby asks, of course, you can entrust the work, but only with your safety net.
  • Decide how strong the structure you plan to make. Perhaps one sheet of cardboard will not be enough. Then use the base. A layer of packing thick cardboard will come off as a basis, or several extra balls from the usual.
  • The last thing is how you will draw, or rather, with what. If with a compass, then you have already marked the middle, and that's good. But dangerous because of the sharp edge. You can draw by circling a plate, cup or bowl around the office. In this case, the middle is determined using two perpendicular lines. Or, even easier, bend one of the circles (preferably not the very first one, in order to keep its attractive appearance) 2 times in half. The fold point is the middle.

Now we are completely ready! Forward!

Hours with minutes - MK

A cork round stand for hot dishes was chosen as the basis for the clock. But you can completely do with corrugated cardboard.

Step by step photos of manufacturing:

Printable templates - click to enlarge

Clocks don't just tell the time and keep us from staying late - they can also serve as impressive pieces of art to decorate our home.

Beautiful and ornate watches can be expensive, but there are many ways to make your own watch. All you need is a little time, creativity and motivation to start and you can create something completely different, something that no one else has, a thing that has no analogues in the world.

floating wall clock

Collect all necessary material. To create a floating clock, you will need the following tools:

  • adhesive putty;
  • wooden numbers from 1 to 12;
  • 4 different sheets of paper for cuttings;
  • glue;
  • knife;
  • set of watch mechanisms.

Wooden numbers can be purchased at a craft store, or you can cut your own. A set of watch mechanisms can be purchased in specialized stores, they are inexpensive. Search the internet and you will find several. You can use a mechanism with hands from an old clock that you have in your house or gathering dust somewhere in the attic.

More interesting wooden numbers will look in different fonts and sizes. You can lacquer the wooden numbers or glue on scrapbooking paper and then lacquer them. An interesting effect is obtained if the numbers are sprayed with metallic silver paint.

Set the clock. The size of the clock will be about 60 centimeters wide, so choose a place to mount it where you have plenty of space. Once you have chosen a spot, use a ruler to determine the center of the spot. Here you will hang the clock mechanism.

Attach the clock mechanism to the wall using adhesive putty. This piece looks great when placed above a mantelpiece or low cabinet.

Decide where you will hang the numbers. Use a ruler to measure 30 centimeters right on top of the watch. Mark this spot with a pencil. Here you will hang the number 12. Measure 30 centimeters to the right of the clock and mark it with a pencil. This is where you will hang number 3. Measure 30 centimeters below your clock and mark it with a pencil. Here you will hang number 6. Measure 30 centimeters to the left of the clock and mark it with a pencil. Here you will hang the number 9.

Hang up the numbers and set the clock. Use adhesive putty to hang 12, 3, 6 and 9 on the pre-marked pencil spots. You can then use a ruler and pencil in space and mark where the rest of the numbers will stay.

Use adhesive putty to hang the remaining numbers. The adhesive putty is easy to remove, so if you need to customize the placement of the room, you can easily remove it from the wall and reinstall it elsewhere. Insert the batteries into the clock mechanism and set them to the correct time.

Clock “Rainbow”

Know that recycling of old things is of great importance for the preservation of our nature. And if you learn to recycle things, and not throw them away and pollute the environment, that will be wonderful.

An additional bonus will be cost savings and the opportunity to make a great gift for your loved ones. Try making this watch out of recycled items. Consider how to make a wall clock with your own hands using ice cream sticks.

What you need:

  • 12 ice cream sticks;
  • Watch mechanism;
  • Styrofoam;
  • 1 sheet of plywood;
  • fabric or acrylic paints;
  • glue.


  • Color the popsicle sticks the colors of the rainbow. Line them up on the wall and mark the line with a ruler. This is to determine how much space you need to insert numbers.
  • Cut a circle with a diameter of 5 centimeters from the foam. Draw numbers on it with a pencil. Then you need to paint the circles with acrylic paints.

  • Form the face of the clock. Make a circle out of a sheet of plywood and paint it white. Take a ruler and divide the circle into 12 parts. Drill a hole (you can use a large nail if you don't have a drill).
  • Apply glue. Lightly glue the line on the right side of the clock and stick with glue.

  • Now all you have to do is stick on the numbers. Add a clock mechanism and you're done!

Instead of popsicle sticks, you can use buttons and barbecue sticks, or felt that you can cut out flowers from. Use any material at hand - it can be fragments of broken children's toys, etc. Remember that you can create a masterpiece from garbage and help nature.

Photo clock

Enough original idea make a clock with your own hands from portraits of loved ones, which can become a true decoration of your interior.

To make this original clock, you will need the following materials:

  • 2 sheets of 18x24 newsprint or banner paper;
  • scotch;
  • pencil;
  • 12 photo frames 2×3;
  • 12 photos sized 2×3;
  • Watch mechanism;
  • ruler;
  • a sheet of cardboard measuring 8.5 x11;
  • scissors;
  • insulating tape;
  • hammer;
  • nails.

Post the clock. Place two sheets of newsprint or banner paper on the floor, then tape them together. Place the clock mechanism kit in the center of the sheets, and then position the photo frames around the clock mechanism.

Experiment with the frames by placing some horizontally and some vertically. Play with the layout until you find the design that works best for you.

When you are satisfied with the result, draw the outlines of the photo frames on a piece of paper with a pencil.

Insert photos into frames. Choose the best photos for this project. Try to come up with a theme and choose twelve pictures that match that theme. For example, choose pictures of twelve places on your vacation. Or choose twelve different photos from key events in your life or relationship with a partner.

Attach the clock mechanism. Use a pencil, ruler, and scissors to cut the card paper into a square or rectangle. It should be large enough to cover the clock mechanism.

If the clock mechanism is small, cut out 3.25 x 3.75 cardboard, the same size as the picture frames. Cut a hole in the center of the cardboard. The metal part of the watch mechanism will be located here, attach it. Use a sheet of cardboard instead of a "dial".

Find an empty wall where you can hang a wall clock. Attach your paper blanks to the wall with tape, and hammer the photo frames with nails. Make sure they match the dial pattern.

After you've finished scoring, pull the newsprint off the wall. The nails should stay in place and the paper should slide out easily.

Button watch

Such a clock will look quite original, and give the room more comfort. Take the hoop, buttons, do not forget about the clockwork, stock up on braid and fabric you need colors.

The fabric should be well fixed on the hoop, the edges should be trimmed so that they do not crawl out of the form. This will be your dial, of course you need to make numbers for it. To do this, sew on the buttons in the order in which the numbers are located on the dial.

Make a hole in the center so you can attach the clockwork. And in order for the clock to hang beautifully on the wall, you need to hang it. To do this, take a ribbon, attach them to the hoop, and then hang them on a carnation on the wall.

Other creative ideas

As you can see, a lot of interesting things can be created from improvised materials. Globe halves or wooden spools for winding the cable can be used. Needlewomen can create this piece of furniture from a lace doily or knit a cover with threads.

It will be interesting for children to have a clock made of lollipops or sweets in their room. Vinyl records will perfectly fit into the interior in modern style. The shape of a vinyl record can be easily changed by heating it. You can also paint a vinyl disc with acrylic paint and then your product will take on an absolutely incredible shape.

And if you take a cut wooden circle as a dial, you can place a clock made of wood in any room.

A great idea is a cardboard clock in the form of a picture or map of the area, or grandfather clocks. You can also take old unnecessary mechanisms and make a clock for the kitchen, decorating it with scrapbooking paper or coffee beans. Even if you don't have anything at home, you can buy cutting board for the kitchen and create a clock out of it. And the decoupage technique will help you decorate the board and turn it into a true masterpiece.

Feel like a real designer, create your own projects, decorate the space of your home and give joy to your friends!
