Gardeners who plant tomatoes dream not only of getting big yields. I want the fruits to grow large, of excellent quality and excellent taste: juicy, sugary. To do this, you need to know how to feed the tomatoes, what preparations to use for this and why it is important to do this during the periods of flowering and fruiting.

Top dressing of tomatoes in the greenhouse

Growing in greenhouses has its own peculiarities. Plants are indoors, it is necessary to create conditions for their normal growth, to provide useful components. Top dressing of tomatoes during flowering and fruiting saturates:

  • nitrogen, necessary at the initial stage, helping the formation of buds;
  • phosphorus, forming roots, accelerating flowering, fruit set, increasing productivity;
  • potassium, which is involved in the formation of stems, contributing to faster ripening of fruits.

The main thing is how to feed the tomatoes in the greenhouse, how to do it right. Experienced gardeners fertilize the plants in the late evening, use only warm water to prepare the solution, pour one liter under the bush. A good harvest requires doing this several times during the season, using root and foliar nutrition. When and how to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse?

Fertilize plants in the following order:

  • The first time the bushes are fed 14 days after planting the seedlings. Use a preparation containing nitrogen - urea: dissolve a spoon in a large bucket of water. Another option is to use liquid mullein: 500 grams per 8 liters.
  • The second time the plants are fed in a week with exactly the same compositions.

How to feed tomatoes in the greenhouse further? The third time is fertilized when the fruits begin to set - after 2 weeks. Plants need potassium at this time: it is recommended to make grooves along the ridge, sprinkle with ash, then bury. This will increase productivity. Use the composition, which watered the soil under the plant - two liters for each bush. The tool includes:

  • 10 liters of water;
  • two tablespoons of ash, one - superphosphate.

How to fertilize tomatoes in the greenhouse next? The fourth time they are fed during the flowering of the third brush. Apply potassium humate - one spoon per bucket. At the time of fruiting, to improve the ripening process, a fifth is done - foliar top dressing: a weak solution of superphosphate. Well stimulates the growth of fruits fertilizer prepared using yeast. Recipe:

  • take 20 grams of yeast;
  • add 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • pour 10 liters of water;
  • leave for a day for fermentation;
  • dilute in 50 liters.

Mineral fertilizers for tomatoes in the greenhouse

It is not worth using only organic fertilizers to feed tomatoes during flowering and fruiting. Plants also need minerals. good care, watering and proper nutrition will provide you with an excellent harvest of appetizing fruits. Recommend the use of drugs:

  • nitrogen: urea, ammonium nitrate - from the beginning of growth;
  • phosphorus: superphosphate - when fruit is set;
  • potash: potassium sulfate - at the time of ripening;
  • complex, containing all the elements: nitroammophoska, nitrofoska.

Top dressing of tomatoes in the open field

Plants planted on open area, are in more difficult conditions than greenhouse ones. They are affected by temperature changes, they are more sensitive to watering and require special care. Top dressing of tomatoes open field and the greenhouse has differences. If the seedlings are weak, the first time nitrogen can be fertilized after 3 days. In case of good rooting of plants, it is better not to overfeed the bushes. It is worth removing nitrogen fertilizers when tomatoes are poorly tied.

The second time they are fed with potassium during the flowering of the first brush - they use dry ash: they scatter it under the bushes or bury it. Green fertilizer, which is obtained by fermenting nettles for ten days, helps fruiting well. Add a liter of the composition to a bucket of water. On the third, when the second brush blooms, a solution of potassium humate is used - a spoon in a bucket. The fourth top dressing is obligatory - phosphorus: after 2 weeks using the same amount of superphosphate.

Mineral fertilizer for tomatoes

Tomatoes growing in an open area require mineral fertilizers all the time of growth, but especially during flowering and fruiting. The preparations are diluted with water or scattered dry. They are used in conjunction with fertilizing with organic fertilizers:

  • at the first: 20 grams of superphosphate is added to the mullein solution - it improves the formation of roots;
  • the second is a complex fertilizer: 5 g of potassium sulfate, 50 g of nitroammophoska per square meter;
  • the third and following: once every ten days with the composition "Stimulus-1" - for the formation of fruits, accelerated ripening.

Foliar top dressing of tomatoes

Summer top dressing of tomatoes during flowering and fruiting is done both by watering and spraying. It is held once every ten days. Foliar nutrition works in different ways:

  • stimulates the growth of fruits, accelerates the ripening of a teaspoon of superphosphate, diluted in a bucket of water, "Humisol";
  • improves the process of ovary boric acid in the same proportions as described above;
  • when flowering and reddening of the fruits, an ash solution is effective: 0.4 kg of ash, filled with two liters of warm water, "Zircon";
  • from late blight - a vial of iodine per 8 liters or a liter of serum diluted in the same volume.

How to water tomatoes for a good harvest

Gardeners use proven folk recipes. Increases the weight of the fetus, improves the taste of iodine. Water the plants by adding 4 drops of the solution to the bucket. Feeding tomatoes with one percent boric acid is popular. A good effect is given by fertilizer under the root during flowering, during fruiting, with home-made complex fertilizer. For cooking you need:

  • take a barrel of 200 liters;
  • fill a third with dandelion leaves, nettles;
  • put 2 buckets of manure;
  • to fill with water;
  • last 2 weeks.

Of the funds that are sold, drugs help to grow a generous harvest:

  • "Kemira-lux" - used during the growth of tomatoes;
  • "Universal" - used only in dry form, contains many trace elements;
  • "Mortar" - effective for foliar nutrition;
  • "Orton Growth" - accelerates development;
  • "Fortress" - promotes rooting, stimulates growth.

Video: feeding tomatoes during flowering

Top dressing of tomatoes in a greenhouse plays a decisive role in the development and productivity of plants, therefore it is one of the main elements of tomato care. We will talk about the norms and recipes for the best fertilizers for tomatoes after transplantation, during flowering and fruiting.

The opinion that tomatoes are able to grow without additional fertilizers has the right to life. But, the goal of every gardener is a high yield of tasty and sugary fruits, which can only be achieved by regular feeding of tomatoes.

Why fertilize tomatoes

Compliance with the temperature regime, providing the necessary humidity and illumination in the greenhouse are important conditions for growing tomatoes, but without proper plant nutrition, it is unlikely that you will be able to get an excellent harvest.

At each stage of development, a tomato bush needs a complex of micro and macro elements. With insufficient nutrition, plants develop poorly or stop growing altogether, the ovary of fruits is poor, and their ripening is protracted. Therefore, it is important to know how to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse in order to provide them with the necessary minerals.

Excessive watering and fertilizing when growing tomatoes negatively affects plants, so it is important to strictly observe rationing. Oversaturation with organic matter leads to "fatting" of the bushes. In this case, the green mass develops violently, but the fruits are practically not tied. Excessive feeding of tomatoes in the greenhouse with mineral fertilizers leads to dehydration of the bushes, as a result of which the plants may die.

Tomatoes are rather capricious plants. By the appearance of tomato bushes, you can determine which element they lack:

  • with a lack of phosphorus, the lower part of the bush and leaf petioles become purple;
  • nitrogen - light green color of the bush and yellowed leaves;
  • calcium - leaf curl and vertex rot on fruits.

At different stages of plant development, the need for minerals is different, so top dressing of tomatoes during flowering and fruiting will be different.

Top dressing tomato after planting in the ground

First stage plant development is very important, since during this period the root system is formed. It is important to know when and how to feed tomatoes after planting in the ground to help them adapt to new conditions and stimulate them to develop.

In the first days after planting seedlings, plants get used to new conditions, so the first top dressing is carried out after 10-14 days. During this period, immature tomatoes need nitrogen-containing fertilizers, which give a powerful impetus to growth.

Feeding on mullein

Prepare a nutrient solution by mixing the following ingredients for the first top dressing:

  • 1 liter of mullein;
  • half a glass of ash;
  • 1.5 st. spoons (or 1.5 matchbox) superphosphate;
  • 10 liters of water.

The consumption rate of this solution is half a liter for each bush.

Before fertilizing, the soil in the greenhouse is plentifully watered. Otherwise, direct contact of the fertilizer with the roots can cause a burn and, as a result, the death of the plant.

Top dressing for tomatoes Green tea

A good result gives top dressing of tomatoes folk remedies among which the most popular Green tea". To prepare it you need:

  • 50 liters of water;
  • 5 kg of any grass (weeds, nettle, mowed lawn grass), which is pre-finely chopped;
  • 1 bucket of mullein;
  • 1 glass of ash.

All ingredients are mixed in a large barrel, covered tightly (for example, tightened with foil) and put on sunny place. The liquid begins to ferment under the influence of heat. It is advisable to stir this infusion every day so that air bubbles come out. After two weeks, the solution is ready and it must be brought to 100 liters with water. Top dressing is applied at the root at the rate of 2 l / bush after preliminary watering.

Fertilizer on chicken manure

Tomatoes respond well to dressing under the root with chicken droppings. To prepare the solution, a third of a bucket of dry manure is poured with water and insisted for at least a week, stirring every day. Fermented litter is diluted with water (1 liter of litter slurry per bucket of water) and 1 liter of solution is added under each bush, trying not to get on the leaves.

The second feeding of tomatoes in the greenhouse will be needed 10 days after the first. It is carried out with the same solutions.

Watering young tomato bushes

Immediately after transplanting the seedlings into the greenhouse, before fertilizing, each bush is watered with 4-5 liters of water. The next watering is carried out together with re-feeding, after 7-10 days.

Under each bush you will need 2-3 liters of water. This watering is repeated twice a week until the onset of the flowering period.

Fertilizing tomatoes during flowering

During the flowering of tomatoes, their need for nutrients changes. At this stage, the emphasis is on potash and phosphate fertilizers, and the application of nitrogen fertilizers should be minimized. Top dressing of tomatoes in July during flowering contributes to the abundant fruit set.

There are many recipes for preparing solutions that feed tomatoes during flowering. Consider the most effective of them.

Yeast top dressing

Fertilizing tomatoes with yeast is very popular among gardeners. It is carried out during the period of budding and blooming of the first flowers. To prepare a yeast-based solution, you will need:

  • 10 gr. dry yeast;
  • 10 liters of water;
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of sugar.

Mix these components and let it brew for 2-3 hours in the sun, then dilute with water (1:10) and water the plants under the root. Fertilizing tomatoes with yeast during this period requires the simultaneous introduction of wood ash into the aisles.

Milk fertilizer

During the formation of ovaries, gardeners use fertilizing tomatoes with iodine and milk. For its preparation you will need:

  • 1 liter of fresh milk;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • 15 drops of iodine.

This solution is carried out foliar top dressing of tomatoes. They are sprayed with bushes in the morning or evening from a spray bottle, preventing it from running off the leaves. An iodine solution with milk stimulates the development of ovaries, and is also effective tool to prevent the appearance of phytophthora.

Preparations for feeding tomatoes

When wondering how to fertilize tomatoes during flowering, do not forget about agricultural chemistry. The most effective fertilizer is superphosphate. The working solution is prepared as follows:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate pour 1 liter hot water;
  • keep the solution for 12 hours (until the fertilizer is completely dissolved);
  • dilute the solution with water to 10 l;
  • spray tomatoes, preferably in the evening.

It will not be superfluous to treat tomatoes with a solution of boric acid (5 g per 10 liters of water). It has a positive effect on fruit formation, but it is also impossible to overdo it with this drug. Such top dressing is carried out only once.

Of the complex mineral fertilizers for tomatoes, potassium monophosphate, Mortar, Kemira Lux, Master Agro are widely used. They contain all the necessary elements for tomatoes during flowering in the optimal ratio.

How to water tomatoes during flowering

With the onset of the budding period, the frequency of watering is reduced to once a week, but the rate per bush increases to 5 liters. You should also follow general rules:

  • Watering should be regular;
  • Water stagnation must not be allowed;
  • If the soil is dry, you need to water the tomatoes gradually, first moistening the top layer of soil;
  • It is preferable to organize a drip irrigation system.

Wrong organized watering can cause the ejection of barren flowers and the fall of the ovary.

How to feed tomatoes during the fruiting period

To quickly ripen the fruits and improve their taste, it is important to feed the tomatoes during fruiting in the greenhouse.

For amicable ripening of fruits, the following composition is prepared for feeding:

  • 1 st. a spoonful of nitrophoska;
  • 1 teaspoon of dry sodium humate;
  • 10 liters of water.

Another option for preparing a nutrient solution is also possible:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of liquid sodium humate;
  • 10 liters of water.

Make a solution under the root of tomatoes at the rate of 5 l / m².

Complex fertilizers for fruiting tomatoes

Prepare it as follows:

  • in a bucket of water, 1 liter of manure or litter is diluted;
  • add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of complex mineral fertilizer (Azofoska, Mortar, Kerama-universal, New ideal);
  • add 1 g of manganese (or blue vitriol);
  • root for undersized varieties tomatoes - 1.5 l, for tall ones - 2.5 l.

How to water tomatoes during fruiting

At the stage of formation of tomatoes, the plant needs a lot of liquid, so watering becomes more frequent up to two times a week. At the same time, the watering rate is reduced, and can be from 1 to 3 liters per bush, depending on climatic conditions and coating used in the greenhouse.

During this period, it is especially important to control soil moisture. An excess of water will cause root rot and late blight, and a lack of moisture will weaken the plants, as a result of which they can also get sick.


If signs of a trace element deficiency appear on tomato bushes, it is advisable to replenish it with foliar top dressing. So the leaves will quickly absorb the scarce elements, and after a few hours the first results of spraying will appear.

Top dressing of tomatoes during flowering and fruiting is an important step in caring for plants. Providing tomatoes with the necessary nutrients at each stage of plant development, you will get a generous harvest of juicy, tasty, and most importantly - healthy fruits.

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I read that they feed cucumbers during the fruiting period with milk diluted 1: 2 with water, did someone use it ?? Curious to know how effective this method is?​

Top dressing with ashes is considered a very effective tool at any stage of cucumber growth. There is an opinion that it can be applied every 7-10 days all the time until fruiting is over. In the next video, Oktyabrina Ganichkina tells and shows how she conducts root dressing of cucumbers with ready-made Agricola soluble fertilizer.

And according to the method of application, they can be

How, when and how to fertilize greenhouse tomatoes

In addition to root fertilizers, tomatoes are very fond of being sprayed with all sorts of solutions. Foliar feeding helps plants to get those useful components that are lacking in the soil. The fact is that tomato leaves absorb only those substances in which they feel a deficiency, so you can not be afraid of excessive fertilizer.

In any case, clear instructions on when, how often and with what fertilizers to feed greenhouse tomatoes, does not exist. Every gardener, knowing what vegetable crops, grown in the previous season and what fertilizers were used, follows an approximate feeding scheme, "adjusting" to the characteristics of the plants, the vagaries of the weather and based on their experience.​

Phosphorus; Magnesium deficiency manifests itself in tomatoes during the mass laying of ovaries and fruit ripening, and manifests itself as follows: twisting the edges of the leaf blade;

  • after planting seedlings in the greenhouse. For this, 1st. a spoonful of nitrophoska in
  • Please help me cope with all the diseases that cucumbers have, they are all on my cucumbers. I live in the Crimea and we have hot and high humidity, two seas are nearby. Thank you. Or maybe I overfeed them? If the cucumbers start to taste bitter, it means that they lack moisture, or they were affected by sudden changes in night and day temperatures. It is necessary to ensure abundant watering with warm, settled water, not only under the root, but also over the entire area of ​​​​the garden.
  • root In addition, spraying the ground parts of tomatoes gives quick results, which are visually noticeable already 4-5 hours after the procedure. And with the introduction of the necessary minerals under the roots of plants, the results can be observed only after a couple of weeks.

In addition to the usual root top dressing of tomatoes, it is useful to use foliar top dressing - spraying the stems and leaves of tomatoes. A feature of foliar dressings is that they are able to convey to the plant the substances it needs, which are lacking in the soil. This is due to the fact that the leaves, unlike the roots, absorb only the elements that are not enough for the plant. nitrogen. Leaf discoloration, starting with old leaves of the lower tier;

color change from rich green to yellowish bronze;

10 liters of water

  1. In order for a tomato planted in a greenhouse or greenhouse to please the gardener good harvest tasty fruits, it is necessary not only to create in a greenhouse or greenhouse the conditions of humidity, light and temperature necessary for plants. For good growth and fruiting tomatoes need a variety of nutrients, which must be complete and balanced.​ Tanya, of course, we will help))) The main thing is to write right away that If the shape of the cucumbers resembles a light bulb (narrowing in the stalk area) or a hook, then there is not enough potassium. It is necessary to add ash sprays and waterings to the diet - 1 liter under the root. You can also spray with a solution of potassium phosphate according to the recipe: 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water. 20 g potassium nitrate + 30 g ammonium nitrate + 40 g superphosphate foliar
  2. ​His appearance tomatoes signal us about the lack of certain nutritional components: If the tomatoes lack some specific elements, how to feed the tomatoes in the greenhouse is decided by foliar feeding the missing elements. Spraying plants with a solution containing deficient substances very quickly gives positive results, which appear literally in a few hours. If you introduce the same elements through root dressing, then the result can be seen only after a week or two. Phosphorus plays a great role in the formation of the root system and fruit set. If plants do not get enough of this substance, then tomatoes do not absorb nitrogen and other necessary nutrients. Symptoms of phosphorus starvation in tomatoes are the appearance of red-violet spots on the underside of the leaves, as well as twisting of the leaves along the main vein, and fruit ripening also slows down.

When to fertilize

Gradual spread of yellowing (see Why tomatoes turn yellow - a professional look) and discoloration from the bottom of the tomato bush up;

  • Uneven fruit ripening. ​.​ If tomatoes do not get enough of any substances they need, then the price of such a deficit is quite high: their growth slows down or stops altogether, it is difficult to set and ripen fruits. going to do - If the cucumbers are narrowed at the tip, but thickened at the stem, this indicates a lack of nitrogen. Thinned cucumber whips also speak of nitrogen starvation; leaves that have become smaller than usual; light, even whitish (rather than bright green) cucumbers. Here organics will come to the rescue: it is recommended to water with a solution of mullein 1:10, 1 liter under the root.
  • 1 glass of ash per 10 liters of water Each summer resident will choose for himself the type and form of top dressing or their alternation, but some general approaches should be taken into account by everyone. If tomato leaves curl inward and top rot appears on the fruits, they lack calcium . Spraying the bushes with a solution of calcium nitrate will help correct the situation. During flowering, thinking about how to feed the tomatoes in the greenhouse, you can perform foliar top dressing with a solution of boric acid and wood ash extract Thinking about how to feed the tomatoes in the greenhouse, you should remember the high consumption of this culture of potassium. This mineral contributes to the formation of stems, as well as the absorption and processing of carbon dioxide. In case of a lack of potassium, the lower leaves accumulate ammonia nitrogen, as a result of which they first wither, and later die. In the photo you see how the result of potassium starvation of tomatoes on the leaves appears:
  • Yellowing of the leaves while maintaining the green color of the veins.
  1. Phosphorus fertilizers applied to the soil contribute to the resistance of plants to various adverse conditions, the development of a strong root system and good fruit set.
  2. The second time the tomatoes are fed through
  3. In the event that an excessive amount of organic or mineral fertilizers was applied to feed the tomatoes in the greenhouse, the plants are oppressed and may die, as severe dehydration occurs.
  • Plant seeds in open ground or grow seedlings at home, what place can you choose on the site, what soil do you have, what variety ... in a word, diseases do not occur at the time of manifestation, but earlier, and many diseases

Nutrients needed for greenhouse tomatoes

If you find it difficult to determine which element your cucumbers lack, it is best to feed them with complex fertilizers with trace elements. And the complex - it is the complex - the necessary element will find its client on its own :)​

  • Superphosphate + dry ash - apply to the ground (scatter and loosen)
  • Root top dressing
  • If the leaves turn purple on the back, there is a lack of phosphorus. If you spray the plants with a solution of superphosphate, this phenomenon will disappear in a day.


  1. In order to eliminate magnesium deficiency, foliar spraying with a solution of magnesium sulfate is used, based on
  2. In addition, phosphorus is involved in the process of assimilation of other nutrients by plants, in particular nitrogen.

7-10 days At each stage of its development, a tomato needs various top dressings, which we will discuss in more detail.

These are the tips for feeding cucumbers our summer residents share. If you have more effective recipes, your garden secrets - share, let the general portrait of our cucumbers constantly improve!


suitable for warm summer. Then the root system of cucumbers is well developed, and top dressing goes with a bang. They are advised to carry out after rain or heavy watering. Best time- evening, or on a cloudy, non-hot day.

If the tomato bushes turn light green and even yellow, stop growing, break easily, they need to be fed with nitrogen. Treat asthenia with a weak solution of urea.

Tip: to prepare an extract from wood ash, take two glasses of ash and pour 2-3 liters of hot water. Infuse for a couple of days, after which the precipitate is filtered. The resulting solution is adjusted with water to a volume of 10 liters, after which the plants are sprayed.

  1. Let's take a closer look at what and how to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse.
  2. 10-15 g of the drug per 10 liters of water

If tomatoes are deficient in phosphorus, then you can see this by the following signs:

after the first fertilization. For this top dressing use a solution

  • Acting correctly) Agreed?
  • Thanks, that's just the way for me! It's raining today, tomorrow I was just about to feed my favorite cucumbers!


Foliar top dressing:


Also, during the flowering period, it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis against rot by treating the plants with a solution of calcium nitrate (1 tablespoon diluted in a bucket of water).

  • Tomatoes very clearly signal with their appearance exactly what elements they lack (see more Diseases of tomatoes in a greenhouse: their varieties and how to deal with them).
  • The very first top dressing can be carried out in the process of planting tomato seedlings in the greenhouse. Compost or humus is placed in pre-prepared holes and ash is added. Compost, like humus, contains a lot of minerals, and the ash has a high content of a variety of micro and macro elements that are so necessary for a tomato for normal development, growth, flowering, setting and formation and fruits.

The leaf blade begins to curl along the main vein;

trace elements

1 hour l potassium sulfate in 10 l of water

Quite often, seedlings of home-grown tomatoes are very stretched out, and by the time they are transplanted into the greenhouse, they look, to put it mildly, “not very”. (See How to fertilize tomatoes) Hello, I don’t know what will come of this, but I ordered Apion 30 and Apion 50 microfertilizers. Have you heard about them, search the Internet for any of you tried it. I want to see the truth, this is such a convenient fertilizer Thank you! Last edited on December 18, 2015, 09:49​

35 g of superphosphate per 10 liters of water

  • Top dressing will be useful when the summer is cold and the weather is cloudy. Roots in cold weather will not cope with the assimilation of nutrition. But spraying the leaves will be just what you need. Such top dressing is carried out in the evening or on a cloudy day, in small doses. It is very important that the nutrient solution is sprayed in small droplets and evenly. The longer it stays on the leaves, the more necessary substances the plant will have time to assimilate. ​
  • After reading this article, novice gardeners may have the opinion that feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse is an extremely troublesome and time-consuming task. Actually this is not true. If you constantly monitor the condition of the plants and respond in time to the slightest changes and needs, you will get a plentiful and high-quality harvest. Agree, it's worth your worries!​
  • The question of how to feed tomatoes after planting in a greenhouse causes "hot" discussions among gardeners.

Tomatoes need manganese for normal growth and development. In addition to an active role in the process of photosynthesis, it contributes to a significant increase in plant resistance to diseases, in particular to brown spot of tomatoes.


Red and purple spots appear on the underside of the leaf;

If, despite all your efforts and a couple of weeks after transplanting tomato seedlings to a permanent place, it looks pale, thin and weak, then the first and second feeding of tomatoes in a greenhouse or greenhouse is carried out with an aqueous solution of mullein, dissolved in

  • Ash is organic? Last edited on December 18, 2015, 09:54 AM​
  • ​Come in handy! Last edited on December 18, 2015, 09:50 AM​
  • 1 teaspoon of boric acid + 10-12 crystals of potassium permanganate per 1 liter of water

Everyone knows that tomatoes that are grown on their own garden plot much tastier than those sold in shops and markets. In order for the harvest to please with its abundance, and the tomatoes to be large, juicy and tasty, the plants need to be provided with proper care and conditions for good development. With a lack of phosphorus, the stem, the lower surface of the leaves and the veins on them become purple. If you spray the plants with a weakly concentrated solution of superphosphate, then after a day the purple color disappears. Part of the "gardening" community is of the opinion that the question of how to feed the tomatoes in the greenhouse immediately after planting is not worth it at all. Such gardeners believe that the first feeding of greenhouse tomatoes should be carried out no earlier than two weeks after transplanting plants to a permanent place.

Manganese deficiency manifests itself:


slowing down the process of fruit ripening.

Two weeks after the second feeding, a solution is applied consisting of:

10 liters of water 1 liter of mullein

  • Paul, of course not. Last edited Dec 18, 2015 at 09:54
  • Thank you, it will come in handy))) Last edited on December 18, 2015, 09:50
  • 2 g boric acid + 100 g sugar per 1 liter of hot water (spray to attract pollinating insects)

Top dressing For good growth, tomatoes need nutrition, because the more abundant the crop, the more nutrients it takes from the soil. That is why plants need periodic top dressing. Calcium deficiency leads to twisting of the leaf plate inward and disease of the fruits of tomatoes with blossom end rot. In this case, spraying the plants with a solution of calcium nitrate will help.


Other gardeners are of the opinion that for seedlings “injured” by transplanting tomatoes in a greenhouse, the sooner you feed them, preferably immediately after transplantation, the better. For the first feeding, these gardeners recommend using organic fertilizers, or the so-called "green tea".

Small young leaves with yellow spots;

  • Tip: The first top dressing of a tomato in a greenhouse can be done while planting seedlings in a permanent place. To do this, 10-15 g of superphosphate are added to each prepared well.
  • 2 st. spoons of wood ash;
  • and adding:
  • Tatyana, thanks for the information about cucumbers. You, I added, for the care of cucumbers. What you describe is what I did. I really liked the information about ASH, this is the most effective way. Ash is a universal fertilizer that fits under all vegetation. Still, surprisingly, I did not know that the ash is rich in potassium. FELLOW MAN.​
  • It is necessary to write down so as not to forget Last edited on December 18, 2015, 09:51

​ ​- 15 days after planting Tomatoes do not like an overabundance of fertilizers. An imbalance of certain substances in the soil can cause developmental delay, disease, or dropping of the ovaries in the plant.


In the event that the plants lack nitrogen, the plant becomes light green or yellowish, stunted and become very thin. Spraying with “herbal tea” or a very weak solution of urea will help to cope with nitrogen deficiency.

"Herbal tea"

The appearance of a lighter color of the leaves;

  • 1 st. spoons of superphosphate;
  • 50 g ash

Thank you, Gennady)) And the ashes must be used))

A very timely article! Thanks for the advice, I hope this season the cucumbers will be excellent. ​

Top dressing a tomato in a greenhouse: some practical tips


II top dressing

Ordinary nutritional yeast can act as a top dressing for tomatoes. They contain many substances that these plants need. You can fertilize tomatoes 2 times a season. To prepare the product, take 1 sachet of instant yeast, mix with 2 tbsp. l. sugar, warm water (a small amount), after insisting for a couple of hours and mixed with 1 bucket of water. This composition is used when watering plants as follows: 0.5 liters of solution will be needed for 1 watering can of water. The effect will be visible after 3 days: the tomatoes grow quickly, and the leaves and stems become stronger.

You may get the impression that feeding greenhouse tomatoes is too troublesome and unnecessary. It is enough just to fertilize the soil during spring and autumn digging, and then plant the tomato in the greenhouse.

What fertilizers do tomatoes need

This fertilizer is easy to prepare with your own hands. For its preparation, a variety of herbs are taken (various weeds, such as nettle, plantain and others), to which a bucket of liquid mullein and a glass of wood ash are added.

yellowing of the leaf blade, starting from the tip;

In addition to macronutrients, tomatoes need a large number of micronutrients. According to experienced gardeners, for good fruiting and obtaining a quality crop of tomatoes, you need about

  • 10 liters of water.
  • Tell me what to do, the whole ovary turned yellow, maybe I called it wrong (I'm a beginner gardener), in general, all cucumbers are small.

Good afternoon! please tell me about the second dressing of cucumbers -​

​Green fertilizer at a concentration of 1:5​

- at the beginning of flowering

​Another way to prepare yeast nutrition: 3 liters glass jar fill 2/3 with black bread, add 100 gr. raw yeast (pre-dilute with water). Pour everything with warm water, close the lid and put in a large saucepan (the solution will pour out of the container during fermentation). The mixture should ferment for at least 3 days. After it, you need to strain and water the tomatoes in the following proportion: for 10 liters of water, 1 liter of solution.

When and what kind of feeding is carried out

Indeed, if the soil is not depleted and the correct crop rotation is practiced, the harvest can be obtained. But if you carefully look after the plants and promptly respond to their needs, constantly take care of them, you can get a crop of tomatoes in a greenhouse much more abundant and better.

For infusion, 4-5 kg ​​of finely chopped grass are taken for 50 liters of water, mullein and ash are added, mixed and left for several days to infuse. Then bring the volume of the solution to 100 liters. About 2 liters of ready-made infusion are poured under each bush.

stretching shoots;

20 trace elements

During fruiting, greenhouse tomatoes, to accelerate the ripening of fruits, can be fed with the following composition: 1st. l nitrophoska, 1h. l dry sodium humate powder, diluted in 10 liters of water. For every 1m2, 5 liters of working solution are consumed.​

30g superphosphate

Natalya good evening. You have named the OVEN correctly.

Watching a video detailing the various types top dressing tomatoes, you will see that you yourself can easily cope with a similar task.
  • Important: mineral dressings carried out at this time by many gardeners have a one-sided effect on plants. Some of them stimulate the active growth of green mass, others enhance flowering. If there aren't any organic fertilizers, it is better to feed the tomatoes with any complex mineral fertilizer.
  • slowdown in growth and development.

Tomatoes grown in greenhouses or greenhouses need mineral fertilizers containing:

  • ​;​
    I want to ask you, under what place do cucumbers grow, under trees from the sun or behind some building from the sun? The fact is that when the plants do not have enough sunlight from morning to evening, then the cucumbers can be weak, such as you called, even the leaves are light green or yellow. Often such cucumbers (i.e. weak ones) are attacked by aphids. If the sun does not fall on the plants much, even if you follow the rules of feeding and watering, then the cucumbers will be like that. I'm waiting for an answer. 20 g of potassium nitrate + 30 g of ammonium nitrate + 40 g of superphosphate - in total it turns out 90 g per 10 liters of water - won't it be a lot ??

- during mass fruiting

Many novice gardeners do not know exactly what products to use to fertilize tomatoes during flowering. Caring for seedlings in the open field requires a lot of time and effort. Top dressing is used in cases where seedlings were planted in, which was not fertilized in advance.

To harvest a bountiful harvest of tomatoes, they need proper care. Many gardeners ask themselves questions: what, when and how to fertilize tomatoes? So, if you think that the soil in your greenhouse is well fertilized, then you can not do fertilizing after transplanting tomato seedlings. Then, an approximate feeding plan will be as follows: To eliminate the lack of manganese, foliar feeding can be carried out with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, or manganese sulfate (​

  • The most significant are:
  • potassium;

Foliar top dressing

Thanks for answering!!! We live in Siberia and therefore, our cucumbers grow in a greenhouse, the sun is always there. I sprayed the cucumbers with whey, someone advised ... so now the leaves are also withering. Maybe they're just hot?

Nadezhda, I'm sorry I didn't answer, I just missed this comment... Here, look what agronomists say: Cucumbers planted in the ground consume a significant amount of nutrients per unit yield, which are commensurate with the doses of fertilizers used. Per plant, nitrogen is consumed - 23 g, phosphorus - 14, potassium - 58, calcium -19 and magnesium - 5 grams. Based on 1 kg of fruits, plants use nitrogen - 2.64 g, phosphorus - 1.55, potassium - 6.60, calcium - 2.19 and magnesium - 0.57 g. Cucumber is characterized by an extended period of absorption of nutrients. However, during the period of fruit formation, each cucumber plant

25-30 g of potassium nitrate per 10 liters of water IV top dressing

Usually seedlings develop for about 2 months and during all this time the plants need food. Particular attention should be paid to the period of formation of the ovary of flowers and the flowering itself. At this time, you can use both simple mineral fertilizers, such as urea, superphosphate, ammonium nitrate, and complex ones designed specifically for tomato seedlings - diammophos, nitroammophoska, kemira, etc.

How to fill the deficiency of nutrients

Why fertilize tomatoes in a greenhouse? The main goal of this action is to obtain a plentiful harvest, presentation and excellent taste of tomatoes. In order for each bush to bring the maximum amount of harvest, you need to provide it with proper nutrition and a full range of useful components.

The first feeding will be carried out approximately

  • 1.5-2 g per 10 liters of water
  • Boron;
  • phosphorus;

0.3 g (at the tip of a knife) manganese sulfate and boric acid

Good afternoon Natalia. Well done for answering. If the greenhouse is not ventilated, this can also affect it. Did you dilute the serum with water? What kind of fertilizer do you use?


Fertilizers for tomatoes in the greenhouse: what, how, when

50 g of urea per 10 liters of water

Why feed tomatoes

- also during the fruiting period; its goal is to prolong the fruiting period of cucumber lashes and make it more abundant. In the next video - tips on feeding cucumbers in a greenhouse from a Garden World specialist

It is convenient to use special nutrient boxes and pots that are filled with a substrate, soil mixture with the necessary organic matter. You can use a solution of mullein or chicken droppings as fertilizers, and during flowering, it is useful to sprinkle the inflorescences themselves with a boric solution.

What minerals do tomatoes need

Tomatoes are extremely responsive to the application of fertilizers both to the soil and to the plants themselves, but this does not mean at all that you need to fill them without measure with various top dressings and constantly spray them with solutions. This issue should be approached carefully and carefully.​

in 15-20 days

Root top dressing

Natalya, there may still be a reason that it is warm and watering in the greenhouse cold water Not recommended. If there is a place in the greenhouse, put a container for water there. Pour as much as you need, the next day the water temperature will be the same as in a greenhouse, and you can bathe cucumbers with this water, i.e., water with a watering can from above.

Consumes a lot of nitrogen - 0.6 g (N) and potassium - up to 1 g (K

1 glass of ash per 10 liters of water


An element like

In the process of growth, tomatoes need to be fed with magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, as well as copper, zinc, boron.

after transplanting plants. Mineral fertilizers are used for it, diluting them in 10 liters of water:

Zinc applied to the soil, as well as magnesium, contributes to more active plant growth, the formation of larger fruits, as well as earlier ripening.


Let us dwell in more detail on the question of what time and how to feed the tomatoes in the greenhouse.

foliar top dressing

Each plant should get about half a liter of working solution. The interval between the first and second fertilization should be at least a week, optimally -​

Thanks Gennady for the advice. I water it with warm water, but I didn’t dilute the serum ...., but it was necessary ?? Oh, I probably won’t make a good donkey-gardener out of me

We make up for the lack of components

  1. There is also such an opinion: if cucumbers grow and bear fruit perfectly on your soils, then you should not overdo it with top dressing - you can limit yourself to just one or two.
  2. phosphorus

After the plants have adapted in the greenhouse and began to grow actively, they should be fertilized with nitrogen-containing solutions. Seedlings also need nitrogen during fruit set. However, nitrogen should not be overdone, as it overstimulates leaf growth at the expense of fruit growth.

25 g nitrogen;

Top dressing of tomatoes during flowering | LS


Nitrogenous fertilizers are needed at two main stages of tomato development:

Fertilizing tomatoes with yeast

  1. 10 days
  2. . From fertilizers I use “Ovary”, and “yeast top dressing”, well, after reading from you here and sprinkled with ash.
O), so the lack of nutrients during this period dramatically leads to a decrease in fruit yield. In general, with a yield of 25-30 kg, from each 1 m², a cucumber takes out up to 100 g of K

Top dressing of tomatoes in the open field during flowering

Foliar top dressing:

Experienced summer residents offer many wonderful options for top dressing. Based on the already tested recipe, you can choose the most successful “selection” for your soil, weather conditions and wallet.​

Important at all stages of development and formation of tomatoes. It is responsible for the proper development of the roots and helps to activate the processes of fruit set. The first top dressing should be done 21 days after transplanting. To do this, you need to make a solution: for 10 liters of water, 0.5 kg of liquid mullein and 1 tbsp. l. nitrophoska.​

For the full development of the root system and the ripening of fruits, tomatoes need phosphorus. 40g phosphorus; The lack of this trace element can manifest itself:

In the video materials presented, you can find many interesting and useful tips about how you can feed tomatoes in a greenhouse.

Top dressing of tomatoes in the greenhouse during flowering

After transplanting into a greenhouse or greenhouse.

Tomato care: pinching

Hello Natasha. Do not lose heart, you will make a gardener SUPER

What can happen if you do not feed tomatoes?

  • 10-12 g of urea per 10 liters of water
  • Organic:
  • The next top dressing is done during the blooming of brushes with flowers. For this, it is better to use ready-made fertilizers for tomatoes during flowering, for example, such as Senior tomato - 1 tbsp. l. this drug must be diluted in 10 liters of water. You can use mineral fertilizer Tomato Master.

Feed for cucumbers

Tip: in cool weather (below +15 degrees), do not fertilize tomatoes with phosphorus additives, as they will not be absorbed, but will accumulate in the soil.
15g potassium.

Types, forms and mode of feeding

Change in color of the lower tier of leaves;
  • This trace element is responsible for the quality of the tomato, namely for the saturation of the fruit with vitamins and sugars, as well as for its size and keeping quality.
  • After the formation of ovaries on the first two brushes in most tomato bushes.
Important: you should not overfeed the tomatoes before the fruit is set with ammonium nitrate, mullein or bird droppings, since an excess of nitrogen in the soil will cause the plant to “get fat” - it will form a strong stem with abundant foliage, however, it will not bloom and bear fruit.
  • , because you ask how, what, where, where, people like you, after a while there are a lot of things, experiments and on the table. I also started from scratch, I also had misses and no luck, but thanks to perseverance (ie questions, magazines), I succeeded. Well, now to the point. Well done for pouring warm water. But the serum needs to be diluted -1 lit. serum for 10 lit. water. The same thing can be sprayed on the leaves with 100 g of serum per 1 liter of water, this is not necessary, if desired. Fertilizer, you can use any, so that there are 3 components nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Nitrogen is needed for growth, phosphorus for leaves, and potassium for fruits. You will succeed, just be persistent and do not give up.​
  • O, 55 g CaO, 45 g N, 25 g P
​ ​
Fresh chicken (or quail) manure at a concentration of 1:15. Use freshly prepared Tomatoes that are grown in greenhouse conditions, as well as those that grow in open ground, need regular feeding. You can fertilize such seedlings from the very beginning of development, immediately after the first leaves have formed. It is best to choose top dressing for these purposes, which includes many different nutrients. For the formation and development of fruits, tomatoes need potassium, and they should be fertilized at this time very intensively. In addition, potassium helps tomatoes resist negative external factors: diseases and sudden changes in temperature. If the leaves of the plant curled up into a tube, this indicates a potassium deficiency. 1 liter of the prepared solution is spent for each plant.

Top dressing mode

The appearance of spots along the leaf veins, which later die off; As mentioned above, if the seedlings have greatly outgrown, and besides, they were grown in low light conditions, and after transplantation remain weak and elongated, then through In the event that you have applied too much nitrogenous fertilizer with your own hands and your tomato is “fat”, then here is an instruction on how to fix it: Thank you!!! ​2​ Organic: slurry at a concentration of 1:8 During the flowering of tomatoes, you need to carefully use fertilizers that contain nitrogen. Dose the use of biohumus, granulated compost and other organic fertilizers. They can certainly be used, but the effect will be weak. If tomatoes grow in a greenhouse on sandy and sandy soil, they need to be fertilized with magnesium sulfate, especially during the formation and ripening of fruits. In addition, manganese, boron and copper must be present in most dressings for tomatoes. Manganese stimulates the ripening of fruits, and boron and copper are necessary during the flowering and fruiting of a garden crop.

Summer menu for cucumbers

The stems of the plants are quite thin and woody.

First dressing

Boron deficiency can manifest itself:
  • 10 days
  • For a week, do not water the tomatoes. At the same time, we increase the daytime temperature in the greenhouse to
2-day infusion of rotten hay cow or horse manure at a concentration of 1:6
  • In order for tomatoes to give large fruits and accelerate growth, it is necessary to carry out the formation of the plants themselves. It consists in getting rid of the side trunks that grow between the sheets, they are also called stepchildren.
  • The first application of fertilizers is recommended to be carried out at the stage of planting tomatoes in the greenhouse. For this purpose, ash is poured into the dug pits, humus or compost is placed, in which there is a mass useful elements helping tomatoes grow faster, develop and produce good fruits.
  • Since it is necessary to feed the tomatoes in the greenhouse for normal fruit set in the future.
To eliminate zinc deficiency, zinc sulfate can be applied directly to the soil, at the rate of 2-3 g per 10m2, or sprayed with an aqueous solution of zinc sulfate.

Second top dressing

leaves curl;
  • It can be fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Such root dressing will give a powerful impetus to enhanced growth and development of the root system and the bush itself.
+24+260С Good day! I also live in Siberia, and also (like Natalia's) the ovary turned yellow. And on the garden, and not on the balcony. It would seem that the varieties (hybrids) are different, and the land is different, and the conditions are also different, but the trouble is the same: mostly the lower ones turn yellow, and at the tops 1-3 greens are normal.
  • infusion of green grass in a concentration of 1:5
The very first pinching is done 3 weeks after planting the seedlings. During this time, the tomatoes reach a size of 7 cm. After this procedure, you need to carry out this procedure regularly. It is necessary to break out the branches with the thumb and forefinger. They cannot be torn out, otherwise wounds are formed that heal for a long time, fungal infections can penetrate into the plant through them. If the pinching was done with some delay, then the shoots should be cut with a sharp knife, not forgetting to leave 1 cm near the trunk. After planting the tomatoes in the greenhouse for several weeks, they should not be fed. The fact is that for seedlings, relocation to a new place is stressful, and it takes time for it to adapt to new living conditions. Therefore, a couple of weeks should be given to the tomatoes to rest, after which you can feed them with organic fertilizers, the so-called green tea for tomatoes. Such top dressing can be easily prepared independently from a wide variety of herbs (plantain, nettle), wood ash and mullein.
  • In 10 liters of water, dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of potassium sulfate, 0.5 l of bird droppings and the same amount of liquid mullein
  • Tip: to carry out a comprehensive feeding of tomatoes with microelements, you can use a decoction of wood ash. To do this, 3 cups of ash are boiled for 20 minutes in 0.5 liters of water. After the broth has cooled, it is filtered, and then topped up to 10 liters of water and sprayed.
  • The death of the apical point of growth;

Third top dressing

, and the night
  • Good evening Hope.
and 8 g Mg. Therefore, 90 grams of mineral content with 10 liters per 10-15 bushes 3-4 times over the summer is not much at all. Although, there is such evidence that the concentration of solutions for cucumbers should not exceed 0.7% - that is, 70 grams per 10 liters of water. It’s better to follow the formula - it’s better to underdo it than overdo it) and reduce the concentration that gardeners advise. Thank you for your question) Last edited on July 28, 2014, 13:11​
  • If you refuse to feed, the leaves of the plant will suffer first. They will lose their shape, begin to curl even at the very beginning of growth, and may fall off. This is often due to an excess of nitrogen in the soil, and its deficiency is manifested in the yellowing of the foliage, its stunting and falling off. The most important thing is not to confuse these symptoms with exposure to low temperatures and lack of moisture. ​
  • Recipe: finely chop 4-5 kg ​​of grass, add a glass of ash and a bucket of mullein, mix well and let it brew for a couple of days. Dilute the resulting finished mass in 100 liters of water and pour about 2 liters of solution under each plant bush.
. Each plant should receive 1-1.5 liters of the prepared solution.
  • the formation of many stepchildren;
After the ovaries have formed on the first two brushes on most tomato bushes, you can fertilize with nitrogenous fertilizers. At this time, the nitrogen introduced into the soil will not go to the formation of green mass, but will be directed to the formation and development of fruits.​

Fourth top dressing

– up to +220С
  • Nadezhda, how humid is it there? I also had such a problem, only I laid dry grass under each bush to preserve moisture, because it is very hot here. It turned out that I overdid it with watering, that at the trunk above the root, it began to darken from strong moisture, and the leaves began to turn yellow in a place with fruits, I removed this grass, the earth began to dry out, and noticed an improvement in the leaves. They form "root rot" from a large amount of moisture. It turns out that cucumbers need water normally. Try Nadia, it might be a problem to figure it out. ​
Thank you! I will try to take into account all the nuances, if I can. 28-30 g of baking soda per 10 liters of water
  • You also need to feed tomatoes in greenhouse conditions with phosphorus, because due to its lack, the plant can turn purple. But if the leaves grow normally, then the deficiency of the substance is considered the norm.
If you didn’t find organic fertilizers at hand, it doesn’t matter - feed the tomatoes with a complex mineral fertilizer purchased in the household goods department.
  • After the tomato seedlings were grown with their own hands or bought and planted in a greenhouse, many gardeners have a question: how to feed the tomatoes after planting in the greenhouse?
Falling off and dying off buds. Tomato, a very fast-growing plant that needs potassium for development, which contributes to the formation of stems, the setting and development of fruits, the manifestation of varietal taste, as well as a beautiful appearance.
  • Gennady, thanks for the advice. We have had such a surprisingly good summer for two weeks already (pah-pah, I wouldn’t jinx it), and t + 24-30 *, so I also have dry grass in the garden to preserve moisture, I’ll try to remove it. Of course, there is no grass on the balcony, but I have already examined the whips: the stems are strong and the leaves are green, I picked 2 cucumbers, and in my opinion there is too much water in them, there is not enough crunchiness, I will try to reduce watering. THANK YOU again!​

  • Hello! My question is: each top dressing consists of organic and mineral (under the root) and foliar. Are these feedings carried out simultaneously or with some kind of time interval? Thank you
  • 1 glass of ash per 10 liters of water
  • 1 tablespoon of urea + 60 g of superphosphate per 10 liters of water
Calcium deficiency is less common. It is formed more often when cultivating a crop in greenhouse conditions and manifests itself in the form of top rot on the bushes themselves. Feeding seedlings is necessary in a small amount, but often. It is best to use complex fertilizers.


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Galina Gavrilova

If there is little or no organic fertilizer, then top dressing can be carried out by dissolving 1 tbsp. a spoonful of nitrophoska in 1 bucket of water. For each plant, 1 liter of working solution is consumed.

Alena Naumova

To answer this question, you should remember why you need to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse. The main goal of applying any fertilizer is to get a rich crop of high quality tomatoes with good taste. In order for each tomato bush to please you with a large number of fruits of excellent taste, it is necessary to provide the plants with a complete and balanced diet.

Olga Morozova

To eliminate such a deficiency, root dressing can be carried out by dissolving

Olga Morozova

Among other things, potassium contributes to the resistance of tomatoes to various diseases. (See Diseases of tomatoes in the greenhouse)


To stop the development of the green mass of tomatoes, root dressing is carried out with an aqueous solution of superphosphate, diluting

Nadezda, Liepaja

please. Tanyusha, of course, with intervals. During the period of intensive fruiting, cucumbers should be fed every 7-10 days, so you will have time to use all types of top dressing. Once - root, organic, the second - root, inorganic, and the third - foliar. Experienced gardeners advise foliar top dressing every 15-20 days. I caught this recipe: in 10 liters of water, dissolve 10-12 grams of powdered superphosphate, 7-8 grams of potassium sulfate, 5-7 grams of ammonium nitrate or 20 grams of urea. I gave one in the material sample menu, and gardeners have a lot of them, each for his site chooses the most good combination, many generally use only green fertilizer, plus ash))

Tatiana, Bender

10 g of ammonium nitrate + 10 g of superphosphate + 10 g of potassium salt per 10 liters of water Cucumber has earned nationwide fame for a reason - it successfully combines a green fresh aroma, crunchiness, juiciness and low calorie content. The nutritional value of this vegetable, however, is very small: consisting of 95-96% water, cucumbers include only up to 2.5% sugars, 1% proteins, 0.1% fat and vitamins A, B, C and P. But on the other hand You can eat them as much as you like - and you won’t gain weight! In another two weeks, the next feeding of tomatoes in the greenhouse is carried out. Mineral fertilizers are used for it, including nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus. About a liter of the finished solution is poured under each bush.During the flowering of tomatoes, in order to prevent blossom-end rot of tomatoes, it is necessary to spray the plants with an aqueous solution of calcium nitrate.Tomatoes, however, like other members of the nightshade family, are responsive to application fertilizers into the soil, and for various foliar top dressings. However, it does not follow from this that top dressing of greenhouse tomatoes involves the introduction of a huge amount of fertilizer into the ground and constant spraying of plants. It is necessary to approach the issue of fertilization wisely and carefully, and it is better to give the plants less fertilizer than to overfeed them. 2 g of boric acid in 10 liters of water. The greatest need for potash fertilizers in tomatoes in the following periods of development: 3 tbsp. spoons of the drug in 10 liters of water Three years ago in one magazine I read that for good fruiting, the ovaries of cucumbers must be sprinkled with vodka, but I don’t remember in what proportions to dilute. Have you tried this method? An interesting result. And one more way: in order for more female flowers to appear, you need to bring a burning log into the greenhouse and hold it in the greenhouse. I do this every year and it helps me. What about your opinion? Neolina, good time of day. Thank you so much! You are just a cucumber GURU!

Tatiana, Bender

Apply 5 g of ammophos to the ground (scatter and close up with loosening)

Tatiana, Bender

Perhaps there is not a single summer resident who would not grow cucumbers on his plot. Therefore, the topic of feeding them is always important and relevant, because you underfed or overfed - and you will no longer see smooth, pimply sweet strong men, you will have to be content with ugly "commas" ....

Lorr, Tuapse

The next time the tomatoes are fed with potassium sulfate during the period of active flowering. Prepare this solution: add half a liter of liquid mullein and bird droppings to 1 tablespoon and dilute the resulting mass in 10 liters of water. Pour about a liter of solution under each root.

Tatiana, Russia

To cook it 1st. a spoonful of fertilizer is diluted in 10 liters of water

Tatiana, Bender


Tatiana, Bender

During the opening of the third and fourth true leaf, when the generative organs of the plant are laid.

Gennady, Krasnodar

. The resulting solution is used at the rate of 1 liter per plant.

Tatiana, Bender

I haven’t tried this, I won’t mind vodka, because earlier our grandmothers also used alcohol for a flower Chinese rose and they bloomed profusely. The only thing I know about female flowers is to give the cucumbers lateral shoots, i.e. the central trunk (male), break from the ground on a 5-6 leaf so that it does not grow, for that the lateral (female) only have time to tie up . Here is the method I use. Neolina, what you wrote about what methods you tried and helps is EXCELLENT. Now many gardeners are trying different methods, and everyone succeeds, this is already a good achievement, IT CAN BE CALLED ENGINEERING. I will only be glad to accept your methods for trial. Thanks for sharing. ​

Natalia Sysoeva

Oh, Tanyusha ... oh, how far to the guru ... But beyond good word thanks 15 g of urea per 10 liters of water For the whole summer season it is quite enough for cucumber bushes to carry out 3-4 top dressings. As a rule, we apply top dressing When tomatoes form ovaries, the following top dressing will not interfere with them: dilute 10 g of boric acid and 2 liters of wood ash in a bucket of hot water. The finished solution should be infused for a day, after which fill the plant roots with one liter for each bush. This solution contains a lot of minerals that stimulate crop growth.

Gennady, Krasnodar


Natalia Sysoeva

Mineral fertilizers play an important role in the process of growth and development of tomatoes.

Gennady, Krasnodar

Tip: In order to stimulate fruit set, you can use foliar top dressing with an aqueous solution of boric acid. 1 g of boric acid is dissolved in one liter of hot water, after which the solution is cooled. The inflorescences are sprayed with a warm solution.

Gennady, Krasnodar

From the moment the ovaries are formed, until the fruit ripens.

Natalia Sysoeva

Experts, answering the question of when and how to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse, recommend adhering to a certain scheme for applying various fertilizers during the growing season of tomatoes.

Gennady, Krasnodar

Thank you. You always learn something new. hello, I live in Bashkiria, my cucumbers grow in a greenhouse, there are a lot of fruits, but for some reason the leaves of the cucumbers turn yellow, tell me what to do, it has been very hot outside for two weeks, I water every day, I don’t know what to do. Thank you! Natalia good time of the day. Please tell me what thanks for?​

Natalia Sysoeva

let's keep learning together

Nadezhda Krasilnikova


Gennady, Krasnodar

mineral fertilizers

Nadezhda Krasilnikova

The last time tomatoes are fed during the period of active fruiting in order to stimulate ripening and improve the taste of the fruit. Plant roots are poured with this solution: a tablespoon of liquid sodium humate and 2 tablespoons of superphosphate are dissolved in a bucket of water.

Gennady, Krasnodar

During the formation of the ovaries, it is necessary to feed the tomatoes with a solution of 2 liters of wood ash and 10 g of boric acid diluted in 10 liters of hot water. The prepared solution must be insisted for a day so that all the elements are completely dissolved. Such a mixture contains a large number of micro and macro elements that will help the crop to form more quickly. Each plant is watered with 1 liter of the prepared working solution. We list the most significant fertilizers for this crop:

Gennady, Krasnodar

This microelement plays an important role throughout the entire vegetative period of tomatoes, but it is especially necessary during the formation of ovaries and fruit development.

Natalya Lyalyueva

The first application of mineral fertilizers is carried out through

Gennady, Krasnodar

We didn't seem to correspond with you. user_52 Good afternoon​

Gennady, Krasnodar

On a balcony how to grow cucumbers how much land is needed for one cucumber and a place

Kuznetsova Svetlana, Russia

Attention! Infusion of green grass in a concentration of 1:5

Lorr, Tuapse

organic fertilizers

Kuznetsova Svetlana, Russia

This is just an approximate instruction on how to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse. Experienced gardeners, when growing garden crops, rely on their own experience and take into account the surrounding conditions.​

Gennady Raspopov, Borovichi

​The last root dressing of tomatoes is carried out during mass and active fruiting in order to accelerate maturation and improve palatability. For this root dressing, 2 tbsp are dissolved in 10 liters of water. spoons of superphosphate and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of liquid sodium humate. Potassium; If the tomato bush lacks potassium, then, as you can see in the photo, the plant "signals" this: 14-20 days

Top dressing of tomatoes during flowering is very important if you want to have fleshy, large and juicy fruits. Abundant flowering of tomatoes signals that it is time to feed the plants. There are many different ways how to feed tomatoes, but each grower uses his own proven method.

First of all, it should be noted that all dressings should be liquid so that the plants absorb nutrients better.

Top dressing of tomatoes during flowering should be carried out with substances containing potassium. It is he who is needed for the formation of fruits. At the same time, one must also remember about phosphorus, which is needed at all stages of plant growth, and especially when tomatoes begin to bloom. Phosphorus helps to strengthen the root system of plants.

An excess of fertilizers in the soil has a negative effect on tomatoes: they stretch out, their inflorescences begin to fall off without forming an ovary. In this regard, it is important to know how to feed a tomato, and be able to correctly determine the dosage of top dressing.

During the flowering period, it is contraindicated to feed tomatoes with nitrogen fertilizers. From them there will be only a violent growth of green mass and the appearance of new stepchildren. But potash-phosphorus fertilizers are exactly what is needed during this period.

Ash as fertilizer

A good and affordable potash fertilizer is wood ash. In addition to potassium, it also contains calcium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, boron (depending on the wood), so it can be considered a complex fertilizer. To feed the tomatoes along the rows, at a distance of 15 cm from the plants, grooves are made and covered with ashes, then sprinkled with soil and watered.

Ash is especially useful for weakened plants with thin stems and leaves.

You can also apply ash fertilizer in liquid form. The best ratio for feeding tomatoes is 100 g of ash per 10 liters of water. When the soil is acidic, you need to increase the amount of ash to 150 g, if alkaline, reduce it to 50 g. The ash solution is applied directly to the root, 0.5 l under each tomato bush.

Another ash solution is used in the form foliar feeding. It both fertilizes plants and protects them from pests. To prepare foliar top dressing, take 300 g of ash, sift, pour 2 liters of water and boil for 25 minutes. Then the broth is brought to a volume of 10 liters and the plants are sprayed. It is better to do this in the evening when there is no heat. If it is intended to use a decoction against pests, then add 50 g of soap.

When carrying out top dressing, weather conditions must be taken into account, since nutrients are poorly absorbed in cool weather.

Also, they do not feed on dry soil, as the plants will not receive the necessary vitamins. It is best to fertilize after rain or after watering the plant.

Tomatoes, after fertilizing with wood ash, quickly grow thick stems and form flower brushes, and the foliage becomes a rich green color. If no changes have occurred a week after fertilizing the tomatoes, carry out the procedure again, adding a little more ash.

Yeast top dressing of tomatoes

Many vegetable crops, including tomatoes, are very fond of yeast fertilizer. The explanation is simple: yeast contains proteins and other active substances that have a positive effect on plants and improve their growth.

Top dressing of tomatoes with yeast is done three times per season:

  • for the first time it is done 2 weeks after planting the plants in the ground;
  • the second time - when the flowering of tomatoes begins;
  • the third - already in the period of fruit formation.

The yeast solution for fertilizing tomatoes is simple: you need to dissolve dry yeast (10 g) in 10 liters of water and let stand for a couple of hours, after which you can water.

Top dressing of tomatoes without mineral fertilizers (video)

Other ways to feed tomatoes

It is a small gray-white crystals that are highly soluble in water. Ammophoska is also suitable, which contains 30% potassium and 24% phosphorus. Another fertilizer - nitrophoska - contains equally nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

When the first brushes begin to bloom, you can water the tomatoes with a solution of potassium permanganate, adding 20 g of potassium sulfate and 25 g of superphosphate (per bucket of water) to it.

To bring flowering closer, use iodine. In addition, thanks to iodine, the yield of tomatoes increases. For foliar top dressing of tomatoes during flowering, add 20 drops of iodine to 10 liters of water plus 1 liter of whey. This mixture has a beneficial effect on tomatoes.

You can use iodine in another way: 1 g per 1 liter of water. This fertilizer should be poured under the root, trying not to fall on the leaves, so as not to destroy them. Under each plant, 0.5 liters are consumed.

The mixture is prepared at the rate of 1 g of acid per 1 liter of water. This solution not only serves as fertilizer, but also protects plants from diseases. Spraying should be done in calm, cool weather.

Can you make green manure?. Put mowed weeds in a large container (200 l), add half a bucket of bird droppings, add a small pack of yeast (100 g), 1 liter of homemade whey, 1 kg of wood ash and pour water to the top. Leave to infuse for 2 weeks, stirring the mixture daily. Then pull out the fermented grass, add water to the top of the container - and you can use it. Take 0.5 l of this mixture in a bucket of water and fertilize tomatoes 2 times a month. So that the roots do not burn, the soil must be moist - before feeding the plants, they must be watered.

Such organic top dressing helps tomatoes a lot: they grow well, tolerate bad weather well, get sick less, more fruits are tied.

Knowing how to feed a tomato, as well as some of the subtleties of caring for it and using fertilizers correctly, you can always get a good harvest.

Top dressing of tomatoes (video)

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