Chinese rose, or in other words hibiscus, is a widespread houseplant that is very loved for its beautiful flowers and unpretentiousness. This species, although able to tolerate severe frosts, does not have time to bloom in the climate. middle lane. It is grown in gardens only in the southern regions. In areas with cold weather, there is nothing left but to plant a Chinese rose at home.

About China Rose

Hibiscus is evergreen shrub capable of growing up to 6 m in nature. The flowering of the Chinese rose is quite long, which is another of its positive quality. The genus includes 250 species, one of which is cultivated as a house plant. The homeland of the Chinese rose is Southeast Asia, and other types of hibiscus can be found in the wild nature of Africa, America and the Pacific Islands.

About growing Chinese roses at home

Indoor varieties of Chinese roses can be grown even by beginners. When the cold comes, hibiscus should be placed in a well-lit place. Low lighting is also suitable, but the rose will not bloom. The temperature must be maintained at +20°C. And if it is lowered to + 5 ° C, then flower buds will be better placed. But this is not mandatory, if the conditions do not allow, then the hibiscus is left to winter at + 20 ° C.

Chinese rose

As soon as warm summer weather sets in, the Chinese rose is accustomed to the sun - rearranged to the balcony, and then moved to the garden. It is necessary to cover the hibiscus from the bright sun rays otherwise burns will appear on the leaves.

Ease of care is one of the qualities for which hibiscus is valued. It is important to observe the mode of illumination and watering, then the plant will delight with large bright flowers. There are certain rules in caring for a Chinese rose:

  • It is necessary to ensure that the soil is not overdried - in summer, watering is quite frequent, once every 2-3 days, and in winter, just watch that the earthen ball is wet;
  • In a pot with a plant, good drainage must be made so that the water does not stagnate;
  • Hibiscus needs frequent spraying, especially if the air in the room is dry. The main thing is not to fall on the flowers, otherwise they will begin to fall off;
  • It is better that the water settles before watering;
  • During flowering, the rose is fed once every 10 days with complex fertilizer, and in the fall it is necessary to reduce the dose of nitrogen in top dressing;
  • In the spring, hibiscus is transplanted into a nutritious earthen mixture. big plants it is difficult to transplant, so they simply replace the topsoil;
  • After the plant has been transplanted, it is pruned so that new shoots with flowers develop;
  • In autumn, the Chinese rose grows and stretches - it is shortened by a third. If pruning is done in early March, then the shoots are harvested up to half the length.

Note! During a hibiscus transplant, if there is no desire to increase the green part of the flower, the volume of the pot is left the same.

With improper care, various pests, especially aphids, may appear on the hibiscus. Frequent spraying will help protect against these insects. Hibiscus can also be susceptible to various diseases, such as infectious and non-infectious chlorosis, bacterial spot, brown rot. The most common care mistakes that lead to illness:

  • the Chinese rose stands in a draft or in direct sunlight;
  • too frequent watering, provoking rotting of the roots;
  • dry indoor air or too heat air;
  • leaf dustiness;
  • there is no regular spraying, this is especially important in summer weather;
  • use for irrigation of poor quality water with various impurities;
  • insufficient lighting;
  • excessive fertilization;
  • insufficient feeding and lack of regular spring transplants;
  • contact with diseased plants.

If these mistakes are not made, the Chinese rose will grow healthy and strong, delighting with regular flowering.

How to root a Chinese rose at home

Chinese rose is well propagated by cuttings. The shoots left after pruning hibiscus in the spring are well suited for these purposes. Sections are treated with growth stimulants and placed in water. You can also leave them in a mixture of peat and sand, covering the top, for example, with a jar.

rose cuttings

The shoot develops a white growth in the place where the roots begin to appear. A month later, they begin to germinate, then the cutting is planted in the ground and the top is pinched so that the hibiscus bushes.

Note! A plant can be transplanted into a pot, which has formed roots of 5-7 cm and a couple of new leaves.

If spring cutting well rooted, it can even bloom after 2 months. In order to propagate hibiscus, the top of the plant cut in mid-summer can also be used.

How to plant a Chinese rose with a shoot and seeds at home

Generally, perennials are not propagated by seed, but China rose is an exception. This method suits her perfectly. Rose seeds from China have good germination, which lasts for 6 years and can easily germinate. The procedure for such reproduction is very simple. There are several recommendations on how to germinate rose seeds from China. Sow it in late February or early March. The landing algorithm is as follows:

  1. First, the seeds are disinfected for 30 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate, then washed and soaked for a day in a growth stimulator. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the liquid does not cover them completely, and there is access to oxygen;
  2. Next, the seeds are placed in wet gauze for germination. They must be in moisture and heat;
  3. Seed germination will occur in about 3 days. They are seated in plastic cups filled with sand, peat and ash. The main thing is to make sure that the root of the plant grows straight and does not bend;
  4. Sprouted seeds are placed in the soil, sprinkled a little on top and covered with paper or film;

Note! In order to successfully germinate hibiscus, you need good light, but without direct sunlight.

The easiest way to propagate, as for all perennials, is to plant a Chinese rose with a shoot. Cuttings are placed for rooting in water or a specially prepared soil composition. A month later, the shoots will have roots.

How to plant a home Chinese rose

To plant a Chinese rose with shoots, you need:

  • take a stem with a diameter of about 0.5 cm;
  • cut off the top at a distance of 15 cm and remove the leaves from below;
  • plant in a container;
  • put in a place with good lighting;
  • produce moderate and regular watering.

To make an annual transplant of the Chinese rose, a fertile mixture is prepared from soddy and leafy soil, humus and sand. For young hibiscus, peat is also added. Expanded clay or brick fragments are placed at the bottom of the pot in order for drainage to take place. To less injure the roots, hibiscus from one pot is placed in another by transshipment.

Chinese rose transplant

Hibiscus are also planted by dividing the bush, but this method is used mainly for garden plants. The best time for the procedure is spring. Depending on the size of the bush, a knife, pruner or saw is used. Before the start of division, the blades are disinfected, for example, with alcohol.

Note! By division, you can propagate Chinese roses, which last season had at least 2 stems.

The bush is dug up, the earth is shaken off and, without damaging the extra roots, the trunks are separated. Then these shoots, which must necessarily have at least a few roots, are planted in pots with earth and compost. Water regularly, but in moderation.

Further care

Young Chinese rose sprouts are cared for in the same way as adult plants. When the rose grows, remove the old stems, leaving new ones. Remove weeds and loosen the soil. Top dressing is needed during the period of active growth, from June to September. The fertilizer should have a high content of phosphorus. In autumn, potash mixtures are applied to prepare the hibiscus for wintering.

Chinese rose is a spectacular and unpretentious houseplant, which is also easy to propagate. The shape of the bush can be varied by pinching. Hibiscus with its large flowers will decorate any home.

Hibiscus, often referred to as Chinese rose, is a long-lived houseplant. I am familiar with a hibiscus that has celebrated its 25th anniversary. Now it's real house tree, almost reaching the ceiling, with dark greenery, in spring ruby ​​flowers appear in its crown. And more than a quarter of a century ago, it was a thin stalk in a pot, which was presented to my grandmother. Then the Chinese rose was very popular. She was bred in apartments, and branched large trees decorate public spaces. At the end of the 20th century, interest in hibiscus almost disappeared, it was supplanted by fashionable exotic plants. But, as folk wisdom says: the new is the well-forgotten old. Capricious exotic flowers have become boring. Now the Chinese rose is again winning the sympathy of flower growers. They note that the advantages of this plant are much greater than the disadvantages. Hibiscus blooms beautifully and for a long time, has decorative and lush foliage and is unpretentious in terms of maintenance, care, and is easy to propagate. If you follow some features when caring for a Chinese rose, it will live for decades, landscaping and decorating your home with flowers.

Hibiscus, beautiful and useful (photo)

Hibiscus, contrary to its popular name, the Chinese rose, has nothing to do with rosaceae. He is a member of the Malvaceae family. The genus of hibiscus is very diverse, it combines more than three hundred herbaceous and shrubby plants, as well as trees. They are settled all over the globe, in the subtropical zone. Wild hibiscus grows in African and Asian subtropical forests, in the Caribbean and Hawaiian Islands, in America. Some varieties of the plant can be found in Transcaucasia and Crimea, on Far East and southern Europe.

The ancient Greeks were the first to describe hibiscus. But in countries Western Europe the plant came only in the 17th century from Asia.

Among domesticated hibiscus, there are garden and indoor crops. Garden bushy varieties are grown in the southern regions in open ground, very often as a hedge. At home, mainly Chinese and variegated hibiscus are bred.

The inhabitants of Hawaii call hibiscus the flower of beautiful women. The famous Hawaiian garlands are also made from its flowers. In Oceania, India and China, hibiscus is a recognized symbol of hospitality and family hearth. This flower is one of the attributes of home comfort. In India, purple hibiscus flowers adorn the bride's outfit.

Indoor hibiscus is a shrub or tree, an adult specimen can reach 3 meters in height. The hibiscus has a bare stem covered with light gray bark; with regular pruning, it branches well. On the petioles are large, up to 8 cm long, shiny leaves with a serrated edge. They are a bit like birch leaves, but darker in color.

Hibiscus flowers are large from 5 cm. There are varieties with huge plate flowers, their diameter reaches 30 cm. Varieties with simple inflorescences have five paper-thin petals bent back, a very protruding pubescent pistil. There are varieties of terry. The color of flowers can be white, yellow, orange, pink, purple, gray or red, and also combine different shades. The life of hibiscus flowers is very short, they bloom for a day or two. But to replace the withered flowers, new ones immediately bloom, the plant, with proper care, blooms for a long time, from three to eight months. With successful pollination, fruits will appear, they look like boxes with five valves. Inside each covered with hairs or bare seeds.

In the old days, dye for fabrics was made from hibiscus flowers in Eastern countries. Some varieties of this plant were used in the manufacture of paper.

Indoor hibiscus, which is well cared for, can live for several decades. From it you can grow a powerful bush or tree, or you can limit its growth. Hibiscus lends itself well to formation.

Caring for this plant is easy. He needs bright lighting, sufficient watering and slightly increased humidity. Set aside a place for the Chinese rose at the south window, sometimes spray it, cut the branches and watch for months how wonderful flowers open one after another.

Hibiscus are beautiful and edible

Plants belonging to the genus hibiscus are very diverse. Among them are annual and herbaceous, deciduous and evergreen, there are those that cannot exist without support, and trees up to 4 meters. But in almost every hibiscus, a person has found something attractive and useful. Some varieties are grown on an industrial scale, some are used as elements landscape design while others simply create comfort in our homes.

Most popular in home floriculture Chinese hibiscus, he is a Chinese rose. A tree-like shrub can stretch up to 3 meters. The plant has rich rich green foliage. Large (up to 16 cm) flowers appear from spring to autumn. Each one lives no more than two days, but there are usually so many buds on a well-groomed plant that flowering seems to be continuous. Breeders have bred over 500 hybrid varieties of Chinese hibiscus. They differ in color (from purple and chocolate to pale lemon and cream) and shape (simple, semi-double and double) flowers. Some varieties of Chinese hibiscus:

  • Kyoto - variety with simple yellow flowers and a reddish center.
  • Hamburg is distinguished by double purple flowers.
  • Florida is a single flower cultivar with red-orange petals.
  • Filing Blue with flowers of unusual bluish-purple hues.
  • Parple Majestic - dark purple petals with white specks, the edge of the flower is corrugated.
  • Variety Carmen Keane - these are amazing pink-purple flowers with a white border.
  • San Remo - graceful simple bright white flowers with a yellow pistil.
  • Borias - flowers with a strongly wavy edge of a creamy white color and a dark center.

Photo gallery: varieties of hibiscus (Chinese rose)

Variety Borias Variety Carmen Keane Variety Feeling Blue Variety Hamburg Variety Parple Majestic Variety San Remo Variety Kyoto Classical Chinese rose Variety Florida

  • Variegated hibiscus, also known as Cooper's hibiscus, is one of the most popular plants among flower growers. This variety pleases not only with bright flowers, but also with variegated leaves. They combine green color With different shades white, yellow and pink. The color of the leaves depends on the temperature of the plant, soil quality and lighting. Hibiscus Cooper flowers can also be of different colors.
  • The dissected hibiscus is popularly called the princess earring. It got its name from the fantastic red-orange flowers. They have fringed, thin, curved petals and a long pistil. The plant blooms for at least six months. An evergreen bush does not grow more than 1 meter. In our area, it is bred as a houseplant.
  • Syrian hibiscus is a deciduous tree-like shrub. Its popular names are Syrian rose or birch. The homeland of the plant is the Middle East, common in Syria, India, China. It is grown in gardens there. This plant develops slowly, but lives for about a hundred years. The first flowers appear at 3-4 years of age. The color of the inflorescences is purple, lilac, pink, bluish or white with colored spots at the base of the petals. The foliage of Syrian hibiscus is juicy, bright green. Many varieties of Syrian hibiscus have been bred.
  • Hibiscus marsh at good care may bloom all year round. It has bright and huge flowers (up to 30 cm). It is usually grown as a garden crop.
  • Sudanese rose (or hibiscus) - decorative and at the same time edible plant. It is grown in Sudan, India, Thailand and Malaysia as an agricultural crop. A two-meter shrub blooms with large red-orange flowers. Their bracts are harvested, dried, and then brewed like tea.
  • Triple hibiscus is an annual plant, rarely bred in indoor floriculture. This hibiscus has atypical pinnate foliage with a slight feathering. The flowers are small (4 cm), creamy yellow with a dark red center. Interestingly, they open in the morning and close in the afternoon.
  • Hibiscus changeable nicknamed crazy rose. This tall (up to 4 meters) hibiscus has double flowers very similar to a rose. But, blooming, they change color. At first White flower withering becomes raspberry.
  • There is a variety of hibiscus - okra, which is cultivated as an edible plant. Okra pods contain a large amount of ascorbic acid and other vitamins. They are stewed, baked, dried, marinated and frozen. You can’t refuse this type of hibiscus in decorativeness either. It blooms with large yellow, orange or pink flowers.

Photo gallery: varieties of hibiscus

Okra - edible hibiscus Marsh hibiscus has huge flowers Variegated hibiscus, also known as Cooper's hibiscus Variable hibiscus nicknamed crazy rose Hibiscus dissected-petaled Hibiscus Syrian Sudanese rose (or hibiscus) Triple hibiscus

The main condition is a lot of light

Indoor hibiscus is an unpretentious plant. The bush grows quickly and is not capricious. If you give it bright light, spray it occasionally, and remember to water it, it may even bloom in gratitude at odd times.

Table: conditions for indoor hibiscus

Spring Lighting - bright, a small amount of direct sun will be useful. For placement of hibiscus, the southwest and southeast directions are suitable, on the south side in sunny days you need to shade the plant. In the north, with a short daylight hours, artificial lighting will be needed.
Humidity is moderate. Spray from time to time warm water. Do not place near heating appliances.
Indoor hibiscus does not like drafts and sudden changes in temperature, do not place it near an open window.
The temperature is moderate, about 20-23 degrees.
Summer For the summer, a pot of hibiscus can be sent for a walk - to the balcony or to the garden. Fresh air enhances flowering. But protect the flower from the wind.
Lighting - bright light. Shade the Chinese rose on a hot afternoon, otherwise the leaves may wither.
Refresh the plant by spraying.
The temperature is moderate, better up to 25 degrees.
Autumn Lighting - bright light with several hours of direct sun.
Humidity from 40 to 50 percent. Spray the hibiscus occasionally.
The temperature is moderate 20-25 degrees. Gradually lower it to plus 16-18 degrees.
Winter Lighting - bright light with some direct sun. If there is not enough light, provide artificial lighting.
Humidity is moderate 40–50 percent. Occasionally freshen up your homemade hibiscus with a spray.
The temperature is cool, optimal - about plus 16-18 degrees. Below 12 is unacceptable, may shed leaves. Cool wintering is useful for laying buds.
At higher temperatures and a lack of light, the branches will stretch and weaken.
Do not place the plant near heating appliances. Protect hibiscus from drafts.

Some flower growers claim that indoor hibiscus is not sensitive to air humidity. And they also advise regularly spraying the plant. Like any plant in the subtropics, the Chinese rose loves humidity, but not excessive. Follow the rule: the higher the temperature, the higher the humidity, and, conversely, at a low temperature - low humidity. And carefully observe the state of the flower, he himself will tell you what he likes.

How and when to transplant indoor Chinese rose?

It is advisable to transplant hibiscus immediately after purchase. In the store, plants exist in a depleted substrate and are treated with special preparations so that they do not outgrow. And after moving into the nutrient soil, the hibiscus begins to actively increase in size. But if you got a Chinese rose blooming, wait until the end of flowering. The stress from the transplant will interfere, the buds may die.

When choosing a pot for hibiscus works general rule For flowering plants. If you want lush flowering - do not plant it in a voluminous pot "for growth". In a spacious container, hibiscus will begin to develop roots, grow greenery, and will postpone flowering for an indefinite period.

Young, medium-sized plants should be repotted annually in the spring, slightly increasing the diameter of the pot until it is 30 cm or larger. And for adult specimens that are already difficult to transplant, renew the top layer of soil in the spring by about 5 cm.

Prepare the soil for the Chinese rose nutritious, neutral in acidity and loose. Example options:

  • Ready soil for hibiscus from the store, drainage components have already been added to it.
  • Universal primer for indoor plants dilute with garden soil by half, you can add chopped moss.
  • Mix the substrate for indoor plants with soddy and humus soil, you can add charcoal.
  • On two parts of rotted compost or humus on a piece of leafy soil, sand or vermiculite.

Pour drainage into a hibiscus pot, not sparing, the more airy your mixture is, the better. And don't forget to sterilize all transplant components.

  1. Pour a drainage layer into the pot, a little soil substrate.
  2. Take out the hibiscus with the earthy clod from the old container. Shake off the soil a little, do not remove it completely.
  3. Examine the root system, if rotten roots are found, remove them. Healthy roots do not need to be cut.
  4. Put the earthen ball with the plant in a new pot, carefully pour the soil between the wall and the lump, shaking the pot slightly. Compact the topsoil a little.
  5. Water and spray the hibiscus after transplanting.
  6. Put the plant in its old place, hibiscus does not like moving, especially after stress.

Video: how to transplant hibiscus

Care for indoor hibiscus at home

Hibiscus is an easy-care plant. He is not capricious in vain, being content with regular watering and spraying (although there are requirements for water quality), modest top dressing and sanitary pruning. I knew hibiscus, which grew in a room without a window, with a completely artificial lighting. It was often sprayed, so the greens were elastic and bright, but they did not wait for lush flowering from the plant. Hibiscus produced no more than a dozen buds per season.

I must say that the hibiscus forgives the florist's mistakes. The plant lends itself to resuscitation. Main - notice in time that the flower is depressed, and take action.

Watering, spraying and feeding

China rose is very sensitive to water quality. It can not be watered with hard and cool water. From this, the plant can get sick, drop buds and even leaves. Tap water causes a disease - chlorosis.

If you want the hibiscus to be healthy, bloom and live for a long time, water it with demineralized soft and warm water. Set aside, filter and reheat if necessary. The same requirements apply to spray water. In the heat of the Chinese rose, it is useful to spray twice a day. But try to keep large drops of moisture from falling on the flowers. They do not live long, and water will shorten their life even more.

Looking to add a glossy sheen to your hibiscus leaves? Spray it with an infusion of onion husks. Pour half the onion peel into the jar, tamp it down and pour boiling water to the top. Let the solution sit for a day or two. Strain it and sprinkle with Chinese rose leaves. By the way, this is a good defense against spider mite attacks.

Keep the soil in the hibiscus pot constantly moist. The drying of an earthy coma can lead to leaf fall. In spring and summer, at the time of flowering, you need to water the plant plentifully. In winter, the amount and frequency of watering is reduced, but again, it is dangerous for the health of hibiscus to bring an earthen lump to complete dryness.

During growth and budding, be sure to support the Chinese rose with top dressing. Two to three times a month, give her liquid mineral fertilizers with a high content of nitrogen, iron and copper in spring (for greenery), and in summer - phosphorus and potassium (for flowering). Prepare the solution according to the instructions. Some flower growers recommend fertilizing hibiscus once a month with a fermented infusion of bird droppings, it is diluted with water 1:20 and added to the soil immediately after watering so as not to burn the roots. In winter, stop feeding or limit it to once a month.

Video: hibiscus care

Helping the Rose Bloom

A healthy and well-groomed hibiscus usually does not refuse to bloom. And the flowering time lasts from 3 to 8 months. But sometimes the grower neglects the rules of maintenance and care, then problems arise.

What is needed for hibiscus to bloom magnificently and for a long time?

  • bright lighting all year round, in summer - protection from direct sun, in winter - additional illumination.
  • Cool content in winter, at a temperature of + 15–18 degrees, flower buds are laid more actively.
  • Sufficient watering and spraying in summer, moderately in winter.
  • Hibiscus nutrition.
  • Spring transplant or renewal of the topsoil, but the pot should not be too spacious.
  • Pruning Chinese rose - stimulates flowering.

Analyze whether you fulfill all the conditions for the flowering of hibiscus. Try to correct the mistakes, and, perhaps, already in the current season, your Chinese rose will please with buds, and then with flowers. Those who have been cultivating this plant for a long time note interesting feature. If in autumn the hibiscus is kept cool (for example, the heating is not turned on for a long time), then after, when the apartment gets warmer sharply, flowering may begin.

And a few more "unscientific" tips. It is said that hibiscus will bloom better if a wooden chip (about 10 cm) is inserted into the soil at some distance from the stem. It is advised to “drink” hibiscus with vodka to improve flowering. Add one cap of alcohol to irrigation water once a month. And finally, the Chinese rose can be intimidated. The owner of the plant tells how she put an ax next to it and threatened that she would cut it down if she did not see flowering. And the rose bloomed.

Try it, it might work. But still, first apply the traditional methods.

Sending to rest

The dormant time of the Chinese rose usually occurs in winter. Winter hibernation is not pronounced. The plant simply slows down growth and does not bloom. Although under certain conditions it can bloom even in winter.

The task of the grower is to give the hibiscus a good rest. The air temperature should be reduced, ideally to 16-18 degrees. That is, remove or protect the plant from heating devices, put it closer to the cold window glass. Reduce watering, moisturizing and fertilizing. But you need a lot of light, hibiscus will be grateful for the backlight.


Pruning for the Chinese rose is a mandatory annual event. It helps to bloom and bush. You can prune the plant immediately after flowering, at the beginning of winter, or in spring. For rejuvenation, adult shoots are cut by a third, thin and dried twigs are removed. Cut boldly, do not be afraid to harm the hibiscus, after pruning it will grow more actively.

When pruning the Chinese rose, choose what you want to shape: house tree or a bush. If you decide to grow a tree, remove the lower branches, exposing the stem. If your goal is a compact bush, cut the central stem and upper shoots without pity, leaving the basal shoots. But don't forget to thin it out too. Remember: flowers appear on young growth. Cut branches can be used for propagation.

Video: spring pruning hibiscus

Grafting a Chinese rose

It is far from always that the cuttings of the Chinese rose take root successfully, especially for hybrid varieties. To get a coveted rose of a certain color and type, flower growers graft a varietal cutting (graft) onto a simpler plant (rootstock). As a stock, you should not use hybrid plants of Dutch origin, you need a simple hibiscus of the "grandmother's" variety. And the graft from the newly purchased "Dutch" will not work, the store plant was treated with drugs that stop growth. Grafting is a real operation, so hands and tools must be spotlessly clean.

  1. Remove all leaves from the scion (lignified varietal cutting), leaving growth points. Do the same with the rootstock.
  2. Make the most matching oblique cuts on the rootstock and scion.
  3. Connect and press the scion and rootstock sections. Wrap the inoculation site tightly with adhesive tape or tape, sticky side out, so that you can remove it later without injuring yourself.
  4. Cover the plant with a bag to create a humid atmosphere, place under a lamp.
  5. Moisten the soil, air the plant sometimes.
  6. If condensation forms on the bag, remove it. Keep the plant away from moisture. It can cause rot.

Care errors, pests and diseases (table)

Hibiscus propagation

Hibiscus can be propagated by seeds (sowing in the middle of winter) or cuttings (all year round, but better at the end of summer).

Chinese hibiscus is an evergreen ornamental plant reaching a height of about one and a half meters. Its leaves are oval, jagged along the edges, dark green in color and glossy on the outside. Most often, hibiscus propagation at home is carried out by cuttings.


The genus Hibiscus of the Malvaceae family has hundreds of species. The most popular is Chinese hibiscus, also known as Chinese rose. This ornamental plant is very popular for keeping in the house. It is unpretentious in care and pleases others with beautiful bright colors.

Flowers are smooth and double, large, up to 16 centimeters in diameter, of various bright colors of warm shades: pink, orange, red, yellow. The flowering of each flower does not last long - only for a couple of days. However, if the Chinese rose is provided proper care at home, its flowering period will last from early spring to late autumn.

The young shoots of the naturally growing Chinese hibiscus are edible and can be added to salads, a variety of dyes are produced from the flowers, and the popular Hibiscus tea is made from the dried fruit.

Varieties and types

Various varieties and types of hibiscus recite about two hundred copies.

Interesting hybrid forms are found not only in areas of China and Indonesia, but also in the greenhouses of modern gardeners.

  1. Terry
    This type represents perennial no more than two meters high. It has large milky white flowers that reach a diameter of 15 cm. This beautiful evergreen shrub has bright green serrated leaves. Each blooming flower fades the next day. To ensure abundant flowering, the plant requires abundant watering, good lighting and a certain temperature.
  2. Bolotny
    This common species has large flowers - about 12 cm wide. Each flower is decorated with unusual carmine spots at the base of the corolla. This variety is used by many gardeners to create large shrubs used as hedges. Such attractive plant requires a lot of light, heat and sufficient space for full growth. At proper watering and regular pruning, swamp hibiscus can bloom all year round.
  3. White
    This excellent plant from the Malvaceae family grows mainly in the tropical regions of exotic Southeast Asia. This plant is distinguished by large flowers of dazzling white color. Delicate flower leaves are framed with an amazing border around the edge. Such a long-flowering perennial is well cultivated in many warm regions. This variety is undemanding to the composition of soils. However, do not forget about regular drainage.
  4. variegated
    This modern look of Cooper combines shades of red and white varieties. The predominance of certain shades in the petals of flowers directly depends on the acidity of the soil, the temperature of the content and the degree of illumination. This showy plant has large flowers with a long pistil. During the period of active growth of variegated hibiscus, it is recommended to fertilize regularly. The pot should match the size of the plant itself.
  5. Red
    Such an evergreen plant is found not only on the most beautiful islands of the Pacific Ocean, but can also decorate your garden beautifully. This variety is a particularly very large shrub with large flowers. A lush crown with spreading branches makes it especially charming. Red hibiscus is well propagated by cuttings.
  6. Chinese
    It is an elegant evergreen shrub. Single axillary flowers are on long pedicels. The filaments are fused into a tube. This variety blooms all year round.
  7. Syrian
    Refers to small shrubs. It grows outdoors only in the southernmost regions. This deciduous plant has ovate alternate leaves and delightful exotic flowers. They can be both simple and terry. Many peduncles give it the opportunity to bloom throughout the year.
  8. treelike
    Thanks to the large flowers of bright colors, this variety is loved by many modern gardeners. It is used to decorate front gardens as a hedge. The diameter of graceful flowers does not exceed 10 cm. For full flowering, fertile land and regular abundant watering are required.

Landing and care

For planting this plant, you should choose enough sunny places that are protected from the wind. The landing hole should not be more than 15 liters in volume.

It should first be filled with humus, superphosphate and a handful of bone meal. The selected vegetative seedling is placed in a hole along with a root clod of earth.

Hibiscus prefers sunny diffused light without direct rays. Subject to temperature conditions and regular ventilation, it can grow well in a pot on the south side of the house.

IN winter period shading is not required. The plant does not like drafts. At temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius, it can shed all the leaves. During the growing season and in the presence of flowering, it is recommended to water it abundantly with settled water, making sure that the topsoil is not overdried.

Humidity does not play a special role in growing hibiscus. However experienced gardeners It is advised to spray the plant. This procedure is also a preventive measure against the destructive spider mite. In spring and summer, the plant can be fed with nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizers. If necessary, bushes can be transplanted at the end of April. However, such a procedure should not be more than once every three years.


The cutting method is the most popular and quite simple, even a novice grower can do it. Another important advantage of this method is the fact that hibiscus grown from cuttings will delight in flowering in a year, while retaining all the varietal characteristics of the mother plant (flower color, its doubleness).

The root system formed during cuttings is stronger and more powerful than those plants that were propagated in other ways, for example, by seeds.


The best time for cutting cuttings is from April to August. Experienced flower growers recommend rooting in May, since it is in this month that the plant is most active: new cells appear and develop, all metabolic processes proceed at an accelerated pace. If the hibiscus is rooted in the last month of spring, then the probability that the plant will take root will be close to 100%.


To root the cuttings, peat is used, in which moss - sphagnum can be added: peat will give the soil looseness and airiness, and moss will maintain an optimal level of moisture in the pot.

You can use a mixture of garden soil with river sand and peat in equal proportions. You can also root hibiscus simply in wet coarse sand.

Purchased peat-based soil is also used. The main condition is that the substrate must be light and breathable.

The soil that is poured into a pot for permanent habitation of hibiscus should consist of:

  • 4 parts of sod land;
  • 3 pieces of leaf land;
  • 1 part of humus;
  • 1 part coarse sand.

As an option: soddy soil, humus, sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1.


Hibiscus blooms when its roots grow freely in a pot. Therefore, after rooting should be transplanted indoor flower into a large pot.

  1. Material. To root the cutting in the ground, it is important to use transparent plastic containers in order to observe the development of its root system. If there are no special pots, you can use large plastic glasses. But it must be remembered that any container must contain a drainage hole to drain excess moisture.
  2. Size. Most often, flower growers take containers with a volume of 200 to 500 ml for rooting in the ground, it all depends on the size of the cutting. Its diameter should be close to 9 cm.


Hibiscus cuttings should only be cut after the plant has flowered. A young, developed shoot with semi-lignified bark is cut obliquely with a clean, sharp knife or secateurs. The stalk should be about 15 cm long and with 3 to 5 internodes.

The lower leaves are completely removed from the cutting, and the upper ones, to reduce evaporation, are cut in half, the upper part of the shoot is shortened with a straight cut. The lower part of the cutting is dipped into Kornevin before rooting in the substrate.


Young cuttings are best suited for propagation. For rooting, place them in water or in the ground.

In water

In the case of rooting hibiscus in water, the following recommendations should be followed.

  1. Settled water at room temperature is poured into an opaque container (or made of dark glass), a little Kornevin is added, an activated carbon tablet, the stalk is lowered into the water.
  2. As the water evaporates, it needs to be added. From above, the container with the handle is covered with a transparent cap (cut plastic bottle, plastic bag) to create advanced level humidity (80% - 85%), which will contribute to the formation of the petiole root system.
  3. From time to time (once every 2 weeks), the greenhouse needs to be ventilated so that the shoots do not rot. The container is placed in a bright place, but without direct sunlight. The optimum temperature for rooting is + 22 ° С - + 25 ° С.
  4. After the roots appear 5 cm in size (approximately after 1 month), the young plant can be planted in the ground.

in the ground

When rooting immediately in the ground, you will need a mixture consisting of coarse sand and peat. But do not forget that before this, all leaves must be removed from the cutting, except for the top two.

  1. A layer of drainage is placed at the bottom of a transparent plastic pot, the rest of the space is covered with soil.
  2. The stalk, pre-treated with "Kornevin", is deepened into the moistened soil by 2 cm and slightly crushed by hand for better fixation.
  3. From above, the container is covered with a plastic bag, which is fixed with an elastic band, or plastic bottle, placed in a well-lit place, but without direct sunlight.
  4. The temperature that a young plant needs is + 22 ° С - + 25 ° С. You need to water as the soil dries out, systematically ventilate the "greenhouse".

    Important! If the plastic bag is covered with condensate from the inside, then it must be carefully removed, shake off the water and place it back on the container with the handle.

  5. After about 1.5 months, the plant will release roots, then it can be transplanted into a permanent pot and cared for as an adult plant.

If we compare the two methods of rooting, then the preference is always on the side of growing roots in the substrate. Compared to fragile and brittle roots sprouted in water, the root system grown in the soil is already adapted to obtaining moisture and nutrition. She is stronger and more adapted to her new environment. As a result, such a plant will quickly begin to gain strength and growth, will release flower buds faster.

In addition, it will be much easier to plant such a plant using the transshipment method. You can also root a hibiscus cutting in a peat tablet. A little drainage is poured into a 300 ml plastic cup, and then a tablet is placed.

Important! It must be filled with boiled water, which will make the tablet swell. The stalk cut and treated with a growth stimulator is deepened into a tablet by 2–3 cm. The container is covered with a bag from above. As the substrate dries out, it needs to be watered.

After the roots grow, the plant can be planted in a permanent pot.


Care for hibiscus that has been transplanted into a permanent container after rooting should be the same as for an adult plant.

  1. Hibiscus is a photophilous plant. It is preferable to put it near a window or in another well-lit place.
  2. The recommended temperature in summer is +20°С - +22°С, in winter - +14°С - +16°С.
  3. It is necessary to systematically spray the plant to maintain a high level of humidity. Also, humidity can be increased by placing a container of water next to the plant. When spraying from a spray bottle, care must be taken to ensure that water does not fall on the flowers, otherwise they may become stained and fall off.
  4. The flower loves abundant watering. It should be carried out with settled water at room temperature. The plant should be watered as the top layer of the soil dries out. In winter, the frequency of watering can be reduced.
  5. You can fertilize with a solution of water and nitroammophoska (5 - 10 g per 1 liter of water), complex fertilizers from a flower shop (for example, Biohumus) are also suitable.

Possible problems

TO possible problems arising from cuttings, include the following:

  1. Buds appear, but do not open and soon fall off - insufficient watering; drying out of the soil; a lack of nutrients in the ground; low room temperature.
  2. The lower leaves fall, new leaves grow yellow - an increased content of calcium and chlorine in the soil; lack of iron and nitrogen; too dry air in the room; abundant watering cold water; low temperature.
  3. Lack of flowers with a too lush crown - an excess of fertilizers containing nitrogen; the flower does not have enough light, the temperature is too high in winter.
  4. Pinkish spots appear on the leaves - lack of light; excess fertilizer.
  5. Leaves droop and become lethargic - lack of moisture.
  6. The roots dry out - the soil temperature is too low.
  7. The leaves dry up - the air in the room is too dry; high temperature in winter.

Hibiscus (Chinese rose) is not easy to propagate at home. In this case, flower growers usually resort to cuttings. But there are other ways to plant this plant. Today on someone for we will talk about all the ways!

IN ancient egypt hibiscus was called a completely different plant - stockrose. External similarity between these colors is undoubtedly present. But differences in care and reproduction also cannot be overlooked. At home, the Chinese rose can be propagated in several ways. They differ from each other in terms of rooting and the likelihood of seedlings.

Here's how to propagate a Chinese rose at home:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds;
  • processes;
  • layering.

The appropriate propagation method for the plant is chosen based on the age of the flower, the season, and the condition of the hibiscus. For example, if one of the branches of a Chinese rose bends to the ground, then you can try the method of rooting by layering. And if the bush itself has grown, then it's time to apply the method of cuttings or using processes.

You can propagate the Chinese rose different ways

We plant a Chinese rose with cuttings

Cuttings allow you to propagate hibiscus throughout the year. But it is better to carry out this procedure in the spring or summer.

An important step in cuttings is rooting. For this process to be successful, the cuttings must have at least three buds.

Propagation of indoor hibiscus by cuttings at home occurs in the following ways:

  1. Placement in a pot.
  2. Rooting in water.
  3. With the help of a peat tablet.

To implement these measures, root system growth stimulants, polyethylene or film, vermiculite, expanded clay and a planting container may be required.

How to root in water

After watering the plant, all dry and damaged branches are removed from it, and then cuttings 8-12 cm long are cut off. They must have at least two buds and a stronger bark. Buds and lower leaves are removed from the planting material, and the remaining leaves are cut in half. This technique will reduce the amount of evaporated moisture and increase the chances of rooting a strong sprout.

To maintain optimal humidity at the place of cultivation of hibiscus, rooting cuttings are covered with a cap or polyethylene.

During the entire period of rooting, it is necessary to control the level of water in the tank, periodically adding it.

You can expect roots to appear after placing them in water for 3-4 weeks. Only after a sufficient number of them have grown and they have grown stronger, should the cuttings be transferred to a container with prepared soil. The soil mixture is made from:

  • garden soil with a neutral acid-base reaction with the addition of a handful of clean river sand;
  • sheet and sod land in a ratio of 2: 1 with the addition of a handful of river sand.

A container for seedlings is chosen from ceramics. Its diameter should not exceed 9 cm. Expanded clay, broken brick, pebbles, chipped ceramics or others are laid out on the bottom of the pot. suitable materials. The soil is filled up and only then the rooted cuttings are placed in it, carefully straightening the roots. After a week, pinch the top of the plant, stimulating the growth of side shoots.

The first 2 months the pot with the plant should be kept in a warm and bright place. The air temperature in the room should be within + 10- + 30 degrees. With a lack of light or heat, the plant sheds leaves.

in a pot

This method of propagating hibiscus at home is similar to rooting with water. For its implementation:

  1. Prepare a container for planting with a volume of 200-500 ml, wash it with a solution of laundry soap and pour boiling water over it.
  2. Drainage is poured into the bottom of the pot, soil for indoor plants, and then a layer of river sand 2 cm thick.
  3. A cutting should be planted in the center of the pot, watering the ground abundantly.
  4. Pull the bag over the top and secure it with a rubber band.
  5. The pot is transferred to a bright and warm place.

The soil in the pot is watered as it dries. Roots appear after 2 months. Seedlings obtained in this way are stronger, as they initially absorb all the nutrients from the soil.

With peat tablet

This method of propagation of the Chinese rose is associated with growing seedlings in a pot. A peat tablet with a diameter of at least 4 cm is poured with water at room temperature, the stalk is dried and powdered with Kornevin. Then the swollen peat is lightly squeezed and mixed with vermiculite. Drainage and soil are placed in the rooting container. The stalk is deepened by 2 cm. The container with the sprout is covered with glass or plastic wrap and placed in a lighted place. So that the plant does not rot, it is watered as the soil dries up, and aired every 2 weeks.

Roots with this method of grafting appear after 2.5 months. The plant can then be transplanted into a new pot. Seedling care is the same as for an adult bush.

Reproduction of hibiscus shoots

In summer, you can propagate a hibiscus bush with the help of stem processes. At this time of the year, their rooting occurs most easily.

For plant propagation using this method, a stem with a diameter of at least 0.5 cm is selected, cut to 15 cm and all lower leaves are removed. Next, the process is planted in the ground, and the container itself is placed in a well-lit place. A pot of seedlings is watered as it dries with a moderate amount of water.

How to propagate a Chinese rose from seeds

Longer, but no less effective method The propagation of Chinese roses are seeds. To do this, follow these steps step by step:

  1. Prepare a bowl with universal soil 7-8 cm deep. Pre-treat the earth with agents from infections and pests.
  2. Soak the seeds in a bowl with a liquid that stimulates root growth for 12 hours. Then treat them with a 0.2% solution of potassium permanganate and let dry.
  3. Make grooves in the ground, moisten them with water using a spray bottle.
  4. Spread the seeds along the grooves without deepening them.
  5. Cover the bowl with foil and place it in a well-lit, warm place. Ventilate the "greenhouse" regularly.
  6. After the appearance of the first shoots, remove the film, and plant the sprouts in separate containers.

Chinese rose grown from seeds blooms only in the 4th year. Therefore, this method of reproduction is chosen only when cuttings are not possible.

Is it possible with a leaf?

This method of propagation of indoor hibiscus on the windowsill at home is purely decorative. From the leaves it is impossible to grow a full-fledged plant. But if you take a sample with a petiole, then such an attempt can give impressive results.

For decorative reproduction, it is enough to cut a leaf and place it in water. After he gave the root, it can be transplanted into the ground.


Grafting a plant allows you to get flowers of different varieties on one bush. For this you need:

  • use only a young plant;
  • graft into the crown;
  • do not exceed the limit of 5 vaccinations on one flower;
  • carry out the event in June or July.

A grafted plant must be carefully monitored, it should not need light and fertilizer. In winter, the grafted hibiscus is illuminated with additional lighting lamps for about 6 hours.


Plant seedlings can be obtained using the propagation method by layering. To do this, in the spring, the lower shoot of the hibiscus is bent to the ground and fixed in this position until the roots appear.

Subject to all conditions of maintenance of the Chinese rose, the plant blooms at the end of summer. And it will be possible to root seedlings in a new place in the fall or next year in the spring.

How to grow hibiscus at home

In order for hibiscus to please its owner with beautiful and lush flowering all year round, it is important to correctly place a container with a plant in the apartment. The place should be lit, but protected from direct sunlight, without drafts. The air temperature in winter should not be lower than +10, and during the entire growing season it should be within +12-+16.

Water the Chinese rose abundantly, moderately in autumn, and halve the frequency of irrigation in winter. The main thing is not to allow the earthen coma to dry out, otherwise the plant will stop blooming, and its leaves and buds will begin to fall off.

In summer, the plant will need regular spraying and top dressing (1-2 times a month). Hibiscus does not need nitrogenous fertilizers, as they do not affect its growth and flowering at all.

During the first 3 years, the young plant is transplanted every year into a new, deeper and wider pot. Further, this procedure is carried out only after 2-3 years.

Reproduction of hibiscus at home is possible in different ways. The main thing is to carry it out according to all the rules and taking into account the needs of the plant itself.

Hibiscus is popularly called. This is an amazing plant. Against the background of bright green shiny leaves, large inflorescences look fabulous. The color of the flowers is very different.

Enough (reminiscent of a tree) is grown not only in apartments, but also in offices to decorate the interior. As a rule, after some time, hibiscus requires rejuvenation. Florists have questions about how to get new plants, in particular, how to properly propagate hibiscus cuttings at home.

Chinese rose is loved by flower growers in many countries. Some note that hibiscus flowers are similar to mallow: they have one family. Large flowers can be simple and double. The flower genus is represented by 150 species.

Under natural conditions, the plant can be seen in China, Malaysia, on the islands of Japan, India. Residents of the young regions of Russia can also admire the thickets of blooming hibiscus in the wild or on the alleys of parks.

Since the wild ancestors of the flower live in warm countries, the plant needs to create comfortable conditions at home: about +24 degrees in summer, at least +15 degrees in winter.

What you need to know about cuttings

Indoor flower can be done in different ways:

  1. seeds;
  2. division of the rhizome;
  3. cuttings.

Each method is interesting in its own way, has difficulties. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get a new plant due to the vagaries of homemade hibiscus. It should be noted that the seed method of reproduction, in contrast to the division of the rhizome and cuttings, does not always retain the parental qualities of the plant.

It is for this reason that hibiscus propagation by cuttings is most often used. Although they do not always take root safely.

Material preparation

First you need to prepare high-quality planting material - cuttings. To do this, use a semi-lignified shoot from a healthy plant. Green shoots are not suitable for these purposes, as they rot. Often they form "pulp" white color. These are the aerial rudiments of the root system.

For cutting, you need to use a sharp knife, previously disinfected. The cut on the handle should be oblique. It can be 10 to 15 cm long with two or three leaflets and several internodes.

The upper part of the cutting is cut at a right angle to the base of the stem. The lowest leaves must be removed. The remaining leaf blades should be cut by a third.

After the procedures, the lower part of the cutting is placed in a solution of epin or another root-forming preparation.

Video "Hibiscus cuttings"

Methods for obtaining plants from cuttings

For rooting cuttings of Chinese rose, you can use the following methods:

  1. in a container with water;
  2. directly in a pot with soil;
  3. using a peat tablet.

We will now consider the features of work in each specific case.

Rooting in water

A high capacity is selected, water at room temperature is poured. If tap water is used, then it must be defended to release chlorine. Some growers for rapid development root system add Activated carbon or bone meal.

  • The container is better to take from dark glass.
  • A plastic bag is put on top of the installed handle, fixed with an elastic band from below to create comfortable conditions. You can use a glass jar with a wide mouth for covering.
  • From time to time, the covering material must be removed to shake off the accumulated moisture. Then put back in place. Excess moisture leads to rotting of the cutting.
  • A certain temperature of about +24 degrees is also maintained.
  • The root system appears somewhere in a month. Transplanting a Chinese rose to a permanent place is allowed when the roots reach five centimeters. Hibiscus with longer roots take root worse or die altogether.

Planting the petiole in the ground

The pot is prepared in advance. It must be washed with water in which laundry soap is dissolved. After that, pour over boiling water. When choosing a pot (200-500 ml), the size of the seedlings is taken into account.

The bottom of the pot is lined with drainage. Broken burnt brick, some sand and charcoal will do.

For rooting cuttings, you can use purchased soil for indoor plants (add sand on top) or cook it yourself. It should be loose, pass water and air well.

If the composition is prepared independently, then it must consist

Sand needs to be washed running water. The earth is filled with boiling water with dissolved potassium permanganate.

More than half the volume of soil is poured into the container, on top - two centimeters of sand. Roots begin to form in wet sand. As they grow, they penetrate deep into the pot.

It is better to choose the warmest place, cover the cutting from above glass jar. Watering is carried out as the topsoil dries. The greenhouse effect accelerates root formation.

Rooting usually occurs after two months. After that, a new hibiscus plant is planted in a permanent place.

Planting a cutting with a peat tablet

Peat tablets of different diameters

Some flower growers prefer to propagate the Chinese rose using a peat tablet. Get in advance:

  • 300 ml plastic cups.
  • Tablets with a diameter of at least 40 mm.
  • Expanded clay as drainage.
  • Any growth stimulator of the root system.
  • Natural rippers for soil - vermiculite or perlite.
  • Cellophane package.

Propagation by cuttings of a Chinese rose using a peat tablet is considered by many lovers of indoor flowers to be the most effective way. Due to the balance of the composition of the necessary substances and trace elements, the root system develops safely.

  1. Pour the tablet with pre-boiled and chilled water. It will take some time to fully swell.
  2. The stalk is cut off, slightly dried and treated with a prepared root growth stimulator.
  3. Excess liquid from their tablets is removed, verlimut is added, the composition is mixed.
  4. A plastic cup is filled with drainage, the resulting soil is poured on top.
  5. You need to deepen the cutting by 2 or 2.5 cm. If the leaves are too large, they are cut with scissors.
  6. A plastic bag is put on top of the handle. You need to keep the glass in the light, but the rays of the sun should not fall on it.
  7. The bag is removed for airing every 2 weeks. Watering - as needed.

Roots appear after 2 or 3 months. Their development is easy to track through a transparent cup. Transplanting to a new place is possible when the root system grows well.

Instead of a conclusion

If indoor hibiscus after breeding create the necessary conditions care, then soon it will release buds and bloom. There is nothing surprising. But the flower does not last long, falls off. Real flowering begins on hibiscus when it grows up to 30 centimeters.

Active growth in the Chinese rose occurs from spring to the end of summer. September October best time for growing roses from cuttings.
