Arabica coffee tree (Coffea), grown in room conditions, is a small tree with beautiful glossy leaves that have an elongated shape and wavy edges. Three years after planting, it begins to bloom and form fruits, the grains of which can be roasted, ground and brewed into real coffee. Which is only possible with proper tree care.

Growing problems

The coffee tree is an unpretentious houseplant that is rarely damaged by diseases and pests. But, if you do not follow the rules of maintenance, they can harm Arabica (especially its leaves) and even lead to its death. If problems arise during cultivation, it is necessary to understand the causes of the appearance and ways to eliminate them.

Why do leaves dry?

At coffee tree leaves dry both from a lack of moisture, and from its excess. It also happens in an overly shaded room. In coffee, drying leaves signal high temperature air, especially in winter or low humidity, this is clearly observed in the Arabica houseplant.

In this case, you should adjust the tree care system and, if necessary, change its location. Otherwise, the consequences will not be very pleasant.

What causes the leaves to turn black?

blackening of coffee leaves

If the leaves of the coffee tree begin to turn black, perhaps these are the consequences of watering with hard water. The soil is saturated with salts, which inhibit the activity of the root system. In this scenario, it is necessary to transplant the tree into a healthy substrate. If this is not possible, it is necessary to remove the upper part of the soil layer and add new soil. In the future, watering should be done using soft, purified or boiled water.

Blackening coffee leaves may indicate prolonged drying of the soil or insufficient lighting. In this situation, you need to reconsider the conditions of the plant.

If blackening and falling of the old lower leaves of the coffee tree occurs, then you should not worry. This is a natural process of his life.

Leaves turn yellow

Why can coffee tree leaves turn yellow? There are a number of reasons for this:

Root rot is a dangerous disease in which coffee often dies, so it is advisable to prevent its occurrence.

Brown spots on leaves

If the foliage of the coffee tree becomes covered with brown spots, the root system may be overheating or be a consequence sunburn. The plant should be shaded or moved to another place where it will not be exposed to direct Sun rays. In this case, the number of sprays should be increased.

Also, the appearance of brown spots on the leaves may indicate that the air in the room is too dry. In this case, it is recommended to place the container with the coffee tree in a tray filled with pebbles or expanded clay. They need to be regularly moistened, and the plant should be sprayed several times a day. Spots can appear as a result of improper watering or lack of nutrients. Care needs to be revisited houseplant.


Whitefly on a coffee leaf

From pests to room Arabica the most dangerous are whiteflies. These are very small flying insects resembling moths. When they appear on the leaves of the coffee tree, cobwebs and white coating. If pests are found, they should be destroyed immediately. The danger is that they multiply very quickly and destroy the plant, sucking the juice out of it.

For treatment, it is necessary to wash all the leaves with a solution of green or laundry soap. After that, you can spray with an infusion of garlic, onion, tobacco or wormwood. In especially severe cases, an insecticide solution is used. In the same way, they fight scale insects, aphids and mealybugs, which can also infect the plant.

As can be seen from the above, the coffee tree is an exotic plant, but caring for it does not require a lot of time and effort. The main thing is to follow the rules of the content, and then you will receive not only original decoration premises, but, over time, and his small coffee plantation.

For me, as a person who is fond of breeding indoor plants, the most important thing in choosing the next specimen to replenish my collection is its exoticism. Of course, the plant itself should be beautiful, but not only. It should also arouse interest among others, because it is always nice to be proud of your pet. And if such a plant also bears fruit, then this is just a real hit! And such a plant in my collection is a coffee tree.

We all know that coffee grows in hot countries, and its main varieties have familiar names: Arabica, Robusta, Liberica and Excelsa. But few people have had a chance to see how coffee looks like in wildlife, only if you go on a tour of a coffee plantation. Well, wouldn't it be great to have a whole plantation of coffee on your windowsill? With these thoughts, I went to the nearest flower shop.

Under room conditions, it is absolutely realistic to collect up to one kilogram of coffee, but only from already mature trees from six years old.

Arabica coffee tree, or rather, its sprouts, I purchased in large quantities in a network garden store. About 15-20 shoots 7-10 centimeters high grew in a pot. Bad, weak and damaged-looking sprouts were immediately thrown away, and good ones were planted in pots of two or three pieces. The bushes grew quite quickly and after two or three years they turned into beautiful trees that began to bear fruit.

Coffee berries delighted me for several months. They were green at first and then turned red. They ripened for about 6-8 months, and about five grains were harvested from the first harvest. In fact, under room conditions, it is absolutely possible to collect up to one kilogram of coffee, but only from already mature trees from six years old.

Growing a coffee tree at home


The ground for the coffee tree must be very light, air and water permeable. In principle, the soil that is sold for tropical plants may be suitable, it will just have these characteristics. If you prepare the soil yourself, then you can take a mixture of peat and humus in a 50/50 ratio as a basis. You can also put a few pieces of charcoal in the pot, which will relieve the souring of the earth. Moreover, the pot for planting must be chosen high, since the root system goes down.


The coffee tree grows all year round, therefore, requires regular top dressing, approximately every ten days. Fertilize with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements. As a nitrogen fertilizer, you can use pomace from peat, biohumus, which can be bought in garden stores. As a phosphorus top dressing, you can use a solution of superphosphate. And from the ashes you can get a good potash top dressing.

crown formation

Small coffee seedlings grow only upwards. As it grows, skeletal branches begin to grow, which are closely connected with the trunk. Accordingly, in order for the crown to develop evenly, the tree must be regularly rotated around its axis so that the plant develops evenly.

Coffee tree care

Despite the fact that coffee is a resident of the subtropics, it is not recommended to put a pot under direct sunlight, since in nature coffee grows in partial shade from large trees. Most best windows in the apartment: eastern or western. Since coffee is a tropical plant, it is very important temperature regime, especially in winter. The room temperature should not fall below 15°C. At low temperatures, a black border will appear on the leaves, then the leaf turns black and falls off.

Also in winter, I advise you to put a plank or foam plastic under the pot so that the roots of the plant do not freeze. And finally, coffee categorically does not tolerate drafts. In winter, you should be especially careful when ventilating the premises. If cold air hits the plant, the coffee will immediately freeze.

If the tips of the leaves dry on coffee, this is the first sign of dry air. Solution to the problem: you must either increase the humidity in the room - put a humidifier or a container of water under the battery. You can also regularly spray the bush with a spray bottle. It is very useful to wash the foliage at least once a month. warm water under the shower, so that the water does not flood the pot. With such regular care, the leaves will always be shiny and beautiful.

In addition, regular spraying of coffee will protect against spider mites, the most important pest that can appear in the home. The first signal of its appearance are bright dots on the leaves - puncture sites, and, of course, small cobwebs.

If the tips of the leaves dry on coffee, this is the first sign of dry air.

You should also be careful when watering. You can not pour the plant, the leaves will become faded and begin to fall off. And don't overdry. Given that the surface of the leaves of the coffee tree is large, moisture evaporates very quickly. As soon as the earth ball dries up, the leaves will instantly fall off. Therefore, it is extremely important to water the plant with a small amount of water almost every day so that the earth always remains moist, but at the same time the water does not stagnate in the pot pan. Water should be watered at room temperature, settled, soft and without lime.

Coffee tree resuscitation experience

My plants survived clinical death twice. The first case occurred when the plant was frozen by opening a window in winter at a temperature of -25 ° C. Only the stalk remained of the coffee then, and the leaves instantly fell off. The second case - in my absence, the plant was watered irregularly, and it withered, dropping leaves again. The recipe for revitalization for such nearly dead plants was regular misting with reduced watering. After a few months, the plants turned green again.

Thus, having provided the plant with comfortable conditions, you can admire not only the dark green foliage, but also harvest real coffee with enviable regularity! By the way, you want to know what I did with my first crop? Of course, I immediately distributed it in pots with earth and now I am waiting for a new harvest. Soon I will have my own little coffee plantation on the windowsill, which will be the talk of the whole office and, hopefully, beyond.

Now on the windowsills of the most ordinary apartments can be found quite exotic plants. Such crops are not very rare now, but trying to grow them on your own is a very interesting and exciting activity. The most common exotic indoor plants include laurel, lemon Tree and other types of citrus. Also, many of our fellow citizens are fond of growing coffee trees. And it is very disappointing when a plant grown with such difficulty begins to wither. Let's talk on this "Popular about Health" page about what diseases of the coffee tree are possible at home, and find out how to treat them.

How to treat diseases of the coffee tree?

Basically, in a coffee tree at home, diseases most often arise from improper care. Most often, owners of coffee trees are faced with the problem of yellowing leaves on their pet. Sometimes a similar phenomenon indicates a disturbed health of the plant's root system. It may begin to rot due to excessive watering, or, conversely, dry out due to lack of moisture. In any situation, you must try to normalize watering.

So, in order for the plant to be healthy, you need to water it when the soil in the pot dries out by three centimeters. Watering should be quite plentiful. At a time, you need to pour so much water into the flower so that the earth gets wet to the very bottom. Further, watering should be carried out again only if necessary - after the same drying of the soil by three centimeters. At the same time, it is worth using exclusively soft settled water for irrigation. Even to prevent yellowing of the leaves, it is worth carrying out periodic spraying of the tree.

Yellowing of the leaves of the coffee tree can occur with a lack of sunlight. This plant is best grown on a southern windowsill, but it should be shaded. Also, window sills located on the southwest or southeast side will be a good option. In the cold season, it will not be superfluous to organize the illumination of the plant using a fluorescent lamp.

Sometimes the leaves of the coffee tree turn very yellow after transplantation if it was not done correctly. So, flower growers strongly do not recommend carrying out this procedure with a complete replacement of the soil. If the age of the plant has exceeded two or three years, you just need to transfer it to a pot a little bigger size or replace the top layer of the earth. If an error has already occurred during the transplant, a home-made greenhouse should be organized for the coffee tree. Take a fairly large bag and cover the plant with it so that the polyethylene does not touch the leaves. At the same time, reduce watering to a minimum, but carry out frequent spraying - once a day. In the spray liquid, add a couple of drops of epin to one glass of water or four drops of cyclone per liter of water. Also, water with this solution of cyclone once a week. After the plant begins to give new foliage, and the old one stops turning yellow, it can be considered recovered.

Sometimes the coffee tree gets sick so that its leaves become dry and blackened. This situation is possible when using hard water for irrigation. At the same time, the soil begins to accumulate salt, which negatively affects the health of the root system. In such a situation, it is better to change the top layer of soil in the pot to a new one and carry out further moistening only using soft boiled water.

Even blackening of the leaves of a coffee tree can be observed when it is exposed to several adverse factors, among which there may be overflow or overdrying of the soil, a lack of light (especially in cold weather). brown spots plants appear on the foliage when the roots are overheated (when the plant stands in the bright sun in summer). In such a situation, shading and abundant watering should be organized for him.

Old leaves on a coffee tree may well turn black and fall off, which can be considered as a variant of the norm.

The coffee tree rarely gets sick. But sometimes it can suffer from fungal and bacterial attacks.
For example, if a lot of black spots appear on the leaves, after which they begin to crumble, the plant may have been struck. fungal disease. Fungi are also to blame if a rusty coating is observed on the foliage. It is quite difficult to cope with such diseases, but with a quick reaction, the plant can be saved. To process it, you need to use special antifungal agents from the nearest flower shop, Bordeaux mixture and blue vitriol are also suitable. They are used for spraying.

If any damage is found on the trunk of the plant, it is necessary to immediately treat them with a solution blue vitriol. After all, such a violation of integrity is the entrance gate for pathogens.

If the plant suffers from excessive watering, its roots can be affected by root rot. In such a situation, the tree should be transplanted into new soil, cutting off the damaged areas of the roots and treating them with potassium permanganate. After that, it is necessary to organize a greenhouse for the plant - as indicated above.

With proper care, the coffee tree rarely gets sick and pleases its owners with an attractive appearance.

Most likely, such a rapid change in the state of the plant literally overnight is associated with some unfavorable conditions (in winter, this is most often excessive watering in combination with a cold pot substrate or cold airing), which led to damage to the roots. A coffee tree that has fallen into unfavorable conditions is watered once or twice with a suspension of foundationazole (2 g per liter of water). Place a fabric or paper lining between the coffee pot and the cold window sill.
Also, blackening of the tips of the leaves (necrosis) in coffee is observed when the reaction of the substrate in which the coffee grows becomes alkaline or neutral (this depends on the composition of the irrigation water), and therefore the coffee roots cease to absorb from the substrate. nutrients(Coffee requires a slightly acid reaction of the substrate). Use only soft water for watering coffee (it is very good to infuse irrigation water on peat or acidify it a little by adding a few drops lemon juice per liter of water, or 2-3 grains of citric acid the size of a millet seed per liter of water).

Ziborova E.Yu.

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