One of the tasks of upbringing and education in is to introduce children to arts and crafts, different types painting. In the second week of November, work continues on acquaintance with and much attention is paid to expanding knowledge about Khokhloma painting. Opening a mini-museum in a group, an adult invites children to look at and talk about beautiful dishes, introduces the history of fishing and teaches them to draw different elements: grass, sedges, curls, etc. The content of the conversation about Khokhloma, didactic games, poems and physical minutes, fun games on the topic can be found in the annex to the plan " Theme week"Golden Khokhloma".

Social and communicative development

In the field of social and communicative development, role-playing games are planned, in which children reinforce the rules of behavior, the basics of etiquette and the ability to be kind to each other.

cognitive development

Solving problems cognitive development an adult organizes a comparison of the fruits of different trees, games to consolidate knowledge about numbers, pets and their cubs, and also introduces signs of movement.

Speech development

Children find out why November is piebald, remember their favorite fairy tales, perform articulation gymnastics, practice choosing rhymes, which contributes to the speech development of preschoolers.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Work continues on the formation of the ability to work with scissors, the development of theatrical abilities through the table theater. Artistic and aesthetic development is also facilitated by listening to the work "The Guy with an Accordion", modeling the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut".

Physical development

In the field of physical development, the teacher plans to make attributes for the fun game "Glasses", repeat folk outdoor games, examine the herbarium and talk about the medicinal plants of the region.

Check out the theme week snippet


OOcognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Change of towels. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to carry out labor assignments.Conversation "Where did Khokhloma come from?". Purpose: to expand knowledge about arts and crafts, the history of Russia.The game "What of what." Purpose: to practice the use of possessive adjectives.Opening of the exhibition "Golden Khokhloma". Purpose: to examine products, highlight characteristics painting.Making attributes for the game "Glasses". Purpose: to involve children in the manufacture of play equipment.
S.r. game "We came to the theater." Purpose: to form etiquette, to recall the rules of conduct in the theater.Cognitive research activity "Comparison of the fruit of maple and ash". Purpose: to fix the names of trees, to develop thinking.Conversation "How we spent the holiday weekend." Purpose: to talk about the holiday "Day of National Unity", to expand knowledge about Russian holidays.Domino "Musical Instruments". Purpose: to fix the names of the instruments, to remember the rules of the game.P.i. "Needle, thread, knot." Purpose: to learn to follow the rules in the game. P.i. "Run and Jump." Purpose: to train children in jumping.
2 p.d.Presentation "Applied art of Kuban". Purpose: to continue acquaintance with folk crafts.The game "What number is gone." Purpose: to continue acquaintance with numbers.Reading the fairy tale "Tiny-havroshechka". Purpose: to teach to answer questions about the content of the tale.Drawing "Khokhloma grass". Purpose: to learn to draw sedges, droplets, antennae and curls with a brush.Accommodation exercise "Flower". Purpose: to develop the oculomotor muscles.


OOSocial and communicative developmentcognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Board games according to traffic rules. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to follow the rules of the game, to remember traffic rules.Interactive game "Name the cub". Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about wild animals and how to prepare them for winter, to activate speech.The game "What strip". Purpose: to learn to differentiate a word and a sentence.Game-fun "Merry old man-forester". Purpose: to learn to use different intonations.Fizminutka "A Khokhloma samovar is on the table." Purpose: to learn movements and words.
Veranda cleaning. Purpose: to teach to distribute responsibilities, to bring the work started to the end.Observing changes in nature. Purpose: to find out the signs of late autumn.Finger game "Such different things." Goal: learn words, expand knowledge about professions.Table theater "Winged, furry and oily". Purpose: to remember the work, to develop imagination and speech.P.i. "Go silently." Purpose: to develop endurance. P.i. "Needle, thread, knot." Purpose: to learn to follow the rules in the game.

The calendar plan of educational and educational work in older - preparatory group"Sun"

Topic: "Decorative and applied art"

Purpose: to introduce children to diversity folk art, art crafts (toys, utensils, clothes, household items), various types materials. Learn to apply the experience gained in a decorative image, decorate flat and three-dimensional forms, create decorative images in various ways. Cultivate love and respect for works of art.

Final event: presentation of the presentation "Miracle - wonderful, marvelous - marvelous", date - 21.11.2014.

Date: 17.11.2014 Monday

Mode moments

Group (subgroup)

form of work


form of work

1. Conversation about nesting dolls.

Purpose: to introduce the Russian toy, which is one of the symbols of Russia.

2. Considering different types of nesting dolls.

3. Reading a poem by N. Radchenko "" A doll is standing on a shelf, she is bored and sad ... "

4. D / and "Learn the pattern" - fixing the elements of the painting of the Dymkovo, Gorodets painting.

Riddles about nesting dolls for Katya, Semyon, Arthur, Dominika.

1. The game "Shade nesting dolls."

2. Designing "Teremok for matryoshkas".

3. Beating buildings with nesting dolls.

4. Labor - duty for classes.

5. Round dance game: “A goat was walking through the forest”

Consultation "Introducing children to folk traditions"


Russian folk tale"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", Adzhi, p. 84

Purpose: to introduce children to the fairy tale, to develop interest in the events depicted in the fairy tale. To teach children to recognize a fairy tale by the traditional fairy tale beginning, to be able to explain why this fairy tale is called a fairy tale.

2. The world of music

According to the plan of the music worker

3. Natural world

Flight of birds, Gorkova, s. 57

Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with the peculiarities of the life of birds, to cultivate a careful attitude towards them. Teach kindness, respect for nature.


1. Observation of the dump truck.

Objectives: to form ideas about the types of trucks; learn to talk about them.

Invite the children to consider a dump truck. This machine with an iron open body.

Here is the car

So the car

Cabin as tall as a house

And wheels high

Twice taller than you and me.

What kind of cargo is the dump truck intended for?

How is the car unloaded?

How does a machine help a person?

Can a dump truck work without a person?

Individual work with Alina, Nastya, Liza

Running, jumping.

Purpose: to exercise in running with the task of improving the ability to navigate in space (changing directions on the run), jumping (jumping on two legs).

1. Labor activity

Collection of seeds, cleaning of dry grass, leaves.

Objectives: to teach how to collect seeds correctly; cultivate a humane-active attitude towards nature.

2.Mobile game

"Traps with squats."

Purpose: to learn to follow the rules of the game.

Return from a walk, lunch

Reading the fairy tale by V. Suteev "The lifesaver", a conversation on the content of the fairy tale

1. Developing educational situation "Russian folk toy - matryoshka".

Purpose: to introduce to the origins of the spiritual culture of the Russian people, to form an idea of ​​the folk toy, the traditions and customs associated with the manufacture and painting of nesting dolls.

2. Consideration of illustrations of nesting dolls.

3. Work on fine arts "Let's decorate sundresses for nesting dolls."

Individual work with Cyril, Roma, Matvey labyrinth "Take the matryoshka along the path."

1.D/a “What time of year?”

Purpose: to teach to listen to a poetic text, to consolidate knowledge about the months of each season, their main features.

2. Desktop constructor "Lego".

3. Plot - role-playing game "We visit a cafe."

4. P / and "Who was called, he catches the ball."

Purpose: to consolidate the skills of tossing and catching the ball with two hands; cultivate attention and dexterity.


1. Watch for seasonal changes.

Purpose: to form ideas about changes in nature at the end of autumn (the day is short and the night is long); learn to distinguish the characteristic signs of autumn. Recall that November is the last month of autumn.

When the geese leave their native land, The forest will freeze in the cold in captivity, November will hit the ice harp, Meeting the Empress - winter. 2. Didactic games:

“Tell me what a flock” Purpose: the formation of possessive adjectives. A wedge of swans - a swan wedge, a caravan of cranes ...: a flock of ducks - ..., a flock of rooks

“Say kindly” wind-breeze .., rain- .., puddle- .., cloud- .., snow- ..,

Purpose: word formation with the help of diminutive suffixes.

Purpose: development of fine motor skills.

Individual work with Matvey, Slava, Nikita.

Collection of small twigs (grab with 2 fingers).

1. Outdoor game: "Stop", "Paints".

2. Labor on the site: we put things in order in sand toys.

3.C / R game: "Transport" - cars for various purposes drive along the streets, pedestrians walk along the sidewalk.

4. Offer children to play: sand toys, jump ropes, skittles, balls.

5. Outdoor games: "Running" "Jump into the hoop."

Purpose: to learn to land softly on toes.

6. Continuous running for 1.5 minutes. with breath movements.

Purpose: to improve running technique (naturalness, lightness, energetic repulsions). 7. Labor activity: sweeping the porch, stairs, sweeping sand from buildings.

Purpose: to cultivate diligence and the ability to work collectively

Date: 11/18/2014 Tuesday

Mode moments

Joint activities of an adult and children in sensitive moments

Involving families in educational activities:

Group (subgroup)

form of work


form of work

Independent activity of children

1.D / and "What happens."

Purpose: to teach to classify objects by shape, color, quality, material, compare, contrast, select as many items as possible that fit this definition.

2. Exhibition of books: "Russian folk tales".

3. The situation of communication on the topic "Gzhel".

Individual work on drawing elements of the Gorodets painting (berries, curls) with Khanum, Liza, Nastya.

1. D / and “Whose souvenir?” - to deepen knowledge about some types of folk crafts and crafts. Awaken interest in the talents of folk craftsmen.

2. Board printed game "Russian Patterns".

3. Watching the video "Potter"

4. Invite children to play in the corners " road traffic", "Beauty saloon".

Conversation "Your child"

1. Speech development

Compilation of a joint story based on a picture.

Purpose: to develop the ability to compose a story from a picture, to teach when describing events to indicate the place and time of the action. Learn to agree in the gender of the past tense verb with the noun.

2. Artistic activity (drawing)

"Painting on paper silhouettes of Dymkovo toys"

Goal: to continue to teach children to master simple elements painting, to develop the ability to make a pattern.

3. Physical development (street)

Lesson No. 30, Penzulaeva, p.34 (preparatory year)

Purpose: to consolidate the skills of running with overcoming obstacles, walking with a stop on a signal, repeat game exercises in jumping and with the ball.


1. Observation of the weather Purpose: to continue to expand knowledge about November, the last month of autumn. Learn independently, determine the weather by signs and signs, develop evidence-based speech.

2. Didactic games: “Say the opposite” Purpose: the use of antonyms in speech Early autumn - ..., cheerful day - ..., sunny day ..., bright sky - ..., cold time - ..., warm November - ..., sad November - .... "Guess a Riddle"

Purpose: to learn to make riddles about autumn.

3. Research activity: examination of ice floes: they are transparent, melt in the hands faster than on the mitten.

Individual work with Katya, Dominika, Vanya - walking on a log with a side step - straight, sideways.

1. “Lay it out yourself” - lay out a picture from the pebbles. Purpose: development of fine motor skills of hands. 2. Outdoor game: "We are funny guys" 3. Game "Catch the ball"

Purpose: to improve the transfer of the ball from hand to hand.

Fair "Craftsmen of Russia" / senior group /


1. Continue to acquaint children with folk crafts in Russia.

2. To develop in children emotional responsiveness and interest in folk arts and crafts.

3. To form generalized knowledge and skills, to distinguish between styles of decorative painting.

4. Raise respect for folk art.

Leading educator:

Let's invite all the guests from all volosts to the fair today!

1 child:

To the fair! To the fair! Hurry all here!

Here jokes, songs, sweets have been waiting for you for a long time, friends!

2 child:

What your soul desires - you will find everything at the fair!

Everyone chooses gifts, you won’t leave without a purchase!

3 child:

Hey! Do not stand at the door, come to us soon!

The people are gathering - our fair is opening!

4 child:

Hey, kind audience, clap merrily!

And we will delight guests at the holiday!


We begin our holiday and open the gates!

Merchants from the city of Gorodets arrived at the fair in the city of Masters. They became famous for their painted wooden utensils and toys. The most remarkable thing in Gorodets painting is a horse and outlandish birds surrounded by fabulous flowers. And it turns out, as if they live in fairy gardens. They are painted on the doors of cabinets, on the backs of cribs and chairs, on kitchen boards. Fairy tales have always been loved in Gorodets, which is why the products are so fabulous.

1 child:

Our boards are painted, look here.

We want to show you all and describe in detail.

2 child:

A horse gallops over the roses and kupavkas of Gorodets,

And all painted with flowers, how beautiful he is.

3 child:

If there is a girl on the board, or a daring fellow,

Miracle - horse and miracle - bird,

It means Gorodets!

4 child:

I learned, thank God, to draw, I finally

Give me money for the road - I'm leaving for Gorodets!

5 child:

And I'm also doing well, I'm also going to Gorodets,

And when I get back, I'll paint the kindergarten!


Now guys, here's a riddle for you. Where did the masters come from?

Carved spoons ladles

Take a look, don't rush.

There the grass curls and flowers

Grow unearthly beauty.

They shine like gold

Or maybe sun-drenched!

Yes, it's Khokhloma! Khokhloma craft arose many years ago. Wooden utensils were painted with gold paint, covered with linseed oil, heated in an oven, and the oil film turned into a golden varnish. They made this dish in the large village of Khokhloma. According to the name of this village, they began to call it Khokhloma.

Well, how funny this Khokhloma is!

Well, where are our spoons.

They would have a dance floor.

Here are gilded spoons - twisted patterns!

The guys play Russian folk instruments.


Here are five wooden dolls, chubby and ruddy,

In multi-colored sundresses, we live on the table -

Everyone is called Matryoshka!


Hey, nesting dolls - laughter,

Sing ditties!

Sing it fast

To please your guests!

1 girl:

Oh, thank you, master, golden hands!

We turned out great, so bright!

2 girl:

Wooden sisters, from big to small, -

We are all empty inside

Except for the little sister!

3 girl:

We are nesting dolls, we are sisters,

We are fat and small.

How can we go dancing and singing,

You can't keep up with us!

4 girl:

Our hands are pretzels

Cheeks are like apples

Have known us for a long time

All the people at the fair!

5 girl:

We are nesting dolls, we are round ones,

Clap our hands

To make us dance better

So that boredom does not remain!


In the quiet suburbs of Moscow, the river Gzhelka runs.

There is a village along this stream.

Thickets of willow run along the river.

Craftsmen live in that village.

They make painted dishes,

They work wonders in blue on white!

In some kingdom Russian state there is one wonderful place: the town of Gzhel, which is located not far from Moscow, among forests and fields. A long time ago - they lived a long time ago - there were brave and skillful, cheerful and beautiful craftsmen in those places. On long winter evenings, when there was a severe frost outside, a blizzard and people did not go out, there were no TVs or radios in the houses, the children had no toys, craftsmen gathered and began to think: “How would it be better for us to show our skills , to please all people, but to glorify your land? They thought and thought, and that's what the Gzhel masters came up with.

They found wonderful clay in their native side, white - white and decided to mold different dishes from it, but such as the world had never seen. But Gzhel masters decorated their products not only with stucco molding, painted their dishes with blue paint. different shades. They drew on the dishes various patterns of nets, stripes, flowers. The dishes turned out to be very intricate and elegant. People fell in love with beautiful dishes, and they began to call her "gentle blue miracle."

1 child:

Gzhel - dishes are just a miracle,

The blue color runs everywhere

And a pattern is born -

Can't take your eyes off!

2 child:

Washed Gzhel dishes,

Splashes scattered everywhere.

Spray wipe - no problem!

Oh, the dishes are good!

3 child:

Wearing a white skirt

Tied with blue ribbon.

This is what I've become

Admire me!

4 child:

Blue clouds, blue water.

I'll be the captain - you'll be proud of me!

5 child:

I'm looking out the window

On a cat and on a spruce.

I will invite Alena with me

On an excursion to Gzhel!


But the craftsmen sculpted and painted not only wonderful dishes, they loved to play folk games.

The game "Burn, burn brightly."


Make way, honest people, the bear is walking with me!

He knows a lot of fun, there will be a joke, there will be laughter!

/ The bear bows to all the guys /


Show me, Mikhailo Potapych, how are our girls going to kindergarten?

/ The bear combs his hair, spins /.

What are the boys like in our group?

/The bear fights, growls/.

And how did Vanya overslept, was he late for the garden?

/ The bear “sleeps”, jumps up, runs /.

And how does Dunyasha dance?

/The bear sticks out its leg/.

Yes, not the Dunyasha that used to be, but the present one!

/The bear turns its backside/.

Well done! Now bow and walk to the music!


Well, that, rascals, girls and boys! Are you tired yet? Shall we play then?

Come on, strong men, pull the rope! Everyone is happy to measure their strength!

Tug of war game.


The folk craft was passed down from generation to generation. To this day, craftsmen continue the work of their ancestors in Gzhel, Gorodets and Khokhloma. And delight us with their fabulous dishes and toys.

We had a wonderful fair in the city of Masters, where we saw wonderful goods from different cities together. We learned about the miracle - masters and their wonderful crafts and traditions. The products of the masters show the richness of the cultural traditions of Russia, reveal the secrets of the Russian soul.

Have you been to the fair?

Have you shown your product?

Everyone told -

Haven't forgotten anything?

Well, now goodbye.

Come next year!

Oksana Petrova
scheduling in middle group. Thematic week "Folk crafts"

Theme week

« Folk crafts» .

Monday morning exercises

Game for the development of positive emotions "Caterpillar"

Target: contribute to the unity of the children's team.

Observation and work in a corner of nature. Watering plants.

Target: attracting children to show the method of watering; to form an understanding that plants need light and water, they need to be looked after; teach with a teacher, cook equipment: bring watering cans, pour water into watering cans; cultivate a desire to care for plants.

Di "Jolly Chef".

Target: exercise in the ability to conduct a dialogue.

Sri "Journey to the Forest"

Target: to stimulate creative activity; develop team spirit, the ability to achieve goals in acceptable ways of communication. V

OD. Speech development

Subject: "Russian nesting dolls" The abstract is attached.

OD Physical culture


Birch observation.

Target: to give an idea of ​​the flowering of birch.

Di "Find tree by name"

Target: to develop knowledge about trees; clarify knowledge of the names of trees growing on the kindergarten site.

Goals: Learn to run long jump.

Labor activity. We collect dry grass.

Target: to form a desire to work, the ability to perform basic labor processes.

Afternoon Gymnastics of awakening We walk along the paths of health

Reading and conversation based on the fairy tale by N. Bazhov "Silver Hoof"

Target: to acquaint children with the work of the Ural writer N. Bazhov.

Ind/r, drawing "Berries, mushrooms in a box"

Target: develop the desire for knowledge; exercise in the ability to circle the stencil; make up a story.

Conversation « Folk crafts»

Target: introduce handicrafts, through the ability to guess riddles, develop visual-figurative thinking.

An evening walk

Di. "And then what?"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the parts of the day, about the activities of people at different times of the day.

P / s "Delicious berry".

Goals: to captivate children with a game; continue to introduce children to berries and mushrooms, develop attention.

We draw with crayons on the asphalt. « Folk toys»

Target: expand children's knowledge about folk toys.

Interaction with parents: Consultation: "Place popular art in pedagogical process preschool educational institution.

morning exercises

Happy morning meeting. "I give you a smile"

Target: to form a friendly attitude towards each other.

View presentation on topic: « Crafts of the peoples of Russia»

Target: to acquaint and expand children's knowledge about folk crafts of Russia.

Di "It won't be enough!"

Target: exercise in education plural noun; develop attention, speech.

Finger game " "I have toys"

Goals: develop fine motor skills, coordination of movements, a sense of rhythm.

OD Musical

Od Knowledge of FEMP.

Subject: "River Journey" The abstract is attached.


Sand watching.

Target: we continue to introduce the component of inanimate nature - sand and its properties.

P / s "Delicious berry".

Goals. to captivate children with a game; continue to introduce children to berries and mushrooms, develop attention.

D\and OBZH "If the baby is hurt"

Target: to acquaint children with elementary methods of first aid.

round dance game "We are nesting dolls"

Target; exercise in the ability to perform movements in the text.

Labor activity: Cleaning the area.

Goals: to cultivate industriousness; learn to help each other.

Afternoon Gymnastics awakening. Walking the path of health

Reviewing a slide presentation with children "Painted toy"

Target: keep talking about handicrafts; treat toys craftsmen.

Reading fairy tales to children "Birth of a Doll" Kotova I. N., Kotova A. S.

Target: to develop attention and interest in folk toys; listening skills.

D.I. "Let's dress the doll for the holiday" (paper)

Target: continue to introduce the elements folk costume.

Indus slave by application. "Russian doll.

Target: we continue to acquaint children with the subject folk- applied art - matryoshka.

word game "Who knows more polite words

Target: exercise children in the pronunciation of polite words, activate the vocabulary on this topic.

An evening walk

Observation "Behind the ladybug".

Target: expand knowledge and understanding of features appearance ladybug.

P / s "At the bear in the forest"

Target: learn to navigate in space; develop attention

Di "Tree, shrub, flower"

Goals: consolidate knowledge of plants, expand the horizons of children, develop speech, memory.

Interaction with parents. Master class for parents « DIY folk doll»

Wednesday morning exercises

Supervision of different modes of transport.

Goals: reinforce the knowledge that a person uses a bicycle that does not require gasoline.

Di "Learn by description" (transport)

Target: to consolidate the ability to recognize transport tool according to description.

Poem work. Learning poems for graduates.

Target: promote memorization of words; develop memory and speech.

Wed and "Ambulance"

Goals: to form the ability to display knowledge about the surrounding life in the game, to show the social significance of medicine.

OD Child and the world around

Subject: Lesson-talk "Kuban trades» The abstract is attached.

OD Physical culture


Insect Watching

to consolidate children's knowledge about the life of insects, their habitats at different times of the day and different weather.

Di "What do they look like?"

Target: exercise in the ability to compare an object with a geometric figure.

P / s "Butterflies, Frogs and Herons"

Target: to develop motor activity, attention.

D / and according to traffic rules. " "Learning road signs"

Target: continue to consolidate children's knowledge of road signs, traffic lights.

Ind / r by time movement. "Improving the technique of walking on a log"

Target: to consolidate the skills of balance in walking on a log.

Labor activity. Sweeping paths.

Target: educate the desire to work.


Entertainment "Kuban gatherings"

Target: expand knowledge about the Kuban craftsmen, continue to acquaint with folk kuban games.

Indus paper construction worker (origami) "Doll"

Target: with the help of a teacher, teach how to fold a doll out of paper; develop the ability to work with your hands.

Screening of educational films. "Gingerbread"

Target: the cartoon tells the story of forest dwellers who found a gingerbread in the forest and wanted to divide it equally.

Conversation: "Origin and history of the Dymkovo toy"

Target: tell children about the history of the emergence of Russian fishing"Dymkovo toy".

An evening walk

Observation "Behind the flower garden"


P / s "Carousel"

Target: exercise to move and speak at the same time, act quickly after the signal.

Sand and water games "Fun competition"

Target: exercise in coordinating finger movements with words; develop the spirit of competition in children.

Interaction with parents. memo "Fostering Friendships in Play"

morning exercises

Di "It happens - it doesn't happen" (with a ball)

Goals: develop memory, attention, thinking, speed of reaction.

Poem work. Learning poems for graduates.

Target: promote expressive reading; develop memory and speech.

Board game "Assemble a samovar from parts".

Target: learn to assemble a whole image from parts.

OD Musical

od drawing

Subject: "Painting a Tray" Abstract attached


Observation of the work of the educator in the flower garden.

Goals: activate cognitive activity to maintain a persistent interest in observations.

P / s "Burn, burn bright!"

Target: to develop in children endurance, orientation in space.

D / and " "What is planted in the garden"

Target: - teach children to classify objects according to certain criteria (according to the place of their growth, according to the method of their application).

Labor activity: Tidying flower beds, loosening the earth, planting seedlings.

Target: learn to work together.


D / and k - triz “What can be said about the subject, if there is…”

Target: develop thinking and memory.

Indus / r for modeling "One mushroom, two mushrooms."

Target: to consolidate familiar modeling techniques; develop aesthetic perception, fine motor skills of hands.

Muses. upbringing. Music repetition. repertoire for graduation.

Target: promote the memorization of words, learn to sing and dance together.

An evening walk

Plantain watching.

Goals: continue acquaintance with medicinal plant- plantain.

P / s "The wolf and the seven Young goats".

Target: to develop in children endurance, the ability to navigate in space and move on a signal.

Di "Name the Family" (word formation)

Target: exercise in word formation; develop attention, speech. D

How to strengthen your child's immunity

Friday morning exercises

Presentation « Folk crafts in the Kuban» ICT

Goals: introduce children to folk crafts of our region, their variety.

D / and " "Magic Cube"

Target: develop thinking, memory and speech.

HRE "Rescuers"

Target: to develop the ability to take on various roles in accordance with the plot of the game.

OD Artistic creativity. Modeling.

Subject: "Duck" T. S. Komarova page 47

OD Physical culture


Flower garden observation

Goals: continue to observe the growth and development of flowers.

Experimental activity: "Air works"

Task: to give children an idea that air can move objects.

Di "What do you know?"

Goals: consolidate knowledge about wild and domestic animals, about insects and birds; develop attention, memory.

P/ and "Sunflowers"

Target: to develop children's ability to play folk games develop mindfulness and dexterity.

.Work activity: Putting things in order on the site.

Goals: to organize collective work; give specific instructions on an individual basis; to instill a sense of satisfaction from the result of work.


Ind. slave. By design. "Let's build a nesting doll house"

Target: to develop in children an interest in designing.

Reading a fairy tale "Tiny - havroshechka"

Target: to teach children to listen carefully and answer the teacher's questions on the content.

Board games "Find the Extra"

Target: learn to find objects of a certain fishing among the proposed; develop attention.

dramatization game “Nesting dolls have a housewarming party”

Target: to exercise children to keep in memory when performing any actions a simple condition, shows the ability to unite with children for joint games.

Ind/r for drawing "Color the Pattern"

Target: to develop children's skills to accurately paint over the drawing; choose the right colors.

An evening walk

Watching the weather

Target: to consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature.

Sand and water games "Funny Bubbles"

Target: Expand your understanding of the properties of water.

P / s "Burn, burn bright!"

Target: to develop in children endurance, orientation in space. Practice running fast.

Interaction with parents. Consultation "The role of parents in the revival of Russian traditions"


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  2. Bondarenko T. M. Comprehensive classes in the preparatory group of the kindergarten: A practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. - Voronezh: IP Lakotsenin S. S., 2009.
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