Published: 27.09.2019
Posted by: mouse
Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: not specified

Like all popular recipes, bright, very tasty and healthy salad"Greek" has many cooking options. One of the most accessible and simple - with feta and Chinese cabbage. It is to him that this recipe with a photo will be dedicated. Soft tender cheese goes well with sweet and sour tomatoes, fresh crispy cucumbers, spicy onions and tart olives. Beijing cabbage perfectly replaces lettuce leaves, adding juiciness and freshness to the finished dish. Before adding feta to a salad, pieces of soft cheese must be marinated in a mixture of spices, oil, lemon juice and kept for half an hour so that the salad has a characteristic taste and aroma. It is recommended to mix and salt the salad before adding feta to it, otherwise the cheese cubes may crumble, which will not have the best effect on the taste and appearance of the finished dish.
By the way, if you need a more satisfying option, then we advise you to pay attention to the recipe.
- Beijing cabbage - half a small fork;
- feta cheese - 100 g;
- pitted olives - 10-12 pcs;
- fleshy tomatoes - 3 pcs;
- cucumber - 1 pc;
- Bell pepper- 1 PC;
- salad onion - 1 small head;
- salt - to taste;
- Provence herbs - 2-3 pinches;
- ground black pepper - 1 pinch;
- olive oil - 2 tbsp. l;
- lime or lemon juice - 0.5 tsp;
- garlic - 1 clove.

Step by step recipe with photo:

Make a marinade for feta: mix olive oil, lemon juice, dried Provencal herbs, ground pepper and chopped garlic.

Cut soft cheese into small cubes. We place in the marinade, mix gently so that the aromatic mixture gets on each piece of cheese.

While the cheese is marinating, cut the vegetables for the salad. Let's start with Chinese cabbage. Separate a few leaves from the fork, rinse thoroughly. Cut off the lower part with a wide vein - it is not suitable for salad. We put the tops in a pile and cut into arbitrary pieces (not finely). Lay out on a flat plate.

Cut the cucumber in half lengthwise and then into slices. Cut out the center of the sweet pepper and clean out the seeds. We cut into sticks. We spread the cucumbers and peppers on the cabbage.

Cut red lettuce into thin half rings. If onion is used, it must be scalded with boiling water to remove bitterness and pungency. Add onion to salad.

It is desirable to take fleshy tomatoes, in which there is a lot of pulp and almost no juice. We cut the tomatoes into large slices, lay them on top of the rest of the vegetables. Salt the salad. Usually it is not mixed, but if you need to mix, then we do it carefully, trying not to damage the tomato slices.

We will add feta to the salad along with the marinade. Arrange the feta pieces on top of the vegetables and drizzle with the remaining marinade. Add whole olives or cut into rounds.

Serve the Greek salad immediately after preparation, it does not need to infuse. Bon appetit!
It turns out very interesting and

Greek salad is delicious and healthy dish, which consists of vegetables, olives and cheese.

The peculiarity of the salad is that vegetables must be cut into large pieces, only then you can feel the unique taste and aroma of each ingredient.

Basic composition

To prepare a classic salad, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Bell pepper;
  • tomatoes;
  • Chinese cabbage;
  • Chees Feta;
  • lemon juice;
  • olive oil;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • oregano.

To get a delicious treat, it is not necessary to buy delicacies, it is better to make a Greek salad with Beijing cabbage from simple products, we have already provided you with the recipe.

What can replace classic ingredients?

Feta cheese is often replaced during Lent. soy sauce- Tofu. If there was no cherry tomato on hand, then they can be replaced with traditional, ordinary tomatoes.

If you want to cook a classic Greek salad without violating technology, it is recommended not to change the ingredients that make up this dish. You can not replace feta cheese with cheese, as the taste will be completely different.

The benefits and harms of the dish

Greek salad - characterized by ease of preparation, but at the same time it is quite healthy, because it contains only natural ingredients, without various kinds of dyes. Despite the fact that the dish is light, it is hearty, so it is ideal not only as a snack, but also for a light dinner.

Feta cheese is famous for toning the body, as a result of which the general condition of the patient improves.

The dish improves the functioning of the digestive system. Experts say that with its regular use, you can get rid of problems such as constipation and diarrhea. If a person seeks to get rid of excess weight, but does not want to lose important substances for the human body, then Greek salad is ideal, since it is low in calories, and the absence meat products promotes excellent absorption by the stomach.

The dish is really rich in vitamins, useful substances, minerals, so every gourmet will appreciate it.

Simple step by step recipes with photos

There are several recipes for Greek salad that include Chinese cabbage, and each of them deserves special attention.


To prepare a classic salad, you will need such components:

  • sweet pepper - 1-2 pieces;
  • 200 grams of Beijing cabbage;
  • 150 grams of feta cheese;
  • seasonings, salt.

Having prepared all these components, you need to proceed with such actions.:

  1. Wash all vegetables thoroughly.
  2. Lemon juice and olive oil are mixed in a separate container. There, you must immediately pour spices and salt.
  3. Tomatoes need to be cut in half, and then divided into nine parts, as a result of this, cubes of the same size can be obtained.
  4. As for the onion, it is customary to cut it exclusively into rings, if desired, it can also be cut into half rings.
  5. Beijing cabbage and sweet pepper are cut into cubes.
  6. Olives can be left whole, but if you wish, they can be cut in half, it all depends on personal wishes, green olives are not suitable for the dish.
  7. Feta is cut into cubes, and the same size as vegetables. If desired, you can buy already diced cheese in the store.
  8. It remains to put the vegetable in a salad bowl, mixing thoroughly.

We offer you to watch a video on how to cook a classic Greek salad:

With cheese

To prepare a cheese salad, you will need the following ingredients::

  • cherry - 8-10 pieces;
  • 200 grams of Beijing cabbage;
  • 150 grams of cheese;
  • 1-2 cucumbers;
  • 100 grams of pitted black olives;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • seasonings, salt.

Having prepared all the components, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Rinse the vegetables, dry them dry, slicing the tomato fruits into cubes, doing the same with cucumbers.
  2. When all the vegetables are ready, they need to be put in a salad bowl, decorating the dish with lettuce leaves, laying cheese cubes on top.
  3. Next, you need to prepare the dressing, it is considered to be the main component on which the taste of the dish as a whole depends. You will need to pour olive oil into the bowl, adding ground black pepper, dried basil, mixing everything thoroughly.

We offer you to watch a video on how to cook a Greek salad with cheese:

With chicken and tomatoes

To create a salad, you will need the following components:

  • sweet pepper - 1-2 pieces;
  • two fresh medium-sized tomatoes;
  • 200 grams of Beijing cabbage;
  • 150 grams of feta cheese;
  • chicken breast;
  • 100 grams of pitted black olives;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • seasonings, salt.
  1. Will need a rinse chicken fillet, removing fat, cutting the meat into small pieces. You can marinate with both lemon juice and olive oil Well, it all comes down to personal preference. After the done manipulations, you need to remove the meat in a plastic bag, in the refrigerator for six hours.
  2. At the moment when the chicken is marinated, it needs to be fried in a pan, you can also use a slow cooker. When the meat has completely cooled down, you can start working on vegetables, cutting them into large pieces, as in other cases.

With crackers

You need the following components:

  • sweet pepper - 1-2 pieces;
  • two fresh medium-sized tomatoes;
  • 200 grams of Beijing cabbage;
  • 150 grams of feta cheese;
  • black bread crackers - 150-200 grams;
  • 100 grams of pitted black olives;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • seasonings, salt.

Having prepared the ingredients, you can start cooking:

  1. First of all, crackers are prepared. Slicing brown bread into cubes, put it on a baking sheet, sprinkling with oil, after which you can send them to the oven for ten minutes.
  2. All vegetables are cut into cubes.
  3. When all the necessary vegetables are prepared, then you need to mix the ingredients, sprinkle with crackers, and you can safely serve it to the table.

How to apply?

Serving a dish is no less responsible and important process than its preparation. All this means that it is advisable to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of this issue in advance in order to appreciate the amazing taste of an appetizing dish.

White wine is ideal for the dish, and if you also turn on a strong lamp that will replace the sun, then you will feel like you are in Greece, eating a delicious and fragrant salad.

It should be noted that this dish is very popular not only in Greece, but throughout the world, respectively, is served in all modern restaurants.

Usually, Greek salad is a light appetizer that is usually served with a hot dish., for example, prepared from fish, meat. If feta cheese will act as one of the ingredients, then be aware that when stirring the salad, you can notice how it begins to knead, the greens begin to lose shape.

If you start preparing this recipe the way experienced chefs from Greece do, then even the most fastidious and picky gourmet will be seriously impressed.

Now everyone knows that Greek salad is a really appetizing and healthy dish., which includes only those ingredients that can not adversely affect health, moreover, it great solution for those who are on a diet.

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Salads have always been an integral part of our daily menu, and feasts could not do without these delicious sliced ​​​​appetizers!

To get a delicious treat, it is not necessary to buy delicacies, it is better to make a Greek salad with Beijing cabbage from simple products, we have already provided you with the recipe.

Such an appetizer will help you out if you do not have time to set the table, and besides, it will perfectly complement the hot dish, shading its taste in the best way!

There is an opinion that Chinese cabbage and cheese do not go well together, but this is not so. If you combine these two ingredients correctly, then the dish will have an incredibly delicate creamy flavor!

You can verify this by preparing your own favorite Greek salad. True, according to the recipe, we will dilute its taste with spicy ingredients, which will make the appetizer a real royal dish.

Greek salad with Beijing cabbage and feta cheese


  • - 200 g + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 1 clove + -
  • — 2-3 pcs. + -
  • Cabbage- 0.5 swing + -
  • - 300 g + -
  • - taste + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 4 things. + -
  • - taste + -
  • - 5 tablespoons + -
  • - 2 pinches + -
  • - 1 bank + -

How to cook Greek salad with Chinese cabbage

  1. Mix olive oil with Italian herbs, freshly squeezed lemon juice, vinegar and minced garlic. Mix everything thoroughly.
  2. We cut the cheese into cubes, put the slices in the prepared spicy sauce.
  3. Chop the cabbage medium (do not cut too finely).
  4. Onion (you can replace it with red) coarsely chopped, but keep in mind that the pieces should not be thick. Thin slices are ideal.

To remove bitterness from onions, first (before cutting) pour boiling water over it.

  1. My cucumbers, cut off the peel from them (if the skin is thin and the fruits are young, you can leave it), cut the flesh into a circle or a semicircle.
  2. At the bottom of the salad bowl we put chopped Beijing cabbage, cucumbers, sliced ​​​​tomatoes and peppers, chopped into thin strips.
  3. Put feta cubes, pitted olives on top and pour over everything with spicy dressing.
  4. We salt the dish to taste, but be careful - do not put a lot of salt at once, because feta (actually, like cheese) is salty! In order not to overdo it with a salty ingredient, try the salad with each new pinch.
  5. Lightly mix the Beijing cabbage salad, and boldly serve the dish to the table!

If you are determined to cook a Greek salad at home, then the Beijing (Chinese) cabbage recipe, which we described in detail above in the article, will definitely come in handy for you!

However, in addition to the recipe, you will need simple tips for cooking, which will not only help not to spoil the delicate taste of the Greek dish, but will also contribute to its maximum improvement.

Feta easily absorbs the flavors of sauces

Considering the natural feature of Greek feta cheese - to absorb all kinds of sauces, you can advise the housewives to season the cheese (separately from the rest of the ingredients) with spicy mixtures, this will make the delicately salty product more fragrant and piquant.

However, if the sauce is oil-based, then keep the correct proportions of the ingredients, otherwise you can overdo it, then the cheese will turn out to be oily and tasteless!

Olive oil is the best salad dressing

In Greek cooking technology, the salad is dressed exclusively with olive oil. This product is very gentle, useful and does not have such a pronounced specific smell as vegetable oil.

In addition, olive oil helps the body to better absorb the vitamins that are contained in a diet salad.

As for sour cream and mayonnaise, everything is clear here - these products are very high in calories, and Greek salad is a light snack, so it is not recommended to use such fatty ingredients for dressing.

What to add to a classic Greek salad

Greek salad with Beijing (Chinese) cabbage is a vegetarian option and is perfect not only for light feasts, but also for diets.

However, if you want to diversify the appetizer, you can add croutons, chicken, all kinds of spices and herbs to it.

You can also replace cabbage with fresh ones. salad leaves, but this will be a completely different version of the Greek salad.

Here, perhaps, is all you need to know about Greek salad with Chinese cabbage. The recipe and tips that we have reviewed will definitely help you create a great appetizer for the table! Your guests and household will be satisfied with the treat, and the dish will certainly not disappoint you.

Bon appetit!

Greek salad with Chinese cabbage - a slightly modified version original recipe, which ideally should be prepared from Romano salad. Despite this, our compatriots, with the help of available products, manage to make such a dish that is neither to taste nor to appearance indistinguishable from the classic.

The ancient Greeks called the salad Horiatiki, which in translation characterizes it as the simplest and most elementary dish. Indeed, the salad is available in terms of products, it is more than easy to prepare. And most importantly, there is an opportunity to bring something new, from oneself, without changing the basic perception of food. Previously, Greek salad was not considered a dish worthy of the royal table, but today it occupies one of the first lines on the menu of almost all European cuisine restaurants. And not in vain, because the structure of the salad harmoniously combines very light and healthy foods. Thanks to this union of vegetables, sour cheese and olive oil, the salad turns out to be balanced and quite worthy of getting on the festive table as a treat or appetizer for an aperitif.

Cooking advice: to prepare a classic Greek salad, you need to follow the rules: firstly, all vegetables under the knife should be chopped coarsely, and secondly, it is important not to overdo it with oil so as not to weigh down the airy structure of the dish.

How to cook Greek salad with Chinese cabbage - 16 varieties

Seafood lovers will love this salad!


  • Half a kilo of squid.
  • Lukovichka
  • Three tablespoons of olive oil, white wine (take dry), lemon juice.
  • A little garlic, parsley.
  • Beijing salad.


First, clean the squid from the films, rinse, dry. Cut the carcasses into rings about half a centimeter thick, if there are tentacles, just chop them.

Heat oil, add chopped onion, fry until soft, then immediately add the prepared squid, fry for five minutes - no more! Don't forget to stir the contents of the pan!

Pour wine into the squid, add chopped garlic to taste, simmer for another two minutes under a closed lid. Then transfer to a salad bowl, add lemon juice, chopped parsley, chopped Chinese cabbage.

Before serving, the finished salad can be decorated with lemon zest or citrus slices. A lemon or lime will do here.

This recipe, made in the kitchen of a real chef, will make you feel the true taste of Greece and tell you how to cook everyone's favorite salad appetizer.


  • Chinese cabbage.
  • Olives.
  • Olive oil.
  • Cheese.
  • Red onion.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Cucumbers.
  • Lemon and fresh oregano.


First, we cut three tomatoes, two peeled cucumbers in the form of cubes. Place vegetables in a mixing bowl. We also send a lilac onion chopped into semi-rings and one hundred grams of cheese sticks here.

Romaine lettuce or Chinese cabbage, tear into pieces and mix in a common bowl. Next add a generous handful of pitted black olives.

For the sauce, squeeze the juice from the lemon half. Add about 60 ml. olive oil. Stir and pour dressing over salad.

Mix the dish with pieces of oregano greens. Serve the salad in portions, in separate flat plates.

An unusual performance of Greek salad will surprise you. Cooking below!


  • One glass of boiled rice
  • One hundred grams of cheese.
  • One hundred grams of prunes.
  • Three eggs.
  • 80 grams of olives.
  • One clove of garlic.
  • Beijing salad.
  • Mayonnaise.


Soak prunes in water, cut into small pieces. Boil eggs. Grate cheese and eggs, chop garlic.

In a salad bowl, mix chopped Beijing cabbage, chopped boiled eggs, cheese cubes, prunes, rice and olives. Mix everything together with crushed garlic and season with a light mayonnaise sauce.

Greek salad - the winner of the culinary competition "Dish 2017"

The secret to making a real Greek salad is a fairly large cut of vegetables. Read on for all the details!


  • Tomatoes.
  • Cucumbers.
  • Romano salad.
  • Chees Feta.
  • Red onion.
  • Bulgarian pepper.
  • Seedless olives.
  • Olive oil.
  • Salt, pepper, oregano.
  • Half a lemon.


In a deep container, cut two tomatoes, two peeled cucumbers and one sweet pepper. The size of the cubes is at least 1.5 cm. Here we also chop the onion into half rings.

We tear the washed Romano lettuce or Chinese cabbage into pieces and combine with all the ingredients.

Pour the dish with juice from half a lemon, salt, pepper, season with spices and mix.

We divide 200 grams of feta into sticks 1-2 cm in size. The larger, the tastier! Top the salad with cheese and olives.

We offer a recipe for salad "Air". It is easy to prepare and quite healthy and satisfying.


  • Cabbage.
  • Canned corn.
  • Olives.
  • Feta.
  • Mayonnaise, ketchup.


Cut the cabbage into strips (do not crush), feta - into cubes. Put cabbage, cheese and corn in a salad bowl, mix lightly. Top with a mesh with mayonnaise and ketchup. Garnish with olive halves. Now the airy salad can be served on the table. Eat healthy salads! Enjoy your meal!

This dish cannot be called Greek, but thanks to a similar set of products, it may well become an approximate analogue of the original recipe.


  • Half a kilo of Chinese cabbage.
  • 0.25 kg. tomato.
  • 0.25 kg. canned corn.
  • 0.15 kg. sour cream.
  • 1/3 bunch of dill.
  • Salt pepper.


We wash the lettuce, dry it and turn it into straws with a knife.

Chop the tomatoes into cubes.

We take a big cup. In it we combine cabbage, tomatoes, canned corn cloves, chopped dill. We add everything, pepper and flavor with sour cream. We mix. Salad is ready to serve!

To anyone festive table you can make this simple salad.

  • Three beets.
  • Walnut kernels one hundred grams.
  • Half a glass of pitted prunes.
  • Three cloves of garlic.
  • Chinese cabbage.
  • Bulgarian pepper.
  • Olives.
  • Mayonnaise.


Boil the beets, then peel, grate. Next, add the prunes cut into strips, chopped nuts, olives, garlic, diced peppers and Chinese cabbage. Season with mayonnaise, then mix. The salad is now ready to be served.

Cooking tip: before cutting the salad, prunes should be soaked for a couple of hours until softened. Hard, it will create discomfort when chewing.

To prepare this delicious and vitamin Greek salad, you need elementary products.


  • One hundred grams of spinach and Chinese salad.
  • Fifty grams of sorrel leaves.
  • Two eggs.
  • Thirty grams of cheese.
  • Three tablespoons of sour cream.
  • Olives for decoration.
  • A small amount of salt and a mixture of peppers.


Boil and cool the eggs first. Grind them with a Korean salad grater. We crumble the cheese as finely as possible. Rinse fresh herbs thoroughly under running water, dry with a towel and cut into strips. In a deep salad bowl, mix all the ingredients, pepper and salt to taste. We fill the finished dish with sour cream, and then put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Serve delicious summer salad on a table garnished with olive slices.

The recipe describes the steps for making a Greek salad in its entirety. Very easy to make, it can compete with dishes from restaurants and cafes!


  • Fresh cucumbers.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Yellow sweet pepper.
  • Lilac onion head.
  • Olives.
  • Feta.
  • Olive oil, salt, pepper.
  • Chinese cabbage leaves.


Cut two fresh cucumbers into half rings. We do the same with the head of the onion.

We clean one pepper from the seed box and chop it into strips.

We make cubes from four red tomatoes. Do the same with feta cheese.

In 40 ml. olive oil, mix a pinch of salt and pepper.

In a salad bowl, combine the chopped products and pour the prepared sauce. We mix everything.

Serve salad garnished with rings of pitted black olives on Chinese cabbage leaves.

Delicious, healthy salad - a great dish for a festive feast.


  • A piece of baked goods.
  • 0.5 kg. boiled eggs.
  • Half a lemon.
  • Chinese salad.
  • Mayonnaise, mustard, parsley, pepper, salt.
  • Boiled eggs cut into cubes.


Mix mayonnaise with mustard and pour the mixture of eggs with chopped Chinese cabbage. Sprinkle ground pepper on top.

Lay on top pieces of boiled pork, feta cubes. Garnish with fresh lemon wedges and parsley sprigs.

The salad can be served immediately. It is very nutritious and appetizing. Instead of boiled pork, you can take any other meat, each time changing the taste of the salad.

Interesting salads don't always take a long time to cook. The following recipe confirms this.


  • 150 g of smoked squid, feta.
  • Chinese cabbage.
  • Olives.
  • Garlic.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Mustard.


Smoked squid should be cut into small pieces. Chop the feta into cubes.

We chop or tear the cabbage with our hands.

For salad dressing, mix crushed two cloves of garlic with a tablespoon of lemon juice and 20 grams of mustard.

In a mixing bowl, combine squid, feta, cabbage. Season the ingredients with the sauce. When serving, decorate the salad with olive slices.

Salad perfectly combines chicken meat with vegetable components.


  • Chinese cabbage.
  • 0.5 kg. chicken breasts.
  • 150 grams of fresh cucumber.
  • 100 grams of cheese.
  • 20 ml olive oil.
  • 20 ml balsamic vinegar.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Green onions and dill.


Fried skinless chicken breasts in olive oil. Cool and cut into cubes.

We tear the cabbage into pieces, and cut the cucumber and cheese into cubes.

We connect everything together. Add lemon juice mixed with vinegar and oil, pepper and salt to taste.

Such a salad can be used as an independent dish, but also served with meat or fish. Let's get acquainted!


  • Head of Chinese cabbage.
  • 150 grams of sweet corn.
  • 100 grams of pitted olives.
  • A bunch of dill.
  • Head of red onion.
  • pepper mix, sea ​​salt, olive oil.

The name of the Greek salad came from the deep past, from antiquity, Namely from Southern Greece. And the Greek salad is translated as "Rustic salad". Greek peasants have been engaged in crop and livestock production since ancient times. Vegetables, olives and goat cheese were always available. And everything is not bad, but the Greeks managed to improve this dish only in the 16th century. Until that time, the Greeks cooked it without tomatoes. And tomatoes were brought to Greece by the Spaniards. The Greeks did not immediately understand that tomatoes were a type of vegetable, so they used them to decorate their homes. But later they realized that it was this vegetable that would complement the dish, giving it improbability and delight, change its taste, and also add aesthetics to the dish. It is worth visiting Greece at least once and trying this wonderful dish, then the conclusion can be drawn as follows: There are many recipes for Greek salad with Chinese cabbage. And the main secret of taste lies in the dressing. Each chef brings his own subtleties to the dressing, which he is silent about, but does not give out secrets. The only thing that remains unchanged is that the vegetables in this dish are served coarsely chopped, abundantly watered with dressing and cold-pressed olive oil. Olives for salad use dark blue, salty with a stone. And on top generously lay out a large piece of sheep, goat Feta cheese. In Russia, the variety of recipes is ambiguous, and each cook or hostess has his own subtleties and tricks in cooking technology. Dressing and taste qualities are different, and instead of Feta cheese they use Fetaksa, Cheese, Bulgarian cheese or blue cheese.

This section provides a recipe for a classic Greek salad with Chinese cabbage.

Food preparation. How to choose the right products.

  • Olives
  • Olives are best used dark blue, salted with a stone.
  • Olive oil
  • Olive oil is cold pressed. The highest quality is extravirgion.

Herbs are ideal such as: thyme, oregano, basil. You can use a mixture of Italian herbs, as well as fresh basil leaves. Fresh basil adds an incredible, sophisticated taste to salads and completes this dish perfectly.

Vinegar use Balsamic.

More often use lemon juice, or replace it with a small amount of pink wine vinegar.

Vegetables are fresh. Such as tomatoes, cucumbers, red bell peppers, or yellow color. The onion is red. It contains no bitterness. If it is not possible to find such an onion, then onion can also be used. But it must be cut and blanched, i.e., doused with boiling water.

Ingredients. What is included in the Greek salad with Chinese cabbage.

  • Beijing cabbage - 1 fork small, weighing 500 gr.
  • Tomatoes-3 pcs.
  • Cucumber-3 pcs.
  • Bulgarian pepper-1 pc.
  • Red onion-1 pc.
  • Cheese "Feta" -300 gr.
  • Olives with pits-300 gr.
  • Lemon - (juice of half a lemon)
  • Balsamic wine vinegar-20 gr.
  • Olive oil-50 ml.
  • Salt-20 gr.
  • Black pepper - to taste
  • Herbs: Basil, oregano, thyme, or Italian herbs dry mix, to taste.

Cooking time-30 minutes

Number of servings -6 servings

Calorie-90 Kcal.

  1. Rinse Chinese cabbage, cut into cubes. It is advisable to use tender, young leaves. Rinse tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, and onions. Tomatoes, cucumbers, pepper cut into cubes, onion into half rings.
  2. Prepare dressing: Mix lemon juice with balsamic vinegar, salt, black pepper, herbs.
  3. Put all the prepared vegetables in a bowl, pour over the dressing, olive oil, combine with olives, cut the Feta cheese into a large cube and mix everything thoroughly. You can decorate the salad with fresh basil leaves.

Serve the Greek Salad immediately. If you have cut vegetables, but it is too early to eat salad, do not season it. Otherwise, the vegetables will release juice. The salad is rich in vitamins, and you can serve it daily, or at the festive table.

You can use not only the recipe for Greek salad with cabbage, but also play a little with imagination and taste. By adding croutons. You get a completely new dish, such as "Greek salad with croutons."

Greek salad classic recipe with croutons

Ingredients. What is included in the Greek salad with croutons.

  • Croutons-150 gr.
  • Chinese cabbage-300 gr. (half fork)
  • Tomatoes-2 pcs.
  • Cucumber-2 pcs.
  • Bulgarian pepper-1 pc.
  • Red onion-1 pc.
  • Feta cheese -200 gr.
  • Olives with pits-250 gr.
  • Juice - 1/3 lemon
  • Garlic-10 gr.
  • Olive oil-30 ml.
  • Pink wine vinegar-15 gr.
  • Salt-25 gr.
  • Black pepper - to taste
  • Dry mixture "Italian herbs" - to taste.

Cooking time - 45 minutes

Servings - 6 servings

Calorie content - 120 kcal.

Cooking method. Step by step description.

  1. Cut white bread for toast, or a long loaf into small cubes and bake in the oven until golden brown.
  2. Beijing cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, rinse, cut into medium cubes. Wash the onion, cut into half rings.
  3. Prepare dressing: Mix lemon juice with wine pink vinegar, olive oil, salt, black pepper, finely chopped garlic, a mixture of Italian herbs.

Put all the prepared vegetables in a bowl, pour over the dressing, combine with olives, mix. We cut the Feta cheese into a large cube and put it on top of the vegetables, then put the cooled croutons on the cheese. Mix everything before serving.
