Set out to learn a foreign language, but don't know where to start? We will tell!
Nowadays it is very important to know foreign languages, but no one likes cramming words and phrases. Therefore, to begin with, define the goal - why do you need knowledge of the language? Motivation is very important.
It’s boring to study something if you just need it “for show” or for evaluation. In that case, you gotta come up with an idea, goal, dream, Napoleonic plans ... For example: “I’ll learn a foreign language and write scripts for Hollywood films!” After all, if you have a dream, then everything is much easier to do. To learn how to memorize words in an easy and fun way, there are a few tricks.
If you repeat the same thing over and over again, it will be remembered well. Especially if you are good at listening to everything. Just write down some words or phrases with translation to the voice recorder on your phone or download audio lectures for yourself and listen to them constantly - on the way to school or during household chores. For those who remember information better visually, it is better to write words and phrases. You can print or write them with the translation on cards and lay them out in a conspicuous place: hang them on the refrigerator, the door, next to the bed. Every time you pass by, read and say them. It is best to memorize words by topic: professions, fruits, clothes, colors, irregular verbs, etc. You should not memorize a large number of words or phrases at a time, preferably no more than 10 or 20.
There are many different applications and sites on the Internet that will help you learn a language. But their only drawback is that you have to constantly sit at the computer.
A positive attitude should be in everything, in training - in the first place. If you find something funny in every word or phrase, it will be remembered right away! You can try to speak a foreign language with relatives and friends. You can find associations to the word. For example: look (look, look, appearance) - “bow”, you can remember it as: “I look at the bow”.
If you have favorite movie or book(which have been translated into Russian), watch or read in the original language, without translation or with subtitles only. You roughly know the content, and it will be easy for you to understand the meaning. So you will understand how and in what situation it is better to use words.
Foreign language requires constant communication otherwise everything is quickly forgotten. Therefore, new words must be alternated with those already learned. And repeat, repeat, repeat... In social networks it is easy to find native speakers who will talk with you with pleasure. You can not only improve your language skills, but also make friends all over the world. Turn on the positive and let it help you learn languages! Everything will be all right!

Summer recipes - best recipes seasonal dishes and drinks that will add variety to your menu. This is, first of all, healthy meals from vegetables, fruits, herbs, berries.

In the heat, the body requires the consumption of a large amount of vitamins, preferably not synthetic, but real, in its natural form. That is why in the warm season it is advisable not to miss this opportunity and switch to vitamin, juicy and light dishes. Numerous recipes for summer dishes, which can be found in large quantities at Povarenka, will help us in this, for every taste and every wish. So what dishes do many modern hostesses usually prepare for the summer?

Summer soups

Of course, these are, first of all, such as okroshka, beetroot, cold, gazpacho and many others. In the summer heat, such first courses are an excellent alternative to hot soups, pickles, borscht and saltwort.

The advantage of summer cold first courses is that the products in them are mostly fresh, which means that they have retained all their vitamins. Such dishes cool the overheated body well, but summer soups contain very few calories, which means that they will not be used to gain excess weight - just a godsend for the summer!

Salads and snacks for the summer table

What summer recipes do without salads and snacks from vegetables and herbs? Such recipes must be taken into account and try not to spend a single summer day without them.

From vegetables and herbs in the summer, it would be right to season not with mayonnaise, but with more vitamin and healthy salad dressings, for example, vegetable oil with lemon juice, or natural yogurt, or mustard dressing.

What is summer without barbecue?

Summer is associated with us not only with vegetables and berries grown on our own suburban area, but also with picnics, trips to nature, as well as barbecue, barbecue, which are the main dishes on the menu for such out-of-town trips.

Kebabs can be cooked not only by craftsmen, but also by those who will take into account our advice on how to marinate them properly, fry them on coals, serve them beautifully, what sauce to prepare for them. Do not forget to serve barbecue and barbecue dishes with summer snacks for beer and meat cooked on fire.

For sweet...

As you can see, the recipes for the summer are striking in their diversity. Even dessert dishes for the summer menu are special - vitamin, refreshing. Summer desserts include sweet treats such as homemade ice cream, jellies, mousses, puddings, dessert fruit and berry salads, thick smoothies with ice.

Drinks on the summer menu

In summer, we take out a juicer from pantries and distant corners and press on it intensively juices from fresh vegetables, berries, herbs and fruits summer season. We also prepare cool compotes, homemade lemonades, non-alcoholic drinks as drinks so that your thirst recedes and the drink refreshes you in the summer heat.

Make a summer menu and cook summer dishes with the recipes of "Povarenka", and your summer will be the most delicious, most vitamin, most iridescent period of the year!

Each upcoming holiday puts any hostess into confusion: what dishes to serve on the table, how to surprise and please guests? Unfortunately, such traditional and everyday dishes as jelly, herring under a fur coat, Russian salad, vinaigrette and Mimosa salad are no longer relevant. Today, creativity and a combination of the incongruous are in fashion.

The prevailing female stereotype that it is impossible to cook beautiful holiday dishes from vegetables is erroneous. And we will try to prove it in our culinary article. Today we will talk about how to cook unusual summer salads on festive table, as well as a few useful tips regarding decoration and decoration. So, let's start cooking!

Salad "Multicolored assortment"

What should be purchased for the dish? This:

  • multi-colored Bulgarian pepper - 3 pcs.;
  • large ripe tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • half an onion;
  • fresh cucumbers - 3 pcs.;
  • baguette or loaf - 4 slices;
  • oil for frying;
  • fresh basil - a bunch;
  • salt.

For sauce:

  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • lemon juice (vinegar 9%) - 50 ml;
  • mild mustard - 1 tsp;
  • oil - 40 ml;
  • salt, black ground pepper.

Today, many hostesses prefer to make summer salads on the festive table without mayonnaise. And this is absolutely correct. After all, there is no benefit from this product, which contains a huge amount of substances harmful to the body.

So, let's start preparing our salad by cutting a baguette or a loaf. The pieces should not be very large. We heat the pan, grease it with oil and throw our bread there. Fry until the product acquires a beautiful golden hue.

Wash the vegetables thoroughly, peel and cut into small cubes. We tear the basil with our hands. Onion cut into half rings.

It's time to start refueling. If you are preparing summer salads for the festive table, then you cannot do without a tasty and aromatic sauce in this situation. So, finely chop the garlic and mix it with the rest of the dressing ingredients. Add the cooled crackers to the vegetables and add a little salt. We pour dressing. Mix everything thoroughly and serve. Enjoy your meal!

Cheese salad with vegetables

Many vegetable summer salads on the festive table without mayonnaise contain cheese. This one is no exception. The only point is that the cheese is not used hard varieties, but pickled (feta, cheese, etc.).

So, what products should we buy to make a salad:

  • leaves Chinese cabbage- 6-7 pieces;
  • multi-colored bell pepper - 3 pcs.;
  • ripe tomatoes large sizes- 2 pcs.;
  • feta (brynza, sirtaki) - 250 g;
  • hard cheese for sprinkling.

For the sauce you need:

  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • olive oil - 50 ml;
  • spicy mustard - 1 tsp;
  • salt.

Let's start cooking

Summer salads on the festive table (with photo recipes are given in our article) should always begin with a thorough washing of vegetables. So, we take the most beautiful salad bowl and lay out the leaves of Beijing cabbage. Then comes the chopped bell pepper.

Mash the feta with a fork and mix with chopped olives. Cut the tomatoes into small cubes and lay them on top of the peppers. Finish the construction of feta with olives.

For dressing, finely chop the garlic and add mustard, salt and oil to it. Mix thoroughly. Pour the prepared sauce over our dish. Now you can serve to guests. As you can see, summer salads on the festive table are prepared quickly and easily. Enjoy your meal!

Salad with blackberries and cucumbers

What is needed for a meal? The ingredients are:

  • fresh cucumbers - 7 pcs.;
  • blackberry - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • basil, mint;
  • pistachios, peeled, unsalted - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • fat yogurt - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • fresh thyme - 2-3 sprigs;
  • narsharab sauce - 5 ml;
  • sea ​​salt, black pepper.

Preparing a salad with blackberries and cucumbers

Throw the pistachios into the pan and fry them, stirring constantly. Cut off the tips of the cucumbers, put them on cutting board, beat with a rolling pin (so they will become more juicy) and finely chop. We spread the cucumbers in a salad bowl, salt, pepper. Season with yogurt, sauce, mix thoroughly. Lay the washed blackberries on top and sprinkle with torn mint, basil, thyme. We finish with pistachios. That's all, our salad with cucumbers and blackberries is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Light salad with strawberries and chicken

Light summer salads on the festive table with berries will conquer any gourmet. Our dish in this case is no exception.

So, for cooking we will need:

  • ripe sweet strawberries - 8 pcs.;
  • chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • green onions - a bunch;
  • walnuts - 50 g;
  • goat cheese (as an option - feta, cheese) - 150 g;
  • lettuce - a bunch;
  • balsamic vinegar - 100 ml;
  • salt pepper.

salad preparation

To begin with, let's take chicken fillet. It should be peppered, salted, poured with 50 ml of balsamic vinegar and placed in a marinade container (for 1-2 hours).

In the meantime, you can do other work. We clean the nuts and grind them with a mortar. Wash the strawberries, tear off the tails and cut into 4 parts. Knead the cheese with a fork. Finely chop the green onion.

When our fillet is marinated, cut it into small cubes and fry in a frying pan, greased with oil, until tender. So that excess oil does not spoil the taste of our dish, place the chicken pieces on paper towels.

Let's take a salad bowl and place on it the washed, dried and torn into large pieces lettuce leaves. In a separate bowl, mix all the ingredients together with the cooled chicken cubes. Place the mixture on top of the lettuce leaves and pour over the remaining balsamic vinegar. That's it, our dish is ready! Try to prepare summer fresh salads for the festive table with the addition of various berries, and you will be convinced of their compatibility with any food. Enjoy your meal!

Salad "Peperonata"

Summer salads on the festive table, the recipes of which are presented in large numbers in our article, can also be prepared using baked vegetables. Try making a salad with beautiful name"Peperonata", and you will be convinced of the amazing taste and unusual aroma of this dish.

So, here are the products we need for this salad:

  • Bulgarian pepper different colors- 3 pcs.;
  • young eggplant - 1 pc.;
  • feta cheese or cheese - 250 g;
  • pine nuts - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • cilantro - 1 bunch;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • olive oil - 120 ml;
  • leaves green salad- 5 pieces.;
  • salt pepper.


Put eggplant and pepper in the oven on a baking sheet, greased with oil. It is not necessary to peel vegetables so as not to lose the original taste and aroma of these products. When the peppers and eggplants are fully cooked, take them out of the oven and let them cool. In the meantime, let's move on to other products.

The recipe for this salad includes the preparation of pesto sauce. So, chop the cilantro and put it in a blender bowl along with nuts and garlic. Pour in the olive oil and add a pinch of salt. Grind well for 30 seconds.

We clean the baked vegetables and cut into large pieces. We take a salad bowl, lay out washed, dried and coarsely torn lettuce leaves, place medium-cut pieces of feta cheese on top. In a separate bowl, mix the roasted vegetables and pesto sauce. We spread the mixture in a salad bowl, let it brew for 15 minutes and serve. As you can see, the recipes for festive summer salads are simple, and the benefits from them are simply enormous. Enjoy your meal!

"Watermelon Dream"

And again, a combination of incongruous - watermelon and radish. Do not be afraid of this tandem. In this case, everything is sustained - the taste, the aroma, and the design.

Required Ingredients:

  • Bulgarian multi-colored peppers - 3 pcs.;
  • radish - 6 pcs.;
  • large ripe tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • chopped watermelon pulp - 1.5 cups;
  • fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • feta - 200 g.

For the sauce you need:

  • olive oil - 60 ml;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml;
  • mint - a bunch;
  • oregano, salt, pepper.

Cooking "Watermelon Dream"

Wash and clean vegetables. Peppers, radishes, tomatoes and cucumbers cut into strips. Finely chop the mint, mix with lemon juice, oil, oregano, salt and pepper. Gently mix watermelon cubes with chopped feta cheese and vegetables, pour over the prepared dressing. It is worth noting that summer salads and snacks on the festive table using watermelon pulp are served immediately after preparation. Enjoy your meal!

Salad "From Seville"

If you like unusual summer vegetable salads, you can serve salad "From Seville" on the festive table. This original and exotic dish will delight all guests without exception.

So what do we need for this salad?

  • colored bell pepper - 3 pcs.;
  • orange - 1 large;
  • green salad - 1 bunch;
  • green onions - half a bunch;
  • cheese;
  • oil for filling;
  • salt pepper.


To start, wash vegetables and fruits under running water. Peel the pepper and cut into strips. Remove the peel from the orange and remove the pits. Cut the fruit into cubes. We'll do the same with cheese. Take a salad bowl and put coarsely torn lettuce, orange, feta cheese, chopped olives, finely chopped green onions on top. Season the dish with oil, a little salt and pepper. That's it, the salad "From Seville" is ready. Bon appetit!

Salad with pepper and apple

If you like summer salads without mayonnaise, then this dish is what you need.

  • multi-colored Bulgarian pepper - 4 pcs.;
  • sweet multi-colored apples - 4 pcs.;
  • sour cream or unsweetened yogurt - 100 ml;
  • green onion - a bunch;
  • leaves of green and red lettuce - 5 pcs.;
  • sugar and salt.


Wash the vegetables thoroughly, peel and cut into strips. We tear lettuce leaves with our hands and put them in a salad bowl, put apples and peppers there. Season with sour cream, salt, sugar, mix and sprinkle with finely chopped green onions. If for some reason you do not want to fill the dish with sour cream, then make a summer salad with butter. On the festive table, this dish should be served immediately after preparation. Enjoy your meal!

Salad of baked trout and vegetables

We have already described vegetable summer salads on the festive table (with photo), now we can discuss recipes for dishes with the addition of fish. They are perfect for a special occasion.

So what do we need for the salad:

  • trout fillet - 250 g;
  • fresh green peas - 250 g;
  • multi-colored Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh large cucumber;
  • young potatoes (small tubers) - 10 pcs.;
  • quail eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • leaves of red and green lettuce - 5 pcs.

For refueling:

  • unflavored olive oil - 80 ml;
  • mustard - 1 tsp;
  • lemon juice - 30 ml;
  • egg yolk;
  • salt pepper.

Preparing a salad according to the recipe

The first thing to do is fish. Salt it, pepper it and flavor it with a few drops of lemon juice. Let's turn on the oven. On baking sheets, greased with oil, put the trout and bake for 15 minutes. Rinse the potatoes thoroughly under running water, dry and send to the trout. After the specified time, we take out the fish, and leave the potatoes to bake until tender.

In the meantime, let's put the peas to boil. A few minutes will be enough. Rinse the cucumber and pepper, peel and cut into strips. Onions - half rings. Boil the quail eggs and place in cold water.

Cut the cooled trout into cubes. In a salad bowl, place clean and dried lettuce leaves. In a separate container, stir the fish with the cooled baked potatoes and vegetables.

Now let's get to the sauce. For it, mix the mashed yolk, oil, lemon juice, mustard, salt and pepper. Season the fish with vegetables with the resulting sauce and mix. Place the salad on top of the torn ones. lettuce leaves. We take the eggs out of the water, peel and cut into two parts. Place them on top of the dish. Bon appetit!

Caprese with figs

If you like summer salads without mayonnaise, then you will really like caprese made in this version. It combines everything: both taste and color solutions. So, we need:

  • ripe tomatoes (you can take different colors) - 3 pcs.;
  • figs - 1 large or 2 medium fruits;
  • dry-cured ham - 100 g;
  • mozzarella - 150 gr.;
  • balsamic - 1 tsp;
  • olive unflavored oil - 40 ml;
  • provencal herbs - a pinch;
  • salt, preferably sea - a pinch;
  • a mixture of peppers;
  • basil - 3 sprigs.

Cooking caprese with figs

Figs, tomatoes and mozzarella cut into thin identical circles. We do the same with ham. Put the ingredients in rows on a flat salad bowl (this is the highlight of caprese). Drizzle the salad with oil, sprinkle with herbs, salt and pepper. Decorate with basil sprigs. Enjoy your meal!

Classic Greek Salad

This wonderful dish will decorate any festive table.

To prepare it, you should purchase the following products:

  • fresh cucumbers - 5 pcs.;
  • pitted olives - half a jar;
  • green lettuce leaves - a bunch;
  • pitted olives - half a jar;
  • red onions - 3 pcs.;
  • unflavored olive oil - 170 ml;
  • tomatoes - 7 pcs.;
  • feta or cheese - 250 g;
  • wine white vinegar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • cilantro - a bunch;
  • oregano.

For sauce

  • garlic - two cloves;
  • lemon juice - 10 ml;
  • unflavored olive oil - 200 ml;
  • sweet mustard - 2 tsp;
  • liquid honey - 10 ml;
  • balsamic vinegar - 10 ml;
  • basil leaves;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking according to the recipe

Wash the onion, peel and thinly slice into half rings. We place our vegetable in a separate bowl, add oregano, wine vinegar and olive oil. Let the onion marinate for 1 hour. In the meantime, prepare the salad dressing. We clean the garlic and finely chop. My basil, cut and mix with garlic. In a separate container, mix vinegar, oil, honey, mustard and lemon juice. Add garlic and basil to it. Season with pepper and salt. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

Tomatoes, cucumbers are washed and cut (cucumbers - in circles, tomatoes - in slices). We put the vegetables in a bowl and add pickled onions, olives, olives.

We cut the feta into large cubes and put it in our dish. Pour dressing over salad and garnish with herbs if desired. We mix. Enjoy your meal!

Appetizer Salad with Cracker

This dish is simply amazing. And most importantly, that it can be varied according to your preferences. So what do we need:

  • rice - half a glass;
  • rice vinegar - one teaspoon;
  • cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • crackers - 15 pcs.;
  • greenery;
  • processed cheese - 2 pcs.;
  • salt.


It is worth noting that summer salads on the festive table with crackers are prepared using salted biscuits. In this case, we need a square or rounded salted cracker.

So, cook rice in salted water. When it is cooked, add the specified amount of vinegar to it so that the rice does not spread when forming the dish. Three cheese on a grater and mix it with rice. We roll up small balls, sprinkle them with finely chopped herbs. Put the formed rice circles on the crackers, pressing lightly. Top with thinly sliced ​​cucumber slices. It turns out very original and beautiful. Bon appetit!

After a long snowy winter, it is simply necessary to plunge into the long-awaited summer with all the dedication. This means not only to relax mentally and gain strength, but also to please yourself and your loved ones with incredibly delicious summer dishes. After all, only in summer, nature so generously shares with us its wealth, collected from the garden or plucked from the branch. It's time to accumulate vitamins for the whole year and cheer up your tired body. Faithful helpers in this are fruits and vegetables, which also have a cooling effect in the summer heat. They are rich in water, vitamins and minerals that our body loses in hot weather.

In summer, you don’t want any fatty and heavy foods, for example, fried meat or fish. I want something light, tasty and nutritious. Well, rightly so, because summer is a wonderful time for light and tasty salads. They are no worse in taste than our favorite fried potatoes or pork. Not to mention the fact that vegetable dishes are much easier to digest. Fresh vegetable salads are always tasty and healthy. What incredible vegetable combinations! What a mix of colors and flavors!

Summer salads can be eaten in unlimited quantities for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, without fear of adding a couple of extra pounds. This, first of all, concerns those who care about their figure and dream of losing some weight over the summer. Well, you and the cards are in your hands, as they say, light salads are what you need: health, lightness and comfort!

Light summer salads are good both as a separate dish and in addition to the main one. This is where you can roam, show your imagination and experiment, experiment. If you have already tried all our recipes and you want something new, we are always happy to help and offer you a range of delicious, varied light summer salads. Here is just a small fraction of the great variety of existing recipes that will help you diversify your menu, please loved ones and get incredible pleasure from summer.

Let's start, perhaps, with the most summer salad, well known to us since childhood.

300 g radish,
4 boiled eggs
100 g green onions,
30 g dill,
30 g parsley,
sour cream or mayonnaise for dressing.

Cut the boiled eggs into small cubes, cut the radish into circles (large circles can be cut in half). Finely chop the greens (dill, green onion, parsley). Mix all ingredients. Add salt and sour cream or mayonnaise to taste. Bon appetit!

Add to radish cauliflower, slightly change the recipe and get another culinary masterpiece.

400 g cauliflower,
350 g radish,
1 lemon
50 g vegetable oil,
40 g greens and green onions,
sugar, salt, pepper.

Cut the radish into slices. Divide the cabbage into inflorescences, boil in boiling salted water and cool. Then mix with radishes and put in a salad bowl. From oil, lemon juice, finely chopped onion, sugar, pepper and salt, prepare a dressing and pour it over the salad. Decorate your creation with fresh herbs.

A simple and everyone's favorite salad of eggs and fresh cucumbers. It is very tasty and, if you try, you can turn it into an elegant festive salad if guests suddenly came to you.


300 g fresh cucumber,
3 boiled eggs
1 st. a spoonful of lemon juice
3 art. spoons of sour cream or mayonnaise,
green onion, greens (dill, parsley),

Cucumbers cut into strips. Cut the egg white into strips, and finely crumble the yolk. Finely chop the green onion and greens too. Mix all the ingredients, salt and season with sour cream and lemon juice. If you use mayonnaise, lemon juice and salt can be omitted. Salad ready. If you want to decorate the salad, leave some chopped greens and 1 yolk. Put the seasoned salad in a slide, make a rim of greens, and rub the yolk on a fine grater in the middle. From a thin slice of cucumber and a sprig of onion, you will get a flower. Decorate your salad with them.

Salad "Freshness"
This is a very refreshing, sweet and sour salad that tastes good. It will go with boiled hot potatoes, as a side dish for meat, fish, and even so good with bread!

1 green radish
1 sour apple
1 carrot
1 fresh cucumber
1 onion,
1-2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped parsley
1 st. a spoonful of chopped green onions
1 garlic clove
1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of aromatic vinegar,
1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
salt, sugar to taste.

Peel the vegetables, wash and grate on a coarse grater, onion cut into strips and pour fragrant vinegar, knead with your hands and let it brew. Cut greens finely. Finely chop the garlic. Put all the vegetables, herbs, onions in a salad bowl, add salt, vegetable oil to taste and, if necessary, add a little sugar for taste.

Most healthy salad from celery
This plant is rich in vitamins, minerals, acids, proteins. Celery is able to slow down the aging process, have a beneficial effect on digestion, cleanse the body of toxins, soothe nervous system And it's also great for the skin. That's how many benefits from a delicious spicy plant, and salads with it are unusually tasty.

And celery goes well with cucumbers and various herbs. You can experiment with it as much as you like, add it to your dishes, believe me, it will not spoil the taste of salads at all, it will only make them even healthier and tastier. Try it!

150 g celery root,
2 small carrots
1 apple (preferably green, with sourness),
3 art. spoons of sour cream
1.5 st. spoons of lemon juice
salt to taste.

Peel the celery root. Grate the apple, carrot and celery root on a coarse grater. Mix everything well, add sour cream and lemon juice, salt to taste. Useful and delicious salad ready!

1 bunch of radishes
fresh dill,
ground black pepper,
vegetable oil,
quite a bit of vinegar
salt to taste.

Wash the radish thoroughly and cut in half, and then into the thinnest possible plates. Salt, pepper, remember a little with your hands so that she starts up the juice.
Put the radish in a large plate, crumble the dill on top. The salad should stand for 15-20 minutes to soak, and then - welcome to the table.

Cabbage is the dream of any person who watches their weight. It contains tartonic acid, which prevents the formation of fats from carbohydrates. Salads from early cabbage, so tasty and tender, simply must be on the table.

1 small head of early cabbage
1 carrot
celery (to taste)
1 cucumber (or Bell pepper),
2 cloves of garlic
olive or vegetable oil,

Rub the carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the greens. Celery is perfect for cabbage, it is very appropriate in coleslaw. Finely grated garlic will also be appropriate here. You can add cucumber or sweet pepper (to your taste). Season the salad with vegetable oil - preferably several types, for example, olive and fragrant sunflower. Very tasty to add a little good sesame or linseed oil and lemon juice.

Another version of the same salad: add chopped cucumbers, tomatoes and sweet peppers to chopped cabbage, and, of course, greens: parsley, dill, cilantro. Garlic can be added here too, but lemon in this combination is completely superfluous. Season also with a mixture of vegetable oils.

Continuing the theme, another early cabbage salad, the name of which speaks for itself.


¼ small early cabbage
1 bunch of lettuce leaves
1 fresh cucumber
1 apple
1 red bell pepper,
1 fresh tomato,
2 tbsp. spoons of crushed walnuts.
For refueling:
vegetable oil,
ground pepper,

Wash the vegetables and dry them with a kitchen towel. Cut the pepper in half, remove the stalk and seeds and cut the flesh into medium-sized strips. Cucumber and apple grate on a coarse grater. Chop the cabbage and lightly remember with your hands along with salt. Coarsely chop lettuce leaves. Cut the tomato into large slices. Put the prepared vegetables in a salad bowl and mix gently. For dressing, squeeze the juice from a slice of lemon, add mustard, vegetable oil, salt and ground pepper to taste and mix well. Pour dressing over salad, sprinkle with crushed walnuts.

The piquancy of the taste of this salad will be added to the dressing with garlic, mashed with basil greens.

300 g cabbage
1 st. prunes,
1 carrot
lemon juice,
2 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil.

Finely chop the cabbage and scald it with boiling water, then put it in a colander and let it drain. Put in a salad bowl, sprinkle with sugar and salt. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and add to the cabbage. Cut prunes into small pieces. Mix all the ingredients, add cumin, sprinkle with lemon juice, add sunflower oil. Divide the salad among plates and garnish with prunes. The taste is extraordinary.

Incredibly tasty and healthy salads made from green beans, which our housewives have recently grown with pleasure in large quantities in their gardens. Basically, it is preserved, but how delicious it is in salads, beyond words. Need to try!

Green bean salad

200 g green beans,
25 g of hard cheese,
1 teaspoon vegetable oil, lemon juice,
some greens (dill, parsley).

Peel the green beans, chop and boil until tender in boiling salted water. Cut 25 grams of hard cheese into thin slices, combine with boiled beans and season with a teaspoon of vegetable oil and lemon juice. Sprinkle greens on top.

Zucchini season is just around the corner. And after all, many of us, having enjoyed the first harvest, then, well, they simply don’t know what to do with this wonderful vegetable. The answer is simple - cook summer salads from it. Rest assured, even the pickiest gourmets will like them.


1 medium zucchini,
2-3 garlic cloves,
sunflower oil for frying
salt to taste.

Peel the zucchini and cut into small cubes. Fry in sunflower oil. Cool and add garlic, salt, season with mayonnaise and add parsley.

Replace zucchini with young eggplants in this recipe - and now you have a completely new dish in front of you, in no way inferior in taste to the previous one.

Delicious, easy and fast - that's the motto of our summer menu!

Young beets have appeared on your garden, which means that a tasty and healthy salad is already ready to appear on your table. Beets are one of the few vegetables that retain their beneficial features and after heat treatment. It goes very well with different products, so improvising, we can diversify our menu without much hassle.

200 g boiled and 100 g raw beets,
100 g green onions,
50 ml vegetable oil,
salt, sugar.

Grate peeled boiled beets on a coarse grater, and raw on a fine grater, mix with chopped green onions, add salt and sugar to taste, season with vegetable oil.

Beet salad with new potatoes

300 g beets,
200 g potatoes
50 g green onions,
50 ml vegetable oil,

Boil the beets, peel and cut into strips, add boiled young potatoes cut into strips and green onions chopped into rings. Mix everything, salt and pour vegetable oil.

Salad of young beets and tomatoes with apples and sweet peppers

200 g young beets,
30 ml lemon juice
50 ml vegetable oil,
200 g tomatoes,
100 g apples
50 g carrots
50 g sweet pepper,

Grate the beets on a coarse grater, pour over the lemon juice and part of the vegetable oil. Cut carrots and peppers into strips, apples and tomatoes into slices. Combine all ingredients and salt. Dress the salad with the remaining vegetable oil.

And at the end of the salad theme - a salad with young potatoes and radish. Its taste is as wonderful as the name.

4 boiled new potatoes,
2 small radishes
3 boiled carrots
2 boiled eggs
greens (dill, parsley),
250 g mayonnaise,

Grate potatoes, carrots and eggs separately on a coarse grater. Grate the radish on a fine grater and squeeze the juice. Spread the salad on a large plate in layers, soaking with mayonnaise and adding a little salt to each layer, in the following sequence: potatoes, radish, carrots, egg. Decorate your "Polyanka" with greenery.

Got an appetite? Then it's time to prepare a salad from the above recipes. Fresh vegetables and herbs plucked from the garden, fragrant with the aromas of summer, are already waiting for you? It's just great! Fill your body with vitamins, strengthen the immune system. Enjoy your appetite and good health with healthy products!

Larisa Shuftaykina


Know the recipes simple and quick salads very convenient and necessary, because salads
you need to eat as often as possible at any time of the year, and even more so in summer, we have more
more possibilities. Simple and quick salads These are vegetable and fruit salads.
They give us a fresh complexion, lightness in the stomach, relieve excess
weight. They have few calories. And the benefits are many.

What is the main thing, speaking about the benefits of salads, is a quick saturation with raw
plant foods, this means that we will eat much less other food,
in the body, the metabolic process is normalized and, therefore, there will be a decrease

That's why so popular fasting days and diets for weight loss on raw vegetables,
greens and from them. And today I will tell you about vegetable dietary salads.
that promote weight loss.

The assortment of vegetables and herbs on store shelves is very diverse. available to us
now vegetables and fruits from the usual, growing in any garden, to delicious and


  • Firstly, they must be of high quality: fresh, elastic, juicy.
  • Secondly, preference should be given to vegetables that are low in calories.

For example. celery root contains only 18 calories.
Low-calorie foods - all types of cabbage - white, cauliflower, broccoli,
kohlrabi, carrots, beets, head lettuce, watercress, bell peppers, cucumbers,
tomatoes, green peas, radishes, radishes, turnips, asparagus, artichokes, spinach, sorrel.

  • IN - third, do not forget to add dill, parsley, basil, any

other greens you like. As well as spices - in small doses. Variety in salads
will bring ginger, cinnamon, horseradish. Ginger stimulates digestion, raises the tone.
Cinnamon effectively lowers blood sugar levels, thereby preventing the formation of
fatty deposits. Fuck, this will probably surprise you, the content of vitamin C is equivalent to
blackcurrant berries.


mayonnaise is not the best option for dressing light salads. Replace it with sour cream, kefir.
Dairy products contain bifidobacteria that help digest
coarse fiber.

  • If you are making a salad with carrots or tomatoes, dress it with either

sour cream (of course, low fat content), or vegetable oil - sunflower
or olive.

  • Vegetable oil mixed with lemon or cranberry juice is the best dressing

EXACTLY for dietary salads made from fresh vegetables.

  • You can make a savory dressing from tomatoes, a piece of horseradish, a few cloves of garlic,

passed through a meat grinder and mixed with olive or sunflower oil.
It is good to water salads with this dressing, where there are components such as cabbage,
green cucumbers, bell peppers, celery.

There are many options for summer salads. Prepare salads according to your taste and imagination,
and you also need to take into account the state of your body.


Vitamin salad "Cleaner"


We will need:

  • 200 g white cabbage,
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 small raw beetroot
  • 1 - 2 green apples
  • 0.5 cups of kefir
  • green onions, parsley or dill to taste

Preparing the salad:
Shred the cabbage very thinly.
Grate the beets on a fine grater.
Grate carrots and apples on a medium or large grater, as you like.
Mix everything, add chopped onion, herbs and season with kefir.

If you do not plan to leave the house anywhere, then you can add to the salad
1-2 cloves minced garlic - optional Such a salad will not only replenish vitamins,
but also has an excellent cleansing effect.

Summer vitamin salad.


We will need:

  • 500 g young boiled potatoes
  • 1 bunch of radishes
  • 1 bunch green onions
  • 1 large carrot
  • 1 apple

For refueling:

  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoon of vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon mustard
  • 1 pinch of salt

Preparing the salad:
Finely chop potatoes, radishes and onions. Beat the dressing with a whisk or blender,
add grated apple and carrot to it.
Mix everything and let the salad soak.

Salad "Morning freshness"


We will need:

  • 2 - 3 white cabbage leaves
  • 0.5 carrots
  • 0.5 apples,
  • 0.5 sweet bell pepper
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Salad preparation.
Cut the cabbage into very small strips.
Peel and grate carrots.
Apple and pepper, seeds removed, diced and sprinkled with chopped
green onion.
Fill with vegetable oil.

Summer vegetable salad.


We will need:
1 large fork of green salad
from bell peppers
2 fresh cucumbers
1 onion
3 tablespoons of olive oil
juice of 0.5 lemon
1 clove of garlic
salt, pepper to taste

salad preparation
Wash vegetables and dry slightly. Cut the lettuce leaves, or even better, tear them with your hands.
Cucumbers, Bulgarian pepper cut into slices or strips. Onion thinly - in half rings.
Grate the salad bowl with garlic and put all the vegetables into it.
Dress the salad with oil mixed with lemon juice, salt and pepper.
Sprinkle with finely chopped parsley and stir.

Salad of red tomatoes with horseradish.


We will need:

  • 3 red tomatoes
  • 1 bunch of lettuce
  • 0.5 cups of kefir
  • 1 tablespoon grated horseradish
  • parsley, dill, cilantro to taste

P salad preparation.
Cut medium sized tomatoes crosswise into two halves and each half
into three parts and put on a dish on green lettuce leaves.
Mix kefir intensively with grated horseradish, add salt and pour over the tomatoes.
Sprinkle the salad with finely chopped herbs on top.

Cabbage and celery salad.


We will need:

  • 400 g white cabbage
  • 4 celery stalks
  • 3 fresh cucumbers
  • 1 bulb
  • lemon, salt, parsley to taste

Salad preparation.
Shred the cabbage very finely. When making cabbage salads, you can perfectly
replace white cabbage with Beijing, it is more tender and very suitable for salads.
Cut the celery stalks into strips. Cucumbers - in circles, and onions in half rings.

A little tip, when you add onions to a salad, chop it and pour it over
hot water and then rinse with cold, the onion bitterness will disappear and the salad will

Mix everything, season with lemon juice and olive oil, sprinkle finely
chopped greens.

carrot sa lat with oranges and cinnamon.


We will need:

  • 500 g carrots
  • 2 medium oranges
  • juice of 0.5 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon powdered sugar
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • ground cinnamon to taste

salad preparation
Chop or grate carrots.
Cut the orange into slices, cut them into pieces and mix with carrots.
Combine lemon juice with powdered sugar, cinnamon, butter and pour over salad.

Vegetable salad.


We will need:

  • 1 small beetroot
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 small potatoes
  • 2 pickled cucumbers
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • salt to taste

salad preparation
Boil beets, eggs, potatoes.
Grate cheese and beets. Eggs, potatoes, cucumbers - finely chopped.
Skip the garlic through the garlic press.
Combine everything, salt and season with mayonnaise.
If you make lard before leaving the house, it is better not to add garlic.

Cheese salad with tomatoes.


We will need:

  • 200 g cheese
  • 200 g tomato
  • 100 g sweet and green peppers
  • 100 g fresh cucumbers
  • 100 g celery or parsley
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 200 g sour cream
  • salt to taste

Salad preparation.
Finely crumble the cheese, cut the tomatoes and cucumbers into cubes, pepper into rings,
crush the garlic, finely chop the greens.
Mix everything and season with sour cream.
If you are making a salad before leaving the house, it is better not to add garlic.

Fresh cucumber salad with corn and cheese.

fresh cucumber salad with corn and cheese

We will need:
5 green lettuce leaves
0.5 cans of canned corn
1 sweet bell pepper
1 - 2 fresh cucumbers
50 g grated cheese
100 g small rye crackers
2 - 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil
salt, herbs to taste

salad preparation
Finely chop lettuce, cucumber, greens, pepper.
Grate the cheese. Add corn.
Mix everything, salt, season with vegetable oil.
Place croutons on top and sprinkle with cheese. This salad
can be seasoned with mayonnaise or sour cream.
