No one argues about the benefits of green onions, for healing properties whom he is loved by most people. The sharp rays of this vegetable have become an indispensable decoration of dishes. holiday table and a spicy food supplement.

Are green onions healthy? Yes, onion feathers are a bunch of vitamins in one bunch.

Useful properties of green onions

Green onions are rich in trace elements and nutrients that can support required level vital functions of the human body. Some experts assure that the feathers of this product contain more vitamins than the roots, which we eat much more often. This vegetable will help prevent the development of JVI, colds, flu, bronchitis and other diseases. respiratory tract, support the function of the immune system.

green onion

Green onions have a positive effect on the functions of the cardiovascular system, therefore it is recommended to eat it for people suffering from weakness of the heart muscle and anemia. It will help normalize blood pressure and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. It is also important to remember that green onions are rich in vitamin C and calcium, which helps to strengthen teeth and gum health.

Useful substances of green onions:

  • Vitamin A (beta-carotene);
  • B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid);
  • Vitamin PP;
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol);
  • Macronutrients (calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus);
  • Trace elements (molybdenum, iron, manganese, cobalt, copper, zinc).

The saturation of onions with zinc makes them very useful for women. By eating it, you exclude the possibility of problems with the functions of the reproductive system. With a lack of this mineral, nails weaken and hair grows dull.

For men, this mineral is also very important. It is he who helps to lead an active intimate life.

Green onions as a source nutrients and natural vitamins, must be in the diet of children. It is vital for the child's body, keeps it normal during the period of beriberi.

Is green onion good for pregnant women?

Green onions can strengthen the body in terms of fighting infections, which is especially important for women during pregnancy. That is why they are so encouraged to consume foods rich in vitamin C. Among the most popular and rich sources of ascorbic acid are rose hips, sea buckthorn, parsley and green onions.

Another important vitamin for pregnant women is vitamin A. It is important in the formation and development of the placenta and is beneficial for the skin, bones and mucous membranes of the baby. Future mother Vitamin A helps to take care of hair, nails, skin. A sufficient amount of this vitamin in the body will help to beneficially contribute to the healing of the lining of the uterus.

You should be extremely careful, because an excess of vitamin A leads to the risk of defects in the development of the kidneys, nervous system, heart, limbs, genital organs of the child. Beta-carotene is the safest form of vitamin A. It is found in yellow-red and green fruits, including watermelon, apricots, blackcurrants, peppers, spinach, nettles and green onions.

Any fresh greens, including onions, contain folic acid in large quantities. If you neglect their use during pregnancy, the baby may develop problems with the spine.

Green onions are contraindicated:

  1. People who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, stomach or duodenal ulcer).
  2. People who are hypersensitive to vegetables.

How much green onion can you eat per day

Are green onions healthy in unlimited quantities? Restrictions in the middle daily rate No. Mostly green onions are used as spices.

How to choose green onions

Choose brighter onion feathers, then it is more pungent, has a rich taste and is rich in nutrients.

Make sure that the tips of the green onion feathers are not dry.

It is important that the bulbs are dense and white.

How to cook green onions

The maximum benefit from eating green onions for the body can only be obtained when it is proper preparation. Green onions are added to okroshka and to any salads. When serving hot dishes, sprinkle them with herbs just before serving to preserve vitamin C.

Healthy green onion recipes

Green onions are an essential addition to any dish. However, it can also be used as the main ingredient in snacks and other dishes. For example, chopped green onions can be seasoned with sour cream or vegetable oil, add salt and serve to the barbecue.

We have prepared for you several ways to prepare green onions for future use so that a healthy vegetable is at hand all year round.

Freezing green onions

Boil the onion in water for 3-5 minutes, then let the water drain and pack it in bags or other containers. Keep refrigerated.

Salting onions

Thoroughly washed onions, dry well, arrange in sterile jars and sprinkle with salt. Store in a cool place.

Special need for vitamins human body feels in early spring. Those who eat green onions are not afraid of any beriberi.

The use of green onions in cosmetology

A green onion-based mask will help strengthen weakened hair.

After washing the onion, grind it in a blender to a paste-like consistency. Apply the resulting mixture on the head and cover it with a bag and a towel. Leave for an hour, then wash off warm water and wash your hair with shampoo.

Such a simple and well-known vegetable like green onions is grown by many people today in their beds, on balconies and wherever possible. But not every person is actually aware of the properties of this wonderful root crop.

Green onions are most often used in "summer" salads.

The health benefits and harms of green onions are known to far fewer people than one might imagine. From this article, you can learn about all the advantages and negative properties this root crop. What is green onion useful for, what are its disadvantages, why is it used, and so on. So, green onions - how is it useful and harmful to humans?

What is this plant

Few people know about it, but green onions are unripe onion leaves. Usually these feathers are used in culinary business to add a special smell and flavor to the dish.

Green onions contain just a huge storehouse of nutrients, it is endowed with antibacterial qualities and increases human immunity. It is known that initially Afghanistan is considered the birthplace of green onions.

Its inhabitants have long used this root crop to solve problems. In particular, the benefits of green onions were that they helped treat many diseases.


It is worth noting that the nutritional value this vegetable is quite small. There are about twenty calories per hundred grams of onion.

This means that it can be safely eaten with a diet that is aimed at losing weight or lowering cholesterol levels. As for the presence of useful macronutrients, then for the same 100 grams of onion there are approximately 1.3 g of proteins, 0.1 g of fat and 3.2 g of carbohydrates.


Raw feathers contain the following nutrients:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • proteins;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • pectin elements;
  • phytoncides;
  • phosphorus;
  • essential oil.

And many others.

Vitaminized substances

The feathers of this vegetable, as, indeed, any other vegetables that have not undergone heat treatment, contain a lot of various vitamins inside. And the most basic ones, as well as the impact they have, you can see below:

  • Vitamin A (or Retinol)- does not allow vision to deteriorate, improves the general condition of the skin, hair and nails.
  • Vitamin C (or Ascorbic Acid)- raises the level of immunity, prevents diseases of the heart and circulatory system.
  • Vitamin PP (or Nicotinic acid)- Provides energy to body cells biochemical processes, causes appetite.
  • Vitamin B1 (or Thiamine)- is responsible for maintaining the overall muscle tone, provides them with sucrose, air and many nutrients.

Useful qualities

If we talk about fresh green onion feathers from the point of view of medicine, and simply healthy eating, then this product is extremely important. As you could already understand from what was written above, all the benefits that this root crop stores in itself have a significant impact on the state of the body.

In particular, the main benefit of green onions is in the overall health of the body. With its help, it is much easier for a person to cope with the most various diseases, and even seasonal beriberi.

It is very useful to use it more often during a cold. Among other things, the leaves of this onion reduce cholesterol in the circulatory system, in addition make blood vessels stronger and help to significantly reduce the risk of possible problems with the development of heart and blood diseases.

Immunity improvement

This vegetable also contains phytoncides, unique nutrients of its kind - they are endowed with antibacterial qualities, increase the level of resistance to viruses and toxins, destroy a variety of harmful microbes in oral cavity, and in addition are able to provide a certain disinfection of other products.

But the main useful substance that is contained in onion feathers and best of all contributes to strengthening immunity is ascorbic acid. He is also known to all of us vitamin C. The level of this vitamin in 100 grams of vegetable almost completely corresponds to the amount that an adult needs per day.

Ensuring good condition bone tissue:

Important substances such as magnesium, calcium and phosphorus are found in abundance in onion feathers, and thus they help to ensure the proper condition of the human skeleton. Due to the fact that they are absorbed by the body almost completely. This plant is endowed with antiviral qualities that reduce the level of harmful microorganisms in the mouth.

Thus, green onions help prevent tooth decay and gum disease. And iron stimulates the production of hemoglobin. Further, the presence of nicotinic acid in this root helps to expand small capillaries, thereby improving the nutrition of bones and periosteum. That is why green onions are so important to include in the children's diet.

But it is worth remembering that this plant also has negative qualities. Therefore, it should be carefully eaten by people with diseases of the digestive tract.

Increasing metabolism and stabilizing the overall condition of the digestive system

The benefits and harms of green onions are easy to feel equally. But for now, let's talk about the pleasant. If you eat enough fresh feathers of green onions, beloved by many people, it is possible to provide excellent protection to the gastric mucosa. Create the so-called antibacterial armor.

As we have already mentioned, this amazing vegetable contains substances such as phytoncides. They are a real poison for the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. This bacterium harms the stomach, up to the severe stage of inflammation. If you eat green onions, you are guaranteed to save yourself from gastritis and ulcers.

Stabilization of the heart and blood vessels

Onion feathers are a low-calorie food, which contains really a lot of vitamins, iron and minerals. Therefore, it is this plant that is simply irreplaceable for a person suffering from diseases of the heart and circulatory system.

It is very useful to eat vegetable soups and salads with the addition of this vegetable, as they will be an excellent prophylactic against heart attacks and anemia. Among other things, this vegetable will strengthen blood vessels and increase the tone of veins and arteries, as well as significantly improve blood circulation.

Why green onions are essential for men?

The use of feathers and bulbs as basic components in regular nutrition helps the male body to produce a very important hormone - testosterone. With its help, muscles develop, and spermatogenesis is stabilized, which subsequently contributes to a healthy conception.

And the maintenance of potency is facilitated by such useful elements like potassium, calcium and selenium. But note that greens must be without heat treatment!

Why is onion so useful for women?

In the same fresh feathers, there is a lot of zinc, which in itself is simply indispensable for female reproductive functions. If a woman regularly consumes fresh green onions in her diet, it will help her restore the balance of hormones and stabilize the menstrual cycle.

Among other things, the countless nutrients contained in green onions help a woman to stop time at least for a while - it tidies up her hair and nails, and also helps the female body produce collagen, which helps prevent wrinkles.

And if we talk about pregnancy, then we must not forget that green onions are also rich in folic acid. And this element is one of the most important in the initial period of pregnancy. It helps the fetus to develop normally, prevents the development of congenital diseases.

For example, such as congenital heart disease. Ascorbic acid helps iron to be better absorbed, prevents the development of oxygen starvation of the baby in the womb.

Onion stalks contain sufficient amounts of magnesium, which is useful for biochemical processes, and additionally for nerves, the tone of the circulatory system. Calcium will strengthen the skeleton of the fetus, and in addition, it will support the condition of the bones of the expectant mother.

Green onions in phytocosmetology

You may be surprised, but this vegetable is actively used even in cosmetology! So, let's find out how green onions are useful in such an unexpected, it would seem, area.

Its juices contain an essential oil that speeds up the restoration of the skin, as well as improves the overall health of hair and nails, and increases their growth. You can see from your own experience that making an onion-based mask at home does not require much time and effort.

We also bring to your attention a version of a fairly well-known mask for improving hair growth and nourishing the roots: in a small bowl, you need to mix finely grated onion feathers, pour a little lemon juice and burdock oil. Spread the mixture on the hair roots, wrap with a towel and hold the mask for a maximum of 50 minutes.

On the net you can find a great variety of different masks for skin tone - they really slow down the aging process of the skin, which is what many women strive for.

Here is one of the options: grate or finely chop the onion, add milk and honey in equal parts. Spread the resulting mass on the face and hands for a maximum of half an hour, then rinse with warm water.

onion diet

This diet was created by some of the best nutritionists in the world. She has many virtues. For starters, onions need to be eaten boiled, which eliminates bad smell and bitter taste.

Speaking of the rest, those who experienced the onion diet had an almost complete absence of contraindications, weight decreased quickly, salts were removed from the body, the skin did not swell, and the body itself was saturated with vitamins, which improved its work.

In addition, this diet is quite cheap, thanks to the low price of onions. But don't get carried away. Uncontrolled eating of green onions - benefits and harms at the same time!

Cooking Onion Uses

This onion is very widely used in culinary business. Its specific aromatics help to stimulate the appetite and also improve digestion. Finely chopped green onions will not only perfectly decorate any of your dishes, but also add a unique flavor.

And there is nothing to say about how many of the most useful substances are in this wonderful root crop. It is able to restore your immunity and contribute to speedy recovery from colds and bacterial diseases.

Onions, and especially its feathers, are something that must become part of your diet without fail!

Storage rules

Not only in the case of green onions, but also with any fresh vegetables, it is very important to remember that all vitamins are stored in them only if all storage rules are followed.

To save everything beneficial features green onions, you need to finely chop its feathers, pour a small amount of vegetable oil and salt a little. In this form, feathers will retain all their benefits for up to five days of storage in the refrigerator.

If you want the onion to last longer, make the same mixture, but put it in the freezer.

Onion harm and contraindications for use

The health benefits and harms of green onions have long been reliably proven. You should limit the amount of onions in your diet if you suffer from such diseases:

  • liver problems;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • high pressure;
  • hypertension;
  • asthma;
  • any manifestation of allergic reactions.

Be sure to remember - no matter how useful, for all their benefits, green onions are, their uncontrolled eating will bring you much more difficulties than real benefits!

How appetizing these long, with drops of dew, juicy stalks.

Even in winter, they so vividly remind of the approaching spring, warmth and sun, that it is impossible not to treat yourself and your loved ones to another salad with vitamin powder from a green onion. About him and speech today.

versatile vegetable

It is difficult to imagine something more mundane and simple than a young green onion. He, along with greenhouse cucumbers, sorrel and lettuce opens first new season fresh vegetables and fruits.

Strong spring sprouts go in large quantities to soups and salads, dressings and sauces, serve as a separate decoration for dishes and become the basis of aesthetic compositions on gourmet plates.

In a word, onion is a universal vegetable, with many-sided possibilities and great potential in the form of benefits for the human body.

Onion sprouts are also called "evergreen" medicine. And there is nothing surprising in this. It can calmly give a large green mass, if you simply lower the bulb into a container of water and so all year round!

Onions are used everywhere and for a very long time. Libyans are the leaders in the amount of onions eaten per year - more than 30 kg per person!

Onion is undeservedly considered an ignoble vegetable, the reason for this is a specific smell. However, many "aristocrats" need to be reminded that a rare culinary delight does without this fragrant ingredient.

And even snobs, the British do not disdain onion snacks and salads, and therefore eat up to 10 kg of it per year for each person.

Due to the unpretentiousness of the plant and year-round availability, in the eyes of many inhabitants, green onions have somewhat lost their medicinal appeal, giving way to culinary demand.

However, it is never too late to change the situation and start using the onion as it deserves: for health, beauty, and appetite.

A bit of history

Today, no one can say with certainty exactly where the bow appeared and where it began its triumphant march around the world. Presumably in Asian territories.

It is known that the ancient Egyptians 5000 years ago and the Mesopotamians were also engaged in the cultivation of onions.

Onions, along with garlic and radish, were fed to slaves - the builders of the famous Egyptian pyramids, as eloquently evidenced by an ancient tablet with letters found on one of the tops of the Cheops pyramid.

The Americans learned about the onion thanks to the heroism and wanderlust of Christopher Columbus, it was he who brought the first planting material to Isabella and taught the local population the tricks of his agricultural technology. And very soon the bow conquered the entire mainland.

In Russia, the onion also immediately took root and took its place of honor on both boyar and peasant tables, it was especially good with fish and mushrooms.

In addition to vegetable varieties, there are more than 225 varieties of onions. It is known about a large number of decorative ones that bloom beautifully, have a characteristic smell, but do not form bulbs and have tough stems unsuitable for consumption.

Chemical composition

By wealth chemical composition with green onions, it is not easy for any plant to compete. It is so rich and saturated that it is difficult to list all the components.

Yes, probably not necessary, since the specific benefits of certain elements will be indicated below.
Onions are low-calorie - only up to 20 kilocalories per 100 grams of green mass. He contains:

  • pectins;
  • all B vitamins;
  • large quantities of ascorbic acid;
  • vitamins A, K, H, PP, E, choline, beta-carotene;
  • fiber, proteins, a small amount of fat;
  • carbohydrates and a lot of sugar (more than in apples and pears);
  • starch and ash substances;
  • various organic acids;
  • more than 15 minerals (molybdenum, sulfur, copper, zinc, selenium, potassium, etc.).

The highest concentration of nutrients is observed in dense white stems and 10 cm green part of the feather located above them. The top of the green onion is practically “empty” and is most often used in cosmetology.

Such a richness of the composition makes the onion not only extremely useful, but also remarkably tasty, spicy with a noticeable spiciness. But sulfur gives it an ambiguous aroma.

1. Regular use of green onions will prevent beriberi and its manifestations in the form of drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness, etc.

2. People who work in greenhouses where onions are grown never get GRVI and influenza, because onions are an ideal immunostimulant, have antimicrobial and antiviral properties.

3. Promotes the production of gastric juice, improves digestion and appetite.

4. A high content of potassium works to improve and prevent diseases of the heart muscle, strengthen blood vessels, and normalize blood pressure.

5. Onion cleanses the blood of cholesterol plaques, inhibits the development of atherosclerosis.

6. Green mass contains a lot of chlorophyll, which is necessary for hematopoiesis and is useful for anemia.

7. Phosphorus with calcium guards the health of gums, teeth and oral cavity.

8. Onions have an antiseptic effect on mucous membranes.

9. Useful in the treatment and prevention of prostatitis.

10. Zinc is responsible for the normal functioning of the organs of the reproductive system, improves the quality of sperm, stimulates the production of male and female hormones.

11. Improves the structure and condition of hair, skin, nails.

12. Removes excess fluid from the body, normalizes the functions of the genitourinary system.

13. Daily 1-3 feathers of green onions will relieve the stagnation of bile, contribute to its outflow and prevent the development of gallstone disease.

14. There are a lot of antioxidants in green onions, one of which is quercetin, which actively fights cancer.

15. Green onion gruel softens calluses and corns.

16. Onions are actively used in cosmetology.

17. Does not cause allergies and can be used in children's kitchen.

Usually, if a plant has such active healing properties as onions, it also has a large list of contraindications. In this case, the exception to the rule: green onions have no clear contraindications.

It should be used with caution only for people with exacerbated diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. To everyone else: moderation is the main advice.

A slice of rye bread, generously greased with vegetable oil, will help neutralize a possible unpleasant odor after eating onions.

By the way, onions will also be much more useful if you season them with vegetable oil. Be healthy.

Green onions: benefits and harms

This simple product can be found on every suburban area. But few people know about its immeasurable benefits for the body. It contains vitamins, trace elements, essential oils, which gives this vegetable a great biological value.

Green onions benefits and harms

The delicate green of the onion comes to us in early spring, as soon as the snow melts. He becomes the first carrier of fresh vitamins after winter. The benefits of green onions lie in their biochemical composition. The rich content of vitamins and microelements makes the vegetable indispensable for spring beriberi.

The product has a huge benefit and a beneficial effect on human health, namely:

  • increases appetite;
  • promotes the secretion of gastric juice;
  • normalizes the digestive function.

Green onions, the benefits of which are quite well studied, are the strongest antiseptic and help to destroy various bacteria in the body, thereby supporting immune system. Its important component is chlorophyll, which is simply indispensable in hematopoietic processes.

But it must be consumed in moderation, since it has a certain sharpness and can cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and stomach. People with diseases of the digestive system (stomach ulcers, gastritis) should avoid this product altogether.

The benefits of green onions for women

This vegetable must be present in the diet of every woman, as it contains zinc. The presence of such a component helps to maintain the normal functioning of the reproductive organs. This vegetable is useful during pregnancy, as it contains folic acid, the lack of which in the mother's body can lead to impaired fetal development and cause premature birth.

Onion benefits and harms

Onions are an integral part of our diet. It is used by cooks in almost all dishes. It is fried, stewed, marinated and eaten raw, and during heat treatment it does not lose its positive qualities.

Benefit onion is that it:

  • beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • helps with anemia.

This fragrant vegetable gives dishes a piquant taste and increases appetite, speeds up the digestion of food. He is an excellent healer, as he supports the body during colds, also cleanses the blood and is a prophylactic against a heart attack. Onion, the benefits of which are invaluable, is an excellent disinfectant, and the high content of vitamins and minerals makes it a valuable food product.

But with all their positive qualities There are also contraindications:

  • increased acidity of the stomach in combination with onions can irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive system;
  • Excessive consumption can cause an asthma attack, heart rhythm disturbance, or high blood pressure.

Red onion benefit and harm

Red onion is a type of onion, but with a purple color of the husk. It has the richest set of vitamins and minerals, and its regular use in food contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body.

An interesting fact is that the third part of the healing components is concentrated in the outer part of the fruit immediately under the skin.

Onions, the benefits and harms of which are justified by its composition, are valued for the following qualities:

  • the sulfuric substances that make up its composition contribute to the burning of fats and prevent weight gain;
  • red fruits are useful for elevated level cholesterol;
  • the product helps to strengthen the immune system, increases the body's resistance to infections, is a decongestant;
  • has a beneficial effect on the function of digestion and improves metabolic processes in the body.

Doctors recommend eating up to five bulbs a week. But before that, you need to know about the contraindications associated with the severity of this product: it is not recommended to use it for diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and dermatitis.

Onion health benefits and harms

The uniqueness of this vegetable is hard to overestimate, since it:

  • contains a whole list of vitamins;
  • supports the immune system;
  • promotes the hematopoietic process;
  • normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system.

This explains the indispensability in the human diet of such a product as green onions, the health benefits and harms of which should be known to everyone.

But we should not forget about its sharpness. The use must be treated with caution, as overeating can cause severe heartburn, exacerbation of gastritis and gastrointestinal ulcers.


Green onions, onions or red - are equally useful for women, men and children. The rich composition makes it the strongest protective agent against infections. Use the product wisely, and it will never harm the body, and in winter it will become an ideal tool for prevention and protection against viral bacteria.

Young onion feathers - vitamin greens, which will help to cope with beriberi, improve digestion, strengthen the body. By adding feathers to salads, sauces, first and second courses, you can enrich the diet with a whole range of essential substances. The composition of the vegetable contains vitamins and minerals that support the functioning of the digestive organs, the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and the musculoskeletal system. The powerful antioxidant found in onions helps to cope with cancerous tumors.

Despite useful qualities, onions can be harmful. It is not recommended to use it in large quantities for people suffering from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas. During the period of exacerbation of these diseases, a strict diet is prescribed, from which everything that irritates the mucous membrane (including onions) is excluded.

The benefits and harms of green onions

A feather can be obtained from different varieties of onions: onions, shallots, leeks. Batun is grown for the sake of greenery; it does not form a large bulb. Fragrant arrows are consumed raw as an addition to the first courses, they are added when cooking and stewing meat and vegetables, and spring salads acquire a unique taste thanks to spicy onion greens.

The benefits of green onions are not only in excellent taste. Due to its composition, it has medicinal properties and is recommended for many diseases: anemia, decreased immunity, deterioration of appetite and digestion. Onions are also used to increase the body's resistance to colds. The feathers contain amino acids, micro- and macroelements (phosphorus, zinc, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, iron, sodium, selenium), vitamins C, PP, E, group B. Such a balanced composition makes greens effective tool help with health problems.

What is useful for the body

Traditional and traditional medicine use the beneficial properties of green onions, including it in therapeutic diets for various disorders in the body. The following substances have a positive effect on the human condition:

  1. 1. Phosphorus - regulates metabolism, takes part in the formation of bone tissue, teeth, promotes the absorption of amino acids, protein and fats, and has a beneficial effect on the state of the brain. Lack of phosphorus leads to brittle bones, memory loss, irritability, migraines.
  2. 2. Zinc - increases the body's defenses, promotes wound healing, restores hormonal levels. Able to maintain the health of men (formation of male sex hormones, protection of the prostate), necessary for women during pregnancy. Zinc deficiency causes a decrease in vision, taste perception, appetite, dermatological problems arise, the condition of the skin, hair, nails, and teeth worsens.
  3. 3. Potassium - is necessary for the full functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. A low level of potassium in the blood provokes cramps and muscle pain, palpitations, and constipation.
  4. 4. Sulfur - improves the supply of brain cells with oxygen, is useful for the liver, muscle and bone tissue, strengthens the musculoskeletal system, relieves inflammation. A lack of sulfur is indicated by pale skin with a gray tint, joint pain, liver problems (dull pain in the right hypochondrium, bitterness in the mouth, heartburn).
  5. 5. Magnesium - increases the synthesis of enzymes, vascular tone, regulates arterial pressure, used to prevent pain in muscles and joints, strengthens nervous system. With magnesium deficiency, cramps in the calf muscles, irritability, and increased susceptibility to stress can occur.
  6. 6. Iron - necessary for the formation of red blood cells involved in the delivery of oxygen to the brain. A low hemoglobin level is indicated by pale skin, fatigue, general weakness, fainting.
  7. 7. Sodium - needed to maintain the water-salt balance of cells, normalize renal and nervous functions. Has a vasodilating property. Sodium deficiency is evidenced by severe thirst, quenched only with salted water, dry skin, loss of appetite, nausea with vomiting, apathy, tachycardia, lowering blood pressure.
  8. 8. Selenium - strengthens the immune system, has anti-inflammatory properties, promotes the activation of thyroid hormones, a strong antitumor agent. Insufficient levels of selenium in the body increase the risk of coronary heart disease, asthma, thyroid disease, metabolic disorders, and obesity.

In large quantities, onions contain beta-carotene, which is involved in strengthening the cell membrane, normalizing cellular metabolic processes, increasing immunity, accelerating the recovery of damaged tissues.

vitamins in green onions

The unripe feather of the bulb is saturated with vitamins that support the human body and help it cope with bacterial and viral infections. It contains vitamins A, E, PP, B1, B2, B3, B9, B12. In terms of vitamin C content, onion greens are several times superior to a mature vegetable. The lack of vitamins in the daily diet leads to poor health, increased susceptibility to diseases, and lowers the immune status. Green onions are a good alternative to pharmacy vitamin complexes. It is able to provide a whole range of useful substances, especially in winter time when the deficiency of vitamins is felt especially acutely:

  1. 1. E (tocopherol) - a strong antioxidant, improves cellular metabolism, increases oxygen uptake, increases vascular tone and capillary formation, improves reproductive function. Lack of vitamin E causes a decrease in visual acuity, malfunctions menstrual cycle in women, muscular dystrophy, capillary fragility.
  2. 2. A (retinol) - indispensable for the formation of new cells, teeth, bones, protein synthesis; slows down aging, supports the body's immune status. The deficiency is manifested by deterioration of vision (especially in the dark), an increase in viral diseases, dry skin, poor sleep, exhaustion, and intestinal infections. Vitamin A deficiency negatively affects the functioning of all organs and systems of the body.
  3. 3. C (ascorbic acid) - the main remedy in the treatment of colds, flu, SARS. Participates in the synthesis of hormones and collagen, accelerates the removal of toxins, and has antitumor properties. Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency - bleeding gums, frequent respiratory diseases, weakness, impaired attention and memory, hair loss, irritability, depression.
  4. 4. PP (nicotinic acid) - regulates the activity of the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive systems, reduces the risk of blood clots, lowers cholesterol, removes toxins, stimulates the production of serotonin (happiness hormone). Swollen gums, bad smell and taste in the mouth, heartburn, nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite testify to a deficiency of nicotinic acid.
  5. 5. B1 (thiamine) - is responsible for the health of cells and the immune system.
  6. 6. B2 (riboflavin) - the condition of the skin, hair, nails, teeth depends on the amount of vitamin in the body.
  7. 7. B3 (niacin) - increases the level of "good" cholesterol in the blood, reduces the risk of heart disease.
  8. 8. B9 (folic acid) - acts as an antidepressant, improves memory, positively affects the development of the fetus.
  9. 9. B12 (cobalamin) - acts in conjunction with other vitamins of the group, improving their work.

Deficiency of B vitamins negatively affects overall well-being, especially in people prone to depression and nervous disorders. With a lack of it in the body, mouth ulcers, anemia, weakness in the muscles, a rash on the skin appear, memory and concentration deteriorate.
