The Aquarius autumn horoscope predicts an unexpected win in the lottery or the return of debts on a large scale.

Aquarius in September will always travel somewhere. You will have a lot of acquaintances that will develop into friendships. If Aquarius does not conflict with people for any reason, then September will live comfortably and carefree. Sharp corners you have to smooth out in relations with relatives. But from a financial point of view, September is a profitable time. Many plans are implemented right on time. Try to hide your weaknesses of character from competitors, otherwise they will quickly find ways to harm you. If Aquarius is unhappy with his figure, then you need to go on a diet and buy a subscription to the gym.

October for Aquarius it will be an easy month in all endeavors. Treat with humor those problems that are completely solvable. Do not be nervous and worried because of small failures. Do not look for support on the side, especially since your personal life is frankly pleasing. Aquarius will have to solve business issues on their own, relying on experience and fresh information. October is perfect for hitting the gym.

In November Aquarius will want recognition and rewards for the work done. There will be a lot of work, and urgent even more. The November horoscope recommends that Aquarius sit down at the negotiating table with those whom he wants to attract to the business team. In November, you need to fix the shortcomings and errors in the documents. There will be a chance to move to live and work abroad, so think carefully. Health in Aquarius will be strong, but the state of mind is unimportant. Eat chocolate, take a bath, and smile more often.


The autumn horoscope for Pisces promises success in professional affairs and financial profit. You don’t even have to follow the austerity regime, but you can go shopping and buy everything you want. Fall 2017 is perfect for Pisces who dream of starting a family.

Pisces in September you will want to dream, mess around and give instructions. To tone up, you need to take on what you do better than others. If this is creativity, then prove yourself in this area. The horoscope for September Pisces recommends doing a personal business. Moreover, the accumulated funds and your rich experience are quite conducive to this. Amateur performance in personal life can only harm Pisces. In September, Pisces needs to avoid overexertion - nervous and physical. Immunity will decrease, add apples, nuts and pomegranates to your food.

In October Pisces will gather their thoughts for so long that many things will actually be missed. The future depends on you - remember this. The main thing for Pisces is to tune in to victory and financial well-being. Active work will affect the increase in income, do not refuse promising offers. The October horoscope for Pisces promises reliable partners whom they will meet on a business trip. In your personal life, you have to go through parting, so be patient and do not panic. In October, accidents are possible, so be careful on the road. In order not to provoke illness this autumn, Pisces should not test the body for strength. WITH bad habits in October, start a ruthless struggle.

November for Pisces will be a responsible and productive month. If you actively break into work, then complete all the things that you planned. Finances should be spent only on what is necessary and urgent. The horoscope for autumn Pisces advises to postpone the next vacation and long-distance travel for a couple of months. In November, close relatives need you as moral support. On the road, Pisces needs to be extremely careful - injuries are possible. This autumn, chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines can remind of themselves. Take care of proper nutrition not to end up in the hospital.

The life of Aquarius in September 2017 will be quite eventful. You should be a little more circumspect and careful, because the person who volunteers to help will not do it out of good intentions. Although, in principle, it will be a mutually beneficial proposal. He helps you deal with most of your affairs, and in return receives his reward, which will not depend on you at all. This man has his own thoughts on this matter. The main thing is not to dig too far, so as not to dig up something unpleasant. Look at everything objectively and superficially. This approach will help you quickly cope with all matters, put everything in its place and win some free time that can be spent in a more pleasant way.

You have long had a cherished dream, the realization of which all the time something prevents. It is in the first decade of September 2017 that you will suddenly receive a wonderful offer that you simply cannot refuse. You should think it over carefully, weigh and calculate everything in advance, so that at the most crucial moment you will be fully equipped and adequately respond to this surprise. The offer will be related to your dream. If you do not prepare in advance, you may be confused by surprise and refuse to accept it, and this is not included in your plans. Be collected and focused. Don't be afraid to take risks and change your life for the better. Many of the representatives of your zodiac sign have been stuck for some time and do not move on. And life passes by. Pull yourself together and take a step towards your destiny, your happy destiny. And Lady Luck will make sure to spread straws in case something goes wrong. Don't be afraid of your future. You are comfortable now, and you feel confident, although the current life does not completely suit you. Be bolder and more determined. Already around the first turn, good prospects and opportunities await you, and if you manage to use them correctly, you will eventually find your happy and prosperous future. Aquarius at the beginning of the month will have a lot of energy that needs to be put somewhere. It is better if it will be some kind of sport or do some renovation of the apartment, change the furniture. But do not hold back your own emotions when they are about to overflow. Take up something extreme, rock climbing or go-karting. A portion of adrenaline is provided to you.

In the second decade of September 2017, Aquarius will have enough work, but they will not be in a hurry to take it on. This is because they are waiting for some bright event that will radically change the plan of action. The location of Saturn will favorably affect the professional side of the life of Aquarius. Just avoid shifting your responsibility onto someone else's shoulders. They can not stand it, but they will answer you. You have a lot of brilliant ideas, you talk beautifully, but have not done anything yet to implement them. This period of the month is a great and good time to take a step towards your dream, financial freedom, to feel confident in the future, not denying yourself anything and not saving on the most important. Listen to what your colleagues say, collect information. Aware means armed. The information may be useful to you. Be more tolerant of the orders and instructions of the authorities, you are being tested for strength. In a few weeks, you will receive a raise or an increase in wages. Everything is always rewarded. Therefore, do not feel sorry for yourself and work hard, you will be rewarded. The more effort you put in, the better results you can expect. Everything is fair. Now you have a great opportunity to make a breakthrough towards a brighter future. After all, you have been thinking about every little thing, every detail for so long, planning and calculating so clearly that it remains only to bring everything to life and wait for the results.

In the third decade of September 2017, the location of Mars suggests that you, Aquarius, will be prone to the manifestation of uncontrollable feelings and emotions. In order for everything to work out in the best way in your personal life, try to listen and reckon with the opinion of your soulmate and learn to control yourself. Moreover, you have no reason for jealousy and cannot be. Next to you is a faithful and devoted person who will be with you to the last and will never betray you. Harmony and well-being in relationships depend entirely on you. So grab a pen and write your script. But the single representatives of your zodiac sign should not rush to tie serious relationship, even if someone is in mind. Hold up. Time itself will put everything in its place. Aquarians should save their strength and try to devote every free minute to their relatives and friends. Meet up with friends at least twice a month, go to concerts and go out of town.

“Listen to the advice of astrologers, and your day will pass easily and productively!”

Aquarius did a good job last year and earned the respect of the hostess of 2017 - she is absolutely delighted. You will have to say goodbye to the Fire Monkey, because on January 28, 2017, the Red Fire Rooster will appear to replace it and life will go according to its rules.

Aquarius has nothing to worry about - the Rooster is a conservative bird, but if he already thinks of some changes, then they will all be pleasant.

In February 2017, the wards of Uranus will have a chance to change their profession - do not miss it. You will receive interesting and profitable offers, some of them will be from old friends - why not take advantage of the pull!

Friends, along with Cockerel, will help you figure out the intricacies of a new business, and you just have to dress up for solidity.

Personal life will also turn out well - family air signs will bathe in the love and adoration of their relatives, and single Aquarius will get acquainted with Cupid.

In the spring, Aquarius will be the most optimistic of all the signs. Even if it is not clear what is on the street, and weather forecasters will hide from the weather in their huts; the boss will walk around with a disgruntled face, and colleagues will close their offices - you will still have fun.

No wonder, because from now on you are the favorites of fortune and the Rooster, who do everything to make you feel happy.

Aquarius will not have material problems - where can they come from, even if bank employees themselves come to your house with papers to sign, if only you were their client.

Do not forget about lottery tickets - since luck has become your constant companion, you need to use all the opportunities to enrich yourself.

In May, Aquarians can choose for themselves the most luxurious resort of all that exists in the world - what are the Seychelles, or some kind of Brazil!

You can even go to Fiji - the locals of the archipelago have prepared an unforgettable meeting for you.

Luck will not leave Aquarius in the summer either - the Rooster will go to its fullest, he really likes your love of life, and he will try to make sure that the smile does not leave your face.

In August, Aquarius will want to try themselves in creative activity— a piggy bank of surprises of the Fire Rooster at your service.

The owner of 2017 has already bought watercolors and prepared pens and ink - write poems, paint landscapes, in general, do whatever you like, you will become famous anyway.

You can try yourself as a sculptor - the Rooster will be happy to pose.

In the fall of 2017, it is advisable for Aquarius to direct efforts to improve living conditions- Hurry to construction stores.

There is enough money, enough for a team of repairmen, but let them do only the rough work.

And leave all sorts of design delights and fantasies for yourself - you will perfectly cope with the task.

The business of Aquarius will begin to develop rapidly, and already in November it will be difficult for you to cope with all sorts of little things alone - it's time to expand the staff.

Of course, it’s not bad to be a director, an accountant and a technician in one person, but you must admit that this is not very solid.

You will not go broke even if you pay your bodyguard twice as much as promised in the contract - but you will get a bodyguard in addition.

In December, the Rooster will offer to relax - do not upset the bird, have a good time with the owner of the year.

All the expensive restaurants are already reworking their menus to include millet for the fussy Rooster in every dish, so look for a more reliable deputy and rush towards the entertainment.

Just don't miss New Year, be sure to see the Red Fire Rooster and do not forget to thank him.

advice for the year for the zodiac sign Aquarius

“During the year, representatives of the Aquarius sign will work hard, which will lead to stress on the body, a health horoscope will help prevent serious illnesses”

Autumn is a transitional period not only for nature, a person at this time also tries to transform and make changes in his life. According to the horoscope for September 2017, a difficult stage is coming for Aquarius, when they will need all their courage, determination and ability to act quickly in any situation.

Aquarius September 2017 may seem overly saturated, as events will change rapidly, and this will happen without any sequence - in a chaotic manner.

During this period, many representatives of this sign will have to leave the house and go on a trip. The trip, most likely, will be connected with the business sphere, therefore it will require a sober head and logical thinking from Aquarius. Of course, Aquarians are fully endowed with these qualities, but sometimes they are too lazy to "turn on" their heads and let the situation take its course. This time, such behavior is excluded, since the authorities will carefully monitor the development of events and if something goes wrong, then Aquarius will have to be responsible for the mistake.

Aquarius businessmen in September 2017 can count on large investments that partners want to invest in the development of their business. However, in order to achieve a positive result, Aquarians will have to work hard and provide investors with a brilliant plan that would interest them.

Aquarius employees at the beginning of autumn are advised by interpreters to be a little more modest and try not to stand out too much among colleagues. So far, bold initiatives are useless, but in about a month the situation will change dramatically and then they will have complete carte blanche.

The horoscope for September 2017 for Aquarius-man predicts major financial troubles that will occur if he participates in gambling. During this period, it would be better for the strong half of this zodiac sign to devote themselves to a more relaxing holiday. The risk in September is best left to others.

According to the horoscope for September 2017, the Aquarius woman will shine during this period, charming everyone with her beauty and tenderness. She will easily find admirers for herself and just as easily part with them. However, society may not like such behavior, as a result of which the lady's reputation may be damaged.

For family Aquarius, in the first place, as always, is home and children. In September, they will fully devote themselves to economic affairs and care for the younger generation. Perhaps the acquisition of a new home or cottage, which will be a special occasion for joy.

For Aquarians in love, September is the time when they dot the i's. Most of them, realizing the futility of a separate residence, decide to legitimize relations with their soulmate. Astrologers say that this period is most suitable for marriage, so couples who joined their destinies in September 2017 will live happily ever after.

Little Aquarius at first autumn month will be very painful to perceive any criticism in their address. Therefore, astrologers do not advise their parents to go too far. Adults should remember that you can educate not only with a whip, sometimes you need to use a gingerbread for the same purpose.

Despite the fact that the energy potential of Aquarius in September is not too high, no serious health problems are expected. The gastrointestinal tract is the only thing that should be given special attention. Astrologers advise Aquarius to reconsider their diet and consume as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible.

Summing up, a few words should be said about the financial situation of Aquarius. In September 2017, they are not recommended to overspend, expenses must be scheduled in advance and agreed with other family members. This behavior will help to correctly allocate the budget and purchase only the things you really need.

As you know, Aquarius is an air sign, and its patrons are the planets Uranus and Saturn. But what awaits the representatives of this sign in the year of the Black Water Snake? Despite the fact that the snake keeps in post...
