Prepare for your first date according to all the rules! You definitely need to think about what you will say to the guy. We offer enough interesting topics and a list of specific questions that will help you get to know the person and tell about yourself. You will also find taboo topics that should absolutely not be raised. They can ruin their opinion of you. Choose the options that suit you and increase your chances of getting a second date!

Choose universal, positive phrases to make talking easy and comfortable:

  • Hello, how great it is that we met on such a sunny (rainy) day!
  • Thank you for inviting me to the cinema! I love comedies (horror, crime).
  • I hope our meeting will be as interesting as our acquaintance.
  • Finally we have met and can get to know each other better.
  • I hope you have a good time with me.

Don’t rush to bombard the guy with questions; first of all, greet him and wait until he is the first to become interested in you.

The best topics to talk about on a date

Here is a list of suitable conversation topics:

  • Movie. Almost everyone watches films. Discuss new releases, sensational and classic films from the past.
  • Sports and hobbies. Unobtrusively find out what the young man is interested in (fishing, hunting, cooking, theater, billiards or wood burning). You can compliment him that he has many interesting hobbies.
  • Job. Ask about his occupation, what field the man works in, but not about his position and income level. You can ask questions about his attitude towards the fact that the girl is doing business.
  • Family. Find out about his brothers or sisters, parents. Enter into a dialogue by talking about your family. Perhaps you are both the eldest children in the family, or have brothers.
  • Animals. How he treats animals, whether he has a pet, who it is, breed, age.

Try to talk about nothing (the weather, food in a restaurant, if the date is in it, tell funny stories from your life). This will help you get closer and avoid discomfort.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We recommend watching free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women." You'll get step by step plan 12 steps on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for many years.

The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

Concrete questions

When trying to ask specific questions, find out what interests you specifically.

  • Where did you go on vacation last summer?
  • How did you spend this weekend?
  • What book are you reading now?
  • What cuisine do you prefer?
  • Do you like to travel?
  • Why this course (direction, profession)?
  • Favorite place in our city?
  • Do you like winter, winter holidays, skiing?
  • What kind of pets do you have?
  • Do you go to concerts or nightclubs? What kind of music do you listen to?
  • How do you feel about walking?
  • Have you ever forgotten things (wallet)?
  • What flowers do you give your mom for her birthday?
  • The brightest New Year from childhood?
  • Do you watch cartoons? Which animated character do you like?
  • Favorite color?
  • Do you prefer to call or write a letter at e-mail(SMS)?
  • Have you ever performed in front of a large audience? What does it feel like?
  • Why did I attract you?

What you can't talk about with a man

Taboo topics that should not be discussed when communicating with a guy:

  • Neither on the first nor on subsequent dates should you talk about health or financial problems.
  • Under no circumstances should you ask or talk about past relationships. Even if he is very interested, such additional burden makes it difficult to develop a new relationship.
  • Do not interrupt or criticize him, stick to a neutral-positive line in your statements.
  • Don't turn your date into a one-man show. Dialogue is the only thing correct option conversations.
  • The topic of loneliness should also not be discussed on the first date, especially with a subsequent comment in the style of “It’s good that you invited me on a date, otherwise I haven’t dated anyone for six months and I’m starting to feel sad from loneliness.” Don't be surprised if you don't get invited to a second date.

If anything, there is an article on the site about. She will help you prepare properly, tell you how to captivate your interlocutor, and what mistakes should be avoided.

Don’t know where to go for your first meeting, what to wear, or how to overcome fear? Take advantage of our tips on how to...

To avoid missing your chance, find out why in advance. Here we answered the questions: how long to wait for a call, what can prevent a guy from making one, what is the best thing for a girl to do in this case.

No matter what smart things you say, you need a separate article on the site to help you decide on an outfit. It gives advice on choosing clothing depending on the weather and the location where the meeting will take place.

If after the first walk the guy disappears and shows no desire to meet again, feel free to invite him on a second date. , we understood other material. Suitable phrases and methods are collected here.

A famous video blogger offers his topics for conversation in this video:

If you are confident in your charisma and sociability, it is better not to use templates at all and improvise.

Are you nervous before your first date? Don't drift! Almost all the girls went through this and nothing happened. Memories, however, are different: for some it was a romantic evening, others remember the first rendezvous with laughter, and others had an embarrassment with a guy.

So, let’s prepare you for all the unexpected, if you still don’t have enough experience in this. Let's think about what to wear, where to go and what might shock.

In general, there is no disaster: a date is just a meeting at which you get to know a man better. Well, show him yourself.

Dating on the Internet is modern. Here it is: you haven’t seen the person in person, haven’t touched him, and you haven’t even talked on the phone, and you’re already almost in love. Just by correspondence. His interests, humor, and views on life are close to you.

But the first date is still an obligatory process. Like an exam at school: based on the results of communication, you can draw appropriate conclusions and give your assessment to the person. In any case, be prepared for some surprises.

    A man may not like you externally. Photos from social networks could be of good quality, after Photoshop and a long time ago. Therefore, the “jock” may turn out to be swollen or excessively thin, and his facial expressions may irritate you.

    He may be shorter than you. For many girls this is a complete disappointment. Have you seen the movie “Love Is Out of Size”? Well, this is shock and amazement. Isn't it better to discuss such things in advance?

    It may have some other flaws. He just didn't tell you about them. For example, severe stuttering, uneven gait, too loud a voice. You might not have expected this, but this is what the person has. This is normal, but not everyone can accept flaws.

My big request to you is to be tactful in any case and see out the date with this man to the end. There is no need to offend him, even if things don’t work out for you in the future. You were in love with his moral character, so you shouldn’t lose at least such an interesting and understanding friend.

In general, it’s up to you to decide whether to go on a “blind” date with a man who you know only through correspondence, or not. And here, for a hint, is an article on this topic: . In it you will learn what to expect from a new acquaintance.

Still from the film “Love is out of size”

arrow_left Still from the film “Love is out of size”

The method, of course, is old-fashioned, but it has its place. If you are incredibly shy about people, new acquaintances and all men combined, but you dream of love, then your girlfriends “connect”. Like, let’s introduce you to a good single man, you’ll get married.

How does this usually happen? A friend grabs her husband, this bachelor, and the three of them come to visit you “as if by chance.” And then this couple disappears under the pretext of being busy, and you are left alone with the guy.

But he is a “pig in a poke.” Of course, if he is as magnificent as he was painted, then that’s great. What if he doesn’t, and you notice joint after joint behind him?

    Appearance is immediately “no” - it’s not yours. Well, that’s understandable, handsome guys are picked right away, that’s forgivable for him. Although he could have dressed more modernly. But the most important thing in a person is the soul.

    He begins to behave a little inappropriately. Sometimes his humor is flat, sometimes he’s just talking nonsense, sometimes he’s silent—you can’t get a word out. Maybe he’s just shy, so he’s “sweeping a blizzard,” scolding himself in his mind for his stupidity.

Don’t jump to hasty conclusions right away—take a closer look at the guy. Your friends probably weren’t making fun of you and don’t wish you harm. Or maybe you overestimated yourself, hiding from people? Maybe you too are so-so, mediocre with mistakes. That's why you were introduced to a man worthy of you.

In general, if you are so shy, read the article, maybe then you won’t have to sit through such stressful dates.

If the guy is completely familiar to you

You have no doubts about your chosen one: you know him almost completely - how he speaks, how he looks, how tall and smart he is. You have already managed to like him, and you are excitedly awaiting your first date with him, scheduled in the near future. What should you do?

Selecting a location

A first date naturally implies the opportunity to get to know each other better. One-on-one conversation without the participation of third parties. And yet, the rules of decency and one’s own safety dictate their own conditions: the meeting should be, although without witnesses, but still in public.

Therefore, here is some advice for you on where you can spend your time:

    Restaurant or cafe. Well, it will work out within your means. But, of course, it shouldn’t be a fast food joint—it’s hectic, nervous, and has no intimate atmosphere. It's not even about money.

    Skating rink, carousel, bowling alley. But rides and other entertainment centers are suitable as a “second course” when you have already calmly communicated with each other in advance and want to exercise.

    Recreation park. Also a great option where peace reigns. There are also a number of cafes where you can have a snack, and there are also attractions. If you want, you can walk along the alleys, sitting on benches; if you want, you can go for a ride.

Cinema and theater are not very suitable for dates. They go there to be silent, listen and watch the spectacle. Then you won’t really learn anything about each other, unless in a hurry, during the farewell.

Also, a girl should not come to visit a guy or some rented apartment on her first date. If you really want to have sex with a man that same evening, then let it be at least after cultural events or a walk.

What clothes to choose

Of course, corresponding to the chosen location. But even before dressing up, in order to please a man, you must prepare properly. Manicure, hairstyle, perfume scent - so that everything is in harmony.

Well, as for clothes, here are some tips for you:

    You don't need any luxury in a cafe, but you still shouldn't look like a gray mouse. Stylish and tasteful - like many girls your age. Take a closer look at them and draw conclusions.

    For the street you should be dressed according to the season. You don’t have to sweat in a chic fur coat if it’s plus outside, and you don’t have to shiver in a thin coat when it’s minus, just because it’s beautiful.

    Dress appropriately for your age. It’s not appropriate for an older woman to wear the clothes of a teenage girl, and for a young girl to look like a grandma saying goodbye to her youth. The contrast between your clothes and your age will be immediately noticeable.

What to take with you

A woman's handbag is a mysterious thing. It seems tiny on the outside, but on the inside the drill could be lost among the cosmetics. Therefore, you need to think about collecting it so that everything is to the point and compact.

    Cosmetics. Lipstick, powder compact, mascara. Everything is just to touch up your makeup, not to re-apply your makeup.

    Hygiene products. Wet wipes and a couple of panty liners. You should be fresh not only externally, but also intimately.

    Perfume. The smell of a woman means a lot to a man. Both her natural and harmoniously selected perfumes. Take a small “sample” with you.

It is very important that you have a card with a sufficient amount of money. The first time you don't know what to expect from a man. And this happens:

  1. He is a swindler and a subtle psychologist. He charmed you, drank, ate in a restaurant, went to the toilet and disappeared completely. And you are at the table. You don't want to spend the night in the police station.
  2. He experienced force majeure. Well, it happens that the card is blocked or money was stolen from your pocket. You'll have to lend it to him, there's nothing you can do.
  3. He lives by European standards. Everyone pays for their own: both men and women. And the girl takes a taxi home at her own expense.

All this is disgusting, of course, and does not fit with our concepts of romance. But armed means protected. In your case, the shield is a card.

Be on the same page with him. Remember the main thing: not only are you at his “bride”, but he is also at yours. Therefore, if you go out of your way, shaking with excitement, then he may imagine himself to be a king and will “move the crown” in front of you.

But first things first:

    He gave flowers. Don’t break down on the first date: “I don’t like roses, the smell of lilies is too cloying, but pink color for fools! He couldn't know about your passions if you didn't tell him about it.

    Let him look after you. Help you take off your coat, offer your hand, move a chair and walk you home. This is a normal ritual during a date. You will be pleased for his gallantry, and he will feel like a gentleman.

    Be yourself. Don't need this affectation, boasting and other feminine nonsense. A smart man will be able to see the falsehood from the first minutes. If you behave unnaturally, then don’t be offended if he runs away. And it’s good if he still pays.

    Don't be shy about your habits. If you have serious intentions for a man, then let him know about them. If you smoke, what can you do? Let him give you a lighter. If you like to drink, well, maybe a couple of glasses for a little dizziness, but not to the point of disgust, please.

    Keep him talking. If you are interested in knowing everything about him, then listen. The conversation seems boring - change the topic, and don’t openly yawn. Don’t talk about yourself incessantly and don’t interrupt. In general, read it so you know how to have a conversation.

One question remains - what should you give a man on a date? After all, it’s somehow not customary for a girl to come with a gift so easily if there is no holiday. In principle, this is so - your attention to him, a return kiss and words of gratitude for a wonderful evening are enough.

Is sex on the first date normal?

Some women think this way: “If I charm a man on the first date, and immediately give him another “control shot” of sex, then he will be mine forever!” The other half of the ladies think that this is terrible - the guy will immediately consider her a slut.

Of course, any man who “feeds a girl and dances with her” would like to have sex with her on the first evening. And the girl, drunk on wine and compliments, doesn’t seem to mind either. But there is a danger that there will be no further dates. Why?

    It is easily accessible. Well, what serious intentions can we talk about? Anyone can do this: get her drunk, say a few sweet words and kill her.

    There is no "standby mode". With each date the guy falls more and more in love, and he wants more and more to conquer this impregnable fortress.

    He was disappointed. The man is not yet in love, but simply interested. And then there's the mediocre sex. Nothing special.

A first date is always an exciting and important event on which further development relationship with a man. The goal of a first date is to interest him and make a good impression.

Girls who don’t know how to behave and what to talk about with a guy at the first meeting, or what topics to find for conversation in order to look like a pleasant and interested interlocutor in his eyes, experience particular excitement and fear before a meeting.

What to talk about on a first date - topics for conversation

Main first meeting rule– create a light, relaxed atmosphere so that the conversation is pleasant for both. It is important not only to talk about yourself, but also to ask questions. You need to constantly keep the conversation going so that the young man sees your interest in him.

Ideal communication option– a dialogue between two people interested in each other. When you see a person for the first time, it is difficult to choose the right topic for conversation. If you absolutely don’t know what to talk about or this is your first acquaintance, start discussing with him simple themes: weather, news, city life, passers-by.

During the conversation, try to find out what topic interests him most. If you know a guy and you know his hobbies, ask a question about his plans for the future, his dreams, aspirations, he will be happy to answer you.
Listen carefully and sincerely to win him over even more.

If your interlocutor asks you a question, give simple and honest answers. Some understatement is allowed, this is how you will make the impression of a mysterious and interesting girl with whom you will want to continue acquaintance. Guys appreciate girls with a sense of humor, who are easy to communicate with and have something to talk about.

What not to say to a guy at the first meeting

The first meeting or acquaintance involves initial communication in order to better know and understand each other. But there is no need to talk about personal, secret facts about yourself that can only be revealed and entrusted to close people. It is better to avoid explicit topics, such as your state of health, mental trauma, on a date, especially if you are seeing the guy for the first time.

Also, “don’t get into your soul,” don’t ask immodest questions that he doesn’t want to answer. If desired, he will answer these questions at subsequent meetings if your date has a happy continuation.

Taboo in a conversation with a guy - discussing his financial situation, asking about former relationship and stories about their relationships with men.

Topics to talk about with a guy

The first acquaintance with a young man can happen not only in person. A great way to make acquaintances is through the Internet or by phone. When communicating virtually via the Internet and during a telephone conversation, it is important to know what to talk about with your interlocutor and what to ask him.

Ways to talk to a guy by text

If you start a conversation in a negative mood, the young man may think that you are a boring and uninteresting person. real life. It is important to be able to answer his questions correctly, ignoring uncomfortable or too frank topics, even if he wants you and does not hide it.

Correspondence via the Internet should not be long. When asked to tell you a little about yourself or asked about how you spent your day, you should not answer in detail and with all the details. Answer in several sentences.

To interest a guy, use some tips for correspondence with him:

  • don’t shorten words, don’t be lazy to write in full, for example “thank you” (instead of “thank you”). Competent correspondence will attract his attention.
  • respond to messages, avoiding long pauses;
  • if you don’t know what to answer, send a smiley;
  • do not use sarcasm or a sarcastic tone in messages, such correspondence is immediate; will push away a normal guy;
  • you don’t know what to talk about and write the first SMS, ask how his day was or how the match of his favorite team ended.

What to talk about with a guy on the phone

Communication on the phone is more difficult, when you not only need to know what to talk about, but also fill the tense silence.

The phone is a great way to get closer. After the greeting, the first question that is appropriate to ask, and not only over the phone: “How are you? How was your day? What is he planning to do today or what is he currently doing and have you distracted him from more important matters?”

These questions will help start a conversation that can easily move in another direction. Your interlocutor can start a topic himself, and you will simply pick it up and continue.

If this is the first call to the guy who first gave you his number, tell us about yourself, your hobbies, your family, your favorite vacation spots, maybe the guy will invite you there on your first date.

What topics to talk about with a guy on a walk

For many girls, their first date takes place on a walk, when a guy invites her to take a walk in the park or around the city. A date on a walk helps you get to know each other better and see a person’s behavior.

Topics for an outdoor date should be positive and light. If you don't know what to talk about with a guy when you're out for a walk, you can ask him to talk about his friends, family, pet, favorite movies, books, sports, etc. Ask questions, joke, smile, trying to make communication pleasant and relaxed.

Do not touch on serious and negative topics: politics, crime, such a conversation can lead to concern or despondency and ruin your mood. Only positivity, lightness and good mood!

What to talk about with a guy when he is taciturn

The first meeting is exciting not only for the girl, but also for the man, especially if he is taciturn and silent. You feel awkward with such people, trying to fill the pauses with chatter “about nothing.”

Not all men are open and sociable; there are very interesting guys who, with an unfamiliar girl, in an unusual situation for them, simply withdraw into themselves and remain silent.

If you sincerely like a young man, you feel that he wants you, but is acting too uptight, try to win him over and bring up topics that concern him in the conversation. Silent people should ask questions to which he can give a detailed answer, and not just answer with a dry “yes” or “no”.

What can you talk about with a man on the first date?

When talking to a man on a first date, talk about what interests you, respecting the limits of decency and avoiding frankness. Find out more about his interests, hobbies, and professional activities. Ask about best friend, about his childhood, travels, plans, dreams.

Don't forget that both men and women love sincere and appropriate compliments. Men love to discuss their hobbies or passions: car brands, football teams.

If you want to win a man’s heart, find out more about his hobby, learn several brands of cars or the best football players and show off your erudition; any man will like your interest in him and the presence of common interests.

Getting to know a man is more of a matter of technique, says relationship coach Levo Vozhevatov, but having the right first date for women who are looking for a relationship with a man is often difficult. Is it possible to make a man fall in love with you by sitting with him for just an hour or two in a cafe? This is exactly the goal that should be set, the coach believes, and describes in detail the mistakes of the first date in the book “A Goddess for Her Man.”

How to make a man fall in love with you using simple techniques? More precisely, not what to do with him so that he falls in love, but on the contrary, what kind of person do you have to become so that it is impossible to resist you? Here are three must-have rules for first date success.

First rule: create the right mood

The date should be in the mood. It is created first of all by you, not by a man. Because it’s more common for a woman to create a mood. You are more sociable than the average man, more sensitive, more emotional. This is the nature of a woman. And therefore, it is you who creates the atmosphere on a date.

Would you like me to tell you a universal mood that works with all men? There is a cheerful and playful enthusiasm for each other in the air, seasoned with a light flair of romanticism and enjoyment of the evening.

Second rule: clearly defined goal

Any meetings must have a purpose. Especially the first ones. The classic goal is to interest and charm a man (provided that you like the man; if not, then the conversation must be ended quickly).

The goal may be that at the end of the first date the man invites him to a second date.

You can confuse a man a little. So that he doesn’t know how to approach you (appropriate for overly confident and experienced men).

Or vice versa, stun him with your inner world and show your specialness.

Finding out what a man is, while remaining a dark horse for him, is also a goal!

In the end, the goals can be different: to have fun and enjoy communication, to have a great evening, no matter how it ends!

Third rule: aftertaste

They fall in love when they start thinking about a person when he is not around. The more a man thinks about you, the faster he falls in love, and vice versa. Therefore, you must learn to leave an aftertaste: you are not around, and the man cannot forget your meeting and your image. A couple of days of torment and voila. He's in love!

What to do to create an aftertaste? You can admit to a man that he is great, but you are afraid of him. Several times he behaved strangely. And when asked when and how, you smile mysteriously and offer to discuss it at the next meeting.

Or so. When saying goodbye, ask the man to freeze and not move. Place your two fingers on his lips and then kiss them. Then look at the man mysteriously or cheerfully and let him die. And then quickly leave. Here's a playful aftertaste for you!

Come up with a few tricks for this moment. Maybe some intrigue for the next date, maybe an understatement on the first, maybe an ambiguous ending to the meeting, maybe some kind of gift for the man - think about it, and you will find an idea.

First date mistakes and what they can lead to

1. Interview. There is a popular saying among men now that as you age, dates increasingly become like interviews. This feeling appears because the girl simply answers questions, without setting the pace, without starting topics, without being 100% involved in communication. Role position: you ask me, and I will answer.

Result: the man invested energy, but received nothing in return. After such a date, a man is left feeling tired: “It’s somehow uncomfortable with her, even though she’s beautiful”, “Not mine”, “She doesn’t like me”.

2. I am the problem. This is when a girl dumps all her problems on a man, she wants to talk too much. It immediately comes up that she was rude in the store, she’s been looking for a job for two months now, and the damn pneumonia doesn’t give her any rest.

Result: rejection on an instinctive level (unhealthy female - sick children - need to get out) and simply reluctance to get involved with a person who has continuous failures.

3. You're wrong! In this case, the date turns into a discussion. Arguing and debating (even if the man is wrong) is very short-sighted and, at the very least, stupid.

Result: “They take your brain out at work, they take your brain out on the road, and even on a date they ruin your mood. Let me go and get well away from this fury!” The man came to enjoy the meeting, but as a result he receives negativity.

Any attempts to equalize or convince a man of something is a man’s position. That is, by putting pressure on a man, you become a man yourself. And then two men met. Then don’t be surprised why he started being friends with you, and you wanted a relationship.

If you like to talk with a man, practice intellectual games, then there is one trick that combines both an argument and a pleasant aftertaste.

So. Start your favorite discussion. It will be especially juicy if you raise a dispute on a topic that a man is more or less versed in, or is passionate about. First, start making arguments, questioning men’s arguments, recalling examples from life, in general, everything is as usual. Let the discussion open up, let the man get involved in this confrontation as much as possible.

Remember: your goal now is to captivate the man with this conversation. Stay in this conversation for about 10 minutes. As soon as you feel that the temperature of the discussion is going through the roof, suddenly change your strategy. Fully admit that the man is right, demolishing all your argumentation and at the same time complimenting the man's professionalism and intelligence.

Such a powerful inversion will create an incredible state in a man: “With previous girls I was tired and spent, but this one filled me up. I want it to always be like this. I need to call her. And in general, she’s cool, they marry someone like that.”

4. Solid and boring. Once a woman came to me for a Skype consultation with the following problem: men either did not invite her to a second meeting or tried to establish business contacts with her.

After listening to an audio recording of another first date, I realized what was going on. Three and a half hours of decent conversation, almost without a single hint of flirting.

“Why flirt? I’m a decent woman, I’m 41 and I don’t need one, I want a relationship! We don’t know the man too well yet to giggle and giggle.”

Well, here you go. Men in relationships are usually followers. If a woman suggests the role of a friend at the first meeting, well, fine, so be it. A man feels nothing when meeting such a partner, except for the functioning of his brain.

“Why do I need a woman with whom I am like a colleague at work. No, she’s a wonderful person, but I don’t want her.”

Instead of “I’m a respectable woman, and sex is taboo for me,” we need to bring in a different mood. “I love sex and am very relaxed, but with a worthy man who will prove himself through actions, and if this happens, oh, what will we do with him!” - this is what I understand, bait!

First date: test drive

Well, give the man a cool test drive. Create an atmosphere of flirtation, lightness and joy at the meeting. Delicious, but for 1.5 hours.

When you communicate with a man, show him that you are a hot thing, a sea of ​​passion is boiling inside you, but at the same time you are restraining yourself. He must notice how he affects you, and at the same time he must understand that you are holding back. Like a spring. You have great potential, but it needs to be revealed. And if he does something wrong, the fire goes out a little. And vice versa.

There are no lazy men, only unmotivated ones. It is a mistake of millions of women to expect a man to conquer them out of nowhere. Illogical! Let a man enjoy you a little, taste just a little of your charm, and he will begin to court you, realizing that an amazing prize awaits him in the end!

Of course, no one owes anyone in a couple, but the division of roles is still present, no matter how you look at it. Some things are easier and more natural for a man to do, others for a woman.

So here it is. A man is, of course, achievements, security, responsibility, resources (including financial ones), and protection. And a woman is the atmosphere, the “weather in the house” and entertainment. Is it cool to be in charge of the fun?

Yes, the first meeting is, and often it’s just a restaurant or cafe. But then, if a man is not creative, it is useful to offer your own options. Why? I'm telling you another secret.

Second date: crash test

One of my students went on a first date with a man who positioned himself as successful and worthy. We arrived at the restaurant: beautiful music, soft light, delicious coffee. They sit and coo.

The man, don’t be a fool, painted a luxurious picture of his beloved self. Stories from childhood beautifully turned into stories about sporting achievements, then something interesting and nontrivial about business, and then a juicy compliment. At the same time, no egocentrism or sycophancy. In general, competently. The girl swam!

As a consultant, I suggested that she hold the next meeting in a go-kart. And then the long-awaited Saturday arrived. They are sitting in the cars, they have started. A couple of laps together, after which the gentleman’s engine stalls and he retreats into the bump stop at speed.

My ward drives up to the man to find out how he is doing and, perhaps, help with something. And what does she see? On her boyfriend's face. He yells, waves his arms, squeals and accuses her of giving him a broken car and almost killing him. The man gets into her car instead of the girl, and orders her to stand in the middle of the track and wait for the karting worker. And he left.

She realized that now men need to be assessed under stress, or at least in their actions, and not on the comfortable sofa of an expensive restaurant. Many people have now learned to speak fluently.

Conclusion: after the first introductory meeting ideal option It's going to be an action date.

If a man proves himself worthy, then it won’t be difficult for you to make him fall in love with you, if only because the best format for this is to do something together, overcome obstacles, showing your best qualities! Overcoming obstacles together brings people together tens of times faster than long, emotional conversations.

How to get a guy to like you on the first date? Any girl can confidently answer this question, but when it comes to practice, especially if you feel sympathy for a man, something strange begins to happen. You don’t know what dress to wear, what makeup to choose, what to talk about and more. That’s just how women are, they always worry before an important event, especially when they want to make an effect.

At the first meeting, it is important to intrigue, but not shock. After all, whether there will be a second date and further relationships depends on how the conversation goes. Many women and inexperienced girls make the mistake of starting to show themselves as something they really are not. Having misled the guy, unpleasant situations subsequently arise - he is unlikely to like the deception. It’s better to be real and consistent, in which case both will remember the date.

Choosing a meeting place

Of course, the man should invite you on a date, but if the proposed place is located in an unfamiliar area or is far from home, you can offer to meet on “your territory.” It is important to choose a quiet, cozy place that is familiar to you, because in such conditions it will be much safer, after all, the man is still a stranger. Also, familiar streets and houses will create a feeling of calm, which means that communication will be much easier.

You can be the first to ask a man out on a date, there is nothing shameful in that. Brave girls take the solution to many problems and tasks into their own hands, why not take the first step yourself? In this case, the choice of place falls even more heavily on fragile shoulders, and it is better to meet in your favorite cafe, restaurant or park.

How to look

The first date with a man obliges the girl to make a good impression - he must see in front of him a charming person with whom it is interesting to talk. Wherein appearance should also bring pleasure without alienating the guy. The impression you get depends on the outfit. young man. The chosen wardrobe should be comfortable and appropriate. Shoes on high heels It’s better not to wear it - firstly, it’s not comfortable, and secondly, a girl in this form may turn out to be taller than a guy, giving him a certain complex.

Under no circumstances should you dress vulgarly, wear too much makeup, or overdo it with eau de toilette - both of you should feel comfortable on a date with a guy. In addition, a girl in this form is unlikely to interest a young man. At the same time, well-groomed appearance should be visible from the tips of the hair to the nails - a hairstyle, natural makeup, a classic manicure and a moderate outfit will definitely make an impression.


Regardless of whether you are dating married man or with a free guy, you should behave as naturally as possible. The opposite sex is attracted to girls who can easily carry on a conversation, do not overdo it with their upbringing manners, and are not mired in complexes and embarrassment. Questions should be answered easily and naturally, but you shouldn’t talk too much or go into unnecessary details, otherwise the guy will think that a talker or a bore is sitting in front of him.

How to behave correctly with a man on a date? Smile more often, but only sincerely - real positive emotions lead to a pleasant conversation and the emergence of mutual feelings. If he is telling a sad, tragic or serious story, support him with facial expressions. Looking at one point without expressing emotion, he is unlikely to understand that the girl really empathizes with him. However, there is no need to grimace either, everything should be in moderation.

What to talk about?

How to please a man on the first date? Learn to listen to him - the male sex loves when attention is paid to their speeches. When asking questions, give him the opportunity to fully express his thoughts. If you interrupt, you will get the feeling that you are not interested in what he is saying.

What to talk about at the first meeting? What topics can be off-putting, and what should you definitely find out about a person who might propose marriage in the future? You need to ask relevant questions and be consistent. You can ask about:

  • Hobbies - let him tell you what he does in his free time from work or study.
  • Achievements - suddenly, he achieved some heights in the area that he managed to talk about. Let him brag, men love to do this too.
  • Vacations - find out whether he likes to travel to other cities and countries or whether he spends his vacations in his hometown. Does he visit entertainment venues, what interesting things did he see while traveling or playing? Is it possible to travel in the near future?
  • Future - no need to ask how many children he wants. Let him talk about what he plans to achieve.

It’s better to talk to a man casually; if he feels comfortable, he’ll tell you more. Don't turn a date into an interrogation, especially finding out how much he gets paid. He may turn out to be a wealthy guy, or maybe he took out a loan for a date. It’s better to let him calmly talk about himself so that, based on the information received, he can later compare what he said. If he is a deceiver, then inaccuracies and discrepancies will slip into the conversation.

You shouldn't discuss his family with a married man - that's not why he came on a date. Also, don’t complain and compare him with your ex, guys don’t like that either.

First meeting rules

How to interest a man so that he wants to meet again and organize an unforgettable evening? The rules of 1 date that must be followed will help you achieve your goal:

  • Excessive efforts in trying to make a positive impression are unnecessary, otherwise he will notice the game and unnaturalness, which will immediately push him away.
  • At the first meeting, we ask questions, try to get him to talk, giving him an advantage in the conversation. At the same time, you cannot sit silently or simply giggle at what you hear.
  • Even if you see that a guy likes you, restrain yourself in reciprocity. There must be a mystery left so that he is tormented in thought. For this reason, there is no need to tell everything about yourself, otherwise he will have nothing to unravel.
  • Keep the conversation light, ask questions that will help you understand the person. In this case, there is no need to arrange a question-answer game.
  • Praise him by expressing a positive opinion about the chosen establishment where the date is taking place. Just sing his praises, wanting to please him, you should be careful. Otherwise, he will become arrogant or suspect pretense.
  • You won’t be able to attract someone with revealing outfits, except for a short-term relationship. It is better to impress with spiritual qualities and moderate manners.
  • If you really liked the young man, or the meeting was with a married man, you can take further initiative into your own hands. But there is no need to impose yourself - if he is not interested, telephone terror will only worsen the situation.

How to end a date

It’s not enough to have a perfect meeting; it’s also important to end it with dignity in order to receive invitations to further dates. The girl must do this, and without waiting until too late. As soon as the young man spends, it is important to thank him, expressing how interesting it is, but how quickly time has flown by. There is no need to ask when you will see each other again - if a man wants, he will invite himself.

Sometimes a guy shows with all his appearance that the meeting went well, but then doesn’t call. The times when girls with their heads held high awaiting the call, while suffering and crying in despair, are gone. You can call yourself and ask how he is doing. After all, you met, communicate, which means you are friends. Ask how your friend is doing? Just don’t ask about a date, if he is silent, it means he didn’t like you or is having temporary difficulties.

Common Mistakes

What not to do on a first date:

  • Deliberately deceive and be a hypocrite - the girl you like will then be ashamed that she went to meet a guy for greedy or other reasons.
  • Talk about serious relationship and the prospect of starting a family - a man will immediately feel that they are trying to saddle him with responsibilities. This will scare him away, because first he must get to know the woman better in order to want to create a social unit with her.
  • Dressing and behaving vulgarly means he will think that his companion is a frivolous and approachable person.
  • Boasting about the number of suitors - even if the girl really arouses the guys' interest, you shouldn't be proud of it.
  • Hiding his gaze - the guy will think that his companion is not interested in talking to him, and she does not know how to end the meeting.

Is it possible to interest a young man at the first meeting? And how! Be natural, don’t abuse alcohol, greedily consume ordered food, show off bad habits. Be restrained in everything, and he will definitely appreciate the time spent with you, and after one day, and sometimes even an hour, he will understand that he wants to see you again.

The rules for first dates with a married man are similar - by following them, no one guarantees a quick wedding. However, you will be protected from most mistakes, which means you will be able to make a good impression.
