There are many beliefs and advice on how best to meet New Year to make him happy. Beliefs are different: funny and not very, smart and stupid, frankly strange. But some beliefs coming from "the depths of centuries" are still worth listening to. One of them reads: “If you meet the New Year with debts, you will have to ask for a loan for all 12 months.” And how could it be otherwise, if there are only debts around, but you want to eat every day? So, so that debts do not overshadow the holiday and the following days, we will try to get rid of them. To do this, we need to pay off all existing debts.

Taxes. Everyone knows that the quality of sleep depends on whether taxes are paid on time. It is necessary to pay property, transport or land taxes (if any). Check if there are any forgotten unpaid receipts somewhere.

Rent. Housing debts must be paid on time. After all, late fees are charged. In order not to waste time on useless searches, payment receipts must be kept separately from other documents, keeping them for three years. Such a period (statute of limitations) is necessary if a litigation arises over utilities.

Credits. Behind the festive fuss and joyful congratulations, you can forget about the loan repayment period, which is fraught with penalties. Therefore, you need to deposit the necessary amount to the bank in advance. Better yet, pay two months in advance. Who knows what temptations the New Year holidays will bring?

Mobile connection. New Year's Eve is a time of sincere congratulations and long conversations. Postponing account replenishment until New Year's Eve is not the best option. This must be done in advance. If you intend to spend your New Year's holiday in another country, and relatives and friends stay at home, do not forget to activate roaming (carefully read its conditions). Otherwise, upon arrival home, you will be waiting for an impressive bill for negotiations on credit.

Money taken before payday. In order not to lose the trust of friends or work colleagues from whom you borrowed money, you need to return them within the agreed time. By fulfilling your financial obligations on time, you will secure your reputation as an honest person; and save yourself from financial setbacks (old debts will inevitably lead to new debts).

How to say goodbye to debt in the past year

The conclusion from all of the above is simple. We are obliged to pay our bills, but getting into someone else's wallet in order to improve our financial situation is imprudent. You can ask for a loan from friends and acquaintances in extreme circumstances, only when you really urgently need money. It is advisable to improve your life so that there is no need to ask for a loan, commensurate monthly expenses with your earnings.

Life without debt is the path to peace of mind and financial independence. Who can argue with that?

Before one of the main holidays, bailiffs will intensify work in all areas, and also explain to citizens how to find out about the debt and pay it off thanks to the Internet resource "Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings". As part of the campaign, it is planned to widely use social advertising, conduct joint raids, flash mobs with representatives of related departments, organize festive charity events for children in children's institutions.

From the beginning to the end of December, pre-New Year social advertising will remind the residents of the region that it is a good sign to celebrate the New Year without debts. Videos of the service are placed in multifunctional centers, on the websites of state authorities. A flash mob of bailiffs' action "In the New Year - without debts" was also launched, which was actively supported by residents of the Moscow region, employees of the tax inspectorate, the traffic police, the Pension Fund, the Ministry of Emergencies, as well as representatives public organizations, educational institutions, youth parliaments.

From December 10 to December 16, all structural divisions of the Office, together with representatives of related departments, will hold field events under the slogan "Pay on the way." Bailiffs will be on duty on the busy highways of the Moscow region and at large shopping centers where people come for New Year's gifts, using respectively the hardware-software complex "Road bailiff" and the online application "Mobile search". During the events, enforcement proceedings for the recovery of alimony, taxes, fines, housing and communal services and others will be worked out.

From 17 to 23, the action "Christmas Tree Alimony" will begin, during which the bailiffs of the Moscow Region will go on raids to the addresses of unscrupulous parents every day. Representatives of religious denominations will help to fight those who do not pay alimony, who will talk with the “deviators” during the reception days. In addition, charity events will be held during the action for children from orphanages and boarding schools, who need care and participation more than anyone else.

Also on the eve new year holidays December 26, 2018 bailiffs of the Moscow region will take an active part in the All-Russian information campaign "Know your debts", in which employees of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia in the Moscow Region will go to crowded places in order to popularize the electronic and online services of the service. At airports, train stations, multifunctional and shopping centers, bailiffs will tell and show people how, having Internet access, you can quickly, conveniently and reliably find out about the presence or absence of debts, if any, pay them using online services or portable terminals by cashless Money. On this day, Ded Moroz and Snegurochka will join the employees in uniform, who will help everyone to install a free application on their phone or tablet as a gift, which will later track and report if debts appear.

The purpose of the action "In the New Year - without debts!" – reduce the number of debtors in our region, as well as explain to citizens that you can find out about debt and pay it off thanks to the Internet resource “Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings” and with the help of mobile application"FSSP".

On Friday, November 23, the bailiffs of Russia had a single day of raids to collect debts for housing and communal services. Bailiffs and specialists of the Vladimir branch of Energosbyt Plus on that day even arrested a Chevrolet Lanos car for debts from one of the residents of the city of Vladimir (her debt for electricity and heat exceeds 130 thousand). Together with bailiffs and power engineers, the journalist of “VV” also went to the raid.

We go on a raid early in the morning to catch the debtors at home. But in one of the apartments in the house 5-d on the street. Usti-on-Labe was never opened to us. And the owners have a total debt to the power engineers - almost 32 thousand rubles. Of this amount, more than 9.5 thousand are already in enforcement proceedings with bailiffs.

We leave the agenda to the owners. But hiding from bailiffs and creditors is irrational behavior. If the debt and penalties accumulate, everything can end sadly, up to the arrest of the apartment.

In the house on st. Mikhailovskaya, 59, the situation is even sadder. There is almost 136.5 thousand rubles of total debt. Of these, 134 thousand are already in enforcement proceedings. The debt and interest on it have been growing since 2016.

The owner of the apartment says: she is slowly paying off the debt, but it is already so great that the interest on it is growing faster than she manages to get rid of the main debt (pays 4,000 a month). The reason for the appearance of a large debt is an accident, after which the woman spent six months in the hospital.

And here bailiffs describe the car. If in 10 days the owner does not pay off the debt on the communal apartment, her Chevrolet Lanos will be sold at auction. For a debtor, this is a disaster. She rides and lives by it. The car for her is a means of production, a source of income.

However, the woman has three adult children. The younger one and his family are registered with his mother. Why did none of the children pay utility bills while the mother was in the hospital? Why didn't any of them help her pay off the debt when the lawsuit was already in court? And where did the money earned by carting go all this time? Is it not to support children and grandchildren (the car owner herself is already retired)?

Third address - st. Feygin, 2/20. It looks like a dysfunctional family lives here. Neighbors say that the gas workers have already come to collect debts. And one of the public utilities turned off the supply of the resource to the apartment.

The hostess greeted me with a question:

Did they come from the city water utility for debts?

That is, she owes water. But this time the bailiffs came at the suit of the thermal workers. The woman also owed them 55,000 rubles, plus another 9,000 fines. In the proceedings of the bailiffs, the amount of 23.5 thousand appears so far.

The apartment is unkempt and poor, but there is also Appliances, and electronics. The hostess immediately takes out 8 thousand from her wallet, promising that she will soon pay off the rest of the debt. The bailiffs send her to the bank: they do not need cash, but a receipt for repayment of the debt. How much you can trust the debtor is a question. But the bailiffs have a condescending attitude towards those who voluntarily agree to pay the debt at least in parts. They did not describe the property in the apartment, they gave me a chance to pay off the debt voluntarily.

Other debtors have such chances too. There is even a legal possibility not to pay penalties. True, this does not apply to amounts for which a court decision on recovery has already been made.

Every year, the Energosbyt Plus company holds a campaign "In the New Year - without debts". We urge citizens not to bring to court proceedings, not to accumulate debts for heating and hot water supply, but to pay them off by December 31. For those who repay all the debt, the penalties are written off, - Dmitry Lopatin, head of the press service of Energosbyt Plus in Vladimir, urged consumers.

New Year's holidays always delight the population. Everyone tries to make this day unique. People decorate the house, put up a Christmas tree and cook food on festive table. Many people know that before the start of the new year, you need to pay off all your debts, then the next one will be successful and profitable. This is just a belief, but many people believe in such a sign.

A large number of citizens are interested in what needs to be done to attract good luck in terms of money. In order not to transfer money, you need to try to give back all the borrowed things and money. As they say: "How you meet the New Year, so you will spend it." Also, many people know that it is necessary not only to repay debts, but also to take back what you have lent.

Now there are many different New Year's signs. There are people who believe in this and try to do everything as they say in beliefs. There is a category of citizens who try not to pay attention to various signs.

On the day before New Year's Eve, debts cannot be repaid, this must be done at least a day before the holiday. It is believed that if you give finances, then you will pay for the whole year. In order not to be in debt for a whole year and to have a good financial situation, you cannot borrow money from someone. If the New Year is celebrated without money, then the whole year will be poor.

In the New Year without debt, a good omen: rituals to attract money

To get a stable financial position next year, it is necessary to agree with relatives to borrow a small amount of money from each other. On New Year's Eve, you need to repay this debt, then both will have financial well-being.

At the bottom of the refrigerator, you need to place a scarlet bag on a festive night. There you need to put three coins, always tails to the top. On January 1, pick up this bag and hide it. The refrigerator symbolizes wealth.

New Year without debt is a good omen: good luck in the New Year is influenced by positive thinking

It is very important to have a good mood and a lot of fun on New Year's Eve. If a person feels happy and cheerful, then the whole year will be like that. Swearing in the New Year, being offended by someone or crying, in the future you can get exactly these unpleasant situations. It is necessary to leave all the bad, resentment and quarrels in the past and enter the New Year only with positive thinking.

There are many New Year signs. Each person decides to believe in it or not. But in any case, this holiday should be associated with magic and the fulfillment of a dream. It must be remembered that if on this day you have a lot of fun and guests, then the whole year will be successful and loved ones will be there.
