Periodically, situations arise that require the creation of holes of various diameters in glasses. For example, this is required when mounting mirrors or when installing various devices on glass. This is a very rare type of work, and therefore calling a specialist can be very expensive.

Can be done on your own necessary work and do without the services of a master. However, you need to understand that glass is a rather fragile and expensive material, so you should carefully prepare before you start drilling.

Composition and stages of production

The composition of ordinary glass includes quartz sand, lime and soda. Various additives greatly affect the final properties of the material, but quartz sand remains the main component, and its amount reaches 75% in the mixture. The lime component adds shine, strength, and protects against the effects of many chemical substances. Soda can significantly lower the melting point of the mixture. To the most common additional components include:

  • Lead gives extra shine and ringing.
  • Manganese, nickel and chromium are used to obtain various shades.
  • Boric acid gives strength, shine and lowers the coefficient of thermal expansion.

Industrial glass production includes the following steps:

Currently, there are many types of this material, depending on the components used in the production. The most common are:

Nozzles for drilling and rules of work

Most often, the need for drilling occurs when using industrial glasses, quartz, crystal. These types are often fragile, so unskilled attempts to make holes most often end in damage to the workpiece, so the process must be approached very responsibly.

Drills for metal and concrete are not similar in shape to special glass drills. They must be used very carefully, and if possible, then not used at all. But if only these types of drills are available, then it is best to use carbide concrete or spear-shaped drills for tiles. Drills for metal must be hardened.

There are also special nozzles designed specifically for glass:

  • Carbide drills of feather-shaped or spear-shaped form of various diameters. It is highly desirable to use those that have diamond coating on the cutting part.
  • A drill presented in the form of a tube. This type glass drills can be used when you need to make a hole of a large diameter. When working with this nozzle, it is advisable to use a drilling machine.

When carrying out drilling work, you must adhere to the following rules:

Surface cooling can be done in several ways:

  • Cover the drilling site with plasticine and pour water.
  • Lay a moistened rag or cotton ball around the hole to be treated so that the water gradually flows into the recess.
  • You can wet the drill itself, and a break in work will allow the drilling tool to cool.

Ways to make a hole in glass without a drill

In the absence of a drill and the possibility of acquiring one, you can make holes using other methods or make a homemade drill, but such methods do not have high accuracy and quality, as a result of which they can damage the glass surface. But still, some methods can theoretically be applied, so they should be listed.

With sand and solder

Enough interesting way, which does not require drilling skills and the presence of a tool. To use it you will need:

  • Sand.
  • Low-melting solder, for example, tin-lead.
  • A container in which this solder will be melted.

The surface in which you want to make a hole should be degreased and dried, after which a hill of wet sand is poured onto the area in which the hole should be located. Next, you need to make a recess in it of such a diameter that the hole being created requires.

Solder melted with a torch or soldering iron is poured into the formed hole, after which you need to wait for it to completely harden. With the subsequent removal of sand and hardened solder, a hole of the desired diameter remains on the glass.

This method is distinguished by high quality and accuracy of the resulting hole.

Making a homemade drill

In the absence of special nozzles for working with glass, you can make them yourself.

To do this, you need a metal rod and a simple glass cutter with a diamond roller. To turn it into a drill, you need to cut a hole in the rod, into which the roller is inserted and fixed so as to remain motionless relative to the rod.

The resulting workpiece is fixed in the drill chuck, and then drilling is carried out according to the principle of a conventional drill.

You can also prepare a conventional drill, for example, for metal for working with glass. To do this, you need to clamp it in a vice or pliers and keep it in the flame of a gas burner until the metal is white-hot. After that, the drill is dipped into warm water or oil. The tool thus hardened is suitable for glass drilling.

With a metal tube

A piece of metal tube is also suitable for making a hole in the absence of a drill. To do this, cuts are made on the part of the pipe that will be cut to create a cutting part in the form of teeth. When applying such work, auxiliary abrasive powders or pastes should be used, but this method is quite laborious and often leads to damage to the workpiece.

Using a glass cutter

An ordinary glass cutter can also replace a drill, the main thing is not to make sharp jerky movements, not to put pressure on the glass, and to tap the formed cut surface with the handle of the tool.

To cut holes of large diameters with a glass cutter, you can use a compass, fixing one part of it in the center of the intended hole, and the second part (on which the glass cutter is fixed) to cut the surface.

Often there is a need to drill glass at home. Videos of these works can be found on the Internet, they cover such topics well. plain language with illustrative examples.

Work, if possible, is best done with a screwdriver, and not with a drill. This will give a softer way to drill and reduce the chance of damaging the glass surface. In addition, it is recommended to use protective goggles and clothing, and drilling should be carried out in non-residential premises.

It is important to observe the minimum indents from the edge of the workpiece: for fragile materials - at least 25 mm, for common species glass - at least 15 mm.

It should be remembered that glass is a rather fragile and expensive material, so you need to work with it very carefully. In the absence of experience in such work, it is important to practice on unnecessary pieces of glass in order to gain experience and understanding of the process.

I think each of you made a case for your electronic crafts. And in the manufacture of the case, one nasty problem often arises - to make a hole in a shape other than a circle. For example, square, under the LED indicator.

I used to suffer for a long time, drill along the contour, then grind these teeth, swear about the fact that I had sanded off the excess or screwed up the parallelism. In general, for everything related to the machining of the material, my hands are out of my ass. And there's nothing to be done about it. But where the hands cannot work, the head must work. And I came up with a simple and effective solution.

So. It is necessary to drill a square hole in the plastic case.

Let's start by marking the hole. It is better to do this according to a paper template - you need to sharpen the corners as clearly as possible. We do it on the outer, front, side! Then the corners are drilled through with a thin drill. Here it is important to take a thinner drill. The thinner the more accurate our hole will be.

Take a ruler and a sharp scalpel. You can use a clerical knife or whatever is at hand. The main requirement is that it must be very sharp, rigid and not dangling. I do things like this with a cutter.

On the ruler from hole to hole, exactly according to the size of our hole (no more, no less, exactly the same!) We make cuts. The deeper the better, but you can without fanaticism. Because the deeper you cut, the greater the chance that the blade will break and we will cut the outer surface, and this is not the same - ugly. The holes here are ruled by the fact that the tip of the scalpel falls into them and the edge of the cut does not go further than the hole. Markup here the most important stage. It depends on him whether everything will turn out perfect the first time or if you have to trim it.

Everyone got four pieces inside. Now you need to pick them up from the center and break inside!

The cut we made will give us a weak point where the plastic will burst and break off. And the holes from the edges will not allow the crack to go further than necessary.

It took me no more than 10 minutes to dig this hole. This is with garbage collection and distraction for photographing and searching for either a scalpel or a drill.

The installation of any communications in the house, whether it is water supply, sewage or gas pipes, involves their passage through walls or other ceilings. In this material, we will talk in detail about how to make a hole for a pipe in a wall, floor or other structural elements of a building, and what you need to pay attention to in the process of performing work.

First of all, we note that the method of how to drill a hole in the wall for a pipe will depend on specific conditions, for example, the type of partition, its external finish, as well as the location of the pipeline.

How to make holes in the wall

Before drilling a wall for a pipe, it is worth figuring out what standards must be observed in the process of work, especially if you are going to drill a load-bearing wall.

When cutting a hole for communications, make sure that such structural elements buildings like:

  • barrier and reinforcing gratings in the thickness of the wall;
  • ventilation ducts, if any, in the building;
  • electrical wiring lines.

At the same time, when arranging holes for pipes in the wall, make their diameter slightly larger than the cross section of the pipeline so that you can install a protective sleeve and, possibly, insulate it mineral wool or other non-combustible material.

Technology for working with holes in the wall for pipes

Please note that before drilling brick wall under the pipe, it is important to make sure that there are no electrical wiring lines or reinforcing bars in the place of the intended hole. This can be done with a simple metal detector.

Preliminary work includes the following steps:

  • markings are applied to the wall, indicating the exact location and diameter of the required hole, coinciding with the cross section of the pipe with the sleeve;
  • with a “crown” nozzle, they cut a hole in the wall;
  • in those places where the nozzle does not cope with very hard material, use a punch and a hammer to destroy the wall;
  • having passed a difficult section, they complete the work with a drill until the desired hole is obtained.

It is worth noting that steel drills are not suitable for working with concrete walls. In this case, you will need special pobedit drills that can cut a hole in materials up to 10-15 cm thick.

Performing work of increased complexity

Particular care should be taken when cutting communication holes when working with difficult materials, such as tiles. Due to the sufficient fragility of this material, it cannot be drilled in shock mode.

If you need to make a hole of a sufficiently large size, you will need to know some tricks:

  • to work with such materials, special diamond crowns are needed, which are used for drilling at low speeds;
  • to drill a hole, you may need a device such as a ballerina;
  • in order to avoid slipping of a diamond nozzle or a ballerina with a smooth, hard-glazed surface, at the work site, it is advisable to first scrape off the glossy layer a little with a file, or stick masking tape so as not to damage the rest of the tile.

However, there is an alternative way to work with tiled floors. Although it is cheaper, however, the risk of damaging the material is much higher. In this case, several holes are made around the circumference of the tile using a 3-4 mm drill. The areas between the holes begin to be carefully broken with a well-sharpened chisel and hammer, thus forming a hole. To obtain the exact size of the hole, the edges of the tile are cut off with the same chisel.

How to prepare holes in the floor

The rules for preparing marked holes are determined by the type of base laid and the type of decorative coating laid on top.

Immediately before starting work, you first need to find out if it will be possible to remove a part by cutting or dismantling finish coat where the pipes will be laid. If it is not possible to carry out this list of works, that is, it is impossible to make a hole (for example, in a tile), then they are done using one of the methods described above.


Cutting a large hole for a chimney is not so simple, but it is possible - it is enough to study the technology of work, as well as take into account all the nuances that may arise in this case. You can more clearly understand the described process from the presented video.

If you need to make a hole in a glass bottle, then you do not need to buy special equipment. This can be done at home with your own hands. Drilling can be done with both a conventional drill and a screwdriver.

It is preferable to use a screwdriver, as it has less speed (high speed is not needed to drill glass). It is recommended to use a drill with pobedite inserts, but if it is not available, then you can take a regular drill for metal work, for example, in this manual, a drill with a diameter of 8.2 mm from P6M5 steel is used. Do not believe those who say that you need to use only victorious drills and ordinary drills will not work. Now we will verify this.

How to make a hole in a glass bottle, you can find out by watching the video:

So, to drill a hole in the bottle you will need:
- The bottle itself, for example, from wine;
- Bottle stand to prevent the bottle from rolling when drilling a hole;
- Paper tape;
- Regular drill or screwdriver;
- Ordinary drill;
- Water for cooling;
- Drill
- And a syringe.

It is necessary to fix the bottle from rotation. For this, a stand was made in advance from ordinary wooden bars: two long and two short, fastening them together with nails. If it is not possible to make such a stand, then you can make a small depression in the ground if you drill on the street, or put two bricks or something else on the sides. In general, it already depends on your imagination.

First thing to do- this is to wrap paper tape (several layers) around the bottle approximately where you plan to make a hole. After that, we put a mark on the adhesive tape with a felt-tip pen - the center of the future hole.

The most important thing when drilling a hole is not to press hard on the drill, as the glass may crack and the bottle will be damaged.

Getting Started
We drill in stages, during breaks adding a few drops of water from a syringe into the hole. This is necessary so that both the drill and the glass bottle do not overheat.

To avoid cracks on the inside of the bottle, it is necessary to monitor the pressure and not squeeze the drill, especially at the end of work.
When the drill has passed through, you need to carefully drill the hole, making light rotational movements. This will make the cut hole smoother.

When laying tiles, situations often arise when you need to make a hole in it: to bring the pipes of the mixer, bring out the socket or switch, hammer in the dowels for the shelf, install the toilet, and so on. This article will talk about how to drill tile for any required diameter.

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Ways to drill tiles

  • Special drills for tiles. Helps to make holes of small diameter. The tile drill has no thread, and its tip has a pointed solder. There are tetrahedral tips (feathers), but they are worse, since they will be difficult to sharpen if necessary. It can also be used when drilling mosaic or glass.
  • Drills with a Pobedite tip for concrete. There is in almost every home, it is not necessary to buy a special drill. If the drill is without carbide, it can also be used, but its end will need to be resharpened, like a conventional drill.
  • Self-tapping screws with an LM tip (so-called fleas). Since the wall tiles are very soft, they can be drilled without a drill by screwing in self-tapping screws with an LM tip. On average, one hole takes 2-3 screws.
  • Crowns on a tile with a diamond dusting. They allow you to make holes of large and small diameter for sockets or pipes, the installation of a toilet bowl. They have a fixed diameter and cost 300-1500 rubles, but they last for a long time. The minimum diameter that can be found is 5 mm. Perfectly suited even for drilling porcelain stoneware.
  • Circular drills (ballerinas on tiles). In addition to the sharp tip on the pilot drill in the center, they have an additional movable cutter on the rod. This is convenient because you can adjust the diameter of the hole and not buy several crowns for each size. Another plus is the price of 300-500 rubles. Ballerinas are good for drilling a hole in the center of the tile, but if it goes beyond the edge, it will be extremely difficult to do it.

When using any method, it is necessary to turn off the impact mode of the drill / puncher and set the minimum speed to avoid chipping.

Using a diamond crown


Let's start with a typical case where you need to drill a hole in ceramic tiles under the outlet of pipes to the faucet in the bathroom.

Such things must also be taken into account, and try to make cutouts for pipes in the center of the tile. This is done by shifting the layout or changing the starting point of laying to the right place. If you can’t install the tap exactly in the center, then you should try to hide this fact as much as possible, and not highlight it by installing it next to decors or borders.

It is logical that both holes should be at the same height. Therefore, the first thing to do before drilling a tile is to measure the same distance from the floor. In order not to fill up the vertical, we use a plumb line with a weight or a bubble / laser level.

Measurement and marking of the wall

Next, you need to measure the required horizontal distance between the centers of the points and make two more marks. From the center of each point, measure the radius of the hole so you know where the cut line will go.


We switch the drill to drilling mode and set the minimum speed. We insert a crown with a diamond coating into the cartridge. They are different, for example, for concrete, wood or metal - do not confuse them when buying. Also, make sure that there is as much diamond grit as possible on the working part. It is better to take crowns with a center drill to reduce the risk of displacement.

We start drilling carefully, with a slight pressure on the drill, but so that it does not move. When the glaze is cut through, you can increase the speed and pressure.

During drilling, it is necessary to ensure the supply of water to the working part of the crown for cooling. Bosch has crowns that have coolant inside ( olive oil), you can work with them dry.

If you are using a small diameter hole saw without a center drill, use it in conjunction with a jig to avoid displacement. You can make it with your own hands in 1 minute from cutting boards or plywood. Make a hole in it of the same diameter and use it as a conductor, pressing it with your hand.

Tile fixing

We apply the tile and check the coincidence with the pipes. If everything fits, apply glue to the wall, draw a thin layer over it with a comb to evenly distribute it, and press the tile into place.

Using a ballerina

You can make a hole with a ballerina in 5 steps.
