Calculator yield CHI Sberbank of Russia

The question of preservation and multiplication Money always interested in bank customers. Today, financial institutions offer their customers several options for saving and saving:

Deposits in rubles and foreign currency;
Impersonal metal accounts (OMS) in gold, silver, platinum and palladium equivalent.

Which type of savings to prefer - you need to calculate. By choosing an online profitability calculator for CHI Sberbank of Russia (Calculator yield CHI Sberbank of Russia), it is easy to calculate your income for a different period of time, while it can differ significantly for each type of metal. To do this, you only need to specify the amount of the proposed deposit and the period for which it will be opened. All other calculations will be performed automatically, and for clarity, the client will be offered a graph of the expected profitability.

Types of depersonalized metal accounts

Before opening OMS in a bank, you need to know what they are various kinds:
Current - having the lowest interest rate and generating income for their owners due to changes in the value of the metal. Despite the low interest rate, the advantage of such a deposit is that it is perpetual, and you can replenish and withdraw funds from it at any time convenient for the client.
Deposit or urgent - generating income not only due to changes in the value of the metal itself, but also due to the interest accrued monthly. The disadvantage of such a deposit is that you can withdraw funds only at the end of the contract. If you do this ahead of schedule, then the interest accrued by the bank will be recalculated at the minimum rate.

Most investors do not chase bank interest and prefer to earn on fluctuations in the value of the metal, while always having the opportunity to change financial stability withdraw your investment without additional time and nerves. If we calculate the profitability, then it is best to place deposits on compulsory health insurance for a long period, since investors receive real income not due to interest, but only due to fluctuations in the value of precious metals. According to statistics, the best profitability of metal accounts is obtained within 3-5 years, after investing in the account. Over such a long period of time, several quite serious ups and downs of quotes can occur, so potential investors should be patient, which will not be justified as quickly as we would like.

1. Where can I open an anonymous metal account?

An impersonal metal account can be opened at branches of the Bank authorized to work with impersonal metal and. The list of the Bank's branches can be specified on the website or directly at the Bank's branches. Currently, over 8,500 branches of the Bank open depersonalized metal accounts, over 500 of them work with physical metal.

2. In what metals is it possible to open depersonalized metal accounts?

Opening depersonalized metal accounts is possible in 4 types of metal: gold, silver, platinum and palladium.

The Bank establishes quotes for the purchase and sale of precious metals in an impersonal form, taking into account the current accounting prices for precious metals established by the Bank of Russia, the situation on the domestic market of precious metals, as well as trends in fluctuations in current prices on the world market of precious metals.

5. In what units is an impersonal metal account maintained?

An impersonal metal account is maintained in grams of precious metals.

6. Is there a minimum value for making transactions with depersonalized metal accounts?

Incoming and outgoing transactions with gold, platinum and palladium are carried out in grams with an accuracy of 0.1 grams, with silver - up to 1 gram.

7. Is it possible to make incoming and outgoing transactions on unallocated metal accounts in other branches of the Bank?

The ability to make incoming and outgoing transactions in the branches of the Bank, other than at the place of opening an account, depends on the technical capabilities of a particular branch of the Bank. This information must be specified at the time of opening an account.

8. What is the maximum and minimum amount that can be left on an impersonal metal account?

The minimum amount on the account is "0", the maximum is not limited.

9. Is it possible to perform metal transfer operations between depersonalized metal accounts?

The operation of transferring impersonal metal is not provided.

10. Are there any age limits for opening depersonalized metal accounts?

An impersonal metal account can be opened:

  • adults, i.e. over 18 years old - on the basis of an identity document;
  • the legal representative of the child (parent, adoptive parent, guardian) in the name of a minor under 14 years of age - on the basis of:
    • parent - upon presentation of the child's birth certificate (if the child is not included in the passport);
    • guardian - upon presentation of a document of the body of guardianship and guardianship on the appointment of a guardian or a certificate of the guardian issued by the body of guardianship and guardianship;
  • a capable minor aged 14 to 18 opens independently, but with written consent legal representative».

11. Who can make transactions on accounts of minors?

  • according to compulsory medical insurance of a minor before he reaches the age of 14, operations are performed by a legal representative. To make debit transactions, the legal representative must also submit a written prior permission from the guardianship and guardianship authority.

The performance of operations under compulsory medical insurance for a minor under 14 years of age by other persons is possible on the basis of a notarized power of attorney issued by the legal representative of the minor, and, when making debit transactions, a written prior permission from the guardianship and guardianship authority.

  • according to compulsory medical insurance of a minor aged 14 to 18 years, transactions are performed by the minor himself, but with the written consent of the legal representative, drawn up upon his personal appeal to the structural unit of the bank in the form of an application on a separate sheet of paper signed and dated, or on the basis of a notarized consent legal representative.

The performance of CHI operations for a minor aged 14 to 18 by other persons is possible on the basis of a power of attorney issued to the minor with the written consent of the legal representative, executed by a notary public.

12. Is it possible to issue a power of attorney to dispose of an unallocated metal account?

A power of attorney for the ability to dispose of an impersonal metal account must be notarized.

13. Are unallocated metal accounts insured with the Deposit Insurance Agency?

With the advent of the global economic crisis, the popularity of depersonalized metal accounts (OMAs) has grown, which is associated with currency instability and inflation. IN last years the price of gold is growing steadily, and this confirms the effectiveness of investments in precious metals. At the moment, CHI remains the most popular type of investment.

The bank operates CHI in gold, silver, platinum and palladium. The minimum amount of metal to open a term account is 50 grams for gold and platinum, 3,000 grams for silver and 200 grams for palladium. Deposit term - 367 days, interest rate - 1% per annum. In case of early termination of the contract, 0.01% per annum is charged. Additional contributions are accepted, the amount of which is not limited. Urgent compulsory medical insurance is opened provided that the client has a current account in rubles and compulsory medical insurance "On Demand".

The “On Demand” deposit can be opened for any period, and the amount of precious metal is not limited. Interest on the balance is not charged. CHI "On Demand" in NOMOS-BANK is issued on the condition that the client has a current account in rubles.


Clients can open CHI in this bank in gold, silver, platinum and palladium. Interest is not accrued on the On Demand account, and the term of the deposit and purchase and sale operations are not limited. The minimum amount of metal to open an account is 1 gram for gold and silver, 300 grams for platinum and palladium.

A term deposit in gold and silver allows you to receive interest, which is calculated in grams and amounts to 0.1-0.5 percent per annum. The minimum amount of metal to open a term deposit is 3,000 grams of gold and 300,000 grams of silver.

The bank provides for the withdrawal of funds in the form of bullion, but in this case it will be necessary to pay a bank commission and VAT in the amount of 18% of the amount. Opening and maintaining an account with NOMOS-BANK is free of charge. To open a CHI, you only need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and funds for the purchase required amount metal.

A special agreement is concluded to conduct a CHI operation through the Internet bank. Opening and maintaining an account is free. To make purchase and sale transactions of impersonal metal on the Internet, a card in rubles is opened and access to NOMOS-Link is connected.


Traditionally, customer confidence in Sberbank is high, and given that compulsory medical insurance is not included in the deposit insurance system, many investors prefer to open such accounts here.

The depositor can open OMS in gold, silver, platinum and palladium. The minimum amount of metal for opening an account and conducting purchase and sale transactions is 0.1 grams of gold, palladium, platinum and 1 gram of silver. The deposit is issued “on demand” with an unlimited term. Interest rate metal is not charged. There is no minimum and maximum account balance, which allows you to withdraw metal without closing your account.

It is possible to have several CHI in Sberbank, but funds are not transferred from one account to another. It is possible to deposit and withdraw funds in bullion, but in this case, the investor must pay a bank commission and a tax in the amount of 18% of the deposit amount. To open a deposit, you must have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with you. Metal can be purchased from a bank for cash, by transfer from another account, or deposited into an account in bullion.

In the process of the transaction, an agreement is signed for the opening and maintenance of CHI. Money or ingots are exchanged for depersonalized metal at the rate of Sberbank at the time of the transaction and are credited to an account, the opening and closing of which is free of charge. The client is given a second copy of the contract and a savings book, which indicates the amount of metal.

OMI quotes in Sberbank are set at 9:30 and 19:30. Each branch of the bank has its own quotes and spreads, it is necessary to take this feature into account before signing the contract. You can follow quotes on the official website of Sberbank.

Investors transacting in excess of 1,000 grams of gold, platinum, palladium and 60,000 grams of silver can rely on individual quotes that are available at any time.


The bank offers to open a term deposit or "on demand" in gold and silver. For registration, you need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. It is possible to withdraw metal from the account in the form of ingots.

Interest rate on term deposit depends on the term of the metal in the account: 0.20% per annum is charged on 181 days, 0.30% per annum on 271 days, and 1% per annum on 367 days. The minimum deposit amount is 10 grams of gold, 1,000 grams of silver. Replenishment of the account and extension of the contract is not provided. In case of early termination, no interest is charged.

The deposit "On demand" does not provide for the accrual of interest. The minimum weight of the metal is 10 grams of gold and 1,000 grams of silver. It is possible to replenish the account in multiples of 0.1 grams of gold and 1 gram of silver. The term of the deposit is not limited.

VTB 24

The bank offers UMIs in gold, silver, platinum and palladium. The minimum established amount of metal for a purchase and sale transaction is 0.1 grams of gold, platinum, palladium and 1 gram of silver. Interest on the balance of the account is not charged. There is no minimum minimum balance, which allows you to sell metal without closing your account.

It is possible to open several bank accounts in the same name. The client has the right to transfer precious metal from one account to another, provided that they are opened in the same metal. Purchase and sale is made at the rate set by VTB24.

Opening and maintenance of CHI is free, and the term of the deposit is not limited. To open an impersonal account, you will need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and another identity document. You can replenish OMS by transferring metal from another depersonalized account or by purchasing it from a bank. All operations are carried out without the participation of physical metal: the acceptance and issuance of ingots when opening or closing an account is not provided.

Benefits of CHI

The advantages of CHI over the physical purchase of metal is that when conducting transactions with an unallocated account, VAT is not paid in the amount of 18% of the value of the metal. At the same time, its price is as close as possible to the level of the world market, because the cost does not include the production, transportation and insurance of ingots. In addition, the investor does not need to rent a cell for storing bullion.

The indisputable advantage of CHI is the free opening and maintenance of an account. Many banks do not limit the minimum amount of initial and additional contributions. And the sale of metal from an impersonal account is carried out on the day of treatment. Some banks allow the removal of metal in the form of ingots, but in this case, you will have to pay VAT (18%) and a bank commission. Sometimes a non-cash transfer of metal from one OMS to another, opened in the same bank, is provided.

Disadvantages of metal accounts

Compulsory health insurance is not included in the deposit insurance system. Against the backdrop of recent events in Russia, this is a significant drawback of this type of investment. If the bank's license is revoked, the account holder is placed in the general queue of the bank's creditors and is waiting for the sale of its assets.

Banks set their own quotes for the purchase and sale of metal. In this case, the spread (the difference in price between buying and selling a precious metal) is 3-5 percent. But in case of unforeseen circumstances, for example, a sharp increase or decrease in demand, the spread can increase significantly, because there are no restrictions, and the decision is made by the bank.

The MLA does not make the investor the actual owner of the gold. Some banks provide for the possibility of physically withdrawing the metal from the account, however, the owner pays VAT in the amount of 18% of the amount and the bank commission, which is not regulated by anyone and is set by the financial institution independently. This means that in a situation that can provoke a massive withdrawal of physical metal from the account, the bank has the right to set a commission in the amount of even 50% of the value of the bar.

Recently, there has been a tendency to exceed the amount of paper gold over physical gold. This could theoretically lead to the fact that the owners of physical gold do not want to sell it on deliverable futures and the markets for paper contracts will stop. As a result, the owners of such contracts will simultaneously want to cash them out, and the physical metal will not be enough to cover the obligations. In addition, banks will be able to set arbitrary spreads and fees for bringing the metal into physical form. Therefore, despite the advantages of compulsory medical insurance, one should not forget about possible investment risks.

After the opening of the UMA, the value of investments immediately decreases by the value of the spread, and in order to reach at least zero when selling the metal, one must wait until its value increases by the value of the spread. Based on this, it is recommended to open CHI for the long term.

Interest on fixed-term compulsory medical insurance, as well as income received from changes in metal prices, are subject to income tax at a rate of 13%. In the first case, it is held by the bank, and in the second case, the responsibility lies with the account holder.

Over the past two or three years, VTB 24 metal accounts have become especially relevant. This service has its own characteristics, which should be taken into account when making a deposit. "Metal" investments are not covered by insurance, so it is best to open such accounts in reliable banks. VTB 24 is the largest bank in the Russian Federation, which is a state structure and has a large authorized capital.

Impersonal VTB metal accounts

The most common deposits during the economic crisis are investments and keeping funds on. They have identical conditions with the classic deposit in rubles. The main difference is that accounting is not in rubles, but in grams of metal.

The following metals are available for opening OMS: silver, gold, platinum, and also palladium. You can use Internet banking to manage your account.

Price (rate) of metals for today - dynamics over the past years

Viewing information on metal accounts through your personal account

If you have access to, you can open and close OMS, as well as view necessary information in online mode.

If it is more convenient for you to contact the staff, then here you can also get the necessary information and expert advice.
Legal entities can open a metal account with VTB by signing the necessary documents. At the same time, the investor's card must be notarized. This document must contain the name of the organization, details of its bank accounts, copies of basic documents, etc.

As soon as the procedure for opening a metal account with VTB is successfully completed, the depositor will receive a document confirming the operation.

Account maintenance in VTB 24

The main terms of cooperation between the bank and the client are prescribed in the contract. Any actions on accounts are subject to a commission, the amount of which will depend on the type of metal, type of deposit, etc.


When opening a VTB 24 metal account, it is important to remember that you will not be able to get rich instantly. For a tangible increase in income, you will have to wait several months or even years. Despite this, this species investment does not lose its popularity.

Gold price dynamics

Silver price dynamics

Platinum price dynamics

Palladium price dynamics

CHI management strategies

There are at least two approaches to conducting CHI: the conservative approach of the investor and the modern approach of the speculator.

Investment strategy the simplest one: an urgent compulsory medical insurance is opened and the investor calmly waits for the end of the period specified in the contract, after which he receives or does not receive income from the exchange rate difference and in any case receives interest income. The agreed term of the deposit partly relieves the investor of the worries associated with the natural desire to take advantage of the current favorable situation on the precious metals market and make a profitable deal. But it may turn out that at the expiration date of the contract for a fixed-term compulsory medical insurance, market prices change in an unfavorable direction, which can bring serious losses to the investor, and the interest income may not even cover.

Speculative strategy maintaining an impersonal metal account implies opening a demand account and making transactions for the purchase and sale of impersonal metal at suitable short-term moments of a decrease or increase in the price of metal. This strategy makes sense if the investor manages to receive higher income than on a regular deposit in the same bank. This approach may prove to be the most profitable, but its use requires certain estimation and forecasting skills.

As has been repeatedly said, the most serious drawback of this investment tool and at the same time the biggest risk for the investor is lack of insurance of unallocated metal accounts in. OMS are not covered federal law No. 177 - Federal Law of December 23, 2003 " About deposit insurance individuals in banks Russian Federation ". This means that if the bank in which you opened the MHI goes bankrupt or its license is revoked, your deposit will not be covered by insurance indemnities of the Deposit Insurance Agency and the investor will be included in the general list of bank creditors. This fact requires you to carefully choose a bank for opening an OMS, otherwise you risk losing everything.

By opening an impersonal metal account, you are the nominal owner of the precious metal in the specified amount. In reality, gold bars will not be added to the bank's vault - the bank does not acquire precious metal for the purpose of physical security on depersonalized metal accounts.

The bank spread for the purchase and sale of precious metals is not regulated by law. The bank may set a spread that is too large, which will lead to a decrease in the investor's income or even losses. Typically, banks use this tactic in cases of a sharp change in the market price of the base metal or an increase in price volatility.

The amount of the commission for the issuance of a physical precious metal in bullion is also not regulated by law and is determined by the bank depending on the current market situation. Accordingly, nothing prevents the bank from overestimating the fee.

Answer the question “Are depersonalized metal accounts profitable?” impossible without affecting the specific conditions of the investment such as the investment period, precious metal, the time of purchase of the metal, etc. To assess the attractiveness of this tool, you need to have much more information and evaluate in a complex. Well, if you are impressed by the speculative strategy, then your income depends, in more, on your skills and ability to anticipate economic performance.
