Loans individuals in VTB 24 bank are issued in various types on favorable terms, depending on the loan amount and repayment period, as well as a number of specific factors, which will be discussed in more detail now.

Types and conditions of loans for individuals

For 2020, VTB 24 is one of the leading banks in Russia and is in second place after Sberbank. Loan programs for individuals are one of the areas of the bank's activities. VTB 24 issues credit cards, mortgage loans and consumer loans to its customers. The terms of the loan will depend on its type.

Today, for individuals, lending is one of the ways to solve financial difficulties. Depending on the purpose for which and in what amount a person wants to take a loan, he can choose a consumer loan by examining the offers of VTB 24, on more favorable terms with the lowest interest rate.

Loan programs

VTB 24 can offer individuals the following types of loans, which differ in certain parameters.

Loan typeAmount of creditPayment termInterest rate for payroll clients Interest rate for other citizens
LargeSix months - 5 years15% 15,5%
400 thousand rubles - 5 million rubles. (for non-payroll clients 3 million rubles)6 months - 5 years13,5% 13,5%
Comfortable100 thousand rubles - 399,999 rubles.6 months – 60 monthsFrom 16%Up to 22%

The lending service for individuals has been provided by VTB 24 Bank for quite a long time. This bank is more often preferred by people because interest rates on loan products is much lower than that of other banks.

Requirements for an individual

The loan program is not available to every resident of the country, and an individual who meets the following requirements can apply for a loan:

  • Age at the time of taking the loan must be at least 21 years old.
  • Age at the time of full repayment of the loan must be no more than 70 years.
  • The total work experience must be at least 1 year.
  • At the last workplace, a person must work for at least three months.
  • It is desirable to have a positive credit history, otherwise the bank is more likely to refuse.
  • A person must be a citizen of Russia and have a permanent residence permit in the region where the loan was issued.
  • The income of the future borrower must be at least 20,000 rubles, and for residents of Moscow and the region - 30,000 rubles.
These requirements apply to all persons who are going to apply for a loan at VTB 24. The bank tries to protect itself and often refuses to issue a loan to customers, so the main task of a person is to convince VTB 24 of his responsibility and solvency. This can help:
  • Previously taken and fully repaid loans without delinquency.
  • Receipt of a salary by a client in VTB 24.
  • Having a current mortgage with no late payments.
  • Stable and good income.
  • The presence of collateral (at the request of the client).

List of documents

For getting consumer credit a person must collect certain documents:

  • Passport confirming the Russian citizenship of an individual.
  • Income certificate (or standard - 2-NDFL).
  • SNILS.
  • A certified copy of the work book, or an extract from it.

All documents must have a seal from the borrower's enterprise, or be notarized upon delivery without the original.

Documents can be brought to the bank immediately at the time of applying for a loan, or brought after VTB 24 confirms the online application.

Upon receipt of a loan, a Basic package is always issued with standard conditions agreed upon when submitting documents. Also, at the request of the bank, insurance can be included in the agreement, the purchase of which is mandatory when applying for a loan.

How to get a loan in VTB 24?

To apply for a loan, the borrower must write an application and submit documents to the bank.

An application can be submitted in three ways:

  1. By using online service from VTB 24. You need to go to the official website of the bank in the loans section and select the one you are interested in, then click " Fill out an application". In the proposed questionnaire, you should accurately and correctly indicate all the data, and then wait for a response from the bank.
  2. Calling on that works around the clock at 8-800-100-24-24. The application should be submitted with the help of a bank employee, answering his questions.
  3. Personally visit the nearest branch of the bank and fill out the proposed questionnaire. In such a situation, it is best to have all the documents on hand, then you won’t have to wait long for an answer, especially if you are a payroll client of VTB 24.

Depending on the method of filing the application, the time for the bank to make a decision, as well as the maximum loan amount, will depend.

If VTB 24 makes a positive decision to issue a loan to an individual, then if you apply remotely, you will receive a notification via SMS, or a bank employee will call you back.

After that, you should come to the bank branch with a package of documents and sign an agreement. If the documents have already been submitted to the bank, then if a decision is made to issue a loan, the funds will be credited to the borrower's account on the third day.

You can get a loan in cash or on a VTB 24 card.

Credit calculator

Credit interest is something that always scares borrowers. Overpayment in the case of taking a loan is inevitable, only its amount can vary in significant aisles. On the official website of VTB 24 there is a special loan calculator. A person can look at the interest rates on loans in advance, then enter the required amount and the expected repayment period into the calculator. Further, the system itself will offer the most favorable loan option, the amount of monthly payments and the total amount of overpayment will be indicated there.

The calculator on the website will automatically select the program that suits you.

If you are a payroll client of VTB 24, or are already paying off a mortgage, then there is a privilege for you. For such individuals, VTB 24 has shares, and the interest on the loan will be lower, which can significantly reduce the amount of payments.

To find out what interest will be in this case and how much less the amount of overpayments will be, it is worth ticking the appropriate boxes and looking into the calculator. Loan amount is often smaller more than 50 thousand rubles. which is very good for the borrower.

You can compare several loan offers and choose the one that suits you best.

What types of loans are available at VTB Bank today

In 2020, VTB issues consumer loans without requiring any collateral from the public, such as a guarantor or pledge of liquid property. Funds for personal needs can be obtained by confirming only their financial capabilities and employment.

To date, the bank has three consumer lending programs. They are designed for:

1. ordinary individuals (basic conditions);

For each category of borrowers, various conditions consumer lending programs (term and amount of lending). And interest rates today vary not only depending on the category of client, but also on the amount of borrowed funds.

In addition, all customers are given the opportunity to receive a discount to the rate by actively using a debit or credit VTB Multicard.

VTB loans for individuals in 2020: interest and conditions

In this review, the site will analyze under what conditions and at what percentage customers of different categories can get a loan from VTB Bank, and what documents are needed for this.


VTB consumer loan: basic conditions

On basic or standard terms, so-called "customers from the street" can receive money in the bank. That is, those who do not receive a salary on the VTB card. The bank knows nothing about their financial discipline and capabilities, and therefore issues a smaller amount and for a shorter period than for payroll clients. But still this money should be enough for consumer spending.


Interest rates

Without VTB Multicard

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VTB cash loan for payroll clients

Holders salary cards VTB can get more money than clients from the street, and for a longer period. Interest rates for them today are more favorable.

Interest rates

Without VTB Multicard


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VTB loan for non-working pensioners

This program is designed for consumer lending to pensioners, please note, non-working. Including the military.

Why did the bank single out non-working pensioners? Yes, because those who work can already receive money under other programs: on basic terms or for payroll clients.

And so VTB pulled up clients that had previously been left behind and could not receive borrowed funds. The lending conditions for them are as follows.

Conditions for non-working pensioners

Interest rates for non-working pensioners

Interest rates for military pensioners

With insurance

Without insurance

8,9% – 13,2%

12,9% – 18,2%

Credit calculator

VTB loan discounts with Multicard

In the event that you plan to borrow money from VTB or have already issued a consumer loan at this bank, then it would be useful to know how to get a significant discount on the interest rate.

If you issue a VTB credit or debit Multicard and connect the “Borrower” option, you can save on loan payments every month.

Well, if the bank today gives such an opportunity, why not take advantage of it?

How to reduce the loan rate with VTB Multicard

To do this is quite simple.

✓ First of all, you need to issue a credit or debit VTB Multicard.

✓ Then connect the "Borrower" option in VTB-Online or by phone.

✓ After that, pay with a card in stores in the amount of at least 5 thousand rubles per month.

All! The bank will recalculate the rate and payment on the loan every month depending on the amount of your purchases on the Multicard.

The more you spend from your Multicard (debit or credit), the higher your discount to the consumer loan rate will be.

Amount of purchases per month



As you can see, even if you pay with a debit Multicard in stores for only 5-15 thousand rubles a month, and these are quite ordinary expenses middle family, then you can get a discount on the loan of 0.25 percent.

How does the discount work?

The client does not have to fill his head with calculations. The payment schedule for the loan does not change. You will continue to transfer to VTB the usual amount of the regular monthly payment. And the bank will recalculate the amount of the payment, taking into account the discount received in this month and return the difference to your card.


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Who can take a consumer loan at VTB Bank today

1 A consumer cash loan at VTB today can be taken by Russian citizens who have permanent registration in the region where the bank is present.

2 It is also required to have at least 1 year of work experience.

3 In addition, the average monthly official income of the borrower must be at least 15,000 rubles per month.

4 You can also apply for a cash loan for those who work without a work book or contract. But the loan amount in this case will be limited to 500,000 rubles. For applications over 500,000 rubles, official confirmation of employment is required.

Individual entrepreneurs are not provided with consumer loans at VTB Bank today.

What documents are needed to apply for a loan

To obtain a consumer loan in the VTB bank, individuals must submit the following documents to the bank:

Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
certificate 2-NDFL confirming income for the last 12 months;
a copy of the work book or contract (with the requested amount from 500,000 rubles).

For holders of VTB payroll cards, it is enough to provide a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and SNILS.

For pensioners, documents confirming the pension status and the amount of the pension will also be required.

How to get a loan from VTB Bank

Getting a consumer loan at VTB Bank today is quite simple.

1 First of all, make a preliminary calculation of the loan on the loan calculator. This is necessary so that you understand how much money you will have to give to the bank every month during the repayment of the loan. If this amount does not scare you, proceed to the application.

2 Fill out the Application on the Bank's website. Within a few minutes you will receive an SMS with a preliminary decision of the Bank.

3 Prepare the documents and deliver them to the office that you indicated when filling out the application. Within 1-3 working days they will be reviewed, after which you will receive an SMS with the final decision.

4 Receipt of money is possible only after you receive the final approval of the loan. You will only have to conclude a loan agreement. And the money will come to your account or card.

For holders of VTB payroll cards, a decision and issuance of a loan can be made immediately upon a visit to the bank's office.

How to return money

VTB consumer credit is repaid in monthly annuity (equal) payments. This is done very simply, if there was money.

Funds can be debited automatically from the client's card or account on a certain day. And your task is to ensure that by this date there are always funds in the required amount on the account.

Is it possible to repay the loan early

Of course you can. Partial or full early repayment of the loan is carried out without restrictions and without additional fees.


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Do I need to pay insurance when applying for a VTB loan

Of course, when applying for a loan, you will be offered to conclude an insurance contract. But you have the right to refuse.

VTB Bank claims that the refusal of insurance will not affect the decision to issue a loan.

True, the practice is such that the interest rate on a loan without insurance may be higher.

What bonuses does VTB have for borrowers?

When applying for a consumer loan at VTB Bank, you can connect additional services.

Preferential payment. The “Preferential payment” service will allow reducing the amount of first payments (up to 3 pcs.), which will consist only of interest on a loan without principal. The service is provided free of charge.

Credit holidays. The "Credit Holidays" service allows you to skip any one payment every six months (not earlier than 6 months from the date of issuance of the loan and not later than 3 months before the end of the loan). The missed payment is shifted to the next period with a simultaneous increase in the loan term. The service is provided free of charge.

Do you know that…

A loan may be denied today due to high personal income tax

Before applying for a loan, try to at least roughly calculate your Debt Burden Index (DBL). It represents the ratio of monthly payments on loans to the total income of the client, confirmed by documents.

Today, all banks and MFIs must necessarily calculate the personal income tax of each client who plans to borrow more than 10,000 rubles. If he is high, then the money will most likely be refused.

How to reduce PTI and increase the likelihood of approval

This can be done in two ways.

✓ If you plan to take out a loan for a large amount, try to pay off your other loans as much as possible. Refuse including credit cards, as their limit will also be taken into account for you as a minus.

✓ Show your income as much as possible, including non-obvious ones. For example, a contract for renting an apartment for a period of a year or others. Unless, of course, you have them.

What are the most common loans from VTB Bank?

According to the press service of the bank, most often cash loans are taken for repairs in an apartment, for the purchase of expensive equipment, furniture or for the purchase of a car.

The share of men in bank disbursements is 58%, women - 42%. The average size the loan for men is 691 thousand and for women - 645 thousand rubles.

Don't Forget About Lending Risks

Borrowed funds should be taken for the necessary needs. Loans can help with essential purchases, health care, and education. But spending that is too expensive and will become a burden on the family budget should be avoided, says the director of the National Association of Professional Collection Agencies (NAPCA). When a loan is taken to close some hole in the budget, defaults and delays in payments begin, he says.

Summing up

VTB Bank today ranks second after Sberbank in terms of loans issued to the population. This suggests that consumer lending services are in great demand. A number of reasons contribute to this.

First of all, perhaps, it is a wide network of regional branches of the bank. Applying for money in VTB for the population of Russia is as usual as in the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

The popularity of bank loans is also facilitated by simple and understandable conditions, as well as relatively low interest rates.

Previously, VTB positioned itself as a bank for influential decision makers. But today in the line of loans there is a special offer for non-working pensioners, which makes VTB more democratic.

“VTB strives to increase the availability of banking products for the population, and against the backdrop of an improving macroeconomic situation and a reduction in the key rate, we have decided to improve the conditions for issuing loans to customers. 7.5% - one of better conditions on the Russian retail market, allowing consumers to realize their financial plans in the coming spring with the maximum benefit, ”comments , Head of the Retail Products Department - Senior Vice President of VTB.

Contacts for information and consultations

Official site:

8 800 100-24-24 Free for Russian regions.

General license of the Bank of Russia No. 1000.

The information is not a public offer.

Being one of the most popular, most reliable and most stable financial institutions in the country, VTB is obliged to offer customers favorable lending terms. The Bank has developed several attractive, profitable loan options for borrowers that can help them make a large purchase or solve financial difficulties. The proposed conditions will be clear to any customers who decide to take a VTB 24 loan for individuals in 2020, and a calculator on the official website of the institution will allow you to calculate the monthly payments and the total amount of the overpayment. As a result, borrowers will know the terms offered to them even before applying for money.

Despite the demand for lending, the bank is gradually abandoning individual offers, leaving only the most convenient and necessary. As a result, in 2020, those who wish are able to choose only 2 options for consumer loans:

  • Comfortable;
  • Large.

In addition, the credit institution offers refinancing, which allows you to reduce the cost of covering debts to third parties.

It should be noted that such a narrow choice is explained by the presence in these options of all possible combinations of amounts and time. As a result, customers get the opportunity to independently customize the conditions for own needs without complicating the process by exploring multiple options.

VTB 24 official website: loans to individuals

Before considering VTB 24 loans for individuals in 2020 and interest rates, you should focus on the requirements for borrowers. They are the same for every money issuing program. Future debtors must:

  1. be over 21 years old, but under 70 years old (by the time the debt is closed);
  2. have a positive credit history;
  3. be citizens of Russia and live in a region where there is a VTB branch;
  4. have an official source of income;
  5. working people need more than 1 year of experience;
  6. the minimum wage must exceed 20 thousand (in Moscow - 30 thousand).

To confirm compliance with the listed requirements, it is necessary to collect the following documents:

  • passport;
  • certificate from tax 2-personal income tax or confirmation of income in the form of a bank;
  • SNILS;
  • if the loan amount exceeds 500 thousand, you will need a copy of the employment contract or book certified by the employer.

Without the listed papers, it is pointless to count on the issuance of money.

Loan processing

The next point worthy of the attention of borrowers describes the procedure for applying for loans. To receive money you will need:

  1. write and submit an application;
  2. give documents;
  3. wait for the decision, which will arrive by SMS;
  4. get money.

Separately, it should be noted that you can apply in 4 different ways:

  • personally visiting the nearest branch;
  • by filling out a special form on the official website;
  • by calling the contact number and providing the necessary information to the operator;
  • ordering a callback.

The application itself contains only the most useful and important information, including passport details, contact information and the amount of the desired loan. Consideration of the submitted application takes 2-3 days, but sometimes a positive response is received within a few hours. Applications of persons receiving salaries on the VTB card are considered especially quickly.

VTB 24 loans to individuals: interest rates 2020

As mentioned above, a financial institution offers only 2 options for issuing a loan. "Convenient" involves receiving money on the following conditions:

  • maximum allowable size borrowing equals 399,999 rubles;
  • the interest rate depends on the reliability of the borrower and ranges from 16 to 22 percent;
  • the repayment period can reach 5 years, but cannot be less than six months.

Those wishing to take a loan "Large" must rely on:

  1. amount from 400 thousand to 5 million;
  2. overpayment from 15% to 15.5%;
  3. the repayment period coincides with the previous one and ranges from 6 to 60 months.

These are the main conditions of VTB's current loans to individuals and interest rates. The calculator available on the VTB website will allow you to understand the features of receiving money and clarify the exact amount of monthly payments. It is worth using it even before applying.


The refinancing program deserves special attention. It allows you to repay loans in other banks by obtaining a new, more profitable loan from VTB. According to the main provisions of the program, debtors will be able to:

  • get from 100 thousand to 3 million;
  • at an interest rate of 13.5 to 15 percent per annum;
  • for up to 5 years.

It is important to add that only those who have not allowed late payments, have no debts and must pay at least 3 more months will be able to use this program. Accepted currency is only rubles. If these options are suitable, you should use the standard procedure for applying for a loan.

Today, VTB holds a strong position in the retail consumer lending market. The bank offers favorable rates, large amounts, quick application processing and a simple registration procedure.

VTB consumer loans - interest rate and conditions

For individuals VTB operates such credit programs like refinancing and cash loans for consumer needs. On this page you will find 2 loan products of this bank. What are the conditions for this year?

  • amount from 50,000 to 5,000,000 rubles;
  • interest rate from 7.5 to 18.2%;
  • reduced rates for payroll card holders.

A consumer loan at VTB in 2020 is provided without guarantors and collateral. For paying customers, the bank offers registration without certificates.

How to get a loan for consumer needs in VTB

In order for the application for receiving money to be considered in a short time, we suggest sending it through our website. You can take a consumer loan from VTB on the day you apply to the bank. To sign the contract, a standard list of documents is required: passport, income statement, work book.

VTB 24 is the third largest domestic bank. Its credit programs are very popular among the population. Especially in demand in 2018 is the direction of consumer lending. Owners of various incomes can apply for a loan, since the bank offers flexible conditions and the possibility of deferred payments.

VTB 24 issues consumer loans on a general and preferential basis. General rules apply to new customers who have not yet managed to establish themselves on the positive side. "Old" borrowers are offered more favorable terms with extended terms and low interest rates.

Privileges for consumer loans apply to citizens who receive wages through VTB 24, employees of partner companies and former borrowers with a positive credit history.

Conditions for obtaining a consumer loan in 2018

  • size - 100,000 rubles - 5,000,000 rubles (for payroll clients), 3,000,000 rubles (for other categories);
  • interest rate - 12.9% - 19.9% ​​with an amount of 100,000 - 500,000 rubles, 12.5% ​​-13.5% with an amount over 5,000,000 rubles .;
  • the term of the contract for payroll clients is 7 years, for other categories - 5 years;
  • early repayment without commission and additional charges is allowed;
  • financial holidays and deferrals are allowed;
  • the maximum return period for payroll clients is up to 84 months, for other categories - up to 60 months;
  • currency - rubles;
  • form of issue - in cash or by transfer to a card;
  • pledge of real estate, guarantee - not required;
  • purpose is consumer.

The application is considered within 1 business day. As a rule, it takes 2-3 hours to obtain prior consent, i.e. one visit to the bank.

List of documents

To apply for a consumer loan at VTB 24, you need passport, SNILS, certificate in the form 2-NDFL or other document confirming official income. Individual entrepreneurs can submit a declaration or bank account statement for the previous six months.

Citizens who plan to take a loan today in the amount of 5 million rubles, a notarized copy of the work book with an up-to-date employment record is attached to the specified list. Clients of preferential categories present only 2 documents: passport and SNILS.

Upon receipt of prior consent in the form of an SMS notification, the papers should be transferred to the VTB 24 branch. They will be considered for 1-3 business days, after which the citizen will receive a final decision on the provision of a consumer loan or refusal.

The main reason for refusal is lack of income. With an increase in wages or other improvement in the financial situation, a citizen can re-apply and count on a positive result.

Online application

You can apply for a consumer loan in person, at the nearest VTB 24 office or on the official website of the bank online. Before shipping, electronic form you need to enter the following information:

  • surname, name, patronymic (in strict accordance with the spelling in the passport);
  • date of birth;
  • Mobile phone number;
  • email address;
  • documented income information;
  • employer data (name, TIN, address)

The verdict on the application is rendered within 15-20 minutes, after which a notification is sent to the specified phone number. If the answer is positive, the applicant is invited to visit the VTB 24 branch with documents.


Not everyone can get a loan for consumer purposes at VTB 24. To do this, an individual must be an adult resident of the Russian Federation, have a confirmed income, i.e. be officially employed or have the status of an individual entrepreneur, as well as have a permanent registration at the location of the bank's office.

How to pay off a loan?

There are several ways to repay consumer credit obligations:

  • Cash through the VTB 24 cash desk - funds are received instantly to a special account opened in the name of the payer;
  • Through an ATM - for this, an ATM is used, which has the option of a cashless transfer. The payment goes to the recipient's account immediately;
  • From card to card - the operation is performed using a special service on the VTB 24 website. For payment, the card numbers of the recipient and sender, the amount of the contribution are indicated. Transfer occurs within 3 days after payment;
  • Through VTB-online ( Personal Area) - you need to set up the automatic payment function with the date of the monthly charge. Subsequently, the operation will take place independently, without the participation of the payer. Funds are debited from a card or current account. The transfer is processed within a few minutes;
  • Cash via Russian Post - funds are deposited 7 days before the date of payment. A special mail order form is issued at the VTB 24 branch;
  • Through terminals of any payment systems with the function of repaying a loan;
  • Through the Golden Crown - Loan Repayment service.

VTB 24 allows early repayment of part or all of the cost of a consumer loan. There is no commission or other additional fees charged. An application for early fulfillment of obligations is submitted to the bank manager or online. Then the available amount is entered.

With full repayment, the contract is canceled, with partial - the term of its validity is reduced.

Is it possible to refuse?

A citizen has the right to refuse to use the received loan at any time after the conclusion of the contract. To do this, he must return the money with interest accrued for the time when the loan was actually with him. The bank does not require any additional payments.

Can I get credit holidays?

A borrower who finds himself in a difficult financial situation can count on two types of credit holidays. First- This is a deferment of the principal debt, when only discount interest is paid within 3 months. The amount of the unpaid main obligation is divided into several parts and added to subsequent monthly installments.

Second type of vacation - this is the opportunity to skip one planned contribution for 6 months. Provided that from the date of signing the transaction has passed not less than 180 days.

Penalties for delay

For late payment of the monthly fee, a penalty in the amount of 0,1% from the value of the outstanding payment for each day of delay. If the debtor within 90 days does not fulfill the debt obligation, the bank collects the debt in court.

As for the assignment of the right to claim a debt to a collection firm, it can only be done with the official consent of the debtor. In the absence of consent, the creditor is not entitled to carry out this operation independently.

Do you need insurance?

When applying for a consumer loan at VTB 24, insure life and health not necessary. The client, if desired, can conclude an insurance contract in one of the directions offered by the bank. The absence of such an agreement does not deprive him of the right to receive a loan and any benefits on it.

VTB Group offers its users a program "Financial Reserve", which is divided into two directions "Financial reserve Life +", "Financial Reserve Profi". They include insurance risks such as death from illness or accident, temporary or permanent disability. When they occur, the insurance company will repay the debt to the bank for the borrower, which will free his relatives from this obligation. The insurance is valid for the entire term of the loan agreement.

An insurance transaction is concluded on the basis of general conditions participation. Special insurance rules have been developed for residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg. You can get acquainted with those and others on the official website of VTB 24.
