Long years of impeccable work, high-quality customer service, as well as "seductive" conditions for obtaining loans have allowed VTB 24 not only to take an honorable second place in the rating of the country's financial institutions, but also to earn the trust of compatriots. The current loan offers of the bank, the conditions and the main nuances of obtaining loans will be discussed in today's article.

Interest rates on loans for individuals at VTB 24

In 2017-2018, depending on the type of consumer loan, bank customers have the opportunity to receive the amount they need at the following interest rates:

Under what conditions does the bank provide a cash loan

Individuals can receive a cash loan on the following conditions:

To obtain a loan for personal needs, you can contact the lender's office directly, or, without leaving their home, submit an electronic application through the official website of the organization.

The time for consideration of a request for receiving funds is from one to three banking days.

Car loan

For those who dream of getting a brand new car, VTB 24 offers to apply for a loan secured by the purchased vehicle using the services of the bank:
Conditionscar loan
"AutoStandard""Autolight""Autoexpress""Freedom of choice"
Bid, (%)10,7% - 18,9% 8% - 19% 9% - 21,9% 11,9% - 13,9%
Amount (rubles)up to 5 000 000up to 5 000 000up to 1 500 000up to 3,000,000
Termup to 5 yearsup to 5 yearsup to 5 yearsup to 5 years
Prepaid expensefrom 20%from 20%from 20%from 30% - when buying a domestic car
Pledgepurchased carpurchased carpurchased carpurchased car
Requirement for the object of collateral
not older than 10 years - for foreign cars.
not older than 4 years - for the domestic auto industry
not older than 10 years - for foreign cars.
not older than 4 years - for the domestic auto industry
not older than 10 years - for foreign cars.
not older than 4 years - for the domestic auto industry
Income verificationYesnot requirednot requiredYes

Also, the client can use the program state support when buying a new foreign car. The list of cars that are subject to the terms of the special offer, as well as specific information, can be viewed on the official website of the financial institution.

Conditions and interest rates on mortgage loans

You can take a loan to purchase your own apartment in VTB 24 in 2017-2018 under the following conditions:
ConditionsMortgage loans
"More meters - less rate""Buying a Home""Real Estate""Mortgage for the military" (NIS participants)"Victory Over Formalities"
Bid, (%)from 9.5%from 9.7%from 10%from 10.9%from 10.7%
Amount (rubles)up to 60 000 000up to 60 000 000up to 60 000 000up to 2 220 000up to 30,000,000
Termup to 30 yearsup to 30 yearsup to 30 yearsup to 14 years oldup to 20 years
Prepaid expensefrom 20%from 10%from 20%from 15%from 30%

Mortgage loan without down payment

You can apply for a housing loan without an initial payment at VTB 24 Bank in several ways:

  1. Take out a loan using government support.
  2. Take advantage of the offer to restructure a mortgage loan issued by another bank.

In the first case, as an initial contribution can be involved cash either maternity capital (for couples with two or more babies), or a housing certificate (for persons participating in any housing program, including military mortgages).

Under the on-lending program, a borrower can take out a loan of up to 30 million rubles with a fee of 9.7% and a period of up to 30 years.

Non-targeted loan secured by real estate without proof of income

Especially for the category of borrowers who, for various reasons, cannot confirm their solvency, VTB 24 offers to issue a loan, ensuring its return, with the client's own real estate on the following conditions:

  • loan amount - up to 15 million rubles, but not more than half of the value of the pledge;
  • percentage - 11.7%;
  • period - 20 years.

Since recently VTB 24 has suspended the issuance of money under the " educational loan”, the funds received from the bank can be used for the personal needs of the client, including paying for tuition.

Home construction loan

Despite the fact that VTB 24 does not have a target loan for building a house, a potential client can use any of the consumer loans presented in the credit line by issuing the required amount at favorable interest rates.

How to get a loan at a low interest rate at VTB 24 Bank

You can take the required amount in VTB 24 at a small percentage if:

  • the client's salary goes to the plastic opened in the creditor bank;
  • the borrower is a user of the Privilege package;
  • the property of the client is provided as collateral for the loan;
  • there are guarantors.

The most complete package of documents also increases the chances of receiving money at a reduced percentage.

Conditions for obtaining loans for pensioners

Despite the fact that the bank does not provide special loan programs for retired persons, VTB 24 treats this category of citizens with great confidence. So, a working pensioner can general conditions obtain a loan by submitting the necessary set of documents to the lender's company.

If the pension is credited to the plastic card account of a financial institution, then the loan is issued on the basis of the client's passport alone.

Thus, any of the loans presented in the main line is available for a pensioner.

Granting a loan to payroll customers of the bank

For persons whose official income goes to the VTB 24 settlement card, special conditions for obtaining loans are provided.

Payroll clients can take the necessary amount of money at a small percentage on the basis of a passport and an insurance certificate (SNILS) alone. At the same time, the maximum possible loan for this category of borrowers reaches 5 million Russian rubles, which is much higher than for ordinary people.

What documents are needed to get a loan at VTB 24

Consideration of applications of individuals for obtaining borrowed funds takes place on the basis of the following documents:

  • Russian passport;
  • documented income of the borrower for the previous six months (2 personal income tax or a certificate, the form of which is approved by a financial institution);
  • SNILS;
  • a work book certified by an employee of the personnel department of the enterprise where the borrower works - with a loan amount exceeding 500 thousand rubles.

If necessary, this list can be supplemented with additional documents.

How to cancel insurance if the loan has already been taken

Current legislation gives the borrower the right at any time, regardless of whether he received a loan or not, to refuse the services of insurance institutions. The exception is car loans, since the regulations of our country oblige citizens to insure a vehicle purchased with funds borrowed from a bank.

So, you can terminate an insurance contract in VTB 24 in the following ways:

  1. Early payment of a debt. In this case, you must contact the insurer with a document confirming the fact of closing the loan, and an identity card. After that, the company will recalculate, on the basis of which the overpaid money will be returned to the applicant.
  2. When applying for a refusal to VTB 24. In this case, the financial company must give the borrower a fresh payment schedule, taking into account the recalculations made. In this case, the client still has to pay the installments for the current interest period.

It should be noted that the terms of the contract may provide for an increase in the interest rate in case of refusal of insurance services.

Bank granting deferred payment on a loan

If the client is in a difficult situation: he got fired, fell ill, etc., the credit company can give him the opportunity to push back the date of the next payment.

To this end, the borrower must provide credit organization:

  • an application for a deferral of debt payment;
  • documentary confirmation of the impossibility of making payment (certificate from the labor exchange, a copy of the work book, a document from a medical institution about an injury, etc.).

For each borrower, the bank makes a decision individually, based on the specific situation.

Conditions for refinancing a personal loan

The refinancing program offered by the credit company makes it possible to transfer existing loans to VTB 24 Bank, while significantly saving your finances on monthly payments.

Debt restructuring is carried out according to the following rules:

  • rate - from 13.5%;
  • period - up to 5 years;
  • six months must have elapsed from the date of the loan.

In the presence of late payment on credit obligations, the financial company may refuse to provide on-lending.

The procedure for consolidating a borrower's existing loans into one

Bank clients have the opportunity to combine up to 9 of their loans into one with 100% approval of the application. Especially for these purposes, VTB 24 has developed a separate loan program:

  • rate - from 15%;
  • period - up to 5 years;
  • a loan of up to 3 million rubles.

This service allows you to early close the client's debts, and, if necessary, existing debts.

Small business loans at VTB 24

The lending institution pays special attention to small businesses. The Bank provides significant financial support to this category of clients, providing them with the opportunity, depending on the purpose of obtaining borrowed funds, to use any of the presented credit programs am:
ConditionsLoan product
"Business Mortgage""Overdraft""Kommersant""Revolving"
Bid, (%)from 15%from 12.9%from 14%from 10.9%
Amount (rubles)from 4 000 000from 850 000up to 5 000 000from 850 000
Termup to 15 yearsup to a yearup to 5 yearsup to 3 years
Pledgeacquired propertyNoNoworking capital

Loans for individual entrepreneurs without certificates and guarantors

Individual entrepreneurs can apply for a loan for the development of their business without providing additional information to a credit institution, as well as without involving guarantors on the following conditions:

Today, VTB holds a strong position in the retail consumer lending market. The bank offers favorable rates, large amounts, quick application processing and a simple registration procedure.

VTB consumer loans - interest rate and conditions

For physical persons of VTB there are such credit programs as refinancing and cash loans for consumer needs. On this page you will find 2 loan products of this bank. What are the conditions for this year?

  • amount from 50,000 to 5,000,000 rubles;
  • interest rate from 7.5 to 18.2%;
  • reduced rates for payroll card holders.

A consumer loan at VTB in 2020 is provided without guarantors and collateral. For paying customers, the bank offers registration without certificates.

How to get a loan for consumer needs in VTB

In order for the application for receiving money to be considered in a short time, we suggest sending it through our website. Take consumer credit at VTB you can already on the day you contact the bank. To sign the contract, a standard list of documents is required: passport, income statement, work book.

Stas |

I didn’t take a big loan for 20 thousand, by the way, they gave it the first time, all the same, it’s a different matter to take from a bank than from other offices, lending conditions are a little easier, and the bank itself is quite large, I know there are even international branches. In general, I paid everything, I think if the need arises, I will take it here.


Konstantin |

We applied to VTB Bank this year due to lack of money for repairs new apartment. There was no desire to borrow from relatives and acquaintances. And unfortunately there was no time to collect the necessary amount. We were quickly issued an application for a loan, after we provided the necessary documents. She was considered during the day with a positive response. The monthly payment was fixed for the entire repayment period, plus a low interest rate and an early repayment option. Thanks to the amount received, repairs were made, and housewarming was celebrated. Helped us in difficult situation. We will continue to cooperate with this bank.


Maria |

Through this service, I applied for a cash loan at VTB Bank, VTB Bank has been known for a long time, and it has a very good reputation, so I applied here. I liked that you can fill out an online application on your own, just a passport is enough, after I filled out a positive approval for the loan within a day. The next day I already applied to the bank, collected all the necessary documents, the amount I received was exactly the one indicated in the online application. VTB approved the most favorable interest rate for me, I am very pleased that I applied to this particular bank, I have already paid for several months, there were no problems!


    Andrey |

    You were issued so quickly, probably your CI is in order and your income is decent. But with a salary of 25 thousand, they refused to give me a loan for 200 thousand. They said that the official income is too low, although I have other sources of income, but I cannot provide a certificate. But at least 100 were given, and in 3 days I coped with the documents.


      Victor |

      Well, depending on where you live, if in our capital, then I have no doubt that they didn’t. In general, perhaps you have some sins, maybe your credit history is damaged, you did not risk larger amounts. I have only pleasant impressions from cooperation with the bank, there have never been misunderstandings.


      Oleg |

      I took a loan from VTB for 500 thousand. Impressions are twofold. I have already paid everything, but I had to, as they say, strain. The fact is that for their payroll clients they have very reduced rates and programs are profitable. But, if you have not previously applied to VTB at all, then do not expect any particularly favorable conditions. The main thing is that there are no hidden fees or leftist commissions - this is already a huge plus, because even many respected banks in our country sin like this. On the other hand, the procedure for issuing a loan is quite fast. In this regard, they have a clear system. If you come, you won't have to wait long, that's for sure.


        Eugene |

        How not, but the imposition of insurance?! All banks sin with this, and VTB is no exception. I had to face it, but I already had insurance, so they just added 2% to the base rate out of the blue.


          Max |

          Well, such a moment is celebrated everywhere, although I personally like VTB more than others, although because of Multicard. Excellent credit card, I use it with pleasure. And by the way, I have nothing against insurance, I always have an agreement with an insurance company, you never know what can happen in life.


          Artem |

          Usually, in terms of lending, the bank immediately stipulates the conditions - if there is insurance, then the percentage is this, if not, it is higher. And they can only accept insurance of those companies that are accredited by them.


          Sergey |

          I would not say that this bank has some exceptionally luxurious conditions for payroll clients. The only serious way out of this situation is that they do not need to provide a certificate of income from work, they already see them. M if the income is not the highest, as in my case, then the limit will be small and the interest is standard. And try to impose loan insurance, they never forget about it here.


            Victor |

            Yes, they have normal conditions for payroll clients, no worse than those of steel banks. Because of this, they gave me not only a consumer loan, but even a mortgage at a minimum percentage.


            Vadim |

            You have accurately noticed this, and not only VTB Bank sins with this, but everyone else too. They choose the most possible minimum loan rate (which is given only to regular customers) and the largest one for deposits, and a very enticing picture is obtained. But in fact, I think that this bank offers one of the most favorable conditions. I myself took a loan from them, it turned out that for several months I could pay off the body of the loan, went to a meeting, formalized the restructuring and did not even spoil the credit history. So the staff here is adequate and understanding, it is a pleasure to deal with them.


              Svetlana |

              I have always had a good opinion about the bank, I have been a payroll client for more than 10 years, I have never had any problems. And suddenly, in August, I receive an SMS stating that 1,500 rubles have been debited from my card to replenish Megafon. Naturally, I didn’t pay anything, I call the bank, they block the card, I’m waiting for a reissue. And when I try to figure out where the money went, everyone shrug their shoulders. I insisted on writing a statement about fraud, they slipped me an application for the return of illegally debited funds!

Any citizen aged 21 to 70 who is not involved in the bankruptcy procedure can take a cash loan from VTB Bank in Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation. Issuance of loans individuals in VTB is carried out in a bank branch located in the region of permanent registration of the borrower. It is obligatory to have a permanent place of work and an official income of 15,000 rubles per month. For employees, the length of service at the last place of work must be at least 90 days, for lawyers, notaries and individual entrepreneurs - at least 1 year. in number required documents includes a Russian passport, a second document (if available) - a passport or driver's license, a certified copy of a work book, a document confirming income.

Issuance of credit

A cash loan from VTB Bank is provided for a period of 6 months to 7 years. Loan amount - from 100,000 to 5 million rubles. The interest rate on a loan at VTB Bank is determined on an individual basis. For payroll clients with insurance - 7.5% per annum (loan amount from 500 thousand), for other categories of citizens with insurance from 11.5%. In all other cases, 13.5% -19.5%. Loan issuance is not subject to additional commission.

Loan repayment methods

Benefits of a loan at VTB

A cash loan from VTB Bank has many advantages that cannot be overestimated:

  • registration of an application on the official website of the bank;
  • the ability to change the payment date;
  • reduction of the credit rate subject to timely payment of the loan;
  • provision of credit holidays;
  • the ability to transfer loans from other banks with a decrease in the amount of the monthly payment;
  • early partial or full repayment of the loan.

Questions and answers

Can I get a loan without a 2-personal income tax certificate?

Yes, for this you need to provide an account statement or a certificate of employment confirming official employment.

For what period do you need a certificate of income?

The document is provided for the last 6 months or for the actual period if you have worked for less than six months.

Does the insurance policy affect the issuance of a loan?

No, insurance is provided on a voluntary basis.
