Any business owner, in order to carry out entrepreneurial and other activities, needs to have a certain capital, which is sometimes not enough, and therefore there is a need to raise additional funds through lending. Before deciding on a specific loan program, entrepreneurs, based on an assessment of their financial capabilities, need to choose the most optimal offer. What banking product is the most profitable?

Credit institutions that specialize in providing a variety of loan products offer many types of loans, the conditions of which are set based on certain target features of lending, as well as a specific area of ​​activity. Each loan product, as a rule, is provided on the basis of an individual loan service scheme.

How to choose the right loan offer

When applying for a loan, its recipient, first of all, must decide on the goal for which he needs additional funds. It is important to take into account not only the amount of interest on the loan product, but also commission deductions and other additional penalties. Calculations should not be ambiguous.

There are such loan programs, in respect of which fairly loyal and acceptable rates are set, which is very attractive to customers. However, if you carefully read the terms of the contract, footnotes and annexes to the document, you will find that in fact the loan is not so profitable. Often reducing interest on loans, banks are trying to get lost profits by setting fees that can increase the cost of a loan by a fairly significant amount. Fees may include deductions for opening a loan account and its maintenance, penalties for issuing capital in cash, penalties for early repayment of debt or for not using the remaining limit.

The payment schedule should consist of simple and understandable calculations. It should indicate not only the amount of the principal debt, the amount of monthly installments, interest, but also all the stipulated credit program commissions. The borrower who has taken a loan must know the specific date by which funds should be credited to the loan account, as well as what sanctions are provided for late repayment of the debt.

Credit line, features and types

A loan line should be understood as a certain, automatic sequence of credit products. The credit line has two types of its functioning: non-revolving and revolving lines.

A non-revolving line of credit is rational when used for partial advance payments, periodic partial settlements, and also for deferring loan installments. The main advantage of such lines is manifested in investment activities, when the business owner is planning expensive purchases, but does not know about their volume and acquisition period. The contract of such a loan contains, as a rule, the term of credit servicing of the account and debt, as well as the amount, term and procedure for providing tranches. Funds are credited to the borrower's account in equal installments. When the borrower completely closes the debt before the expiration of the established period, then in order to re-use the loan capital, he needs to re-execute the transaction. The schedule regarding the drawdown of capital is drawn up on the basis of the application of the recipient of the capital. The sampling period may vary in the time range of 6-12 months. As soon as the selection completely ends, the line is immediately considered closed.

A revolving credit limit is convenient to use when the need for additional capital is associated with fixed expenses that are of a periodic nature. The main difference between such a deputy and a non-renewable limit is that the funds are issued only once. A renewable limit is well suited for many types of businesses, in particular those that require unpredictable costs and investments. It would be rational to issue a renewable limit for those persons who periodically need an insignificant amount of capital. If the client is a borrower under a renewable loan product, then the most profitable way to repay it is to return the borrowed money as soon as possible, which, if necessary, can be used again.

Line of credit repayment options

Debt repayment can be done in two ways. Thus, the borrower may agree to establish a schedule for each specific installment. Since there are usually quite a lot of such contributions, it is very problematic for banks to monitor the timeliness of all payments. That is why this option of debt repayment is rarely used in practice in the banking sector.

The loan agreement may indicate a schedule for reducing the limit capital by inverse proportion to the remaining debt. The creditor, as a rule, sets the maximum amount of debt that may not be repaid on a specific date. When the amount of outstanding payments exceeds the established limit, the borrower undertakes to repay the debt to the bank in installments. Payment of interest, calculated on the basis of a specific amount of interest, is carried out every month during the period of credit servicing.

One-time loan - its features and conditions of provision

Specialists recommend making one-time loans for making purchases, as well as real estate. If we compare such a loan with other lending programs, then, due to its ease of registration and issuance, it is considered the most popular and sought-after type of banking products. The loan is issued by crediting the loan amount to the recipient's credit account, and repayment must be made after the loan period.

Interest on one-time loans is calculated every day based on the residual debt. The borrower must pay interest for the use on the days specified in the agreement, or at other specific time intervals. The very initial commission that a potential borrower must pay before providing loan capital is 0.5-5% of the amount of the loan received. In addition, one-time loan programs provide for another additional fee, which is charged for early repayment of funds back to the lender.

Debt recovery can be done in three ways. So repayment of a single loan can be made according to an annuity schedule, when installments are subject to periodic payment in equal installments. The debt can be divided into equal amounts, consisting of the amount of the principal debt and the interest required for payment, calculated from the balance of the outstanding loan. As a rule, such repayment is characterized by rather large contributions at an early stage of lending. When an individual schedule is drawn up, interest is paid every month. The accrual is based on the residual debt. Cancellation of the entire debt is also carried out according to the schedule.

Advantages and disadvantages of a non-renewable line

The main advantages of a non-renewable limit include:

  • - a significant amount of capital available for borrowing;
  • - separate commission deductions that are made for a specific payment, which excludes huge one-time penalties;
  • - accrual of interest, which is carried out on the amount of unpaid payments, but not on the residual debt;
  • - early return of capital, which does not provide for commissions and other charges.
  • Negative nuances of non-revolving loan products:
  • - additional commission withholding, which is subject to collection in case the credit line limit turns out to be unclaimed;
  • - the impossibility of repaying the debt according to the annuity schedule;
  • - reduction of capital in case of late payment of the previous installment;
  • - debt recovery individual program repayment set for each specific payment made.

Renewable limit - pros and cons

Benefits of a Revolving Limit:

  • - a sufficiently long period of credit service;
  • - in order to receive new capital, the borrower does not need to re-collect documents and go through the registration procedure again;
  • - repeated use of credit funds.

The disadvantages of revolving lines include the fact that after the borrower uses the loan funds and pays debt payments, he again takes a new loan from the same creditor bank. The negative point of lending under the revolving program is also a shorter period set for repayment. When it comes to significant loan capital, the payer on the loan may face difficulties in repaying it.

One-time credit - what is convenient and what are its disadvantages

One-time loans are credit products that are quite convenient to use in order to make one-time transactions. One-time loan programs allow clients not only to cover the shortfall working capital, as well as create all the reserves required for the operation of the enterprise by the right moment, but also quickly conclude a valuable deal. Moreover, the payment schedule is based on a phased repayment. One-time loans are provided on very acceptable and favorable terms, which favorably affects the creation of a good loan history.

When a borrower wants to take a large amount, he must understand that due to the high interest rates set for one-time loans, he will have to overpay a fairly serious amount of his own funds. Such programs almost always provide for the need to draw up a guarantee or pledge agreement, various expensive commission deductions, as well as a deposit as a guarantee. To get a one-time loan, you need to submit a wide documentary package with all important papers and certificates. Quite often, lenders require clients to obtain insurance, which, of course, increases and increases the cost of a loan.

Choosing a suitable lending product is not easy, but if you evaluate and analyze the business, as well as the priorities for its further functioning and development, you can make the right choice.

Lending individuals is becoming more and more popular banking service. Most often, individuals apply to the bank for obtaining consumer credit. The spread and popularity of this loan product can be explained by its accessibility to the general population. There is a wide variety of types of consumer loans, which also allows interested consumers to find the most profitable loan options for themselves.

Two main types of consumer loans should be distinguished: targeted and non-targeted. In this case, the bank provides the consumer with funds to meet a specific need or issues a loan that the client can spend for any purpose.

It is worth noting that the types of consumer loans may also differ in the way they are secured. Banks can provide borrowers with both secured and unsecured loans. In this case, the property property of the creditor of liquid value covering the amount of debt, taking into account interest rate. A guarantee can also be considered as collateral covering a client's loan debt. The collateral provided to the lender acts as a guarantee that the loan will be repaid, and in case of default on financial obligations, the deposited collateral will be sold by the bank to cover the debt on the loan.

Some types of consumer loans involve the provision of bank loans to certain categories of citizens, for example, students, pensioners, and the military. Loans to these groups of borrowers may differ in repayment terms from standard lending terms.

In order to choose the most suitable look consumer credit, the borrower needs to study the loan offers of lender banks and decide on the most attractive conditions based on their own financial situation.

Types of consumer lending:

a) Credit for urgent needs. A consumer loan for urgent needs is the most universal type of consumer loan provided by banks to individuals. The concept of "urgent needs" can be interpreted by potential borrowers quite broadly, which allows him, in principle, not to disclose (and not indicate in the loan agreement) the true reasons that prompted him to apply for a loan.

Thus, a consumer loan for urgent needs is multi-purpose, which frees the borrower from the need to document how the funds provided by the bank were spent. Such a loan can be granted to almost any capable citizen, but within the amount established by the bank, calculated on the basis of an assessment of the borrower's solvency. The probability of granting a loan, its size, as well as the lending period increase significantly if the borrower provides appropriate security for its obligations to repay the loan.

The issuance of a loan for urgent needs can be made not only in non-cash form, but also in cash through the bank's cash desk. Credited funds at the request of the borrower are provided to him at a time or in parts.

Repayment of a loan for urgent needs is most often carried out according to an annuity scheme, i.e. equal monthly or quarterly payments. Interest on the loan is repaid along with the next installment of the loan.

b) Consumer one-time credit. A one-time consumer loan is a type of universal consumer loan. Like a loan for urgent needs, this type of loan can be provided to almost any capable citizen, but within the amount established by the bank, calculated on the basis of an assessment of the borrower's solvency.

Usually, a one-time loan is provided to citizens for a period of up to two years, mainly in rubles. The size of such a loan usually does not exceed 50 times the average monthly "net" income of the borrower. The loan rate is about 20%. A feature of a one-time consumer loan is that it is provided and repaid at a time, and not in installments. The interest on the loan is paid monthly.

This type of lending is most convenient for providing one-time purchases of a relatively small value, since no more than one and a half to two years are allotted to repay this type of loan.

Early lump-sum (or partial) repayment of the loan is allowed, but in this case, the bank most often withholds an additional commission from the borrower.

c) Consumer revolving credit. A consumer revolving loan (sometimes also called a loan with a delay in the provision of credited funds) is a universal consumer loan. This type of loan can be provided to almost any capable citizen, but within the amount established by the bank, calculated on the basis of an assessment of the borrower's solvency.

A feature of this type of loan is that it is provided for a certain period, but strictly within the period of validity of the so-called credit line, that is, the period during which the borrower can count on the provision of credit funds in accordance with a preliminary decision of the bank. In other words, the borrower does not receive money immediately, but can withdraw it from his account at any time convenient for him (all at once or in parts), but within a certain period of the contract.

This method of lending is very convenient in cases of one-time purchases, the date of which is not defined, but the borrower needs a guarantee that, if necessary, a loan will be provided to him immediately and for sure.

Another feature is the conclusion between the bank and the borrower of a general (preliminary) agreement on opening a credit line and, in addition to it, one or more loan agreements. The signing of the agreement and contract (contracts) can be carried out simultaneously or separately.

The standard term for granting a loan within the period of the credit line may vary from one to two years. The issuance of a loan, as in the case of a one-time loan, is also made at a time - for each loan agreement concluded under the general (preliminary) agreement on opening a credit line.

When deciding on the provision of a revolving loan to citizens who have previously used consumer lending services, their reliability is also taken into account, that is, how fully and timely they paid off the previous loan.

The bank charges a one-time fixed fee for opening a credit line. The revolving loan is subject to a one-time repayment, while the interest on the loan is paid monthly.

d) Consumer credit for real estate. A consumer loan for real estate is a common targeted consumer loan for the purchase of real estate. The fundamental difference between such a loan and a mortgage loan is that it does not require the borrower to pledge the apartment or house being financed. Of course, this does not exclude the need for the borrower to provide security for its obligations to repay the loan - for example, in the form of a guarantee from third parties or "under" the real estate already at the disposal of the borrower.

A real estate loan is a good alternative for potential borrowers who, for one reason or another, do not want to enter into an agreement with a bank mortgage lending. Moreover, depending on personal circumstances, the borrower can also use a non-targeted loan (in particular, a loan for urgent needs) to purchase a dwelling, but apparently, the final decision in favor of one or another lending option should be guided by the criterion of profitability. , i.e. based on the specific terms of the loan. It is worth mentioning that a consumer loan for real estate, like a mortgage, is provided specifically for the purchase of real estate, you cannot buy plumbing equipment or textured plaster for new housing.

It is necessary to mention separately the procedure for determining maximum size real estate loan. In accordance with existing practice, the maximum amount of such a loan is calculated taking into account the solvency of a potential borrower, but cannot exceed 70-90% of the total cost of the housing being financed.

So a potential borrower should be ready to pay a down payment for an apartment or residential building in the amount of 10 to 30% of its total cost. In addition, it is necessary to document the fact of payment to the bank, and failure to comply with this condition will make the loan impossible.

One more distinctive feature a consumer loan for real estate is a longer term than other types of loans. Currently, it can range from 15 to 27 years, depending on the size of the amount of credit provided.

A loan for real estate is provided in any currency, but only at a time and in a non-cash form. Moreover, when issuing credit funds, the borrower is usually charged a one-time fee of 3-5% of the loan amount. Credit funds are credited to the current account of the borrower and then transferred to the account of an organization or individual - the seller of residential premises.

Repayment of a real estate loan can be made by annuity monthly or quarterly payments or according to an individual scheme. For example, a variant is allowed, according to which the amount of the monthly repaid part of the loan remains unchanged throughout the entire repayment period, while the amount of interest payments for using the loan, which are calculated on the balance of the loan funds not returned to the bank, is gradually reduced.

At the request of the borrower and if there are valid reasons, the bank may provide an installment plan to repay part of the loan for a period of up to two years, which, however, does not exempt the borrower from paying monthly interest. Early repayment of part of the real estate loan is allowed in agreement with the bank.

e) Commodity credit - (consumer credit for the purchase of goods with a deferred payment). A commodity loan is a targeted consumer loan for the purchase of various goods on credit. Classic commodity credit is provided not in cash, but in commodity form.

As a rule, a loan agreement for the provision of this type of loan is concluded by citizens directly in a trade organization (shop, shopping center, etc.) that sells certain consumer goods, which, in turn, has previously concluded an appropriate agreement with the bank.

It must be borne in mind that in the case of a targeted loan, the borrower will have to confirm at the request of the bank that the loan funds were used by him in accordance with the purpose of the loan. Although, in practice, this issue is resolved much more simply: as a rule, after concluding a loan agreement with an intermediary trade organization and making the so-called "first installment" by the borrower (if required), he is immediately given exactly the goods for the purchase of which he (in form of deferred payment) and credit funds were allocated.

A characteristic feature of a commodity loan is that its maximum amount is determined not only taking into account the solvency of a potential borrower, but also based on the period for which it is planned to provide him with credit funds. At the same time, the deadline for granting a commodity loan usually does not exceed 5-7 years.

Commodity credit is provided to almost any capable citizen without security or with security of the borrower's obligations to repay the loan. The issuance of credit funds is made non-cash in any currency by crediting to the current account or credit card of the borrower.

Repayment of a loan for the purchase of consumer goods with a deferred payment is made according to an annuity scheme that provides for the monthly repayment of a part of the loan along with the payment of interest for its use. Early lump-sum (or partial) repayment of the loan is allowed, however, in this case, the bank charges the borrower an additional fee. In addition, at the request of the borrower, if there are good reasons, the bank can provide an installment plan to repay part of the loan for a period of 3 to 6 months, which, however, does not exempt the borrower from paying monthly interest.

f) Consumer credit for paid services. A consumer loan for paid services is a targeted consumer loan that is provided to borrowers who wish to use paid services. Services can be different: tourism, medical, educational, or for example even repair, such as window repair. What unites them is that the borrower receives them immediately, and pays them gradually, with a delay. This type of loan is called - a loan for paid services with a deferred payment, and the range of such services is expanding every year.

A loan agreement for the provision of a loan for paid services is most often concluded by citizens through the mediation of an organization that sells certain consumer services, which, in turn, has previously concluded an appropriate agreement with the bank.

Since the loan is targeted, the borrower is obliged, at the request of the bank, to confirm that the loan funds were used by him in accordance with the purpose of the loan. This is a mandatory requirement for obtaining this target loan.

In some cases, a loan agreement may be concluded not only with the borrower, but also with co-borrowers. For example, if a loan is taken for the education of a minor child, his parents act as co-borrowers and enter into an agreement for lending paid educational services.

The term for granting such a loan usually does not exceed 10 years, and the maximum loan amount is determined taking into account the solvency of the potential borrower, but, as a rule, cannot exceed 90% of the total cost of the loaned service. Thus, a potential borrower should in any case be ready to pay an entry fee for a paid service in the amount of 10% of its total cost and, in addition, to documentary confirmation of the fact of payment to the bank. Moreover, failure to comply with this condition makes the provision of a loan impossible.

A loan for paid services is provided without collateral or secured by the borrower's obligations to repay the loan. The issuance of credit funds, as a rule, is made non-cash in any currency by crediting to the current account or credit card of the borrower - at a time or in installments.

Loan repayment is usually made according to an annuity scheme, which provides for monthly repayment of part of the loan along with the payment of interest for using it. Early lump-sum (or partial) repayment of the loan is allowed, however, in this case, the bank charges the borrower an additional fee. In addition, at the request of the borrower, if there are good reasons, the bank can provide an installment plan to repay part of the loan for a period of 3 to 6 months, which, however, does not exempt the borrower from paying monthly interest.

g) Consumer trust loan. Citizens who have previously applied to a particular bank for a consumer loan and have faithfully fulfilled all their obligations to repay it, it makes sense to apply for a second loan to the same bank. The fact is that many banks have special consumer lending programs for bona fide borrowers, who, after observing the minimum formalities, are provided with a so-called trust loan, or a loan for bona fide borrowers.

The benefit from participation in such a program is obvious for both parties: the bank minimizes the risk of non-repayment of loans, as it provides them to a borrower with a known trustworthy reputation, and the borrower receives loans on the most favorable terms. Firstly, a consumer loan is provided to the borrower at a lower rate compared to the rate for other types of loans of this bank. Secondly, when providing credit funds, the borrower is not charged a one-time fixed fee. In addition, the obvious advantage of this type of loan is that the decision to grant it in such cases is made by the bank much faster than usual (one or two business days instead of the standard one or two weeks).

A loan for conscientious borrowers is provided for a relatively short period (on average - from 12 to 18 months). The maximum loan amount is usually limited to several thousand EUR/USD (or its ruble equivalent). Credit funds are issued at a time. Finally, it is also significant that this type of loan is almost always provided without collateral from the borrower.

Based on the foregoing, a trust loan is primarily a loan for making relatively inexpensive purchases. Such a loan can be used in preparation for the next vacation or apartment renovation, as well as a one-time update of the seasonal wardrobe or home interior.

Loan repayment for conscientious borrowers is usually made according to an annuity scheme, which provides for monthly repayment of part of the loan along with the payment of interest for using it.

h) Credit for young families. Most banks offer special programs consumer loans. Such loans are called "Loans for a young family" and can be both targeted and universal.

To obtain such a loan, potential borrowers must meet the formal requirements of the bank. For example, they must be in a registered marriage and be no older than 28-30 years old. Some banks also provide similar loans to single-parent families - for example, mothers who are raising a child on their own between the ages of one and six.

This type of consumer loan is attractive to potential borrowers primarily due to its favorable conditions. Firstly, the size of targeted loans to young families and intended for the purchase of real estate can be 90% or more of the total cost of the housing being financed. That is, the first installment may be less than 10% of the total value of the acquired property.

Secondly, compared to the standard terms of conventional loans, a lower interest rate is set for using the loan.

Thirdly, by this species a target loan may be provided for a deferral of its repayment for up to five years with a simultaneous extension of the period of its provision.

The term of this type of loan can be from 3 to 20 years, depending on its purpose. Credit funds are provided in cash, as well as non-cash in any currency.

However, it should be borne in mind that it takes banks not several days, but several weeks to make a decision on granting this type of loan. This is due to the need to verify a larger number of documents submitted by the borrower (co-borrowers).

When issuing a loan, the borrower is usually charged a one-time fee - in the amount of a fixed amount or in the amount of 3-5% of the loan amount.

The repayment of the loan is made in parts, while along with the repayment of the next part, interest on the loan is also paid simultaneously.

i) Lombard loan. A consumer loan secured by material assets, or otherwise a pawnshop loan, is another option for a consumer loan.

Its main feature is that the decision to grant it is made by the bank without taking into account the solvency of the potential borrower, since in fact the solvency of the borrower is confirmed by the documents submitted by him, indicating that he owns the material values ​​pledged to him. It can be securities(shares, bonds), bullions of precious metals, precious jewelry.

The interest rate for this type of loan is usually lower compared to other types of consumer loans. In addition, one advantage of this type of loan is that the term for making a decision on its provision is usually less than usual and takes only a few days.

A consumer loan secured by material assets is universal in nature, but, as a rule, credit funds are provided to the borrower for a period of not more than 12 months. The issuance of credit funds is made non-cash in any currency by crediting to the current account or credit card of the borrower.

The maximum loan amount is determined depending on the value of material assets transferred as collateral and in practice does not exceed 70-90% of their appraised value.

Repayment of a loan secured by material assets is made by the borrower at a time after the expiration of the period for providing credit funds.

j) Retirement credit. A pension loan is a multi-purpose consumer loan that is provided only to citizens who have reached retirement age. A prerequisite is that the borrower continues to work.

This type of loan is provided for a relatively short period (usually up to three years). The provision of a pension loan is made at a time or in installments, in cash or non-cash form. When issuing a loan, the borrower is usually charged a one-time fixed fee.

The interest rate on this type of loan, as a rule, does not exceed 20%.

The repayment of the loan is made in parts, while along with the repayment of the next part, interest on the loan is also paid simultaneously. Note that in some cases, banks may limit the maturity date of the loan to the date when the borrower reaches a certain age (for example, 70 years).

l) Apartment renovation on credit. IN modern world You will not surprise anyone by buying a car or an apartment on credit. When acquiring such expensive things, a loan is often the only option, because it is possible to accumulate such an amount of money only after many years of austerity.

A loan for the renovation of apartments or houses is not yet so common. Although the cost of a good quality repair, made with the help of employees, is often equated to the cost of a new car. Many people prefer to make repairs slowly, literally a room a year, on their own, saving the rest of the time for the missing funds. But what if the repair needs to be done right now, quickly?

Many banks provide such a service as lending to individuals, namely a loan for consumer needs. This is non-targeted lending and taking money from the bank, then you do not have to report what exactly you spent it on. The term of such lending is usually limited to five years, and the maximum loan amount in different banks can be different: from 50 thousand rubles to 3 million (if there is a guarantor). Of course, you will need a standard set of documents, such as a passport, income statement, a copy of the work book. After filling out the application, the bank will consider your application, based on the amount of your income, calculate the loan amount, and literally in a week you can receive funds in cash or to your current account. Some banks even offer such an option as filling out an application for a loan on the Internet.

If the maximum amount of a non-targeted loan for consumer needs seems insufficient to you, or if you started not just repairing, but redevelopment of a cottage, for example, then you need to take a targeted loan, which is taken specifically for repairing a house or apartment. In this case, you will need additional documents and costs: you will have to insure your life, evaluate real estate, pay notary services and a commission for granting a loan. But on the other hand, the interest rate on the target loan will be somewhat lower: not 12-18%, but 10-17% per annum.

Conclusion: from this chapter, we can say that consumer lending is becoming an ideal tool for the implementation of many tasks, such as repairing an apartment, going on vacation or buying household appliances and a car, and even teaching a beloved child.

Currently, there are the following three main forms of short-term bank lending, established in 1998 by the regulatory documents of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation:

on a one-time basis (targeted loans), in this case, the issue of granting a loan to the borrower is decided each time on an individual basis;

One-time (targeted) loans

Most common in modern conditions Russia are short-term targeted loans. By terms, they do not exceed one year, are provided to borrowers on a case-by-case basis and serve specific business transactions.

According to the intended purpose, loans can be allocated for:

  • production goals;
  • trade and intermediary operations;
  • temporary needs.

Borrowers of targeted loans can be enterprises (firms) that do not have a creditor bank. However, since the risks of the bank in this case increase significantly, banks may require the opening of a current account with the creditor bank.

Loans for production purposes

Loans for production purposes associated with obtaining loans by borrowers to finance the purchase of raw materials, storage of finished products and the implementation of production costs. In the event that the loan is associated with the accumulation production stocks, the bank can provide the borrower with a loan in a certain amount of the amount of goods in stock.

To obtain a loan, the client-borrower must each time submit to the bank required package documents:

  • credit application;
  • financial report, including balance sheet and income statement;
  • feasibility study, etc.

In addition, each loan is formalized by an individual loan agreement indicating the purpose and amount of the loan, its repayment period, interest rate and collateral. The issuance of targeted loans is made from a simple loan account at a time with the crediting of the loan amount to the current account of the borrower. The borrower can have several simple loan accounts in the bank if he simultaneously uses a loan for several lending objects, issued at different times and for different periods.

Loans for intermediary operations

Credits for trade and intermediary operations are also short-term and most often associated with the emergence of a client. The borrowers are wholesalers and retailers. The peculiarity of these transactions is that, in addition to the above documents, the borrower submits contracts for the supply of products to the bank.

Loans for temporary needs

Loans for temporary needs are provided for the payment of wages and payments to the budget, i.е. also serve for meet short-term customer needs cash . The issuance of a loan for trade and intermediary operations and for temporary needs is carried out according to a scheme similar to lending for production purposes.

Target loans are repaid by debiting funds from the borrower's current account, either in a lump sum one-time payment at the end of the established loan period, or periodically at the time agreed with the bank and in the appropriate agreed amount.

At the borrower's bank request, the loan repayment period may be delayed (prolonged). At the same time, an additional agreement is drawn up to the loan agreement.

If, at maturity, there are no funds (or insufficient funds) on the borrower's current account to repay the loan, then its entire amount (or part of it) is transferred to the overdue loans account.

In its essence, "it is the sale by trading enterprises of consumer goods with deferred payment or the provision of loans by banks for the purchase of consumer goods, as well as for the payment of various kinds of personal expenses (tuition fees, medical care, etc.)".

Unlike other loans, the object of a consumer loan can be both goods and money. Goods sold on credit, as well as paid for with bank loans, are consumer durables. The subjects of the loan, on the one hand, are lenders, in this case, these are commercial banks, special consumer credit institutions, shops, savings banks and other enterprises, and on the other hand, borrowers - people.

About 1/4 of all consumer credit is provided by banks and 3/4 by specialized credit institutions. But since the latter receive the funds they need to a greater extent at the expense of bank loans, in fact, 9/10 of the total amount of consumer credit is provided by banks. A consumer loan is repaid in a one-time order or from a settlement payment.

    One-time loan. This includes current accounts opened by the buyer for a period of 1-1.5 months in department stores and other retail outlets; within the limits of the credits provided, they buy goods and, after the expiration of the established period, repay their debt in a lump sum. A consumer loan with a single repayment also includes loans in the form of deferred payment (for the services of utilities, doctors and medical institutions). 2. Credit with installment payment, the bulk of consumer credit (in the Russian Federation - 3/4 of its total amount) are loans with installment payment. Through various forms of consumer credit, an ever-increasing share of retail turnover is serviced.


1. Loan for urgent needs Features of the loan

    When calculating the maximum loan amount, the bank may take into account the income of the spouse (s) of the borrower or other additional income of the borrower.

    Opportunity to get a loan up to 45,000 rubles, up to 1.5 years without collateral.

    The interest rate varies depending on the term of the loan and the collateral provided for the loan. When collateral is provided, the rate is reduced.

    For customers who have taken a loan from Sberbank over the past 4 years - preferential rates for servicing a loan account.

Interest rate on secured loans:

up to 1.5 years - 15% in RUB, 15.5% in USD/EUR from 1.5 to 3 years - 16% in RUB, 16.5% in USD/EUR from 3 to 5 years - 17% in RUB, 17.5% in USD/EUR

Loans without collateral are provided for up to 1.5 years Interest rate 17% per annum in rubles, 17.5% per annum in USD/EUR

2. Trust loan

Loan Features

    Short term for consideration of the application and issuance of a loan (maximum on the next day after the submission of documents).

    The borrower has the right to send to the bank a preliminary application for a trust loan orally or in writing (by phone, fax, e-mail and so on.)

    No report required intended use credit funds.

    The loan does not require collateral.

    It is provided under the simultaneous fulfillment of 2 conditions:

    having a positive credit history with Sberbank,

    the borrower has no debt to the Bank for this type of loan.

Credit term- up to 1 year

Interest rate- 15% per annum in rubles

Amount of credit- up to 3000 US dollars in ruble equivalent

3. One time loan

Loan Features

    A report on the intended use of credit funds is not required.

    The loan is repaid in a lump sum at the end of the loan term. Only interest is paid during the term of use.

    When calculating the maximum loan amount, the Bank may take into account the income of the spouse (s) of the borrower or other additional income of the borrower.

Credit term- for 1.5 years.


    15% per annum secured;

    17% per annum without collateral;

4. Retirement loan

Loan Features

    Possibility to get a loan without collateral. When collateral is provided, the rate is reduced.

    When calculating the maximum loan amount, the Bank may take into accountincomeworkplace and pension

    A report on the intended use of credit funds is not required.

Interest rate and loan term

5. Revolving loan

Loan Features

    A report on the intended use of credit funds is not required.

    The maximum loan amount is calculated based on a period of 3 years with the actual issuance of loans for a period of 1 year under the master agreement.

    Possibility to get a loan without collateral. When collateral is provided, the rate is reduced.

    When calculating the solvency of the client, the bank may take into account the income of the spouse (s) of the borrower or other additional income of the borrower.

Interest rate:

    15% per annum subject to registration of security;

    17% per annum when issuing a loan without collateral.


Mortgage lending is the provision of long-term loans to individuals for the purchase of housing on the security of the purchased housing itself. In order for a mortgage to be implemented, at least three conditions must be met. There must be, firstly, long-term financial resources that can be provided to customers in the form of loans; secondly, potential clients who can confirm that their income is sufficient to repay the loan; and finally, the legal possibility of using housing as collateral. If at least one of these conditions is not met, mass mortgage is impossible: to give mortgage loans either out of nothing, or to no one, or for nothing. Today in Russia none of the above conditions is really fulfilled.

Consider first the situation with the provision of a mortgage loan. As already mentioned, this security should be the purchased apartment itself. If so, then, if necessary, the bank should be able to evict the borrower from there and sell the apartment. It is believed that the ability to evict a borrower in our country is guaranteed by the Law on Mortgage, which has been in force since July 1998. This law says that the borrower and members of his family can be evicted provided that they “gave before the conclusion of the mortgage agreement, and if they were moved into a residential building or apartment later - before they were moved in, a notarized obligation to vacate the mortgaged residential building or apartment in case of foreclosure on it”

It is understood that this position does not work. Forcing the borrower and members of his family to sign such an obligation before issuing a loan is not particularly problematic, but how to get such an obligation from newly moved people? And if the borrower says in court that he was really forced to sign some piece of paper, but he has nowhere to live? Will the court in this case violate the citizen's constitutional right to housing? Especially if you remember that the eviction of minor family members is possible only with the consent of the guardianship authorities, which will never give consent to the eviction of a child on the street.

This problem is supposed to be circumvented by creating a special housing reserve fund for the resettlement of insolvent clients. However, if such housing does not meet housing standards, then it will not be possible to resettle anyone in it, and if it does, then citizens will begin to take mortgage loans precisely in order to declare themselves insolvent and get an apartment from the reserve fund for free.

With the presence of solvent borrowers, everything is also not easy. In developed countries with extensive experience in mortgage lending, a borrower is recognized as solvent if monthly loan payments do not exceed 30% of his declared income. Today, the most common loans at 15% per annum for a period of ten years. A simple calculation shows that people with an official income of about $2,000 per month can qualify for such loans.

These are, to put it mildly, not the poorest people in our country. Basically, these are qualified professionals - employees of foreign companies and top managers of large companies. But the latter, as a rule, do not need loans, and the former are not so numerous, especially in the provinces. At the same time, it is not clear whether such care should be taken at the state level about the formation of mortgage systems for these non-poor people.

Finally, the third problem is the availability of funds. In principle, all mortgage systems are divided into three large groups, depending on what funds are used to provide loans. One of them, let's call it a bank mortgage, assumes that the bank uses the same funds for issuing mortgage loans as for all other loans, that is, mainly funds from deposits.

Another, the so-called secondary mortgage market system (aka American), is based on the use of institutional investors' funds for mortgage lending, primarily pension funds and life insurance companies.


Required documents:

    application form;

    passport of the Borrower, his Guarantor and/or Pledgor (to be presented);

    documents confirming the financial condition of the Borrower and its Guarantor (certificate of income)
