Sberbank salary project is a convenient tool, thanks to which wages are credited to the accounts of employees. Using such a tool, the client company reduces its costs and labor costs in the course of the procedure for paying salaries to its working staff. The company also offers various incentives. Next, we will talk about what the salary project of Sberbank is: instructions for an accountant. Let's take a look at all the advantages of this system.

The payroll project has many benefits for organizations

What benefits can legal entities derive from the project

The benefits for various organizations and businesses are as follows:

  1. There is no need to pay if the total amount of the institution's salary is cashed out.
  2. The banking organization provides loyal tariffs - and we are talking not only about servicing the account, but also about other important services. All of them are included in the salary project of the company. The price is set individually for each case.
  3. The agreement is drawn up according to a simplified scheme. For these purposes, a design contract is specially used.
  4. Serious customers have the right to apply for the installation of an ATM directly in the building of the institution. Thus, the working staff of the institution will have the opportunity to withdraw their money without leaving the office area.

How does such a project work?

The client firm signs an agreement with a banking organization. The document is drawn up using the simplest scheme. The application can also be made remotely - you can use the online mode.

Immediately after the documents are signed, the company and the banking organization issue plastic cards to employees. Further, a separate account is opened for each. The project works like this:

  1. The accountant of the company transfers the total amount of salary to a single bank account. The latter is opened in the name of the firm that is the client.
  2. A statement is sent to the office of the banking organization. It reflects information about the wages of each of the employees. For SPs without employees, it's still much easier.
  3. The credit institution, during the time period specified in the agreement, transfers finances to the salary cards of employees (based on the statement provided by the organization).

An important point: it would be better if the client company goes through the registration process in the Sberbank Business Online service specially created for this. It allows the possibility of remote submission of statements, total control over the location of finances on the company's account.

To cooperate with credit institution, the accountant does not have to go to the branch itself.

How information is submitted within the framework of the project under consideration

Sending information about wages can be remote. For this purpose, it is necessary to fill out a form on the banking website reflecting all the information about the institution. So, the form says:

  1. Full name.
  2. Total operating time of the institution.
  3. Amount of workers.
  4. Amounts included in the monthly wage fund.
  5. Contact information about the institution.
  6. Representative.

As soon as the documents are issued, the institution receives a personal manager - a specific bank employee who will draw up the documents. The same person will resolve all issues that arise during the operation of the service agreement.

Joining the project requires filling out applications

A Russian bank has developed a convenient tool that allows you to issue salary cards for citizens. Making them is now much easier and more convenient.

Register Instructions:

  1. The program "Registry that allows you to open accounts" is downloaded to the computer device. You can download it using the official website of Sberbank.
  2. The register must be completed in full. Record information about the workforce. Next, click the "Export" button.
  3. The document must have an appropriate mark - an electronic digital signature (EDS).

The last stage is sending the Register to a banking organization

The requirements are:

  1. The card is issued free of charge, the bank does not need to pay anything for the service.
  2. You can also withdraw funds from ATMs (not exceeding the daily limit) for free.
  3. The card involves the opening of an overdraft line. The rate is 20% per annum.
  4. When setting a daily limit for cashing out, the type of card is taken into account. If it is classic, the limit per day is 50,000 rubles. If platinum - 1,000,000 rubles.
  5. A commission is charged on finances cashed over the limits.

The register of employees in the project in question has the following lines:

  1. Personal information about the employee.
  2. Name of all employees in Latin. This information is entered automatically - immediately after the facts are reflected in Russian.
  3. Birthday, place of residence, citizenship.
  4. Registration address.
  5. Series and ID number.
  6. A personal code by which a citizen will be identified.
  7. Employee contacts.
  8. The position held by an employee in an organization.
  9. Personal email.
  10. The type of banking product ordered.
  11. Information about the credit institution (what is the name of the branch, what is its code).

As soon as all information about the working personnel is entered, the register is exported. The bank's website has a special button for this purpose. The document is endorsed using an electronic digital signature. It is affixed by authorized persons of the institution. Next, it goes to the bank.

If the briefing is supplemented with something, Sberbank will develop new services. The client company will be connected to them automatically.

Launch of the payroll project

Benefits for employees of the organization:

  1. It is possible to issue additional cards for relatives and family members.
  2. Citizens-clients of the project under consideration will have the opportunity to take loans and credit cards. They will also be able to arrange mortgage credit lending and enjoy other privileges.
  3. Employees participate in various discount offers coming from banking partners.
  4. Any of the clients has the opportunity to become a member of the Thank You bonus program from a banking organization.
  5. Being outside the Russian territory, a bank client will be able to pay for any service using the bank's international card.
  6. In case of loss or theft of a bank card, just call technical support and it will be blocked. The client will not lose their money.
  7. Personal savings are available at any time of the day or night. Sberbank ATMs are located throughout the country.
  8. With the accumulation of money on the card account, a person has the opportunity to receive additional profit - namely, interest charges from a banking organization.
  9. With the help of a mobile bank, you can find out what the status of the account is and what operations were carried out on the card. It is enough just to send an SMS notification to the user's mobile.
  10. Thanks to Internet banking, it is possible to make transfers at any convenient time. It is also possible to pay for services, fines of the traffic police, closing debts. The client does not have to pay for this service.

What points must be taken into account by the client - a legal entity, when concluding an agreement:

  1. When drawing up such an agreement, the client agrees that he joins the public conditions indicated on the service of the company.
  2. If changes are made, the signing of an additional agreement with the client is not performed.
  3. If there are any changes and amendments at the legislative level, all customers who have drawn up a design contract are required to adhere to them (without concluding an additional agreement).

Summing up, we can say that the Russian Sberbank regularly improves products for citizens and legal organizations. And payroll is no exception. Moreover, this project is perfect option and for sole proprietors without employees.

Using the Sberbank program makes it easier to pay salaries to employees. In addition, it helps to reduce the cost of the institution during this procedure.

Today, many organizations pay wages to their working staff using a non-cash method, because it is much more convenient. The boss reduces the labor costs of cashiers and the cost of obtaining cash in the required amount. Employees do not have to visit the cashier. In addition, they can use various bank products on loyal terms. The introduction of salary programs was carried out by a huge number of banking organizations, but the first of them was Sberbank. Let's talk in more detail about what a Sberbank salary project is, and what are its main advantages.

Employees of large organizations can be connected to the salary project of Sberbank

How does this program work

The boss simply transfers the general money to the banking organization, which must be paid. Next, he gives the bank employee a list of his working staff, who need to pay a salary. The amounts and numbers of accounts belonging to each employee must be indicated.

This document can be entered both independently and sent to electronic form through the Sberbank Business Online system. And that's it, the accountant of the institution will not have to do anything else. After that, the credit institution itself distributes the funds transferred to it cash on designated accounts. The money will be credited by a predetermined date.

An important point: if you want to take a closer look at the salary program of Sberbank, the instruction for the accountant is available to everyone - just go to the appropriate section of the banking organization.

Installation of the software required to implement the project is possible at the place where the accountant works. This is done by an employee of a banking organization (after an appropriate service agreement is concluded). If we are talking about a large institution, the bank makes it possible to install an ATM for working personnel on the territory of the office. The issuance of bank cards to employees of the institution is also carried out on the territory of the office, but only in the first 30 days after the launch of the program we are considering. After that, the employees themselves will be forced to visit the bank branch designated by the head in order to obtain the instrument necessary for payments.

Who has the opportunity to become a participant in the project

Which institution has the right to connect its working staff to the salary project from Sberbank?

The banking organization sets one condition (for all legal entities - regardless of their type): the indicator of the monthly wage fund in the institution should be 5,000,000 rubles. If the indicator is less than the indicated amount, the institution is not entitled to use the project.

To connect to the project, an institution does not have to use the services of Sberbank's settlement and cash services. But customers who conduct all their transactions through this bank can expect to receive an excellent discount on payroll services.

The program can be used by both enterprises and educational organizations- to pay scholarships and allowances to students. The working scheme, as well as the prices for services in this situation, remain unchanged.

Payroll project rates

There are two types of salary product tariffs:

  1. "Premier" - if the monthly payroll (wage fund) is 5,000,000 rubles.
  2. "First" - if the monthly payroll amount is 50,000,000 rubles.

Each tariff involves the provision of a specific list of services by a credit institution. If the monthly payroll increases its performance (for example, the size of scholarships), the organization receives the right to connect an additional package (in accordance with the growth rates). Any 5,000,000 rubles make it possible to connect another Premier package, any 50,000,000 - connect the First package. These packages impose the following obligations on the banking organization:

  1. According to the release for the working staff of the institution plastic cards and envelopes with pin codes.
  2. For the production of re-issuance of cards (if the time period of their validity ends).
  3. By checking the registers submitted by the institution (as far as the information provided is correct).
  4. Upon notification of the institution of committed inaccuracies.

The bank must also transfer money to designated accounts, inform the organization about the transfer of funds, and also show the institution a transcript of the transactions made.

In the salary project, it is possible to issue any types of cards

Each region has its own rates for participation in the salary program. The cost is influenced by the place where the institution operates, the number of employees, the form of ownership and many other factors. For clarification of this information, it is best to contact Sberbank itself directly - the department that works with legal entities. If your institution uses the services of settlement and cash services at Sberbank, then you can also find out the answers to your questions from your personal manager.

How to become a payroll client of Sberbank

To establish a similar form of salary payment in your institution, you must first send an application to the bank - so that you are connected to the salary program.

To do this, you can use the following methods:

  1. Visit a bank office - contact specialists working with legal organizations.
  2. You can call your personal manager.
  3. And the last option is to send a request on the site.

If you have - situation number 3 - on the main page of Sberbank, make a choice of the section corresponding to your institution ("Small Business" or "Corporate Clients"). It is located at the top of the menu. Next, click on the button with the salary project (located at the bottom of the screen). On the page that opens, click on "send application".

An important point: before you go to the site, mark the region on it - where your institution is located.

The application must contain the following data:

  1. Where is your institution located?
  2. When was it founded?
  3. How many workers?
  4. What is the monthly payroll.

It is imperative to register your contacts (phone number and email address) so that a bank consultant can call you. In order to immediately proceed with him to discuss the issue, it is better to write down everything that interests you in advance on paper.

After the application is considered, an offer agreement will be concluded with your institution, and the banking organization will begin to fulfill its duties. A personal manager will be assigned to your institution - it is he who will issue cards to employees, install the required software, and solve any difficulties that arise.

What are salary cards in Sberbank

As everyone knows, plastic cards are the most different type, and almost any of them can be issued by Sberbank. For a salary project, it is possible to issue such cards:

  1. Maestro/Visa Electron.
  2. Pro100 "Standard".
  3. Standard map (classic).
  4. Golden cards.
  5. Platinum card.

Sample application for connection of the salary project

Each card has its own characteristics. For example, a special application is available for Visa Electron, which makes it possible to use it as a transport card. If a PRO100 program debit card is used, an overdraft limit is set. In other words, the card can be used as a credit card. Maestro cards can be issued using a student form. Of course, the service fees and transaction limits for each type of card are different.

An important point: for those who use salary cards, free service is provided. These costs are entirely on the organization. These factors have a huge impact on her participation in the salary project.

As you can see, the banking program we have considered has a huge number of features. We hope that the information provided by us has helped you to study at least some of them. For more detailed information, call the Sberbank department that works with legal entities.

Almost all modern enterprises pay salaries to employees in a non-cash way. It is considered convenient for everyone. The employer reduces the labor costs of cashiers and the cost of obtaining cash in the required amount. And employees save time on visiting the cash desk and receive banking products on favorable terms. The most popular is Sberbank. Instruction for the accountant will allow you to properly conduct the activities of the enterprise. More about this in the article.

How does it work?

The system for providing salaries through Sberbank is simple. The employer transfers to the bank the total amount that is required for payment. Then he transmits a register of employees who need to be credited with a salary, indicating the amounts and numbers of their accounts. This document is brought in person or sent using the Sberbank Business Online system.

This is the instruction for the accountant on the salary project of Sberbank. Then the institution distributes the money to the designated accounts and credits them to the required period. Everything necessary for the implementation of the software project by a bank employee at the accountant's workplace after the execution of a service agreement.

Sberbank also offers large enterprises a service such as installing an ATM for employees. Bank cards are provided to employees of the company on its territory, but only after a month has passed after joining the project. Then the employees themselves can apply to the branches to receive a payment instrument.

Required data

The instruction for an accountant on the salary project of Sberbank includes information that should be in the form:

  • Name;
  • activity time;
  • amount of workers;
  • the size of the wage fund;
  • address and phone numbers of the enterprise;
  • The contact person.

After receiving the documentation, the organization will have a bank employee who will draw up the documents and resolve issues that arise during the service.

Registration of the register

Usually accountants work with this service. There are some registration rules:

  1. You need to download the "Register for opening accounts" on the computer from the Sberbank website.
  2. You need to fill in the fields in it, and then click "Export".
  3. The document is digitally signed. The register is sent to Sberbank.


The following conditions apply to payroll clients:

  1. Issue and maintenance is free.
  2. Cash withdrawal, if the daily limit is not reached, is free.
  3. The card has an overdraft line at 20% per annum.
  4. The daily limit depends on the type of card. For example, Classic has a limit of 50 thousand rubles.
  5. Money withdrawn above the limit is subject to a fee.

Register of employees

This document must contain the following information:

  1. Questionnaire of employees of the company.
  2. FULL NAME. workers in Latin.
  3. Date of birth, city, country.
  4. Address.
  5. Passport information.
  6. Secret code.
  7. Phones of employees.
  8. Job title.
  9. Email.
  10. Types of banking product.
  11. Bank information.

With the entry of data, the registry is exported. This form is mandatory for all who wish to use the service.

Benefits for legal entities

Companies receive the following benefits from the project:

  1. No need to pay for cashing out the entire amount of the salary.
  2. Favorable tariffs for maintenance, enrollment, provision of other services.
  3. Simple transaction procedure.
  4. Large enterprises can install an ATM in the enterprise.

Benefits for employees

Employees from the program enjoy the following benefits:

  1. It is possible to issue additional cards for relatives.
  2. You can get loans, cards, mortgages, car loans on favorable terms.
  3. Special offers available from partners.
  4. Participation in the "Thank you from Sberbank" program for receiving bonuses.
  5. You can pay abroad
  6. If lost or stolen, call hotline to block an account. The money will be safe.
  7. Funds are available around the clock, because ATMs are located everywhere.
  8. By accumulating money, customers receive interest.
  9. With the service Mobile bankยป Informing about the account via SMS.
  10. With Sberbank Online, you can make transfers at any time, as well as deposit funds for paying for services and loans.


What can be a participant in the salary project of Sberbank? Individual entrepreneurs, LLCs and other legal entities have the right to connect to it, the main thing is that the monthly wage fund is 5 million rubles. If this indicator is less, then the project is not available.

To connect to the project, it is not necessary to have a connected settlement and cash service in Sberbank. But clients associated with this organization receive a discount on the service of transferring salaries to the card. The project is available to enterprises and educational institutions - to transfer scholarships and allowances.


Salary project of Sberbank for legal entities works on 2 types of tariffs:

  1. "Premier" - with a monthly salary of 5 million rubles.
  2. "First" - with a fund of 50 million rubles.

Each tariff has certain services. With an increase in the monthly fund, the company can issue an additional package. For every 5 million rubles, 1 Premier package is connected, and for every 50 million rubles, the First package.


For both tariffs, the bank performs:

  • issue of plastic cards and pin envelopes for employees;
  • re-issuance of cards with the expiration date;
  • checking the provided registers for the correctness of information;
  • notification of the enterprise about errors;
  • transfer of funds to accounts;
  • notification of money transfer;
  • decryption of operations.

The price of participation in the project is determined by the region where the enterprise operates. The cost is affected by the number of employees, form of ownership and other nuances. You need to clarify it at Sberbank, in the department for legal entities. If the organization provides settlement and cash services through this bank, then you can get information from the manager.


The instruction for an accountant on the salary project of Sberbank contains information on connecting to this service. You need to apply to the bank. This is done in 3 ways:

  • contacting the office;
  • contacting a manager;
  • sending a request on the site.

If the latter option is chosen, on the Sberbank website you need to find a tab corresponding to the form of your enterprise. For example, there is a section "Small business". Then you need to click on "Salary project" and "Submit application". Just before that, you need to remember to set the region.

The application must indicate the location of the enterprise, the year of foundation, the number of employees, the amount of the fund for wages. You must also leave your contact information. Questions of interest must be included with the application.

After consideration of the request, an offer contract is drawn up with the enterprise, on the basis of which the work will continue. The organization will have a personal representative who will issue cards to employees. Installation with software and solution of various difficulties is also provided.

When signing the contract, the client provides permission for the operation of the public conditions indicated on the site. If there are changes in them, the additional agreement is not signed. All changes in the law are valid for all customers who have signed the Constructor Agreement.

Sberbank of Russia is constantly improving offers for customers and partner companies. This also applies to payroll. The application of the program simplifies the payment of wages, reduces the costs of the enterprise.

Where to apply?

Addresses of Sberbank branches are on the official website. There are hours of operation and contact numbers. There are offices in every city. The addresses of Sberbank branches in Moscow are as follows:

  1. Tsvetnoy boulevard, 28.
  2. Neglinnaya street, 10.
  3. Arbat street, 30/3.
  4. Boulevard Zubovsky, 13.
  5. Volgogradsky prospect, 4A.
  6. Bolshaya Andronevskaya street, 6.
  7. Gilyarovsky street, 39.

Card types

There are many banking products of Sberbank. Among them are plastic cards. Tariffs for legal entities are determined by the form of the payment instrument. The project provides the following maps:

  1. Maestro/Visa Electron.
  2. Pro100 "Standard".
  3. Master Card Standart/Visa Classic.
  4. Master Card Gold/Visa Gold.
  5. Master Card Platinum/Visa Platinum.

Each type of card has its own characteristics. works with an application that allows you to use it instead of a transport card. There is an overdraft limit on PRO100 debit accounts, so they can be used as credit accounts. Each card has its own tariffs for servicing and operations. Payroll card workers do not have to pay for issuance and maintenance. These costs are borne by the company.

Thus, the salary project is considered one of the most popular in Russia. Many have appreciated the benefits of this program, regularly using the service.

A salary project at Sberbank is equally beneficial for both the company and employees. Both parties receive special conditions, in addition to standard features - a simplified payroll scheme, the use of cards of international payment systems. Consider how it is connected, used and what advantages the tool has.

Features of the salary project in Sberbank

Gone are the days when queues for salaries were lined up at the cash desks of enterprises and organizations. Now the money earned is easy to transfer and receive. A company wishing to cooperate with Sberbank should conclude an agreement. Both a personal appeal to the institution and an application through the Business Online service are acceptable. After the signing of an agreement on the interaction of two legal entities, the process of issuing invoices and issuing salary cards begins. At the same time, it will not be difficult for accountants to carry out all the stages of designing a project, relying on simple instructions given on the official website of Sberbank.

Having concluded a salary project at Sberbank, the company and the banking institution act as follows:

  1. The accounting department transfers the monthly salary of the company's employees to the general account.
  2. Informs Sberbank about the amount of payment for each employee.
  3. During the period specified in the agreement, the bank transfers the agreed amount to the accounts of the company's employees.
An organization that uses a salary project at Sberbank does not need to transfer money into cash, therefore, a certain amount is saved. In addition, large enterprises have the opportunity to install an ATM / terminal on their territory, which creates certain conveniences.
You can connect the payroll project like this:
  • Register for Business Online. After authorization in Personal account you should familiarize yourself with the tariffs and submit an online application;
  • visit a branch of Sberbank serving legal entities;
  • use the services of a client manager.
The salary project at Sberbank makes it possible to carry out a number of operations and control a single account. In this case, everything happens remotely.

Benefits and privileges for employees

Employees of enterprises have the opportunity not only to receive wages quickly and in a simplified form, but also to be a preferential client of Sberbank. Now you can use the funds on your account outside the country, exercise control, receive information on accounts, conduct all available banking operations, etc.
Payroll allows you to:
  • receive special interest rates when applying for any type of loan;
  • obtain a mortgage loan on more favorable terms;
  • issue an additional card using the same account;
  • receive discounts, participate in promotions that are often held by payment systems;
  • connect to the bonus program and save conditional credits on a separate account Thank you. In the future, they can be used to pay for purchases in partner stores at a ratio of 1:1;
  • open a savings account for savings with a profitable interest rate and transfer funds from the salary card there;
  • if the salary card is lost (stolen), it can be blocked. In this case, the money is kept in the account. If it is impossible to use old plastic, it is allowed to issue new card or re-release the previous one.

And thus, the data is entered for each employee. Further, the completed Register is exported, accompanied by an electronic signature and submitted for execution. If the project is improved, all changes for the company occur automatically.

Most enterprises today pay their employees wages in a non-cash way. It's convenient for everyone. The employer thus reduces the labor costs of cashiers and the cost of obtaining cash in the right amount. And employees save time on visits to the cashier and get access to various banking products on preferential terms. Many banks offer salary programs, but Sberbank has been and remains a pioneer in this direction. Let's take a closer look at what Sberbank's salary project is and what benefits it brings to its participants.

How payroll works

The mechanism for issuing wages with the help of Sberbank is quite simple. The employer must transfer to the bank the total amount of funds to be paid. After that, he provides Sberbank with a register of employees who need to pay salaries, indicating the amounts and numbers of their accounts. This document can be brought in person or sent electronically through the Sberbank Business Online @ yn system. Actually, this is where the work of the accountant of the enterprise ends. Further, the bank will independently distribute the received funds to the specified accounts and credit them by the required time.

Attention! If you want to study the salary project of Sberbank in more detail, the instruction for an accountant is freely available on the website of this financial institution.

Everything you need to implement the project software a bank employee can install an accountant at the workplace after concluding a service agreement. For large enterprises, Sber also provides a service such as installing an ATM for employees on the territory. Bank cards are issued to employees of the organization also on its territory, but only within the first month after joining the project. In the future, employees will have to independently contact the bank branch indicated by the employer to receive a payment instrument.

Who can join the project

Which organization can connect a salary project for its employees? Sberbank for individual entrepreneurs, LLCs and other types of legal entities makes one requirement: the monthly wage fund at the enterprise must be 5,000,000 rubles. If the payroll of the organization is less than the specified amount, access to the project is closed for it.

Important! To connect to the project, the organization does not have to be in Sberbank for settlement and cash services. However, clients who conduct all financial transactions through Sberbank receive a good discount on salary transfer services.

The project can be used not only by enterprises, but also educational institutions- for the payment of scholarships and allowances to students. The scheme of work, as well as the billing of services, in this case do not change.

Sberbank salary project - service cost

The payroll product provides for two types of tariffs:

  1. "Premier" - with a monthly payroll of 5,000,000 rubles.
  2. "First" - with a monthly payroll of 50,000,000 rubles.

Within each of the tariffs, the bank provides a certain package of services. In the event of an increase in the monthly wage fund (the amount of scholarships / allowances), the company can connect an additional package corresponding to the amount of growth. For every 5,000,000 rubles, you can connect another Premier package, and for every 50,000,000 rubles, respectively, the First package. As part of these packages, the bank undertakes:

  • issue plastic cards and pin envelopes for employees of the organization;
  • reissue cards at the end of their expiration date;
  • check the registers provided by the enterprise for the correctness of the information;
  • notify the company about the mistakes made;
  • transfer funds to specified accounts;
  • notify the company about the transfer of funds;
  • provide the company with a transcript of the operations performed.

The cost of participating in a salary project depends on the region in which the company operates, the number of employees, the form of ownership, and a number of other features. It should be clarified in Sberbank itself, in the department for working with legal entities. If your organization conducts settlement and cash services through Sberbank, you can get information from your personal manager.

How to join payroll

In order to introduce a non-cash form of salary payment in your organization, you must first of all submit an application to Sberbank for connection to the salary project. You can do this in three ways:

  • contact the branch of the bank that deals with work with legal entities;
  • by contacting your personal manager;
  • by submitting a request on the site.

In the latter case, on the main page of the Sber website, select the section corresponding to your organization in the top menu ( "Small business" or "To corporative clients"). After going to the section, at the bottom of the screen, click on the link "Payroll Project", and on the new page click the button "Submit Application".

Attention! Before you start working with the site, do not forget to set the region in which your company operates in its header.

In the application, you will need to indicate the location of your enterprise, the year of its foundation, the number of employees and the amount of the monthly payroll. You will also need to leave your contact details (phone number or email) - a representative of the bank will contact you on them. To make the conversation with him immediately more substantive, in the comments to the application, indicate all the questions that interest you, for this there is a special field.

After consideration of the application, an offer agreement will be drawn up with your enterprise, in accordance with which the bank will begin to operate. Your organization will be assigned a personal representative who will issue cards to employees, install the necessary software and resolve all emerging difficulties.

Types of salary cards in Sberbank

As you know, there are many varieties of plastic cards, and Sberbank can issue almost any of them. For the salary project of Sberbank, tariffs for legal entities largely depend on what form of payment instrument the organization chooses for its employees. Within the framework of the project, the following types of cards can be issued:

  • Maestro/Visa Electron;
  • Pro100 "Standard";
  • Master Card Standart/Visa Classic;
  • Master Card Gold/Visa Gold;
  • Master Card Platinum/Visa Platinum.

Each category of cards has its own characteristics. So, a special application can be connected to the Visa Electron, allowing you to use it as transport card. An overdraft limit is set on debit cards of the PRO100 system, which allows using them, if necessary, as credit cards. Maestro cards can be issued in the student version. And, of course, each category of cards has its own service fees and limits on transactions.

Important! For employees using payroll cards, their issuance and maintenance remain free of charge. These costs are borne by the organization. In many ways, the cost of her participation in the salary project is formed from them.

As you can see, this banking offer has a lot of nuances. We hope we have helped you deal with some of them. For more information, contact the Sberbank department that provides services to legal entities.
