Sberbank cares about its customers, so it allows them to correct payments that were made thoughtlessly or by mistake. This is done in several ways, which we will describe below in the article.

How can I return the money sent

There are three main methods for returning funds transferred to a recipient:

  1. In telephone mode.
  2. Directly at the bank.
  3. Through the Sberbank Online system.

The main thing is that you have on hand a receipt confirming payment for services. In most cases erroneous payment can be quickly and easily recalled.

Users often ask how to cancel a payment through Sberbank, because:

  • They made a mistake in the details (this may be the wrong amount of the transfer or the name of the recipient).
  • The deal for which the deposit was made was cancelled. Such an advance can definitely be returned.
  • The scammers managed to gain access to the card and deducted the amount from the account. In this case, it will also be possible to return the finances, but the chances are very small. (This will be a separate article).

If you make a mistake when entering the details, the payment will "hang" on the bank's reserve account. It simply will not be processed further, because the user with the entered data does not exist. After 10 days, the money will be automatically returned.

Cancellation of payment by phone

To cancel a payment in phone mode, you will need to call 8-800-555-55-50 (hotline of Sberbank of Russia). You will be contacted by the operator and you will need to ask to block the transfer or cancel the payment. The bank works according to the principle that most transactions are checked by specialists to exclude the actions of fraudsters. If you block the transaction in time, the money will not be debited.

To verify your identity, the manager will ask you a series of security questions without fail. We can talk about the code word, date of birth, passport data, date and amount of the last transactions, and so on.

If financial resources debited due to your mistake, it is recommended not to forget about the time, amount and date of the transaction. The problem will be solved faster if there is a check from the terminal or ATM. So you will definitely be able to name all necessary information. The return of funds implies prompt action.

Cancellation of a payment at a Sberbank branch

Is it possible to cancel a payment in Sberbank? No problem! You will need to visit a bank branch and write an application there asking to cancel the payment. The appeal will be considered within a month.

The manager will definitely provide information about what you need to write in the application and give the form to fill out. There is a traditional form of application for a refund of finances. If the application is approved, the transfer amount will be returned. The result will definitely be successful if the erroneous details do not exist at all and the money remains in the bank account.

It is also possible to resolve the problem in court if the bank refuses to satisfy the request for any reason. Naturally, you will need to provide a receipt indicating the operation was carried out in order to prove the case. Before starting litigation, it is worth assessing the possible costs. It happens that the amount lost due to an incorrect transfer is less than the cost of litigation.

Features of a refund through Sberbank Online

Now it’s worth moving on to information on how to cancel a payment in Sberbank Online.

  1. Go to your personal account online systems.
  2. Pay attention to the status of the operation that you will cancel. The payment can be returned if it says “In progress” next to it. This means that the employees have not yet made the transfer of funds. It turns out that if you see an error in the details, immediately start withdrawing the payment.
  3. You need to click on the payment and in a new window click on " Cancel", and also check the box next to the inscription" Confirm Review».
  4. You will need to wait a couple of minutes, after which you can go to the message archive and find the desired payment in the history. Next to the operation, you will see the status " Revoked". That's all, the transaction is canceled, and the funds will be returned to the account as soon as possible.

It may also happen that the payment will be marked as completed. Then you need to urgently contact the bank or call hotline. Transactions made after the end of the working day will be transferred to the morning of the next day. During this time, it will be easy to withdraw finances. You also need to know that the operation will be canceled if you see the mark “interrupted”, “rejected by the bank” or “the application was canceled” next to it (this mark appears when the user independently rejects the payment).

Thus, it is really possible to cancel a Sberbank payment and do it quite easily. Nobody is immune from making mistakes. The slightest inaccuracy when entering details - and the money can go in the wrong direction. Fortunately, there is the possibility of their recall.

Sberbank gives its customers the opportunity to correct an erroneously executed payment. This can be done with the help of a bank employee or remotely through the Sberbank Online Internet banking system. The article describes how to cancel a transaction online, how to return money to a card if there are inaccuracies in the details, and whether it is possible to return money stolen by scammers.

Ways to return the transferred money

Return Methods Money that have already been transferred to the recipient:

  1. By phone.
  2. in person at the bank.
  3. Through internet banking.

In any case, you need to have on hand a receipt for payment for the service. Usually such an erroneous payment can be successfully withdrawn.
Why Users Refund Their Payments:

  • There is an error in the details. Inaccuracy in the amount of the transfer, the name of the recipient;
  • a transaction for which a deposit has already been paid has been cancelled. Such an advance can be returned;
  • The scammers deducted the amount from the account. Money can be returned to the card if the operation is canceled in time.

If you make a mistake in the details, the payment "hangs" on a special reserve account of Sberbank. The payment cannot be processed because there is no recipient with such data. The money will be returned to the sender after 10 days automatically.

If you entered the details with an error, but such an account / card number is real, then the money will be transferred from your account to someone else's. In this case, you need to prove your case. First, make a written application to the bank. If you can not return the money peacefully, sue.

How to cancel a payment by phone

To cancel a payment over the phone, call the Sberbank advisory line. Dial 8 800 555 55 50. Ask the operator to cancel/block the payment. The order of work in the bank is such that many transactions are checked by employees in order to exclude the actions of fraudsters. If the transaction is blocked in time at the request of the client, the money will not be written off.

To verify your identity, the call center manager will ask security questions. What exactly the question will be, it is impossible to predict. An approximate list of checks: name the code word, date of birth, passport data, name the date and amount of the last transactions on the card.

If funds are debited by scammers, try to contact the bank within 24 hours from the moment of debiting. It is also desirable to fix the appeal to the police.

If the money was debited erroneously due to your mistake, try to remember the transaction date, time, amount as accurately as possible. The problem will be solved faster if you have a check from an ATM/terminal or a cash receipt on hand. So you can name exact time transactions, transaction code and other information. To return the funds, you need to act quickly.

How to return funds in person at the bank

Contact the Sberbank office in person, send an application addressed to the management with a request to cancel the payment. Such applications are considered within a month.

The manager will tell you what information to indicate in the application, or offer a form to fill out. There is a standard application form for a refund of debited funds. If the application is approved, the transfer amount will be returned, the service fee is not refundable. This option will be successful if the erroneous details do not exist in reality, and the money is “stuck” in the bank account.

It may be necessary to resolve the problem in court if the bank does not satisfy your request. Be prepared to send a receipt for the operation performed to prove your case. Before you start litigation, evaluate future costs. It is possible that the amount lost as a result of an incorrect transfer is less than the legal costs. It makes no sense to do the above steps in this case.

We return money through Internet banking

Detailed instructions on how to withdraw funds through Sberbank Online:

  1. Log in to Sberbank Online.
  2. Check the status of the operation you want to cancel. The system offers the option to return the completed payment. The payment can be returned if it is marked with the entry "In Progress". This means that the bank employees have not spent the money yet. Therefore, if you notice an error in the details, immediately withdraw the payment.
  3. If the payment has not yet been confirmed, click on it. In the window that opens, click on the "Cancel" button, check the box next to "Confirm feedback".
  4. Wait a few minutes, go to the transaction archive, find the required payment in the general history. Next to the operation should be the status "Revoked". With this action, you cancel the transaction, the funds are returned to your account, the document is not transferred to the bank.

If the payment is marked as completed, you will have to contact the bank or call the hotline. Transactions made after 9 pm are processed the next day after 9 am. During this time, you can withdraw funds. During the working day, the payment can also take a long time - from 3 to 6 hours, until the operator checks the transaction.

The operation is canceled if one of the following marks appears next to it:

  1. Bank Rejected.
  2. "Interrupted."
  3. "The application has been cancelled." This mark occurs if the user himself rejects the payment.

Can I get a refund if it was debited from your account and sent to a real user? If the erroneous details are real and the money was transferred to a third party, you can try to contact this person with a request to voluntarily return the funds.

If you made a mistake in the form of payment and the money has already been debited, it is possible that they have been transferred to the reserve account of Sberbank of Russia. This happens if the recipient with the specified coordinates does not exist in reality. It is not always possible to return funds automatically. Report this incident to the bank. If the money is not returned, and you play for time, the funds may be recognized as the property of the bank, since the payment is not recognized.

How not to make mistakes when making a payment in Sberbank Online

When filling out the details, be careful. Check the information carefully if you use Internet banking from small screens - smartphones or tablets.

To pay for a product/service through Sberbank Online, you need to confirm the operation using an SMS password. This is one of the steps in the protection of the Sberbank Online system. The option makes it possible to check the details again before confirmation and prevent the actions of scammers.

If you received an SMS with a request to confirm the payment, and you did not perform any actions with the card, urgently call the hotline of Sberbank of Russia. Explain the situation to the operator. The employee will block the payment, and possibly the card, until the circumstances are clarified.

Do not share passwords with anyone. Bank employees do not ask for such information.

If you have lost the list of one-time passwords, contact the bank immediately. The employee will cancel the previous combinations and issue a new list.

You can return the money if the payment is transferred within the bank, when filling out the form, the details are pulled up automatically. In the absence of autocomplete, conclude that the system did not recognize the addressee. You probably made a mistake and indicated a non-existent recipient of funds. Specify the data, double-check the completed form. Such preventive measures will save you from proceedings if the money is debited to the wrong address.

Modern online banking systems offer a huge number of useful options. Using Sberbank online, you can pay utility bills, transfer money to third-party accounts, and receive bonuses under the loyalty program. In some situations, when filling out the transfer form, an inaccuracy may be made. And the user of the service needs to know how to cancel a payment to Sberbank online as soon as possible in order to be able to return their funds.

When Cancellation Is Possible

The ability of a Sberbank client to conduct and withdraw payment transactions is governed by the provisions of the agreement signed with him. It could be a bank service agreement individual, for the provision of Sberbank services online or for the maintenance of a card account.

All three types of documents stipulate that if errors are made when transferring funds through the system, the sender independently takes measures to return them. That is, he agrees with the recipient on a return transfer.

But you can cancel the Sberbank payment online within the system if such a need arises.

Cancellation of a failed payment

Before canceling an operation in Sberbank online, you need to find out its status. If it is still in execution, the procedure for revoking it will be different from the actions taken for a completed transaction.

Opposite each transfer in the transaction history of a banking user, an icon is placed indicating its current status. If it is “performed by the bank”, then you can withdraw the payment in a few seconds. You will need to mark a specific transfer in the transaction history and click on the "Cancel" icon. The execution of the marked transaction will be suspended.

At the request of the user, the canceled operation can be resumed at any time. To do this, you need to mark the transfer and click on the "Repeat" icon.

Cancellation of a payment to Sberbank online is possible with timely action by the user

Cancellation of a past payment

If the transaction has already been made by the bank, then it will be a little more difficult to cancel the erroneous payment. Everything will depend on the reason for the cancellation.

If a mistake was made when filling out the transfer form, you will have to contact the bank support service. If there is no client with the details entered in the payment document, the money is credited to a special “Account until clarification”, from where, after a period of 5 days, it is returned to the sender.

If the details matched the existing ones, then the sender should promptly take action. As soon as possible, it is recommended to call the bank's hotline number, report the problem and leave a request to cancel the payment. Then write a statement asking you to cancel the transaction on the Sberbank card.

Sberbank will return the money to the sender if they have not yet been credited to the recipient's account. And if they arrived on his balance sheet, then you will have to deal with the return of funds without the participation of the bank. Namely: contact the recipient and ask him to return the funds received. A reference to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which obliges physical and legal entities return unreasonably received enrichment (Article 1102).

How to cancel an operation in Sberbank online

Cancellation of a bank card transaction in Sberbank's Internet banking can be done in several variations. The main criterion for selection is the speed of information transfer, which determines the efficiency of the measures taken by the bank.

By phone

You can cancel a card-to-card transfer made to Sberbank online by calling the hotline 8800-555-55-50 . The number is active around the clock, for different regions additional working support lines are possible. This can be clarified on the official website of Sberbank.

A prerequisite is the identification of the bank's client. The operator will ask you to give your full name, card number and secret word. After authorization, he will fulfill any request to cancel the transaction (if it has not yet been executed).

If the request from the client was received immediately after the payment was sent, then the call will help to quickly suspend its execution. If at the time of the call the money has already arrived on the recipient's balance, then the problem will have to be solved in other ways.

If the correctness of the payment is doubtful, it can simply not be confirmed

On the mobile app

Cancellation of a purchase with a Sberbank card through mobile app also depends on the status of the payment. And the actions themselves for its implementation are similar to those in network banking.

To cancel a transfer, you need to click on it, and then on the "Cancel" icon. If it was on execution, then the money will not be debited from the user's account.

You can simply not confirm the transaction. It is enough not to enter the verification code that the system sends to the user by SMS to complete the payment.

Personal visit to the bank

You can also withdraw an incorrectly issued transfer at a bank branch. This is not the most efficient option, but indispensable in a situation where the money has already been credited to the recipient's account.

The client of Sberbank will be required to contact the consultant with a corresponding request and fill out an application for consideration of the situation. Consideration of the application may take up to 3 days, after which the client will be notified of the results of the verification. If the return of funds is not within the competence of the bank, then its employees will advise what actions should be taken.

Refund of money transferred to scammers

In such a situation, it is important to take action as soon as possible. First contact the support service of Sberbank with a description of the situation. It is possible that bank employees will be able to return funds to the client's card or personal account.

It is also worth writing a statement to the police, indicating the conditions for transferring funds, the method and amount of the transfer, the details of the fraudster. Do not hide any information related to the circumstances of the fraud. Refunds to the victim are made after the verification, detection of the fact of fraud and bringing the fraudsters to justice.

The application to the police should be confirmed with any available documents: payment receipts, copies of the application to the bank, account statements, etc.

Transferring funds via Sberbank online banking is one of the most convenient tools for making electronic payments. Its use allows bank customers to use the offered options at any convenient time. Including, cancel the transfer issued through it.

The situation when you mistakenly sent money to the card to the wrong addressee can happen to anyone. What to do if you entered the details of the recipient incorrectly and want to return the transferred funds back? How long does it take to dispute a transfer and cancel a completed transaction? Find out the answers to these and other questions in this publication.

What should I do if I transferred money to the wrong card?

Sberbank hotline phone, relevant for all operators cellular communication in Russia: 8 800 555 55 50

Today many banking structures provide their customers with the opportunity to change or withdraw an incorrectly issued payment. For example, Sberbank offers to do this with the help of an employee over the phone or through the Internet banking system on the official website of the organization.

There are several options for canceling a money transfer transaction:

  • at the nearest bank office;
  • by calling a special support number;
  • through online banking.

In order to successfully withdraw a transfer, you need to know the basic information about the transaction. To cancel the transfer of money or from a VTB card to Sberbank over the phone, follow these instructions:

  • Dial the hotline number 8 800 555 55 50 (the phone number is the same for all operators mobile communications, including MTS, Beeline Megafon and others).
  • Tell the specialist about your problem and ask to cancel the payment.
  • Answer all operator questions with the following basic information:
    your personal data (full name, passport number and series, address of residence); number of the card (account) from which the shipment was made; plastic details entered erroneously; the amount of the shipment and the exact time of the operation.

For security reasons, the operation of financial companies is organized in such a way that all transactions are necessarily checked by employees. And if you promptly report a mistake, the transaction will be blocked and the money will not be written off.

Instructions for canceling a money transfer through the Sberbank Online service look like this:

  • Go to the official website of the organization (;
  • Go to your personal office by logging in with your username and password;
  • Check the status of the invalid transaction. If it will be listed as "In Processing", then click the "Cancel" option, after which "Canceled" will be displayed opposite the payment.

This procedure is suitable for both transfers from credit and for transactions from debit products.

When the operation has already been completed, the following course of events is possible:

  • you have specified details that do not belong to anyone - the poisoning will automatically return back within 10 days;
  • the specified card number belongs to the real user - you will have to contact the company's office with a request to cancel the transfer.

It is possible that you will have to correct the situation in court if the financial institution does not satisfy your request.

Deadline for canceling a transfer

If you find a translation error, you must act immediately. Once the oversight has been identified, waste no time in calling your organization's customer service line. If you have been careless when transferring funds from Sberbank plastic through the phone, then dial the hotline number 900, which is valid for all Russian telecom operators. Since the maximum time for transferring finances in most cases is set within 3 days, you have the opportunity to freeze the shipment during this period. The sooner you discover a problem, the more likely you are to succeed.

As for the time of cash return, this process can be quite lengthy. The period for crediting funds back to the sender's account depends on how the transfer was made (through an ATM, Mobile bank, Personal Area on the official website, etc.) and how soon you contacted the operator for help. You can get acquainted with the methods of transferring money from card to card by card number and the commission for the transaction.

  • If the operation has already been completed, you will have to write an application for a cash refund at the branch of the institution and you will receive the money back within 10 calendar days.
  • If you managed to cancel the transaction before it was processed by the system, then the finances will be returned within 3 days.
  • When the transfer process was stopped with the help of support service specialists, you will receive the money in 3-5 days.

When is it impossible to cancel a transaction to a card?

Many are interested in the question in what cases it is not possible to cancel a transfer to a VISA card? It may not be possible to return the money back when you discovered a mistake made when writing the details too late and your transfer went to the card account of another person. In such a situation, you can try to contact the person to whom the money was transferred and ask for a refund of the amount sent by mistake. If the citizen turns out to be conscious, then there will be no problems. Otherwise, the case may go to court.

Cancel an erroneous transfer to a Mastercard it may not work out for the same reason as the transfer to plastic of other payment types - the terms for contacting the support service have been missed.

However, be aware that in accordance with the Civil Code, every citizen has the right to return their own funds that were misappropriated by another entity. And about what to do if you mistakenly transferred money to scammers, read the following

Almost every Russian bank, striving for quality service, installs a remote account management service (Internet banking) for its customers. The largest Russian financial institution, Sberbank, is no exception in this case.

A large number of users have already lost the habit of personally visiting Sberbank offices to pay for services. Customers make transactions using the Internet and mobile phone through Sberbank Online. But mistakes happen. It turns out that the details are entered incorrectly and payments go to the wrong recipient or even hang on demand accounts. What to do in such a situation, and how to cancel a payment in Sberbank Online?

Editing data before submitting

Internet banking at Sberbank has several degrees of protection. The main one is confirmation of payments through cellular telephone. After all, the mobile phone comes secret code, with which you can confirm the payment to be sent.

Before entering the code numbers, the client is given the right to check all the details of the payment order.

Most often, payment data is automatically pulled up when sending within the bank. If this does not happen, then it is advisable not to confirm such a payment. Most likely, an error crept into the payment details and therefore the program did not determine the recipient on its own.

Payment confirmation via SMS

In this situation, it is better to clarify the account or card numbers with the subscriber who expects this amount of money from you. After all, it will take longer to return than to send.

Payment blocking

If the client of the bank noticed an error after sending the payment, then what should he do in such a situation, how to withdraw the Sberbank Online payment? Definitely need to immediately call the hotline and ask to block the operation. After all, for example, transfers from a current account must be confirmed by bank employees, for security purposes. And if some client makes a request to block the payment, then the payment may not go to the recipient.


To return erroneously sent money to your account, you will need to contact the bank office in person. There, the specialist will print out a standard sample application for a refund.

The commission for the transfer to the client in case of an erroneous transfer is not returned.

A bank employee makes a request for the details of the recipient to return the money. The whole procedure can take several days, so it will be necessary to wait until the situation is fully clarified.

Sending to non-existent payment data

If the client made a transfer using non-existent payment data, then the money is sent by the financial institution to special accounts poste restante. There, finances can be stored for a very long time, and in this case, it will not work to cancel the transfer to Sberbank Online.
