Every girl dreams of meeting her betrothed and getting married. Particularly impatient and curious resorted to divination or otherworldly forces. It is not for nothing that layouts and rituals on the topic “when I get married” have always been the most popular and in demand.

Ways to know fate

There are several ways to know your destiny:

  • numerology;
  • astrology;
  • Card reading;
  • folk methods of prediction.

Divination by date of birth

Answer the question about the wedding numerology by date of birth. To find out the year of a possible marriage, it is worth adding the numbers of the date of birth and you will get a prime number from 1 to 9. For example, a girl was born on March 2, 1984, therefore, a simple mathematical addition of each number will lead to the desired result: 2 + 3 + 1 + 9 +8+4=27, then 2+7=9.

Having received the number of birth, in this case 9, then it is worth calculating the digital value of future years. Below is a table of several future years converted to a prime number:

Having all the data, you can summarize with the following numerical values ​​\u200b\u200band answer your question about whether when i get married by date of birth:

  • 1 - 1,4,5,7;
  • 2 - 1,5,6,8;
  • 3 - 3,6,7,9;
  • 4 - 1,4,7,8;
  • 5 - 2,5,7,9;
  • 6 - 1,3,6,9;
  • 7 - 1,2,4,8;
  • 8 - 1,2,6,8;
  • 9 - 2,3,6,7.

Picking the perfect date

If the girl already has a groom, then numerology will help the couple choose the right wedding date. For this simple procedure, it is simply worth calculating the birth numbers of the bride and groom. Next, you need to add up the results and find out the auspicious day for marriage. For example, the girl's number is 9, and the man's number is 3, then 9+3=12 and 1+2=3. An auspicious date for a wedding is the 3rd of any month.

Numerologists note that the accuracy of the obtained value is 50 to 50, therefore, you should not be upset when the calculation did not work. It is known that each number carries another, more sacred meaning for the person whom it patronizes.

Experts highlight digital characters that plain language can be called "loners in life." People whose date of birth is in more contains 3, 6, 8, 9, are freedom-loving and independent individuals. Such people get married or get married quite late and approach this event very consciously.

People who have most of the numbers represented by 2, 4, 6 do not like loneliness and are paired creatures from birth. Such men and women tend to enter into early marriages, and after parting, they are not alone for a long time and find a partner again, as they feel more confident in this.

Divination by the stars

Astrology offers everyone their own options for calculating the wedding date and answering the question of whether they will get married at all. There are many online services on the network that will help you find out the details of the future personal life and determine which chosen one the stars have prepared. Special Program entitled "Wedding Calculator" help you make an accurate count. For this test, you should enter the following data about your birth into the computer for calculations:

  • birthday;
  • month;
  • hour of birth;
  • minutes.

It is worth noting that hours and minutes are very important for the accuracy of astrological prediction. The error that will accurately answer the question of interest and describe the future is 20 minutes. If exact time the birth is not known, then it is better not to resort to this type of fortune-telling.

card prediction

Card reading is one of the common ways to look into the future. So, this method can also help in answering the question about the date of marriage and at what age to get married.

To do this, you need to take a deck of playing cards and shuffle it carefully. Then draw 9 cards and arrange them in a straight line of three piles, and each pile should have 3 cards. Filling the piles, it is worth mentally thinking about the wedding.

The first pile is the cards of the day of the ceremony, the second is the month, the third is the year of the marriage. It is necessary to add up all the digital values ​​\u200b\u200bof the cards and get the total number of the wedding of the fortuneteller or who asked to tell fortunes. So, if everything is clear with pictures from 6 to 10, then it’s worth sorting out with cards from jack to ace. Each card has the following number:

  • Jack - 1;
  • Lady - 2;
  • King - 3;
  • Ace - 11.

After that, it is worth adding up all the received numbers in a pile, and if you get a number up to 31, then proceed to summing up the data of the following piles. Do not forget that the second stack of cards is responsible for the month and cannot have a number greater than 12. Determining the value of which year to get married is also simple: the resulting figure will be the final two-digit number of one of the future years. So, for example, 21 will indicate that the celebration will take place in 2021. Thus, the fortuneteller will receive the day, month and year of marriage and will be able to calculate his age.

folk rites

A lot of interesting ways offer and folk rituals, which will help the girl find out who will be her fiancé and when she will get married. One of the methods that do not require special preparation and paraphernalia is salt divination. Before going to bed, you need to eat a little salt and do not drink it with water. After which it is worth saying: "My betrothed, mummers, come to me and give me a drink." The one who dreams and makes a marriage proposal.

It will help to look into the future and a glass of ordinary water. Before going to bed, you need to put a glass of water at the head of the bed, and note the water level. Waking up in the morning, it is worth looking at the amount of water. If it has decreased, then you will not be married in the next few years. If the liquid has not gone away, then the wedding is coming soon and we should expect offers in the near future.

Fortune telling with friends

Friends can find out which of them will marry first. For this you need:

  • basin with water;
  • floating candles;
  • strips of paper with the inscription "wedding".

For the ritual, an ordinary cold water. Long strips of paper with the inscription "wedding" are glued onto the sides of the container. Each of the participants in the ritual lights her own candle and lowers it into the basin. Further, you just have to wait and see whose candle burns the paper first, she will get married before everyone else.

Three friends can find out their fate with another simple ritual. For it you need to find:

  • bread:
  • a piece of wood;
  • hat.

The above items are put in a large closed box and mixed well. The girls take turns putting their hand into the box and, with their eyes closed, pull out the first object that comes to hand.

If the fortuneteller's hand pulled out a hat, then this is for a quick marriage. Pulling out bread for a participant in the ritual means a long loneliness, but a piece of wood draws attention to serious health problems that will distract the girl from her personal life.

Calling the betrothed with a towel

Find out about a possible marriage will help and regular white towel. In the evening, before going to bed, you need to hang it on the street or on the balcony with the words "My betrothed, mummers, come, wipe your face." In the morning, you should feel the towel, if it is dry, then they will not call you to marry for a long time, but if it is wet, then you should expect matchmakers soon.

For those who are not afraid to find out their future, divination for marriage by date of birth is a good opportunity to look through time and space. However, do not forget that these rituals should not be abused, since everything has its place and time.

Attention, only TODAY!

Every girl dreams of a prince who will come for her and take her to his beautiful castle, where they will live happily ever after, raising many beautiful children. But the reality turns out to be completely different: the prince is a neighbor on the site or a classmate, and the castle is a rented apartment.

However, not everyone has even this option - most of the cute and beautiful young ladies are in a long search for that one and only and wonders when she will become the keeper of their joint home. It turns out that numerology will help with this: when will I get married - this is the question to which she will always find the answer by referring to the numbers of her name.

When will I marry my boyfriend?

This version of the prediction will be needed for those girls who already have a soul mate, they are only worried when they will marry him. It is necessary to calculate the number of her birth, for example, May 1, 1992, and his - April 21, 1990. Now calculate the sum of these numbers and get the desired value.

1 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 2 = 27 = 9 is the girl's number.

2 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 = 26 = 8 is the guy's number.

9 + 8 = 17 = 8 is their wedding number.

Fill out the form to get a free online quote.

For this prediction, you need to write your first and last name on a piece of paper, for example, Irina Kravchenko, then count the number of letters: in our case - 14, lead to a single-digit number: 1 + 4 = 5. So, your number is 5. Then write the date when you guess, for example, July 11, 2014: 1 + 1 + 7 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 4 = 16 = 7. Now add your number 5 and fortune-telling number 7: 5 + 7 = 12 = 3. We get the number of fortune-telling is 3. It is very important to remember that fortune-telling cannot be done more than three times a year, otherwise the result will be a false prediction, which will also affect subsequent answers.

The values ​​​​of the numbers obtained in the second version of fortune-telling:

You will get married very soon, but only this marriage cannot be called happy, since it will be forced - by calculation, due to pregnancy or for other, maybe not even very pleasant, reasons. However, it can be long, it all depends on you personally.

You will get married in a year and a half and will be very happy in marriage. The main thing is to show wisdom and patience.

You won't get married soon. But do not be upset - but when you become a wife - there will be no happier person in the world.

"How to get married?" “Where and how to find a husband?” This is the main question that worries women who have not yet found a life partner. How can an astrologer help you get married?

I'm looking for marriage time like this:

Inner need to get married.

I look at the direction of the angles to the indicators of marriage - the Moon for a man of night birth, Venus for the day, the Sun for a woman of night birth, Mars for the day. Major aspects of angles to exponents are sought. When this happens in the directorate, a kind of rut begins in a person - he certainly needs to get married. Or get married.

Why is that? Why do people marry on such aspects? The major aspect of the direction to the corner actualizes the theme of the corresponding planet, forcing a person to manifest its principle in real events. The Sun and the Moon are such “fat” factors, on which a lot of life context is heaped up, including the main life tasks. In our culture, the topic of getting married or getting married is just such a task. There are, for sure, other tasks, but at marriageable age, if a person is not yet married, creating a couple, having children is a powerful set of subconscious and conscious programs, one of the main ones that form goals and objectives.
Venus and Mars play a similar role here, but they are even more focused on interpersonal interaction. Here we are talking about finding a suitable partner, finding a "half" - also an important topic for the human personality.

How to get married - is there a suitable partner suitable for the role of a future husband?

If I don’t find any, I begin to explain to the person that there may not be clear signals to form a family, to marry within a reasonable time from the subconscious. "As is usually the case with people." And he (she) needs to show reason - if there is an opportunity to get married, get married, there will be a suitable partner who is quite suitable for the role of a future husband (wife), but there is no clear signal “it's time!”, Then he will need to take the situation under reasonable control, think about your life, plans for it, and so on, and make a decision on your own. Many reasonable women got married in this way, “from the head”, simply by making a decision and not tormented by the question “How to get married?” inactive.

A suitable partner, the probability of his appearance is determined again, first of all by the direction - to the 7th house, to the ruler of the 7th house, to the same Venus or Mars, or the Sun or the Moon (the luminaries are already a second time). These are the directorates of the luminaries, the Benefactors. In rare cases, if there are many difficulties in the natal chart, and the person is accustomed to positively process the signals of pests (Mars and Saturn), the future husband (wife) will also appear in the directions of pests. But then it is necessary that he first thinks according to Mars, and thinks a lot and well, and then does it (it can be a doctor, or an advanced leader or a military man, but this is worse), and according to Saturn he was well educated, educated, disciplined, ascetic, CONSCIOUS - in terms of confronting one's own fears or complexes. Or there was a significant age difference.

These are the second level signals. If on the signals of the first level the probability of getting married in the absence of obvious obstacles is close to 100% (conditionally), then the signals of the second level give a probability of an event of 75% (also conditionally). This is to give you an idea of ​​the scale.

Are there conditions for marriage?

If there are no first and second, then we look at transits. The transit of Jupiter through the 7th house lasts a year, and during this time it is quite possible to find a suitable partner if there is a strong need. The transit of Saturn is 2.5 years, and if you are over 30, or better over 40 or even better over 50, then this is your situation. How to get married in such a situation? The answer is a disciplined search for a partner. But, this is not an easy task. First of all, because you need to overcome your own habits and change your own life - daily routine, etc.

Ideally, when there is both the first and the second and the third. Moreover, marriage is hardly possible without reinforcement by transits. Directions are rather internal readiness, subconscious signals, transits are external circumstances. Therefore, any event that has matured in the directions manifests itself when conditions are formed, i.e. transits.

Using these approaches, PROBABLE periods for marriage are predicted.

Find out the probable time of your marriage!

The method of major directions of angles to indicators of marriage - sometimes I was surprised at its accuracy. The management happened a year and a half before the marriage - it turned out that the partners had already decided to get married just then, but there were no conditions for the wedding, and they took shape only a year and a half later.

A 6-year-old girl had such a direction. She was seriously going to marry a classmate in kindergarten. In all seriousness - no jokes. And what to do in this situation? How to get married when the full maturation of the body has not yet occurred? But it turns out that there is no next such directorate on the map in the next 40-50 years. (this happens - we take only major aspects). If they lived in the Middle Ages, they would marry ahead of schedule, or as it happened between princes and counts ... And so the daughter marries purely symbolically. Jokes are jokes, but these things are very serious.

This method I personally have one of the main ones for rectification.

Do not read popular horoscopes.

Do not read popular horoscopes, especially when deciding how to get married, whether to marry this person or not. These horoscopes consider the situation in a very simplified way, based only on the position of the Sun according to the signs of the Zodiac. And influencing love relationship, on the compatibility of factors - much more. And some of them can make both a positive contribution and completely spoil the whole situation.

Therefore, if it is really important for you to know what is in your horoscopes with your future spouse, it is better to contact a professional astrologer. This will save you a lot of nerves, time and help build relationships in marriage so that there are fewer scandals and more good relationship, love and harmony.

And remember - a happy marriage is not so much astrological compatibility as a human relationship to each other. You can be happy even with not very good performance.

Every woman at least once in her life must ask herself a question. To the question "When will I get married?" very easy to answer by date of birth.

There are people who prefer to learn about the future with the help of various fortune-telling and signs. For those who have a more precise mindset and mathematical ability, the scientific methods of numerology and astrology will seem more informative. Both of these sciences provide information about individual cycles and rhythms that affect the fate and life of each person. If astrological calculations require the skills of reading a birth chart and the ability to interpret astro-symbols, then the art of numerology involves the simplest arithmetic calculations and is available to everyone.

Numerology, based on knowledge of the individual properties of numbers, their nature and energy, can be used for practical purposes. She can tell you when the long-awaited acquaintance will take place and the marriage will be concluded.

Numerology allows you to calculate the year suitable for marriage. This method is suitable for both girls who are in search of their soulmate, and those who are serious relationship and dreams of a magnificent event - a wedding.

In order to carry out the calculation, you need to write out all the numbers that form the date of birth. If, for example, the future bride was born on May 13, 1987 (05/13/1987), then after adding the numbers 1 + 3 + 0 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 7, the number 34 is obtained. Next, you need to bring it into a single-digit form by repeating the procedure addition: 3 + 4 \u003d 7. Seven is the number that indicates the year of marriage. Using the key, you can decrypt it.

  • Unit says that the number of the year of marriage will correspond to odd numbers - 1, 5 and 7 and an even number - 4.
  • Number "2" indicates a happy year of marriage, corresponding to even numbers - 6 and 8 and odd numbers - 1 and 5.
  • If during the calculations came out troika, then you need to focus on odd numbers - 3, 7 and 9 and an even number - 6.
  • Number "4" indicates favorable even numbers - 4 and 8 and odd numbers - 1 and 7.
  • Number "5" says that odd numbers for marriage will be odd - 5, 7 and 9 and an even number - 2.
  • If dropped out six, then the year of the wedding will correspond to an even number - 6 and odd - 1, 3 and 9.
  • Number "7" draws attention to the wedding years under the auspices of an odd number - 1 and even - 2, 4 and 8.
  • Eight advises to focus on years corresponding to even numbers - 2, 4 and 8 and odd number - 1.
  • Number "9" will indicate the years of marriage corresponding to an odd number - 1 and even numbers - 2, 6 and 8.

Next, you need to select the year corresponding to the numbers that have fallen. He will be the most successful for marriage. For example, 2017 corresponds to one since (2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10 = 1). The key contains information that the year of marriage corresponding to the number 1 is suitable for a woman - a seven born on May 13, 1987.

How to calculate your wedding month

It is very easy to choose the month of the wedding, you need to take the month of your birth as a basis and count the third, fourth, sixth, ninth and tenth months from it. For a person born in April, the months to get married are February, July, August, October and January.

By comparing the received data of the bride with the results of the groom, you can make a choice in favor of a month that is ideal for both newlyweds.

The choice of the wedding date can be made based on the dates of birth of the bride and groom, or you can analyze each day of the month chosen for the wedding and determine the most favorable date.

  • Choosing a wedding date based on partners' dates of birth

A wedding is a very important event that concerns both partners, therefore, when determining the date of marriage, the individual numbers of both newlyweds are important. Let the individual number of the girl be seven (she was born on 05/13/1987), it remains to calculate the number of the man's fate. He was born on February 12, 1985, and, accordingly, his individual number will be one (1 + 2 + 0 + 2 +1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = 28 = 10 = 1).

Next, add the numbers of both partners: 7 + 1 = 8. Thus, the auspicious number for the wedding event will be 8. Of course, the choice should not be reduced to one date, so you can find the second auspicious number of the month by subtracting the result from the total the number of days in a given month. For example, if there are 28 days in February of the current year, then the second auspicious date will be February 20 (28 - 8 = 20), and if we are talking about February of a leap year, then February 21 (29 - 8 = 21).

  • Choosing an auspicious wedding date

Sometimes the life circumstances of the bride and groom develop in such a way that the date of marriage must be chosen in a certain week. In this case, a descriptive method of determining the date of marriage is suitable. In the week, you need to select a date, for example, 12/12/2017, and perform a simple addition operation: 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 16 = 7. Then, guided by the descriptions below, you need to decide whether given date for marriage.

Magic meanings of numbers for the date of marriage

  • 1 - this number is favorable for any undertakings. If you marry on this day, the union will be very promising. The career aspirations of both spouses and joint affairs will play an important role in the union.
  • 2 is a great day, emphasizing the importance of the theme of partnership, cooperation and mutual understanding.
  • 3 - marriage under the auspices of this number is likely to be long and happy, as it will unite the three periods of partners: youth, maturity and old age.
  • 4 - the number of material achievements. The union will be stable, strong and prosperous both spiritually and materially.
  • 5 - this number symbolizes love, joy and adventure. It is perfect for a fun and a little crazy couple.
  • 6 is a very mystical number. Here you can not be insecure in marriage. Any doubt about a partner and uncertainty about future family happiness will negatively affect the fate of the relationship.
  • 7 - this number promises a harmonious union based on the attraction of hearts and the desire to develop together in a creative direction.
  • 8 - if the wedding takes place under this number, then it will not only be a fun and festive event, but will also more than pay off.
  • 9 - this figure indicates the durability of the union.

So, every girl can, with the help of simple ones, answer the cherished question: “When will I get married?”. By date of birth, you can get comprehensive information about when this most wonderful event in life will occur and how to make the wedding event auspicious and leave magical impressions for life.

For thousands of years, people have been conducting research to identify patterns in this world, systematizing data and knowledge, with the help of which they tried to predict the course of events. During such manipulations, science was born. Numerology gives a chance, based on information about the date of birth, to slightly open the veil of the future and find out fate.

Happiness for a woman is a house, a family and a loved one nearby, therefore, among fortune-telling, the most popular topic is wedding. To find out the future, many turn to professional fortune tellers, but this is not necessary. However, you can guess by date of birth for marriage at home.


Calculations are carried out, adhering to the following rules.

  1. Believe in what you are doing and in those forces that help to look beyond the veil of the future.
  2. It is desirable to carry out magical procedures during the full moon.
  3. Before divination, it is better to fast for a day or two.
  4. Don't tell anyone about the ritual.
  5. Faithful and truthful divination is obtained in baths or wooden houses. Natural material is the best conductor between the worlds.
  6. The most favorable period holidays, birthday or full moon.

To find out the future, simple calculation methods or complex ones are used. Simple will require pure White list and a writing medium, and for complex ones - a calculator. You will also need a guide to the procedure and a table with information on the interpretation of the values ​​obtained.

Divination by date of birth for marriage

Method one - calculate the probability of marriage

You will need to do some arithmetic.

Take the date of birth of the fortuneteller and the year for which you need to calculate the probability of a wedding. Then multiply the numbers together.
10/25/1988, calculate the probability for 2018

25*10*1988*2018 = 1 002 946 000

The probability of marriage is estimated by the presence of eights (the last digit of the predicted year) in the result. In our example, there is no such possibility.

Method two - when will I get married?

You will need a blank sheet, a pencil and attention.

Write your first and last name on paper and count the number of letters.

➦ For example:

  1. Utinovina Ekaterina - 17 letters. Reducing to a prime number: 1+7=8 .
  2. We write down the date on which fortune-telling is made 12/21/2017: 2+1+1+2+2+0+1+7=16 ⟹ 1+6=7.
  3. We add the two received numbers: 8+7=15 ⟹ 1+5=6. The fortune-telling number is 𝟞.

After that, we look at the value of the result obtained in the following decoding.

  • 𝟙 - portends a very quick marriage, but either a marriage of convenience, or because of pregnancy or for other reasons. The union may or may not be long, everything is in your hands.
  • 𝟚 - The expected event will occur in 1-1.5 years. Show patience and wisdom, and then the union will be happy.
  • 𝟛 - This figure portends not a quick marriage, but when it happens, you will be the happiest person in the world.
  • 𝟜 - You do not know why you want to get the information you are looking for, because you yourself are not eager to get married.
  • 𝟝 - It all depends on the fortuneteller. If there is a desire, the event will happen soon.
  • 𝟞 - A person is looking for an ephemeral ideal that does not exist. Do not look for people without flaws - they do not exist.
  • 𝟟 - It is possible to conclude an alliance at any time, but do not rush things, there are other goals that require attention.
  • 𝟠 - After the marriage of a friend, the wedding will take place soon.
  • 𝟡 - A fortuneteller of those people who marry late. The reason lies within themselves.

☞ Video plot

At what age will I get married by date of birth

First method

  1. Date of birth 10/25/1988. We calculate the number of birth (Chr). Chr = 2+5+1+0+1+9+8+8=34 ⟹ 3+4=7.
  2. We learn the value of each next year - the number of the year (Chg). For example: 2018 ⟹ 2+0+1+8=11 ⟹ 11=1+1=2; 2019 ⟹ 2+0+1+9=12 ⟹ 1+2=3; 2020 ⟹ 2+0+2+0=4 etc.
  3. We determine the date according to table 1.

Where: Chr - the number of birth; Chg - number of the year

Table 1.

date date date
1 One, four, five and seven4 One, four, seven and eight7 One, two, four and eight
2 One, five, six and eight5 Two, five, seven and nine8 One, two, six and eight
3 Three, six, seven, nine6 One, three, six and nine9 Two, three, six and seven

According to the data from the table, it can be seen that the number of births 𝟟 corresponds to years with a Y equal to 𝟙, 𝟚, 𝟜 or 𝟠 - this is 2018; 2020, 2021 and 2024, 2028, etc. It is believed that marriages created in these years are the most durable.

Second method

  1. Find out the number of the name by adding the number of letters in the name and surname (Chi) ⟹ Chizhova Anna ⟹ 6+4=10 ⟹ 1+0=1.
  2. We calculate the value of the number in which we are guessing Thu 12/22/2017 = 2+2+1+2+2+0+1+7 = 18 = 1+8 = 9.
  3. Get the sum of two numbers Chi+Chg ⟹ 1+9=10 ⟹ 1+0=1. The result obtained corresponds to the ideal year for the wedding. We add the number 𝟙 by the end of the year - 2021, 2031, etc.

Guessing how many marriages there will be

To find out how many marriages a woman will have, it is enough to divide the date of the month of birth by 2 (we give the number in a simple form). For example, if she was born in October (10th month = 1+0=1), there will be one marriage.

To determine the characteristics family life, we define several required quantities.

Marriage number (Chb) \u003d Chi (name number) + Chzhp (number life path)

Chi is calculated as follows: find out what number each letter in the first and last name corresponds to. A table will help with this.

A, I, C, b, K1 G, L, F, E4 E, O, SH, H, K7
B, Y, T, S2 D, M, X, Yu, K5 W, P, W8
B, K, U, b3 E, N, C, I6 Z, R, W9

➦ For example:

Yana Belova ⟹ 6+6+1+2+6+4+7+3+1=36 ⟹ 3+6=9

Chzhp are looking for by adding the numbers of the date of birth.

➦ For example: 11/15/1988

  • 1+5=6
  • 1+1=2
  • 1+9+8+8=26 ⟹ 2+6=8
  • 6+2+8=16 ⟹ 1+6=7

Chb (marriage number) = Chi + Chzhp ⟹ 9+7=16 ⟹ 1+6=7

☞ Meaning and interpretation of characteristics of family life

bwFor womenFor men
1 Leadership in the familyLoyalty to work
2 boring marriageShowing concern for the family
3 Comfort, home, fidelityEntertainment
4 Smoothing out or ending conflictsEqual status in the family of both spouses
5 Talks about career and business successcarefree life
6 Windy behavior, thoughtless actionsStriving for comfort and home
7 Showing care and affectionHaste in everything and incompleteness
8 Bouts of jealousy and anxietyManifestation of cunning, lies and dishonesty
9 Loyalty and Finding LoveSadness and sadness
  1. Consider your own state of mind and body health before divination. You should be in good shape and feel a surge of energy.
  2. It is better to guess on Friday night - Venus controls this day, and at night the world of spirits is as open as possible.
  3. During the procedure, observe silence, preferably alone and without distractions. Concentrate fully on the process.
  4. True divination happens on the full moon or days of power.
  5. Do not guess more than three times a year.

In what cases fortune-telling will not come true

  1. There was no mood, they did not feel a connection with another world.
  2. The procedure was carried out under conditions of stress or emotional upsurge.
  3. They were looking for confirmation of expectations, not truth.
  4. An overly dynamic or stagnant life.
  5. Guessed too often.
  6. Not very interested, and the desire is at a low level.
  7. Do not trust the result or do not believe in it.

For many centuries, girls dream of a happy marriage and love. In the course of the development of civilization, a lot of ways to find out the future appeared - numerology, fortune-telling playing cards and Tarot, ritual or not - there are many methods to look beyond. However, remember that whether or not the prediction will come true depends only on you. Your fate is in your hands.
