There are many ways to get information. Let's highlight some of them: clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance, clairsentience, automatic writing (contacting), with the help of a frame and a pendulum. Let's consider each of them separately.

1. Clairvoyance- this is a vision of the energies of the Universe, the human biofield (aura), the internal organs of a person, the events that led to this disease or these problems (causality). But one cannot fully trust the vision of a person, since he sees what is shown to him, but then he turns on his logical mind (and how he tells him whether it is right or wrong - that is, he will correctly judge what he saw or not - depends on his practice). This is first.
Secondly, the seer is not obliged to tell the patient about everything he sees. In any case, it should fit correctly. Thirdly, long work with vision weakens the eyes.
I'll give you an example.
Once, while conducting training, I decided to check how correctly my clairvoyant students receive information. There were 19 people in the training group, 8 of them were clairvoyants and all were women. Having taken their consent for verification, I went out to the patients, talked to them, found a person who does not believe in clairvoyants and asked him to help me, but at the same time not to pay much attention to what the seers say, since they are mere mortals and may be wrong. He agreed to help. And so I take the patient into the room where the seers sit and tell them: "Look through this person and tell me what's wrong with him." After 1-2 minutes, one of the women asked me: "Can I tell him everything that I see?". Before I could even open my mouth, the patient blurted out before me: "I'm ready for anything!" And then Gala (that was the name of the seer) says to him: "In a week you will die." Here our patient began to slowly slide down the wall to the floor. I had only time to put a chair under him when he plopped down on it. The girls quickly brought water and brought him to his senses. He was all white. I asked Gala why she thinks so. She said that she saw a black cross over his head, and black crosses are only found in cemeteries. Then, in front of everyone, I began to talk with the patient and found out that he was of the Christian faith, but had been practicing Buddhism for 3 years now. So, from here we made a logical conclusion: when a person is baptized, then a shining light cross becomes above his head - the emblem of the Christian egregor, which means that the egregor takes him under his protection. In this case, the Christian egregor removed his protection, since the patient went to another egregor, but the cross remained (an indicator of baptism), and the other egregor has not yet accepted him into his bosom. We reassured the patient and assured him that he would live a long time, and Gala admitted her mistake.
Clairvoyance is a wonderful gift and of inestimable benefit if balanced with humility and a sense of common sense, but if not, it can do serious damage by misleading. But so that this does not happen and inaccuracies do not arise, you need to exercise your attentiveness. You need a thorough training of your subtle bodies.
If there are disturbances in the physical body (a change in the circulation of blood through the brain, in which the amount and speed of blood change, can change the action of brain functions), then the clairvoyant will have illusions and distortions during the session. The astral body of the clairvoyant must also be under control, as it is the body of desires and emotions. This means that in order to avoid distortions, he must suppress his emotions completely during the session. Otherwise, the vision will be so distorted that the seer will give out the information that he himself created with his thoughts and feelings.
The mental body of the seer must be in a calm state. To do this, he must get rid of pride and ambition, reveal all unconscious prejudices and eradicate them, remove pride, conceit, self-centeredness from his consciousness. Only then can the seer see the situation correctly and evaluate it correctly. The clairvoyant is not forced to publish everywhere or tell everyone what he sees, look into the past lives of people, or read the history of ages long past, but if he wishes to do so, he must heed the warnings arising from history or run the risk of misleading followers. or patients. But how then can a person who does not have the ability of clairvoyance and does not observe anything on his own distinguish truth from lies? The safest criterion of truth is extreme detachment. If during a clairvoyant session, the clairvoyant shows a tendency to some glorification of the seer himself, emphasize his occult position, the importance or position of this person, then there are serious reasons to distrust this information. It must be constantly remembered that in true occultism the seer must forget himself, while remembering the good sides of others.
Each clairvoyant sees at the level of his intellect, his knowledge, his life and healing experience. When visiting the city of Barnaul, during my seminars, I met Galina Sergeevna Belyaeva - a magnificent person with a wide soul, a hereditary healer, a clairvoyant with great practical experience. I talked to her a lot on various issues. I would like to briefly outline here how she sees some of the problems and illnesses of man.

The concept of "aura" has given rise to a lot of rumors. Everyone who imagines himself a guru must play with words: biofield, ethereal body, aura.

And at the same time, many statements cause frank bewilderment. But there are also people who flatly refuse to perceive the existence of an aura. They do not see it, so they have every right not to believe in it.

So, today we will figure out whether the aura really exists, what it is, and why it can be positive and negative.

What is an aura

Let's start with the fact that the aura actually has a place to be. It’s just that not everyone can see it, because not all of humanity without exception has extrasensory abilities and knows how to heal by the laying on of hands. And those who are able to discern the subtle ethereal body that surrounds a person see him in different ways. For some, this is just a whitish or gray-blue glow, and for someone - a multi-colored whirlwind with pits, dips, dark spots. It just depends on what abilities the person who sees the aura has. As a rule, those who have the gift of a healer see a multi-colored aura.

But back to the very definition of aura.

An aura is an ethereal, energy field surrounding a person, reflecting his physical health, emotional state and his talents, spiritual purity, a tendency to good or evil.

Aura is a variable quantity. It changes depending on the mood, on the state of health, on what is happening in the head and in the soul of a person. Moreover, the aura tends to fade first, and then completely disappear before a person has to go to another world.

The energy glow formed by the aura can reach half a meter, but, as a rule, rarely exceeds 20-30 centimeters. The aura is best seen in the head and shoulders.

By the way, the halo over the heads of the saints, depicted on the icons, is also a kind of reflection of the aura. Only truly pure-hearted people can have such a glow. And there is every reason to believe that the image of a halo is a borrowing from Indian traditions, because it was there that they first determined that a person has an aura, and they did this several millennia ago. And even then, on many frescoes, the deities of the Indian pantheon were depicted with their heads “taken” into a circle.

Some healers are sure that by studying the aura, one can cope with many diseases. Moreover, for them, the state of the human energy field is the same diagnostic method as for most people - x-rays and tests.

There is an opinion that a person with a clear aura is less susceptible to other people's influence than one whose aura trembles or blurs. However, this property of the energy field most of all depends on the physical and emotional state.

Positive and negative aura: what is the difference

In principle, it is possible to talk about the positive and negative aura only in relation to the state of a person at a given period of time, and, again, this is related to his physical and mental health. For example, the positive aura of a healthy and calm person is even, without breaks, as if it envelops its “owner”. However, as soon as problems begin, the aura changes, its color changes or depressions, holes and dark clots appear.

From these changes, one can understand that something is wrong with a particular organ, and if appropriate measures are taken in time, serious health troubles can be avoided.

But if the color of the aura changes, then this indicates that the person is unsettled, he is angry, he is in a bad mood. Such changes, as a rule, are of a short-term nature, that is, after gaining peace of mind, the color of the aura is also restored. If the aura changes its color for a long time, then this already indicates that a person has depression, a mental disorder, or a violation of mental activity.

True, sometimes it also happens that a change in color indicates a change for the better, for example, a recovery or a person’s transition to a new level. In the first case, the aura then returns to its main, original color, but in the second, it may remain for life.

The color of the aura is different for each person. Someone "shines" gold, someone - red, yellow or blue. But this is only the main color, other colors are mixed with it, which are "responsible" for his health.

And the main color of the aura depends on the mental and spiritual capabilities of a person. So, for example, in the 80s of the last century, psychic Nancy Ann Tapp discovered that some children have an indigo aura. These were gifted children of a new generation, unlike their peers, but at the same time unusually talented.

Let's talk about the colors of the aura in more detail.

Aura colors


The aura of a strong-willed, energetic, resolute person has a red color. But if the permanent, basic color of the aura is different, then the aura acquires a red tint when a person is threatened with a nervous breakdown, or when he falls into anger.


Children often “shine” with pink, but if this color is inherent in an adult, then this indicates that we have an infantile personality who lingers in childhood and does not want to make independent decisions.

In a person with a different primary color of the aura, the energy field becomes pink when a person wants to evade responsibility, when he is unsure of himself.


The orange color of the aura is inherent in those who are attentive to others, who are trying to bring light with their actions. Often this color is found in people who have the ability to heal - both bodies and souls.

However, if an orange spot appears in the area of ​​​​the liver, this indicates that it begins to “play pranks” and needs to be urgently treated.


Blue color- a sign of a creative nature, from the point of view of talent, the chosen people have such an aura, but at the same time they are emotionally unbalanced, with displaced concepts of morality, duty, rules and dogmas. Nevertheless, such a color indicates that a person has taken place, that everything has worked out for him in the area to which he has the greatest inclination.

But if the aura of a person with a different primary color acquires a blue or blue color, this may be a “bell” that problems with the head or heart are brewing. And both physically and emotionally.

For example, a person is just about to go beyond what is permitted, and his aura has already begun to change color. A blue spot in the region of the heart indicates that pain may begin in it, it is also a sign of arrhythmia, angina pectoris, and insufficiency.

But it is worth clarifying that a blue aura can also become when a person has changed his life and found his true destiny.


The purple color of the aura "says" that a person could not find himself in life, that he is in search of his true calling.

But if the other color changes to purple, then the person is in a state of severe disappointment. Purple spots in the stomach indicate a disease of this organ.


The gray color of the aura prevails among indecisive people who seek to hide behind someone else's back in everything. Such people are very easy to convince, they are born conformists.

But if another color changes to gray, then this indicates that the person is very bored, he is in anguish, feels unwell, or he is just very scared.


The green color of the aura is an indicator that a person is virtuous, noble, he constantly develops spiritually, and at the same time he is true to his principles, goes the once chosen path.

If on green color the main color of the aura changes, which means that the person is recovering, and this applies to both physical and spiritual recovery.


Yellow people are optimistic, cheerful and talented. Often crowds of adherents follow them with pleasure. But at the same time, people with a yellow aura are quite cautious and reasonable, that is, their cheerfulness and optimism are not based on an unlimited belief in their invulnerability, but on life experience.

Well, when a purple or gray aura changes to yellow, this indicates that a person has overcome vices or shortcomings and is approaching a new level of being.


Also a good sign it is considered if a golden glow appears around a person. This means that a person is currently happy, he is well, he is recovering or has achieved some kind of cherished goal.

But this color is constant among the sages, among people with good intuition and an inquisitive mind.


Aura is also silvery. This is the color of the Magi, harbingers, clairvoyants. People with a silvery aura are endowed with paranormal abilities, although, unfortunately, they rarely realize a unique gift in themselves.

But if the stain silver color appears on the head or above the head of a person, this speaks of some kind of insight, sometimes of an “attack” of intuition.


Black is the only truly negative aura color. Black clots indicate numerous lesions of the organs of the human body, and most often this, like the complete disappearance of the aura, portends a quick death.

True, if the aura disappears suddenly, then the person will die from an accident, and if there are multiple black blotches in the aura, then the person will die from some serious illness that has affected almost all organs. A single black clot indicates a disease of a particular organ.

But the solid black color of the aura shows that a person is in the stage of rebirth. However, it is not necessarily bad, evil and terrible. It happens that some event destroys a person's life, and his aura becomes black, but when his strength is restored, when he has already learned to live anew, the aura becomes a lighter, brighter color.

A black spot above a person's head may mean that he is plotting some kind of crime.


The most amazing color of the aura is white. It points to the spiritual purity of a person, to his holiness. But do not confuse it with a whitish fog - it is an indicator of the fact that you cannot see the entire spectrum of the aura, and auras are not born with a white color. It is acquired by years of spiritual development. When a person approaches the absolute, the colors of his aura - primary and secondary - merge into one, giving a crystal white color.

Understanding the colors of the aura, the changes in these colors, and most importantly, putting it into practice is troublesome. To do this, you need to know the person, observe him and track all the changes, only then you can say something definite. Although black clots of comments and conclusions do not require. It always means some kind of disease or, much less often, spoilage.

They say you can learn to see the aura. However, this is not quite true. If you have certain abilities, then you can, and if you do not have them, then at best you will see a whitish fog.

However, the ability to somehow see the aura often leads to the discovery of other amazing talents in a person. Try looking at someone with defocused vision first. Get to see at least something - improve. Suddenly, a great healer or clairvoyant is dozing in you?

Almost every one of us can partially see the aura and its colors by applying different kinds filters. In this case, it is perceived as a multi-colored radiation emanating from the energy centers of the human body, i.e. chakras

Often they talk about the aura as streams of light of various colors, but this is also not true: instead of saying “color” in this case, it is more correct to say “wavelengths” or “frequencies”. From a practical point of view, the color diagnostics of the aura is of great importance, but such a characteristic is rather arbitrary, as shown above, and for a correct understanding it requires in-depth knowledge of the actual nature of such a phenomenon as the aura, knowledge of all its layers and their features, etc.

You can train yourself to see the aura at any moment, even on a clear sunny day. To do this, ask one of your friends to stand so that his figure is against the background of the sky, or you can, for example, lie down on the grass, your friend will become not far from you. In the light of bright sun rays you will definitely see the aura of a person, even if your third eye is not yet open enough to see it all the time. You can see a halo, that is, a halo above a person's head. It has a bright golden color in highly spiritual people and has duller shades if a person is weighed down by earthly passions and concerns.

In general terms, it can be said that the main colors of the aura change with the person; primary colors determine the basis of personality. Countless subtle shades show thoughts, intentions, as well as the degree of spirituality - they can completely change or change their saturation. Colors surround the body like an ascending spiral and flow from head to feet, and there are many more of them than in a rainbow: after all, a rainbow is only a refraction of light in a drop of water, while the aura is inexhaustible life itself.

The Meaning of Pure Aura Colors

  • Red - materialistic thoughts, thoughts about the physical body. The predominance of pure red in the aura indicates a materialistically minded person.
  • Orange - inspiration and a sign of power, the ability and desire to control people.
  • Blue - the will to live, freedom, strength, energy. People with a blue dominant aura color are internally balanced.
  • Turquoise - indicates a person capable of programming events, influencing other people. People with a dominant turquoise color in their aura can do several things at once with excellent results, but quickly get tired when they focus on one thing.
  • Green - in the presence of a person with a green aura, a calming effect is felt. People with pure green in their aura are potential healers. The integrity of nature.
  • Pink - love, balance between the spiritual and the material. Pink color very rare in the aura.
  • Yellow - freedom, vitality. People who glow yellow are full of selfless inner joy, frank. A yellow halo around the head speaks of spiritual development. It appears due to the activity of the brow chakra. When this chakra is most active, a yellow halo appears around it, which covers the entire head.
  • Purple - indicates spiritual thoughts.

The aura of each individual person is distinguished by their color options. Subtle energies are multicolored, while each individual has his own characteristics, including different shades general background. The purity of colors and their saturation indicate the state of both physical and spiritual health. If, when deciphering the information contained in the aura, certain symbols are present in the structure of the human energy field, many conclusions can be made about the inner world of the person himself. However, this is only available to those who own the decryption method. It is also possible that alien energy clots are detected in a person’s energy - this, as a rule, indicates that a person has been attacked.

Aura color , or energy field, can sometimes say more about a person than he does. So, red is the color of rage and opposition, depending on its saturation. Cold, steel shade, the color symbolizes inevitability, etc. Aura colors can be either simple, one-color, or composite, consisting of many colors. But a person with energy vision sees the environment through his own field. It is from this that discrepancies arise in the perception of color. In addition, one more point must be taken into account: the observer may consider that the color of the object has changed, and this is not always the case. In fact, the observer himself for the first time observed the aura of another person, being in a state of harmony, the second time - in a state of excitement or excitement caused by his own internal problems.

Mood aura

The aura is a direct indicator of a person's mood. Any emotions, especially strong ones, are brightly colored in the appropriate color. You can determine the state of a person by the colors of the aura, which correspond to certain emotions of a person.

  • Red-yellow flows in the aura - incontinence, anxiety.
  • Waves and stripes of blue with a reddish tint - fear, alertness.
  • Red-blue stripes in the form of radii, going from the inside to the outside - tension, expectation.
  • Flashing orange-yellow dots - strong excitement.
  • Bluish spots of variable shape - absent-mindedness.
  • Silver-blue streams - sincerity, nobility of thoughts.
  • Dirty blue streams - envy.
  • The black color of the aura is hatred.
  • Red-brown flashes - anger.
  • All shades of red indicate nervous excitement.
  • Gray-brown stripes - selfish thoughts.
  • A dark gray cloud means a deep depression.
  • Greenish-gray stripes - vanity, insincerity.
  • Green-brown dots with red splashes - jealousy.
  • The blue-brown color of the aura is characteristic of a religious, but not elevated mood.
  • A beautiful pink cloud enveloping a person is love and compassion.
  • Pink rays emanating from the inside out - love, peace, inner harmony.
  • An orange cloud with brown drops is a base passion.
  • Greenish blurred cloud - sincere empathy.
  • Light green color - sympathy.
  • Brown-gray stripes with red - selfishness, the desire to rise above others.
  • Purple lines - the pursuit of high ideals, selflessness and kindness.

spots of color in the aura

  • Brown - anxiety, earthiness of thoughts.
  • Gray - dark and depressing thoughts, unclear intentions.
  • Mustard - constraint, pain, anger.
  • Whitish - artificial arousal (drugs). Very often it can indicate a disease.

Aura color as a mirror of the inner world

Any object has an energy shell, everything has a glow - this is the glow of the energy-information field. The human aura is no exception. But no other shell is able to say so much about what it surrounds.

It is noted that of the colors of the aura, red is the easiest to see. The blue color is already more difficult to perceive - many people distinguish red in the aura, but do not see blue.

Very often people do not see the aura, but have a special sense of its sensation. Thus, when you say, "He must wear such and such colors and must not wear such and such," it comes from an instinctive understanding that certain colors correspond to the aura and others do not. That is, without seeing the aura itself, you feel which colors are incompatible with the aura of a given person.

If you are in the presence of a person who can see and read the aura, beware of telling lies - the aura will give you away. Usually, if a person lied, greenish-yellow flashes appear in the glow of a blue or yellow hue.

Most often you can see a blue or yellow glow, which is called a "halo". At the very top of the aura one can see something like a fountain of light, which in the East is known as the Blooming Lotus, because it really looks like this flower, which changes its colors as it does so. The higher the spirituality of a person, the more golden yellow in his "halo". If negatively colored thoughts arise, certain parts of the person's aura acquire a dirty brown color, a color with a yellowish-green tint, and so on.

Aura Color Meanings

  • Bright blue is a religious feeling.
  • Blue - subtle perception of beauty, dedication.
  • Dark blue - spiritual aspiration, mercy.
  • Violet - spirituality, intelligence, disposition and compassion; with an aura of a significant size - high spirituality, wisdom, a high degree of disclosure of spiritual abilities.
  • Blue - activity of thinking, readiness for action, determination, sincerity.
  • Light blue - fluctuations, uncertainty.
  • Dark blue - spirituality, self-awareness and growth.
  • Bright or grassy green - sympathy, the desire to help, the desire for good.
  • Dark green - selfishness, insecurity, deceit.
  • Light green - persistent reflections.
  • Green with a yellowish tint - self-interest, greed, the desire to manipulate people.
  • Pure yellow - high intelligence, active friendliness, great creativity.
  • Dark yellow - greed, cowardice.
  • Reddish-yellow - emphasis on intellect, denial of spirituality.
  • Orange - kindness, sympathy, respect.
  • Orange-green - causticity, mockery, spiritual callousness.
  • Golden - creativity, integrity, reliability.
  • Gold - spirituality, high disclosure of creative potential.
  • Red - courage, activity, perseverance.
  • Scarlet - self-confidence, pride, selfishness.
  • Bright red with flashes - anger.
  • Dark red - malice, aggression.
  • Red with brown - a strong passion, sometimes a craving for violence.
  • Burgundy - sensuality.
  • Pink is love.
  • Pale pink - shyness.
  • Hot pink - the ability to show love at the highest level.
  • Silver - spirituality, will, integrity and strength.
  • Brown - selfishness.
  • Brown with red - hatred, anger.
  • Light brown - greed.
  • Dark brown - depression, despair.
  • Black is anger.
  • Light gray - unreliability, apathy, often deceit.
  • Gray - depression or laziness.
  • Dark gray - fear.

based on materials from the book: Mikhail Bublichenko - "Your aura is the path to spiritual perfection" .

Nimbus (halo) in Latin means "cloud", "cloud" (nimbus) and is a brightly shining circle above the head. In shape, it can be different: triangular, round, hexagonal. But here hallmark images of Jesus Christ is a round (crossed) nimbus, in which the cross is inscribed.

Although its images are most often found in Christian or as well as paintings where there are saints, nevertheless, the history of its occurrence goes back to ancient times. Painted haloes illuminating the heads of people have been found for centuries in different cultures- Ancient Greek, Byzantine, Muslim, Christian. In the East, a luminous halo around the forehead has always symbolized the reward for a righteous life and meant Enlightenment.

Nimbus over the head: origin story

There is not one, but several versions of how such a symbol of holiness as a halo appeared. According to some scientists, it was preceded by a Greek meniscus - a metal circle that was located around the heads of the statues in order to protect them from birds and bad weather. Other experts argue that the halo around the head arose as a result of the tradition, according to which a shield was placed on the back of the heroes.

The most prudent interpretation is still considered Greek, based on mythology. According to ancient legends, they often appeared to people in human form. A clear blinding light emanated from them, referring to the luminous ether, the above-ground atmosphere, the dwelling place of the gods. It follows that the glow is a sign of belonging to the gods. A little later, mere mortals, who had the honor of being on the same level with heavenly representatives, began to be honored with it. Over time, the divine glow was slightly reduced, and only a luminous halo above the head was applied to the images. Later, this symbol of holiness was borrowed from the Greeks by Christians, Egyptians, Romans and Buddhists.

Distinctive features

For Christians, the halo around the head is still a sign of the Mother of God, angels and saints. But on the icons it can be depicted in different ways. For example, the halo above the head of the face has a triangular shape or the appearance of a six-pointed star. The Holy Spirit can also be depicted in the form of a dove with a triangular halo. As for the Savior Christ, they draw a glow in which the cross is inscribed. Also, Jesus may have a halo, where instead of a cross, three lines of light or a beam of rays emanating along the radius from the center of the disk are depicted.

The nimbus of the Mother of God is round in shape and decorated with twelve stars, a radiant crown or diadem. Angels, martyrs, apostles and saints are depicted with round golden halos around their heads. Patriarchs and prophets usually have a silver glow color.

There are certain differences between the images of halos in Orthodox and Catholic icon painting. In the Christian tradition, a divine halo is drawn around the entire head, and among Catholics above it in the form of a circle.

What do halos above the heads of saints symbolize?

A halo, or is considered a sign of a perfect person, a confirmation of his special mental strength. Most often, attention is paid to the aura of superpersonality in the head area. This zone of light in a square or circle speaks of the emanations of the soul, the spiritual energy of saints or divine persons.

Initially, the luminous halo around the head was compared with the solar disk and was considered a manifestation of the power of the Sun, an attribute of its gods. In Eastern iconography, solar deities were identified in this way. A halo above the head spoke of endowed power, power, or spiritual strength. In secular iconography, the crown was such an attribute.

A luminous halo sometimes acted as an attribute of the Phoenix, which is a symbol of immortality. In some drawings, Satan also has a halo, for example, in Byzantine art. This made it clear that he was also endowed with power.

Color accompaniment and form

The golden halo usually represented Christian art, among the Hindus it is red, among the ancient gods it is blue. In some cases, there was rainbow.

A round nimbus (halo) in Byzantine art was a hallmark of the dead, who during their lifetime were distinguished by high morality, and the mercy of heaven descended on them. For example, the Virgin Mary is always depicted with a round and often exquisitely decorated halo around her head. For divine persons and saints, the halo is similar, but without ornaments.

A cross within a circle or a cruciform halo is a specific symbol that characterizes the Atonement and Crucifixion of Christ. But the halo in the form of an ellipse speaks of spiritual light.

A hexagonal or square halo indicates a saint among the living or an ordinary person, but, for example, a donor. Here the square is considered the lowest and serves as a symbol of the earth, while the circle, in turn, is a sign of eternal existence, heaven. The square halo is also interpreted as follows: its three sides are the Trinity, and one is the whole, the head.

The triangular halo is a sign of the Holy Trinity, or the Triune God. A halo shaped like a triangle or rhombus is depicted on the icons of God the Father.

Polygonal haloes have always been used to depict persons famous for their virtue, or other allegorical figures. The hexagonal halo spoke of great virtues or, again, emphasized the allegorical nature of the icon painting. A double halo or rays made it clear about the double aspect of the deity.

How do halos differ in different religions?

It is very informative and interesting to find out what halos above the head of saints of different religious denominations mean. The Buddha, for example, has a red halo and shows the dynamism of solar activity. In Hinduism, Shiva has a rim of flame, symbolizing the Cosmos. Among the Persians, a luminous halo spoke of the power of Ahura Mazda. In ancient and Asian art, the halo was a favorite means of conveying the greatness of kings, rulers, and Roman emperors deified on cash coins. In Mithraism, the halo is a pointer to the light of the Sun, as well as Mithra as his god. Psychology gives the following designation to the halo around the head: this is a solar crown.

Nimbus in Christianity

It is believed that the halo came to Christianity from the iconography of Mithraism, which was initially ousted by him from the Roman Empire. It was borrowed from the images of rulers and pagan gods of the Sun. There is an opinion that the halo on the head of the saints first appeared in the Roman catacombs of Calixtus in the 2nd century. They crowned the head of Christ, then in the same way they identified the special divine status of Mary and the angels.

Through prayer, a person introduces himself into a special state of consciousness that contributes to recovery… Communication with the Higher World gives rise to radiations. A person in ignorance and denial extinguishes his radiations, opening up to the most dangerous diseases, because his protective network (AP) of the aura (the place of the greatest energy tension at the ends of the aura) is weakened. A person, not recognizing the Higher Worlds, cannot accept the corresponding vibrations from Space (by resonance), and the innate potential of fiery energy - PE - of a person decreases over the years with every negative emotion, with every egoistic thought. The depletion of the corona of radiations will lead to a violation of the nervous regulation of the endocrine glands, the organs of immunity, which will form the basis for physical diseases. In such a state of extinguishing one's own light, a person is incurable...
You can't get away from radiation shots. Physical health will not save the heart, it needs the health of the spirit, so you need to think about the state of your PE and not worsen it, then true healing will begin. Discipline of thought is necessary, each thought of joy is already a healing principle. The rhythm of joy gives a surge of PE. To think about the common good, joy, heroism, Love - this is how healing medicines are achieved and human emanations spread to everything around. Sorrow is transient, joy is imperishable. Love the light and love the beautiful.
Studies show that violation of the ethical rules of life transfers a person's energy to a lower level of vibration, reduces his energy potential, reduces the protective network, and as a result, diseases arise. And the state of harmony with the surrounding world leads to the restoration of a person's energy potential, but this happens much more slowly. When sending thoughts of good, the energy potential increases, condenses, and the human energy field harmonizes. Thus, the theory of the power of thought receives a scientific justification, thus “the meaning of some spiritual concepts must be viewed from the side not only spiritual, but also scientific,” says the Teaching of Living Ethics.
All great thinkers believed that the most best help people - help in the spirit, provided by the light radiation of the human aura. This inner light is the highest gift of the spirit, therefore each replacement of the radiations of darkness with light radiations in oneself will be the best offering to humanity and the planet. Now man is responsible for everything that comes from his microcosm into Space. Nothing can justify clouding your aura
In the aura a person brings joy, illness, grief, light, suffering to those around him... The question of human radiation is extremely important. Sometimes in the dark you can observe the radiation of energy from the ends of the fingers. In the case of particularly strong emanations, one can see bluish light even during the day... Now devices make it possible to see this energy. This is a fabulous sight, which even a color photograph is difficult to convey: the streamer breaks away from the radiant surface of the finger and moves away, a second, third flashes nearby ... Children compare these radiations with the rays of the Sun.
It is advisable to gather people into groups according to the level of consciousness. But the most ideal would be the arrangement of people according to the composition of the auras. For the ray that unites harmonious auras acquires the power of increased attraction. An unharmonized combination will give repulsion. Two harmonized auras can be a guarantee of success, because the reaction from the united rays can direct each undertaking to advance. But we are still far from even determining the color of auras, although some progress in this direction has already been made, therefore it remains to select people who sympathize with each other. The topic of auras is very important, because so little has been written about this most important factor in our entire well-being and existence. For example, the topic: "The human aura, its connection and its influence on the well-being and health of a person." Two combined auras work wonders, but what can twelve auras do?
Each contact with people leaves a trace on the aura and rarefies the one who has a higher spirituality, i.e. accumulated PE leaks. Darkness is especially concentrated in cities. But it is possible to oppose the strength of the spirit to the external environment, neutralizing with it the atmosphere of the environment, even the locality ... The whole district can benefit from a luminous thought. Man is a powerful battery of the subtlest and strongest energies interacting with everything around him. Conscious interaction gives impetus to the development and growth of fiery energy (HE).
Every heart of goodness can shine with its aura. To do this, you just need to think for the good, to carry the energies of the good to the Space. Two united good hearts can do what hundreds of disunited ones cannot do. Uniting people into one planetary heart can do anything
overcome and accomplish.
Let us exert all our strength in order to create an impenetrable armor for ourselves with the purity of our thinking. The blows of the dark ones on the aura are inevitable, but with a strong AP they are easily repelled without causing harm. Usually these blows affect weak organs. An aura saturated with devotion to the Hierarchy of the Teachers of Light can withstand all dark attacks. But one should not for a moment allow doubt and deviation from this focus of Light. Devotion and purity of motives are the only anchor in the chaos of the raging elements.
Fear forms a kind of negative magnet around a person. Can we expect positive results? Brave people, heroes neglected danger and therefore died less often from them. After all, a persistent, magnetized aura, in the presence of a tense silver thread of connection between the heart and the Lord's heart, acts as the best lightning rod and deflects all enemy arrows.
It is difficult to recognize the true value of a person (after all, sometimes a high spirit can be embodied in an ordinary shell in order to raise the level of humanity, there may simply not be a better body), therefore, pictures of auras are so needed that will give the true essence of a person. Many will think and strive to improve their true passport.
Christ could feel the aura of the sick person, He saw that, by virtue of aspiration and faith, it increased its vibrations, and therefore it can perceive the influence of His healing rays and thus be cleansed of the grave consequences generated by bad deeds or motives (thoughts). Therefore, only Christ could say: "Your sins are forgiven."
To forgive or atone for sins means to erase or remove their consequences, that is, to neutralize those currents of power that arose in a person’s aura in view of the energy released by him when he committed an unlawful act (thought). Just as one ingredient can change the whole character of a substance made up of several other chemical ingredients. So the action of a high impulse or quality can neutralize and overcome the consequences of the action of lower qualities in the nature of a person, and thus change the whole character of a person, as if regenerating him.
Not a single modern person can forgive or atone for the sins of another person, but he can help open his heart to the call of his Higher Self and thereby set in motion the Divine forces sleeping in him. And these Divine forces will have an impact on the aura of the one who helped, and he will become a partner in good consequences. Cooperation is needed always, everywhere, in everything.
Love for the beautiful, the radiations of the earthly and pure Teacher raise vibrations and can regenerate a person with one touch. Such radiations of the Teacher of Light increase the vibrations around him at a great distance and not only purify the Space, but can also contribute to kindling the fires of those around him. Therefore, in ancient times people tried to live near the Teacher in order to come into contact with His aura. A powerful and pure aura can even discharge the tension of underground fires in an earthquake-prone area. And the earthquake stops if the bearer of such a powerful aura settles there.
Great FUNCTIONALITY and precision of affinity or vibrations reign in the Universe. We live in a gigantic Laboratory and we ourselves are such centers, therefore one can imagine how the energies or chemical ingredients entering our aura act on the environment around us and, in turn, absorb or repel the energies of those around us. Interaction everywhere and in everything. The world is maintained by the principle of balance. By achieving balance, a person achieves liberation from the attraction of the Earth and can consciously act simultaneously in three worlds - earthly, subtle and fiery (spiritual or mental).
Why is the proximity of some auras difficult? There are many reasons. There may be a discrepancy in tension and especially a difference in color, disharmony of currents, as well as weaker or diseased auras draw their strength from our reserve. The auras of people with an extinct consciousness are especially heavy, they must be avoided.
The aura of the bearer of Light is a blessing for others, people, animals, all nature, Space, because it saturates everything with light and joy. The course of evolution depends on the luminosity of the radiations, which is why the question of improving the quality of one's own radiations is so important. The great figures did things with the power of their aura radiation, and the coward with his aura infected the army with fear and sowed panic. A flash of auric radiations can affect crowds for evil or for good. Most people have dark auras and evil radiations. You need to consciously and persistently improve the quality of your radiations. The social and cosmic usefulness of each person is determined by the degree of luminosity of his aura. Good is born from a light aura.
Light comes to a person through his aura – how bright should it be in order to pass consonant waves of Light! Constant guards and vigilance are needed, otherwise the aura may be in tune with the dark ones, who seize the moment for the Thread of Connection with the Lord to break, in order to squeeze through and harm them, therefore - constant OVERSIGHT!!!
Aura is the radiation emanating from a person, like tentacles or channels, transmitting and receiving vibrations of Light or darkness from the visible and invisible world. The aura is, as it were, a filter that passes these vibrations through its tonality, consonance and tuning of this filter. A light aura lets in Light, a dark one - darkness. Man is a magnet that attracts the energies of Space according to the correspondence of his tonality with them. Attraction by chiaroscuro, by inner mood. Joy can bring joy out of Space. The magnet of thoughts, feelings, emotions acts in harmony. In what state the aura is contained, such is the reception from outside. The luminosity of the aura is protected by the will and supported by the protection of the protective net.
Evil or good - darkening or brightening of the Aura - is chosen by the person himself. The aura and its emanations emit a scent. Crystals of evil carry a stench both in the aura of man and in the aura of the Earth. Healthy and diseased minerals, plants, animals smell differently. Beauty is fragrant and ugliness stinks.
The luminosity of an organism is in close connection with the level of consciousness and can be determined by Kirlian devices that provide images of radiation. Otherwise, the construction of life with unsuitable hands will no longer be possible to carry on. Pictures of radiation will allow you to get rid of verbiage, thieves, parasites and everyone hiding behind paper shields. The suitability of each will be determined by the radiance of his own aura. Then teachers with an unclean and unhealthy aura will not be sent to schools. The use of aura shots in addition to passports will change a lot.
The consequence of a thought will be clearly visible on the radiations, there is no escape from the pictures of the radiations, and discipline and responsibility for thoughts will become the rule. Education will be two-sided - internal and external. A photograph of radiation will replace a passport and will give the right to occupy a certain position in society, at work. Pictures with darkened emanations, pointing to persistent ulcers of the spirit, will be an obstacle to the position held, which requires a certain purity of radiations. The dark spirit will no longer occupy a high public post. The division will go according to chiaroscuro. Lies, greed, anger will be displayed on the screen. There will also be no unhappy marriages due to a mismatch of auras, because only those belonging to the same vibrational key will be allowed to marry. Thanks to the coordination of auric radiations, people will become healthy and beautiful. Beauty will enter into life, because Beauty is the foundation of the New World.
The aura grows in the tension of calm, otherwise it loses strength. The aura is guarded by calmness and balance. Come what may, but the balance must be maintained at all costs, better psyo lose, but gain balance. There is nothing in this dense world for which one could pay with calmness.
When the Lords of Light speak of armor, shields, arrows, swords and spears, they speak of a protective net and weapons of Spet - a fiery thought. You need to exercise yourself every day with the use of PE. Debauchery, dark thoughts form a hole in the fabric of light of the protective net.
There are diseases caused by the destruction of human consciousness, such auras are destructive. You need to protect yourself from people with sick radiation. An aura can be sick, but not destructive. Only pictures will help identify hidden pests. These are carriers of mental infection, grief, despondency, illnesses that they give rise to in physical and mental contact with them. It is necessary to learn to distinguish such people by a combination of signs.
The magnet of strong spirits remagnetizes weaker auras, a strong aura can heal an entire area. No wonder folk wisdom calls silence gold: the listener loses less energy with a difference in radiation, you need to speak as little as possible ..
All things and objects absorb into themselves, into their aura, experiences, thoughts, emotions of people. And they affect those who come into contact with them. A strong personality can neutralize these radiations of things over time, but they affect the weak for a long time. Mentally, you need to drive away everything that has accumulated, to protect yourself from a possible infection. And what about public places? It is impossible to protect consciousness from the impact of the aura of the place where it is located. Throughout his life, a person saturates everything with which he comes into contact with the radiations of his aura. This invisible aura of objects belongs to the region of the Subtle World, where everything is visible. How infected is the Earth's aura! Purification, clarification, improvement is the main task of mankind, the consciousness of people must realize the responsibility of everyone for the purity of the aura of their planet, the Space in which we live, think and saturate with the mental products of our consciousness.
Everyone carries in himself the indelible photosynthesis of the chiaroscuro of his essence, which is expressed in the radiations emanating from a person.
It's time to accept a new difference and separate people according to light and shade, then all barriers will disappear. If a person's radiations are dark, then no matter how he calls himself, he is in the camp of darkness, but if his aura is bright, he is a warrior of Light. So one more veil of unreason and misunderstanding will be removed from human eyes.
Likes and dislikes - either from past lives, or in harmony or disharmony of auric radiations. It is better in any situation to tune your aura, controlling it and polarizing it with the order of the will, and not trying to influence someone else's aura. You can even extinguish irritation in someone else's aura, if you set your own to calmness and benevolence. Irritation goes out under the blue beam. You always need to extinguish unwanted vibrations in yourself, and not in others. He who conquers himself conquers everything.
Flashes of irritation pierce the previously calm colors of the aura with dark scarlet impulses, and this whole picture is immediately reflected in the Subtle World.
Under the continuous blows of fate (karma), the spirit's immunity to all external influences is established, the blows harden the blade of the spirit. When balance is lost, the appearance of the aura is pitiful - helplessly descend, devastate, scatter, and extinguish the radiation.
The luminous aura is a sign of high readiness for everything in earthly life, even after “death” it will help to bypass the lower layers of the Astral World, elevate you to the Light-bearing Spheres, therefore the main thing is not to allow anything and no one to extinguish the Light of your aura, its invisible radiance. You can’t give light to anything, you need to have time here, while living on Earth, to cleanse yourself of everything negative and obscuring.
In the aura, in its radiations, we bring blessing or curse, good or evil into the world. The radiations of the aura are constant, therefore, the gifts brought are also constant. Let us vigilantly watch our radiations in order to always carry the Light.
If, despite the shortcomings, light radiations predominate in the aura, this person is a worker of Light. The value of a person is determined by his cosmic passport, that is, a snapshot of his aura, and the snapshot, as already mentioned, cannot be faked. If man's radiations are dark, he is an enemy of evolution, an enemy of Light. Everyone will soon take their place. But a lot of struggle will have to be endured in order for the principle of certification by chiaroscuro to be put into practice. Pictures are needed for people so that they can accurately figure out who deserves what place. True science should not oppose the introduction of what is certainly useful for evolution - the great discovery of the Kirlian spouses. How many church authorities will fly from their thrones and how many politicians and statesmen will be on the lists of enemies of Light and Evolution! There will be a real revolution in assessing the suitability of a person to determine his role on the social ladder.
The lights of the aura can be controlled by consciously evoking certain feelings and thoughts. Beautiful colors of sincerity strong love, Communication with the Highest Source, fiery aspiration to Beauty. A person in his microcosm can evoke many beautiful things with his will. Service Beautiful is expressed in the beauty of auric radiations. By controlling the radiations, even the flow of karma can be regulated. It is necessary to think more often about the beauty of the aura, because negative qualities, low feelings and passions disfigure it, darkening it and depriving it of luminosity.
The ardent growth of darkness makes one rush to take pictures of the radiations. On them you can also see the effects of the Aboveground. Science brings you closer to the right path of knowledge inner man, but little has been done in this direction, even the Supermundane itself often remains a superstition.
It is very necessary for the Light to flare up and dispel the darkness. The luminosity of the aura must increase, therefore, unceasing vigilance, constant attention and the protection of its protective network, the balance of the spirit - this will be a powerful defense. Each positive quality- as a link of protective chain mail.
The great selection that Christ spoke about will not be according to nations, not according to positions in society, not according to material wealth, not according to estates, not according to existing borders, but according to chiaroscuro, that is, according to the luminosity of auric radiations. Passports will not be modern pieces of paper, but photographs of auras that will give an unmistakable appearance and characterization of the hidden properties of a person.
If a person can stop earthquakes, natural disasters, then what is the power of a human battery and its radiation?! If every movement of a person is accompanied by obvious radiations, then what is the enormous significance of his thoughts, feelings, emotions on Earth and in other Worlds? Great is the responsibility for everything that comes from a person, especially for thoughts .. And the pictures of radiation will help in this and make it possible to clearly understand why a person lives on Earth and what a great future is destined in the process of evolution.
One can say to oneself: "Let there be Light!" A person can CONSCIOUSLY call up light emanations instead of dark emanations every moment and radiate only emanations of Light, it is in his will, he is the master in his microcosm.
People come into contact with auras, there is a constant exchange of energies, and one can see that with hostility and malevolence, a repulsive picture of negative energies is obtained that disfigures auras. A good aura also loses when it comes into contact with an evil and dark aura, evil is to some extent extinguished by a light aura. And with hostile interaction, evil intensifies in tension. ‘The comfort of the interchange of auric radiations brings joy or sorrow, illness or health, anxiety or fear. Even Mahatmas (High Teachers) get sick when they come into contact with disharmonious or hostile auras of human groups. People can be very demagnetized. That is why self-defence is important. Everyone tries to draw from the energy of light radiations. The main thing: 1) not to allow infection with negative emotions, feelings and thoughts of the interlocutor, to try with all your might to maintain balance and the bright state of your aura; 2) to maintain the stability and tension of the AP by constant Connection with the Hierarchy of the Teachers of Light; 3) maintain friendliness and benevolent mood and state of mind.
You can talk with animals, plants, flowers, objects, filling them with a good aura. Sacred objects were not so, but the thoughts and conversions of men made them so. All this indicates the connection between a person and everything that surrounds him, and the fact that he is a fiery creature and through the element of fire acts on matter, which is also basically fiery.
Atoms consist of a nucleus and electrons - particles of luminous matter, the center of an atom also pulsates fieryly. Both the human heart and the heart of the atom vibrate, pulsate with fiery energy. Hence the affinity between man and stone and the ability to influence matter. Near an unhealthy aura, flowers quickly wither, things deteriorate, things wear out, everything around is short-lived. Thus, the PE (fiery energy) of a person carries either creative, life-giving properties, or decaying. The fiery nature of a healthy aura and bright thoughts contributes to the durability of things and objects. Why are some people vigorous up to a hundred years old, while other old people are already in their 30s? Science will open the door to this wonderful area.
Karma is imprinted in the human aura, karma acts in the direction of the magnetic energies inherent in the human being.
The aura of the Earth is saturated with the products of man's mental and physical creativity. Everyone fills the aura of the Earth with what they do. Everyone brings into the aura of the planet from his psycho-physical apparatus particles of all types of matter, which can be either purified or poisoned. The breath and secretions of an evil person are poisoned. All people are interconnected through the aura of the planet. One could write a book about the poisonousness or beneficence of human interactions on a planetary scale. Everyone is responsible for everything and bears the grave consequences of their darkened deeds.
There are still disputes about materialistic and idealistic science, but everything is material, even the highest spiritual phenomena, and the aura of a person, even the auras of High Spirits can be recorded by highly sensitive devices, and the aura of an ordinary person can be recorded with a simple thin sensitive photographic plate or X-ray film.
When defining a person, it is necessary to apply the principle of luminosity, to abandon the usual measures and definitions. When photographs of radiation replace passports, humanity will be divided according to the luminosity of auras, and nothing dark will gain access to the environment of the arbiters of human destinies.
The radiations of the aura, saturated with all sorts of experiences, emotions, moods of a person, enclose him in an auric shell, which must be broken in order to enter the Spatial expanse. “Reject yourself” – in this covenant there is an Indication for liberation from the auric shell. With everything that a person considers his own, he is connected by threads, currents, different in color, strength and strength. This mental phenomenon does not disappear with death. With this baggage he passes into the Subtle World. It is necessary to free oneself from the sense of ownership in order to achieve Spatial freedom.
There is nothing secret that would not be expressed explicitly in the radiations of the human aura. Pictures of these radiations will bring the world of truth closer, because then it will be impossible to hide what is being hidden now.
After the conversation, you can be thanked not for the words, but for the light of the aura that the interlocutors perceived. Carrying light in the aura is considered a feat of life. It is necessary to achieve such a state that nothing personal, even suffering, reduces the aura's self-bearing capacity, so that its protection is constant.
The magnet of karma lies in the human aura. Aura radiations create the environment and determine relationships with people. Every dog ​​will bite a coward, but even a ferocious one wild animal will not dare to rush at a highly spiritual person. The causes of external troubles are inside a person, when they are eliminated, the external also goes away. The karma of loved ones has to be shared, and then the reasons can be hidden in their auras. Each payment of old debts brings liberation, if you do not simultaneously create a new heavy karma. One must learn to pay and receive in perfect balance - this is a rapid advance.
The influence of flowers occurs through smell, color and Aurichic radiations. The degree of influence depends on the sensitivity of the perceiving apparatus. Flower oils will find even greater use in medicine for influencing the human psyche. Science does not yet recognize the hidden properties of things, phenomena, considering that an ordinary rope and the one on which the suicide hanged himself are the same, but the difference is in the auric saturation. You can put the rope of the hanged man under the pillow to the skeptic, let him note the sensations. Soon, thin devices will make it possible to take pictures of the auras of not only humans, animals, plants, but also objects. Then the hidden side of things will become accessible to study. We live in a world filled with phenomena that are hidden from sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste, but which exist and affect a person. A sensitive, awakened heart distinguishes many things.
Quick harmonization of auras during meetings requires a lot of effort, this should be avoided.
Useful contacts with Nature, fast movements, freeing the aura from heavy and dense particles of matter.
The thought does not disappear in the Space, but leaves a mark on the aura, in order to sound again under appropriate conditions and give rise to new consequences, the thought connects a person with the corresponding layers of the Space and saturates the body with the appropriate vibrations.
The task of a person is to prosper in the world with luminiferous radiations, to make sure that his aura corresponds to this task. Maintaining the luminosity of the aura and silence makes a person invulnerable to dark attacks.
Equilibrium and disequilibrium are fighting for dominance in the aura of man, as well as in the aura of the planet. The aura of balance is needed to help the Lords of Light! In its microcosm, the will decides, it owns the power over the world inside. The Decree of the Masters: to maintain balance during the day with all the strength of the spirit - this will be heroism in these difficult days.
To Serve the Light it is necessary to make the aura luminiferous and in this way bring the Light into the darkness surrounding the Earth. Everything happens in the Light of the aura radiating Light.
A luminiferous aura is a boon for others, because people often absorb the PE of the carrier of Light. It is often useless to help them, since the energy they receive is spent on worthless actions or emotions. We must help wisely, expediently and prudently.
The benefit or harm that a person can bring to the world depends on the luminosity of his aura, and the aura depends on feelings, thoughts and experiences, that is, on the state of consciousness of a person.
Many burdening people and few bringing relief. It depends on the properties of their auras. The luminosity of the aura does not burden, it constantly gives - there is an introduction of Light into the twilight of ordinaryness. This is possible only with the Connection with the Teacher of Light, otherwise the treasury will be depleted.
Unwanted thoughts often vibrate in the mind. In this case, you need to create stronger opposing thoughts to neutralize the influence of unwanted ones. The same force, that is, PE, must be invested both in the AP and in the approved protective zone. Permanent Link with the Master can make the AP invulnerable.
Not by intellectual accumulations, but by the luminosity of the aura, the Lord determines the essence of man and his suitability for evolution.
In the evening, you can ask yourself: “What did this day bring in terms of application, achievement, experience, knowledge?” Yes, it is not light around, but the student always carries the Light in the aura to dispel the darkness. In our enlightened aura we will bring Light to people, there are too many auras obscured by ignorance, spreading darkness.
Starting the day, let us ask ourselves: “What will I bring today to the Lord, to people, to the world?” You can always improve something, shine it, help with your Light.
Everyone creates with thought, but what do they create - light or darkness, saturating the aura of the Earth with their creations? The Creator and creativity are firmly connected, you need to understand the responsibility for your creations, rather take the path of Light.
The power of human radiations increases if you use it consciously. You don't need to direct the force on the other, but you need to polarize your consciousness accordingly. It is better to teach YOURSELF to tune in the right key. The secret of influence lies in the power of auric radiations, therefore one must strive to make them powerful and beneficent, that is, to conquer oneself and master one's own radiations. It has long been known that he defeats everyone who manages to defeat himself.
Light is a healer. A diseased aura is always darkened and its radiations are dim. With the treatment of PE, it is possible to lighten them.
If evil is paid for with evil, evil remains in the aura. If evil is paid for with good, good remains in the aura of the winner - this is beneficial for the payer. Evil and good are magnetic, they attract the corresponding elements to the aura, this is how karma is formed. You can free yourself from karmic attraction only by restoring the disturbed balance, that is, by paying your bills. The karmic consequences of evil will be terrible (elements of evil will attract consonant evil from Space, but on a huge scale, because now there is a lot of evil in Space).
One must not allow oneself to sound in unison with the evil emanations. One should activate the AP and not allow oneself to react in tune with evil influences and thoughts. With the establishment of balance and the absence of a reaction consonant with evil to such influences, all evil immediately returns to the parent - a reverse blow is inevitable. Let's never allow ourselves to be infected by other people's emotions and respond to them in their own evil tone.
A person is a magnet, the magnetic properties of the aura attract consonant elements from the environment, strengthening their own energies. The aura uplifts or darkens everything it comes in contact with, increasing in strength. Good and evil grows in man and around. We are aware of our responsibility!
Let us carefully observe ourselves and not allow dark feelings and experiences to darken the aura.:’ Even with a slight irritation of the AP, the phosphorus tissue of the nerves weakens and burns out, the person gets tired, therefore self-control means health protection. Everything can be sacrificed to establish peace and balance!
In the future, there will be a division according to chiaroscuro. The passport of the spirit is not forged. Photo of human radiation has a great future. GS whose spiritual and physical dimensions will meet a certain standard will be admitted to positions of responsibility. They will take power only by the right of their luminosity. Corrupt elections will sink into oblivion. A scientific approach to the phenomena of the spirit will show that the phenomena of the spiritual order are completely concrete, perceptible and can be studied and visible. Their understanding lies in the realm of subtle energies, as real as the light of the Sun. The new age of science will be the age of discovery and affirmation of energies human body and their interaction with the energies of the surrounding Nature and the correspondence of his bodies and their elements with the elements of all the kingdoms of Nature. This will be the great science of correspondences. Human energies will soon be studied in connection with cosmic energies...
When removing auras, you need to remember about different light filters. The blue and violet coloration are difficult tones for an ordinary film; they resemble the coloration of the Subtle World, to which the aura belongs. It can also be filmed with ordinary film if the Space was filled with meteoric dust or a strong PE was involved in the filming.
When the world is tense, then the spiritual armor of the servants of Light multiplies, the radiations become purple and fiery, thus, regardless of personal feelings and everyday work, the cosmic armor comes into line with the state of the world. In this way, cosmic impacts can be estimated. Sometimes you can see a slender sword over the forehead of the spirit carrier. It is a pity that the imprinting of radiations is still so imperfect in the earthly world! It would be possible to show visual proof of rays and spatial fires.
People go to the heights to study cosmic rays, but they did not think to help the experience by studying their energies - random combinations of observers can disturb the experience. People rely on dead appliances forgetting the impact of their living energy and their emanations. It is necessary to combine the participants in the experiments according to the radiations.
Awful defenselessness from the defeat of the aura. Breaking through the aura distorts its entire structure... Violation of the radiations is especially reflected in the heart. You need to watch your emissions! It is necessary to respect the human constitution, because every collision harms the astral body, people hurt each other and other loved ones. What a dark host rushes into the breach of the aura! It is impossible to feed such insects with internal layers of radiation. Only a protective net prevents the attack of dark forces. Each break in the aura threatens with obsession.
After the blasphemy, the blasphemer trampled on part of his protective net - as a result, there may be various diseases, because the protective net protects not only spiritually, but also bodily.
The aura of fear not only fluctuates, but also curls up, freezes and, devoid of vibrations, hangs like the yoke of a criminal. We need to pay more attention to the removal of radiation.
Man does not want to understand the power of his radiations, not understanding the unity of the energies of all worlds. Even a weak unification of energies will be a protective shield for the Earth.
The most visually beautiful fiery action will be the rapprochement and divergence of auras. It is like the beauty of the northern lights, expressing many psychological moments. The emanations approach cautiously, the barrier net fluttering and flaring before resonating with or darkening. A whole and complete life of chemistry and magnetism is hidden in the Space around a person. One must patiently take photographs of auras. Then it will be possible to observe the movement of light on the screen, when the film will reflect the sequence of movement of the aura. For the success of the pictures, many subtle conditions are required - compliance with internal, invisible circumstances. You need patience and completely eliminate irritation and hesitation, each fiery chaos will only darken the film. When harmony is established, it will be easy to take pictures of the radiations.
New objects in the room and any exclamations are harmful. The main thing is patience and kindness.
Aura hits can be for various reasons. It is no coincidence that the ancient priests covered the heart with their left hand, like a lightning rod, because the fingers very much reflect blows.
Body movements should be meaningful - you need to save energy. It is easy to imagine an auric egg - why disturb it with erratic vibrations? It is necessary to imagine a circle of fire around you and not to burn your hand senselessly (do not wave your arms, do not shake your head, do not sway, go back and forth ...)
The gaze can even change the composition of the aura. Not only thought, but the very chemism of the glance has a fiery consequence. One can imagine the significance of the gaze when the radiations are photographed; the photographs will make it possible to observe the influence of insane glances and mental transmissions. A consoling look can heal the aura, improve the whole being. The presence of certain individuals can greatly enhance the aura of an entire gathering. One should appreciate such natural healers.
One can see dark spatial spots, the radiance of spatial formations, our feelings also vibrate, all our functions are mobile. The human microcosm responds fierily to the macrocosm – correspondence with the external world – this refined state needs to be explored.
The composition of the aura is very complex. It includes mental and physical emanations, each impulse or thought is reflected in the aura, each aspiration gives its own emanation. But when studying the aura, one must be sensitive to the separation of two emanations, which will correspond to two worlds - the dense and the Subtle. In case of illnesses one must carefully study the radiations which may be the result of the Fiery World. When touching the aura, one must always remember about the subtle body, which will radiate its rays from the centers to the surface of the surrounding aura.
The creativeness of the spirit can be especially reflected in the aura. All fluids have their layers, which will be very revealing for many scientific studies. It is important to examine the limbs, for the magnet of the limbs of the fingers and toes and the radiation of the eyes can give a complete combination for connecting personal magnetism with the magnetism of the Earth and the elements. Each connection of emanations with the Cosmos must be affirmed.
The auras of humanity are so physically and spiritually infected that only fiery purification can save.
The magnet of attraction of the aura changes depending on the composition of different tensions. Consciousness ignites the power of the aura. When the consciousness is saturated with higher aspirations, when it is striving for higher creativity, the magnet of the aura increases a thousandfold. When the spirit aspires to the Highest Source, the aura magnet is affirmed in its power. Each lofty striving gives a deposit, saturates each action. Each fiery impulse gives a special powerful attraction. The attraction of magnetic waves affects long distances, and sendings of the spirit can be attracted to the nearest auras. The creativeness of the spirit operates through these fiery magnets. On the way to the New World, you can affirm your magnetic attraction.
It is necessary to investigate the interaction of the physical body with the astral body - they constantly influence each other. All spiritual experiences are reflected in the astral body and affect the physical, but not immediately, but when the infected astral body collects poisoned fluids. It perceives all the fluids of the physical body, so every imbalance is reflected in the subtle body. In diseases and in the fight against them, one must keep in mind the coherence of bodies and the connection between them.
Many energies need to be understood, such as what ingredients the planetary atmosphere combines. The study of its chemistry can reveal those stratifications that surround the Earth. Not only earthly exhalations are important, but the exhalations coming from spiritual actions are more important. The time will come when they will measure the atmosphere of meetings, determine the layers that saturate different rooms. In addition, it will be possible to determine the composition of the atmosphere at large distances. The study of human radiations will open up boundless horizons. You need to understand the composition of the atmosphere.
It will be possible to determine the aura not only by pictures, but also by vibrations. Thin devices can register the composition of different auras. Touching such an apparatus to the composition of different auras will give remarkable results, because the aura vibrates so intensely.
A harmonized aura is close to a subtle combination of energies. All creative energies can be found in it, because a harmonized aura contains all subtle ingredients, it unites consciousness and heart.
The study of the purple barrier net refers to the field of fire, gives the power of fire, attracted from Space by the healthy radiation of the organism. Save the fire! It is necessary to restore and strengthen the fiery network of nerves. Physicians should study the significance of the soma and the barrier net.
Just as a conductor for an electric current depends on various conditions, so the aura of humanity affirms itself for cosmic transmissions. Only those sendings are attracted to the earthly spheres that can be absorbed into the aura. Therefore, the darkness around the planet can only be cleared by explosions. These purifying forces will illumine mankind.
The magnetic currents of the human aura pass through impenetrable areas. These human emanations are called HGE. The properties of emanations can constitute a sphere of powerful tension. If you direct the jets of these emanations of the united aura, then the power of this energy will be either destructive or creative. Thus it will be possible to extract the most diverse energies from human radiations. Conscious handling of the emanations of auras brings about the achievement of great fiery creativeness.
The radiance of the human aura can intensify powerful energy, each intense jet of the center can melt the intense energy. Because when jets of blue fire shoot from fingers, then the creativeness of the emanations operates. This is how the centers create. All creative processes are intensified by the centers, but the subtle process of creativity is usually invisible. You can create together with the Lord of Light and see the beauty of combinations. Creative radiations magnetize Space.
The striving aura is the most powerful engine.
A sublime, self-denying thought physically changes the aura… The Teachers of Light will not promote ordinary experiments, but where the steps of evolution will be built, there Their hand is on guard!
Blows to the aura are primarily reflected in the eyes. The shells of the eyes affirm the essence of the subtle substance.
Neither a smile, nor pretense, nor antics of evil can hide the radiations of the heart. Irritation is the realm of evil.
The phenomenon and effect of electricity on nervous system, each person can explore for himself how electricity affects the quality of his pulse. Spatial electricity and condensed magnetization will act differently. The pulse will show the voltage value. Any observation of oneself is useful, knowledge of oneself is instructive.
When the time comes for a wide removal of auras, many will try to replace ordinary thoughts with far-fetched, beautiful ones in order to hide their essence, but the film will give the truth. Feigned thoughts will only worsen the picture, as if splashing it with dark grains. And sincere thoughts generate clear rays. The innermost aspiration will have clear colors. Soon there will be a movement in the removal of auras, but many trials are needed, it is difficult to coordinate the polarity of the operator with the one being filmed. We also need a special, as it were, ozonizing apparatus to purify the surrounding atmosphere.
In rare spiritual people, one can see, as it were, a diadem of light above their heads - this is a crystal of spirituality. The aura itself seems to curl up into a ring.
