GBOU Novozybkovskaya boarding school

Prepared by:

Vlasenko E.M.

teacher of the highest category

- What season is it now?

- Name the winter months.

- What is the weather today?

  • What changes have taken place in

- What is the precipitation in winter?

nature with the arrival of winter?

Winter is the coldest time of the year.

The sun is sinking low.

Short days are set

and long nights.

Soil and water bodies freeze.

The frosts are coming. The ground is covered with snow. At this time of the year we see fog, snowfall, ice,

frost, ice, frost, blizzard.

Winter is a difficult period in the life of hibernating animals. The forest was covered with snow. The trees are all covered in fluffy snow, sparkling in the rays of the sun.

But it is not easy for animals to live in the winter forest. It is not easy to get food from under the snow, to conserve strength.

The foxes hid in their warm holes.

Squirrels live by nibbling on nuts stashed away in autumn. Bears in dens suck their paws. Wolves hunt down prey.

The squirrel builds its nest in the forks of branches or in hollows of trees. By winter, the squirrel has insulated its nest, which serves it reliable protection from bad weather. In severe frosts, squirrels do not run through the forest, they hide in nests. By winter, the squirrel makes food supplies.

How does a squirrel live in winter?

What is the squirrel hiding in the hollow?









- What squirrel?

Continue the proverb about work:

Do you like to ride

Without labor you will not pull out and

Skill and work

Master's work

Don't take on too many things

What is the soul for?

Under a lying stone and

love to carry sleds.

fish from the pond.

everything will be twisted.


but stand out in one.

to that and hands will be attached.

water is not flowing.

What other wild animal

stocking up for the winter?

Hares have stronger hind legs than their front legs. He runs on loose snow on his pubescent paws easily, like on skis.

He sleeps lightly, dozing half asleep with his eyes open, closing them only for a minute. During heavy blizzards and snowfalls, it hides in shallow holes, in bushes.

  • Follow the rabbit's path.
  • Solve the examples and connect the stumps in ascending order.

Lair - a hole dug somewhere under the roots of a tree, lined with grass. The bear lies down with his head towards the exit, covers his muzzle with his paw and sleeps.

At this time, he does not eat,

lives on stored fat.

A game " What branch are the kids from?





Hedgehogs, raccoons, badgers, bears sleep in dens and burrows.

What other animals do you know that hibernate just like a bear?

In winter, due to lack of food, wolves

become less careful. Sometimes they go hunting even during the day, they come close to the villages, they attack livestock.

Wolves have a good sense of smell and

Even faint sounds are heard. This helps them to find prey, and strong legs - to chase running animals.

Wolves hunt in packs in winter and attack elk, wild boar.

How do wolves hunt in winter?

Hello! Recognized me?

I'm not alone in the forest...

where the characters are wolves.

Little fox sister and gray wolf.

He loves, like a cat, to play with prey.

In winter, you can see how the fox sniffs the snow. In fact, by smell under the snow, she tracks down mice.

What is a fox in fairy tales?

Guess the puzzles.




the equation




Foresters feed the animals.

How do foresters help animals?

Young aspens are cut for moose,

elk also like rowan and pine branches. For boars leave

root crops: beets, rutabaga, turnips, acorns.

To help the fish in the winter, in the ice

make holes. And so that the water quickly

did not freeze, they put bunches in it

straw and covered with snow. For birds

hang feeders and leave them in them


What new and interesting things did you learn

about animal life in winter?


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Slides captions:

How do animals winter in the forest? The presentation was prepared by Panuryeva Alena Leonidovna MBDOU kindergarten№31 G. Vichuga

Purpose: to form children's ideas about the lifestyle of wild animals in winter time of the year; develop horizons, attention, memory.

Winter forest In winter, the forest is very beautiful!

In winter, you can see traces of various animals in the snow ... These are the traces of a hare

... and here is the hare himself The hare is cold and hungry in winter. They eat the bark and branches of trees. From the cold, the bunny hides in a hole or under a spruce.

The hare has many enemies: wolves and foxes. So that they do not notice the bunny, the oblique changes his gray coat to white.

The wolf in the cold winter walks angry, hungry. The wolf is a dangerous and predatory animal. It has thick gray fur and strong paws. He can run through the forest for a long time in search of a hare.

Fox in the forest in winter The fox is also looking for a bunny in the forest. Chanterelle in the forest does not freeze in winter. She has a warm red coat, and wool grows on the soles of her paws. The fox easily and quickly runs through the snow.

Bear in winter This is a large and strong predator. The bear's coat is thick and warm. All summer the bear eats a lot in order to stock up on fat and sleep sweetly in the den all winter. The bear digs its own den somewhere under the roots of trees. The bear will sleep until warm, but if disturbed, he will walk through the forest very hungry and angry.

Elk in the forest in winter Elk is the largest animal living in our forests. He has big and long legs and wide hooves. He easily moves through the forest and defends himself from the wolf. Moose feed on bark and twigs.

Squirrel in the forest in winter Squirrel is not cold in winter. She has a warm coat. Although the squirrel stores cones, berries and mushrooms in its hollow in autumn, in winter it spends the whole day in search of food. In winter, she eats cones and does not refuse treats - nuts.

From enemies, the squirrel escapes on the branches of trees and in a hollow.

Hedgehog in winter All hedgehogs sleep in minks in winter and they do not need food. But there is a hedgehog that may not sleep in winter. His name is the hedgehog-rod.

Wild boar in winter Wild boar in winter is cold and hungry in the forest. It is difficult for a wild boar to find food under the snow: acorns, cones, fruits. People come to the aid of wild boars and feed them.

The game "Who's hiding?"

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Lesson "How animals winter in the forest" for children of the middle group.

Abstract of the lesson on the formation of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech in middle group on the topic "How animals winter in the forest" ....

Directly educational activity with children of the middle group "How animals winter in the forest"

Directly educational activities with children of the middle group "How animals hibernate in the forest" Integration of educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Artistic creativity ...

It's very cold in winter, the animals all rush home

Objectives: Encourage children to answer the teacher's questions, thus replenishing their vocabulary Act ...

Synopsis of the node "How animals winter in the forest"

Abstract directly educational activities Direction of activity: “Cognitive and speech”. Educational area “Communication, Cognition”. Topic: “How animals hibernate in the forest”. Age ...

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Presentation on theme: "How Animals Winter." Educator GBDOU No. 37 Emelyanova N.I. November 2016

The first animal that we will talk about today is the bear, the owner of all forests. What do you know about him? (children's answers) The main food of a bear is berries, nuts, roots, bulbs, ants, beetle larvae and fish. By this, he accumulates a fatty layer for the winter. Brown bears make their lair in a hidden, inaccessible place. Most often, under the root of a twisted tree or in a windbreak. In November, the bears climb up there and fall asleep. Bears sleep restlessly. If something disturbs them, they can abandon the lair and build another. In the bear's den, cubs are born, usually 1-2, rarely 3. They are very small, the size of a mitten. Mother bear feeds them with milk for 8 months. and even when she sleeps in winter.

The next animal we will talk about is the lynx. The lynx does not hibernate. Among all representatives of the cat family, the lynx is best adapted to the cold. She moves superbly in deep snow, climbs trees. Favorite prey of lynxes are hares, black grouse, hazel grouses. Sometimes she attacks wild boar cubs, in a hungry winter she can also feed on small rodents. In winter, elks especially get from the lynx, when it is difficult for these long-legged animals to move through deep and loose snow. By winter, the lynx's coat becomes thick, fluffy and soft, and the lynx's paws are heavily pubescent so as not to feel the cold.

Hare. As we know, before the onset of winter, the hare changes its gray skin to white. In winter they feed on bark, small branches of aspen, willow, birch. In winter, a fallen tree can become a real hare dining room, where animals visit every day until they gnaw all the bark. They have no permanent home. In extreme cold, they hide under snow-covered bushes.

Hedgehog. By cold weather, hedgehogs need to accumulate fat, and in autumn, hedgehogs have little prey. Worms hide in the ground, nimble lizards hide. It is difficult to find beetles and frogs. In clear autumn days The hedgehog prepares a warm nest for the winter. At night and during the day it drags dry leaves and soft forest moss into the hole. The hedgehog spends more than six months in hibernation. At this time, he does not eat anything and does not move. He sleeps curled up in a den, under a deep snowdrift, as if under a thick, fluffy blanket. And he sleeps like this all winter, until the spring sun.

Squirrel. Many rodents also make winter stocks. Squirrels that sleep in winter only in very severe frosts need capital stocks. Unlike many other animals, squirrels share their reserves. In autumn, they hide acorns and nuts in the forest floor, in hollows, in the ground. Not only the hostess herself, but also any other squirrel can get them out of there. They also store mushrooms in a special way: they string them on tree branches or put them into forks between branches. By winter, the fur coat of this animal becomes very soft and fluffy, and the color is grayish. She builds her nest on tall spruce or pine trees. Inside the nest - soft grass, moss, wool balls. In severe frosts, the squirrel does not crawl out of its hollow, it may even fall asleep.

Hibernating Animals Accumulated subcutaneous fat, and winter is not terrible - fat warms and feeds. During hibernation, the body temperature of animals decreases, breathing and heartbeat slow down. Rodents, waking up, eat part of their reserves and fall asleep again, and the awakened bear will not fall asleep until the end of winter, wandering through the forest.

Control questions: 1. How does the wintering of wild animals differ from domestic ones? Where do they hide from the cold? 2. What food do squirrels and mice store for the winter? What do rabbits eat in winter? Foxes? Moose? 3. What animals accumulate subcutaneous fat in winter and why? How do they winter?

Insects and reptiles Insects and reptiles are cold-blooded animals. This means that their body temperature does not exceed the ambient temperature. Therefore, with the advent of frosty days, the body of these animals becomes numb - it freezes. In this state, they survive even in severe cold. A living cord crawls, Yogi is not visible with his head, Stings, but does not bite, Does not let him near him. She, like a snake in the grass, flickers, her tail wags. The tail will lose Another grows. Lives calmly, not in a hurry, Just in case wears a shield. Under it, not knowing fear Walks ... Animal jumps - Not a mouth, but a trap. Both the mosquito and the fly will fall into the trap. Blue airplane sat on a white dandelion. From flower to flower flutters, Tired - resting. Not a bird, but with wings, Not a bee, but collects nectar. There is bustle and bustle in the forest near the stump: The working people are busy all day, They want to build a higher house. A bird flies The nose is long, The voice is thin, Whoever kills - Sheds his blood. The homely mistress Flies over the lawn, Pats over the flower - He will share the honey. Natket, spit, Sit down - and waiting for prey. From a branch to a path, From grass to a blade of grass A spring jumps, A green back. Jumping champion Rides, rides through the meadows. It flies, buzzes, makes noise, Sits on the ground, And no one is afraid.

Inhabitants of reservoirs At the end of November, many fish become inactive, fall into hibernation. Sleepy and lazy stand in the deepest pits. Pond frogs burrow into the mud and fall asleep Some frogs hibernate on land in burrows, under snags and freeze

Birds in winter Partridges, capercaillie, hazel grouse, black grouse hide in deep snow from the cold and snowstorms. They feed on tree buds, seeds of maple, ash, lilac, pine, and spruce. Agile woodpeckers. Tits prey on insects that hid in the bark of waxwing trees, bullfinches will find a tidbit at the feeder. What does an owl eat?

Tatyana Uskova
Presentation "How animals hibernate". The story of the Russian folk tale "The winter hut of animals"

Educator GBDOU No. 36

Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg

Uskova Tatyana Vladimirovna

Presentation: "How animals hibernate

Telling a Russian folk tale« Winter hut of animals»


Familiarize yourself with the characteristics of wild animals that flow into hibernation in winter as well as those who winter leads an active lifestyle.

Get to know art features fairy tales.

Demonstration equipment:

Illustrations of wild animals of the middle lane

Book "Best fairy tales for little ones» - Publishing House "Prof-Press" Rostov-on-Don, 2011

fox toy

With the use of information and communication technologies

Lesson progress

Winter Riddle

The cold has come.

The water turned to ice.

Long-eared hare grey,

Turned into a white bunny.

The bear stopped crying

The bear went into hibernation in the forest.

Who's to say, who knows?

When does it happen?

(in winter)

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that winter can be cold, icy, frosty, snowy, but it can also be sad. He asks how children think, for whom and why.

The teacher explains that a harsh time has come for animals.

Makes riddles

1. Who deftly jumps on the trees,

And flies up to the oaks?

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Dries on winter mushrooms?


2. Who cold winter

Walking through the forest angry, hungry?


3. Cross-eyed, small,

In a white coat, in felt boots.


4. The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden,

Lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village.


5. Walks clubfoot in summer,

A in winter he sucks his paw.


6. Angry touchy,

Lives in the wilderness of the forest

Too many needles

And not a single thread.

The teacher shows illustrations of wild animals (squirrel, wolf, hare, fox) against the background of winter nature, explains why there are no images of a bear and a hedgehog among the illustrations (winter they hibernate).

Summarizing the answers of the children, the teacher tells, How the animals are preparing for winter. In summer and autumn, the squirrel stored and dried berries, mushrooms, seeds, nuts, insulated the hollow with moss and grass, changed her summer coat for a warmer winter coat.

The gray hare has become white, and on the white snow it is not visible. Hares are very fond of grass, but it's not there in winter, so they eat hay, twigs of bushes, and sleep right on the snow, because the hare does not have a hole.

Lisa is just beautiful. Her fur coat is red, warm fluffy. Quietly sneaking fox, guarding bunnies.

The fox knows - the fox,

The fur coat is all her beauty.

There is no red fur coat in the forest,

There is no beast in the forest of cunning.

And the wolf-top, the gray barrel is not averse to eating a bunny, but the hare has sensitive ears, fast legs, jumped and galloped away from enemies.

Physical education minute "Bunnies"

Girls and boys

Imagine that you are bunnies.

One two three four five

The hare began to jump

Paws up and paws down

Pull up on your toes

Bow left to right

Bend over and pull yourself up.

(text movements).

mobile game "Fox and Hares"

The teacher with a toy fox imitates catching children - hares.

Then he introduces Russian folk tale « Winter hut of animals» , repeats episodes fairy tales,

Shows illustrations.

What is the name of fairy tale?

What animals did we meet in this fairy tale?

Who decided to build a hut so as not to freeze winter?

And what said the rest of the animals?

What happened next?

Why animals were you able to escape your enemies?

Summing up, the teacher clarifies that in fairy tale friendship helped the heroes to cope with the danger.

It draws attention to the fact that in the group all the guys are friends with each other.

Finger gymnastics "friendship"

Friends in our group

Girls and boys

We will make friends with you little fingers (children wrap their right palms around their left, sway in the rhythm of the poem)

1 2 3 4 5 (sequentially connect the fingers of both hands)

5 4 3 2 1 (starting with the thumb, then with the little finger)

The teacher clarifies that the bear sleeping in winter, and in fairy tale he came to the hut animals. Explains that in fairy tale miracles happen animals talk and act like people, but this happens only in fairy tale.

fairy tale lie Yes, there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.

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