At first glance, it may seem that this work does not require effort and is quite simple to perform, but it is not. In order for the installation of door handles to be successful and correct, installation is carried out in stages in compliance with all instructions.

Classification of door handles

Door handles vary in both appearance and material. Therefore, the installation of door handles begins with their choice. Can be on interior door put a stationary handle that does not interact with either the latches or the lock. It is fixed with screws or tie-down screws. The door handle with a push mechanism uses a latch latch that cuts into the door. In this case, the latch is removed only under mechanical action, i.e. when you press the handle, and so it is always in the extended position. Installation of fittings with a swivel mechanism is great for the toilet and bathroom, since on the one hand it can be opened and closed with a key, and on the other it has a locking button or latch.

When choosing accessories for a door, you need to decide on the material from which it is made. Can be used door handle made of metal, such as aluminum, brass, steel, etc. The wooden element is made of valuable breeds of wood. To serve for many years, it must be made of solid material. You can also install glass handles made of Bohemian glass or natural stone. For utility rooms elements made of plastic and other artificial materials are mounted. When making your choice, you need to remember that the fittings must be combined with both the door and the interior of the room.

Installation instructions for door handles


  • roulette;
  • square;
  • awl;
  • chisel or chisel;
  • hammer;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • door handle fittings.

Doing the installation of door handles with your own hands, you must follow the instructions for installing them to get quality result. First, the height at which the fittings will be installed is noted. When marking it, the average height of family members is taken into account. Basically, the installation of door handles is carried out at a distance of 80-120 cm from the floor. Having decided on the height of the position, a mark is made in this place with a pencil. In this case, the fittings are applied so that the tongue protrudes completely from the door.

All marking should be done using a square. To do this, first draw a line on one side of the door leaf. Then, retreating from its edge by 60 mm, an appropriate mark is made with an awl. After that, with the help of a square, a line is drawn on its end, which is pierced with an awl in the middle, and the same marking is made on its other side. Further, for the installation of door fittings, you will need a drill with a special drill with a crown, which comes in various diameters. First, a hole is drilled on one side of the canvas to a depth equal to half its thickness. For this, a corresponding mark is made on the crown. Then, by analogy, installation is performed on the other side. At the same time, during operation, the drill must be kept strictly at a right angle, in no case deviating it to the sides. The resulting hole will house the door handle mechanism.

For the subsequent installation of the handle with your own hands, the crown changes to a conventional drill, with which a hole is mounted from the end of the door leaf. It is necessary for the tongue protruding from the door. You need to drill a hole for it, evenly moving the drill. After that, a contour is punched with a chisel or chisel, a selection is made and a latch is applied. If everything is done correctly, then it should be located in the same plane with the end of the door leaf and at the same time be completely recessed. At the end, the latch is fixed with screws.

Further, the fittings are applied to the place of its location and the holes for the bolts connecting the handles on both sides are marked with an awl. At this stage of work, you will need a drill that is matched to the size of the hole. After all the marked places have been drilled, the design of the fittings for the door is assembled. To do this, one of its parts is first inserted, while falling into the special holes of the latch using guides. Then its second part is substituted and everything is pulled together with bolts.

Final installation step


  • awl;
  • bit;
  • hammer;
  • electric drill.

Having completed the installation of fittings, a metal frame is installed on the door frame.

First, markings are made for the hole for the tongue. In order for everything to work out exactly, it is necessary to apply either a drop of oil, or paint, or toothpaste to its end. Then the tongue is removed into the door, and when it is closed, the handle rises and falls several times. At the same time, a clear trace of the applied product will be imprinted on the box. You can also mark up by inserting a metal ruler into the gap between the closed door leaf and the box, first at the top of the tongue, then from its bottom side, making the appropriate marks with a pencil.

Further, a metal frame is applied to the markings on the door frame and the place of the subsequent selection for the tongue and plate is marked. First, a selection is made under the tongue. To do this, with the help of an awl, a mark is made on the inside, and then a hole is mounted under it with a chisel or chisel.

Before proceeding with the selection of the contour for the frame, you should check the correct installation of the tongue, i.e. it should come out of the latch completely, and the door itself should close well. Then the metal frame is fixed with screws to the box. To properly install door hardware, you must clearly follow all the instructions. And as a result, the handles will be easy to push and the latch is also easy to walk on.

Door hardware repair manual


  • Screwdriver Set;
  • screwdriver

During operation, the fittings on the door may loosen or come off. In this case, its repair will depend on the type of handle. If it has a spherical or similar shape, then its fastening is carried out using a through pin. To repair it, you need to open door turn one of the handles counterclockwise, fixing the other part of it and the decorative trims in place. When they are separated, the pin should remain in one of them. Next, you need to adjust the pin and, putting back the lining, insert the element with the pin. Then, on the other hand, attach another part of it, and carefully wrap everything with your hands, without using tools.

When repairing a door handle in the form of a bracket, you need to screw in all the screws with either a screwdriver or a screwdriver. In the event that the screws are scrolled, they must be unscrewed. Further, moving the handle on one side so that it covers the old holes, on the other side of it, all the screws are screwed into new places. To avoid their scrolling, you need to screw them in without effort. Fittings of this type are arranged vertically for convenience.

You bought, say, a new interior door and decided to assemble the door frame yourself and install this very door without any experience. Well, it happens that some things have to be done for the first time. The most important thing here is to take your time and be attentive to what you are doing.

When for the first time I had to install interior doors in one of the apartments, I must admit that when sawing the first box, I made a mistake. As a result, I had to buy a new set of boxes. Ever since then, I have been very attentive and accurate when doing the work of assembling and installing doors.

When cutting elements door frame there is no room for error, you need to remember this. As the saying goes, measure twice, cut once!
So, the door has been brought in and is standing in the corridor, perhaps for the second week already. There is nowhere else to put it off and it's time to get down to business. A reasonable question arises. Where to start?

Marking the door leaf for tie-in

Start by marking door leaf places where it will recessed latch handle. The door leaf is, in fact, the door itself without additional elements, boxes, extensions and platbands.

To begin with, decide in which direction the door will open, the position of the bevel of the latch tongue will depend on this. Now you need to determine the height at which the door handle will be located. As a rule, the handle is cut at a height of 90-100 cm from the floor or threshold. In rooms, of course, there are no thresholds. But in the bathroom or toilet, they are very possible.

In a box with door handle, you will almost certainly find instructions with the dimensions for which you need to markup. Often the dimensions are indicated on the box itself. Ordinary handles are almost always installed in the same pattern. In shops building tools special kits are sold for inserting handles into the canvas of interior doors. The set consists of a pen drill, 23 mm in diameter. and crowns for wood, with a diameter of 50-54 mm.

So, mark a distance of 95 cm on the end of the door leaf. Using a square, draw a clear line perpendicular to the end of the leaf. Mark the middle on it and pierce it. You can pierce with any sharp object, an awl, a nail or a self-tapping screw. At this point, you will need to drill a hole for the latch. But don't rush, it's not time yet!

Need to continue pen markings, or speaking professionally, for knoba. To do this, you need to continue the line at the end further to the canvas itself on both sides. This must be done strictly perpendicular to the door leaf, using a square. It would be useful to recall that the pencil must be sharply sharpened.

Here you should pay attention to one detail. The handle can be positioned at a distance of 60 or 70 mm. from the edge. To do this, the adjustable latch length design allows. Decide which distance suits you best, and mark the desired distance on both sides of the canvas on the lines drawn earlier.

Please note that on a blank canvas, that is, on one that does not have decorative elements in the form of planks, glasses, and other things, the distance from the edge at which the handle will be embedded is not critical. After all, the canvas is absolutely flat and smooth. But the presence of decorative inserts can limit the location of the handle. And if you decide to embed the handle at a distance of 70 mm. from the edge of the door leaf, make sure that the handle does not block the decorative elements. Otherwise, make a mark of 60 mm. from the edge.

Drilling a hole for the handle

drilled first pen hole, then for latches. It is more comfortable. Firstly, when you start drilling the end, you will know exactly when to stop, and secondly, all the chips will simply fall down when drilling the end, and you will not need to sweep or blow it out with a vacuum cleaner, which is very inconvenient.

So, take a drill, fix a wood crown (50-54 mm.) into the chuck and start drilling from one of the sides, having previously marked the marked point. Do not try to drill through the entire canvas "in one go". Firstly, you will not have enough depth of the crown itself, and secondly, the teeth of the crown will become clogged with sawdust, the crown will get very hot and burn the tree, and the deeper, the stronger. We just needed a fire!

Having drilled 4-6 mm, without turning off the drill, pull it towards you, removing the crown from drilled hole. There is no need to turn on the reverse and generally make sudden movements. Everything should happen smoothly, but surely.

Clean the teeth of the crown from sawdust. Be careful, it can be very hot! It all depends on the material of the door leaf and the degree of its humidity. The denser the material and the wetter, the more the crown heats up. But the crown with blunt, worn teeth is heated most of all. Never use this! Buy a new one is my advice.

After cleaning the teeth of the crown, and allowing it to cool if necessary, immerse it in the place where it was taken out some time ago, and continue this important mechanical operation to obtain the much-needed hole. As I already mentioned, the crown, due to its limited depth, will not allow the canvas to pass through. Having drilled halfway, you should go to the other side and repeat the whole operation again. Here you need to be more careful. Approaching the middle of the canvas, do not press hard, let yourself enjoy the last seconds of this exciting process! Otherwise, you run the risk of slipping through the crown and hitting the door leaf hard with a drill. And we don’t want to scratch it or leave a dent, right?

Drilling a hole for the latch

Let's move on to the next step. We take out the crown from the drill chuck, not forgetting about its elevated temperature. We clamp a feather drill with a diameter of 23 mm into the chuck. Pay attention to the photo. It shows that the size of 25 mm is stamped on the drill. But be calm, no cheating! It's just that I didn't have a drill desired diameter, and I used a “perk” of 25 mm., Having previously ground off its edges with a “grinder” to the desired diameter. Here's a little trick, take note.

Drilling must be strictly perpendicular to the end of the door leaf. At first it seemed to me that it was very difficult to control. I mean perpendicularity. But then I realized that this is easy to do, just watching how evenly the drill selects the circle. This is especially noticeable at the beginning of drilling, and having gone a little deeper, you can hardly worry that the drill will deviate from the set course. But this does not mean at all that you can relax and look not at the drill, but at the cat sprinkled with sawdust passing by.

Installing a latch for an interior door

Well, what! The drilling of the holes is completed, now you need to drown the latch bar into the end of the door leaf so that it is “flush” with the plane. Professionals do it with a manual milling machine, but not everyone has one, so you have to work with a hammer and a chisel.

Insert the latch into the hole and circle it with a sharpened pencil. In order to keep the plank in place during the stroke, I usually immediately drill holes for the fastening screws and twist them slightly, fixing the plank. After circling the bar, remove the latch and grab the chisel. Do I need to say that the chisel should be not just sharp, but very sharp?!

Requires a minimum set of tools:

  • Drill
  • Chisel 19 mm
  • Crown diameter 50 mm
  • 23 mm spade drill
  • Drill for wood or metal 4 mm
  • Hammer
  • crosshead screwdriver
  • And a pencil

So, let's start embedding the lock.

Drill a hole in the center with a 4mm drill

We put the lock flush with the door and make a mark in fact

We drill through the hole with the same drill, observing a right angle.

With a 50 mm crown, we make a tie-in on one side of the door.


Your specific case may require a different size crown.

We finish on the other side.

We take a self-tapping screw of a suitable length, close the door when the box slams and through a 50 mm hole we insert a self-tapping screw into the remaining 4 mm hole and by pressing we make a mark in the door frame.

According to the mark with a 23mm drill bit, we cut a hole to a depth sufficient for the lock latch to enter.

With the same drill at the mark, we drill a hole for the lock.

We insert the lock and make a mark with a sharp pencil to drown it in the door leaf.

With a chisel we make notches strictly according to the marks and make a selection so that the lock sits in a pot, then we fasten it with self-tapping screws.

We begin to assemble the lock, insert the outer part into the grooves (it usually does not require disassembly).

Then carefully remove the decorative "cup" sitting in the grooves, then press the latch and remove the handle.

We connect the two sides with screws.

We insert the handle so that the latch works.

We snap the decorative "cup".

We attach the reciprocal bar, make a mark, select the excess with a chisel and fasten it.

Done!))) Properly embedded lock is freely closed by pressing the door leaf until it clicks.

Video explanation for installing the lock

Instructions for installing a door lock (knob)

1. Door marking

On the door leaf, apply markings for installing the knob (lock) according to the template. The recommended distance from the floor is 965 mm.

2. Hole marking

After you have marked out, drill two holes: 50 mm in diameter for the knob (lock) handle and 23 mm in diameter for the latch mechanism.

H. Mounting the striker

Install the keep at the same height as the latch in such a way that the additional tongue of the latch remains recessed into the body of the latch when closing, which is an obstacle when wringing out.

4 Dismantling the knob (lock)

To disassemble the knob (lock), press the spring-loaded latch at the handle attachment point with a special key and remove it.

5. Latch length adjustment

6. Latch installation

Install the latch in the groove of the door (make sure that the bevel of the latch is directed towards the closing of the door). Install the cover plate with the rod so that the rod and withdrawal sleeves exactly fit into the grooves on the latch body.

7. Installing the knob cover(of the castle)

First, put the inner plate of the jujube overlay on the rod and fix it with screws (or screws). Then screw on the outer part of the lining.

8. Installing the handle

Install the handle in such a way that the groove on the rod coincides with the groove on the knob handle, press the handle until it “clicks”.

9. Rearrangement of the mechanism in the file handle

Latch models with a square handle (options 01 and 03) can also be installed on both left and right doors. To do this, it is necessary to remove the cylinder mechanism and the locking mechanism from the handle body and swap them (according to the figure), in accordance with the side of the door opening.

Installation order.

1.Determine the location of the knob and apply the markup, guided by the template and installation instructions.

2. Based on the installed latch body, mark the installation location of the striker on the door jamb and select the groove for the striker.

3.Install the keep and fix it with screws.

4. Alternately check the functionality of the knob outside and inside the room.

5. For latch models with a square handle (options 01.03), installation on left and right doors is also provided. To do this, it is necessary to interchange the locking mechanism and the cylinder mechanism from the handle body.

As you can see, inserting a lock into a door is not such a difficult task, the main thing is not to rush.

Photographer: Vladislav Mazitov

This article will help you figure out how to embed a latch handle into a door leaf. Adhering to the work algorithm described in the article, you can easily do this operation yourself, with a minimum set of tools and very quickly.

No door is complete without a handle. The most popular type of interior door handles today is the latch handle.

The design of handles of this type is such that, regardless of appearance, they are all installed in the door leaf in the same way. How to do it yourself will be discussed in this article.

Latch handle design

The pen itself, that is, the visible part of it, may look completely different. So:

or like this:

All these latch handles consist, in fact, of two parts - the handle itself:

and latch mechanism:

Both parts of the latch handle require a separate insert into the door leaf.

Latch handles come without a latch - the door with such handles is not locked from the inside, with a latch - an additional rotary mechanism mounted on the handle and allowing you to lock the door from the inside, and a key - on one side of the handle there is a turnkey mask that allows you to lock the door from the outside, on the other, a latch . All handles have design differences that do not affect the tapping process. The inner part (latch) is also the same, that is, it cuts in the same way for all types of latch handles.

So let's get started.

Required tool

To make the installation of the latch handle as easy as possible, you will need:

  1. Hand drill or screwdriver.
  2. Crown on a tree with a diameter of 50 mm.
  3. Drill for wood with a diameter of 23-24 mm.
  4. Chisel.
  5. Hammer.
  6. Pencil.

The crown and drill can be bought separately, or as a set, which is called the “Set for inserting latch handles”.

Installing the latch

1. We begin the installation process by marking the door leaf for drilling. The marking scheme, as a rule, comes with the handle.

If there is no scheme, then you can mark it manually. To do this, put a mark at a distance of 60 mm from the edge of the door.

2. On the side edge of the door along the axial marking line, mark the center for drilling.

3. Using a chisel, we hollow out a three-millimeter recess under the front latch plate. It makes sense to pre-mark the center with an awl so that you do not have to mark it again.

4. We drill a through hole with a crown with a diameter of 50 mm. It is better to do this on both sides of the door to avoid damage. door covering at the exit of the crown when drilling.

5. As a result, we get such a hole:

6. Go to the side edge. With a drill for wood with a diameter of 23-24 mm, we drill a hole for the latch into the marked center. You should not make it too deep, otherwise you risk drilling the door through to the panel.

7. We already get two holes.

8. Install a latch in the side hole and screw it with self-tapping screws.

9. Remove the top of the handle. To do this, we are looking for a hole on the side.

Using the supplied key or any other thin flat object:

press the tongue inside the hole:

and remove the handle itself:

10. Remove the decorative trim and, thereby, open the mounting holes.

11. Insert the outer half of the handle.

12. Insert the inner half. We tighten both with the screws that come with the kit.

13. We put on a decorative overlay and a handle body. Do not forget to press the inner tongue with the key.

14. With the door closed, we mark the place where the latch tongue of the door jamb touches, after which we hollow out a recess under the latch tongue in the resulting place.

15. Insert a decorative plastic pocket.

16. We fasten the metal plate.

17. The handle is installed.

If there is no drill, then all holes can be made with the help of a suitable chisel, however, in this case, installing the handle will require more serious repair and construction skills and can be an overwhelming task for an unprepared person.

This article will help you figure out how to embed a latch handle into a door leaf. Adhering to the work algorithm described in the article, you can easily do this operation yourself, with a minimum set of tools and very quickly.

No door is complete without a handle. The most popular type of interior door handles today is the latch handle.

The design of handles of this type is such that, regardless of their appearance, they are all installed in the door leaf in the same way. How to do it yourself will be discussed in this article.

Latch handle design

The pen itself, that is, the visible part of it, may look completely different. So:

or like this:

All these latch handles consist, in fact, of two parts - the handle itself:

and latch mechanism:

Both parts of the latch handle require a separate insert into the door leaf.

Latch handles come without a latch - the door with such handles is not locked from the inside, with a latch - an additional rotary mechanism mounted on the handle and allowing you to lock the door from the inside, and a key - on one side of the handle there is a turnkey mask that allows you to lock the door from the outside, on the other, a latch . All handles have design differences that do not affect the tapping process. The inner part (latch) is also the same, that is, it cuts in the same way for all types of latch handles.

So let's get started.

Required tool

To make the installation of the latch handle as easy as possible, you will need:

  1. Hand drill or screwdriver.
  2. Crown on a tree with a diameter of 50 mm.
  3. Drill for wood with a diameter of 23-24 mm.
  4. Chisel.
  5. Hammer.
  6. Pencil.

The crown and drill can be bought separately, or as a set, which is called the “Set for inserting latch handles”.

Installing the latch

1. We begin the installation process by marking the door leaf for drilling. The marking scheme, as a rule, comes with the handle.

If there is no scheme, then you can mark it manually. To do this, put a mark at a distance of 60 mm from the edge of the door.

2. On the side edge of the door along the axial marking line, mark the center for drilling.

3. Using a chisel, we hollow out a three-millimeter recess under the front latch plate. It makes sense to pre-mark the center with an awl so that you do not have to mark it again.

4. We drill a through hole with a crown with a diameter of 50 mm. It is better to do this on both sides of the door in order to avoid damage to the door covering at the exit of the crown when drilling.

5. As a result, we get such a hole:

6. Go to the side edge. With a drill for wood with a diameter of 23-24 mm, we drill a hole for the latch into the marked center. You should not make it too deep, otherwise you risk drilling the door through to the panel.

7. We already get two holes.

8. Install a latch in the side hole and screw it with self-tapping screws.

9. Remove the top of the handle. To do this, we are looking for a hole on the side.

Using the supplied key or any other thin flat object:

press the tongue inside the hole:

and remove the handle itself:

10. Remove the decorative trim and, thereby, open the mounting holes.

11. Insert the outer half of the handle.

12. Insert the inner half. We tighten both with the screws that come with the kit.

13. We put on a decorative overlay and a handle body. Do not forget to press the inner tongue with the key.

14. With the door closed, we mark the place where the latch tongue of the door jamb touches, after which we hollow out a recess under the latch tongue in the resulting place.

15. Insert a decorative plastic pocket.

16. We fasten the metal plate.

17. The handle is installed.

If there is no drill, then all holes can be made with the help of a suitable chisel, however, in this case, installing the handle will require more serious repair and construction skills and can be an overwhelming task for an unprepared person.
