Universal finishing materials does not exist, and you need to know how to choose a tile for the kitchen so that it fully meets the challenges it faces. After all, the requirements for tiles for decorating an apron over the workplace are slightly different than for flooring. A tile for decorative panel on the wall is selected according to a different principle than the material for facing the countertops. Therefore, the decision on which tile to choose for the kitchen should be made depending on the intended place of its use.

Study carefully specifications material, read the passport and the information indicated on the packaging. Also be sure to make sure that you have a hygiene certificate that confirms the safety of the purchased tile for life and health. After all, the selection of tiles for the kitchen is carried out taking into account the fact that materials for living quarters must be impeccable from an environmental point of view.

Ceramic coating is a convenient, practical and profitable flooring option. But when the question arises of what is better in the kitchen: tiles or linoleum, the choice is often made in favor of the latter. This happens primarily because the tile is considered a cold material. At the moment, this problem is easily eliminated with the help of "warm floor" technology. Ordinary ceramic tiles are the best suited for use in a heated floor system, because. it has a fairly high thermal conductivity.

Another negative quality that limits the use of tiles for flooring is its slipperiness. How to choose tiles for the kitchen so that the floor is safe in this regard? Refuse glazed coatings, because moisture can turn a glossy floor surface into a real ice rink. Give preference to tiles with a matte, ribbed surface.

Which tile to choose for the floor in the kitchen: specifications

To finish the floor, manufacturers offer a large selection of ceramic tiles.

But keep in mind that the kitchen floor is subjected to heavy loads every day, especially in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stove and sink.

It gets dirty faster than in other rooms and, accordingly, it is washed more often. All this puts forward a number of specific requirements for kitchen flooring: it must have increased strength.

For the kitchen, tiles of at least class III of hardness according to the European PEI classification or at least class 5 in accordance with GOST are preferable. Resistance to acids and alkalis must also be high - class AA or B.

floor tile design

We must not forget that the choice of ceramic tiles for flooring depends on the overall stylistic decision of the kitchen. Of course, color and texture floor covering should be in harmony with the rest of the room. However, there are a few more points to be taken into account.

On a glossy surface, stains and small debris will be very clearly visible.

While the matte and grainy texture of ceramics will not only give the room a more comfortable look, but also perfectly hide various pollution. Variegated colors will also mask some imperfections.

As for the shape, the choice of tiles for the kitchen does not have to be limited to the traditional square or rectangle. You can experiment with a hexagonal or octagonal tile. Manufacturers also offer samples with rounded edges.

If you use small floor tiles for cladding, the room will look more spacious. But it is more difficult to lay it, because. hard to get straight seams. Mosaic tiles it is better to use small fragments as a finish. You should not lay out complex drawings on the floor - they are more suitable for rooms with a large area, for example, halls.

The working area in the kitchen is often decorated with a tile apron. This material reliably protects the walls from water splashes, high temperatures, grease and soot. In addition, an elegant apron can become a bright decorative accent and decorate even the most modest kitchen. How to choose a ceramic tile so that it meets all the above requirements, and in addition, it provides easy care for the surface of the walls?

The choice of tiles for the apron

The work area needs regular cleaning using detergents. The selection of ceramic tiles for an apron should be carried out taking into account this factor. Minimal porosity is required from tiles, as well as a dense and uniform enamel coating.

Chemical resistance is indicated by a letter marking on the packaging. For our purposes, tiles with the AA symbol are suitable, which means a high level of resistance to aggressive substances.

But high strength for wall tiles is not critical, since there are practically no mechanical loads here. Pay special attention to such an indicator as the thermal stability of the material. This is important for tiles above the work area, especially if you are using for cooking gas stove. glaze on quality tiles withstands temperatures up to 125 degrees.

Kitchen apron tile design

For an interior with a discreet design, choose a plain tile that matches in color with the rest of the kitchen elements. If it is difficult to find the right shade when choosing ceramic tiles, make the surface working area white - it is universal and will suit almost any color scheme.

The option looks interesting when the color of the apron is chosen in contrast with the kitchen set.

For example, combinations of orange with light green or coral with yellow will look fresh and unusual. But before you choose a tile for the kitchen in bright colors, soberly evaluate its size. Remember that such color solutions require a lot of space, otherwise the room will look cramped and too colorful. This rule also applies to large drawings and large format tiles.

And how to choose tiles for the kitchen, if it is small in area? Designers recommend decorating the apron and walls in one color, preferably beige, cream, light gray or sand. In this case, it is worth abandoning the gloss, because. shiny surfaces visually reduce the space.

Do not overload the surface of the working area with decorative inserts from textured tiles. In the relief of such a tile, a greasy coating will accumulate.

Ceramic tile countertop: pros and cons

Ceramics is not often used for countertop decoration. Meanwhile, a tiled countertop looks no less dignified than models from natural stone, agglomerate or solid wood. Moreover, its production will be cheaper. But do not forget that the right choice of ceramic tiles depends on how strong and durable the desktop surface will be.

This method of finishing has certain disadvantages: numerous seams create difficulties in maintenance, and also require regular special treatment, because. grout quickly changes color.

The countertop occupies a fairly large area, so its design has a significant impact on the perception of the entire kitchen interior.

The tile makes it possible to create a variety of different variants design. Most often, the working surface of the table is tiled with the same tiles as the kitchen apron. This technique allows you to create a single space and looks harmonious.

Summing up the story about which tile is best for the kitchen, it is necessary to say the following. Sometimes consumers go to extremes: wanting to save money, they buy cheap goods from dubious manufacturers or, in search of quality, overpay for a well-known brand. Both of these decisions can hardly be called reasonable. We advise you to pay attention to tiles of the middle price category, among which you can definitely choose worthy samples.

The choice of floor tiles for the kitchen is a responsible matter. Much depends on how seriously you take it - both how the entire interior will look like as a whole, and how long the coating will last. In order for the new renovation to bring only joy, think in advance which tile is better to put on the floor in the kitchen, given its quality and appearance.

What to look for when choosing a tile?

The kitchen is a special place. There are often unfavorable various materials conditions are an increase in the level of humidity, temperature changes, mechanical and chemical influences. All this must be taken into account. For the kitchen floor, tiles of a higher class in terms of wear resistance are best suited - you can distinguish them by marking PEI-III and PEI-IV. And the resistance of the material to the effects of chemistry is indicated by the letter code AA.

In addition, consider the nature of the tile coating. It is best to choose non-slip surfaces - as a rule, they have a matte texture or relief. There are also semi-matte types - partially glossy. Such a tile reflects light, but does not slip.

Of course, attention should be paid not only to the practical, but also to the aesthetic side of the issue. And here it all depends on your preferences and general design solution. Think in advance what the final look of the kitchen will be. This will help you create a harmonious atmosphere.

beige patterned tile

brown chocolate tiles on the floor

Varieties of floor tiles in the kitchen

All tiles can be divided into types according to the type of material and design. As mentioned above, both must be taken into account when choosing. Next, consider the most popular solutions today.

Choice of tile material

Ceramics and porcelain stoneware

The most popular types of tiles today are porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles. Both of these materials are great for kitchen flooring. They have a number of differences. So, porcelain stoneware tiles are more modern. It is characterized by increased strength and wear resistance, does not slip, but is heavy and requires special skills when laying. Ceramics is more affordable and light. It is also easier to install, although in this case some knowledge of the process will also be required. In addition, tiles are less durable and often slippery. Regardless of which of these two types of tile you choose, if cared for, it can last up to 15 years.

Ceramics and porcelain stoneware have such a high degree of popularity, because among the range you can find a variety of options. In addition to design, tiles differ in the nature of the surface. It can be matte, glossy, semi-gloss or textured. For kitchen flooring, something that is least slippery is best suited. And this quality is possessed by textured, embossed surfaces. However, when choosing, be sure to pay attention to the nature of the relief. If it is too deep and intricate, most likely, dirt will accumulate in the recesses. Therefore, before buying, it is desirable to be able to touch the tile.

graphite color tiles square shape

diagonal arrangement of porcelain stoneware floor tiles

flooring with porcelain tiles different sizes

multi-colored flooring with porcelain stoneware

black glossy mottled porcelain stoneware floor tiles

natural stone tiles

For floor on the kitchen is suitable and natural stone tiles. It allows you to create a variety of compositions, fits seamlessly, is durable. However, it is important to understand that such material requires special care, only an experienced specialist can mount it, and the price of natural tiles is quite high.

chaotic pattern stone tiles

light stone floor

stone tiles of different sizes

gray stone tiles

Glass floor tiles

The latest technology suggests using glass tiles not only on the walls, but also on the floor. As for the kitchen, in this case, such material is very relevant. Glass is environmentally friendly, has excellent water repellency and is resistant to frequent cleaning chemicals. Floor tiles It is made taking into account the specifics, and has a special non-slip coating. This material is strong and durable, but today it has a very limited range.

original backlit glass tiles

glass tiles and 6 sections filled with stones

beautiful glass tiles near the table

glass tiles under dining table

glass tiles at the entrance to the kitchen

oval shaped glass tiles on the podium

Selection of floor tiles by color and design

The question of which tile is better to put on the floor in the kitchen so that the whole interior looks harmonious is very extensive. When solving it, you must take into account the overall style and future appearance of the room. There are a number simple rules to help you make the right choice. The main one is as follows - there should be one dominant in the interior. This means that if you choose contrasting tiles, use the patchwork technique when laying out, use other ways to make the floor bright, then everything else should serve as a backdrop. And also vice versa.

The second rule concerns the choice of color. It is desirable that he repeat one of the shades used in the interior. Universal are gray and beige. White and black tiles will also be good backgrounds, but keep in mind that they will look more expressive and contrasting.

Among other things, it is important that the tiles match the overall style. So, classic design trends, as well as country and Provence, involve the use of wood and stone textures. It is best to stick to natural colors. Modern design allows for bright colors and bold solutions. For a high-tech kitchen, black, gray or white large-sized and plain tiles are best suited. There are also ornaments that are well suited to different stylistic trends. Therefore, it is important to determine in advance your preferences and study in more depth exactly the style that you like. Keep in mind that now most often there are stylizations that combine several directions at once.

porcelain tile in two colors

gray porcelain tiles with a pattern around the perimeter

Approaching the choice of tiles responsibly and thoroughly, you will fully justify the time spent on studying the topic. Indeed, as a result, you will receive a high-quality and attractive repair that will delight you and your loved ones over the next few years.

Ceramic tiles are one of the most convenient finishing materials, they are practical and suitable for decoration. various premises besides it can be used both for internal, and external works. Other advantages of ceramic tiles are their durability, versatility, ease of maintenance and, of course, aesthetic appearance. Today, there are a lot of companies producing tiles, and ceramic tile collections are also diverse, so choosing and buying becomes a difficult task. How not to make a mistake in choosing this finishing material? And by what criteria to choose it?

Criteria for choosing ceramic tiles

1) One of the main criteria are climatic conditions, especially if the tile is intended for outdoor robots or facade decoration of buildings. It is necessary to understand what degree of its frost resistance.

2) Another criterion is the place of application. Tiles should be chosen depending on which room should be lined with ceramic tiles - kitchen, bathroom, hallway, etc., as well as the floor or walls in these rooms. To determine the purpose of ceramic tiles, there is a special marking. Tiles are also divided into groups depending on the degree of wear, durability and resistance to various chemicals. The marking is a pictogram that is applied to the packaging

3) Tiles are also chosen according to the color palette, texture and pattern. So, for example, there are wood-like ceramic tiles that imitate parquet, or stone-like ceramic tiles. Of course, these are secondary criteria, and they proceed to this step only when the first two are taken into account.

4) The last is the size of the tile, for example, large tiles are chosen for the floor, and a more compact or even small size is suitable for the wall.

Consider some of the meanings of the icons

  1. There are pictograms in the form of a human foot. This means that ceramic tiles are for floors, and that they are intended for floor cladding, and if the background under the foot is shaded, then the tile has increased abrasion resistance, which can be used in shops, offices and other rooms that are subject to increased wear.
  2. If the contours of a human hand are outlined on the pictogram, then this tile is intended for facing walls and other surfaces that do not accept any load.
  3. The pictogram in the form of a snowflake indicates the frost resistance of this tile and its resistance to low temperatures.
  4. There is also a symbol of fire with various numbers. This is the number of firings that the tile has gone through.
  5. The symbol A indicates that the ceramic tile is made more than modern methods with more precise cutting.
  6. Symbol B, indicates the worst quality, but it is also cheaper.
  7. If the marking consists of several identical pictograms at once, then this tile has an increased quality.

With markings A and B, other additional designations can be used, such as:
AI, BI, which means that this tile is intended for exterior finish. Basically, this marker indicates ceramic facade tiles.

Tiles marked AII, BII are also suitable for outdoor cladding, although they have low moisture resistance.

And those tiles that are marked with the sign AIII, BIII can only be used for internal finishing works.

But according to the degree of wear resistance, all types of ceramic tiles intended for flooring can be divided into five main groups. Floor ceramic tiles are marked with PEI symbols.

Group 1. This is a tile that can be used in the bedroom or in the bath.

Group 2. Tiles of this group are used for facing cabinets and living rooms.

Group 3. This group is suitable for finishing the kitchen or hallway.

Group 4 and 5. Since the tiles of these groups are the most resistant to abrasion, it is advisable to use them in public places with a high degree of movement, as well as exposure to chemical and abrasive substances.

When choosing a ceramic tile, you should also pay attention to its packaging in order to find out information about the brand, country of origin, square meters and the number of tiles in the package, as well as the color and grade. The above-mentioned pictograms and designations of the groups to which this tile belongs should also be indicated on the packaging.

Be sure to take into account that the floor tiles for the bathroom or hallway should in no case be slippery, as it can become traumatic if moisture gets on it. The best option choice of tiles for these rooms is a tile with a rough or matte surface. But for the bathroom walls better fit tiles with great resistance to chemicals, as bath walls are most often exposed to various cleaners, detergents and cosmetics. The same can be said about kitchen tiles, both floor and wall tiles. But here they are exposed to more aggressive agents, so the requirements for them must be stricter than for bathrooms.

Choosing a color scheme suitable for a particular room

And only after you decide on the purpose and quality characteristics of ceramic tiles, you can take up the aesthetic side: design, pattern, color scheme and size of the tile. It is also important to carefully analyze the conditions of the room for which the tile is purchased. Particular attention should be paid to such characteristics as lighting, general color palette, the size of the room itself, its style. For example, for small room tiles with a large pattern or large sizes will not work. Or tiles in light colors can visually expand small space, and the vertical pattern will increase the height of the walls. On the other hand, scratches or cracks will be more noticeable on light-colored tiles, so it is better to choose dark-colored tiles for the floor in the hallway.

How to calculate the required amount of ceramic tiles

In order to calculate the required number of tiles, it is necessary to measure the exact area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe surface to be trimmed, and also take into account which tool will be used to lay the tiles. Do not forget about the drawing, sometimes in order to achieve symmetry, you have to take a little more than what comes out according to the calculations. For greater confidence, it is better to buy 10% more than the required quantity, since in any batch, even the highest quality ceramic tiles, a certain percentage of rejects is acceptable, in addition, do not forget about possible damage when cutting the material to the desired size.

1) The reverse side of the tile should be smooth, without any cracks. The general geometry of the correct form, without bulges and sticking. A flat surface can be checked by attaching two tiles to each other, while there should not be any gaps or cracks between them.

2) To avoid the incident of a color or pattern mismatch for the entire purchased batch, do not be lazy and compare them by taking one tile from different packages.

3) Before using ceramic tiles for cladding, you need to check it for water resistance, this is done as follows: put the tiles in water for 10-12 hours, and if microcracks form on it, then it is better to return such a tile to the seller.

Producers of luxury ceramic tiles

Today, there are many domestic and foreign companies producing ceramic tiles. However, Italian ceramic tiles, as before, are considered the best both in terms of quality and aesthetics. Most beautiful houses of the world are finished with ceramic tiles of Italian manufacturers. At the same time, there are many Italian companies that have long become brands and produce only elite ceramic tiles. Versace, Viva ceramica, Caesar, Capri, Casabella and others.

A little history of Italian tiles

The history of Italian ceramics spans several centuries. The origins of its production date back to the beginning of the tenth century. The first Italian factories for the production of ceramic tiles were located on the island of Mallorca, since high-quality raw materials were mined here - a special kind of clay, with the help of which highly porous ceramic tiles were produced.

For the first time, this tile was intended only for facing churches and temples, later it began to be used among the nobility. The wealthiest citizens of Italian cities began to use tiles for the decoration of their castles. But modern Italian tiles began to be produced at the beginning of the 20th century. Experienced Italian ceramics masters do not forget about the traditions of the past, but at the same time they are constantly looking for new design and technological solutions. All this leads to the fact that when we hear the words "ceramic tiles from Italy", we immediately present tiles of the highest quality.

Thanks to the merit of ancestors, Italy is a trendsetter in the world of ceramics. The new ceramic tiles of Italian masters, presented in brilliant collections, are striking in their sophistication and unexpected flight of design imagination, sometimes we forget that this is just ceramic tiles, they are so reminiscent of paintings or natural landscapes. Warm ceramic tiles imitating desert sand can instantly take you many kilometers to the distant and sultry Sahara. Give yourself comfort and a fairy tale by choosing the best quality tiles for your home.

Ceramic tiles ceracasa damore - a wide range of Spanish tiles, high quality.

When choosing flooring for walk-throughs and kitchens, we are always guided by the simplest criteria: ease of maintenance, aesthetics and durability. Ceramic products are deservedly considered one of the most successful materials in this respect. And the number of designs, formats, textures can be safely called prohibitive.

Ceramic floor tiles (Greek plinthos) are thin and durable plates of baked clay mass. Its basic components are white clay, sand, floodplains, pigments and some other components.

Tile is better than other finishing materials in the kitchen. In the piggy bank of its advantages:

Before choosing a tile for the floor in the kitchen, learn about its shortcomings. In the cons:

Thus, the pros of floor ceramics far outweigh the cons. So is it worth looking for an alternative if it is possible to purchase a tile ?!

Tile characteristics

According to EN ISO 13006 "Ceramic tiles - definitions, characteristics, acceptance criteria and marking" and GOST 6787-2001 "Ceramic tiles for floors", there is a whole class of indicators that together determine the suitability of tiles for use in certain conditions. These include

Forming and water absorption method

Note that Russian glazed and unglazed floor tiles are produced only by pressing. Therefore, it is better for the kitchen to purchase domestic products under a protective glaze.

Bending resistance

This is the limit value of the static load applied to 3 points of one element, which the test specimen can withstand without failure. Measured in N/mm² (ISO 1054-4 standard), for tiles it has the following minimum values:

That is, for example, kitchen tiles of category BIb can withstand loads up to 270 kg / cm2 or 27 MPa.

Surface hardness

This is the ability of a surface to be resistant to scratching and other damaging factors. As a rule, the well-known mineral hardness scale MOHS is used. For glazed tiles, the optimal value is not lower than 5.

That is, the higher the score, the lower the risk of damage from falling objects, heels, animal claws, etc. A competent master will select a floor material with a surface hardness level of at least 6 units.

Temperature resistance

This is the ability of good enamel not to crack or change under sudden changes in temperature (thermal shock). If you choose the wrong material, then due to the droplets of hot oil, boiling water or concentrated detergent on the surface, swelling or a network of small cracks can form at the point of contact.

Chemical resistance

This parameter measures the ability of the surface to withstand chemical substances, including household chemicals, staining liquids or products, salts, acids. To determine, a whole series of tests is carried out on the contact of tiles and an aggressive environment.

Frost resistance

This is the ability of a ceramic product not to break down when immersed in water and cooled below 0 °C. It is measured by the number of freezing and thawing cycles, it directly depends on the water absorption coefficient - the lower it is, the higher the frost resistance.

Abrasion resistance

This test for unglazed tiles is carried out using cast silica (synthetic abrasive). The value of the volume of the worn surface of the product obtained after testing allows assigning a certain class of use according to UPEC to the tile. For glazed products, another indicator is used - PEI.

If you try to save money and put PEI I class tiles on the floor in the kitchen, you can be sure that the coating will serve properly at best for about a year, or even less.

Slip resistance

This so-called safety criterion is not mandatory, but for some tile series it is considered necessary (pools, changing rooms, public places, etc.), so manufacturers try to indicate the anti-slip coefficient on the packaging.

In fact, it would be nice to take this indicator into account if you plan to lay tiles in the hallway of a private house (without a “dressing room”) or in the lobby of a public building. After all, in winter, snow that sticks to shoes quickly melts in warmth. And it is very easy to slip in the puddles that form. This problem is especially typical for glossy tiles with a polished surface. Matte products in this regard are safer in the kitchen, in the hallway or in the hall.

Matte tiles in the interior.

For all the above characteristics, their own pictograms have been developed.

Set of basic pictograms for tiles.

Kitchen, hallway, hallway, corridor - these are all places with an average level of traffic, liquids, fine sand or substances that form a slippery surface may appear on the floor. Therefore, you need a tile with the following values:

  • water absorption coefficient up to 3%;
  • hardness above 5 units;
  • class AA or A;
  • abrasion index PEI ≤II;
  • safety category - R9-10.

Design Features

Floor ceramics is a great tool for realizing creative ideas. There is no such number of options in any other series of materials for finishing the floor. Even in linoleum, let alone cork, parquet board or laminate.

Perhaps the most difficult thing is the choice of decor and a suitable shade. There is no universal advice, but we can suggest a number of parameters that should be considered when buying:

Product format

When choosing a tile, keep in mind that each factory produces it in its own sizes. Dimensions can vary from 1.2x1.2 to 120x120 cm. As a rule, a standard design technique is used - the smaller the dimensions of the room, the smaller the elements should be. But if the tile is smooth, without a pronounced texture or pattern, then large-format slabs can also be used in a small corridor or hallway.

Masters, when choosing, prefer a more practical approach - the less waste remains at a certain size, the better. And cheaper, and laying speed is higher.

As for the thickness of products, it usually starts from 7 mm. The thicker - the more weight the finished coating will withstand. This must be taken into account if you plan to install heavy cabinets.

Style and colors

Ceramics is perceived as an element of decor. If you plan to tile a room stylized as a country, then the best solution would be to design a tile for stone, wood without gloss or with light lapping.

Kitchen in a classic English style decorate light floor products in white, beige, brown and peach tones small size- no more than 45x45. And if the room is decorated in high-tech trends? In this case, it will take a long time to select. It should be a rectified imitation of metal, plastic or glass, which can be laid out using a seamless method. It will look monolithic and really beautiful.

Interesting options with the so-called "panels" or "decors" made using the technique of digital printing, silk screen, etc. These are tiles decorated with various patterns, borders, small inserts and "pencils", from which a certain pattern is made. They are complemented by basic or background ceramics.

A tiled "carpet" or "path" can zone the kitchen, separate the dining room from the cooking area, or set a different mood for individual areas. It is very important to choose a color here. For example, to create comfort, the base should be neutral beige, ocher or warm honey. Bright shades with a transition from one to another enhance the light, bring cheerful notes to the interior, while black and white tones, on the contrary, give severity.

Black and white floor.

Texture combination.

But that's not all. No wonder ceramics is considered multifunctional. Relief, texture of products create a three-dimensional look. And combinations of textures and various surfaces help to avoid linearity and monotony. With a competent approach, the finish turns out to be dynamic, comfortable for perception.

Degree of soiling

Practicality is important for any housewife, no matter what kind of tile is laid, expensive or cheap. Frequent washing of floors is tiring, and Beautiful design no longer happy. If you want to White color, then try to choose it not in a pure design, but with additions in the form of gray or beige stripes, marbled, textiles, etc. By the same principle, you need to select dark shades - dust is always very visible on them.

Under marble.

Tile layout

It is very important to design in advance on paper the intended pattern of the tiled layout. According to your drawing, the master will easily achieve the desired result.

In the development of the design, catalogs from the manufacturer can help, which offer optimal, harmonious variations. Or use special design programs that can be found on the Internet or downloaded from the official website of well-known factories. They not only offer layout options, but at the same time calculate the amount of material required, taking into account waste.

Basic layout options.

Layout by analogy with parquet.

There are many layout options available. These are basic, modular, diagonal, linear, with or without a seam, combinatorial, herringbone under parquet and many others. The choice of the appropriate installation method depends on the product format and design. But the most important thing is your preference and vision of the interior. Show maximum imagination. For example, you can complement a simple kitchen set with an exquisite floor panel. Or tiles in calm, unobtrusive colors emphasize luxurious furniture, decorated with expensive frescoes on the walls. In any case, everything is in your hands.

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Among the wide variety of floor materials, ceramic tiles occupy a special place. This material has been tested over the years and gives no reason to doubt its advantages, especially in rooms with special operating conditions and microclimate. Today's material will talk about the advantages of tiles, how to choose floor tiles, as well as alternative varieties of tile materials.

There are many options for floor tiles, differing in the material of manufacture. But ceramic tile takes a leading position for many reasons.

The main thing is that it has no restrictions on use in premises for any purpose and differs in completely different ways:

  1. Given the surface to be tiled, tiles can be wall and floor. The first is thinner, the second is more durable and wear-resistant.
  2. Given the operating conditions, ceramics have different requirements - it can be used indoors and outdoors. Outdoor ceramic tiles must have a low level of water absorption, be resistant to cracking and be frost-resistant.
  3. According to the composition, the tiles are divided into ceramic and porcelain stoneware.

Methods for making ceramics

There are two ways to produce tiles: pressing and extrusion. In the first case, durable, aesthetically attractive products are obtained. In the second case, the tiles are extruded through an extruder under high pressure.

For the production of glazed tiles, the double firing method (bicottura) is used. By pressing, a tile of the required shape is formed from a clay mixture, then it is fired and glazed, and then fired again. This type of tile is not very durable, and therefore is more often used for interior work.

Technical qualities of floor ceramics

When choosing ceramics, they look at the grade of products, the higher it is, the higher the quality of the tile.

Grade I tile is characterized by uniformity, caliber, strength and corresponds to other qualities declared by the manufacturer. Low-grade tiles have some defects - the presence uneven corners or surface plane, not too clear pattern. Grade II is assigned to products that have defects on only one side in the form of uneven color, sagging and irregularities at the edges. If there are flaws on both sides, the tile is assigned grade III.

Despite this, even tiles of the third grade meet the operational requirements, allowing them to be used for wall and floor cladding of unheated premises. A sufficiently low level of water absorption is provided by the porous and dense structure of the products, and their frost resistance.

Advantages and disadvantages of using ceramic tiles

Of the advantages of ceramics, the following can be noted:

  1. High strength.
  2. Ecological cleanliness.
  3. Hygiene.
  4. Hypoallergenic.
  5. Moisture resistance.
  6. Wide selection of colors and shapes.
  7. bacteriological resistance.
  8. Fire resistance.
  9. Dielectricity.
  10. High coefficient of thermal conductivity, which is important for "warm" floors.
  11. Wear resistance.
  12. Color fastness to UV rays.
  13. Durability.
  14. Variety of shapes and sizes.

Of the shortcomings, first of all, note the fragility and low soundproofing properties of the coating. Also worth noting is the cold to the touch surface and difficult dismantling. In addition, if there is no experience in laying tiles, then it is better to entrust this matter to professionals who know how to solve all sorts of small nuances that pop up in the course of work. The calculation formula looks like this: cost of work \u003d ½ cost of material.

Tile floor characteristics

Regardless of the material of manufacture, the floor covering must meet a certain set of performance requirements. As for ceramic tiles, the floor from it should have the following qualities:

  1. wear resistance. The tile is chosen depending on the forthcoming loads on the floor covering - the wear resistance class of the floor covering must correspond to the level of room traffic.
  2. In rooms where temperatures are expected to drop in winter period(unheated premises), great attention is paid to frost resistance of the coating.
  3. Hypoallergenic. The material should not emit harmful substances and provoke the appearance of allergic reactions.
  4. fire resistance. The material must not support or propagate flame.
  5. Moisture resistance. This criterion is especially important when laying the floor in the bathroom, hallway and kitchen. The material should not absorb moisture and serve as a medium for the development of harmful microorganisms.
  6. Chemical and mechanical resistance.
  7. Anti-slip surface.

Types of ceramics

The structure of the surface of ceramics for the floor can be matte with a slight relief, imitating, for example, the surface of natural stone or smooth glossy. The rough, porous surface of matt products on the floor is pleasant to the touch and safe, as it provides an anti-slip effect and safety. Glossy products are more often used on walls - a glazed coating protects the image and makes them shiny. With the help of glossy tiles, you can visually make the room more voluminous.

Tiles with a smooth surface are among the most simple options, it is functional and practical - it is easy to install and keep clean. The smooth surface is able to retain heat well.

Mosaic is less common, but still found on the floor in the bathroom or other "wet" areas. When using such tiles on the floor, you can create a unique original pattern, but you should carefully approach the grouting material, which is much larger than when laying large-format floor tiles.

What to look for when choosing ceramic tiles

When choosing a tile, first of all, they take into account the purpose of the room in which it will be laid, the conditions and intensity of the loads on the coating - the specifics of the bathroom and hallway differ significantly from the living room or dining room. The material differs in several respects.

By structure

As noted earlier, in rooms with high humidity, preference should be given to floor tiles with a matte rough front layer. The glossy surface of the floor, especially when water gets on it, becomes dangerous. Therefore, matte tiles are chosen in the bathroom and in the kitchen.

To size

This is an important parameter that affects the visual perception of the floor area and the room as a whole. Large tiles in a small room will visually make it even smaller, and small tiles or mosaics, on the contrary, will make it more spacious. Large format tiles are recommended to be installed in rooms larger than 7 m². In the bathroom, a mosaic on the floor would be quite appropriate.

The fugue, matched to the tone of the cladding, creates the impression of a monolithic coating

by color

Being one of the planes that affect the overall perception of the interior, the floor needs to be carefully selected. colors. Given the fact that the flooring is durable, it is desirable to perform it in neutral colors, which will be appropriate in many interior solutions. The color of the floor should organically fit into the space and harmoniously combine with other finishes or create a contrasting combination. So, with the help of a white or light tiled floor, you can visually make a small hallway lighter and larger.

base for ceramics

The surface of the tile, its front layer determines the appearance of the finish, and a properly selected and prepared base is responsible for its quality, strength and durability.

Laying on cement slab (DSP)

Cement board has high strength and, despite being more expensive than plywood or other sheet materials, is an ideal base for laying tiles. This is a versatile material that allows you to form a base for tiles on any surface - on walls, on the floor, on the kitchen counter, in rooms with normal and high humidity.

Important! Cement board requires additional protection against moisture.

There are two types of cement boards. Products based on sand and cement have a fiberglass-reinforced face layer that creates a rigid and durable base. The length of such plates is 90 - 300 cm with a width of 80 - 120 cm and a thickness of 6 - 15 mm.

Cement-mineral plates Aquapanel

Slabs based on sand, cement and mineral fibers are available from 6 mm thick. In this case, the fibers reinforce and reinforce the entire slab, and not just the top layer, since they are evenly distributed in its array. Such plates are characterized by high density.

Laying on fiberglass gypsum board

Gypsum sheets with the addition of fiberglass, which are made specifically as a base for tiles, differ from drywall sheets. They are not as hard and durable as cement boards, so they are used in light-duty applications. Internal filler with water-repellent impregnation located inside a moisture-resistant coating, which allows them to be used even in close proximity to water. Fiberglass is used as a reinforcing material.

Important! Despite the increased moisture resistance, when fixing the plates, additional sealing of the joints with silicone sealant is required.

This material is easy to transport, cut and install.

Plywood as a base for laying ceramic tiles can be used in normal humidity conditions. It is not recommended for use in conditions of sudden temperature changes and in rooms with high humidity. It is also necessary to perform high-quality waterproofing with a waterproof membrane. Among all varieties, it is recommended to choose moisture-resistant plywood, which is used for outdoor use. When choosing a material, the integrity of the plates, the absence of voids, the presence of resin on the surface, which reduces the quality of adhesion, are carefully checked. The allowable plywood thickness must be at least 15 mm.

Laying on a concrete slab

When laying ceramics on concrete base there are no problems. The only requirement relates to the quality of the surface of the slab, which must be flat. For 3 meters of length, a difference of not more than 3 mm is allowed. Since any concrete surface is characterized by dust formation, before laying the tiles it is dedusted and treated with a primer, which creates a thin film that provides excellent adhesion to the adhesive composition. More often, deep penetration soil Betonokontakt is used for this. For better adhesion, the concrete surface is treated with a metal brush.

Laying on a cement screed

A common way of laying tiles is on, which, in turn, can be poured on any base. Standard requirements - surface evenness. To do this, use the method of pouring the solution over beacons and markings on the wall, which is applied using a laser level. To ensure strength, the screed is reinforced metal mesh. The advantage of such a base is that communications and a warm floor coolant can pass through the screed.

The use of a screed is relevant in the following cases:

  1. When installing tiled flooring in rooms with high traffic (in trading floors, public premises for any purpose).
  2. For restoration work floor leveling in a new building.
  3. With a pronounced deviation from the vertical of the walls of the apartment.
  4. When facing elements of the room of irregular shape.

Laying on old ceramic tiles

Lay floor tiles on a previously tiled base tiles, is allowed if old cladding stays firmly in place. Otherwise, the floor will need to be completely cleaned of old finish to , and then level the base. The disadvantage of laying on existing tiles is an increase in the thickness of the coating. To ensure high-quality adhesion of the old tile with the adhesive solution, its front layer is treated with sandpaper.

Materials and tools

To lay tiles on the floor, you will need a standard set of materials and tools:

  1. The tile itself. It is worth buying it with a margin in case of marriage during pruning. Tiles must be from the same batch, as products from different batches often differ in shade. You should immediately evaluate the tiles for defects and irregularities and sort them - better elements will be laid in a conspicuous place, products with defects will be useful for trimming.
  2. Tile cutting is done with a tile cutter.
  3. Tile adhesive and mixing bowl. When laying tiles, you should take into account the pot life of the adhesive and your pace of work, and prepare the required amount of adhesive accordingly.
  4. To apply the adhesive, you will need a notched trowel and trowel.
  5. To form tile joints, plastic crosses of the required size are purchased.
  6. For marking you will need laser level, construction square, tape measure and pencil.
  7. When laying tiles, use a level to control the horizontalness of the surface. It is desirable to have several levels of different sizes to control the position of both one tile and the entire floor space horizontally and diagonally.
  8. The tiles are fixed manually and with a rubber-backed hammer.
  9. Grout composition. Fugue is selected taking into account operating conditions. Epoxy grout is more expensive, but it is more resistant to all sorts of influences. It is also important to decide on the color of the fugue - it can be matched to match or be a contrasting tile.
  10. To work with grout, you will need a small rubber spatula to press the composition to the depth of the seam, a bucket of clean water, a felt grater and a sponge.

Preparatory work for the installation of tiles

Preparatory work depends on the type and condition of the foundation. If this is a floor in a new building, then it is necessary to evaluate its evenness, repair cracks, if necessary, level with a screed, prime and waterproof with a coating method.

In inhabited premises, the existing floor covering is dismantled to a rough screed, it is repaired and leveled.

If the tile will be laid with a pattern, then it is necessary to draw it on paper in advance, apply the appropriate markings to the floor, lay out the tiles in the required order and trim necessary details so as not to be distracted by all this in the course of work.

When laying on a wooden base, it is checked for strength and integrity. If the boards are strong, do not walk and are rigidly fixed, forming a solid monolithic flooring, then wooden base pour a self-leveling mixture with mesh reinforcement.

As noted earlier, non-glossy tiles with III or II wear resistance class are chosen for the floor, depending on the room in which it will be laid. It is worth remembering that the larger the tile format, the higher its cost and the price of glue, which should have higher plasticity. Optimal size floor tiles is 40 x 40 cm.

First you need to decide on the layout of the tiles. The diagonal layout has its own nuances, especially if there is a damper seam in the central opening of the room. In this place, you will need to cut through the tiles, which, even with a well-made grout, will be noticeable.

Diagonal layout requires more tile consumption and creates more waste. In this case, it is better to choose the standard way of arranging the plates, and start laying from the doorway.

Tiles are laid using SVP-wedges, but if the screed is even, then you can use the usual remote crosses, controlling the location of the tiles by level.

Formation of seams using SVP - wedges

If there are microcracks on the surface of the screed, it is recommended to use an elastic adhesive, for example, Ceresit CM 117. When laying tiles in the course of work, it is necessary to remove excess adhesive from the joints between adjacent tiles. This will allow in the future to produce high-quality grout joints. When working with grout, it must be borne in mind that the work will have to be done at a fast pace. In the absence of experience, it is better not to dilute a lot of the composition at once, since it has a short pot life. With the help of a small rubber spatula grout must be pressed in to the entire depth of the seam. And then immediately process the seams with a damp sponge. It is also recommended to remove the remains of grout from the surface of the tile immediately - if it dries, then a special tool will be required to remove it.

In we will consider how to grout the seams on the tiles on the floor, and what composition is needed for this.

Important! When choosing a grout in the color of the tile, you can mask not too smooth seams.

The price of ceramic tiles

The cost of ceramic tiles depends on many indicators - variety, technical indicators, abrasion class, size, country of origin.

Table 1. The cost of ceramic tiles

ImageNameSize, cmCost, rubles (as of June 2018)
Ceramica Classic Libra38.5x38.5830
Azori Eclipse Indigo33.3x33.3700
Kerama Marazzi Sycamore30.2 x 30.2675
Uralkeramika Brown PG4BR404 55x5555 x 55840
Jade-Pottery Tuscany brown38.5x 38.5670


Ceramic tiles are unpretentious in care, but there are some nuances:

  1. When choosing a detergent, it is necessary to study the recommendations for its use - whether it is suitable for ceramics. From powdery formulations, and detergents containing acids and fats, it is better to refuse.
  2. For daily care It is recommended to use detergents that do not contain soap or warm water with the addition of glass cleaner.
  3. It is not recommended to use porous sponges, which can hold abrasive particles that scratch the face of the tile.
  4. Surface cleaning is carried out in two stages - dry and wet. First, dirt is removed from the floor with a soft brush, broom or vacuum cleaner, paying special attention to the tile joints, and then the floor is wiped with a damp cloth. Detergent rinse with clean water and wipe the tiles dry.
  5. If grouting was done cement mortar, then annually the seams are treated with water-repellent impregnation.

Floor tiles - the coating is unpretentious and, as they say, easy to clean. Let's take a closer look at how to clean the tiles on the floor and how to deal with greasy joints?

Alternative types of tiles

Floor tiles are not only ceramic. Modern manufacturers offer the widest range of natural and synthetic coatings, each of which has its own pros and cons.

PVC tiles

PVC tiles are among the most budget option creating flooring. Such a tile in structure is the same linoleum, produced in the form of plates of a certain size. For ease of fixing, such tiles may have an adhesive base. The high level of wear resistance of the coating is provided by its multilayer structure.

Laying such material can be done on any basis, even on plywood or old linoleum. The positive qualities of such material include the following:

  1. Laying can be done on any basis.
  2. The material is moisture resistant.
  3. Low cost.
  4. For PVC tiles, the shrinkage process is not typical.

Among the shortcomings, a short service life can be noted, compared with ceramics. Instability before high temperatures and chemicals. PVC tiles, depending on the class, can be used not only in residential premises (class 21 - 23), but also in public (class 31 - 33) and industrial (class 41 - 43) premises.

Vinyl tiles

One of the multi-layer floor materials - vinyl tiles, belongs to the category of synthetic coatings with high aesthetic data, which are moisture and wear resistant. The presence of vinyl in the composition of the tiles guarantees the reliability and excellent performance properties of the flooring.

One of the cheaper varieties is quartz vinyl tile, which contains sand. This is a multi-layer product of a protective polyurethane coating on a decorative layer, a vinyl base and a lower polymer or fabric layer. This coating has moisture resistance, excellent shock absorption, resistance to chemical reagents. The tile has a non-slip face layer, and due to its high heat transfer, it is suitable for arranging finish coat warm floor.

Metal floor tiles

Manufacturers offer a huge range of floor materials, including metal. A polymer film on the surface of such a tile protects it from the harmful effects of moisture. High strength and resistance to various impacts make such a coating in demand at high-traffic industrial and commercial facilities, as well as in warehouses. In addition, on sale you can find decorative tiles for home use. Such tiles are characterized by: heat resistance, wear resistance, fire resistance. She is not afraid of mechanical influences.

stone tile

Such tiles are made of artificial or real marble or granite. Each of these materials is characterized by high wear resistance and aesthetic appearance.

From positive qualities of this gender, the following can be noted:

  1. Long service life (up to 25 years).
  2. The tiles are frost resistant.
  3. Fireproof.
  4. Aesthetically attractive.

Regardless of the type of tile, operating conditions are taken into account - in damp rooms it is recommended to abandon products with high hygroscopicity.

carpet tiles

A novelty on the construction market is a modular carpet tile measuring 50 x 50 cm. The structure of this material is not similar to carpet, as it is a multilayer product with several reinforced layers.

Due to the presence of a solid substrate and the tight abutment of the elements to each other, the rigidity of individual plates is ensured and prevents their deformation during operation. The basis of such a tile is made on the basis of bitumen, polyvinyl chloride, fiberglass or rubber.

Fiberglass ensures that the geometric parameters of the tile remain unchanged when the room temperature changes. The material of the front layer is nylon. The aesthetics and performance properties of tiles depend on the quality of the fibers and pile.
