To effectively resist unpleasant odors, a special set of filters is needed in the air cleaner. Devices effectively fight odors with:

  • photocatalytic filter;
  • carbon filter;
  • ozone function.

We will analyze in more detail the principle of operation and the effectiveness of each of them.

Photocatalytic filter

This filter involves the work of two elements: a filter plate and an ultraviolet lamp. Titanium dioxide is applied to the photocatalytic filter, which, in combination with a UV lamp shining on it, forms natural oxidizing agents (ozone). The action of the filter occurs at the molecular level: by binding to the molecules of pollutants, it decomposes them into simple safe compounds. Molecules affected by ozone:

  • toxic substances (paint, varnishes, formaldehydes, tobacco smoke);
  • viruses;
  • bacteria;
  • dust mites;
  • fungi.

The release of ozone during the operation of the photocatalytic filter occurs within the normal range and allows the use of this filter around the clock when people are in the room, which cannot be said about the air ozonizer.

Since the coating of the photocatalytic filter does not wear out over time, it does not need to be replaced. Only the UV lamp burns out and is replaced every 1-2 years. The cost of an ultraviolet lamp, depending on its size, is 350-500 rubles, which makes the photocatalytic filter one of the most economical.

carbon filter

Detains unpleasant smells and a tobacco smoke. Suitable for a home where only occasional air purification from strong odors is required. With frequent pollution, such as smoking, the filter will quickly lose its original filtering ability and will need to be replaced. It almost never comes as a separate filter, but is in the same block with a HEPA filter and a pre-filter.

Ozone function

One of better ways get rid of any air pollution (except mechanical) is ozonation. The principle of operation is reduced to the release of large doses of ozone into the room. Ozone binds and breaks down all the pollution that gets in its way. The principle of such air purification is similar to a photocatalytic filter, but the efficiency is 5-6 times higher, due to the fact that ozone is distributed throughout the room and can eliminate even stagnant and stubborn odors. Mere ventilation will not remove odors and microorganisms from upholstered furniture, wallpapers, and household items as ozonation will do.

During ozonation, a person should not be indoors, as the level of ozone that is hazardous to health is in the air. After ozonation, it is necessary to ventilate the room so that the smell of ozone disappears completely.

Some air purifiers contain all the declared cleaning filters at once. Examples of air purifiers with a set of functions for cleaning air from odor: Atmos Maxi-200, AIC AP1101 / AP1103, Daikin MC707VM, Super-Plus-Turbo, etc.

In addition to the presence of the declared filters, the air purifier must be powerful enough to quickly rid the room of the smell. For better cleaning, it is worth taking devices where the volume of the room to be cleaned will be slightly larger than the volume of the room in which the purifier is to be installed.

The air from the exhaust of a restaurant or cafe that goes into a residential area can cause complaints from neighbors and fines from inspection bodies. If the duct cannot be brought above the roof ridge or on the facade, then the only way to avoid claims is to achieve effective cleaning exhaust air from odors, smoke, soot, burning and grease.

To do this, the ventilation of the restaurant kitchen is equipped with the Tion complex air purification system. It is located immediately after the spark arrester and grease trap and removes smoke and odors from hot shops, barbecues, grills and other sources. This allows you to equate the air from the kitchen exhaust of the restaurant to domestic emissions and remove it at the level of the first floor without causing inconvenience to people living or working in the neighborhood (in accordance with SanPiN, p. 4.6).

  • To clean the exhaust air of all types of stoves (except for wood-burning and barbecues), Tion Ext duct air cleaners are used (capacity from 400 to 27,500 m3/h).
  • For extract air cleaning wood stoves and braziers are designed channel air cleaners Tion Ext Advanced (capacity from 2000 to 6000 m3/h).
  • For premises where the concentration of pollutants removed is very high, an additional Tion Ext-El air purification unit is installed from the restaurant air from gases and odors.

Air purification from smoke and odors in the restaurant hall

Restaurants, cafes, canteens and other establishments Catering often face the problem of food and smoke odors that are felt in the hall. To improve the quality of service and customer loyalty, it is necessary to properly organize smoke cleaning and ventilation in the dining area of ​​the restaurant.

The Tion Ext restaurant air purifier solves the problem of removing smoke and odors efficiently and cost-effectively. Thanks to a unique multi-stage cleaning system with smoke filters, the Tion Ext duct air purifier eliminates all types of pollution.

Tion Ext air purification equipment is placed in the restaurant ventilation system in two ways. It can be installed both in the supply branch and in the recirculation branch after the supply chamber.

Compact air purifiers for the restaurant hall

Air purification from odors and smoke in the restaurant hall can be organized with the help of Tion Clever compact autonomous air purifiers.

This perfect solution for those cases when the ventilation system of the restaurant does not provide for the possibility of integrating odor and smoke traps into it.

And if smoke filters are already placed in the ventilation of a cafe or restaurant, then compact air purifiers will enhance their efficiency and increase the air exchange rate. This will create a comfortable environment and attract visitors.

It is unlikely that anyone will argue that living in a clean apartment is better than living in a mess. And it's not just about the aesthetic perception of the surrounding space. Dust and dirt can cause various diseases, allergic reactions and just an uncomfortable state. How to properly clean your own apartment, we have already figured out. Today, another issue is on the agenda - air purification in the apartment.

Those in power are increasingly thinking about the environmental situation in cities. And the scientific fraternity has been sounding the alarm for a long time. The country is full of cities choking on industrial emissions. Municipal waste landfills surround megacities in a continuous ring. It is not uncommon for people to move to another area because of unpleasant odors and dirty air. And there is no improvement yet.

The only solution left is to take care of yourself. Relocation is not always possible. And where is the guarantee that the same thing will not happen in another area over time? Let's try to figure out how to determine air pollution? What devices will help to make the air in the apartment cleaner? Well, at the same time we will tell you who to write a complaint about the pollution of the atmosphere around us.

Cleaning the air in the apartment. A bit of theory

The composition of the atmosphere is familiar to everyone from school. The basis is nitrogen and oxygen. Only one percent is accounted for by all other gases and other impurities. Every year the number of suspensions and non-typical substances increases. Power plants, automobiles, metallurgical and chemical enterprises constantly emit hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, sulfates, ammonia and other harmful substances into the air.

The easiest way to determine the purity of the air - "nose". And never funny. If there are landfills, smoky factories or major highways close to home, you can smell it. Even weak. And you don’t need to pay for an ecotester 🙂 Naturally, it’s not so simple - it’s not enough to feel the “aroma”, you need to know what it is. It is easy to find the information you need on the Internet. For example, the smell of rotten eggs indicates a high concentration of hydrogen sulfide.

INTERESTING. Scientists consider smog, acid rain, ozone depletion and the greenhouse effect to be the main consequences of pollution of the earth's atmosphere. If the last two problems are not noticeable to ordinary residents, then smog and acid rain are frequent phenomena in many large cities. The greatest problems are observed in industrial centers and places of accumulation of industry.

If it smells like sewage, then mercaptan derivatives have accumulated in the air. Difficulty breathing, a distinct chemical smell and taste, a feeling of burning or dust indicate a high content harmful substances. You need to act immediately. Don't wait for everything to pass, of course. You need to buy a device for cleaning the air in the apartment.

If you are “lucky enough” to live in a large industrial center, air pollution can not only be smelled, but also seen. It can be a colored cloud, clouds of dust, or darkening of the atmosphere. All hope is for special services involved in monitoring air quality. For example, in Krasnoyarsk it is Krasnoyarsk.nebo or in Chelyabinsk. Definitely helpful service.

But it is better to buy special analyzers. No need to bother with expensive devices that can show fractions of a percent of a huge amount of substances. A compact integrated analyzer is sufficient. Such a device will show the general degree of pollution, but will not tell which substances threaten health. But this is not necessary in order to take action, a signal of danger is enough.

There is nothing complicated in the operation of the device - the color of the indicator will show the degree of danger. According to international standards, red means danger, yellow warns of a high degree of pollution, and green indicates normal air purity. But the main thing is different, a household analyzer is several times cheaper than a professional one. You can buy a natural gas analyzer, but it's a little different. Although it will save you from leaks.

Cleaning the air in the apartment. What are the dangers of pollution

It has long been no secret to doctors what diseases are caused by polluted air. At least problems respiratory tract. Frequent colds, allergic reactions, reduced immunity - this is an incomplete list possible problems. In the worst case, a person is threatened with cancer. For example, when the concentration of formaldehyde is exceeded in the air for many years.

What can be done? How to protect yourself and loved ones from harmful consequences? Unfortunately, there is no simple and universal solution. After all, we won’t really walk the streets in a gas mask or a respirator 🙂 We definitely need to install a cleaner in the apartment. But with the movement around the city is more difficult. We close the airways with a handkerchief and quickly leave the dangerous place. If you feel unwell, call an ambulance!

Which air purifier to choose . Main types

Technology allows you to clean the air from pollution of any type. There is no shortage of household versions of purifiers on the market. Such a device is designed to work in a room of a certain area. Hence the conclusion - the larger the apartment, the more powerful the cleaner is needed. Accordingly, the cost increases depending on the class of the device. And if you decide on a complex gadget with ionization or humidification, get ready to shell out a tidy sum.

Purifiers are divided into several types according to the principle of operation. Let's say right away that there are no universal solutions. Some devices are well cleaned of dust and suspensions. Others remove inorganic compounds. Still others delay organics. Much depends on the filter being used. Now let's look at the main types of air purification devices and analyze the advantages and disadvantages.

Cleaning the air from dust in the apartment - electrostatic filters

Cleaners with a "plasma" filter create an electrostatic field in the path of the air flow, due to this, suspended particles collect on the surface of the filter. The efficiency of devices reaches 90 percent. The second advantage is ease of use. Special alloy plates are used as a filter, which are easy to clean from contaminants.

But there are also negative points. The operation of the purifier relies on a certain amount of dust. If the concentration of suspended matter is above the norm, then the filters can not cope. As a result, the device either clogs or begins to let dust through. So when buying, carefully study the performance characteristics. For rooms where asthmatics or allergy sufferers live, we recommend choosing devices with several degrees of cleaning.

How to choose an air cleaner - ionizers

Before us is a completely different type of air purifier. In fact, it is a complex consisting of several elements. Each part is responsible for its own cleaning method. From which it follows that ionizers are more versatile than plasma filters. The first stage of cleaning is the capture of large particles using foam filters. Then the photocatalytic filter comes into play - complex chemical compounds are destroyed.

IMPORTANT! The main air pollutants are: carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides II and IV, sulfur dioxide, compounds heavy metals, complex organic compounds. Ozone is a hazardous substance. Despite performing an important function - protecting the planet from cosmic radiation - the substance is harmful to living organisms in large quantities.

The air then enters under the germicidal lamp and passes through the plasma filter. The last stage of purification is the adsorption of negatively charged ions. The multi-stage design has undeniable advantages - the filter is cleaned separately. The system does not require replacement, it is enough to periodically wash the plates and vacuum the foam filter.

How to choose an air purifier for your home - HEPA filter

The operation of such devices is based on the passage of air through a special fibrous material, folded in a certain way with an "accordion". The structure of the filter is such that the cleaners are able to effectively retain even plant pollen. So the device is the best suited for people with allergies. The second plus is simple operation. It is enough to clean the container with the filter element once or twice a year.

How to choose an air purifier - photocatalysts

Interesting devices capable of retaining suspended particles and neutralizing chemical pollution. The location of the filter elements allows you to trap solid particles, spores, dust mites and animal hair. The main part is an ultraviolet lamp and a special catalyst. Photocatalytic cleaners can be equipped with plasma or carbon filters.

The main "chip" is a chamber with a catalyst. Here, complex compounds decompose into safe components: water, carbon dioxide and oxygen. This avoids the formation of sediment, that is, this element will not require frequent replacement. Photocatalysts easily cope with exhaust gases, phenol, formaldehyde, soot, tobacco smoke, household chemicals and substances of natural origin.

Which air purifier to choose for an apartment - ozonizers

The operation of such devices is based on the strong oxidizing abilities of ozone. A small amount of gas can decompose almost any compound, both natural and artificial. Ozone is created directly at the time of operation of the purifier using a strong electrical discharge. Everyone knows the fresh smell after a thunderstorm. It is this process that takes place in the ozonator.

There are more than enough positive points - the destruction of microorganisms, spores and viruses, decomposition complex connections. In addition, the device is able to disinfect furniture, clothes, food, eliminates unpleasant odors. But there is also a minus - in large quantities, ozone is harmful to the body. We advise you to use the ozonator strictly according to the instructions or turn it on when none of the residents are at home.

Cleaning the air from dust in the apartment - carbon filters

This technology is widely used not only for air purification. Think activated charcoal tablets or water filters. Carbon filler refers to fine filters and cannot work independently. As additional elements, HEPA filters or photocatalysts are used. No other way. The coal component is not able to stop biological pollution.

When choosing a device, we advise you to pay attention to the composition and structure of the filter plate. The best option will become a corrugated structure with medium-sized granules. This will reduce airflow resistance and improve filtration quality. Most models do not require constant monitoring. Carbon elements need to be changed every 6-8 months. Another point - do not use such cleaners in bathrooms or bathrooms.

Water air purifier

Not so long ago, the terms "hydrofiltration" and "air washing" came into use. The principle of operation has been known for a long time, but the embodiment in household appliances happened relatively recently. Such purifiers mix air with water until a homogeneous mixture is formed. As a result, impurities settle, and the separated air comes out. Often, "air washers" are equipped with an ultraviolet lamp and a photocatalyst.

FACT. According to WHO, every eighth person who died during the year suffered from air pollution. According to the results of 2015, this is approximately 7.5 million. Studies have revealed a direct relationship between the purity of the air and diseases of the heart, blood vessels, respiratory tract and cancer.

An integrated approach allows you to effectively remove solid particles, neutralize chemicals and neutralize biological activity. Such cleaners are considered the most productive. The cleaning effect is about 95 percent. Add air humidification - you get the perfect protection for the home atmosphere.

Purification and humidification of air in the apartment

Humidifiers purify the air to a lesser extent. The main function of the device is to create an atmosphere with a given humidity. This is achieved by injection of purified steam. Devices are divided into three classes: mechanical, ultrasonic and steam. Most models, in addition to humidification and partial cleaning, are able to aromatize the air. We advise you to choose humidifiers that use ultrasound.

Mechanical devices are very noisy. Steam generators, working by heating water, "eat" not weak electricity. And the steam is hot 🙂 unlike other types of humidifiers. In terms of maintenance, "ultrasound" is also preferable. The system does not form scale, like steam generators. No need to change cartridges, as in mechanical humidifiers. It is believed that the latter serve for a long time. But it all depends on the composition of the air.

air purifier rating

It is difficult to compare cleaning systems operating on different principles. Although recently manufacturers have been trying to produce universal cleaners that combine the advantages different ways cleaning. By the way, there is an indicator of the efficiency of such devices - GOST R EN 1822-1-2010.

If you look at the sales of cleaning equipment, the leadership of several brands is noticeable: Boneco, AOS, Ballu and Venta. The average price for the products of these manufacturers is approximately 15-17 thousand rubles. Not weak, but for such a number of "pieces of paper" we buy a universal air purifier with a bunch of extras and a minimum of noise.

Models from Sharp, Aic and Daikin are cheaper due to the emphasis on the main function. The minimum number of “left” options, moisturizing is also secondary. Nevertheless, the devices do an excellent job - the air in the rooms meets environmental standards. It remains to look at the "best of the best" 🙂 So, the best air purifiers.

  • LG Puri Care AS60GDPV0. The device can be called a modern technological gadget without exaggeration. What are air purity sensors worth! One controls the presence of dust, the other controls odors and gases. The signals from the sensors go to the processor, which selects the operating mode. We can say that the cleaner constantly monitors the situation and selects the optimal mode. The only and not frail minus is the price. This miracle of South Korean technology will cost almost 60 thousand.
  • Boneco H680. Interesting solution allows you to separate cleaning and humidification of the air. As they say, who likes what 🙂 The hybrid filter will easily cope with ordinary dust, pollen, spores and unpleasant odors. Humidification consumes about a liter of water per hour. If you look at the filling, then we actually have climatic complex- the system monitors the air condition and selects the desired mode.

  • Dyson Pure Hot + Cool. A kind of combination of a fan, cleaner and heater. But it copes with air purification with a bang. By the way, the model has been certified for use by patients suffering from allergies and asthma. Heating may be needed in cold summers, but not a fact.

  • Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier 2. A unique device of its kind. It seems to be on sale with us, but at the same time, as it were not 🙂 According to official data, the company does not supply this model to Russian market, but you can buy it without problems. The characteristics are impressive - in 10-15 minutes the air in a room of 20 squares is completely cleaned. The filter is combined, capable of removing dirt, odors, organics and chemicals. I was pleased with the price - only 8.5-9 thousand.

  • IQAir HealthPro 250. The Swiss are in their repertoire - a lot of attention is paid to design. But it is a sin to complain about the work of the purifier. Triple purification is able to filter out any impurities, whether they are gases, spores, pollen or ordinary dust. According to independent tests, it has an efficiency of 99.97 percent.

What is an air purifier

We discussed the technical component, so we will not return to this issue. If you look at the problem of clean air from the point of view of an ordinary city dweller, then a cleaner, albeit an expensive one, but a necessary gadget in our apartments and houses. In areas where the situation is favorable, you can not put it. But exhaust fumes and dust are not going anywhere.

Finally a little advice. If you feel unpleasant odors for a long time, call Rosprirodnadzor. It is this office that is responsible for the ecological situation in the country. You can contact the regional departments of nature management or the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The latter option is relevant for smoke and smell of clearly chemical origin.

Everyone has heard about the new trend - odor filters in 3D printers, to completely or partially remove smelly by-products of printing. They are also incorrectly called HEPA filters - this is more than wrong. HEPA filters are used to remove dust.

I suspect that every handyman has a spare cooler for his computer lying around, or even two. Standard 120mm and 12 volt fans.

Alright, let's move on to the filtering part. The smell is filtered by only one component - activated carbon. Apply different kind carbon filters made of fabric or plastic in a small case 120x120 - low efficiency. Therefore, we need Activated carbon in granules or lumpy (there are small pieces). It is sold in pet stores for aquariums and has recently been actively sold as a filter element for ..... moonshine. Lump for moonshine is what we need - cheaper and more efficient.

To prevent coal dust from being carried around the entire body of the printer, a breathable bag is needed. Non-woven synthetic wipes from the department household chemicals or auto products are perfect. The bag can be both sewn and glued at the seams. After the final assembly of the filter, vacuum to remove the carbon micro-dust.

And lastly, the body.

Open the picture with the dimensions of the cooler.

True, all we need from it is the points for attaching the cooler to the filter housing. And the body will look something like this:

Just don't forget to finish the top cover. Or, at worst, seal it with tape after complete assembly.

You are big boys. We read about Compass3D, Solidworks, T-Flex and other CAD. Forward - even a child piles this building.

The only reminder of nutrition is that our cooler is 12 volts. You can only connect it to a 12 volt power supply. If you have 24 volts - either through DC-DC step down, or two coolers in series. Yes, and the case can be developed immediately for two.

I bow for sim. The model is ready already, but untested. There are not enough hours in the day.

Happy printing everyone.

Any adult and educated person knows that the air in the city is not only far from natural purity, but sometimes dangerous to health. And in order to protect ourselves from it at least at home, we use special equipment. How not to get lost in the variety of gadgets and choose the best air purifier? Let's consider everything in order.

Clean air in the house can be attributed to the basic physiological needs. And if you don't live in a clean suburb, or at least near a park, then you most likely need an air purifier. Modern manufacturers create and modify such devices in large numbers, adding the necessary (or not?) functions of ultrasound, ionization, humidification, and so on, ad infinitum, changing the shape, size and number of filters, thus completely confusing the buyer. Let's see what air purifiers currently exist and what they are for.

There are no less myths in the field of air purification now than in show business 🙂 But for the most part, all air purifiers consist of a fan that drives this same air through a gadget, and a filter system. And it is in the latter that all the differences begin. To begin with, we divide all cleaning systems into two types:

  • water;
  • dry.

An air purifier for an apartment is most often tried to be combined with a humidifier, which has already created some confusion between these devices. However, an ordinary humidifier does not purify the air, but only fills it with moisture, and of such devices, only an air washer can carry the proud title of “air purifier”. An air purifier for this type of home actually “washes” the air by forcing it through water curtain. At the same time, under the action of water, airborne dust and other small pollutants settle on the washing discs. Cleaning the air with the help of washing occurs along with humidification, which adds to the popularity of these gadgets. All air washers operate on the same principle and differ in size, fan power and additional functions. Most often, air disinfection is introduced into the sink. In addition to the desire to introduce as many functions attractive to the buyer as possible, in this case, manufacturers are also guided by the principle of compensation - the fact is that the humid environment formed in sinks is very favorable for the growth of bacteria, harmful microorganisms and fungi, and the sink must be constantly looked after and cleaned it so that unexpected guests do not settle in the device.
Therefore, such an air purification system is often supplemented with a UV lamp for safety. How safe this technology is, we have already said in another.
In addition, the sinks themselves work quite sedately and calmly, you should not expect quick cleaning of the room, removal of odors and the smallest particles of pollutants and allergens from them.

Model Description pros Minuses Price
Venta LW25 Suitable for rooms up to 40 sq. meters. The sink works without replaceable filters, the entire cleaning system is washable. For work, you can use ordinary water, the tank for which is 7 liters, as well as flavored additives. Protection against bacteria is provided by the Venta-Hygienemittel system. No consumables required.
Does not leave limescale on furniture.
Easy care.
Auto shut off without water.
Possibility to connect a humidity level sensor.
High noise level at maximum speed. From 23 000 R
Winia AWI-40 The Korean sink can also serve up to 40 square meters and has a 7 liter tank. Its features include the function of automatically maintaining the humidity level, five operating modes, 3D disks with an antibacterial coating. The sink also has an ionization function, implemented through replaceable ionizing filters. Ease of maintenance.
Humidity level control.
Antibacterial coated discs.
High efficiency humidification.
Replaceable ionizing filters.
High noise level.
Inaccurate gyrostat.
Difficult to find in stores.
From 15 000 R
Boneco W2055DR Simple air washing, designed for rooms up to 50 sq. meters and 7 liters of water. It is possible to track the current humidity level and set the desired one. You can use flavors, there is an ionizing rod, which can also protect against bacteria, which, in our opinion, is very doubtful. Two speeds of work.
Electronic hygrometer.
Automatic maintenance of the humidity level.
Indication of the level of contamination of the device.
Weak antibacterial protection.
Large dimensions.
Pretty laborious cleaning.
From 25 000 R

If we talk about cleaning the air from dust, allergens and odors without the participation of water, then the choice of gadgets becomes many times larger. The devices differ in size, performance, design, and most importantly, which filters for air purification are inside and how many of them. But for the most part, all devices of this type have high power and can quickly clean the air in the room. The device of dry cleaning systems includes a more powerful fan that draws air from the room with force and drives it through the filtration system. Basically, in such systems there are such types of filters:

  • Air filter coarse cleaning. It is usually a mesh or porous material that is able to trap large contaminants, such as dust balls or animal hair.
  • Fine filters. They usually look like fabric or paper material folded accordion. The filter material has many pores, which are superimposed on each other due to an unusual fold, forming a fine-meshed non-linear sieve. Such filters trap dust particles and most of the allergens.
  • HEPA filters. Today, such filters are the most effective for air purification. They trap even the smallest and most dangerous pollutant particles, such as PM2.5, tiny allergens such as dust mite secretions, and so on. Given all this, a HEPA air filter in the apartment is necessary; without it, the entire cleaning system will be incomplete. We have already described in detail the technology of their work in this article.
  • AK filter, it is also an adsorption-catalytic filter. If, in addition to dust, allergens and harmful particles, you want to protect yourself from unpleasant odors, then the air purification system in the apartment must necessarily include such a filter. Inside the filter there is a special material that literally “draws” gas molecules into itself and securely locks them inside. Some manufacturers make variations of the AK filter, such as standard and enhanced, if the odor sources are very strong or too close to the room. The same functions are performed by carbon and photocatalytic filters.

The best air purifier for an apartment, of course, will contain both filters to clean the air from dust, as well as protection from allergens, harmful particles and unpleasant odors. Most often, the disadvantages of such devices are energy consumption and noise level. In fact, a quality air purifier consumes no more energy than other household appliances (and often many times less than them), and the noise that the gadget creates is aerodynamic, caused by the passage of air through the filter system. However, with the help of new technologies and materials, some models got rid of this noise and now they work so quietly that sometimes questions arise whether the device is turned on at all 🙂

Who is in what much: additional features in air purifiers

When choosing which air purifier is best for the home, people usually pay attention not only to the number of filters, but also to additional features. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Function Purpose Principle of operation
Ionization Saturation of the air with useful, according to the manufacturer, negatively and positively charged ions. Ionization is a rather discussed process, and there is no single authoritative opinion on it now. Someone says that ions are practically a panacea, someone calls them dangerous for humans. We examined this process in detail in another, and taking into account all the features and possible side effects, for ionization it is best to use a separate gadget with an adjustable lifespan.
Aromatization Filling the air with pleasant aromas through the use of aromatic liquids. Aromatization works on the principle of an air freshener, spraying a concentrated aromatizer in liquid or gaseous form into the room. How rational it is to add aromatization to the air purifier is an open question, since the filter for air purification in an apartment often includes odor removal, which means that the air purifier will eliminate the work of the aromatizer itself.
Moisturizing Saturation of air with water vapor. Humidification is one of the most popular additional features in air purifiers. On the one hand, air humidity is very important for normal operation. human body, and it is necessary to maintain it in good condition, on the other hand, it is short-sighted to create a humid environment near the purifier filters, since it is there that all harmful microorganisms gather, which, when a suitable environment is created, can begin to actively multiply and actually turn the purifier into a source of infection.

Air disinfection is most often confused with air purification. It represents the destruction of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms, and, perhaps, this function should be considered separately. Air disinfection is most relevant in the field of medicine, but it can also be very useful in everyday life. Even the highest quality home air filter can capture harmful microorganisms, but does not destroy them. In modern air cleaners, two methods of air disinfection are most often used:

  • Photocatalytic filter with UV lamp. Photocatalysis and UV radiation have been used together for a long time, allowing you to solve two problems at once - unpleasant odors and the destruction of microorganisms. Unfortunately, the age of this technology has also become its main problem - now many viruses and bacteria are already resistant to UV radiation, and such radiation itself is not always safe for humans. We have already considered UV lamps and their scope in detail in another article, now it makes no sense to retell the whole history of this issue. If you are using an air purifier with a UV lamp, follow the instructions for use carefully.
  • inactivation of microorganisms. Modern technology, which deprives all pathogens of the ability to reproduce, inactivating them with ozone produced inside the device. Thus, the purifier and air decontaminator complement each other: HEPA filters trap pests, and the decontamination system immediately inactivates them, leaving the air purifier itself sterile. At the same time, filters are provided for the decomposition of the ozone created in the device, so that additional ozonation does not occur in the room. Now inactivation is implemented only in a few models, for example, in the air Tion, but we believe that the future belongs to this technology and soon it will be used to protect your health in every home.

Also, if we talk about multifunctional gadgets with air purification, we cannot fail to mention. These devices provide a constant supply of fresh air with closed windows, cleaning it in three levels of filtration - protection from coarse dust, thorough cleaning of the smallest harmful particles and allergens with a HEPA filter of at least H11 class, retention of molecules of harmful gases and unpleasant odors. In addition, the breather heats the air to the selected temperature and automatically maintains it. The most advanced models are connected to the MagicAir smart microclimate system and automatically regulate the supply of fresh air in the house. In addition, there are models with a recirculation mode, in which there is a quiet cleaning and heating of the air that is already in the room, that is, one device immediately performs the functions
