Right choice and service air purifiers from tobacco smoke significantly reduces the concentration of smoke in casinos, restaurants, bars, smoking rooms and other public areas. To clean the atmosphere of the room from the smell of tobacco, carbon filters are installed in the devices that absorb volatile gases. Electrostatic filters installed in apparatus for removing soot from atmospheric gas.

Modern household design smoke air cleaner provides for the installation effective photo catalytic filter. The principle of operation of the filter is to oxidize odors, organic compounds, toxic impurities and decompose them under the action of ultraviolet radiation into neutral components of clean air.

Given that the size of the destroyed particles is negligible (up to 0.001 µm), the device with a photocatalytic filter does not pollute the device itself. Ultraviolet radiation in such devices removes up to 90% of the smell of tobacco combustion products in 1-2 minutes.

Design smoke air cleaner provides for the intake of raw gas from one side of the device, and clean air is released into the room from the other side. Thus, there is no mixing of streams of different concentrations of tobacco smoke, which achieves a high quality of purification.

Tobacco smoke purifiers effectively remove the smell of tobacco, but do not remove the smoke itself from the breathing gas in the room. This means that in order to remove the smoke, an exhaust ventilation is necessary.

The air from the exhaust of a restaurant or cafe that goes into a residential area can cause complaints from neighbors and fines from inspection bodies. If the duct cannot be brought above the roof ridge or on the facade, then the only way to avoid claims is to achieve effective cleaning exhaust air from odors, smoke, soot, burning and grease.

To do this, the ventilation of the restaurant kitchen is equipped with the Tion complex air purification system. It is located immediately after the spark arrester and grease trap and removes smoke and odors from hot shops, barbecues, grills and other sources. This allows you to equate the air from the restaurant kitchen exhaust to domestic emissions and remove it at the level of the first floor without causing inconvenience to people living or working in the neighborhood (in accordance with SanPiN, p. 4.6).

  • To clean the exhaust air of all types of stoves (except for wood-burning and barbecues), Tion Ext duct air cleaners are used (capacity from 400 to 27,500 m3/h).
  • For extract air cleaning wood stoves and braziers are designed channel air cleaners Tion Ext Advanced (capacity from 2000 to 6000 m3/h).
  • For premises where the concentration of pollutants removed is very high, an additional unit for cleaning the restaurant air from gases and odors Tion Ext-El is installed.

Air purification from smoke and odors in the restaurant hall

Restaurants, cafes, canteens and other establishments Catering often face the problem of food and smoke odors that are felt in the hall. To improve the quality of service and customer loyalty, it is necessary to properly organize smoke cleaning and ventilation in the dining area of ​​the restaurant.

The Tion Ext restaurant air purifier solves the problem of removing smoke and odors efficiently and cost-effectively. Thanks to a unique multi-stage cleaning system with smoke filters, the Tion Ext duct air purifier eliminates all types of pollution.

Tion Ext air purification equipment is placed in the restaurant ventilation system in two ways. It can be installed both in the supply branch and in the recirculation branch after the supply chamber.

Compact air purifiers for the restaurant hall

Air purification from odors and smoke in the restaurant hall can be organized with the help of Tion Clever compact autonomous air purifiers.

This perfect solution for those cases when the ventilation system of the restaurant does not provide for the possibility of integrating odor and smoke traps into it.

And if smoke filters are already placed in the ventilation of a cafe or restaurant, then compact air purifiers will enhance their efficiency and increase the air exchange rate. This will create a comfortable environment and attract visitors.

A biofilter is a fixed bed reactor with a biological effect for purifying air or water. Its main purpose is to filter gaseous impurities and substances dissolved in the substance to be purified, and not solid particles.

The idea to purify the exhaust air in a biological way originated in the seventies of the twentieth century, but was first put into practice only in 1980 thanks to intensive research by scientists. Based on the microbiological method, a few years later the concept of a modular plant with the possibility of universal use was developed.

The oxygenate is closed and poorly ventilated. When ozone is converted to oxygen, it allows you to breathe cleaner air. Rooms Sleeping accommodations in a virus-free, hygienic and odor-free environment help residents feel more comfortable and safe. Ozone not only keeps the user safe from infections, but also feels very satisfied. In addition to respiratory allergies, eczema-causing dermatitis should also be considered. Although dust mites, pollen, fungi, etc. impossible to completely eliminate in any environment, ozone can be brought to acceptable levels for allergy sufferers.

Biofiltration is a relatively simple and economical process for cleaning exhaust air containing VOCs and odors. At the same time, microorganisms decompose harmful and odorous substances into harmless products such as carbon dioxide and water. Biofilters are mainly used for air purification. For specific cases, biological wastewater treatment is also possible, based on a similar principle.

In addition, when a resident suffers from infectious disease or incontinence, “mattresses and pillows are burned; but ozonation allows reuse under optimal hygiene conditions, avoiding the replacement of these items, which are always much more expensive,” explains Inez.

Therefore, they are centers of infection by diseases. When using ozone, make sure you breathe clean air that is free of odors and germs. Prices In general, ozonated water cleaning eliminates the use of chemicals in cleaning and maintenance procedures, and ensures a high level of sanitation. These ozonated water treatment systems can save time, cut costs and protect the environment.

Biological exhaust air treatment uses microorganisms to remove harmful substances from the air through microbiological degradation. Various microorganisms, such as bacteria or fungi, act as degraders.

The whole process boils down to the following: microorganisms convert harmful substances with the help of oxygen into carbon dioxide and water, which means that we are talking about the reaction of the decay of matter.

For example, use in laundries is an effective alternative that reduces hot water consumption, reduces washing time, saves detergent, increases whiteness and increases the life of clothes. This system can be installed in small washing machines as well as large washing tunnels. Simply put, the ozone gas must be transferred to the water.

According to the World Health Organization, food hygiene includes all necessary measures to ensure the sanitary safety of food, the preservation of all other qualities that are their own, with special attention to the nutritional content.

This reaction can proceed only when harmful substances pass from the gaseous state to the liquid state, since water constitutes the living space of microorganisms. That is why the transition of harmful substances into a liquid state is the most important factor in all biological methods. Only those microorganisms survive that can best adapt to the prevailing conditions and to the nutrient base. In this case, we are always talking about a mixture of various heterotrophic species that use harmful substances in the air as a source of carbon and energy.

Microorganisms are present in the environment and in all living things. Pollution food products comes from any of these sources, and processing and distribution operations provide new opportunities for contamination. To prevent food contamination, it is important that kitchens maintain not only proper cleaning conditions, but also hygienic hygiene. IN cold rooms where fruits and vegetables are stored, ozone quickly eliminates possible microbial contamination, which means longer storage times in the chambers.

Types and methods of operation of biofilters

There are different types of biofilters depending on the way they are used and the area of ​​application. For example:

  • flat sleeve,
  • container type,
  • for wells,
  • storey,
  • cellular,
  • tower.

But in all types of devices, the exhaust air passes through some kind of filter material.

As for industrial fume hoods, although they have some filtration and containment of condensed vapors, oils and greases, the resulting air is very imperfect in all aspects. In addition, micro-contaminations that form inside the outlet channels can be very high. Each ozone can also successfully fight against it, Ynes manifests.

In addition, as explained by the 21 Ozone Manager, other types of odors come from kitchens that contribute to the indoor air pollution of the centers: cooking, roasting, etc. Ozone perfectly controls these emissions, and if the appliance is placed in the entrance exits of the kitchens, an ozone curtain is created that prevents odors from entering the residence, and also leaves food directly in the premises. Ozone, in addition to eliminating odors produced by the food industry, guarantees its complete safety and helps to maintain the best taste and texture for consumption, says Rodriguez-Rosello.

In some cases, an air-washing chamber is located in front of the biofilter, in which the gas acquires a relative humidity of almost 100%. This should prevent the material from drying out. In addition, if necessary, solid particles are removed from the gas in the air-washing chamber. Saturated with water vapor and cleaned of dust, the raw gas enters directly into the biofilter, which contains the filter material. Thanks to additional irrigation, it always remains moist. This is where microorganisms live. When passing through the filter layer, the substances in the composition of the exhaust air are sorbed on the surface of the material, thus becoming a nutrient base for the bacteria living here.

Ozone against chlorine and bleach. While chlorine is the most widely used method, "chlorine is a toxic halogen gas that causes serious health damage if exposed to significant amounts in its pure state." Meanwhile, ozone is a gas that ends up dissociating and returning to be oxygen without causing any harm, insists Rodriguez-Rosello. And, most importantly, chlorine has an unpleasant odor in the face of ozone, "which is colorless and tasteless."

Finally, this expert points out that chlorine needs a warehouse to store the product, but ozone does not, since it is a generator. As for bleach, Ozone 21 is a toxic agent that is highly corrosive and can cause burns or irritation to the skin, eyes, and respiratory system. It can cause serious health problems if swallowed and should never be mixed with ammonia as the fumes they give off are very harmful. Ozone has none of these problems, and their disinfectant power is much greater than that of lye.

In order to guarantee a high microbial activity in the filter, the optimal conditions for the life of microorganisms must be observed: pH level, humidity, temperature and a regular supply of nutrients. Practice shows that microbial mixed populations developing in biofilters are very hardy, if the above conditions are observed.

In addition, ozone is more effective, safer and non-aggressive with fabric fibers. Installation of ozone generators. The size of ozone generators and their installation depend on the intended use. For a specific dosage in a room or for shock treatment, we can use a portable device or separate ozone generators. the benefits it creates "is not an expensive product and represents more of an investment than maintenance costs."

In the same vein, José Juan Rodriguez-Rosello points out that Ozone 21 recommends the most suitable ozone generator and installation for each application. For example, in bathrooms, rooms and common rooms can be installed in a false ceiling, as it only requires electric outlet. But there are also mobile phones that do not require installation. Meanwhile, water models are easy to place on a faucet and, depending on their use, may or may not need electricity.

Filter material

Certain requirements are also imposed on the filter material.

It should have a large specific surface and, at the same time, a comfortable breeding zone for microorganisms, which:

  • retains moisture well
  • allows only a slight pressure drop during the passage of gas,
  • independently regulates fluctuations in the pH value,
  • ensures uniform passage through the filter layer,
  • has a low decay rate.

In addition, microorganisms must be supplied with inorganic nutrients and trace elements. The following materials can be used as a filter layer:

In terms of cost, Rodriguez-Rosello notes that the use of ozone improves the quality of life for both residents and their families and workers. In addition, all people will have more health that Ozone 21 not only sells devices, but also rents them at a lower price and includes the use of ozone generators. installation, report on the measurement of ozone in the places where it is installed, supervision and replacement of devices with others in perfect condition once a year.

Did you know that ozone is used for cleaning and that it is a better disinfectant than chlorine and bleach? If you are looking for an alternative cleaning technique and are truly respectful of the environment, then ozone cleaning is the way to go. Ozone has hygienic and deodorizing properties. Ozonation may be your best bet after painting your home or doing work. Continue reading and find out all the properties, uses and benefits of ozone cleaning.

  • Compost from wood or trash
  • Heather, brushwood or coir
  • Peat products
  • Paper granulate

Additionally, for loosening, add inert materials such as expanded clay, styrofoam or polystyrene. At the same time, the filter layer is not only a carrier for microorganisms, but also a supplier nutrients.

What is ozone and why is it needed?

Ozone is a molecule made up of three oxygen atoms. In its natural state, ozone is a slightly bluish gas with a pleasant smell. Although ozone molecules are in the air, they do not serve as a disinfectant. To achieve this function, we will need ozone generators, also known as ozone generators.

When these molecules come into contact with particles that cause infections or stench, they are removed and converted into oxygen. Ozone applied to media or surfaces that are stained or that give bad smell, have numerous advantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of biofiltration

During the operation of the biofilter, the main problem is to prevent drying or excessive moisture of the filter layer, and, consequently, ensuring uniform passage of polluted air through it.

This can be achieved primarily by encapsulation of biofilters. The disadvantages of these devices include the following:

Ozone disinfection is very effective as it eliminates bacteria, germs, fungi and other microorganisms. These molecules are also able to stop unpleasant odors caused even by fish. . Ozone disinfects and leaves well. However, it does not affect the material on which it is applied. That is, it leaves the surface as new and does not change its fire retardant or acoustic insulating properties.

Disinfectant effects of ozone

Professional Ozone Cleaning Services

  • Ozone acts against each of them and destroys them.
  • In addition, it slows down their growth and prevents them from appearing again.
  • virucidal effect.
The uses of ozone are innumerable in terms of purification.
  • large footprint
  • energy costs for boosting pressure
  • the need for additional irrigation

However, compared to other methods, such as air ionization with ionizing tubes, a permanent biological cleaning process is more advantageous due to CO2 savings and numerous economic aspects (average acquisition costs, long service life, average production costs).

Office cleaning with ozone

More and more companies and individuals are discovering the benefits of this gas and deciding to hire an ozone purifier for their facilities. Offices are workplaces that are usually closed so the air you breathe is concentrated. In addition, there are many people who usually go to their post even if they have a little cold. The main problem is that workers use the same printer and touch doorknobs, but they don't always have clean hands. In addition, they cough, sneeze and breathe all the same air.

Technological foundations

The technological basis is essentially biochemical oxidation and at the same time the decomposition and transformation of materials by bacteria, fungi and yeast into harmless and odorless substances.

The prerequisites are that harmful materials water-soluble, biodegradable and non-toxic to microorganisms.

Therefore, there is a high risk of infection between them. The best prevention for the health of all company members is to negotiate good office cleaning services. Daily tasks are very important, but we cannot forget about integral cleaning. Periodically, any office needs carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning or roof cleaning.

Maintaining impeccable ventilation ducts also important for breathing good air quality. An ozone air purifier can be very beneficial for a fresh and fresh environment. The processes that take place there collect a large amount of dirt and bacteria. Each industry has different cleanup needs and while all of this needs to be done strictly, special attention should be given to the food sector.

The rapidly growing population of microorganisms living on the filter layer uses the volatile organic compounds contained in polluted air for their own metabolic processes. Decomposition occurs under aerobic conditions and sufficient oxygen. The latter is ensured by its sufficient content directly in the air. Exhaust air saturated with water vapor must be used because the filter material must be damp.

Areas of application for biofilters

  • Biofilters are used for biological air purification in the following areas:
  • Wastewater treatment plants
  • Solid waste landfills, waste processing plants
  • Surface painting companies using solvents (metal, wood, plastics)
  • Food processing, mushroom farms, smokehouses
  • Oil mills and malting companies
  • Agricultural installations
  • Biogas plants, gas processing from organic waste
  • Cattle farms
  • Feed factories
  • slaughterhouses
  • Sludge dryers
  • Industrial production complexes

Biofiltration to eliminate odor

The main area of ​​application of biological filtration devices is the purification of air from unpleasant odors. The microbiological breakdown of malodorous substances into carbon dioxide and water takes place at ambient temperature, so there is no need for additional energy or additives. Therefore, the production costs of this process are very low. In many areas, biofiltration is becoming an integral part of the technical equipment of production.

In Europe, thousands of biofiltration devices are used to eliminate odors from a wide variety of emission sources. Odor problems are common in the vicinity of sewage treatment plants, landfills, foundries, breweries, food processing plants, animal housing, waste processing plants, agricultural operations and slaughterhouses. Biofiltration is the cheapest and most reliable method for the destruction unpleasant odors- the degree of its effectiveness reaches 99%.

Biofilters for sewer wells

Biofilters for wells are installed directly under the splash guard in the well shaft, thereby preventing strong odors from escaping from the sewer. They contain an integrated mudguard and a filter layer (a mixture of peat and a composite for microorganisms). The water coming from the surface is directed to the suction socket under the sludge collector and is discharged through the waste pipe. The rubber seal prevents uncleaned air from escaping. Modern filters no longer prevent air seepage. Modern paper-based filters do not require additional maintenance and function from 5 to 6 years without constant monitoring and care. Their efficiency is about 99%.


Designed to effectively eliminate unpleasant odors from municipal or industrial sewers.


Microorganisms in the biofilter neutralize unpleasant odors before they go outside.


HDPE (High Density Poly-Ethylene) and stainless steel construction ensures durability (~7 years)

Container type biofilters

The main purpose of biofiltration is the contact of microorganisms with contaminants contained in the air stream. The filtration material constituting the soil for growing microorganisms is placed inside the biofilter. During the biofiltration process, a stream of polluted air enters the biofilter, where the absorption process takes place through the filter material. In the effect of decomposition, metabolic intermediates appear in the form of CO2 and H2O.


  • There is no waste requiring special treatment.
  • Pollution is decomposed into neutral compounds such as: H2O, CO2 and biomass.
  • The biomass is stored inside the apparatus and after a certain period of time it is composted together with the filter material.
  • Properly designed biofilters require virtually no maintenance.
  • Exceptionally low cost of investment as well as low operating costs compared to traditional air purification methods.

Exhaust Air Requirements

The most important prerequisites for the functioning of biofilters are:

  • Compliance with a favorable temperature regime (+5°C - +55°C).
  • Irrigation of the filter layer to prevent it from drying out.
  • Preventing the formation of cracks and cracks in the filter layer.
  • The substances to be purified must be water soluble.
  • Substances to be purified must be biodegradable.
  • Regular supply of nutrients to the habitat of microorganisms.


H.C. Flemming and J. Wingender (2010). Nature Reviews Microbiology.

Joseph S. Devinny, Marc A. Deshusses and Todd S. Webster (1999). Biofiltration for Air Pollution Control.

Hermann Bubinger, Hans-Gerd Schwinning (1992). Grundlagen und Anwendungsbeispiele der Biofiltertechnologie.

Andreas Oberhammer (1997). Verfahren zur gleichmäßigen Befeuchtung ener Filtermasse

Air purification from dust at the enterprises of the meat industry is carried out in accordance with technological and environmental requirements.

Self-cleaning oil filters are used to clean the supply and recirculation air in air conditioners. Air purification in supply ventilation systems is carried out in cell oil filters.

Purification of supply air from dust is provided for workshops (departments) of raw materials, stuffing, machine, semi-finished products and packaged meat, as well as varnishing workshops for tin and can production.

Dust in the meat industry is emitted during the preparation of feed, crushing and sifting fodder flour, during the preparation of dumplings (sifting flour, etc. operations), as well as in the shops (departments) for receiving poultry. The emitted dust is mainly of organic origin, some of its types (flour, fodder) are capable of forming explosive mixtures with air.

Purification of air removed by local exhausts from meat and bone, mixed fodder, grain and other dust before being released into the atmosphere

should be produced in efficient cyclones, and if necessary - in bag filters, up to an acceptable residual dust concentration.

When using air for recirculation, two-stage cleaning is mandatory. In the departments for the production of bone meal from dried bone, two-stage air purification from bone dust should be carried out: stage I - battery cyclones, stage II - cyclones with a water film or cyclones-washers (see Chapter 6).

Emission into the atmosphere of air removed by general ventilation systems from the premises of shops (departments) of technical and fodder products, skin canning and raw materials, varnishing and lithographic shops of tin and can production, machine and hardware departments of ammonia refrigeration plants, as well as removed by local exhausts from equipment (boilers , roasting and gas ovens, drying chambers, sterilizers, baths for various purposes, vacuum apparatuses, paraffiners, etc.), it is allowed to provide without cleaning.

Elimination of unpleasant odors, purification of air from microorganisms considered in Chap. 6. For meat industry enterprises, these issues have special meaning, since the products that are processed and stored at the enterprises of the industry are a very favorable environment for the development of microflora and the occurrence of unpleasant odors. The number of microorganisms in the air of such premises can reach 10 5 or more units per 1 m 3

Residents living near the meat industry often complain about the unpleasant smell emanating from these enterprises. This happens especially often in the summer and with a certain wind direction. *

The destruction of microorganisms is achieved by ozonation, irradiation with bactericidal lamps, the creation of an increased content of carbon dioxide in closed rooms (chambers), and air ionization. The method of eliminating unpleasant odors is air filtration through a layer of activated carbon. Usually, special cartridges with a perforated surface filled with coal are used for these purposes.

To remove gases - carriers of unpleasant odors, as well as microorganisms, regular ventilation of the premises with outside air during the cold season is used. A good effect is given by general ventilation and air removal with the help of local suctions.

The way to combat microorganisms is to treat the surface of building structures with bleach, which should be carried out in the absence of people and products.

As a result of the decomposition of ozone - a triatomic oxygen molecule - monatomic oxygen is released, which has a high chemical activity. It reacts intensively with odor carriers, as a result of which the odor disappears, and oxidizes microorganisms, suppressing their vital activity. As a result of treatment with ozone with an air concentration of 40 mg/m 3 for 3-12 hours a day, 60-100% of microorganisms die in 5 days. Recommended concentrations of ozone: in storage rooms for meat products - 1-2 mg/m 3 , in storage rooms for eggs - 1.5-3 mg/m 3 , to remove odor in rooms - 5-10 mg/m 3 .

Almost complete purification of air from microorganisms is provided by fine filters with FP fabric (see Chapter 6). It is also possible to use other filters, in which, for example, methylene green is used for bactericidal action.

To suppress the development of microorganisms, carbon dioxide is supplied to the air of the meat storage chambers. Its recommended concentration is 10% at 0 °C.

To destroy or suppress microorganisms, ultraviolet irradiation is used with the help of special bactericidal lamps filled with mercury vapor. Lamps are installed in air ducts and directly in the premises.

Bactericidal lamps with a power of 0.15 W are placed at a distance of 600 - 800 mm. As a result of turning on the lamps for 30 minutes, 95.3% of microorganisms in the upper part of the room and 78.5% in the lower part are destroyed.

As a result of ultraviolet irradiation, air conditions improve, which leads to an increase in the shelf life of products. When bactericidal lamps are turned on in the storage room for sausages for 6 hours a day at an air temperature of 16 C, relative humidity of 85%, the quality of boiled sausages is preserved up to 6 days, semi-smoked - up to 25 days.

Air ionization leads to the deposition of microorganisms from the air onto building structures. In combination with the treatment of these structures with bactericidal solutions (for example, bleach), this method gives good results.

Everyone has heard about the new trend - odor filters in 3D printers, to completely or partially remove smelly by-products of printing. They are also incorrectly called HEPA filters - this is more than wrong. HEPA filters are used to remove dust.

I suspect that every handyman has a spare cooler for his computer lying around, or even two. Standard 120mm and 12 volt fans.

Alright, let's move on to the filtering part. The smell is filtered by only one component - activated carbon. Apply different kind carbon filters made of fabric or plastic in a small case 120x120 - low efficiency. Therefore, we need Activated carbon in granules or lumpy (there are small pieces). It is sold in pet stores for aquariums and has recently been actively sold as a filter element for ..... moonshine. Lump for moonshine is what we need - cheaper and more efficient.

To prevent coal dust from being carried around the entire body of the printer, a breathable bag is needed. Non-woven synthetic wipes from the department household chemicals or auto products are perfect. The bag can be both sewn and glued at the seams. After the final assembly of the filter, vacuum to remove the carbon micro-dust.

And lastly, the body.

Open the picture with the dimensions of the cooler.

True, all we need from it is the points for attaching the cooler to the filter housing. And the body will look something like this:

Just don't forget to finish the top cover. Or, at worst, seal it with tape after complete assembly.

You are big boys. We read about Compass3D, Solidworks, T-Flex and other CAD. Forward - even a child piles this building.

The only reminder of nutrition is that our cooler is 12 volts. You can only connect it to a 12 volt power supply. If you have 24 volts - either through DC-DC step down, or two coolers in series. Yes, and the case can be developed immediately for two.

I bow for sim. The model is ready already, but untested. There are not enough hours in the day.

Happy printing everyone.

A good air purifier is a useful purchase for a home where allergy sufferers, children, and the elderly live. It is very important to choose a device that will last for many years, be effective and comfortable to use.

Criteria for choosing a good air purifier

Maximum air exchange

It is known that with effective operation, the device must pass through itself the air in the room 2-3 times in 1 hour. Therefore, calculate the volume of the room (in cubic meters) and multiply this number by three, and then compare the result with the parameters of different air purifiers.

Used filters

There are several types of filters: electrostatic, ozonating, photocatalytic, water, carbon, HEPA filters. Each has its pros and cons. Qualitative models are characterized by the presence of several filters at once, i.e. multi-stage cleaning.

Ease of maintenance

You need to take into account 2 points:

  • the time you are willing to spend caring for the device. If an electrostatic filter requires washing no more than once a week, and a photocatalytic filter - once every six months, then air washers need daily attention (change and addition of water);
  • the presence of replaceable blocks in the design, the cost and frequency of their replacement.

Additional functions

These are indicators, displays, backlights, timers, aromatization, UV lamps, etc. The most important of the "bonus" features, which is worth paying for, is the possibility of controlled humidification.

Air purifiers-humidifiers

Air wash

Washers both humidify and purify the air from dust and other contaminants. An important advantage of these devices is that they do not need to buy Consumables. Humidification and air purification is carried out without the use of replaceable filters.
For cleaning, the air is driven either through a system of discs moistened with water, or through a fan-driven water curtain.
This is another advantage of air washes - the water evaporates naturally, and the humidity in the room cannot rise above a comfortable 60%. The disadvantages of these devices include noise and decent dimensions.

Climatic complexes for air purification and humidification

Multifunctional devices that combine three separate devices in a single housing: a full-fledged air purifier, a humidifier with traditional "cold" evaporation and an ionizer.

Advantages of climatic complexes:

  • The presence of an intelligent control system for air quality and relative humidity, which allows you to use the device in automatic mode;
  • High degree of air purification with or without humidification (unlike classic air washer).


  • The need for periodic replacement of "dry" and (or) humidifying filters.
