Attachments: from 715,000 rubles

Payback: from 5 months

Today there are many industries where office chairs are made. However, not everyone can boast of the reliability and quality of products. Therefore, the opening of an enterprise for the manufacture of high-quality office chairs with the right tactics and strategy, it can bring income to a novice entrepreneur.

business concept

When designing an office, attention is paid to right choice chairs not only for the senior management of the company, but also for the staff. One of main characteristics products - quality and convenience, because some employees have to spend 8 hours a day at their desks. The office chair got its name precisely because of its compliance with these requirements.

It is planned to open an enterprise for the production of office chairs. The main buyers will be individuals, acquiring furniture for personal use, as well as firms engaged in bulk purchases for equipping offices.

The production of any chair begins with the development of design. It must be modern fashion trends. At the same time, you should not stop at one option, you need to develop a line of products. Then the buyer will be able to choose a product that fits the interior.

At the next stage, the materials that will be used in the manufacture are selected. Usually, natural wood, metal is suitable for the production of high-quality furniture, extremely rarely - high-quality plastic. Here they are determined with fittings, accessories.

One more stage production process- assembly of the frame base, installation of mechanisms by which the height will be adjusted, the back of the chair will be lowered or raised.

Then the back and seat are stuffed with soft materials, the frame is sheathed with fabric. It can be natural or artificial leather, suede, cotton, tight knitwear, etc.

After the chair is ready, it is sent to check the reliability and quality. Only after that they are packed and transferred to a warehouse for storage or immediately delivered to the buyer.

What is required for implementation?

The opening of any business requires the preparation of a competent plan, which reflects all aspects of the activity, from the amount of the initial investment, ending with ongoing promotional activities, the estimated net profit, payback periods.

You also need to find and rent suitable premises, purchase equipment, and recruit staff.

To produce high-quality products, you should purchase the appropriate equipment. Especially when the company has just opened. Often, novice entrepreneurs purchase used equipment in order to save money, missing the point that modern machines will not only allow them to master new technologies, but also increase productivity. This is due to the fact that most of these devices operate in automatic mode, so you do not need to hire a lot of staff. It is enough to involve several people in the work, who will supply the material, regulate the operation of the machine.

For the production of chairs, you will need edge banding machines, machines for cutting metal blanks, copy-milling machines, overlocks, sewing machines.

Step by step start instructions

  1. Registration. Since not only individuals, but also enterprises will buy ready-made chairs, it is necessary to register the activity by choosing the status of “limited liability company”. Then it will turn out to work with clients by bank transfer. OKVED select 36.11 "Manufacture of chairs and other seating furniture." It is also necessary to obtain permits from the fire authorities and SES. Quality certificates will be required for manufactured products. GOST, which regulates this direction - 19917-93 “Furniture for sitting and lying. Specifications".
  2. room. For the production of armchairs, it is necessary to rent a room with an area of ​​at least 110 m², divide it into zones: production workshop; warehouse of finished products, materials; administrative staff offices. A mandatory requirement is the availability of a transport entrance for loading finished products and unloading materials. Monthly rent will be approximately 80,000 rubles.
  3. Equipment and materials. From the equipment you will need (approximate cost is indicated in rubles): a machine for drilling holes - 40,000; formatting machine - 150,000; compressor - 18,000; pneumatic equipment - 20,000; metal cutting equipment - 25,000; Bulgarian - 12,000; welding equipment - 20,000; equipment for grinding and polishing metal blanks - 15,000. Total 300,000 rubles. As for accessories, you need to purchase accessories (handles, wheels, etc.), lifting mechanisms. You will also have to purchase high quality metal, fabric for sheathing the frame, stuffing material (polyurethane foam or foam rubber). The total cost of components and materials will be approximately 300,000 rubles.
  4. Staff. Due to the fact that the equipment will be used high-tech, it is necessary to select appropriate personnel. Employees must be able to handle such equipment, as well as quickly assemble furniture from finished parts. It will not be superfluous for everyone to undergo preliminary training. Also, the company will need loaders, packers, a marketer, an accountant.
  5. Advertising. The main advertising sources will be the Internet, various furniture guides, leaflets, notes in newspapers and magazines. If an organization makes a bulk purchase, you can provide a discount for it. For example, every 20 seats are free or with 50% savings. Own website is a powerful source of information about the company and its activities. Even despite the fact that a significant amount of money will have to be invested in the resource, its effectiveness will be noticeable after 1-2 months.

Financial calculations

Start-up capital

Monthly expenses

How much can you earn?

The cost of an office chair will depend on the type of materials used in the production, model and other characteristics of the finished product. For example, the price of middle-class seats varies from 3,000 to 15,000 rubles or more. Even if the company sells 100 chairs every month at 5,000 rubles per unit, it will reach a monthly revenue of 500,000 rubles. Accordingly, net profit minus operating expenses will be approximately 98,000 rubles.

Payback periods

The payback of such a business will be from 5 to 8 months. This is an excellent indicator for the production of this scale.

Business Features

The main difficulty that an aspiring office chair manufacturer may face is finding reliable material suppliers. And if there should be no problems with frame components, then it will not be easy to find not only a responsible, but also a profitable supplier of natural fabrics.

At the very beginning of activity, it is necessary to focus on strengthening the position of the company in the market of a particular locality. This will require the most profitable presentation of products for customers. Therefore, advertising is one of the most important areas with the help of which it will be possible to realize the goals. This will allow to achieve success in the production of office chairs.


Despite the competition in this type of activity, high-quality production of goods will undoubtedly bear fruit. The main thing is to correctly approach the implementation of a business project and take into account all the subtleties of the case.

The technology for the production of chairs directly depends on their design, since, for example, unlike upholstered chairs, their carpentry counterparts do not have a seat frame in their design. But they have such design solutions as: inserting a panel-panel into quarters selected directly in the sides or into alternative cover the drawers with a slope of 30 0, followed by fastening from below by means of bosses on glue or screws. Machine tools for the production of chairs, and in particular joinery, involve the use of solid wood as a raw material, hardwood. This is due to the high level of hardness of this material.

In order to maximally facilitate the procedure for manufacturing chairs in a production environment, all their joining elements are equipped with special plates, and the design of the seats with overhangs. In addition, the main differences in the production of upholstered and carpentry chairs is the inclusion of additional technological procedures for furniture upholstery used for the production upholstered furniture. The procedure consists in laying a layer of flooring material of the required thickness on a solid furniture base, followed by covering it with decorative, upholstery material. For better upholstery in the arrangement of upholstered chairs, plywood seat elements are replaced with more flexible bases made by means of rubber bands or serpentine springs attached to the base of the drawer.

Machines for the production of chairs

To organize your own and, importantly, a profitable enterprise, you need machines for the production of chairs of various modifications, which should be chosen with great care, not forgetting that the following types of equipment are required to carry out this type of activity:

- Tenoning machine , the main purpose of which is the manufacture of spikes oval or round shape at various angles of inclination. This unit has a capacity of more than 700 spikes / hour, as well as such advantages as: manufacturing accuracy, the ability to work with material of any length with a low noise level and a high level of operator safety. At the same time, tenoning machines for the production of chairs have the ability to stop the production process at any time.

— Copy-milling machine . These machines for the production of chairs are designed to perform such procedures as: profiling and milling pattern on wooden surfaces, and also production of show-windows. To perform this procedure, a set of templates is required, through which the necessary image is made. This machine, as well as its previous colleague, has all the above technical specifications at the highest level.

— Drilling and grooving machine designed for the manufacture of inclined and straight grooves, as well as recesses of a cylindrical shape and other types of furniture. Part of the group of machines for the production of chairs, this unit has such technical characteristics as: the ability to work with the oscillation turned off, its smooth adjustment by means of a vibrator and quick reconfiguration in case of changes in the parameters of the manufactured groove.

– Grinding and polishing machine designed for polishing the surface of the finished chair, as well as, if necessary, its subsequent cleaning and cosmetic polishing. Such equipment is available only to an industrial enterprise, do not try to find options for "home use".

The process of manufacturing chairs on the machine, video:

There is a fairly large number different types furniture, but the absolute leaders among them are tables and chairs. They are in almost every residential and non-residential premises. Without them, it is impossible to imagine the activities of any organization, so organizing a small production of tables and chairs is a very profitable business.

Business idea: Production of tables and chairs

Best of all, small firms develop in the furniture production market, the number of employees of which is from 4 to 15 people, they make good money on small orders and are not competitors to large manufacturers.

If you want to organize production, then first you need to find a room. The workshop should be large (150m2).

Then you need to register a legal entity. The next step is to buy equipment. To make tables and chairs from wood, you will need a woodworking machine and tools. If this is the production of tables with a metal base, then the following is needed: a drilling (organize small production) machine, a compressor, pneumatic equipment, a saw for metal, drills 2 pcs., "Bulgarians" 2 pcs., a welding machine, pistols. In the future, machines can be used in production, five pieces will be enough. The minimum number of employees in such an enterprise is five people.

By the way, it will not be superfluous if you can invest part of the money in other assets. After all, in case of an unforeseen situation, diversification will only be to your advantage!

If you decide to make furniture with your own hands, then you have enough small room and a set of the following tools: a saw, drills, screwdrivers, pliers, a hacksaw, a planer, a regular and tape-shaped ruler, a drill.

It is advisable that you have a power saw and an electric drill. Having a spacious, stable vise table will make it easier for you to make individual small parts. You can buy a tree, or get it yourself in the nearest suburban planting.

The production process is not complicated. The dimensions of a table or chair can be taken from a similar object and the design repeated. After the material for the base and legs is selected, it must be processed, cut to the desired size, fastened with screws, special glue and painted.

Finished products can be immediately sold to stores, or advertised in the media. good master always busy with work, which means that the business he is engaged in will be profitable.

A business plan is an analysis of the main aspects of a future enterprise. In this paper, we consider the production of tables and chairs.

So, let's begin:
1. Service - production of tables and chairs, you can add other wood products, shelves, frames, boards and much more to the load, working on orders.
2. Material, that is, you can buy a tree, if you have a car, you can get it yourself in the nearest suburban planting.
3. Decoration legal entity , you will need an entrepreneurial license, that is, register yourself as a private entrepreneur.
4. Room you can rent, or use your own garage or some other room, if available.
5. Equipment first you need a minimum: a woodworking machine and tools.
6. Workers will be needed when large orders appear, but in the beginning it is quite possible to cope on your own.
7. Competitors there is always, but high-quality products at affordable prices for the population, this is a weapon in the fight against them.
8. Capital, you can get a loan, which I don’t really advise you to do, analyze the necessary costs for material, equipment and rent to start, it’s enough, huge investments are not required.
9. Prospects for this business plan- is to open your own store or factory, organize a network.
10. Clientele will appear, since there is always a need for tables, chairs, because people don’t like standing very much.

When creating a project for the production of tables and chairs, you first need to find a suitable room, at least two. For the administration of the office, the workshop, respectively, for the masters.

The best option is when the office and production area are nearby. If you organize a store selling ready-made tables and chairs indoors, it will be very convenient.
Further, according to the business plan - the acquisition of equipment and additional calculation programs for production and accounting.

Today, for the production of tables and chairs, there are a large number of machines, programs for modeling and furniture manufacturing. To start production, you need to find a minimum of tools and machines.

Recruitment: a consultant who takes orders, a designer with experience in working with production programs, a consultant and a designer can be one person, this is both profitable and convenient. To work in production, specialists are needed who are able to work with machines in the processing of materials. The store needs a salesperson.

This business plan considers the sale of finished products: selling tables and chairs in your own store, fulfilling orders on order, selling through furniture stores.
Estimated expenses: rent of premises (500,000 rubles per year); equipment (from 200,000 - 1 million rubles); materials (300,000 rubles per year); salary (from 1.2 million rubles per year). Total: 2.3 million - 3.6 million rubles in year.

Income: sales of products (400,000 rubles per month). Total: 4.8 million rubles in year.
These calculations show that the estimated payback period is about six months. You should not lose sight of the fact that the real numbers will be visible from how well organized production is.

Also on our website you can study business plans for other activities.

Here are the basic nuances needed in the process of writing your business plan.

The production of metal furniture for private use and commercial activities as a type of business will always be in demand. Unlike wooden chairs, metal products last almost forever and do not require any maintenance or repair. Therefore, the production of chairs can be considered a niche that in any case will find its client.

Manufacturing technology

What are the components of the chair frame? This is a kind of strictly thought-out set of straight and bent pipe parts that are welded together. That is, for the most part, the process of manufacturing chairs is working with profile material:

  1. Cutting blanks to size;
  2. Pipe bending to the desired angle;
  3. Welding work.

After completing the main stages of work, the frame is painted and the chair cushion is fixed on it. Thus, if these three stages of production are set up correctly, a fairly large number of chairs can be produced per unit of time.

Equipment selection

The production of chairs is impossible without reliable tools for cutting metal and welding machine. However, depending on the level production shop you can use the simplest types of equipment of this type. In particular, in the production of chairs, manual sawing of blanks and manual welding are usually used, since there are quite a few touch points in the frame of the chair.

In addition, automated welding involves making a long weld, and this technology is not relevant in the manufacture of chairs.

Therefore, on initial stage the formation of your business, it is quite possible to get by with the simplest devices for cutting and welding - this will in no way affect the quality of the products.

Working with a pipe bender

A mass manufacturer of metal chairs has long adopted professional pipe bending equipment. Thanks to the wide capabilities of such machines, it is possible to quickly and accurately bend pipes without damaging even the thinnest-walled products.

Pipe benders are designed to perform operations on bending pipe segments to the desired angle without deformation and cracking in the metal.

Manual mandrel pipe benders in this business are most in demand due to their productivity and low cost. In addition, even at the initial stage of developing a business for the production of chairs, it is recommended to use a special pipe bender, since it is almost impossible to manually bend the pipe with high quality.

Cansa Makina machines

The Turkish manufacturer of pipe bending equipment Cansa Makina is considered the world leader in the manufacture of modern machines for the needs of production. The pipe benders presented on our website are characterized by a number of competitive advantages:

  • High build quality;
  • Reliability in work and unpretentiousness in service;
  • Affordable cost;
  • Factory warranty.

The production of chairs using such equipment can be considered professional, since bending operations can be carried out even by low-skilled personnel without compromising the final quality of each product.

Our company offers convenient system calculations and prompt delivery of equipment to anywhere in Russia. All models shown on the site are in stock.
