To increase space, as well as simply for aesthetic purposes on interior partitions remove door blocks. During the redevelopment of the apartment, most often they equip a free passage between the hallway and the hall. No less popular is an opening without a door, which combines the kitchen with the living room. The expansion of space occurs due to getting rid of the dead zone reserved for opening the sash. However, redevelopment creates new problem associated with the design of a doorway without a door, which is sometimes difficult for the owner to solve.

In the house, not every opening can be left without a door. The open passage of the bathroom or pantry will look ridiculous. The secluded area is considered to be the kitchen, bedroom and office, but there is an exception to the rule for these rooms. To organize intimacy, the openings are finished with curtains, sliding screens and other similar devices. As a result, a visual illusion of separation of rooms is created, while the space remains without a dead zone.

Open passages emphasize the integrity of the living space. All openings are made the same shape and decorate with material similar in structure to form a single ensemble.

They get rid of the door leaf when making an opening between the kitchen and the living room, or when one of these rooms is connected to the hallway. However, it is desirable to provide visual separation at least with curtains.

If a gas stove is installed in the kitchen, for safety reasons the room will have to be fenced off with at least a sliding system.

Free passage is arranged when combining a hall or kitchen with a balcony. The process involves the simultaneous removal of the door and window frames. If an office or a small bedroom is set up on the balcony, the rooms are separated by curtains or a screen.

When it's not about fencing off the kitchen with gas stove, often the passage is decorated with shelves. Curly flowers, figurines and other elements are placed on decorative shelving.

Getting rid of the door not only expands the space. Air circulates freely through open passages. Even in a small apartment in the summer it becomes fresher.

When making an opening, doors are not required in the following cases:

  • A modern solution for redevelopment is an interior portal that allows you to save the rectangular shape of the opening. Without a door, the passage becomes freer, and the decoration of massive decorative elements gives aesthetics.

  • Arched passages are popular. In an apartment with high ceilings, they prefer the classics, equipping the opening with a semicircular configuration. For a building with low ceilings, it is desirable to visually raise the walls with an elliptical arch.

  • The door block is abandoned by owners who like irregularly configured aisles. When decorating, asymmetric arches, triangles, trapeziums are in demand. A rectangular portal looks beautiful, the corners of which are rounded at different radii. The only negative is the limitation of the passage size. It will not work to make an opening if its width is less than 80 cm.

Doors are abandoned when decorating the passage with a bar counter, stained glass elements, and mosaic fragments. Often such techniques are appropriate for studio apartments.

Advantages and disadvantages

If you compare a beautifully designed open opening with a door block, you will be able to identify a number of advantages:

  • The integrity of the space of the combined rooms is created. The apartment becomes free, bright, while maintaining the functionality of each zone. The kitchen remains the kitchen, the living room remains the living room.
  • When framing the doorway, materials that do not require complex maintenance are used. The absence of a sash eliminates the loosening of the box, the formation of a dead zone.
  • Without a door leaf, the opening can be given an original configuration that allows you to emphasize the style of the interior of the entire room.
  • Making an interior portal even with the most expensive materials will turn out to be more cost-effective than installing a high-quality door block.

The disadvantage of an open passage is the impossibility of using it for and a pantry. With any type of design, a passage without a door is not able to provide the intimacy of a specific purpose area.

Free ventilation through open openings will bring great inconvenience when combining the kitchen with living rooms. Smells during cooking, along with fat vapors, will spread throughout the apartment.


You can design the opening while maintaining the original configuration or modify the passage. Often the shape of the structure depends on the materials used for finishing. An important role is played by the skill of the master.

Of all types of doorways, the simplest option is the classic rectangular shape. To assemble such a structure is within the power of an inexperienced person. To design the opening, the entire door block is removed along with the frame. The ends of the walls along the contour are trimmed decorative cladding. If it is difficult to dismantle the boat, only one leaf can be removed. Sheathe the remaining elements of the frame with MDF or plastic. The disadvantage of this method is the narrowing of the doorway due to the remaining elements of the box.

In the case of arched openings choice of forms huge:

  • Considered a classic semicircular arch. The transition is suitable for combining any rooms. If the apartment has low ceilings, it is better to refuse a semicircular arch or expand the passage.

  • arches trapezoidal forms are easier to manufacture, suitable for apartments with low ceilings, often installed when combining a kitchen with a living space. However, designers rarely use a trapezoid due to its association with the shape of ritual accessories.

  • Fans of unusual configurations prefer triangular arches. The design has many subspecies, more suitable for spacious rooms with high ceilings.

Modern apartments are increasingly equipped with doorways asymmetric forms. The design is easier to make from drywall. For decoration use LED backlight, equip niches, shelves and other decorative elements. Asymmetric designs allow you to hide large defects in the passage and the interior partition itself.

How to decorate a doorway?

When making an opening without a door, almost any material used for wall decoration is suitable. A budget option is a drywall construction, followed by painting or wallpapering. It is optimal to choose a GKL in the manufacture of an asymmetric device. Plastic or MDF will be cheap.

Of the more expensive materials for decorating the doorway, artificial stone, tile, and precious woods are used. The pinnacle of art is the decoration of the passage with stucco.

When choosing the option of finishing a doorway without a door, one must take into account the style of the entire room. The design should harmoniously fit the passage into the interior, and not highlight it as a separate design.

The portal in the apartment is equipped with two types: full - with a top and side elements, two-sided - only side faces without a top. Similarly, they provide for the installation of a threshold and platbands or refuse these elements.

Installation of slopes and plasterboard arches

If you decide to arrange a doorway without a door with your own hands in the form of an arch, it is better to use drywall for decoration. Sheets are inexpensive, easy to cut and install. In the manufacture of the arch, a frame is assembled from a galvanized profile. The structures give the shape of the future opening. The frame is sheathed with fragments cut from GKL sheets. Fixation takes place with self-tapping screws. The finished arch is treated with a primer, a perforated corner is glued, puttied, and after drying it is sanded.

If there is no desire to build an arch, the slopes are simply lined with drywall. To further refine the doorway, water-based paint is used or wallpaper is glued.

How to trim a doorway with stone?

The decoration of the portal with a decorative stone looks stylish. The material is made of natural crumbs with the addition of coloring pigments and polymers. When framing an opening, they rarely adhere to even boundaries. Most often, preference is given to torn edges. To aesthetically decorate the doorway inside the room, use a stone with a small, almost smooth relief pattern. Elements with a deep texture create a bulky design. They are used for finishing openings. entrance doors from the side of the street.

Decorative stone cuts well, but for corners it is better to use ready-made corner elements. Installation is carried out with an adhesive solution for tiles or liquid nails.

Finishing with dobors and platbands

Simply and tastefully, it will turn out to finish the rectangular doorway and made in the form of planks. Elements are made of wood, MDF or plastic. The latter look less aesthetically pleasing.

From MDF there are ordinary ones, with an edge at the end and telescopic ones. In the first version, the edge of the plank is without a decorative coating. Joints need to be tight. Edge trims have a finished look. The end is sealed decorative film and in case of flaws, the joints look presentable.

They produce flat, rounded and other shapes. Wooden planks can be decorated with carvings. Installation of elements is carried out on glue, nails or self-tapping screws. Telescopic architraves are fixed with a lock to a pre-fixed bar.

Finishing the interior opening MDF

MDF panels will turn out to be a beautiful and inexpensive finish of the portal, only platbands are still selected from a similar material. The disadvantage of facing is the fear of dampness. It is better not to use MDF for decorating the passage connecting the kitchen with the living room. If above the oven is organized good system hoods, then dampness does not threaten the material.

To sheathe an MDF doorway, first construct a frame from wooden slats. The panels are cut to size and fixed with special metal clips. Planks are connected to each other lock connection"thorn-groove".

MDF panels without locks are planted on adhesive solutions. The frame is not built. For gluing the planks, a perfectly flat surface is prepared. The joints are closed with a decorative strip, and the edges of the passage are framed with platbands.

Decorating a doorway with plastic

The principle of ennobling the opening with plastic is reminiscent of finishing with MDF panels. Only the material is different. PVC plastic panels are fixed to the frame with fastening clips or glued. The frame is completed by a trim made of a similar material, attached to the guide bar.

PVC panels trim doorway rectangular, semicircular and other configurations. Ready-made kits for lining arches are sold in stores, you just need to choose the product according to the size of the passage.

Advantages of polyurethane stucco

Gypsum stucco is rarely used because of its fragility and heavy weight. If the apartment has high ceilings, and a Venetian or other similar style is chosen for decoration, then the decoration of doorways is carried out with polyurethane elements. The material is not fragile, light, can be painted.

For the installation of such stucco, a flat, durable surface is prepared. Pre-treatment with a deep penetration primer. The elements are fixed with an adhesive mixture. After the glue has hardened, the joints are puttied and then sanded with sandpaper.

wood finish

Lovers of natural materials prefer a wooden portal lined with trims and platbands. When making a door portal with your own hands, you can even use cheap pine wood. After good grinding, processing protective impregnations and varnishing, the material will be difficult to distinguish from valuable wood. You can decorate the wooden portal of the doorway with a carved ornament.

The elements are being installed on the frame. First, flat planks are fixed to the slopes, then trims are installed. The facing of the doorway is fixed with self-tapping screws. Hats are recessed in drilled secret holes, and rubbed with putty on top. I glue the platbands, fix them with nails or self-tapping screws.

curtain decoration

A simple option to decorate doorways without a door is to hang curtains. The whole process consists in fixing the cornice over the passage. Curtains will hide the opening without a door from the field of view, divert attention, do not clutter up the space. The main requirement is not to use curtains with horizontal opening. They will become an obstacle in the free passage. It is optimal to use curtains for doorways with vertical closing. When open, the curtains are tied to the wall.

If you make every effort, decorating a free interior passage will turn out better than a door block. If expensive materials are used, it is advisable to take the advice of specialists so that the costs are not in vain.

Starting repairs in their own apartment, the owners try to use all possible design techniques to increase the space of small rooms. To this end, many refuse to install interior doors, thus combining several rooms together. This solution allows you to expand the boundaries of the room and make it more spacious. But how to arrange a doorway without a door, so that it becomes a real decoration of the interior, we will consider in our article.

Opening design options

So, if you decide to refresh your interior by opening, then first we recommend that you decide on its future shape. It can remain rectangular, acquire the shape of an arch, or acquire additional corners. In any case, the design of the interior passage should fit well into the interior of both rooms. That is why you should not immediately go to the store for finishing materials, which in the end will become completely useless.

In order to successfully arrange a doorway without a door with your own hands, first of all, you should sketch out a sketch of the future design. Consider the most popular ways to design passages between adjacent rooms.

Openings in the form of a portal

This is the most popular and the simplest design that can be done. with my own hands. In this case, the entrance retains a rectangular shape, but is complemented by a more massive finish with a variety of decorative elements.

Usually, to arrange such an opening, it is necessary to remove, dismantle the box and remove all structural elements former door. The resulting passage is leveled and finished with selected materials. Rectangular openings are suitable for both small and large rooms, while their design style is most often strict and restrained.


Doorways-arches most often have a classic shape. In this design option, the arch arch is made in the form of a semicircle, the radius of which is equal to half the width of the passage itself. Oval openings are quite popular and easy to perform. However, before choosing this option, pay attention to the height of the ceilings in your apartment. In rooms where the height of the walls does not exceed two meters, it is strongly not recommended to make a rounded opening, as it will visually lower the ceiling even more.

Here it is better to give preference to an arch in the form of an ellipse. This option is optimal for rooms with low ceilings, as the special shape of the vault allows you to visually increase the height of the walls.

Openings of irregular shapes

If simple forms do not satisfy the needs of the hosts, you can experiment and create more difficult option. Since there are no strict rules in modern interior design, the shape of the passage can be the most unusual and even slightly bizarre.

Often in the form of a trapezoid, triangle, semicircle and various asymmetric configurations, with oblique slopes to one side. A combination of several figures is also possible. For example, when a rectangular portal is complemented by rounded corners of various radii. This design is used only in cases where the width of the doorway is more than 80 cm.

Often in modern design projects you can see unusual openings, equipped with spotlights, side shelves or bar counters. This approach not only decorates the room, but also makes the passage between the rooms a functional element of the interior.

Designs decorated with colored glass, stained glass or mosaic fragments deserve special attention. It is very difficult to perform such a design on your own, therefore, in most cases, this work is entrusted to professionals. It should be noted that complex and figured arches can only be installed in cases where the width of the doorway is greater than the standard one. Most often, this design is used in studio apartments. In small and low rooms, it is better to give preference to a strict classical style.

After you have clearly decided on what shape your passage will be, you can proceed to its decoration and the choice of decorating elements. Let's start with the choice of material.

Design options

Thinking about how to decorate a doorway without a door, study all possible options finishes and choose the one that best suits your interior.

Today, the following materials are actively used for these purposes:

Decorative rock;


Decorative plaster;


What each material is and how it can be used to design a doorway, we will consider in more detail.


The most noble and spectacular is the finish with the participation of natural wood. The most valuable woods such as ash, oak, mahogany and hornbeam can be used here.

These types are presentable and durable, but too difficult to process and have a high price tag. That is why pine products are the most popular today. It has an acceptable cost, is quite durable, has a beautiful structure and, most importantly, can be easily processed with hand tools.

Such arches are sold in the form of finished products, which can only be installed in the right place.

As an alternative to natural wood, you can use MDF panels. They are lightweight, affordable price and a wide range of colors.

Plastic panels

Plastic trim refers to economical options for decorating openings. The material is quite easy to work with, as it does not require preliminary preparation of the base and is attached to ordinary liquid nails.

Despite their simplicity, plastic panels look very presentable. They emphasize the severity of the interior and create a contrast in the opening area against the background of the walls adjacent to it. This design is also convenient because the plastic is resistant to moisture, which means it can be used near the kitchen. Anyone can finish with plastic, because even if any mistakes are made, the damaged element can be easily replaced.


If you are wondering how to beautifully decorate a doorway without a door, pay attention to polyurethane decor. This is a fairly dense, but at the same time flexible material, which is used to create an imitation of heavy and expensive gypsum stucco. This design looks very attractive, while it is much cheaper than tiles and decorative stone.

Polyurethane stucco is attached with a special adhesive to a wide variety of surfaces. The light weight of the material allows it to be used even on drywall constructions. Initially, decorative elements have White color, but subsequently can be painted in any shade.

With the help of this material, the doorway can be decorated with rounded or square columns, expanding upwards. If the room small size or massive elements simply do not fit into its design, you can decorate the walls with more elegant moldings from the same material.

Fake diamond

Decorative stone is distinguished by its ability to bring sophistication to the interior and emphasize the high wealth and good taste of the owner. Today in the construction market you can find a lot of varieties of this finishing material, differing in color and texture. Of course, such a finish cannot be called economical, but these costs are justified, because artificial stone in the interior always looks luxurious.

Decorating a doorway with a decorative stone will require a lot of effort, but the result is always impressive. In most cases, they are lined not only with the passage, but also with part of the walls adjacent to it. It can be used both symmetrically and asymmetrical design. If the doorways are located close to each other, they can be decorated in the same style. A smoothly transitional cladding from one opening to another looks spectacular.

If you decide to use artificial stone in the interior of your apartment, pay attention to the weight of the material you have chosen. Some types can greatly weight the doorway, which makes it impossible to use them on plasterboard structures. In this case, it is better to give preference to gypsum options.

How to make stone trim yourself?

1. First you need to prepare the walls. If there are large irregularities on the surface of the base, they are eliminated with putty.

2. Next, proceed to kneading the glue. If light options were chosen for facing the opening, they are attached to ordinary liquid nails. Heavier varieties, like clinker tiles, are fixed to a mortar of cement, glue, lime and sand.

3. Facing the opening starts from the lowest section of the wall. The product is set according to the level, smeared with glue and pressed tightly against the wall. If you do not want to additionally seal the stone joints in the corner parts of the opening, the material must be overlapped. The brick of the first row is placed close to the opening, and the element of the next row is shifted inward, at a distance equal to the thickness of the finishing material. Thus, alternating rows, the design of the opening is performed.


If in the near future your plans do not include apartment renovation, but you really want to bring fresh notes to the interior, be smart - hang curtains on the doorway. This move will simultaneously decorate and, if necessary, hide the passage between the rooms.

Fabric curtains look good on openings of absolutely any geometry. The main thing - pay special attention to the choice of colors and textures, so that they harmoniously fit into the interior of the room. Otherwise, there are no restrictions. can be weighty with lambrequins, drapery, or discreet and light.

If the interior of the apartment is decorated in oriental style, here will come in handy Products made of natural wood with a variety of sticks and beads will be an excellent decoration for the doorway. This option is also attractive because it does not accumulate dust in itself and does not interfere with air circulation between rooms.

When choosing curtains for a doorway, pay attention to the thread options. They are presented on the market in the form of fabric cords, which are complemented by various glass, shells and stones. Textiles can cover the entire passage or be used as its frame.

This design method is attractive in that it can be easily done with your own hands, and the affordable cost and variety of options allow you to change the design of the interior opening at least every year.

Decorative plaster

Another easy way to decorate a doorway without a door is to decorate decorative plaster. It is suitable for those owners who wish to do the work with their own hands, since this process does not cause any particular difficulties even for inexperienced craftsmen. This design It is considered quite durable and unpretentious in care. The dried surface can be easily painted in desired color, thanks to which the opening will successfully fit into any interior.

Before applying the solution, the base is leveled and the caps of the fasteners are masked. Next, the opening is treated with a primer, after which they begin to apply the decorating composition. With the help of special rollers and stamps, the solution is given the desired relief. After the plaster has dried, it is painted with coloring compositions or covered with finishing solutions.


As you can see, there are many ideas on how to design a doorway without a door. When choosing the right style, you can seek help from specialists, or you can create your own and unique design project. The main thing is that all the materials used in the interior are harmoniously combined with each other. Only in this case you will be able to create an original and attractive design style for the doorway. We hope that the information you read was useful to you, and the photos posted in this article helped you with your choice. the best option design of the passage between the rooms.

Every owner of an apartment or a country cottage dreams that it would be cozy, comfortable and beautiful inside. Now there is everything and even more to create original interior solutions - modern Construction Materials, Newest technologies, a huge number of design ideas. However, in addition to finishing the ceiling, walls and floor, doorways also play an important role - they visually divide the premises among themselves and are an important part of the interior. Framing will help complement the interior design and get unique and interesting effects. There are various technologies and materials for this - consider the most popular and unusual solutions.

Selection of the shape of the opening

The doorway is considered a very important detail in modern interior. Its task is not just to divide the room into several zones. A properly designed opening also performs an aesthetic function. Its forms can be very different, and the choice of material for decoration depends on them.

Generally speaking, there are openings with or without a door. There are also open arches. In the case of doors, part decorative finishes should go directly to them. In the case of the arch, designers recommend drawing attention to it as much as possible. There are other forms of openings - these are standard rectangular, ovals, rounded rectangles.

About the choice of materials

How to choose the right frame and materials for the doorway? Let's give some examples. Stucco can be applied to any shape, but MDF panels are no longer so versatile, and they are best used with classic rectangular openings.

With the help of stone - both natural and artificial. Also, designers recommend taking a closer look at textile materials. With their help, you can evenly and very beautifully cover the entire opening. It is recommended to select facing materials not only based on the forms - it is necessary to take into account other elements of the interior. The opening dividing the rooms can be processed on the one hand using a specific technology and material, and on the other hand, completely different solutions can be used. In the case of narrow openings, they are sometimes expanded. If such a decision is made, all the nuances must be taken into account.

For large, wide passages, an oval shape with smooth lines is relevant. Framing doorways of such a plan can be made very interesting using unusual materials in the decoration.

Finishing methods

It will not be difficult to make everything beautiful - the modern construction market offers a lot finishing materials. Construction technologies make it possible to apply original and interesting solutions. Very unusually decorate the passage with curtains. This is a very cheap solution that can look beautiful and stylish, and at the same time be practical. The curtain can be removed, washed and changed at any time. Another a budget option- wallpaper that was used on the walls of the rooms. This is also a good solution. And no matter what type modern wallpaper selected - such a frame for the doorway will be very beautiful.

stucco work

Passages between rooms are often found in apartments and houses, reminiscent of openings in Venetian palaces. This is stucco. The ancestors of modern mankind used such technologies for decorating passageways, however, this method is still very popular today. Previously, gypsum was used for this, but today no one uses this material. Polyurethane took its place.

Framing doorways made of polyurethane comes down to buying ready-made elements in a building supermarket and gluing them to the wall of the opening - various elements are offered for every taste and in any style that allow you to create absolutely any pattern. But with polyurethane stucco, accuracy is needed - it is not for every room. If there is a doorway framed using this technology, then all other interior solutions should be in the same style. Otherwise, decorative patterns will stand out from the whole picture.

For small rooms, designers recommend using elements with a small relief - details with large molding will make the opening visually heavier. Polyurethane elements are produced in a standard white color, but you can repaint them as you like in the color of walls or ceilings. To create an exclusive design, sometimes you have to order a set of parts - you need to take this into account. For the installation of these products, glue or alabaster is used. It is recommended to pay special attention to the joints. They are rubbed with alabaster.

stone finish

Framing a doorway with stone is very popular, although this is a rather expensive solution that requires experience and certain skills. This finish will give the opening not only a beautiful appearance. The stone will increase the life of the wall.

Designers advise to make the upper masonry a little wider when decorating rectangular openings with stone to give more naturalness. To select the type of masonry, it is necessary to perform in compliance with the curvature. Passages without doors are trimmed on both sides.

With a minimum number of stones, the finish can be combined with other interior elements. Framing doorways with decorative stone is great for large rooms, rooms with a small amount of furniture. Also, this method is used when it is necessary to remove defects on the walls. You can use two types of stones - natural and artificial. Natural stone is all natural rocks. Artificial - made from natural materials. Visually, it is no different from natural. Among the advantages of artificial stone, the neutrality of this material is distinguished - it does not affect the microclimate in any way. You can also highlight the low weight of artificial products, incombustibility, resistance to moisture, resistance to damage.

Basic rules for stone finishing

Decorative framing of the doorway using this material is performed according to certain rules. Only in this way the result will be of high quality. The opening must be finished as evenly as possible - this applies to the entire surface of the wall.

Places near the opening and in the lower part can be highlighted using more massive stones. The top itself should not be weighted. Stone laying is performed, taking into account the curvature of the edges of the opening. Strictly monitor the tile seams, the elements are arranged symmetrically. Only then will such a frame of the doorway look as natural as possible.

Laying process

Everything is relatively simple here. First, natural stone must be selected in size or purchased ready-made stone tiles. If necessary, the dimensions can be adjusted with a grinder. Then a special mesh is attached to the wall, on which glue is applied. Next, the stones are laid. At the end of the work, the seams must be leveled and cleaned. The total drying time of the adhesive is about 48 hours.

Corner decoration - a budget decision

Framing a doorway with a corner is used when it is necessary to protect the corners after wallpapering or plastering, as well as just for decoration. Of course, it will not look particularly original, but it is an inexpensive and practical solution.

There are several types of corners. They are sorted by profile - it can be L or F shaped, T-shaped is also used. A corner with an unequal section is also used, which is intended for doorways. The dimensions of this element are 5x17 mm, 10x20 mm, 15x25 mm. Such corners are much easier to mount, they have sufficient flexibility. Attach these elements to a special glue.

As you can see, there are many ways to finish doorways. This diversity makes it possible original solutions and implement the most daring design ideas for beauty and comfort in the house.

Door structures take up extra space and are expensive. Maybe we should give them up and not spend any square meters, no extra money? In order not to lose the design due to the lack of a door, you can make a decorative frame for the opening.

Upgrading with additions

Easy to dismantle door leafs and it will not be possible to leave the opening in this form. The hinges and the box won't look pretty. Therefore, the opening will have to be revetted or redone so that it pleases the eye.

Obsolete doors can be simply removed

For this, supplements are perfect. Installing wooden extensions on the opening instead of the door will allow you to leave the old frame. It is not necessary to dismantle it too, if it does not interfere with lining the opening and sits firmly.

If the box is already worn out and staggers, then it is better to remove it and use other boards, wider. The dimensions of the board depend on the thickness of the wall, but we note that it is better to use a solid board for the opening wall. The principle is the same as in the manufacture of the frame. Vertical boards are cut to a board thickness less than the height of the opening in order to assemble a new additional frame.

Additional boards

It happens that the opening is not quite even. You can not make additions without checking the level of the walls. If there are irregularities, then the structure is leveled with wedges. After leveling the boards with wooden wedges, gaps are formed between them and the wall of the opening, which fill mounting foam and leave to dry.

Mounting foam and gaps will be closed with a decorative strip. If there are no gaps between the wall and the extensions, then the extensions themselves play the role of a decorative strip. If old frame not dismantled, the extensions are attached directly to it with self-tapping screws. The hole and the cap from the screws will have to be hidden in some way, which is not always possible. You can use dowels and close them with wooden plugs.

Attention! H so that the attachment points of the extensions to the frame are not visible, you can use small stud fasteners that are recessed into the thickness of the board. Such fasteners are not striking, but to work with them, you will need a special tool.

The installation of additional elements is similar to the installation of a leveling frame. After using them to get even slopes, you can easily veneer them. top coat. The main thing when cutting pieces from facing material- precision and calmness.

It is not always possible to achieve even cuts with a hacksaw, so it is better to arm yourself miter saw. This tool is also useful if you want to veneer the opening with stucco molding.

stucco work

Another way to ennoble a doorway is to use stucco. It is difficult to imagine what it is by its name, but ideas may arise in your head that it is molded by hand, and these are the right thoughts. This technology was used a long time ago by the Venetian rich, who decorated their palaces and houses with plaster. This method of decorating the interior, popular in the past, is still used today. A method, yes, but not a method. Gypsum is no longer used by anyone for these purposes.

Polyurethane molding

Brought it out of use technological material - polyurethane. And the decoration itself is no longer done by hand. The stores sell finished products made of polyurethane, which are attached to the wall of the opening. Choice of patterns, sizes and colors great, but the white trim remains the true leader.

Stucco molding is a kind of decor element that needs to be combined with interior design. Most often, this finish is used in classic styles.

If you are afraid that the stucco will attract too much attention, use products with a small relief. Large drawings and complex patterns make the decor heavier, they are designed for spacious rooms.

Arch decorated with stucco


There is another way to decorate openings - corners. The plastered surface has an unpleasant feature - to crumble over time. And the corners of walls and openings remain places subject to mechanical stress, which entails their abrasion and destruction.

Therefore, corners are used to protect and at the same time decorate. Depending on the intended purpose, perforated corners and decorative ones are distinguished. Perforated corners are also called plaster corners, because they are mounted on a convex corner of the opening even before plastering. Perforated corner gives strength to the structure and increases the life of the coating.

Perforated corner will protect structures from destruction

Perforated products are made of galvanized metal. When installed, they can be given any shape, bent to the desired radius, which allows them to be used to strengthen the arched structure. The perforated parts are attached to the self-tapping screws. After that, they are puttied, plastered, covered with paint or other facing material.

Decorative profiles do not have a direct purpose to ensure the strength of the coating, this is a kind of bonus for this decor element. Decorative elements are attached to PVC glue or liquid nails. Decorative corners are made of wood or plastic.

Wooden profiles are suitable for a small list of styles - classic or country. The wood is easy to set with glue, it is easy to maintain and clean. But there is one feature - a rigidly defined shape of the product. When a person makes an arch with his own hands, it is more than likely that he will get not a standard, but a unique arch, with its own radius, arc length and other characteristic values. Therefore, wooden products are used only if it is possible to choose the corners of the desired size and shape.

Plastic corners are more common. They are matte or glossy different shades, often imitate wood. White products are more popular, it suits any interior.

Plastic beveled corners

What are the benefits of using plastic products? Plastic can be given any shape with little effort, change the arc angle by 3-4 degrees without the risk of damaging the structure. Plastic decor elements are easily attached. Liquid nails or mounting glue are suitable for this. Note that the use of plastic products to frame the opening will help protect the walls from abrasion and destruction.

It is impossible to glue plastic corners on top of the wallpaper, such fastening is unreliable. Therefore, you will have to prepare the surface in advance and remove excess sections of wallpaper. To do this, measure the width of the profile, subtract 3-5 millimeters from it. Cutting a strip of the same width is not entirely advisable, because flaws may occur in the process. Somewhere cut off a little less or more. If the wallpaper goes slightly under the strip, the decor will be more aesthetic.

Then the surface is cleaned of dust and dirt, after which a thin layer of glue is applied to the surface of the corner. It is applied to the surface of the wall, and then removed. The glue will not grab immediately, you need to wait 5 minutes, then attach the corner again and fix it in this position with masking tape.

When framing an arched structure, you will need to bend the plastic angle by a certain degree. A building hair dryer will help with this. Under a stream of hot air, the plastic corner will heat up, and it will be possible to bend it without damage.

Important! Do not use open flame to bend the plastic corner.

The framing of the opening performs two important functions. This is an interior decoration designed to emphasize the contours and lines of the opening and, instead, additional protection of the opening from mechanical influences.

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Having decided to get rid of traditional doors, you cannot avoid the question, how can you arrange the resulting arch? In this article we will look at how beautifully without doors using various materials on one's own.

Why do opening openings?

  1. In some buildings, open doorways are part of the bearing wall. It cannot be removed, it remains only to decorate or turn it into a built-in wardrobe or niche.
  2. Also, open doorways are made to visually unite several rooms: a kitchen and a hall, an office and a bedroom, a living room and an entrance hall.
  3. In rooms with a free layout, such openings divide the territory into functional zones.

In addition, open doorways visually increase the space, they do not need to be looked after like traditional doors, they can be interestingly decorated, given original form. But this option is unacceptable for those who want to retire from everyone.

Form of door niches

  • Rectangular. This design needs mandatory finishing, installation of platbands and framing. It can be finished with wooden or plastic panels with similar platbands, decorated with stucco or decorative stone.

  • Arched structure. It can have a rounded, trapezoidal, ellipsoidal arch, etc. Such an opening visually expands the space, so it is beneficial to make it in narrow rooms. In principle, with the help of drywall it is possible.

Advice! When planning to decorate an archway, avoid "heavy" and "bulky" cladding methods (stucco or stone with large patterns).

  • Arch imitation. In appearance, it is similar to an arch, but is made from semicircular finished segments that can be bought at any store. They are fixed in the corners of the niche and decorate in any way.

How to select an arched opening

Finishing interior openings done to get attention. There are a few design solutions to help highlight the arch:

Advice! If you want the entrance opening to look unusual and original, give it an unusual shape with drywall: ellipsoid, slope to one side, figured entrance with shelves, etc.

How to divert attention from the doorway

There are situations when it is necessary to visually hide the doorway. To do this, you can resort to some tricks:

  1. It will help to make the entrance “invisible” drywall without additional finishing, i.e. painted white. Many hang a cornice with curtains over such an opening, decorated with bright patterns and interesting prints that will distract attention to themselves.
  2. Wicker frame in the form of lambrequins made of thick threads will also help to merge with the overall interior.

How to trim a doorway with stone

Decorate door arch stone is a great option for:

  1. Large, spacious rooms;
  2. Rooms with a small number of furniture;
  3. If you need to hide any wall defects.

The process of decorating a doorway with a stone is as follows:

  • The surface must be prepared: rid of the old coating, plastered and primed.
  • Markings are made on the wall decorative rock, making the picture larger from below, smaller from above. Then the selected area needs to be primed.
  • Then, a decorative stone is laid out on a flat surface in order to visually see the combination of colors and the intended pattern.
  • Artificial stone is glued to the wall with tile adhesive or liquid nails. You need to start from the bottom corner. If the vertical edge of the opening is laid out with a stone, then it is glued close to the platband.

Advice! To make the masonry look more organic, sharp corners can be sanded with sandpaper.

  • After the glue dries, the decorative stone is varnished or special composition consisting of tinting paste, water and acrylic varnish.
  • At the end, a plinth is glued to the floor, and platbands are installed.

Finishing the interior opening MDF

In appearance, MDF is similar to natural wood. The opening, decorated with MDF boards, looks especially elegant and will suit any style. In addition, they are very easy to install, even a beginner can do it, adhering to the following sequence:

  • IN doorway it is necessary to close up the cracks and chips, and then nail the guide rails along the edge.
  • Next, you need to determine the width of the workpiece, for this, attach the casing to the slope from the outside, the resulting distance will be equal to the width of the slope.
    In this case, it is necessary to take into account the width of the finishing corner along the edge of the casing.

  • Now you can cut the plank for the top slope using a jigsaw. With the help of self-tapping screws, we fasten it to the rails.
  • In the same way, set the side slopes.
  • Further along the perimeter of the opening they glue decorative corners, and then close them with a platband.
  • The gaps between the slopes are sealed with putty to match the color of the tree.

Decorating a doorway with plastic

This is one of the most accessible and inexpensive ways to finish. In addition to the price, its advantages include the variety color solutions and textures, which allows the material to fit into any interior. In addition, plastic is not afraid of mechanical and chemical effects, it is easy to clean. These panels can be installed in two ways:

  1. By analogy with MDF boards, i.e. fasten on wooden frame. However, this way you can easily damage the texture of the plastic.
  2. Provided that the slopes of the opening are even and plastered, the plastic is attached to the base with liquid nails. The ends of the plastic are closed with special plastic corners. They are attached to liquid nails, it is enough to press them to the surface for a couple.

Other design options for arched openings.

stucco work. It can be made of gypsum and polyurethane. The first option is practically not used today, because. such panels are very heavy, difficult to install, and besides, this is a very fragile material, if it falls, it will simply break. Polyurethane does not differ in appearance from gypsum, but it is lighter and glued to any surface using liquid nails.

However, this method of decoration is not very appropriate in small apartments with narrow doorways. Stucco molding made of polyurethane is available in white color, in the future it can be painted with a regular water-based paint in any color.

Drywall. With it, you can give a niche any shape and get a perfectly smooth surface. Drywall is attached to a special metallic profile with the help of self-tapping screws, and the corners are closed with corners. After installation, it is primed and puttied in three layers. Then the opening can be pasted over with wallpaper or painted with paint to match the main walls.

Natural tree. This is the most expensive finishing option. But the result is worth the investment, because. natural wood gives the interior a special chic, comfort and respectability. In addition, it is environmentally friendly, harmless material which does not cause allergies. But you can use cheaper varieties of wood, lacquering it under oak or walnut, while appearance it won't have any effect.

Beautifully decorating a doorway is not such a difficult task. There are many options on how to make it fit into the style of your home and transform the room for the better, just show your imagination, use our tips.

Design of arches in the apartment: photo

How to arrange a doorway: photo
