When starting to design a house, a project estimate will be a separate item. It is not difficult to compile it, knowing how to correctly calculate how much material is required for construction and how much it will turn out in total. Today we will deal with the issue, in the solution of which there are difficulties for beginners who buy lumber. The beam is in demand in the construction of houses, baths or other buildings. But not everyone knows how many timber in a cube. Although it's important. Knowing the formula for calculating the amount of certain materials, you will always buy as much as you need, without running around looking for the missing items, or throwing away the surplus.

All lumber is sold in cubes or running meters. Any purchase requires knowledge, attention, so as not to get into a mess. There are sellers or manufacturers looking to get more value out of selling lumber. The product is sold in cubes, and not everyone will tell you the exact number of timber or boards. Beam and other lumber have a different size range. Therefore, the number of parts in one pack may be different. By applying the formula, you can easily calculate the amount of any lumber in a cube. We take as a basis an element with a section of 100 * 100 and a length of 6 meters. We need to find out how many pieces of timber will be in one cube.

To begin with, we calculate the cubic capacity of one piece of a given size. It is necessary to multiply all the values: 0.1 * 0.1 * 6 = 0.06 m3 in one bar. Now we find out how many such elements are in one cube: A \u003d 1 / 0.06 A \u003d 16.66 pieces. A is the value of the number of parts in one cube. It became known to us that in one cube of lumber with a section of 100 * 100, 6 m long, there are only 16 pieces with a balance of 0.66. General formula may look like this: A \u003d 1 / (a ​​* b * c) where: A - the number of parts of any lumber in a cube; a - the width of the part; c - height or thickness of the part; c is the length of the part. Using such a simple formula, you can find out how many boards, beams, logs, etc. should be in one cube. But sometimes the manufacturer does not produce all parts of the same length. Variations +/- 100 mm possible.

What does it mean? For example, a board or timber instead of the declared 200*200*6000 may be 195*195*6050. This is possible due to the fact that the manufacturer does not align the ends of the blanks to one standard. So it turns out that some boards are of the same size, and some in a pack have a difference. But the whole pack is counted as a cube. In such situations, it is better to do trial measurements of random lumber to be sure of the quality and quantity of the goods. But do not think that all manufacturers or sellers are trying to deceive the customer. Serious companies value reputation, strive for a single standard

Easy to use calculator or spreadsheets

Calculating lumber manually is not always convenient. You can use the calculator for calculating the amount of a particular material or cubic capacity of wood. Our site provides a convenient calculator that will allow you to easily set the necessary calculation parameters and get the desired result. When making a construction estimate, use the calculator on our website so as not to look for a desktop calculator. In electronic form, it is convenient to change any parameter, leaving others unchanged. Then the calculations of the required cubic capacity or quantity in pieces of lumber will not seem difficult, incomprehensible. It's very convenient and fast.

Tables of exact calculations of the number of different lumber

You can use the tables, which indicate the values ​​\u200b\u200bfor boards, timber for various purposes, and areas of application. Find the required column and row of the table, get the exact value. For example, the table shows that a beam 150 * 150 can have different lengths from 2 to 6 meters. The cubic capacity of one part of different lengths will be different, which will affect the amount of timber in one cubic meter. With a length of 2 meters, the cubic capacity of one board of timber will be 0.045 m3, and in 1 m3 there will be 22 solid boards 2 meters long, 14 pieces 3 meters long, 7.5 pieces 6 meters long.

Everything is quite simple. Below is a table of lumber used in construction wooden house, roofs, finishing of rough and finishing floor, ceiling. Please note that lumber can be both a standard size that has a certain price, and non-standard, made to order. The cost of non-standard timber is higher than for standard material. Table of values standard sizes beam No. 1

  • W - beam width;
  • G is the depth of the beam;
  • D is the length of the beam.

Table of values ​​for non-standard dimensions of timber No. 2.

Beam of non-standard size (W*D*D mm)Volume of 1 piece in m3Number of pieces in 1m3
90*90*2000/3000/6000 0,0162/0,0243/0,0486 61,73/41,16/20,58
90*140 0,0252/0,0378/0,0756 39,7/26,46/13,23
90*190 0,0342/0,0513/0,1026 29,24/19,5/9,75
100*250 0,05/0,075/0,15 20/13,34/6,67
100*300 0,06/0,09/0,18 16,67/11,11/5,56
140*140 0,0392/0,0588/0,1176 25,5/17/8,5
140*190 0,0532/0,0798/0,1596 18,8/12,53/6,3
150*250 0,075/0,1125/0,225 13,34/8,9/4,45
150*300 0,09/0,135/0,27 11,11/7,4/3,7
190*190 0,0722/0,1083/0,2166 13,85/9,23/4,6
200*250 0,1/0,15/0,3 10/6,67/3,34
200*300 0,12/0,18/0,36 8,33/5,56/2,8
250*300 0,15/0,225/0,45 6,67/4,45/2,23
300*300 0,18/0,27/0,54 5,56/3,71/1,86

When designing a house from a bar, it is necessary to include in the estimate not only the bar for the box, but also all the additional elements required by lumber:

  • boards;
  • beams;
  • truss system;
  • roof battens.

Knowing the required number of parts for the floor, roof, ceiling, floors, you do not have to hire a machine for each material separately. You can buy everything at once from one seller, perhaps getting a discount. Select the appropriate size to find out how many pieces of boards are in one cube of lumber. Table of consumable lumber values: boards, bars No. 3

Board (W*D*D mm)Volume of 1 piece in m3Number of pieces in 1m3
22*100*6 0,0132 75,8
22*150*6 0,0198 50,5
22*200*6 0,0264 37,9
25*100*6 0,015 66,7
25*150*6 0,0225 44,5
25*200*6 0,03 33,34
32*100*6 0,0192 52
32*150*6 0,0288 34,7
32*200*6 0,0384 26
40*100*6 0,024 41,67
40*150*6 0,036 27,8
40*200*6 0,048 20,8
50*100*6 0,03 33,34
50*150*6 0,045 22,23
50*200*6 0,06 16,67
Floor board
36*106*6 0,0229 43,7
36*136*6 0,0294 34
45*136*6 0,0375 26,7
40*40*3 0,0048 208,3
50*50*3 0,006 166,7
40*80*3 0,0096 104,16
50*50*3 0,0075 133,4

Thus, the tables help to correctly calculate the amount of lumber needed for the construction of a wooden house. A person who has information cannot be deceived even by a cunning seller. But knowing the formula presented at the beginning of the article, you can calculate how many boards of timber in one cubic meter at the place of purchase of goods.

What else affects the amount of timber and other lumber?

Do not forget about the properties of wood when counting necessary materials for building a house. Any tree dries out over time or gains moisture. Depends on the storage conditions of the lumber. When buying or calculating a bar of natural moisture, it is necessary to lay an additional number of boards. The beam may dry out during preparation for construction. Then there will not be enough material for the planned frame, floor, roof. The number of elements will not change, and the size of the parts may change significantly in depth and height. The length usually does not change with wood.

In order not to be mistaken at the time of design, take a bar with a margin of 4-5 pieces, or buy dry lumber, its volume will not change much. The volume of glued laminated timber, the production of which involves the use of only dried lamellas, is practically unchanged. But each timber must be calculated not only in piece quantity, but also in volume. When ordering a machine to deliver material to the site, you need to know the volume so that the machine is not too small for delivery.

Calculating the volume of goods is easy, knowing the mathematical formula or using the calculator on the site. V \u003d (A * B * C) * K, where V is the total volume; A - the height of one part; B - the width of one part; C - the length of one part; K is the number of parts. For example, you need to find out how much the volume of 30 pieces of timber 200 * 200 * 3000 mm will be. We translate each parameter into a meter. V \u003d (0.2 * 0.2 * 3) * 30 V \u003d 3.6 m3. For delivery, you will need a car with a side length of at least 3 meters and a van volume of 3.6 m3. For the rest of the product, it is also easy to calculate the total volume, add to the volume of the timber. If the boards are 6 meters long, they are not supposed to be sawn, the length of the side should be no less than the length of the product. A protrusion of long bars with an identification mark is allowed.

How much does lumber weigh in grams?

An equally important indicator is how much a beam or board weighs. This is necessary to calculate the foundation of a wooden house. Any log, board, beam put pressure on the foundation. If the weight of the future box with all the supporting elements, furniture, people, etc. is calculated incorrectly, there will be a risk of destruction of the foundation of the house. This will lead to serious consequences. Many construction companies, offering ready-made house kits or lumber for construction, themselves calculate the load of a wooden structure on the foundation. But you can do all the calculations yourself, having a piece of paper, a pen, a calculator and the exact values ​​​​of the material properties at hand.

The weight of the wood changes. It depends on the influence of the environment, the growing area, the type of tree and processing technology. Wood of natural moisture is an order of magnitude heavier than dry timber or boards. But the tree shrinks, leading to a decrease in the load on the base of the house, to a decrease in the dimensions of the building. It is more profitable to buy dry lumber, it weighs less, but its price will be higher than the natural moisture content. Most often, timber is made from coniferous wood, less often from larch, cedar. Each tree has its own density, weight. Most high density larch - about 700 kg / m3; spruce and pine 460 and 530 kg/m3. These are average figures. It all depends on the growing conditions of the tree. Knowing the density of the timber, it is easy to calculate how much the box weighs by multiplying the density by the volume of the entire material for the walls, and multiplying the figure by 2. For example, for a box of a house made of timber, 20 m3 of lumber is required. We are building a house from pine, the density of which is 530 g / m3. (20 * 530) * 2 \u003d 21,200 kg - the weight of the structure pressing on the foundation. If the house has four walls, one wall has a weight of 5300 kg, which is important when calculating the foundation. (coefficient = 2 - additional mass of the house, residents without bearing walls; walls are calculated by the total weight of the lumber along the perimeter).

So, we found out several important numerical values ​​\u200b\u200bof the timber and other lumber used in construction. Using our recommendations, having studied the tables, or using the calculator for calculating the amount of timber, you can independently calculate the required amount of material and its weight on the foundation. Knowing the formulas, you can save on the services of designers, not be deceived by sellers. After reviewing information about the prices of timber or boards from different manufacturers, you can compile a financial report on construction costs. Lumber is sold at a price per cubic meter or running meter. You can pay only for the amount of material that was calculated initially, and not overpaying for waste. Share the information received with your friends who are planning to start construction, so that they know how many beams are in a cube, how much one beam or board costs. Here is a table of average prices for timber.

Be careful when choosing building material. Knowing simple things will save the budget, not make unnecessary movements.

Buying materials by eye is nonsense, and no self-respecting owner will do this. In order to competently draw up an estimate and estimate how much the construction or overhaul, you need to determine how much this or that product will be needed. It is more difficult with boards - they are not sold by the piece, but are released (as well as stored) in batches, the volume of which is expressed in m³. But the number of pieces, as a rule, is “tied” to the covered area, that is, to m². Let's figure out how to determine how many boards will be in one cube.

Why boards exactly 4 and 6 meters? The calculation method given below does not change for any length. The fact is that the indicated parameters are the most “running”. Manufacturers are guided by the dimensions of platforms and freight cars, so it is more profitable for them to supply boards with a length of 6 m. But the buyer is more interested in boards of four meters in length, since a truck with an extended body is enough to transport them.

To transport 6 meter boards, you need a road train; This means that the cost of delivering lumber to the site will increase. And the maneuverability of such vehicles is significantly limited. For example, it makes no sense to deliver boards on it to a summer cottage, given the narrowness of the lanes.

The procedure for calculating the number of boards in a cube

You just need to remember high school. The so-called "cube" (a common name for a measure of volume) is the product of the linear parameters of any volumetric object. That is, its length, width and height (in this case, thickness).

  • The edges of one of the boards in the stack are measured. It turns out the width and thickness. The length is known - 4 or 6 m.
  • All measured parameters are converted into one dimension. Since we are talking about a cube, that is, m3, then all of them (including width and thickness) are indicated in meters.
  • The "cubic capacity" of the workpiece is determined.
  • 1 m³ is divided by the resulting value. The result is the number of boards in the cube.

In the numerator of the fraction, it is not necessary to put exactly 1. The warehousing of boards is done in different ways, and lumber in such quantities is not always required. If there are 0.8 cubic meters in a stack, then this is its volume.

Example. A board is bought 6 m, 25 mm, 20 cm wide, in the amount of one cube.
  • We make the conversion of values ​​​​in meters: thickness - 0.025, width - 0.2.
  • We determine the cubature of the board: 6 x 0.2 x 0.025 \u003d 0.03 m³.
  • We calculate the number of samples - 1: 0.03 = 33, (3).

Calculator for calculating the amount and volume of lumber

If the received value is a fractional value, then the result is always rounded up to an integer value. That is, only the numbers before the decimal point are taken into account. This is the accepted norm!

These tables will help you determine the approximate number of boards in a cube without resorting to calculations.

  • The calculation algorithm is the same for all lumber of this group, regardless of their characteristics - wood species, degree of drying.
  • Table values ​​are purely indicative, as they do not quite correctly reflect the actual number of boards in a cube. Firstly, a lot depends on the stacking, that is, how tightly the boards fit. Secondly, nothing is said about the quality of the processing of the workpieces (whether they are edged or not). Thirdly, it is not a fact that, upon careful examination, a certain number of boards will not be rejected due to defects found. Therefore, it is always necessary to slightly reduce their number obtained by calculation. If the board is edged - by about 10%, in the case of unedged - by 15 - 20%.

All photos from the article

To calculate how much timber is in a cube of 200x200 mm, you need to know its length, which in most cases is standard, it is 4, 5 or 6 meters. In addition, such material can be cut from one, two, three or four longitudinal sides, which also determines the amount in one cube.

But we will consider exactly four-sided cropping. We will also pay attention to other sizes, and in addition we will show you a video in this article.

Beam glued and solid

Note. take to be called a solid or glued profile with a cross section of at least 100 × 100 mm. If the material is thinner, then the instruction calls it a board.


Dimensions in mm Volume of 1 piece in m 3 Number of pieces in m 3
100x100x6000 0,06 16
100x150x6000 0,09 11
150x150x6000 0,135 7
100x180x6000 0,108 9
150x180x6000 0,162 6
180x180x6000 0,194 5
100x200x6000 0,12 8
150x200x6000 0,18 5,5
180x200x6000 0,216 4,5
200x200x6000 0,24 4
250x200x6000 0,3 3
150x150x4000 0,09 11
200x200x4000 0,16 6

In order to build a house, you need to know how many cubes of timber are 200x200x6000. And for this you can use the table above.

As you can see, its amount will vary greatly, and this depends not only on the cross section of the material, but also on its length. It will be important for you to consider the installation location, since one section is needed for load-bearing walls, another for partitions, and a third for the floor and roof.

If you know how many pieces are in a cube of 200 by 200 timber, pay attention to its length. As you can see, there are 4 pieces of six-meter profiles, and 6 pieces of four meter profiles.

This is important because the house can be more than 6m long and then you have to dock it. Consequently, more material will be consumed due to joints and trimmings.

For example, for a 10m wall, two pieces of 6 and 4 meters will not be enough - after docking, you will get no more than 9.8m, and then you need to take 6 and 5 meters, and cut off the excess. Also, you can always calculate on your own how many cubes of timber are 200 by 200 - for this you only need to know the volume of 1 piece.

For example, 0.2 * 0.2 * 6 \u003d 0.24m 3, then if you divide 1/024 \u003d 4.1, that is, these are actually 4 pieces. Knowing the area of ​​the walls of the building, you can always find out the amount of material, and then convert it into cubes for ease of purchase.

When you use solid wood, then all of its cutting will have to be done by hand and in these cases it is purchased with a margin. For example, one cube more, since defective profiles are possible there, and trimmings will go into this stock.

But if you decide to build a house from glued laminated timber, then its manufacturer usually offers already cut material, which remains only to be assembled in the form of a constructor by numbers and a list from each package.


Benefits of edged lumber:

  • first of all, it is the ease of assembly of architectural structures, because a square or quadrangular profile is much easier to stack on top of each other than logs;
  • also in lumber buildings, due to the tight fit, shrinkage is less than in log buildings;
  • there is also a mercantile calculation - the price here will be less than that of;
  • you can build a building of almost any configuration - the beam is more flexible for different forms and transitions;
  • the thickness of the walls of such houses is greater than that of frame buildings, which makes them warmer and adds to the duration of operation

Construction technologies

To build a house, you need to know a few parameters, these are:

  • dimensions of the future premises, and what kind of material will you use;
  • how much in 1 cube of timber 200x200- you can use the table or calculate it yourself, as we have already done;
  • location, number and area of ​​\u200b\u200bwindows and doors that will need to be subtracted from the total length.

Let's calculate how much material we need for a building with dimensions of 6x8m and a height of 2.8m. With this height, we get 2.8 / 0.2 = 14 rows for each wall.

So, 2 six-meter walls will need 14 + 14 = 28 pieces. But on an eight-meter wall, you need to take the same amount of a four-meter beam in order to join it in the span, then we get 28 + 28 = 56 by 6 m and 28 pieces by 4 m.

If we leave a section of 200 × 200 mm, then we will need six-meter profiles 56/4 \u003d 14m 3, and four-meter profiles - 28/6 \u003d 4.66m 3. But these are draft dimensions - from them you need to subtract the amount of materials that will not be used for technological openings - windows and doors.

In the photo - the rows are fastened with dowels

A solid beam, unlike a glued one, is fastened together with dowels every one and a half to two meters, at all joints and at the corners through two rows to the third. To do this, a hole is drilled in the wood, which should not be less than the dowel itself in diameter and 15-20 mm more in depth. The fact is that in a year and a half the house will shrink by 5-10%, and if such a screed is very dense, then the profiles will simply hang on these nails.

Linen or jute tape is laid between the rows for sealing, and sometimes a small overlap is left on the outside. This overlap is then used for caulking, but if it is not done, then you can later caulk with tow.


Wood, whether solid or glued, is always afraid of moisture, so it is very important to treat the building with an antiseptic to protect it from rotting and fungal mold. Also, to reduce flammability, lumber is sometimes treated with fire retardants, which can be combined with bactericidal agents - the cost is slightly higher, but it needs to be applied only once.

To simplify the calculation, we have prepared a summary table for you. The tables below show data on the volume of one beam and how many pieces of beam different sizes in the 1st cube. To make you feel comfortable.

How many pieces of edged and profiled timber in 1 cube table

Dimensions , mm The volume of boards in 1 m 3 Number of boards in m 3
100x100x6000 0.06 m 3 16 pcs.
100x150x6000 0.09 m 3 11 pcs.
150x150x6000 0.135 m 3 7 pcs.
100x180x6000 0.108 m 3 9 pcs.
150x180x6000 0.162 m 3 6 pcs.
180x180x6000 0.1944 m 3 5 pieces.
100x200x6000 0.12 m 3 8 pcs.
150x200x6000 0.18 m 3 5 pieces.
180x200x6000 0.216 m 3 4 things.
200x200x6000 0.24 m 3 4 things.
250x200x6000 0.3 m 3 3 pcs.
250x250x6000 0.375 m 3 2 pcs.
250x300x6000 0.45 m 3 2 pcs.
300x300x6000 0.54 m 3 1 PC.

How to calculate how much timber in 1 cube?

We offer a simple calculation so that you do not get lost with the question of how to find out how much timber is in a cube. These calculation options are suitable if you know the dimensions of the timber. For example, let's take a bar 260 x 260 x 6,000 mm (6 meters). The same can be done for a beam measuring 3 meters, 4 meters, 5 meters.

The formula for calculating the volume of a beam:
100mm 100mm 6000mm = 0.1m 0.1m 6m = 0.06m3

The formula for calculating the beam in pieces:
Bar length - 6 meters
1m 3 / 0.06m 3 \u003d 16 pcs / m 3

Difficult? It seems to be no! But if the calculation causes you difficulties, just use our table. The table contains a calculation for all known sizes of timber, which are given in GOST 8486-86.

The page contains answers to simple questions people have:

  • How much timber
  • How many cubes of timber
  • Cube of timber how many pieces
  • How much timber do you need
  • How many in one cube
  • How many pieces in a cube
  • How many bars are in a cube
  • How to calculate how much timber in 1 cube

Why do you need to know how much timber is in 1 cube?

There are two reasons for this:

  1. You can immediately calculate the total price of the volume of timber you need. To do this, you need to know the volume of 1 piece of timber, the price for 1 cube and how many pieces will be needed to implement your plans.
  2. You can calculate the total number of timber units needed to complete the project. And you can do this by knowing how many cubes are required for work, and by calculating the number of pieces of timber in 1 cube.

The master must not only be fluent in certain skills in his own profile, but also be able to calculate the amount of material for certain work. For example, a bricklayer would do well to quickly calculate necessary minimum bricks or blocks, and the builder working with wood - the number of boards.

The lack of elementary mathematical skills does not honor the master, who does not know how many pieces of timber or how much wood he will need. In a period of high prices, customers do not want to pay for unnecessary goods, which will then lie dead in the pantry. In the same way, the client will doubt the ability of the builders if they buy too little lumber, because re-delivery is an extra cost.

The minimum set of mathematical knowledge

In order to correctly determine the amount of material that will be needed in the process of work, another 15% is added to the calculated number (length, area, volume). That is, if 2 cubes of boards are required for construction, then you need to buy 2 + 0.15x2 = 2.3 cubes. In this case, you do not have to go for the missing wood. It is assumed that the calculations were carried out correctly.

  • The area (S) is calculated by elementary multiplication of length by width. If the area of ​​​​the room is 5 by 3 m, then S \u003d 5x3 \u003d 15 (m²).
  • Volume (V) is found by multiplying the area by the height: V=Sхh or by multiplying three linear dimensions (length, width, height).
  • The volume of the same room 5 m by 3 m at a height of 2.7 m will be V = 15x2.7 = 40.5 (m³) or 5x3x2.7 = 40.5 (m³).
  • If you want to find V of a beam with a section of 150x150 6 m, then we multiply its dimensions, having previously expressed them in meters. 150 mm = 0.15 m. V = 0.15x0.15x6 = 0.135 (m³).
  • With a beam length of 4 meters, we have a different result: V \u003d 0.15x0.15x4 \u003d 0.09 (m³).

How many pieces of timber are contained in one cube?

For someone who owns the formulas described above, the calculations will not cause difficulties. Finding out how much timber is in a cube is very simple: you need to divide 1 cube by the volume of 1 timber. Example:

1. Timber size 150x150x6000. The volume of 1 bar is 0.135 m³, so there will be 1 / 0.135 = 7.407 pieces in the cube.

2. With dimensions of 100x150x6000, we carry out calculations: 1 product - 0.1x0.15x6 \u003d 0.09 m³, respectively, a cube - 1 / 0.09 \u003d 11.11 pcs.

3. 100x100x6000. 1 product - 0.1x0.1x6 \u003d 0.06 m³, cube - 1 / 0.06 \u003d 16.666 pcs.

It makes no sense to carry out calculations every time if at hand there is a table of the number of timber in a cube for 4.5, 6 and 7 meters - the most common lengths. They give rounded to hundredths of the number of boards of sections from 100x100 to 200x200 in increments of 50 mm. But for a length of 4 meters, you can make a table yourself, then formulas come to the rescue, as in any other non-standard case.

Dimensions, mm Volume 1 piece m³ Number of pieces in 1 cube

Length 4 meters

100x100 0,04 25
100x150 0,06 16,67
100x200 0,08 12,5
150x150 0,09 11,11
150x200 0,12 8,33
200x200 0,16 6,25

Length 6 meters

100x100 0,06 16,67
100x150 0,09 11,11
100x200 0,12 8,33
150x150 0,135 7,41
150x200 0,18 5,56
200x200 0,24 4,17

A few nuances:

1. The calculation for all materials with grooves, spikes and other fastening systems is carried out only on the working surface.

2. Upon purchase required amount boards, you need to follow the rounding carried out by the seller. At the price of one cubic meter at 6-10 thousand rubles, even 0.01 cubic meters will “tighten” by 60-100 rubles, not to mention more significant “errors” on the part of the manager.

3. Having a table for calculating the timber on hand, the buyer will protect himself in case the sale is per m³, and the seller will have 15 boards instead of 16.67 in 1 cubic meter with dimensions, for example, 100x100x6000.

Price table

In the assortment of many suppliers, all standard sections of timber are available. In this case, they simply do not indicate specific dimensions.

Name Dimensions (mm), length - 6 meters Price per rub/m³
edged GOST 8486-86, needles 100x150 6 300 – 7 500
trimmed, needles 100x100 6 350
edged, T/U 150x150 4 700 – 5 100
cedar, natural humidity 150x150 9 500 – 16 800
larch, natural humidity 150x150 9 800
edged, needles, planed 75x150 from 7 200
rough, needles length 2-6 m, all sections 6 200
profiled dry, pine 150x150 from 7 800
profiled dry, pine 140x185 12 000
