With the onset of the first autumn cold, each summer resident tries to organize events on his site, after which, next season, he will definitely be with the harvest. Autumn work in the garden and garden include not only the collection of fruits and their determination for storage. After the end of the season, it is important to spend preparations in the garden, dig in beds, carry out winter crops.

Carrying out preparatory seasonal work for wintering in the garden for inexperienced summer residents will seem like an optional event. However, the harvest of the next year will depend on the implementation of all agricultural practices.

Preparing trees and shrubs

Caring for trees and shrubs in autumn includes: crown formation, fertilization, protection from larvae and pathogenic spores hibernating under the bark. To carry out activities, starting from temperature parameters, following the recommendations:

  • in early September, it is still too early to form the crown, however, it is necessary to cut out damaged and dried branches. Cover the cut sections with clay mixed in equal proportions with cow dung;
  • do not remove the foliage falling in October-November, leaving it near the root zone as a heater and organic fertilizer. Burn it only in case of severe damage by pathogens or pests;
  • after the first night frosts in autumn and bright sun rays during the day, cracking of the bark occurs. Therefore, in order to protect trees from penetrating through the cracks of infections, carry out preventive whitewashing quicklime with addition blue vitriol. To destroy wintering colonies of fruit and spider mites in the garden in autumn, add colloidal sulfur to the lime mortar;
  • fruit and berry and ornamental shrubs and the soil under them in September-October with preparations: Bicol, Baktokulitsid or Aktofit. Preventive spraying will destroy the leaf-eating pest, strawberry-raspberry weevil, sawflies;
  • until the beginning of November, plant seedlings in the garden: apple trees, pears, cherries, currants, raspberries, strawberries, ornamental shrubs.

Feeding and watering

To prepare the plants for wintering, it is necessary to carry out an artificial abundant watering of the soil in the autumn, which differs from the summer in the large use of a larger volume of water. In moist soil under trees and shrubs, an intensive process of transfer of internal energy from more heated areas of the soil to less heated ones takes place. Due to the increased heat transfer from the lower layers of the soil, the root system warms up well even in severe frosts.

On a note!

When conducting autumn artificial watering in the garden, do not overdo it. In waterlogged soil, the liquid fills its spores, leading to root rot.

To carry out artificial irrigation, dig a trench 40 cm wide and 45 cm deep in the root zone of the tree. After abundant wetting, the condition of the soil at its bottom will help determine the moisture level:

  • after squeezing a handful of earth, attach a lump to a thin napkin. If a damp trace remains on the paper, the soil is sufficiently moistened;
  • after compressing a lump of soil, press it against a piece of thin paper. If it does not leave a wet imprint, the soil is not spilled enough;
  • as a result of squeezing a handful of earth, it crumbles - fill the soil with a large volume until completely moistened.

Conduct autumn top dressing plants is an important agricultural technique. Trees and shrubs growing in one place for many years choose phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen and trace elements from the soil. Lack of vital chemical substances affect the return of productivity, reduce the immunity of plants. After the end of fruiting, after 14-16 days from mid-September to the end of October, fertilize with complex fertilizer.

It should not be forgotten that excessive application of nitrogenous compounds will cause increased sap flow, active growth of shoots. This process will lead plants to disease, reduced immunity and even death. Therefore, fertilizers that do not contain nitrogenous substances should be used, such as: Potassium monophosphate, Ecoplant, Kind host No. 2.

Soil treatment

After the leaves fall, remove and burn them. Dig up the soil, adding blue vitriol or Bordeaux liquid to it with a shovel or pointed forks to a depth of at least fifteen centimeters.


Before the onset of persistent frosts, trees and shrubs should be completely thinned or partially shortened with branches and shoots. It is very important to do these procedures in the garden in the country in the fall. Agrotechnical reception enhances the vegetative growth of pruned shoots in the next season. Promotes the development of fruit buds and wood. In addition, heavy snowfall in winter can harm long branches by breaking them. Reducing the width and height of the crown of plants will rejuvenate them, and will keep the yield coefficient at the proper level. To be cut:

  • shrunken, unhealthy branches with infertile buds;
  • intertwined young shoots;
  • branches growing inward, strongly thickening the crown;
  • shrunken apical parts;
  • root growth;
  • fatty vertical shoots developing from dormant buds.

On a note!

After pruning, treat the cut or saw cut areas with protective preparations against damage by rot and pathogenic spores: Potaben Сі fungicidal paste, garden whitewash paint LKM or Lac Balsam-20 plant balm.

Preparing the garden for winter

Summer residents without experience believe that with the completion of the harvest, activities on the sites are completed. And only experienced gardeners know that from September to October there is still a lot of work. And the harvest of the next season will depend on the activities carried out in the autumn in the garden.

Harvest and preparation for storage

When harvesting in autumn, it is important to harvest the fruits at the right time. If the harvest is too early, the gross harvest will be less, if it is too late, some of the fruits will be affected by rot and die. Depending on the characteristics of the crop, harvesting can be carried out in one or more steps. At one time they collect: garlic, onions, root crops. For several receptions it is worth choosing: sweet and bitter peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, cucumbers, gourds. To harvest vegetables and herbs, you should know when and how to harvest them correctly.

  1. Choose potatoes in the absence of precipitation. When sampling potatoes in small areas, you can immediately sort the products into separate containers. Leave the seed in the sun until a green color appears on the skin. Start digging from early September to mid-October. If the collection is delayed, the tubers in the soil will be affected by pathogenic spores and begin to germinate.
  2. Pumpkin crops can be without consequences in the garden until a slight frost. In September, as soon as the peel of ripened fruits becomes coarse, choose vegetables, store them in cellars or storehouses at a temperature not higher than +15 degrees.
  3. In October, cut off the heads of white, kohlrabi, red cabbage. Vegetables can easily withstand night cooling down to -4 degrees. However, with frosts from -8 degrees and freezing of the stalk, the cabbage will not recover. Frozen fruits after thawing will become soft, are not stored.
  4. Tomatoes that have ripened by the beginning of September in the open field should be selected when the fruits reach a pink-brown color, in heated film shelters, harvesting should be extended until early November.
  5. At an air temperature not lower than -2 degrees, dig up carrots. Dig root crops with a tool, select, sort, dry in the sun for several hours, cut off the tops.
  6. Stern and dining until the onset of stable frosts. For good preservation, try not to damage the fruit when digging. Mechanical damage will affect the keeping quality of the vegetable. With scratches and cuts, root crops will last no more than two months.
  7. Late varieties and hybrids of onions should be selected until mid-October with full lodging of the apical part. For good keeping quality, dry the turnip in the sun for three days. Then determine in a container or braid, store in a dry, ventilated room at a temperature of +8 to +14 degrees.
  8. It is worthwhile to carry out a selection of cucumbers planted in the second turn in the fall as the fruits are poured. At the same time, collect even overgrown and clumsy fruits.

On a note!

Start preparing cellars and storage rooms a month before laying the harvested crop. Measures include: removing the remains of last year's products, whitewashing all surfaces with quicklime, providing storage facilities with good ventilation.

Harvesting and collecting seeds

Gardeners with considerable experience know that good harvest can only be obtained by planting verified seeds. Therefore, providing yourself with self-harvested seed material is an important event. It is worth knowing that the most productive are those seeds that have ripened on the very first fruit or flower. A plant that has shown all its best qualities during the growing season should be immediately marked by tying a bright piece of fabric to it. And seed boxes of flowers, which can strong wind scatter grains, tie with pieces of gauze.

Procurement of seed material experienced gardener will only do it on a nice day. Seed pods must be completely dry and ripe when harvested. Remove the grains from the ripened fruit, thresh or rinse in a fine sieve under running water, spread out in a thin layer to dry. Scatter the dried material into paper bags, mark the name of the variety and the year of collection, store at a temperature of -5 to +28 degrees.

Site cleaning

The annual cultivation of vegetables and herbs in the same place leads to soil depletion, the accumulation of pathogens, and the growth of weeds. With overgrown weeds, loosen the plot with a wide hoe, select all milk roots: birch, thistle, milkweed, wheatgrass. In order not to be left without a crop next season, all plant residues should be removed, mineral fertilizers should be applied to the soil. Before plowing the plots, introduce granular complex top dressings that will deoxidize the soil and improve its structure.

Planting green manure and fertilizing

Sowing seeds of "green fertilizer", which is grown to normalize the state of the soil, is carried out on a dug-up area cleared of dried vegetation and weeds. It should be planted in the soil before the onset of frost, starting to plant from the beginning of September. The first autumn month is characterized by warm weather, so 7-10 days after sowing, the plants will sprout together. After two to three weeks, the vegetative mass can be mowed or embedded in the soil. The rest of the plants will serve as a "holder" of snow. As green manure gardeners plant:

  • oil radish;
  • oats;
  • rye;
  • buckwheat;
  • amaranth.

On a note!

By planting early-ripening sugar peas as green manure in autumn, you can not only saturate the soil with nitrogenous compounds, but also enjoy delicious juicy grains. Table peas are not afraid of frost, so the vegetable is harvested until the end of October.

Autumn plantings

The advantage of autumn plantings is that in the process of stratification, their sprouts will be stronger and more hardy than those of plants planted in spring. In addition, gardeners will have more free time in March-April, and the harvest of vegetables sown before winter can be harvested 10-12 days earlier. From early September to mid-October, plant:

  • onion;
  • zucchini;
  • carrots;
  • sorrel;
  • parsley root and stem;
  • dill;
  • lettuce.

Plant warming

After sowing, in order to better stick the seeds to the ground, tamp the soil over the furrows. With a steady decrease in temperature to -8 degrees, warm the crops. Use as a covering material: leaves from trees, wood shavings, husks from sunflower seeds, corn stalks. In January-February, throw snow on the sown areas.

Preventive measures against diseases

Additional work

In addition to the basic agricultural practices, you should not forget about the implementation of secondary, no less important events:

  • clean the garden tool from dirt, treat with chlorhexidine, lubricate with motor or industrial oil;
  • from garden containers, in which the entire season contained water, drain the remaining liquid, determine for storage in a waterproof room;
  • prepare the soil mixture for growing seedlings. The best in structure is the soil taken from the mounds dug by the blind and moles;
  • starting from the beginning of November, cut chibouks: grapes, currants, gooseberries, ornamental shrubs for spring rooting.

On a note!

Currant and gooseberry cuttings, cut in autumn, can be stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, wrapping the shoots with cling film.

The time of the end of the warm season and the beginning of the cold season is considered one of the hottest periods in the life of summer residents, since work is especially actively carried out in the garden and vegetable garden in autumn. Particular attention is paid to harvesting, summing up the summer season, as well as preparing for the winter season.

The entire extensive list of work in the garden and garden is conditionally divided into periods, and for each of the months - September, October and November, one or another list of tasks is determined. These activities in the autumn have much in common with the spring, but the main focus now is on preparing plants for winter, as well as harvesting on personal plot. For each autumn month, as well as, the implementation of certain events is intended, and it is important not to miss the terms favorable for their implementation. What kind of work in the garden and garden is done in September, October and November?

Compared to the summer months, the days become much shorter and the air temperature drops noticeably. The main types of work during this period are:

Sanitary cleaning

The first step is to start removing the weeds that grow on the site, as well as get rid of dry vegetation and foliage. Do not neglect the harvesting of fallen fruits, since they are the home for many pests, which, with the onset of the first warm weather, will begin to increase their population. All collected dry leaves, as well as diseased branches, must be destroyed or taken out of the suburban area.

September is considered a favorable period for pruning and transplanting perennials, since the earth is well saturated with moisture and heat, and there is plenty of time for good rooting until the first frosts appear. In addition, landing and bulbous plants such as daffodils, lilies and crocuses. It is during this period that coniferous and deciduous trees and shrubs, as well as raspberries, gooseberries and blackberries.

In some regions, the beginning of autumn is a favorable period for sowing lawns, but this must be done with caution. After all, autumn weather is quite deceptive and frosts can replace warm and humid days, in which case all work will have to start from scratch.

Garden preparation

In September, an active harvest is carried out in the garden. The beginning of the month is a favorable period for digging up potatoes and root crops such as carrots and beets, and at the end of the month it is recommended to start picking pumpkins, zucchini and cabbage.

Do not forget about fertilizing the soil. Many summer residents prefer compost, which is a natural fertilizer, while others choose organic in the form of manure, humus or peat. Since nitrogen fertilizers have a stimulating effect on plant growth, they should be discarded.

Making time for trees and shrubs

The end of the month is favorable time for planting young seedlings, however, the ideal period for heat-loving plants is still spring. It is worth paying attention to the harvesting and planting of currant cuttings. Preparing shrubs for winter consists of three stages: cutting off old branches, and hilling procedure.

It is possible to improve the movement of air, as well as the access of oxygen to the root system, by loosening the soil around the tree. The cultivation of the land around shrubs is recommended to be carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of a particular plant. For example, currants have a positive attitude towards deep loosening of the soil, and raspberries like loosening only the surface layer of the soil.

Of no small importance is the whitewashing of the garden, which is considered the final stage in the preparation of trees and shrubs for the winter season. Many summer residents consider whitewashing only a way to protect plants from garden pests, and therefore it should be done only in spring. However, this opinion is erroneous, since whitewashed trees become less susceptible to severe frosts that occur at the top of winter.

What else is worth paying attention to this month?

  • The lawn is cut and combed with fan rake. To improve soil drainage, the procedure for piercing the lawn with an ordinary pitchfork is carried out.
  • Artificial reservoirs located on the territory of the summer cottage are not large sizes need drying. All equipment and vegetation is stored in a special room. Do not forget about cleaning the reservoirs, as well as removing various debris.
  • September is a period of active harvesting, so a room intended for storing vegetables and fruits must undergo a disinfection procedure using soda or formalin rasters. This will help prevent infection of the fruit with mold, as well as increase their shelf life.
  • Active work is underway to catch and destroy garden pests, since some of them begin to lay eggs on tree trunks during this period.
  • In the greenhouse, it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil, since it is he who is good place for wintering pests of the garden and vegetable garden. The collected earth is mixed with compost and poured into a compost pit.
  • In order to prevent the growth of the root system of raspberries and sea buckthorn to the sides, slate or roofing material, folded in several layers, is dug into the ground.
  • At the beginning of the month, in order to increase the yield next year, the leaves of strawberries and strawberries are cut, and they are also fed with organic fertilizers.

Autumn work in October

Summer cottages, located in close proximity to the metropolis, still feel the breath of warmth, which is explained by the influence of the "greenhouse" effect. More remote territories are sinking deeper and deeper into the power of natural conditions. October is the average autumn month, which is characterized by the process of abundant leaf fall and the complete end of the summer season for colder regions.

Necessary attention to trees and shrubs

The second month of autumn is a suitable period for planting young seedlings and renewing orchard. If it becomes necessary to transplant mature trees, you have to wait for their foliage to completely fall off and only then start work.

In October, they transplant fruit shrubs to a permanent habitat, and also begin preparing trees for the winter season. To do this, the near-stem circles are carefully loosened, and then, after careful watering, the soil is warmed with dry leaves, grass or manure.

Until the end of October, it is recommended to plant trees and shrubs with an open root system, since a later time is only suitable for planting plants with closed roots. Pruning of diseased, dry branches and branches that do not differ in abundance of the crop must be completed before the onset of the first frost. In October, work continues on the formation of the crowns of trees and shrubs, and they stop with the onset of sub-zero temperatures.

Preparing flowers and bulbs

At the end of October, all plantings of bulbous plants need to be mulched with peat or humus, which will allow them to survive the cold season favorably. Until the middle of the month, it is necessary to dig up gladioli, dahlias and begonias in order to move them to a special room for wintering. It is recommended to carry out such work at positive air temperatures in sunny and clear weather.

Do not forget about the preparation of perennials that remain to winter in the ground. It is important to pay attention to the condition of the leaves: dead and diseased foliage must be cut and burned. To improve the condition of the soil, the earth around the flowers should be loosened and the necessary portion of fertilizer should be applied.

You can start boarding annual plants, such as aster, calendula, poppy and cornflowers, while taking into account the state of the weather. It is necessary to sow seeds for the winter in cold weather at the first sign of freezing of the soil, so that they, once in an earthen clod, hibernate. Warm and sunny weather can provoke the growth of the plant in this season, which will lead to its death.

In October, they begin to prepare flower beds for spring planting, which includes loosening the soil, destroying weeds and leveling the surface layer of the soil. It is already too late to seed the lawn this month, as unexpected frosts can cause the death of young shoots.

garden chores

Of all the variety of crops growing in the garden, the most cold-resistant is lettuce, which is able to sit quietly in the garden before the onset of winter and the appearance of snow. After the onset of the first frosts, its green shoots are cut and wrapped with any non-woven material. Leek also remains for wintering in the open field, which feels comfortable all winter in a layer of compost or sawdust.

The tops of potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers remaining from the harvest must be collected and destroyed. The remains of such vegetable crops are poisonous, so do not use them for compost, and also bury them in the ground to rot.

At the end of October, it is recommended to start planting dill, lettuce, spinach and radish. The ideal weather conditions for this process will be cold autumn weather, but without severe freezing of the soil. If a light crust of ice has appeared on the ground, then this is absolutely not scary, such soil is quite suitable for sowing seeds.

After the plots are completely harvested from the crop, the garden is dug up, which differs from doing this type of work in the spring. In autumn, you should not break up large clods of earth during digging, as is done before preparing the soil for planting vegetables. This is due to the fact that a large number of garden pest larvae accumulate in the ground, which are located there for hibernation. Large clods freeze much better than small ones, which leads to the death of harmful insects.

Final cleaning of the pond

When preparing the pond for winter, it is worth trimming underwater oxygenator plants that enrich the water with oxygen, as well as dark coastal plants. Work should be done in such a way that the stems protrude several centimeters above the water, which will allow oxygen to enter the water during the freezing of the pond, as well as bring harmful and toxic substances to the surface from the depths of the pond. To complete the cleaning of the pond, it is necessary to remove the flowers and leaves of water lilies, as well as transferring non-frost-resistant aquatic plants into the house.

What else are we doing at this time on the site

  • Work continues on restoring order in the garden and vegetable garden;
  • trees and shrubs are transplanted, which have already completely shed their foliage;
  • in the garden, soil is being prepared for the upcoming spring plantings. It includes the application of potash and phosphate fertilizers, as well as manure and ash. To increase the degree of protection of the soil and better warm it up in early spring, cover the finished ridges with a black film;
  • if there is soil with high acidity on the site, liming with chalk or lime is carried out.

Final work for the winter in the garden and vegetable garden in November

November is the last month of autumn, finally closing the summer season. This month is distinguished by its grayness, gloomy, high rainfall and the appearance of the first permanent snow at the end of the month. The short duration of the day, the cold weather is increasingly reminiscent of the fact that the summer season is coming to an end. However, even now for a real gardener there are many activities in the garden and garden.

Tree and shrub care

For fruit trees and berry bushes, a state of deep dormancy is characteristic, and cold weather contributes to the natural hardening of plants. Young seedlings threw off their yellowed foliage and got rid of the fruits, and right now the cuttings are a real pantry. vital energy a plant that will actively manifest itself when nature awakens in spring.

A suitable temperature for storing cuttings is considered to be from minus 2 to + 4 degrees, which is quite problematic to provide at home (but it is quite possible in the basement of the garage). There are several ways to store cuttings, the most common of which are:

  • The cuttings are placed under the snow cover and stored there throughout the winter. However, this method is not entirely reliable, since winters have recently been distinguished by a small amount of snow and their unpredictability;
  • for storage, you can use a cold room, such as a basement. This method is not suitable for all plants, and early thaws that warm a house with a basement can provoke the awakening of the cuttings ahead of time;
  • with a small number of cuttings, you can use the refrigerator as a storage room.

IN last years there is a protracted autumn with an abundance of rain, which reduces the resistance of plants to the effects of cold weather, so it is important to carry out their warming for the winter. On branches bare of leaves, one can see the nests of ringed and gypsy moth, hawthorn and golden tail, which must certainly be removed and destroyed.

November is a favorable time for sanitary pruning of diseased trees, as well as those affected by a large number of pests, and stripping the trunks. Fallen leaves and diseased fruits must be removed from the site and tree trunks treated. In November, whitewashing of tree trunks with lime mortar is completed, and boles and skeletal branches are tied using spruce legs, cherry and plum branches. If a frosty winter is expected, then you should take care of the raspberries: the shoots are tied to each other and bent to the ground. Under dense snow cover, the plant will be able to safely survive the winter.

It is worth taking care of protecting the winter garden from hares and rodents, choosing places with a large accumulation of garbage, branches, straw and manure as their homes. Usually, tree trunks are wrapped with an old newspaper, on top of which a layer of roofing material, oilcloth or dense fabric is laid and the resulting structure is sprinkled with earth.

The planting of crops such as hawthorn, mountain ash and viburnum is being completed, the seedlings of which are placed in a pre-fertilized pit, covered with earth and watered with the right amount of water.

What do we do in the garden

In November, in the southern regions, the final harvest of the grown crop is carried out, and the soil free from planting is also digged. This work must be completed before the first snow, otherwise a copious amount of moisture will penetrate the soil, which will evaporate in the spring for a long time.

Despite the frozen soil, various vegetable crops are planted in the garden in November. Cold weather will not allow the seeds to germinate, and during the winter, under the cover of snow, they will have the opportunity to harden and germinate in full force with the advent of the first spring warmth. Vegetable crops that remain in the open field for the winter should be covered with peat, humus, or covered with fallen leaves. Planting crops such as onion, parsley, lettuce, dill, Chinese cabbage and other types of vegetable crops.

It is necessary to complete the preparation of seeds for the upcoming sowing summer season, which are obtained from pre-cut and dried seeds of beets, carrots and other vegetables. If necessary, they are carefully threshed, and the resulting seeds are sieved and packaged in bags. The preparation of mineral fertilizers for the spring season is being completed, and it is also necessary to shovel the compost and add water or slurry to it if necessary.

Preparing a flower garden for winter

In November, the final preparation of the flower garden and its inhabitants for the upcoming winter is carried out. Perennial plants are pruned to a height of 15-20 cm, which will keep snow on them during the winter. The flower garden is being cleaned from diseased plant residues, and dry and healthy ones are used to cover such flower plants like roses, clematis, honeysuckle honeysuckle and others. Old plantings of perennials need to be watered mineral fertilizers, and cover the young with peat or humus, which will allow them to survive favorably cold winter and not freeze.

The tubers of such plants as gladiolus, dahlias, as well as the rhizome of cannes are reviewed, the diseased ones are rejected, while the healthy ones are placed in storage. To preserve the begonia tubers, they are cleaned from the ground, then dried well and placed in a perforated plastic bag, which is placed in wet sand, peat or sawdust.

Warming work in progress climbing roses, which are a heat-loving plant and are poorly adapted to life in cold conditions. Before the onset of the first cold weather, their shoots must be pressed to the ground with studs, spud them with peat or humus, and cover with paws. coniferous trees.

Last this year cares about the pond

November no longer pleases with clear and sunny weather, but such luck falls out, it is worth thinning out the overgrown plants in the water flower garden. It is necessary to cut off floating plants at the base with special scissors and remove it from the reservoir. It is necessary to carry out this procedure on the condition that they occupy a large surface of the reservoir, which can lead to the formation of impassable thickets.

All algae, as well as fallen leaves, are removed from the water. In artificial reservoirs, it is not necessary to drain the water until it is completely empty, you can only make the mirror area a little smaller. Plastic bottles filled with water and submerged to the bottom of the reservoir will help keep the shape of the reservoir bed and not be deformed. Reservoirs with fish are by no means drained, the fish in them only sink into hibernation. In the southern regions, with sufficiently warm water and soil, you can start planting new plants in the coastal zone.

Autumn work in the summer cottage is important for both plants and humans. It was at this time that the hot time for harvesting, laying it in storage, and processing fruits comes. In autumn, the prospect of a future harvest should be felt. If fruit trees and flowers overwinter well, then in spring they will begin to develop and grow effectively.

As soon as autumn comes, for summer residents it is time for intensive work. We need to take care of what is grown during summer period. It takes a lot of time to preserve vegetables and fruits. But the plants of the garden, vegetable garden require attention and care. The importance of autumn work is undeniable, but it is necessary to distribute your affairs so clearly so as not to forget the main thing.

September is a favorite month for gardeners, it shows how well they have worked in the summer. Every day you need to plan so that you have time to do everything:

  • It is necessary to collect apples and pears of late autumn varieties when they are easily separated from the stem, painted in a color characteristic of a particular variety. Collection is carried out in dry weather. Remove the fruits carefully, without pressure, then they will last a long time. The harvest is immediately sorted and placed in cardboard boxes or wooden boxes. It is best to sprinkle apples and pears with dry sawdust.
  • Rotten fruits and old branches are destroyed without leaving them in the garden.
  • It is also necessary to feed apple trees and pears immediately, without postponing for later. Up to five kilograms are brought under each tree. Ten grams of potassium will be enough, and superphosphate - forty grams per square meter. The introduction of minerals will help the trees survive the winter, enter the next year with renewed vigor.
  • For berry bushes -, - you need to dig the soil and add organic and. It is better to dig aisles of shrubs with a pitchfork.
  • For preparing a solution of mullein in a ratio of 1:15 or - 1:30. A little is added to it. It is better to introduce nutrient substrates into the grooves located along the plantings.
  • For the best fertilizer will be manure, which is applied during the digging of the soil at six kilograms per square meter.
  • It is necessary to carry out and spraying garden trees and shrubs with a solution, for the preparation of which they take five hundred grams of urea and seven hundred grams of potassium chloride to a bucket of water. The procedure will help protect plants from fungal diseases, pest attacks:, spider mites.
  • IN sunny days tree trunks can be whitewashed.
  • At the end of the month, trees are pruned, removing dried and old branches. Cut currant cuttings can be planted in the ground, leaving two buds on them.
  • The stems are tied and bent to the ground so that they do not break under the action of snowdrifts.
  • Watering the garden is carried out starting from the first days of September. You can determine the degree of moisture by digging a hole forty centimeters deep. Taking a lump of earth from there, they squeeze it in their hand. If it remains dense, does not crumble, then watering should be stopped.
  • The garden is being planted for the winter. The teeth are closed to a depth of six to eight centimeters, sprinkled with humus on top. And the beds with basil are covered with a film so that the greens stay fresh longer.
  • In the last days of September, gladiolus bulbs are dug up, placed for drying in a well-ventilated room. They will need to dry out for a month.
  • In the same period, slaked lime is applied on acidic soils.

Works in September are considered the most important for preparing plants for next spring and for storing fruits and berries.

Mid-autumn in the garden is marked by abundant leaf fall, so all efforts should be directed to cleaning, because it is in the old foliage that pests of the garden remain to winter. Branches, browned leaves are raked into heaps and burned. Part of the foliage is laid in compost pits, from where humus will be taken to fertilize the plants of the garden and vegetable garden in the spring.

Main events in October:

  1. Apple trees can be planted until mid-October,. Saplings will have time to get stronger before winter, and harden in winter. So that young shoots do not freeze, they are spudded thirty or forty centimeters in height.
  2. If at the beginning of October winter varieties of apples and pears were harvested, then the trees are watered abundantly, using three to four buckets for each specimen. And currants, gooseberries, strawberries can be sprayed hot water. This will help the plants resist frost.
  3. In October, work continues with bulbous and tuberous flowering plants. Dig up,. Planted,.
  4. For perennial flowers, shelters are prepared for the winter. With roses, hydrangeas, rhododendron, faded inflorescences, leaves are removed, and the bushes are wrapped with a protective film. It will help to keep flowers from freezing and a layer of fallen leaves, sprinkled on plantings of ornamental shrubs.
  5. The garden soil is dug up, bringing in ash, manure,. The depth of digging should be at least thirty centimeters. Manure is applied in those areas where it will grow. The beds prepared for vegetables are covered with a film so that it warms up faster when the snow melts.
  6. Berry bushes are prepared for winter by covering with a layer of tops, straw or manure. Before shelter, the branches are bent to the ground. The grape vine is pruned, removing the unripe part. Then the shoots are untied from the stakes and laid in trenches, sprinkled with a twenty-centimeter layer of humus, and then with earth. You can replace humus with wood shavings. Be sure to check the condition of the vine before laying it. It must be dry, otherwise the shoots will die.

The main task of the gardener in October is planting fruit trees and berry bushes, preparing plants for winter period.

In many regions, November comes with frost and snow. Therefore, it is better when the preparation of the summer cottage for winter conditions should be completed by the first of November:

  • If the weather allows, the summer resident will need to finish what he did not have time to finish - to cover berry bushes, perennial flowers, fertilize, replant trees.
  • Pruning of fruit trees can also be carried out in November, removing dry and diseased shoots. The need is to remove excess growth. Sections are cleaned and disinfected with a solution of copper sulphate. And with a large cut area - garden pitch.
  • In grafted fruit trees, the pegs are replaced with higher ones, loosening the strapping material at the grafting site. At the same time, cuttings are prepared, which will be used for grafting.
  • Working with perennial flowers is to trim the above-ground part. In phloxes, aconites, echinacea, the stems are cut by ten centimeters, while in the rest, stumps can be 2-3 centimeters. Lupines are sown for the winter,.
  • The warming of rose bushes begins when the air temperature stops at minus eight. The binding of fruit trees is carried out using roofing material or nylon tights. This will save apple and pear trees from rodents. Hares will not approach trees if they are tied with coniferous paws. In this case, the needles should look down.
  • The November sunny weather will make it possible to complete the sanitary pruning of plants, digging tree trunks. Around plants that do not tolerate frost, lay out a layer of mulch using dry leaves or tree bark.
  • November comes best time for lawn mowing. The grass will not have time to grow before the onset of cold weather, and then freeze. At the same time, you can sow the bald areas of the lawn, as the insects will not have time to destroy them.
  • The preparation of an artificial reservoir consists of a procedure for releasing it from water. Most of it is drained, and logs or plastic bottles filled with water. Deep ponds are cleared of foliage, plants in pots are transferred to a warm place. In a deep pond, fish will be able to survive the winter under a thick layer of ice.

The last month of autumn will provide an opportunity to complete all work in the garden and calmly wait for next spring.

More information can be found in the video:

Autumn is the period when we need to prepare the garden and the garden for the winter period. It is at this time that we need to lay the foundation for a successful and fruitful harvest for the coming season.

In this article we will talk about what work we will need to do in the garden and garden in the fall.

What work to do in the garden and garden in September?

Garden. In the first month of autumn, we need to harvest the remaining crop (with the exception of some sub-winter species) and start preparing the plants for the winter period. Very many inexperienced gardeners very often make the same mistake: the apples on the tree are overexposed, in connection with which they overripe and crumble.

Such fruits very quickly lose their taste, and they cannot be stored for a long time. In addition, with a belated harvest, the tree will spend additional strength, which of course will affect its health in the winter.

Also, do not forget that winter varieties of apples must be removed from trees before consumer maturity, they will ripen during storage.

September, one might say, is a kind of transitional period, that is, instead of the work that we did in the summer, we begin to switch to autumn work.

Already at the end of the month it will be possible to start digging the soil in the trunk circles, as well as start fertilizing.

In the first decade of September, we plant rooted currant cuttings (white, red, black).

After the gooseberries and currants are harvested, it will be possible to begin to thin out the bushes. We make raspberry pruning in this way, remove the fruited shoots and new underdeveloped ones.

We dig up the soil around the berry bushes, at the same time introducing organic and mineral fertilizers.

At the end of September, for planting, we begin to take tree seedlings from the nursery, rooted cuttings of berry cuttings.

In the first half of September, we begin to plant seedlings of head lettuce in a heated spring or winter greenhouse. For this plant great importance has an irrigation regime that will be carried out in the autumn - winter period, that is, in order to avoid the appearance of rot, watering should not be too frequent.

In September, we begin to stock up on soil, peat, compost and manure. We continue to take care of autumn plants tomatoes, cucumber radish, etc.

We begin to disinfect the walls and racks of the greenhouse, frames, using for this purpose a 40% formalin solution or infusion of bleach (400 g per 10 liters of water).

In the first half of September, parsley can be sown in heated film winter greenhouses. By January, you will already have 2 crops of parsley. We do the same with celery.

You can also take up harvesting the rhizomes of perennial vegetable plants.

Garden in the open field. In September, it will be possible to start picking carrots, tomatoes, onions, zucchini, parsley, celery. This work is the most important in the garden in this autumn month. We begin to clean the beds that are freed from vegetable crops from plant residues, weeds, and then proceed to digging.

By this time, all preparatory work storage of vegetable crops.

In the first half of September, we still continue to care for late varieties of cabbage.

What work to do in the garden and garden in October?

Garden. In October, it will already be possible to start pruning trees. We begin to clean the stems of fruit trees from the dying bark. With the help of lime mortar, we whitewash boles and skeletal branches.

We spray the crowns of trees with the same solution. After the leaves fall, we treat the trees with a 6-8% solution of ferrous sulfate.

We continue to cultivate the soil in the near-trunk circles, while introducing organic and mineral fertilizers, and, if necessary, lime.

October is also a more suitable period to fertilize fruit and berry plants. In cases where autumn turned out to be without rain, and fruit trees were not watered so often, we carry out water-charging winter irrigation along the near-stem circular ditches. The soil itself must be moistened to a depth of 50-60 cm.

Also, after the period of leaf fall, you can not leave fallen leaves under the trees (we collect them and burn them).

Heaps with grass and manure, branches and brushwood, if possible, take out of the site. Thus, you can eliminate the likelihood of attracting mice to the site for the winter.

So that under the weight of snow the branches of young trees do not break, we tie them together.

In order to protect the bark in early spring from rodents and from sunburn, we tie the trunks with roofing material, roofing felt or spruce forest.

We begin to cover the trunk circles with humus, peat, spud them with soil from the row-spacing. With the fall of the first snow, we throw it as much as possible on the trunk circles.

Berries are also starting to prepare for the winter period. We carry out soil cultivation, while necessarily introducing organic and mineral fertilizers.

We tie young currant and gooseberry bushes so that they are not broken by snow. We untie raspberry shoots from the trellis. We bend and pin their tops to the ground or connect adjacent bushes to each other.

After finishing the processing of berry plantations, cover the plantings with peat or humus, but so that the middle of the bushes is not covered.

Vegetable garden in a greenhouse or greenhouse. In October, we sow new varieties of parsley for greens. To on new year holidays fresh greens appeared on our table, we plant root crops with petioles and keep them under temperature regime 4-8°C

We carry out preparatory work for the cultivation of vegetable crops in the new season. We begin to wipe the wire frame with kerosene, on which the film of the spring greenhouse has been holding all this time.

To disinfect the wooden parts of the greenhouse, we use a 10% solution of copper sulfate.

In October, you must definitely stock up on fresh soil, peat and humus, since in the future you may not have such an opportunity.

Garden in the open field. In October, we need to complete all harvesting work with crops grown in the open field.

We remove all plant debris from the vacated beds and begin to dig up the soil, but at the same time introducing fertilizers. During digging, we also remove the rhizomes of perennial weeds, and destroy the pest larvae (if any).

What work to do in the garden in November?

Garden. This month of autumn, all work is on garden plot must be completed. Every day the soil begins to freeze deeper and deeper. Before the onset of frost, we will need to drain water from external water pipes and barrels, remove watering hoses from the garden, clean and dry all garden equipment.

In order not to wash off the fertile soil, we make furrows across the slope on the site. In ventilated areas, we place shields and other means of snow retention.

Snowless period for fruit roots and berry crops can be very dangerous, and therefore you need to take care of their safety. With the help of peat and spruce branches, we cover the trunk circles. For these purposes, you can also use a special covering material.

Garden in greenhouse and greenhouse. In November, the fruiting period of autumn-winter crops - cucumbers, tomatoes and head lettuce - ends.

After the disinfection, the greenhouse can be used for forcing green onions, sorrel, celery, parsley.

Garden in the open field. In November, we insulate perennial vegetable plants, check and calibrate vegetable seeds. We monitor how vegetables are stored in our cellar or basement.

Also, do not forget about the organization of food for the birds remaining for the winter. We hang feeders in the garden and garden, while not forgetting to periodically add food there. In the future, the birds will thank you by the fact that they will destroy the caterpillars and larvae of insect pests.

The last warmth, the aroma of flowering chrysanthemums, the air permeated with pleasant coolness and the smell of falling leaves - the beginning of the hottest season in the life of everyone who has a personal plot. Already at the end of August, summer residents smoothly turn into active autumn work in the garden and vegetable garden, which will have to be completed before the onset of the first frost.

Whether it is necessary to dig and fertilize the soil in winter, how to prune and insulate trees and shrubs, what seeds can be sown, Dream House will tell about this and more today.

What work in the garden and on the site is done in the fall

Beginners in this difficult but fruitful business at first have enough questions regarding work on the site in the fall.

If you make a list of them, it will look something like this:

  1. Collecting the remaining crop and seeds for sowing next year.
  2. Systematic cleaning of fallen leaves and preparation of fertilizers from it.
  3. Cleaning of tops and unfit for consumption vegetables and fruits.
  4. Propagation of perennial shrubs by division or layering.
  5. Pruning of garden trees, fruit and ornamental shrubs, haircut.
  6. Flowerbed care.
  7. Vegetation warming.
  8. Autumn top dressing of the soil and mulching.
  9. Planting winter crops.
  10. Fertilizer and.
  11. Cleaning in a greenhouse or greenhouse.
  12. Cleaning of reservoirs.
  13. Cleansing from dry foliage drains.

Let us consider in more detail what the autumn work on adjoining territory, in the garden, garden and flower garden.

Work in the garden in autumn

In addition to the fact that in the garden more often than in other areas you need to deal with autumn leaf fall, you have to perform many other actions.

Since fallen leaves are a valuable compost material, they should not be burned. Prepare recesses or special boxes and dump foliage there for further organic fertilizer.

Do not rush to remove the fruits of late varieties of apples and pears until they are fully ripe. Their ripeness is determined by the color of the grains, they should be brown. In order not to damage the fruits, they must be removed, not crushed. Harvest immediately after harvest is placed for storage in a cool place. Do the same with grapes.

What to do in the garden in the fall, when all the fruits have already been collected? In addition to harvesting and harvesting, attention must be paid to all trees and bushes. Without proper care, they can freeze or get sick and die, which will reduce future yields.

Autumn is the time for planting fruit seedlings, transplanting trees and shrubs, but only after they shed their foliage. Also in the autumn period, division and digging of layers of gooseberries, currants, yoshta, raspberries, blackberries is carried out.

It is processed from pests, cut off and insulated at the base for the winter.

On young trees that have not yet fruited, pinch long shoots to speed up lignification.

It is necessary to cut the branches of trees that have shrunken and are affected by diseases, as well as to clean the trunks of dead bark and moss.

Berry bushes and fruit trees are dug deep around. This process will provide access to the root system of moisture and oxygen, as well as help to locate and destroy the habitats of harmful insects.

Then, for a successful wintering of fruit trees and shrubs, the soil near the root zone is loosened, shed well and insulated with foliage, peat or mulch. The trunks of young trees, up to 4-5 years old, which are still weakly hardened and may not tolerate frost, must be insulated with burlap or fleece.

Additional protection against frost and garden pests, as well as the final stage of work in the garden in the fall and preparing trees and shrubs for wintering, is their whitewashing.

The most time-consuming autumn work in the country is gardening. In September, the "extraction" of potatoes, the collection of tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplant, cabbage, rutabaga and carrots ends. The next step is cleaning from the beds weed grass, tops and fallen, not edible fruits.

The remaining tops of potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes cannot be used for compost, as they are poisonous. It must be collected and destroyed.

On the harvested land from the remnants of the crop, you can sow plants for the winter. Planting vegetables in the fall involves getting early harvest spring.

The best time for this is the end of October and the beginning of November. Places should be chosen such that snow does not blow away in winter, and water does not stagnate in spring. The selected site must be fertilized and loosened, as well as set marks that will indicate that the site is occupied.

From vegetables to open ground planting winter garlic onion, sow the seeds of carrots, parsley, dill, sorrel, parsnips, cilantro, lettuce, spinach. To protect against frost, all crops that will winter in the ground are mulched. Spicy plants, such as sage, thyme, also require warming. For their shelter, spruce branches are used.

Podzimny sowing, both garden crops and flowers, should not be carried out until the end of October - the beginning of November, as a sudden warming will give seed growth, and the cold will immediately take life from young sprouts.

In autumn, for a good future harvest, cut the leaves of strawberries and strawberries. Further, for their favorable wintering, they fertilize and insulate.

Finally, the beds free from crops are dug up and fertilizers are scattered. When digging in the autumn, there is no need to loosen and level the ground. Huge clods freeze much better than small ones, which leads to the death of pests and their larvae accumulated in the soil.

Autumn work in the local area and flower beds

Front gardens and flower beds in autumn are a real decoration of the yard. Until the first frosts, they delight with their colors, which smoothly pass from one to another.

To maintain such beauty all autumn, you need proper care behind summer cottage: timely remove flowering annuals, diseased and shrunken branches of perennials and ornamental bushes, falling leaves and weeds, and also fertilize the soil.

Before the onset of frost, you should cut and insulate rose bushes, dig up and store tubers of dahlias, gladiolus, freesia, begonias, cannes rhizomes. must be removed from the supports, pressed to the ground and covered with spruce branches.

Many perennial flowers, such as hydrangeas, clematis, heather, are resistant to winter frosts, but it does not hurt to cover them with spruce branches, sawdust or fallen leaves, with the exception of asters, bergenia and horned violets, which can rot under a protective layer.

In winter, annuals such as poppies, cornflowers, asters, calendula, and primrose are sown. Also, bulbs of tulips, lilies are planted in open ground, daffodils are planted by dividing the root system.

Autumn is the time to enrich landscape design ornamental vegetation, trees, shrubs, flowers and grass. In conditions autumn planting plants are in the most favorable conditions.

It consists of such procedures as watering the grass, mowing it, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers and aerating the soil.

Early and competent autumn work in the garden and vegetable garden is the key to a plentiful, high-quality and tasty harvest of the next season, as well as the unquenchable beauty of the entire courtyard.
