The composition of the family and the needs of its members change over time, and this cannot always be taken into account when building a house. At some point, it may turn out to be small: there is a need for an additional bedroom, office or bathroom. You can solve this problem with “little blood” if you know how to insulate the veranda, turning it into the same warm and cozy room as the rest of the rooms in the house. To do this, you need to choose the right materials and create a warm cocoon inside or outside the annex, depending on its design.


Definition of the scope of work

To decide how to insulate an extension to the house with your own hands, you need to evaluate its design, wall material, dimensions, ceiling height and other features:

  • If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is small and you want to save it, you will have to isolate the walls from the outside. The same applies to the floor and ceiling, when, when insulated from the inside, the distance between them decreases to an unacceptable level.
  • It is not always possible to isolate floors from the outside without dismantling the existing coating. This happens when the flooring is located low above the ground and it is impossible to get close to it from below.
  • The same applies to the ceiling: if the veranda and the house have a common roof, there are no problems with insulation from the attic. If the annex is closed with one slope with a slight slope, you will either have to dismantle roofing material or install insulation from the inside.
  • Most of the heat escapes through doors and windows, which are not properly insulated in a room originally intended for seasonal use. Most often these are windows with one glass and light doors. You need to decide whether to replace them or insulate them.

  • The entrance directly from the street is an open gate for frosty air, which manages to cool the room in a matter of seconds. Therefore, it is necessary to think about the device of the vestibule, which can be done by fencing off part of the veranda with a warm partition or by attaching an entrance group to it.
  • The method of heating should also be considered before the start of thermal insulation work. If heating is chosen through the "warm floor" system, the floor insulation technology must take into account the installation features of such a system.

Advice! If you do not live in the house permanently, then you should not install a water heating system - it can freeze and fail in your absence. It is better to prefer electric underfloor heating.

  • The material of the walls is also of great importance. It is undesirable to insulate vapor-permeable materials, such as wood or foam concrete, with non-breathing insulation, otherwise moisture will accumulate between them, gradually destroying the supporting structures and leading to serious disturbances in the microclimate inside the room, up to the occurrence of mold and fungus.


As for how to insulate the terrace in wooden house do it yourself, then here we are talking more about a complete restructuring or completion. Especially if it is an open extension without a canopy and a floor raised above ground level. Sometimes this task is even easier to solve, since it does not require the dismantling of existing ceilings, old windows, etc.

In general, to turn the veranda into a living space, complex insulation of all structures will be required except for the wall common to the house.

The choice of insulation

According to the structure, all heat-insulating materials can be divided into 3 types.


Such heaters are made from polymers, which are given a special structure in the form of many closed cells filled with air. They are produced in the form of rigid panels, roll materials and foams that harden after being applied to the insulated surface.

Note! Since the basis of such heaters are synthetic chemical components that emit toxic substances (phenol, styrene, etc.) when heated or burned, it is recommended to additionally protect them from fire.


This type of insulation includes:

  • Styrofoam and expanded polystyrene, including extruded. These materials have a very low thermal conductivity, are not afraid of moisture, and therefore do not need to be isolated from it. They are produced in the form of rigid plates that can be fixed using a frameless method. Expanded polystyrene is also produced in granules, which are poured into the space between the walls of the frame or brickwork, added to cement plaster solutions. The disadvantages of this insulation include vapor tightness and high toxicity during combustion. The advantages are low cost and ease of installation, which can be the main argument when it is necessary to decide how to insulate a veranda in a private house cheaply with your own hands;
  • polyurethane foam is a rather expensive insulation. It is used in two ways: by mounting plates and spraying using special equipment. The second method is more effective, as it allows you to create a monolithic seamless heat-insulating layer without cold bridges;

  • polyethylene foam or penofol - a convenient roll material for additional insulation. There are varieties that are covered with foil on one or both sides to reflect radiated heat. Penofol in the form of narrow tapes with a self-adhesive layer can be used to insulate windows, attic hatches and other openings, blocking the gaps between the wall and the frame.


With their structure, such heaters resemble unspun wool or cotton wool, hence the name - mineral wool. The raw materials for its production are various minerals and waste from the smelting of ore - slag. Therefore, the following types of these heat insulators are distinguished:

  • basalt wool;
  • glass wool;
  • slag.

Solid raw materials are converted into fibers as a result of special processing. Due to their mineral origin, these materials do not burn, but due to their fibrous structure, they easily absorb moisture, losing their thermal insulation properties. For this reason, they need mandatory hydro and vapor barrier.


If you need to decide how to insulate the veranda for winter residence in a wooden house, mineral wool will become the best choice, since it is permeable to steam and does not create an insurmountable barrier for its exit through the walls to the outside.

Available in mats and rolls of varying degrees of density. Any material can be used to insulate horizontal surfaces, and it is better to mount dense plates on vertical ones, since they are less prone to shrinkage and “sliding” down under their own weight.

Video description

The video will tell about the pros and cons of cellular and fibrous insulation:


Expanded perlite and vermiculite, expanded clay granules - these and other heat-insulating backfills can be used when the question arises of how to insulate the floor on the veranda or the ceiling from the attic. Such bulk materials are convenient in that they create a continuous layer, their particles fall into all the cracks and block them. They cost less than fiber mats, especially when you consider that you do not need to mount a frame to install them.


Which side to insulate

The answer to this question depends primarily on the material of the walls of the veranda and the type of insulation. In any case, external insulation is more effective: at the same time, the dew point, at which condensation forms when warm and cold air meets, does not reach the walls and does not cause them to get wet with all the ensuing negative consequences.

Video description

The following video explains in an accessible and understandable way why it is better to insulate a heated room from the outside:

But if you want to know how to insulate the veranda for winter living from the inside with your own hands, then you can do this without the risk of high humidity in the room only if its walls are a frame lined with boards. Wood easily evaporates moisture. It is better not to do this with brick and block load-bearing structures.

Warming technology

Since it is easier to insulate an extension to the house from the inside - you can work in any weather - this method, with all its shortcomings, is used quite often. Another reason for this choice is often related to the fact that the outer walls are already finished with the same facade material as the whole house, and you don’t want to spoil the exterior.

There is no big difference in how to fix the insulation - from the inside or outside. There are serious differences only in the thermal insulation technologies of various structural elements.


The method of installation of the insulation is selected taking into account its type and subsequent finishing:

  • If it is planned to plaster internal or external walls, then this can only be done with expanded polystyrene and mineral wool with a density of at least 130 kg / m3. They are glued to the surface or mounted end-to-end with umbrella dowels with a large hat.

  • The question of how to insulate a veranda for winter living with wall decoration with facing panels is solved in a completely different way. For their fastening, it is necessary to mount the crate, and the distance between adjacent guides must correspond to the width of the rolled or slab heat insulator. If it is a non-moisture resistant material, then it is covered on both sides with a breathable film to isolate it from the penetration of wet steam from the room and precipitation from the street. A ventilation gap is left between the insulation and the cladding, for which additional slats are stuffed onto the crate.

Video description

You can see how the installation of thermal insulation on the frame takes place in this video:


If the height of the room allows or there is no other way, then the existing flooring is used as a subfloor. Most often, these are boards laid on logs. A beam is attached to them by analogy with a frame for walls. But it must have a sufficient cross section to withstand the load. A heater is laid between the new lags, it is covered with waterproofing and a finishing floor is arranged.


If the base is concrete, one of the insulation options may be a screed with expanded clay or poured into a regular concrete screed warm floor. This method is especially relevant when you need to decide how to insulate the veranda and make a bathroom or kitchen there by tiling the floors.

When the floor is accessible from below, the insulation can be fixed under the existing flooring, creating the same thermal insulation cake protected from moisture.

Advice! The floors will be much warmer if the foundation of the extension is also insulated.

If the distance from the floor to the ground is very small, you can remove the flooring, fill the cavity with expanded clay and put it back in place.



The easiest way is to insulate the ceiling, which is accessible from the attic. If it is not there, then to maintain the height of the room, the roof is removed and thermal insulation is mounted.

Note! Roofing insulation must be reliably isolated from water in case of penetration of precipitation.

When the height of the ceiling allows it to be reduced, the insulation is fixed according to the already described scheme, as on the walls.


Windows and doors

The ideal way to eliminate heat loss through openings is to install double or triple glazing and an insulated front door. If there is no money left for this, there is another way to insulate a veranda in a private house cheaply with your own hands. For a cold period, the windows are covered with a transparent film from the outside, the gaps between the frame and the wall are caulked and glued with strips of paper or self-adhesive penofol.


This is a perfectly acceptable temporary option for maintaining heat in the room. If you arrange a vestibule in front of front door, putting an insulated frame partition, then the problem of cutting off cold from it will be solved.


Knowing how to insulate a veranda in a wooden house with your own hands, you can turn it into an extra bedroom, kitchen or bathroom, expanding the living area of ​​the house. To do this, you need to block the warm air from leaving the room from all sides: through the floor, ceiling, walls, windows and doors. You can insulate both from the inside and outside, choosing the method that will cost less or be the most effective in your case.

The veranda is an excellent place where you can have a tea party with family or friends, or just relax. In hot weather, it turns into the most demanded area of ​​the house, but when the temperature drops, the situation changes dramatically, because no one wants to sit in the cold.

But there is a way out of this situation. You just need to find out how to insulate the veranda and carry out the necessary processes. Properly done insulation will help preserve the well-established comfort and prevent the occurrence of black spots that form when the temperature drops.

The amount of materials that can be used for insulation is simply huge. But of them, one can single out those that are given the greatest preference among consumers, because they have proven themselves well with their positive qualities.

Mineral wool

  • The material allows air to pass through, due to which the humidity inside the room decreases.
  • The insulation is fireproof and is perfect for verandas of wooden buildings.
  • It has excellent water resistance, repelling moisture and allowing you to maintain a favorable microclimate indoors.
  • Minvata perfectly suppresses sounds. A veranda using this material eliminates the noise from the street, adding additional amenities.
  • The heater is environmentally friendly. It does not contain any harmful substances and has no smell.

Mineral wool is used for insulation of floors, ceilings, walls and ceilings. There is a huge range on the market, which allows you to choose the perfect suitable look from various manufacturers. It is suitable for covering the veranda, and for the complete insulation of the house.


  • Styrofoam is insulated without much effort. Sheets are fastened using special glue or mechanical fasteners.
  • The structure of the material allows you to keep warm inside the terrace in winter, and create coolness in summer.
  • The product does not contain any toxic substances. It does not start mold and various kinds of insects. It is quite often used behind drywall or under floor screed.
  • It is used as a heater for the ceiling, walls and flooring.


  • The insulation is suitable for both independent and combined use with other similar products.
  • Installation is carried out without difficulty. The material is fire resistant, and is ideal as a heater for houses with wooden verandas.
  • Penofol does not emit and does not contain any substances hazardous to health.
  • The product has a foil layer, thanks to which the veranda receives an additional level of protection from winter frosts.
  • The material perfectly resists the entry of cold outdoor air.


The product is very similar in its characteristics to foam. It has high strength and can be easily finished. Perfectly suited as a heater for the terrace.

polyurethane foam

This product is distributed in 3 different types: flexible boards, rough boards and inflatables. The advantages include easy installation and low weight. The disadvantages are the poor tolerance of mechanical stress and significantly high cost.

Styrofoam and mineral wool are leaders in demand among consumers. They are profitable and excellent heaters for the veranda, which have a number of positive properties and can save you a lot of money.

The process of warming the veranda

Insulating the veranda with your own hands is quite simple, if you understand well all the stages of the work being done. Basically, the terrace is built on the same foundation as the house. Usually these are concrete slabs or a monolithically poured concrete base. IN winter period 20% of heat leaks through it, therefore, before the insulation of the veranda, it is necessary to insulate the foundation of the structure. This process is carried out without much difficulty. Styrofoam boards are required to be glued to the surface of the base.


First of all, when insulating the terrace, the floor is insulated. Some people don't give special significance this process, limiting themselves only to the processing of ceilings and walls, believing that it is not necessary to insulate floor surfaces and are deeply mistaken. In wooden verandas, the floor is often laid as follows: on the ground or concrete base logs are laid, on which boards are then placed and installed. For warming it is necessary to perform the following steps:

  • remove boards;
  • between the installed lags, it is required to fix the wooden beams with screws;
  • insulation is placed in the formed compartments - mineral wool, foam plastic or foam boards;
  • when settling mineral wool, additional insulation is required when using foil or film, which will eliminate the possibility of getting wet;
  • remaining empty seats sealed with foam for mounting;
  • Now you can lay the floorboards back.

Sheathing inside

Isolation of the veranda can be performed both from the street and from the inside. With insulation from 2 sides, it will be possible to achieve an exorbitant level of protection for the terrace during winter frosts, retaining much more heat.

  1. Initially, all existing gaps are closed.
  2. Then it is necessary to build from wooden beam frame.
  3. Further, a special waterproofing film is attached to the beam. It is better to install it from the inside with a construction stapler, thanks to which the process will take less time and will be much more convenient.
  4. After these procedures, a frame is constructed from a bar or a metal profile, which is filled with foam or other similar material. It is desirable that the distance between the metal profiles correspond to the width of the insulation itself.
  5. Drywall is installed on top of the frame.
  6. The final stage is plastering, painting or installation of artificial coating on the surface of the walls.

Ceiling insulation

To achieve an effective level of insulation of the veranda, it is necessary to isolate the ceiling of the room. This procedure is quite labor intensive. For high-quality work done, you should initially decide on the insulation and the technology of application or installation.

The thermal insulation of the ceiling in the attic is mainly produced during the construction of the terrace, but if it was not there initially, then it can be built some time later. Sheets of foam or other insulating material and vapor barrier are laid in the rafter frame.

From the inside, insulating the terrace will be a little more difficult. The process of thermal insulation can be done in one of several ways.

First way:

  1. First, a frame of 3 × 3 cm bars is built on the ceiling.
  2. Settles into the formed cells insulation material with the same thickness.
  3. After that, the ceiling is sheathed with plasterboard.
  4. The final step is painting or plastering the surface.

Second way:

  1. Instead of the old ceiling covering, OSB or plywood is covered.
  2. Behind this, a film for waterproofing is fixed.
  3. A frame is constructed from beams, in which mineral wool, polystyrene or another type of insulation is placed.
  4. At the end, the structure made of beams is covered with a film, on top of which the lining is clogged.

Third way

  • The third method is the easiest. Frameless insulation is made only with the help of solid material.
  • Foam sheets are fixed on the ceiling itself without any specially equipped facilities.
  • Further, a construction mesh is placed on the ceiling, which is covered with putty.

External wall insulation

For hand-made insulation of the veranda, you will need polyurethane foam in liquid form or foam. But when placed on moving soils, the second one may crack, after which it will be necessary to carry out a waterproofing procedure from the inside, because it will begin to draw moisture from the ground. Polyurethane foam is in a liquid state. It is sprayed onto the base, and when hardened, it forms a fairly hard coating.

wooden walls

The outer part of the terrace is insulated in different ways, depending on the base material. The surface of the tree is processed as follows:

  • All existing gaps are filled.
  • The crate is constructed in a vertical position. It is advisable to make it in accordance with the dimensions of the insulation, especially if it is sheet, due to which, during installation, a tight fit to the frame will occur.
  • Mineral wool is placed in the formed compartments, which is fastened with dowels.
  • A waterproofing film is stretched from above, which is fixed with a construction stapler.
  • The final stage is lining or wall cladding.

Brick walls

Styrofoam sheets are glued to the walls built from a block or bricks, which are fixed with dowels. From above, the slabs are also covered with an adhesive mixture and covered with a construction mesh. After drying, the surface is plastered and painted in the desired color.

Having learned how to insulate the veranda, many will be able to independently carry out the listed actions without involving specialists from outside. Having done all the steps correctly, you can not worry about a comfortable and cozy stay on the terrace even in winter, when a terrible frost reigns outside the window.

  1. Good thermal insulation. The material has good heat-saving properties. Slag wool is slightly inferior in this parameter to stone and glass wool, however, when correct installation also reliably protects the building from cold wind and freezing.
  2. High sound absorption coefficient. As a soundproofing material, slag wool can be laid both on external walls and on interfloor ceilings. It will reliably protect against penetration. extraneous sounds from the outside thanks to its own fibrous structure, in which air is retained and sounds are suppressed.
  3. low price. Slag wool is a fairly budget material. This is due to the fact that waste from the metallurgical industry is used for its production.
  4. Ease of installation. It is possible to lay a heater both on equal, and on curved surfaces. It is also easy to cope with the installation of a heat insulator on round objects. It's flexible enough. In addition, the weight of the slag wool is small, so even one person can do the installation work.
  5. Long service life under optimal conditions. If slag wool does not get wet and exposed to high temperatures, then it is able to maintain excellent sound and heat insulation characteristics for 50 years or more.

Laying insulation on cinder block walls

Insulation of walls from cinder block with mineral wool

Before insulating the walls from the cinder block with mineral wool, the walls must be primed and plastered with cracks and cracks, if necessary. The most common option is the laying of mineral wool with a ventilated facade and a “wet method”. The latter option will be considered in this article.

Do-it-yourself warming of a cinder block with mineral wool

1 . Prepare the surface - plaster the cracks on the wall, prime the surface. Installing the first row support on the plinth - this will additionally protect the insulation from rodents.

2 . Preparation of glue for fixing insulation. Then we apply glue to the plate and glue it to the wall. At the same time, it is worth remembering that there should be no gaps between the plates and better place make the connections close or fill the gaps with an adhesive solution.

3 . We apply glue to the insulation and fasten the reinforcing mesh. Thoroughly coat the mesh with glue and let it dry completely during the day.

4 . It remains only to apply a primer and plaster the surface of the insulated facade with putty.

Insulation of cinder block walls with foam plastic

Styrofoam sheets on the walls should be laid without seams. The method of insulation is similar to the "wet method" of laying mineral wool. Before insulating cinder block walls with foam plastic, it is also necessary to prepare the facade of the house for work. Detailed instructions read on.

Insulation of cinder block with foam plastic

1 . We prepare the surface of the wall - we clean and plaster the cracks. We prime the walls and prepare the adhesive solution.

2 . We glue foam sheets on the facade in a checkerboard pattern. Slots should not be allowed - we close them with glue or mounting foam after laying.

3 . After laying the foam sheets, we prime the surface and fasten the reinforcing mesh to the glue, completely sinking it in the glue layer.

4 . After the glue dries, prime the mesh and putty with ordinary or decorative putty.

After all the work, you should get a flat surface that can be painted in any color. Insulation will help you significantly increase indoor comfort and reduce home heating costs. Thanks to outdoor work, you can give the facade an attractive look. And on the presented video, you can learn more about the issue under consideration.

Penoizol and expanded polystyrene

Polymer heaters, which include penoizol, polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam, are also in great demand. Of course, ceiling insulation with penoizol or similar materials is superior to other methods in terms of efficiency and ease of use. Such heaters are very resistant to adverse conditions, they perfectly withstand both low and high temperatures absolutely not deformed. Mold does not form on them, so the materials do not rot and can last a very long time.

In addition to thermal insulation properties, polymer insulation perfectly absorb sound, and therefore can also be used as sound insulation. Despite the artificial origin, these materials are environmentally friendly, they do not emit any harmful fumes.

But they also have downsides. Styrofoam plates are quite fragile, and working with them requires accuracy. During combustion, polymer heaters emit very acrid smoke. And besides, their prices are very high. There are heaters made of polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene in the form of granules, such material is cheaper, but less effective for thermal insulation.

The most common places where penoizol is used

Characteristics and properties of slag as a heater

Slags are silicates that were obtained as by-products from the smelting of raw materials, metals, intermediate products, refining and reduction of ore. They contain basic, acidic or neutral oxides of silicon, aluminum, zinc, calcium, magnesium or iron.

The main characteristics of the slag are as follows:

  • density from 300 to 1000 kg / m3, depending on the components present in the composition; specific gravity from 2.56 to 3.65 g/m3; granule sizes from 0.7 to 20 mm; melting point up to +15000C; compressive strength up to 150 MPa; thermal conductivity coefficient from 0.0326 to 0.05 W/m K .

Slag has increased moisture resistance

Ceiling insulation with slag is beneficial due to its excellent performance properties:

  • resistance to sudden temperature changes; natural composition, no toxic substances are released during operation; chemical and biological resistance; no shrinkage, as well as deformation and destruction under the influence of external loads; increased moisture resistance.

Floor insulation technology

An example of concrete floor insulation with coarse slag

To make high-quality insulation of the floor base, it must first be prepared. Thus, at the stage of filling the granular thermal insulator, there will be no complications:

  1. When warming wooden base it is necessary to revise the bearing parts of the structure and replace deformed or rotten logs;
  2. Then the wooden parts of the structure should be treated with antiseptic agents;
  3. To prevent the accumulation of condensate under the floor, a vapor barrier (roofing material, polyethylene film, Penofol) is laid before installing the bulk filler.

The process of insulating the floor base with slag depends on what materials the floor itself is made of. To take into account all the nuances of thermal insulation, consider each of the options in more detail.

Thermal insulation of a wooden base

How to lay slag on wooden floors? To carry out high-quality thermal insulation of the coating, you must do the following:

  1. Dismantle old floorboards;
  2. Replace rotten wood flooring parts;
  3. Fasten the boards from below under the lags;
  4. Waterproof the base with polyethylene or roofing material;
  5. Pour slag into the sections between the lags;
  6. Cover the filler with plastic wrap;
  7. Apply the finishing coat.

Thermal insulation of the concrete base

The slag has a low specific gravity and can be used for attic insulation.

Thermal insulation of the concrete floor is carried out only in cases where it is possible to raise the floor base by 15 or even 20 cm. What is the procedure for working?

  1. The old coating is dismantled, and the concrete base is cleaned;
  2. The primed floor is waterproofed with a film;
  3. Beacons are mounted around the perimeter of the room;
  4. Slag is poured, after which it is carefully leveled;
  5. For better adhesion to the base, slag granules are treated with a cement composition;
  6. After filling the insulation, a finishing concrete screed is made.

Installation on a concrete base

Laying insulation on concrete floors is carried out as follows:

The surface is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and debris. If there are cracks or damage, we carry out repairs, and if there is insufficient strength, we dismantle and fill the floors again. We treat the surface with antiseptics. We lay the vapor barrier film with an overlap of 15-20 cm and glue the seams.

Along the perimeter we start it on the walls to a height above the level of the floors by 20 cm. We fill the slag in an even layer over the entire surface. We try to make the layer as dense as possible. The strength of the finishing floors depends on the density of the slag, therefore, if there are wastes (granules with foreign inclusions), we try to get rid of them. We lay a reinforcing grating with a rod thickness of 3-4 mm, a mesh size of 5-10 cm. We fill in the finishing floor and lay the floor covering.


After being selected suitable material the question arises how to insulate a cinder block house from the outside? If a person is far from the construction business, then it is advisable to use the services of professional teams, but you can do everything yourself. The main thing is to strictly follow the chosen instructions.

Each heater has its own technology for the device of a heat-insulating structure. Therefore, we will not consider a generalized picture, but we will propose a work plan for each option separately.

Insulation with foam

Every process starts with preparatory phase. Necessarily it is also present when installing foam.

  1. Protruding elements are removed from the base. These can be excess mortar, fasteners and hinged structures(antennas, drainpipes).
  2. If there are deep potholes, cracks, chipped pieces of cinder block, they should be disposed of. To do this, the surface is plastered.
  3. When the plaster layer dries, you need to apply the primer. Such activities will help increase adhesion (adhesion of the adhesive solution and the base) and protect the wall from mold.

Only after the primer is completely dry can you start installing the foam.

  • First of all, a starting galvanized or stainless steel profile is installed. It serves as a support for the entire structure. You need to correct the horizontal. For this, the building level is suitable. If there is even the slightest distortion, then this can cause deformation and even collapse of the insulated and finished facade. The profile is attached to the dowel-nails.
  • Next, prepare an adhesive solution that is suitable for outdoor use and for foam. If you buy the first one that comes across and do not read the instructions, then the consequence of such a rash step may be a poor-quality facade that will peel off from the cinder block walls. Before cooking, be sure to read the instructions, manufacturers indicate the exact amount of ingredients.
  • Glue is applied in small blots at the corners of the foam and in the center.
  • The first insulation slab is laid with the lower edge in profile to the lower left corner of the building. It is necessary to press the element a little and move it from side to side so that there are no voids left.
  • The next sheet of material is also coated with glue, only the composition is also applied to the end part. Press the part tightly to the first one so that there are no gaps and gaps between them.
  • The second row is laid so that the joints do not match. To do this, the plate is shifted a third or half to the side. In the same way, insulation is performed over the entire area.
  • After the glue dries, you need to fix the foam again and mechanically. This will make the design more reliable. You will need dowels with a wide hat. The approximate number of fasteners is calculated as follows - 5 pieces are needed per plate.
  • Now you can move on to the facade cladding.

Mineral wool

The process of installing this insulation is a little more complicated, but it all starts with preparation. The base is cleaned of stains, dust, dirt, protruding elements. It is not necessary to plaster the surface, it is enough to repair deep cracks and treat the walls with soil.

Then install metallic profile, to create a support. Next, prepare the adhesive solution according to the instructions indicated on the package. The glue is applied in a thin layer on the entire surface of the plate (creates a water-repellent layer), and then several small blots are made in the corners.

The material is firmly pressed against the wall. Joints and gaps should not be. It is also not advisable to do it on a whip. Start doing everything from the bottom left corner. Plates are glued according to the principle of brickwork.

After the mineral wool has completely covered the walls, you need to glue the reinforcing mesh. The same adhesive solution is applied to the surface of the plates and fiberglass is embedded in them, smoothing it with a spatula. After this layer dries, you can start decorating.

Basic requirements and selection criteria

When choosing a slag, it is necessary to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • thermal conductivity, which is responsible for the effectiveness of floor insulation, allowing you to choose best way and packing density;
  • the limiting level of moisture absorption, the lower it is, the lower the requirements for the quality of waterproofing;
  • soundproofing properties, allowing you to refuse to lay an additional insulating layer;
  • the sintering temperature at which the slag begins to lose its insulation properties;
  • fire resistance of the material;
  • the absence of toxic components in the composition;
  • resistance to biological influences;
  • the presence of smooth and sharp parts on the insulation fractions, affecting the complexity of installation.

Accordingly, the main criteria for choosing a heater are its ability to operate in specific technical conditions and service life. In addition, it is worth taking into account the size of the fractions, on which the ease of installation, the uniformity of the characteristics of the layer, the strength properties, and the volumetric part of the air space depend.

Foam insulation

The difficulty of using this product is that its installation requires a flat base. If this is a cinder block wall, then it will require preliminary plastering, and then a primer. The surface must be free of dust or paint.

So that it does not absorb moisture, waterproofing is mandatory under it. This will allow the insulation to last longer.

Waterproofing will not allow condensation to form, and therefore the walls will always be dry. The prepared surface is covered with glue, and then the plate clings there. Then the plate must be pressed to squeeze out the remaining air from under it. Glue is recommended to be applied exclusively to the wall, and not to the sheet.

Then all the gaps between the plates are sealed with plaster. Also, installation can be done with plastic dowels. But usually inside the house they are glued with a mixture. The final step will be finishing or painting.

Scope of fuel slag

Scheme of insulation of the ceiling of a frame house.

Floor insulation in brick houses is carried out with the help of a melt, poured under a wooden floor

Particular attention is paid to quality: it should contain as little ash and unburned coal as possible. Impurities reduce the quality of the finished aggregate

Insulation with fuel slag is used in wooden houses, while not only providing thermal insulation, but also reducing the noise level. In modern construction, slag is used to level the coating under the floor; with the help of cinder blocks, you can replace expensive bricks and significantly reduce the cost of production. Many developers make the mistake of using fresh slag as a heater, which contains many harmful substances.

Building material from slag is obtained after a process of careful processing. Fresh slags are stacked and kept for 2-3 months. Such aged slags are protected from destruction. After aging and watering with rain, it is freed from lime and sulfur compounds. Fresh slag is also used for the preparation of concrete mortar.

Expanded clay insulation

The heat-insulating material should not only retain heat well, but also be light enough. Ceiling ceilings under too much pressure, they can sag and bend, which is absolutely undesirable. Expanded clay fully complies with these requirements: it is light and remarkably protects from the cold, besides, its cost is not high. Due to the porous structure, expanded clay does not let heat out and almost does not put pressure on the floors. Since it is used only in dry form, the process of warming occurs without much effort and quickly. The thickness of the layer depends on the region: in a cold climate, the layer needs to be made thicker, and in a warmer climate, twenty centimeters are enough.

The process of insulating the ceiling with expanded clay

With the development of technology, many new heat-insulating materials have appeared, and expanded clay is used less often. Nevertheless, the insulation of the ceiling with expanded clay is still quite effective and cheap. Its advantages are obvious: low price, light weight, environmental friendliness and good sound insulation, incombustibility. Rodents in expanded clay do not start, various insects, too, the material does not rot and does not decompose.

The disadvantages of expanded clay include its fragility: you need to work with it carefully, it is absolutely impossible to tamp, otherwise the porosity of the material will be broken and the thermal insulation properties will decrease. Also, this insulation should not be allowed to get wet, since expanded clay is able to absorb moisture and collapse. At the same time, its weight also increases, which means that the floors may not withstand and bend.

There are several important nuances that require mandatory compliance with the installation of thermal insulation:

  • to increase the strength of the surface layer, it is necessary to lay a reinforcing layer (steel mesh); the height of the layer and the density of laying determine the maximum loads per unit area, therefore, it is recommended to make a dense, high-quality laying; when wet, the slag loses its properties; laying on wooden floors requires the creation of a small gap (4-5 mm) between the outer skin and the surface of the insulation in order to prevent the accumulation of moisture in the internal structures; before installing the skin, it is necessary to lay a layer of vapor barrier directly on the slag layer.

The process of thermal insulation of floors using slag is very simple, inexpensive and effective. The technology is available for development and implementation even by non-specialists. However, important factors for its implementation are: high strength of the base and sufficient ceiling height.


Painting or siding

Use of Styrofoam

The most democratic and cheapest option for insulating a house from a cinder block from the outside is the installation of foam boards, finishing it with plaster and subsequent painting. If you are dealing with an old house, then you must perform repair work. Repair all cracks and irregularities. Then you insulate the walls with foam. Fasten them with dowels that are 2 times larger than the thickness of the foam sheet.

A more modern insulation material is polystyrene foam, which is made from the same raw materials as polystyrene. The effect is given by a different production technology. Both of these materials have the same thermal conductivity, but Styrofoam has much lower water absorption. When insulating with this material, it is not necessary to install a vapor barrier layer.

Styrofoam insulation technology with plastering

Stages of work on the insulation of a house from a cinder block:

  1. Wall plastering work.
  2. Foam fixing.
  3. Reinforced mesh installation.
  4. Leveling, priming and finishing walls.
  5. Painting.

If your project involves painting the walls, then most likely you need to use acrylic or silicone plaster, but the latter will cost you much more.

Plus acrylic plaster - it is applied in color. Mineral plaster needs painting after application. Painting will have to be repeated every 3 years. Colored plaster will last you a very long time, it is usually painted when they want to change the color of the house.

Warming with mineral wool

If you have the financial means, insulate the house with mineral wool, which is then covered with siding.

Non-ferrous metallurgy slags in construction

Slag scheme.

Wide application in construction industry found nickel and copper-smelting slags. They do not disintegrate, the strength limit is 120-300 MPa. They are used for the production of mineral wool.

Blast-furnace slags of the 1st grade have a coefficient indicating its quality - 1.65, in the 2nd grade - 1.45; in grade 3 - 1.2. The slag crystal was widely used. This material is used in construction for flooring, for building cladding. When it is used, the floors in private houses are of good quality, their service life improves, and the costs required for thermal insulation are reduced.

In order for the insulation of the floor and ceiling with slag to ensure a comfortable stay in the room at any time of the year, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations during the work:

  • the height of the heat-insulating layer depends on the load that will be placed on the floor and ceiling;
  • before applying the screed in order to increase the mechanical strength, the floor can be equipped with reinforcement;
  • the floor and ceiling from the attic side can only be used after the concrete layer has completely cured.

Thus, the insulation of the floor and ceiling with slag in country house or a city apartment is much simpler than it might seem at first glance. To do this, it is enough to follow the instructions and perform all stages of work with high quality.

How to insulate a cinder block house with foam

The method of laying expanded polystyrene is in many ways similar to the method of wall insulation with mineral wool. The sequence of actions is as follows:

Calculation of the thickness of the foam for insulation of the house.

  1. First of all, the wall must be properly prepared. As in the first case, the surface is completely cleaned, puttied and primed.
  2. Next, glue is prepared in a similar way and according to the instructions on the package. It is also necessary to take care of waterproofing, as it will provide protection from water.
  3. The wall of the house is covered with overlapping material, without allowing any cracks.
  4. After the wall is ready, it is reinforced with a mesh. Then give time to dry and primer.
  5. The last stage is the puttying of the cinder block walls. Then you can start coloring.

The insulation procedure is important in terms of the comfort of living in the house, and also helps to save on heating.

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Why outdoor insulation is better

Qualified craftsmen advise insulating a cinder block house from the outside, since this option has many advantages:

  1. Extends the life of the main structure. External thermal insulation must be protected from external influences. Finishing not only becomes a barrier to thermal insulation, but also to cinder blocks.
  2. Saves usable floor space.
  3. Protects against the formation of dew on the walls of the house, and therefore prevents the appearance of fungus or mold.
  4. Allows you to save up to 70% percent of heat. Internal walls accumulate heat and when the air temperature in the room drops, they give it back.

Types of slag insulation

In a variety of slag heaters can be identified:

  • blast furnace slag;
  • metallurgical slag;
  • coal slag;
  • fuel slag.

Waste smelting iron products is blast-furnace slag. The filler contains the following chemical elements:

  • sulfur;
  • magnesium oxides;
  • manganese;
  • iron.

Domain fillers are divided into several types:

  • steelmaking. Cooling, the material acquires a crystalline structure;
  • open-hearth. Differs in high frost resistance due to the high density;
  • cast iron. Waste products of foundry iron are rapidly cooled, as a result, this filler is obtained.

Compositions that include nickel or copper become a source of metallurgical slag production. coal slag has high thermal insulation performance.

The filler obtained in the process of selling fuel materials is called fuel slag. The quality of the filler is determined by the percentage of impurities present. At high percentages of impurities of combustion products, the filler loses its thermal insulation properties.

Materials for insulation

There are currently many various options insulation of a cinder block house from the outside.

Among the most common heaters, mineral or glass wool, polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam, etc. are usually distinguished.

To better understand the advantages and disadvantages of these materials, you need to consider each of them separately.

Mineral wool and glass wool

Mineral wool and glass wool are common materials with which you can quickly insulate any building. Such products are made in two main types: in rolls and in the form of small plates.

In terms of technical and operational characteristics, mineral wool and glass wool practically do not differ from each other, therefore their advantages and disadvantages can be described together.

The table below shows the most important advantages and disadvantages of mineral wool and glass wool insulation.

Expanded polystyrene and extruded polystyrene foam

Extruded polystyrene foam differs from ordinary polystyrene foam in production methods.

Extruded polystyrene foam has a denser and stronger structure and a lower level of moisture absorption. At the same time, extruded polystyrene foam has a much higher cost, which seriously affects its popularity among owners of cinder block houses.

Both types of expanded polystyrene are usually produced in the form of plates of various sizes, but today there are also products in rolls on the market.

The table below shows the advantages and disadvantages of both types of foam.

Insulation technology with paint finish or siding

Scheme of a section of a wall insulated with foam plastic.

The most economical option for external insulation of a cinder block house is foam plastic and plaster work, followed by painting. If the cinder block walls have already survived more than one winter and have slightly crumbled and become covered with cracks, then you should first deal with puttying such irregularities. Then, with dowels, which should be 2 times longer than the thickness of the foam, attach it to the wall. The minimum foam density is 10 cm, but 25 cm is better.

More perfect is insulation modern material- extruded polystyrene foam (EPS). The raw materials for its production are the same as for foam, but the manufacturing technology is different. These materials do not differ in thermal conductivity, but the water absorption of XPS is much lower. Therefore, it is effective to insulate basements and foundations with it, which can be done without waterproofing. But absolutely everything can be insulated with EPPS: roof, walls, basement.

The stages of work have the following sequence:

  • wall putty;
  • doweling foam;
  • tension of the reinforced mesh;
  • alignment;
  • primer;
  • paint finish.

If it is planned to paint the walls, then acrylic or silicone plaster is most often used, but the latter is not suitable for a low-budget option. The advantages of acrylic are that it is applied immediately in color. It is possible to apply mineral plaster, but it is painted only after application. Yes, and every 3 years you will need to do this procedure again. Plaster in color will require re-painting only if the tone is pretty tired.

Another option, more expensive, is to insulate the cinder block with mineral wool or fiberglass, followed by siding, wooden clapboard or decorative tiles.

Slag wool selection criteria

Also, keep these tips in mind:

  1. The highest quality mineral fiber insulation is offered by German manufacturers. Only they have the most picky certification bodies that will not release low-quality or potentially dangerous goods on the market.
  2. Check with the seller in which direction the fibers of the heat insulator are located. When placed vertically, slag wool will store heat well and absorb sound. With chaotic - it will be more durable and withstand dynamic loads.
  3. Check the GOST of the product on the packaging if domestically produced slag. Its presence guarantees the quality of products.
  4. Choose the material that best suits your needs. The density of slag wool can be different, and the scope of its use depends on this. Density of 75 kilograms per cubic meter is suitable for roof insulation, attics. Material with a density of 125 kg/m3 is used on floors, ceilings, interior walls.

The main manufacturers of insulation

One of the manufacturers of slag products is USK Trading House. This company also sells insulation, delivers.

Aleksinsky expanded clay plant is engaged in the production and sale of slag, specializes mainly in the sale of expanded clay. Often, coal and metallurgical companies are engaged in the sale of slag, since slag is a waste production processes and participation of these products.

Thus, slag insulation has many advantages. This is an inexpensive type of insulation, available for do-it-yourself. The material is presented on the market, the purchase and delivery of slag insulation has been established in many regions of the country.

Possessing high thermal conductivity, insulation with slag fillers cuts costs for construction by reducing the base material during the construction of walls. This affordable way room insulation has proven itself over the years.

Thermal insulation with a spray solution

In order to simplify the thermal insulation process and achieve its high efficiency, modern ways insulation. These include the treatment of walls with a special material - polyurethane foam. In addition to reducing the thermal conductivity of the walls, it performs the function of a protective coating, which greatly simplifies and speeds up surface treatment.

Its peculiarity is that there are no fastening elements, which creates the effect of a continuous coating, without the presence of “weak points”: seams, dowel installation points, etc. The use of polyurethane foam is possible for the purpose of external and external thermal insulation.

It should be noted that the sprayed surface will already have the most even structure for further processing, and the small thickness of the material will preserve the internal space of the structure and reduce the cost of purchasing exterior finishing elements.

The disadvantages include the cost, but in some cases the use of sprayed thermal insulation will even be economically beneficial (taking into account additional characteristics material)

The manufacturer also claims the durability of the coating (about 30 years), but the product is new and there is no actual confirmation of such statements. Also, you should not forget about the advice of specialists and the level of harmful substances in some heaters.

Always try to conduct external thermal insulation first, and only then, if absolutely necessary, insulate from the inside.

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Used materials and tools

To work, you need to prepare various tools.

The insulation technology chosen and described by me provides that in addition to expanded polystyrene, other materials will be used:

  1. Primer for pre-treatment of the base. It improves the adhesion of wall blocks, removes dust from them and reduces the consumption of the adhesive mixture, with which the blocks of expanded polystyrene are fixed.
  2. Glue for gluing expanded polystyrene. With its help, insulation plates are attached and their surface reinforcement is performed.
  3. Fiberglass mesh for reinforcement. Remember to make sure you buy mesh that is designed for external (not internal) reinforcement.
  4. Profiles for reinforcement and decoration. We are talking about plastic perforated corners, with the help of which the outer corners of the insulation layer are strengthened and window slopes. I will also use plastic grooves that decorate the facade of the house.
  5. starting profile. Perforated galvanized part on which the polystyrene foam thermal insulation layer rests. Mounted at the bottom of the wall.
  6. Dowels-umbrellas. Drive-in type parts with a plastic core. I do not like to use dowels with screws, as the metal part can lead to the formation of a cold bridge in the fastened area.
  7. Decorative facade plaster. Necessary for finishing the facades of a cinder block house.

Now about the tools. You definitely need a puncher to drill holes for dowels, as well as a complete set of plastering tools (trowels, graters, rules, and so on).

External insulation

We will begin to consider ways of insulating a cinder block house precisely from external thermal insulation. Experienced specialists, whose field of activity is the insulation of buildings, argue that exterior finish cinder block walls with thermal insulation materials increases the ability to retain heat by 70%. Therefore, such a solution to the problem, which can reduce the thermal conductivity of the building frame, will achieve a good result.

In most cases, cinder block walls are finished with foam plastic on the outside. The purchase of material implies a minimum level of costs (if we take into account the cost of polystyrene or foam), in addition, the indicator of its thermal conductivity makes it possible to achieve a high thermal insulation effect.

Please note, if the ability of the walls to let air through (breathe) is important to you, then it is better to replace the foam plastic with mineral wool. . External thermal insulation with such material has another great advantage - ease of work

It is enough to attach the foam to the wall surface with dowels. The length of the latter must be chosen based on the thickness of the sheet. The length of each dowel should be equal to twice the width of the foam.

External thermal insulation with such material has another great advantage - ease of work. It is enough to attach the foam to the wall surface with dowels. The length of the latter must be chosen based on the thickness of the sheet. The length of each dowel should be equal to twice the width of the foam.

Scheme of insulation with mineral wool or foam plastic for glue

It should be noted that foam insulation from the outside requires that each sheet fits as tightly as possible to the wall surface. If the latter has some irregularities, then you can simply use additional glue during installation, which will help compensate for this shortcoming. In the event that damage has appeared on the cinder block wall before the moment of insulation, then the surface must be puttied.

Conventionally, the entire process of insulation can be built in the following algorithm:

  • Leveling the surface (putty).
  • Fixing sheets of insulation.
  • Reinforcement mesh installation.
  • Second alignment.
  • Primer.
  • Preparation before painting - finishing with "Finish".

Mineral wool insulation for siding

If the walls are planned to be painted after insulation, acrylic or silicone plaster must be used to level the surface.

Insulation on the outside of a cinder block house can be done with mineral wool, but this will require additional financial investments - it is difficult to prepare such a surface for painting, which means facing the walls of the house with siding or other facing elements.

Advantages and disadvantages of slag insulation

Using slag for floor insulation is beneficial due to its following advantages:

  • optimal air exchange in the laid layer is ensured due to the presence of small gaps between the granules; the possibility of operation in rooms with high humidity and temperature; simple laying technology; low material cost; not susceptible to rodents, mold and fungus; minimum requirements for evenness of the insulated base; wide choice of grain sizes; a minimum of tools for laying insulation.

However, this material for thermal insulation also has disadvantages:

  • high density of slag for insulation places high demands on strength load-bearing structures, including the foundation of the object due to high loads; relatively low insulation efficiency compared to similar materials with the same thermal conductivity, layer thickness and mass; the surfaces of the granules are uneven, making it difficult to ensure uniform insulation; some components may be subject to rust or moisture accumulation .

That is, before performing floor insulation with slag, the pros and cons must be evaluated in relation to specific specifications installation, operating features and requirements for the service life of the material.

How to insulate walls with foam

Preparing the wall for foam sheets is carried out in the same way as for glass wool. All cracks are closed, and the surface of the wall is leveled with plaster. Then a primer is applied to dry plaster and an adhesive solution is prepared.

When working with foam or foam boards, it is better to apply glue to the boards themselves. In this case, the coverage area should be at least 80% of the plate area. The sheets of insulation are glued in a checkerboard pattern, carefully making sure that there are no gaps between them.

If gaps are found after installation, they are sealed with mounting foam or glue. On the fixed foam sheets, a layer of glue is applied in an even layer and a reinforcing mesh is glued. After the glue has completely dried, a regular or decorative putty is applied to the mesh.

Despite the need for additional insulation, building a house from cinder blocks has its advantages. The cost of a cinder block house is much lower than building the same area from brick, and even more so from wood.

It takes much less time to build a cinder block house, due to the fact that the cinder block is much larger than a brick. The material itself has relatively good soundproofing properties. If you use a high-quality cinder block, then you can not spend money on facing the house.

However, houses made of cinder blocks have their drawbacks.

Since it's pretty heavy construction material, the foundation for it must be made stronger than for a brick or wooden house. Fresh cinder block, according to some experts, is able to allocate harmful substances. Therefore, before starting construction, it is recommended to keep the cinder block in the fresh air for at least six months.

Cheap varieties of cinder block have a gloomy grey colour, therefore, a house made of such material must be plastered both inside and outside. If the cinder blocks are damp, they can crumble, therefore, among other things, buildings made of this material need good waterproofing. Despite all the shortcomings, cinder blocks are widely used, especially in the construction of country or country houses.

Before you insulate a cinder block house from the inside on your own, you need to know the rules for carrying out such work.

It is important to choose materials that are suitable for this. Today, the construction market is saturated with such products.

There are a large number of them. Usually they are made on the basis of mineral wool or polystyrene. Warming a building with one product or another requires certain skills. How to properly insulate a cinder block house will be described below.

Sprayed thermal insulation

Insulation of a cinder block house is based not only on reducing heat loss, but also on creating a unique microclimate. It is for these purposes that more and more new materials are being developed in order to keep the heat and at the same time the integrity of the building. One of the most popular materials of this kind is polyurethane foam. Such material can be used both by spraying and pouring.

The two-component mixture is sprayed with a pressure generator, thanks to which you have the opportunity to get an excellent coating that does not have seams. Such a coating perfectly prevents the penetration of air in "weak" places. Another advantage of polyurethane foam is the possibility of insulating both external and internal. Thanks to the use of this material, you can immediately solve several problems:

  1. Wall insulation.
  2. Wind and vapor barrier.
  3. Protection of wood from decay.
  4. Increasing the strength of the supporting structure.

Polyurethane foam is a very long-term coating that has a long service life, more than 30 years.

Thanks to the above simple tips, you can easily insulate your home, after which even the most severe frost and cold north wind will not be able to disturb the peace and comfort inside your home. Thus, you can feel comfortable and not worry about your health and the health of your children. It is also worth noting that home insulation also saves heating costs, and this is savings. financial resources, which can now be spent on home improvement or personal needs.

Slag ceiling insulation technology

Ceiling insulation tools.

Insulation of the ceiling with bulk material is carried out from the side of the attic, which allows you to maintain the height of the ceiling inside the room. The technology of slag insulation is very simple, you can do this work yourself.

To work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • shovel;
  • stretcher;
  • nails;
  • putty knife;
  • scissors;
  • wood saw;
  • rule;
  • construction tape;
  • slag;
  • vapor barrier;
  • clay;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • boards.

Ceiling insulation is carried out in several stages:

  1. Room cleaning. For insulation work with slag, an absolutely clean surface is required, so before starting work, you need to clean the attic of all unnecessary rubbish.
  2. Vapor barrier installation. To do this, the entire surface of the ceiling from the side of the attic is covered with a layer of foil, glassine or penofol to choose from.
  3. Treatment of the vapor barrier layer with clay mortar. The vapor barrier must be smeared with clay with a layer of 2-5 cm, after which it is sprinkled with sand. This is done so that he can fill up the cracks that form in the clay after it dries.
  4. Slag filling. The surface is covered with insulation with a layer of 15-20 cm, after which it is carefully leveled.
  5. Concrete screed. On top of the slag layer, it is necessary to make a thin concrete screed, its thickness should not exceed 2-3 cm.
  6. Board laying. On top of the screed, after it has completely hardened, the floorboards are laid. In the event that the attic is not planned to be used for various needs, this item can be skipped.

The veranda in a private house, as a rule, is used only in the summer. In winter, this room is cold and uncomfortable, and it turns into a vestibule for storing unnecessary things. Unheated walls freeze and damp, and cold air enters the house through them. However, if you properly insulate the veranda in a wooden house, you can prevent heat leakage and cold ingress during interior spaces. In addition, additional square meters, which are never superfluous, can be used as a living room. In the article we will consider what materials are suitable for thermal insulation of the terrace, and how to properly insulate this room for winter living.

The veranda in a wooden house is also usually made of wood. Despite the fact that the construction market provides a rich selection of thermal insulation materials, not every insulation is suitable for the walls of a log and timber house. When choosing a material, you must first pay attention to its characteristics such as thermal conductivity, water resistance, fire resistance.

As heat insulators for finishing the veranda, the following materials are usually used:

  • mineral wool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • EPPS;
  • Penofol;

mineral wool

The traditional insulation for wooden structures is mineral wool. It has low thermal conductivity, is non-combustible, has high soundproofing qualities, and is considered an environmentally friendly material. Although many experts question the latter, since harmful resins are used as binders in mineral wool. In addition, the insulator strongly absorbs and accumulates moisture in itself, which is reflected in its heat-insulating properties. You can read more about the characteristics of the material in the article:.


One of the most popular and inexpensive materials is foam. The insulation shows itself as an excellent heat insulator, it is moisture resistant, biologically stable, weighs little and is easy to fit. However, it carries a number of disadvantages: the material is combustible, emits harmful volatile compounds when ignited, is not durable, and has low vapor permeability. In this regard, the foam is not recommended for use inside the house.

Extruded polystyrene foam

It is an excellent heat insulator. In many respects, it is much more effective than polystyrene, although it costs more. The thermal conductivity and water absorption of XPS is lower than that of polystyrene, it is resistant to solvents, it is durable and thermally stable. However, the material does not withstand UV radiation, under the influence of which it loses its characteristics. This can be easily avoided if you immediately close the insulation with a cladding.

Polyurethane foam (PPU)

Produced in the form of panels and polyurethane foam. The second option is more popular. Foamed insulation perfectly copes with its tasks, filling even the smallest cracks and cracks. produced by spraying a special installation. Therefore, in this case, you can not do without the help of specialists.


One side of the insulation is covered with foil, which reflects the cold air coming from the street, and at the same time retains heat inside the veranda. can be chosen as the main insulation, but the material showed the greatest efficiency when combined with other heaters.

Natural and synthetic materials for caulking

Moss, tow, lnovatin are inexpensive heaters used for caulking interventional seams and joints. They are made from natural materials and do not violate environmental friendliness. wooden house. Available in the form of ribbons, ropes, ropes. However, natural heaters are loved by birds, so additional processing with special means is required. In addition, certain experience and skills are needed to work with these materials.

Polytherm is a special synthetic insulation that is made from polyester fibers. The threads are fastened by soldering without the use of glue. The material is produced in the form of tapes, completely ready for use.

How best to insulate the veranda - outside or inside

It should be said right away that both options have both pros and cons.

Advantages internal insulation:

  1. The ability to perform work at any time, regardless of the season and weather.
  2. It is possible to carry out at once the whole complex of works on thermal insulation of the floor, ceiling and walls of the room.

When installing insulation from the inside of the veranda, the freezing point shifts to the inside of the wall. As a result, condensation forms, which leads to slow destruction. wooden structure. In addition, if the vapor barrier is not installed correctly, the dew point will move under the insulation, which causes the formation of fungus, mold, and, as a result, rotting of the wood.

Another disadvantage of internal thermal insulation is a decrease in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

As you can see, the disadvantages of this method are much more significant than its advantages.

Now consider the advantages and disadvantages of external insulation.


  1. The dew point is located on the outer boundary of the walls, which eliminates the threat of building destruction.
  2. The facade from a bar or logs becomes protected from influence of external adverse factors.
  3. The area of ​​the veranda is preserved.
  4. There is an opportunity to update the facade of the old building.

There are practically no drawbacks to external insulation, except for the difficulty of carrying out work in bad weather. But in this case, it is better not to do the thermal insulation of the veranda yourself, but simply turn to professionals who will make high-quality insulation at any time of the year.

The technology of warming the veranda from the inside

Floor insulation

Experts recommend starting the internal insulation of the veranda with floor insulation, since significant heat leakage occurs from this part of the room. If there is a basement under the veranda, then it is much easier to insulate the floor - you do not have to dismantle the existing coating. In this case, the thermal insulation of the floor is carried out from the side of the basement.

Work is carried out in the following order:

  1. On the floor beams and the inside wooden flooring fix the vapor barrier with a stapler.
  2. Insulation is laid between the floors. If the distance between the beams is greater than the width of the plates, the guides are built up with wooden blocks.
  3. Install a heat insulator.
  4. From above, the insulation material is covered with another layer of vapor barrier.
  5. Produce installation of the rough ceiling of the basement.

If there is no basement, then the thermal insulation of the floor is carried out from the side of the veranda. In this case, the warming cake can be laid on top of the existing coating.

  1. Install lags.
  2. Expanded clay is poured into the gaps between the beams or slab insulation is laid.
  3. Cover everything with a vapor barrier film.
  4. Install new flooring.

It should be noted that with this method the height of the room will decrease. If you don’t want to lose extra centimeters of height, you will have to dismantle the old coating, fill in expanded clay between the lags or lay the slabs and lay the floor again.

Roof and ceiling insulation

Thermal insulation of the roof allows you to avoid up to 20% of heat loss, so it is important to make high-quality insulation of this part of the veranda. The terrace usually has shed roof, which is quite inconvenient to insulate from the outside. The external thermal insulation of the roof is carried out at the construction stage, and in the case of a veranda, it is best to perform insulation from the ceiling.

Wireframe method

  1. If the ceiling is made of drywall, it must be dismantled and replaced with OSB boards or plywood.
  2. A waterproof film is attached on top. For its fastening use a stapler.
  3. A frame is mounted from a bar with a thickness equal to the thickness of the insulating material.
  4. Insulation plates are laid between the guides of the crate.
  5. The structure is covered with a vapor barrier film.
  6. A finishing ceiling is installed from lining or other material.

Frameless technology

In this way, you can install rigid insulation, for example, foam or polystyrene foam.

  1. The boards are glued directly to the ceiling with a special adhesive.
  2. The insulation is covered with a reinforcing mesh.
  3. Then the ceiling is plastered.

Wall insulation

As mentioned above, it is better to carry out wall insulation from the outside of the log house, if you have chosen the method of internal thermal insulation, then you must adhere to the following sequence:

  1. Caulk cracks and joints between logs with tow, jute or linen.
  2. Do wooden frame from beams.
  3. Cover the surface with a waterproof film.
  4. Install a counter-lattice of rails, it is desirable that they be mounted perpendicular to the main frame.
  5. Insert insulation between the guides of the counter-lattice.
  6. Lay the vapor barrier on top.
  7. Line the surface with finishing material, for example, clapboard or panels. You can also install sheets of drywall, which are then puttied, painted or finished in another way.

Features of external insulation

Outside, as a rule, only the walls of the veranda are insulated. thermal insulation process wooden facade no different from the internal insulation of the surface. A frame is also mounted outside, the only thing to consider: a vapor barrier layer is laid against the wall of the house, and a hydro-windproof membrane is installed on the outside of the insulation under the cladding.

If the walls of the veranda are block, then the thermal protection is done a little differently:

  1. Insulation boards (as a rule, they use polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam) are glued directly to the wall with a special adhesive.
  2. Then the material is additionally fixed with dowel-nails.
  3. An adhesive solution is again applied on top of the insulation and a reinforcing mesh is fixed.
  4. After the solution has completely dried, the surface is covered with decorative plaster.


If all the work on the thermal insulation of the veranda is done correctly, as a result, the extension will turn into a full-fledged living room that can be used all year round. If you have time and certain skills, you can do the insulation of the terrace with your own hands. But if there is no experience, it is best not to take on this work on your own, but to turn to specialists who will professionally and competently make insulation.

The company "Master Srubov" will perform high-quality thermal insulation of any wooden structure: verandas, baths or the entire log house. Insulation, made by the hands of skilled craftsmen, will bring warmth and comfort to your home.

If you attached in the summer to your one-story house veranda and, for example, equipped there comfortable kitchen, and with the advent of cold weather, the corners of the extension freeze and turn black - so it's time to think about how to insulate the veranda.

How to insulate a cold veranda?

It must be said right away that the problem of insulation will have to be approached on a large scale, that is, you cannot do without wall insulation alone. It is necessary to work both with walls and with the floor, with the ceiling, windows. Well, let's get started.

Perhaps we should start with a list of what we need to work. Warming the veranda usually means that you will need, naturally,


  • pencil, tape measure, nails, hammer, dowels, hacksaw, construction tape, spatulas and putty.

Well, and buy insulation material:

  • It can be penofol or some other analogue of it, polystyrene foam sheets (in other words, polystyrene) or mineral, basalt wool, polyurethane foam, or maybe resol foam.

All of these materials have suitable characteristics. The thickness of the insulation layer will depend on the wall thickness of your extension. You define it yourself.

And yet, what is the best material for insulation?

Most often, when insulating an attached veranda, they use mineral wool and. The latter, in case of possible contact with fire, will release very dangerous carcinogens, so this fact should not be ignored. Why is it still quite often used as a heater, because foam sheets are still the most affordable. This is a budget option.

As additional insulation, you can add a foam pad. With the help of a metallized layer, the penofol will reflect the cool air from the street, and besides, it will keep the heat inside your veranda. This material is a high-tech heat-insulating agent, it consists of a layer of foamed polyethylene and a high-quality aluminum foil covering it. This "reflected" material can even be used as a separate independent thermal insulation. But the maximum effect of heat preservation will be given by combining it with other types of heaters.

Effective options for insulation are rezol foam, basalt wool and polyurethane foam. These are non-combustible materials. Therefore, when you decide how to insulate the veranda, we advise you to pay attention to these heaters.

Step 1: window insulation

Insulation of the veranda, like any other part of the house, begins with windows. First, you need to pay attention to the windows. Do the existing windows retain heat well? No? We replace! Old windows need to be removed and good, high-quality ones installed that will keep the heat in the veranda.

Which windows should be chosen - wooden, aluminum or plastic - this question is described and after studying the materials you will make your own choice. In this case, the very fact that they will be better than your old windows in terms of thermal insulation properties is important to us.

Step 2: wall insulation

When you have determined for yourself the better to insulate the veranda, then it is with this material that you will cover the walls. On the walls (and also possibly on the floor), you fix sheets of insulation (polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam, mineral wool, etc.). Here you will need dowels with large diameter caps, you can also use small wooden plates so that the dowel caps do not go into the foam sheet. If this happens, then the insulation will no longer hold. At the joints of the sheets, close the gaps with mounting foam, and then remove the excess, glue masking tape on top (you can also take a regular one).

ATTENTION: use mounting foam free of toluene. This substance destroys the foam.

What is the best way to insulate walls: inside or outside?

Before starting work on wall insulation, many beginners (and not only) have a question: where is it better to insulate a wall, outside or inside? The illustration below will explain this point better than words:

although this is not immediately obvious to everyone, it is better to insulate walls from the outside

Step 3: laying the vapor barrier

This step is recommended but not required if saving is important to you. It consists in attaching a foil film. attached with glue or double sided tape. The reflective foil layer will keep you warm in winter and cool in summer.

Step 4: make the cold floor warm

In conclusion, we mount the floors. The idea is to lay a concrete screed. But you can simply lay the floor from the boards and linoleum or carpet on top of it. If your budget allows, then you can make a "warm floor".

In addition, you can use the tips described in the publication about.

The final stage

As a finish, you can use the most different variants. For example, fix a crate on the walls, and sheets of drywall on top of it. What to do with the cold veranda that has become warm next - only your imagination will tell.

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    Last year, I also insulated the veranda, and now it does not heat up in the heat, it is always cool and relatively warm in winter. In principle, I did almost everything as described in this useful information for those who have never done it before. I insulated from the inside, first “Izospan” is a vapor barrier, nailed the bars 50 to 50, then put in Ursa mineral wool, again a layer of vapor barrier and then sheathed with clapboard. Of course, the area of ​​​​the veranda decreased, but the result was positive, which I wanted to achieve. And I chose mineral wool because mice do not like it, it is very unpleasant when they get between the walls.

    During the repair, we also faced the issue of warming the apartment (we have an old building, two-story, an apartment on the second floor). At first they decided to insulate inside, insulated with mineral wool. For the money, of course, it turned out to be more expensive, but there is more confidence that it will not freeze, and animals (mice, bugs, spiders) will not start. Then the foam and drywall were laid. With the remaining money, they decided to insulate the outside as well. Since we have autonomous heating, gas consumption is minimal, and the house is very warm.

    Styrofoam is suitable where it can be glued to a brick wall with glue. wooden plots insulate with mineral wool. Warming will be successful if you end up with a thermos. Sometimes it seems that it is easier to build a new veranda than to insulate the old one.

    Warming should be both inside and outside. Saves utility bills. share mine personal experience. First, they insulated the walls with ecowool, then sheathed the walls with drywall. Ceiling insulation is also the same materials. The floor was made warm - electric. They also insulated the outside with foam plastic (5th). Now cozy and warm. It turned out a winter garden for flowers. Try to take high-quality and environmentally friendly materials for interior decoration.

    It is definitely necessary to insulate from the outside, because the air penetrates from the street, you can use glass wool, min vartu, etc., pay special attention to the floor and walls, they can be smeared with resin, then the wood will be strengthened and there will be a pleasant smell, it is worth paying attention to the windows, they also play a major role in keeping warm.

    I know from my own experience and advise you.
    When warming, it is best to use mineral wool. Expensive? but high quality and environmentally friendly. Styrofoam will not give you such a result, and you are tormented (gaps remain, you won’t cut it exactly anyway). If you undertook to insulate, pay attention to the windows - metal-plastic windows most best option. And if you want to double insulate the veranda, then insulate it from the outside. After all, it was not for nothing that our ancestors for the winter surrounded the house with dry stalks of reeds or corn.

    I think to insulate the veranda so insulate completely from the floor to the roof! It is better to insulate the floor of the beam from below and make it wooden and heated, which would be for sure! in my opinion, the walls should be insulated on both sides in our time now in the construction store you can find everything I insulate and from the inside from the outside for every taste and any money! if your windows are large, then it is better to put glass packages with heat-retaining glass! it is better to cover the roof beam with everything that is, this is a hydro barrier heat barrier glass fiber and after that you will get a very warm heat veranda! Good luck!

    I don’t know how anyone, but it’s better to insulate on both sides. And according to the technology, we first sheathe the outside (isospan) or any other pair of insulating material, be sure to read on the roll how to lay it. Then min-wool, just one min-wool will not work, it will blow through and all the heat will come out. then, as someone is more comfortable with siding or lining for sheathing. Inside, the same thing, but again, you need to look at how to lay the pair of insulation. Styrofoam is possible but only on the basement of the building. It does not let air through as it turns out in a greenhouse, not to mention performance.

    Marina, what did you insulate with? We have our own house, we insulated the roof with fiberglass and everything, and the humidity is much higher. Everything from the house goes to the top, constant condensation, and not a fungus. Who said you can't insulate inside? One of the ways of insulation: Outside, it is insulated with foam plastic or glass wool, and on top it is finished (Siding, etc.), and inside it can also be glass wool.

    I agree that it is necessary to insulate it from the outside, I spent a lot of effort figuring out this issue, but in the end I came to the conclusion that the most effective method it is mineral wool and steam insulation outside.

    It definitely needs to be insulated from the outside. We tried the option with insulation from the inside, after two years the insulation was removed due to moisture and fungus. The best option mineral wool. A little laborious, but effective. And of course, you need good sealed windows (with micro-ventilation).

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