With the arrival of warm days, there is nothing better than relaxation on suburban area, which can be provided by a gazebo, where you can drink warm tea in the rain and enjoy a summer evening. In the event that it is decided to build a gazebo, then the best of the existing options will be a rotunda - a structure round shape with roof-supporting columns.

A good decoration for absolutely any site can be in the form wooden rotundas, the construction of which is not difficult, and also does not incur significant material costs.

First of all, it is necessary to choose a favorable place for the rotunda. It is recommended to use a secluded area for this purpose. garden area, in the shadow dense trees. Ideally, there should be a small body of water nearby, but this is not essential. In hot summer weather, the foliage of trees will cover the gazebo from the rays of the hot sun.

Next, you need to design in detail the plan of the future rotunda, with its estimated dimensions. wooden rotunda can be of any size and, as a rule, it has the following dimensions: 2 by 3, 3 by 3 or 3 by 4 meters. The size directly depends on the number of people resting in the building at the same time. For example, to comfortably accommodate six people, the area of ​​​​the rotunda should be at least six square meters(2 by 3 meters).

The beginning of the construction of the rotunda, like any other construction, is laying the foundation. The required perimeter is marked and the topsoil is removed. After that, a foundation is made, the construction technology of which is no different from the foundation for other types of construction.

The basis of the rotunda are strong beams or beams treated with special primers, made of hardwood or coniferous wood. They are installed strictly vertically, avoiding slopes to the sides. All vertical beams are fastened together with a thinner beam located horizontally. This procedure will ensure the stability of the entire future structure.

When erecting a rotunda, it is not recommended to make solid walls, since this is a summer building, and blocking the view from the gazebo is useless. It is for this reason that it is better to protect it from below, up to half, and the upper part must be left completely open. Therefore, the cross beam must be at the height of the desired walls. The material for wall cladding can be wood. Latticed walls look very impressive, along which they will be launched in the future. climbing plants for example grapes.

The next step is the roof.. If the building has a rectangular or square shape, you can make a classic gable type roof, or in the form of equilateral triangles. And if the rotunda is made in the form of rounded outlines or a hexagon, then it is more expedient to build a domed-type roof that will repeat all the outlines of the rotunda.

As for the floors, they are not recommended to be made low in relation to the ground, because due to dampness, the wood will begin to deteriorate over time. Floors should be at least 30 centimeters high, enough to keep them dry at all times. A winding path paved with artificial tiles or stone will look great, which will provide not only a convenient approach to the gazebo, but also complement the overall picture of the landscape. *information posted for informational purposes, to thank us, share the link to the page with your friends. You can send interesting material to our readers. We will be happy to answer all your questions and suggestions, as well as hear criticism and wishes at [email protected]

Rotunda on personal plot will become not only an excellent place for outdoor recreation, but also a source of pride for the owner who built it. The most common material for building a rotunda is brick, but it is a heavy and cold material, so it will not fit into every site design. It will be much easier to build a rotunda from wood, besides, wood is an environmentally friendly material and does not require long facing works. The dimensions of the rotunda can be any, but usually it is made with a diameter of about three meters and a height of 2.5 meters. The best materials for the construction of the rotunda will be pine, ash or oak. Such varieties of trees are easy to process, they are durable and strong. Before construction, the boards must be treated with an antiseptic.

In the construction of any structure, the first step is to build a foundation. Any type of foundation can be made under the rotunda. The most economical option would be a columnar foundation with a column width of at least 30 cm. Supports (iron or wooden poles) must be poured into the foundation.

After the concrete has completely hardened, the racks are sheathed with boards, the walls can be sewn up to their full height, but the half-sewn walls will look much more interesting, above them it will be possible to hang a net for weaving plants.
The roof over the rotunda can be made a classic gable, but it would be much better to make a domed roof covered with tiles. Also, the rotunda can be covered with a roof of four triangles, such a roof would be appropriate, building truss system will take less time and effort than when building a dome.

Small architectural forms, which include garden and park gazebos, play a leading role in the organization and arrangement of recreation areas. There are many varieties of them, differing not only in the materials from which they are built.

The main differences are constructive. It can be arbors round and semicircular; hexagonal and rectangular; light summer and capital; with a dome flat roof or awning.

The choice is rather big, but in this article we will talk about how to make a round gazebo with your own hands - the most interesting, although not the easiest option.

The main materials used are brick, wood and metal. And in this regard, there is no difference what shape they are: round, rectangular or, for example, hexagonal.

By and large, the circle is not far removed in shape from the polygon. And therefore, the gazebo is round, and to be more precise, its frame is built according to the principle of a six- or octahedron - depending on the size of the building.

  • The final shape of the building is given by the elements of filling the spans between the uprights: if they are straight, then a polyhedron is obtained (see), if spherical, a rotunda or a semicircular arbor is obtained. This applies not only to walls, but also to the structure of the roof, which in this case is not pitched, but conical or domed.

As for the foundation, much depends on the dimensions and, accordingly, the mass of the structure. can be installed on a flat area, laid out paving slabs, and nothing to the base is attached. But for capital arbors, especially covered ones, built of brick or timber, a solid foundation is being erected.

Which option to prefer

The ancestor of the round gazebo was the classic rotunda. In historical architecture, round shapes were considered perfect at all times, and the space inside such a structure was identified with peace and harmony. It is for this reason that all temples, both ancient and modern, have streamlined rounded shapes.


  • Garden gazebo semicircular or rotunda - this can be said universal options for backyard or park. And if such a structure is also successfully located on a hill or near a pond (see) - the harmony will be complete.

  • Most often, rotundas are made of brick, with decorative stone or plaster finishes. Oddly enough, building a round gazebo on your own from brick is much easier than from wood or metal. After all, the whole problem lies in the curved forms of the span filling elements.
  • It is clear that bend wooden arches, which we see in the photo above, with our own hands, and even in domestic conditions, is simply impossible. This is done in woodworking industries: peeled or sliced ​​veneer is used for bending. hardwood: birch, alder, beech, poplar, ash, maple. This is not a complete list of species, and birch is considered the most plastic of them.

  • It is possible to obtain a curvilinear shape unusual for wood only as a result of its hydrothermal treatment. Therefore, do-it-yourself wooden round arbors can only be assembled from factory parts, and not made on your own. Moreover, they have not only curved arches, but also the roof elements and the filling of the spans have rounded shapes.
  • All of the above also applies to: that wood bending, that metal forging is an impossible process at home. Therefore, if you want an elegant cylindrical gazebo, give preference to the factory version. The price of the building will depend not only on the size, but also on the complexity of manufacturing decorative elements.

If you want to have an elegant capital gazebo, pay attention to the classic rotunda. We will try to clarify this issue in detail by telling you how to build a round gazebo with columns. Although this option cannot be called the cheapest, it is certainly the most respectable and durable.

The principle of building a rotunda

The basis of such a structure as a rotunda are columns. They are built not only from brick, but also from stone, monolithic concrete poured into a detachable formwork with a special internal coating. Usually, these are factory-made auxiliary structures made of moisture-resistant drywall.

  • In addition, there are also prefabricated elements of columns on sale, made from composite raw materials, based on polymerized gypsum or cement. For this, even concrete piles with a circular cross section can be used, which can simultaneously play the role of a foundation.
  • This method of erecting a rotunda is possible only when the quality of the soil requires it, and on the site, according to the project, piles are also driven under the house at the same time. We will talk about how to simplify the process of installing columns a little later, but now we will pay attention to the preparation and arrangement of a reliable foundation.
  • So, let's figure out how to make a round gazebo with your own hands. If you purchase a factory set of rotunda elements, then drawings must be attached to it, which must be followed during assembly. In addition, the manufacturer will provide recommendations regarding the design of the base.

It is possible that the foundation will not have to be built, since some rotundas are self-supporting. This is not the cheapest option, but such a building will have not only columns, but also a beautiful balustrade with figured balusters, and a fiberglass dome. If you want to completely manage on your own, build a brick gazebo.

brick supports

Be that as it may, for the stability of the structure, you need to make strong supports under the columns. The most convenient in this case will be a columnar foundation. It is also built of brick, it can even be used, but always ceramic.


  • The order of work is as follows: first, the territory is planned, the outline of the building is marked, and then excavation. Marking is necessary in order to observe the geometric proportions of the building and correctly determine the location of the foundation pillars, and, accordingly, the columns of the rotunda.
  • To do this, you need to determine the size of the gazebo and, in accordance with them, first draw a circle of the appropriate radius on the ground, and then enter a polygon into it. The classic version for a rotunda with a diameter of 4 m is six columns. So, you have to draw a hexagon. You can easily find instructions on how to do this correctly, including on our website.

  • According to the markings made in the corners of the hexagon, hammer in the pegs, and you can begin to develop the soil. The foundation pillars are usually buried by 1-1.2 m, for which it is necessary to make an appropriate excavation of the earth. The bottom of the hole is covered by about 20 cm with a sand and gravel mixture, covered with a waterproof film and the post is laid out.
  • Depending on the massiveness of the building, one row of masonry may consist of four or six bricks. The space formed inside is filled with masonry mortar, into which the reinforcement bars are embedded. This also applies to foundation pillars and brick columns, into which they pass in the ground part of the structure.
  • Vertical reinforcement gives the structures the necessary strength, and the reinforcement outlets in the upper part of the columns make it possible to make a rigid strapping of the frame, as well as to weld, say, a metal roof dome to them. If the columns are not laid out of brick, but are assembled from factory elements, then the base of the columns is also welded to the embedded parts on the foundation.

We should not forget about horizontal reinforcement, which, according to technology, should be carried out in every fourth row of masonry. For this purpose, steel strips or mesh are used, which are laid in the seam between the rows. After the foundation pillar (see) is brought out just above the ground surface, the masonry surface must be leveled with mortar and allowed to harden.


Next, the laying of columns will begin, but before proceeding with it, it is necessary to make horizontal waterproofing. To do this, the squares of roofing material are laid on a layer bituminous mastic. This operation is mandatory for strip, monolithic and columnar foundations, as it prevents capillary absorption of moisture from the soil by ground structures.


  • For vertical foundation surfaces, only coating waterproofing, which is usually performed either with hot bitumen or liquid glass. To protect the structure from moisture and low temperatures, appropriate additives should be added to the masonry mortar.

  • As for the columns, they can be laid out not only from ceramic, but also silicate brick. Here the main thing is its shape, and if you don’t want to deal with plaster later, the decorative effect of the surface. For laying out cylindrical columns, it is very convenient to use a shaped brick of this shape, as in the picture below.
  • It differs in configuration and, as a rule, has a higher grade than ordinary brick, as it is used not only for masonry, but also for cladding. There are no differences in masonry technology, and columns are erected similarly to foundation pillars.

  • The rotunda is usually made higher than a simple gazebo. With a diameter of 4 m, its height with a dome reaches about 4.5-4.8 m. At the same time, the columns are 2.8-3m, and the rest is the roof. A classic rotunda can only have columns, or it can have walls with openings. If you want to build just such an option, then along the contour of the circle, between the columns, you will have to fill in a shallow strip foundation.
  • Openings are made in the walls and usually they have an arched shape. To lay out a brick arch, a special formwork must be used - circled. It is installed so that it rests on the walls, and wedged. For laying an arched lintel, a wedge-shaped brick is used, which has a trapezoidal shape in cross section.
  • The difference in the width of the narrow and wide edges can be 10 or 20 mm, due to which it is convenient to lay out arches with different radii. When using ordinary bricks, the shape of the arch is given by increasing the thickness of the seams on one side. There are many nuances here, and it is impossible to tell everything at once. Best help for a beginner at work - this is a video from professionals.
  • The binding of the upper perimeter of the columns can be made by analogy with lintels - using formwork and brickwork- but it's quite difficult. It is much easier to do this, as, indeed, the entire dome for the rotunda is made of metal. As a crate for roofing material, it is better to use flexible plastic slats.
  • Do not bend a wooden beam in the desired radius, but the polymer analogue bends well and is not inferior in strength to wood at all. They are laid in two rows and, like ordinary shingles, are screwed to the rafters with self-tapping screws. It remains only to choose a suitable form, flexible roofing material. And here it is hardly possible to come up with something better than roofing tiles.
  • The easiest way is to order the roof frame separately, install it entirely on the finished columns, and then make the crate and lay the roofing material. Under the order, they will make the roof completely for you - just such an openwork, as in the picture above. It looks gorgeous, however, you can’t hide from the rain in such a gazebo.

Concerning finishing brick columns, they can be decoratively plastered, for example, marbled, and various overlay decors can also be used. As a result, you will get a real antique rotunda: the pride and beauty of your estate.

With the onset of warm days, there is nothing better than relaxing in a summer cottage. And it’s very good if there is a gazebo on the site, where you can drink warm tea even in the rain and enjoy summer evenings. If you are seriously thinking about building a gazebo, then from all the variety the best option there will be a rotunda. It is an elegant building with a round shape, with columns supporting the roof.

Having your own garden plot where you can have a family picnic or just take a break from everyday worries, gathering your thoughts surrounded by nature is, of course, very cool, but to be constantly in the house, especially in the spring, when nature is just starting to come to life after a long winter. sleep, the air is filled with freshness, and the birds, returning back from the warm regions after wintering, begin their singing, it is simply impossible. Everything says it's time to get outside.

Recreation in nature helps a person to relax and restore his nervous system. It is especially favorable to rest near a body of water, but it is still too early to settle down on the ground that is not yet warm enough after winter, as this is fraught with consequences. What to do in this case, because you really want to enjoy all this splendor in order to get a charge of vivacity and energy until the next weekend.

In this case, it's time to think about building a gazebo on your backyard. An ideal decoration for any site will be a gazebo in the form of a wooden rotunda, the construction of which presents absolutely no difficulty and does not incur significant material costs.

Now let's take a closer look at where to start building a wooden rotunda. First of all, it is necessary to choose the most favorable place for its location. The best place for this is a secluded area located in the garden, in the shade of dense trees. It is good if at least a small body of water is also located nearby, but this does not matter. In the hot summer season, the foliage of the trees will cover the rotunda from the direct rays of the scorching sun, and this will give you a great opportunity to hide in the shade in the heat.

The next step is to design in as much detail as possible the plan of the future structure, with its estimated dimensions. The size of a wooden rotunda can be different and, as a rule, it has the following dimensions: 2x3, 3x3, or 3x4 meters. This will directly depend on the planned number of people simultaneously in the gazebo.

For example, for comfortable accommodation of 5-6 people, the internal area of ​​the rotunda should be at least 6 square meters. m., that is, have a perimeter of 2x3 meters, or have a rounded shape with the same area. For such a large number of people, this will be quite enough, but if you have a large family, and you also like to gather guests often, then you should think about building a more spacious rotunda.

It seems that the preparatory part of the work has been completed, now you can proceed to the practical stage. The beginning of any construction, and the construction of a rotunda is no exception, is the laying of the foundation. We mark the perimeter of the required size and remove the top fertile soil layer until solid soil appears. Next, we make the foundation, which now does not make sense to dwell on in detail, since the technology for its manufacture is no different from the foundation for any other type of construction.

As a basis, strong, treated with special primers, wooden beams or timber, coniferous or hardwood, which are installed strictly vertically, avoiding slopes anywhere to the side. Vertical beams are immediately fastened together, with the same, or slightly smaller in thickness, beam, located horizontally. This will give the whole structure stability.

When building a rotunda, it is better to avoid making solid walls, because this is a summer building. Therefore, it is better to sew them up from the bottom, up to about half, and leave the upper part open. Therefore, the cross beam should be at the same height as you want to make the walls themselves. Can be used for wall cladding various materials, but more efficient, nevertheless, to make it from the same tree. Latticed walls will also look spectacular, along which it will then be possible to put some climbing plants, for example, grapes.

At the same time, the roof is being made. If the building has a square or rectangular shape, you can make a classic gable roof, or in the form of equilateral triangles converging at the top. And if the rotunda has a rounded outline or in the form of a hexagon, which is also not uncommon, then it would be more expedient to build a domed roof that repeats the outlines of the rotunda itself.

As a roof, it is better to use lighter roofing materials, such as ondulin or shingles, which, moreover, have a rather attractive appearance, and will be harmoniously combined with the overall design of the entire building.

As for the floors, they should not be made too low to the ground, because due to dampness, the wood can begin to deteriorate quickly. The height of the floors should be at least 30-35 cm, this will be enough to keep them dry at any time of the year. A winding path lined with stone or artificial tiles will look good, which will serve not only as a convenient approach to the rotunda, but also complement the overall picture of the entire landscape.

Source http://remontinfo.ru

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