Despite enough simple design, during operation bayonet shovel it can fail. This may occur due to non-compliance with the requirements for the load on the tool, for example, when developing excessively hard soils, or performing work unusual for a shovel. We list the main damage to the bayonet shovel, which can be repaired with your own hands, the causes of these damages, as well as the repair technology for this tool.

1. Damage to the wooden part (handle) of the shovel.

Such damage can occur when digging very hard soil, such as dried clay. Having stuck a shovel into the ground and trying to lift it with the ground, the handle may not withstand and crack or even break.

In this case, most likely you will have to replace the stalk. Using pliers, a screwdriver or wire cutters, we take out the fasteners of the handle (the type of tool used depends on how the metal part is fixed - with a nail or a self-tapping screw). Next, take out the broken part of the handle. If the part remains in the shovel, it can be knocked out with a hammer and a metal pin. As a pin, you can use a piece of reinforcement, a thick screwdriver, and even a piece of a stick or rail a little thinner than a shovel handle.

Using a knife or planer, we sharpen a new handle and hammer it into the metal part. At the same time, he should go into it tightly. It may be necessary to slightly cut the undercut part at an acute angle so that the protruding part of the handle does not rest during work. After that, we fix the metal part to the handle.

This can be done with nails or screws. In the first case, it is necessary to take a thick nail with a section slightly smaller than the diameter of the mounting hole. After that, we cut it off with a grinder, file or hacksaw so that the nail with the hat becomes 1 - 1.5 cm shorter than the diameter of the handle. Next, we hammer it into the hole. If you decide to stay on a self-tapping screw, then we note that it holds dynamic loads much better.

As a self-tapping screw, it is necessary to select a thick version that is suitable for the diameter of the hole for fasteners, as well as 1 - 1.5 cm shorter than the diameter of the handle. A roofing screw with a hex head is perfect for this purpose.

2. Crack in the metal part.

Due to heavy loads in the metal part, a crack may occur at the junction of the flat part and the fastening part. Such a defect can be partially eliminated using conventional electric welding.

We remove the metal part from the handle and clean the gap or crack from rust. Next, we weld the crack along the entire length, if necessary, aligning the broken parts as close as possible. The metal on the shovel is thick enough, so a 3 mm thick electrode will be just right. After that, with the help of a grinder, we clean the seam. It remains only to re-plant the shovel on the handle and you can use it. Of course, the shovel will not have the initial strength, however, it is easily suitable for loose and loose soils. The only requirement for such a repair is that the metal part must be made of steel.

3. Deterioration of the cutting properties of the shovel.

Over time, the shovel begins to become dull - meaning the cutting edge. As a result, more and more effort is required to drive the shovel into the ground. This is fairly easy to remove with a grinder.

We sharpen the blade like a regular table knife on both sides and the shovel again begins to cut the soil like butter. If you do not have an electric sharpener, you can do this with a manual whetstone or file, although in this case it will take much more time and effort. The edge must be sharpened to a rounding (vertical edges of the metal part.

You will need

  • - soldering iron or glue;
  • - acetone;
  • - sponge;
  • - emery;
  • - fiberglass;
  • - solder wire;
  • - clamp or masking tape;
  • - fittings;
  • - primer for plastic;
  • - dye;
  • - varnish.


Find out the composition of the plastic - its marking should be indicated on the inside of the product (for example, PA - polyamide or PP -). It is important to study the properties of this material, since the type of bonding or welding will depend on this. Thermoplastic polymers (plexiglass, polyethylene, polypropylene and others) are easy to process. But you will not be able to melt the so-called thermoplastics (they contain phenol-formaldehyde, epoxy and other resins and fillers). You will need special glue.

Pick up in building material adhesive, epoxy for this type of plastic and consult a competent seller. Follow the manufacturer's instructions exactly. Sand the surfaces to be bonded, clean them of dirt and degrease with acetone. You can glue the fault directly along the seam, or you can pre-strengthen it with fiberglass.

Use to solder a leaky plastic part solder wire of identical chemical composition. Treat the working parts with sandpaper a centimeter from the edge, as the part to be welded will have to step on the left allowance for the strength of the seam. Gather the pieces of broken plastic and fix them with a clamp (fixing tool) or masking tape.

Start thin plastic from the “face” so that an ugly bump does not appear on the visible surface. You can repair plastic of a denser composition immediately from the wrong side. Run the soldering iron over the crack; apply solder and fuse it into the thickness of the softened material. From the back of the work, you can use a thicker wire.

Some craftsmen combine plastic soldering with reinforcement (strengthening the structure). To do this, it is recommended to purchase a special brass or bronze mesh (about 0.2 mm thick). Cut the reinforcing material into strips of the desired size. Your task is to attach an amplifier to inner surface chip and (heating the plastic with a soldering iron) drown it in the molten material.

Get ready for a plastic facelift. The glued or soldered surface must be washed, sanded with #1000 sandpaper and wiped with acetone.

Shake the bottle of plastic primer, shake it for 10 minutes and apply to the damaged part from a distance of 20 cm. If the package has other instructions, be sure to follow the manufacturer's recommendations. Cover the plastic with 2-3 layers of primer (depending on the depth of damage), let it dry and again walk over the product with emery and acetone.

final stage plastic repair will be sprayed with a special dye. Make sure that it is designed specifically for this material. Apply required amount decorative layers; before each new coating, let the previous one dry for 15-20 minutes. If necessary, one hour after painting, varnish the product. You managed to repair the plastic, but until it dries completely, it must be protected from dust and other contaminants.

Winter is an amazing time, delighting us with frosty patterns on the windows and fluffy snow in the yard. However, very often all this is overshadowed by large snow marks that have to be cleared, bringing sidewalks, paths and the territory near the house in order. In the process of snow removal from significant loads and large volumes of work, even the most durable and durable shovel can become unusable. In order for all household equipment to be in working order, every self-respecting homeowner should know how to quickly and easily fix a broken tool.

Today, a wide range is presented on the modern domestic market, but plastic products are considered the most popular and economical. It is polypropylene that is the most versatile material that can replace metal, wood or glass. Manufacturers various industries activities use plastic to create things useful in everyday life. One such accessory is a snow shovel.

Plastic snow shovels have a number of advantages: light weight, strength and ergonomics. Choosing such inventory is very simple, but it becomes very unpleasant when it breaks during operation at the most inopportune moment. You can correct the situation using your own work and skills.

What can you do with a broken plastic shovel?

The most common way to get your snowplow back in working order is to buy a broken part (handle or bucket) and replace it. In some cases, when the bracket on the scoop is broken, you can use fasteners: clamps, nuts, bolts and screws. They will help to securely fix the handle until the bucket is replaced.

Each owner of a house with a backyard at least once in his life faced the problem of cracking on the working part of a plastic shovel. In such cases, it is very difficult to do something, but special adhesives can come to the rescue. To repair snow removal equipment made of polypropylene, you will need:

    polyvinyl chloride glue;

    polyvinyl acetate glue;

    nitrocellulose adhesive.

Before using any adhesive, you must carefully read the instructions for use. In order for snow removal equipment to serve for a long time, it is necessary to provide it with right conditions storage and care.

In stores you can find many varieties of heat-shrinkable cambric. This is a tube that tends to shrink when heated. This property is used to insulate wires, fix thin objects by compressing them. However, these heat shrinks are not strong enough. Therefore, they cannot be used for fastening. A plastic bottle is very well suited for these purposes, since it also has shrink properties.

This video tutorial shows how to use a plastic bottle to repair a shovel handle, or rather a cracked handle. To do this, you need to separate the middle cylindrical part from the bottle. The size of the bottle must be chosen according to the handle, so the smallest bottle is suitable for a shovel.

Heating is best done with a building hair dryer or a powerful household one. But you can hold our shrink band over gas stove, being careful.

Unfortunately, the original video was removed from YouTube, but this video shows the same principle of the described method.

How to repair a broken plastic pipe vacuum cleaner? How to glue the broken place? This can be done with a PET plastic bottle and glue. The plastic bottle has shrink properties. First you need to glue the pipe at the junction with superglue and soda. Then put on top plastic bottle, suitable in size and warm it up with a hair dryer. The connection is quite reliable and the thing will last a long time. Unusual properties of a plastic bottle.

Is there a transverse crack in your shovel? This is not surprising - this winter there was a lot of snow! The stiffener of the shovel does not withstand. The crack must be urgently fixed before the shovel breaks in half.

To do this, we impose a thick metal plate (2-4mm).

I took a ready-made corner that is sold in stores and did the following:

  1. He straightened it along the bend of the shovel. The holes in it were already two holes on each side;
  2. He attached the corner to the shovel and marked with a marker in the holes of the corner the future holes in the shovel;
  3. Where the marks from the marker turned out, we drill holes according to the diameter of the bolts (I have 6mm);
  4. The bottom two bolts are 20mm long, because pass only through the shovel, and the upper and through wooden handle shovels (length 60mm.);
  5. We tighten everything strongly with nuts through the enclosed engraver and washers.

All! The shovel is repaired and ready for snow removal! Benefits of this renovation:

  • The crack does not propagate further;
  • The handle of the shovel is well fixed on the shovel and will not fly off it.

This method can be applied to any type of shovels.

In the photo below, a children's shovel is repaired, by the way, also for snow removal 🙂


The shovel will last more than one winter - the crack is securely fixed with a metal clamp!
