Changeable March is difficult to drive into the calendar. It is too unpredictable: it will beckon with the sun, douse it with frost, fill up the thawed patches that have already appeared with new snowdrifts twice as high as the previous ones. But it won’t hurt enthusiastic gardeners to outline a schematic plan of action, because when else to start active preparations for future plantings, if not in the first month of spring? The sowing lunar calendar for March 2019 will tell you auspicious dates and work for every day.

Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for March 2019

It's time to wake up spring primroses

  • Date: March 1
    Lunar day: 24–25
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn

A day of cleaning and planning. Check the seedling boxes, ignite or freeze the soil, apply mineral and organic fertilizers to the soil. On garden plot clean the paths, fill the containers prepared for melt water with snow, check the condition of the greenhouses - in a word, put the territory in order. Indoor flowers can be rid of dry and spoiled leaves, it is not recommended to only disturb the roots of plants.

  • Date: March 2
    Lunar day: 25–26
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Do not carry out work related to the destruction of something, for example, pruning or weeding. However, you can water, fertilize, take preventive measures against diseases and pests. Suitable time for soaking seeds with a dense shell: cucumbers, tomatoes, beets.

  • Date: March 3
    Lunar day: 26–27
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Unfertile day. Everything that will be planted today will begin to sprout late, sluggishly and unfriendly. But with the shoots that have already appeared, treat them more boldly, weeding, hilling, pinching and thinning them as you wish. Treat plants from pests and diseases, but refuse to feed - now useful substances will not be useful. Abundant watering is also contraindicated, the roots will begin to rot.

  • Date: March 4
    Lunar day: 27–28
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius

It is still worth delaying with top dressing, although it is allowed to resort to moderate watering. Any violation of the integrity of plants is also prohibited, so there should be no pruning or pinching in your plans. But the preparation of the soil for planting will be successful.

  • Date: March 5
    Lunar day: 28–29
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac sign: Pisces

The germination of crops sown on this day is hardly impressive, but the most impatient can start sowing root crops (radishes, radishes, beets, carrots, daikon) and parsley on the root. Indoor flowers will not be damaged by neat rejuvenating and shaping pruning. When the thaw is not lower than + 5 ° C, inspect the trees in the garden for damage from frost, rodents and lichens, clean the wounds on the trunks, disinfect with a solution blue vitriol and treat with garden pitch. At the same time, remove the frozen branches to healthy wood and also process the cuts.

  • Date: March 6
    Lunar day: 29–30–1
    Phase: new moon
    Zodiac sign: Pisces

Rest day for plants and gardeners. Start planning your garden, check for repairs to your gardening tools, fill the bird feeders in the area.

  • Date: March 7
    Lunar day: 1–2
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Pisces

is coming auspicious time for landings. You can slowly start active work with the soil: loosen, hill, weed, fertilize (mineral top dressing is especially recommended). Cucumbers are sown in greenhouses with warmed earth and containers on window sills, Bell pepper, red and white cabbage, peas, beans and other legumes. The right time for laying potatoes for sprouting and bulbous flowers for forcing. At their summer cottage, you can cut cuttings for grafting and put them in water. Plants should not be watered.

  • Date: March 8
    Lunar day: 2–3
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Aries

Good period. Any kind of work is allowed, with the exception of pinching and pruning - the plants grow, and your indelicate intervention can damage them. Also, be careful with watering, too much water will damage the roots. But treatment from pests and diseases will be appropriate. Indoor plants are allowed to be transplanted and to replace the soil in pots.

  • Date: March 9
    Lunar day: 3–4
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Aries

There are actually no restrictions. You can do everything from weeding and hilling to picking and transplanting. The only thing, do not overdo it with top dressing, so as not to burn the plants. In the suburban area in regions with early spring, cover the beds with crops before winter with a film on a wire frame so that the earth warms up faster, or scatter peat and humus - all this will speed up the melting of snow.

  • Date: March 10
    Lunar day: 4–5
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Taurus

Loosening, watering and top dressing, as well as transplanting are on the agenda. However, other types of work will also be successful, you should only refrain from trimming. Sow tomatoes and eggplants, annual flowers for seedlings; dive February seedlings into separate containers. In the garden area, shake off the snow from the branches, and in case of a thaw, whiten the trunks to protect them from sunburn- reflected from snowdrifts Sun rays represent a much more serious danger than it seems.

Whitewashing will protect not only from pests, but also no less dangerous rays of the sun.

  • Date: March 11
    Lunar day: 5–6
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Taurus

Plants actively draw moisture from the soil and nutrients- use it to water and feed them. Cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, red cabbage, legumes, horseradish, carrots, radishes, sunflowers are recommended for sowing seedlings. Plant onions on the turnip, parsnips on the root, parsley on the root and greens. Plant perennial flowers.

  • Date: March 12
    Lunar day: 6–7
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Taurus

The moon is growing and young shoots are trying to keep up with her. Support them with watering, fertilizing and gentle weeding that does not affect the roots. It is better not to touch the plants themselves: any traumatic procedure can delay their development, so also postpone pruning until better times. Engage in soaking seeds for the time being, sowing eggplant, zucchini, squash, sweet pepper, cabbage (white, red, Peking) and different types greens and herbs - lettuce, spinach, celery, parsley for greens, basil, cilantro.

  • Date: March 13
    Lunar day: 7–8
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Gemini

The recommendations of this day are not much different from the previous one. Plants are still diligently gaining strength and strength, which sometimes even harms, so do not forget to inspect your crops in order to thin out and weed them in time. You can plant all the crops listed in the previous paragraph, with the possible exception of spicy herbs: it is believed that they will not have a pronounced aroma and taste. Among the flowers comes the time of creeping, hanging and creeping plants. Think about which ones you would like to see in your flower bed in the summer, and get down to business. At the summer cottage, prepare for future use cuttings and belts for catching insects, fill the feeders.

  • Date: March 14
    Lunar day: 8–9
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Gemini

Although the moon continues to rapidly gain weight, the green pets begin to lag behind her. Put aside the seeds and give up the idea of ​​diving and replanting, this is not the best option activities at the moment. The only exceptions are creeping and "whiskered" crops - peas, beans, and in southern regions watermelons, melons and pumpkins. Focus on loosening the soil, hilling and applying organic fertilizers, your charges still need nutrients.

  • Date: March 15
    Lunar day: 9–10
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Cancer

Curly and weaving crops continue to rule the ball: cucumbers, melons, pumpkins, squash, legumes. You can engage in bookmarking for forcing and planting bulbous and tuberous flowers. Watering and fertilizing are still relevant, the main thing is not to bring them to fanaticism, so that one half of the sprouts does not burn out, and the second does not rot. If the weather permits, inspect the berry bushes in the area and cut out the branches that are dry and affected by the bud mite.

This is what this pest looks like on the branches fruit trees and bushes (on the right is a diseased branch)

  • Date: March 16
    Lunar day: 10–11
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Cancer

Give home planting a day off by focusing on suburban area. Clear the paths and aisles, free the branches of trees and bushes from adhering snow, rake it into prepared containers. You can sprinkle the area with humus or ash to speed up the melting of snow, but do not overdo it: in the northern regions, frosts are even more than possible at this time, so there is no need to adjust the snowmelt here. During the thaw, those who have not done this before should clean the wounds and places on tree trunks affected by lichen, disinfect, and cover the cuts with var.

  • Date: March 17
    Lunar day: 11–12
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Leo

The coming period is not particularly fertile. You can work on the ground, fertilize and replant well-rooted plants, but do all this as carefully as possible. If you have idle soil prepared for planting, start breeding flowers. Curly, bulbous, tuberous should take well. In addition, sunflower and herbs are included in the list of permitted crops.

  • Date: March 18
    Lunar day: 12–13
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Leo

Slow down with fertilizer and watering, you risk "overfeeding" the sprouts, which are not able to absorb everything you will regale them with sufficient speed. Loosen the soil, spud, weed. Are there any empty seedling boxes left? Sow tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, eggplants, zucchini, radishes, carrots, beets, gourds, legumes, horseradish, garlic, turnip onions, sunflowers or greens in them.

  • Date: March 19
    Lunar day: 13–14
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Virgo

A great day for picking grown seedlings into separate containers, and in the southern regions - into the soil of prepared greenhouses with warmed-up soil. It does not hurt to inspect the trees on the site again in order to remove dry and excess branches before the start of sap flow, and at the same time pour currant bushes with boiling water. Transplant indoor plants into new pots.

  • Date: March 20
    Lunar day: 14–15
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac: Virgo

All types of work with the soil, watering, mineral fertilizing are welcome. Prioritize today ornamental crops: sow annual flowers and replant perennials. At the summer cottage, break the crust over the strawberry-strawberry beds to prevent the plants from overheating, and air the flowers covered for the winter.

If the weather allows, you can open roses and wild roses

  • Date: March 21
    Lunar day: 15–16
    Phase: full moon
    Zodiac: Libra

Rest day. Take a break from worries or do something that does not require direct contact with plants: put together a couple of birdhouses to attract birds to your site, sharpen a tool, prepare pegs for tying.

  • Date: March 22
    Lunar day: 16–17
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac: Libra

On the waning moon, the focus shifts to tuberous flowers, root crops and herbs: sow, plant, care. With the above-ground part of the pets, be extremely delicate, pruning will damage them more than on other days. Indoor flowers can be sprayed against diseases and pests, garden trees and shrubs - treat with a solution of urea or fumigate.

  • Date: March 23
    Lunar day: 17–18
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac: Scorpio

The favorites of the moon are still roots, tubers and bulbs - carrots, beets, radishes, horseradish, garlic, onion, root parsley, potatoes. However, you can also do “tops”, for example, make sanitary and formative pruning, but with restrictions: if sap flow has already begun in the trees, it will have to be canceled.

  • Date: March 24
    Lunar day: 18–19
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac: Scorpio

You can weed, thin out seedlings, transplant seedlings and indoor flowers, but do it as carefully as possible: plants are vulnerable and can be hard to accept your manipulations with them. Pest and disease control will be more successful. In the country, it's time to start making grooves and drains to drain excess melt water.

Work with landings as carefully as possible, and if you can’t, it’s better to refuse work on this day

  • Date: March 25
    Lunar day: 19
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac: Sagittarius

Actions aimed at improving soil productivity are recommended. Feed the seedlings and indoor flowers, and on the site, scatter nitrogen fertilizer right over the snow over the beds - as soon as it melts, the earth will receive the necessary substances. However, the idea loses its meaning if the snowdrifts high up during the winter have not yet begun to sag under the sun. Having melted together, they will carry away the fertilizer along with the streams of water. The day is suitable for planting zucchini and eggplant, asparagus and cabbage, sunflowers, root crops, tuberous and bulbous flowers.

  • Date: March 26
    Lunar day: 19–20
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac: Sagittarius

Take care of the above-ground part of the plants. Trimming and cutting off excess is recommended with caution, since green pets are still too vulnerable, but treatment for diseases and pests will come in handy. Watering will become superfluous, but top dressing, if necessary, can be carried out. In terms of planting, plants with a fruit-bearing aerial part are in the first place. First of all, these are nightshade (eggplants, peppers, tomatoes), all kinds of greens and flowers.

  • Date: March 27
    Lunar day: 20–21
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac: Sagittarius

Clean up the area: collect branches that begin to appear from under the snow, clear the paths, check the furrows to drain melt water from low-lying areas. Careful formative pruning of trees and vines is possible if the plants are dormant, otherwise its time has passed. seedlings and houseplants you can water, feed, loosen the ground, process from pests, and flowers can also be propagated by cuttings. During this period, they begin to vernalize potatoes, plant solanaceous, spicy and medicinal herbs, onion, garlic, flowers with curly stems.

  • Date: March 28
    Lunar day: 21–22
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac: Capricorn

An extremely fertile day, he almost does not put prohibitions on gardeners. You should limit your ardor only in watering, so as not to provoke rotting of the roots; everything else: working with the soil, forming crowns, pest control, transplanting and transshipment is at your discretion. Conduct an audit of the seedlings and do whatever you see fit.

  • Date: March 29
    Lunar day: 22–23
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac: Capricorn

And again, you can do almost all types of activities in the garden, but planting is a priority. Corn, beets, radishes, carrots, parsley on the root, onions on turnips, nightshade, legumes, melons, greens will grow well. Effective pest control.

Do not be lazy and start planting seeds of your favorite vegetables and herbs

  • Date: March 30
    Lunar day: 23–24
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac: Aquarius

Rest time is approaching, therefore, active work with most crops should be reduced - the period is successful, except for sowing root crops, greenery and propagating flowers by cuttings. Engage in leisurely loosening of the earth, making mineral fertilizers, thinning seedlings.

  • Date: March 31
    Lunar day: 24–25
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac: Aquarius

A calm day, conducive to unhurried, meditative work with the earth. Loosen, fertilize, hill up, weed, thin out seedlings and water. Spray the trees in the garden for pests. Recommended for planting: beets, radishes, daikon, carrots, parsley and parsnips on the root, peas, beans, celery, corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, watermelons, melons, horseradish, onions, garlic, lettuce, chard, herbs, tuberous and bulbous flowers. If you haven't completed your planting plan yet, fill in the gaps.

March- the first month of spring, when garden work is gaining momentum. Lunar stages have different energy and influence on living organisms. To help the summer resident will come lunar sowing calendar for march 2018.

In March, help will be given to trees affected by frost and the burning spring sun. It is necessary to carry out spring pruning of trees and shrubs. Also in March, there is a fight against awakened pests. Care for seedlings of seedlings in greenhouses.

In the gardener's sowing calendar for February 2018, Moscow time is indicated.

Caring for plants should be carried out in auspicious days which are summarized in the table.

Lunar calendar of work of the gardener and gardener for March 2018 table

Moon in the sign of the zodiac
Moon phase
Recommended work in the garden and vegetable garden
March 1
2018, Thu
Moon in Virgo
Waxing Crescent
Sowing and transplanting indoor plants, loosening the soil, fertilizing, and combating soil pests are recommended. Also fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers
2nd of March
2018, Fri
Moon in Virgo
Full moon
Crops and transplants, any work on the site are not recommended.
March, 3rd
2018, Sat
Moon in Libra
Waning moon
Pruning of trees and bushes, loosening the soil, fertilizing, soil pest control are recommended.
March 4
2018, Sun
Moon in Libra
Waning moon
Pruning and whitewashing of trees and bushes, loosening the soil, fertilizing, soil pest control are recommended.
5th of March
2018, Mon
Moon in Scorpio
Waning moon
Planting trees is not recommended. Grafting, fertilizing, watering, pest control, soil loosening are effective. Sowing radishes, radishes, carrots, beets.
March, 6
2018, Tue
Moon in Scorpio
Waning moon
Planting trees is not recommended. Grafting, fertilizing, watering, pest control, soil loosening are effective. Sowing of small bulbous and corm-bulbous flowers.
March 7
2018, Wed
Moon in Scorpio
Waning moon
Planting trees is not recommended. Grafting, fertilizing, watering, pest control, soil loosening are effective. Planting radishes, daikon, carrots, beets, bulbous and bulbous flowers. Transplantation and picking of seedlings.
March 8
2018, Thu
Moon in Sagittarius
Waning moon
It is recommended to be careful in any gardening work. Cultivation, weeding, pest control. Sowing root parsley.
9th of March
2018, Fri
Moon in Sagittarius
Last quarter
It is recommended to be careful in any gardening work. Cultivation, weeding, pest control. Planting radishes, daikon, carrots, beets, bulbous and bulbous flowers.
March 10, 2018, Sat
Moon in Capricorn
Waning moon
Flower transplantation is not recommended. It is recommended to prune the plants. Sowing root parsley, laying seeds for stratification
11 March 2018
Moon in Capricorn
Waning moon
Flower transplantation is not recommended. It is recommended to prune the plants. Planting radishes, daikon, carrots, beets, root parsley
March 12, 2018
Moon in Capricorn
Waning moon
Flower transplantation is not recommended. It is recommended to prune the plants. Planting radishes, daikon, carrots, beets, bulbous and bulbous flowers
March 13, 2018
Moon in Aquarius
Waning moon
Sowing and planting are not recommended. It is recommended to carry out spraying and fumigation, cutting trees and bushes, weeding. Top dressing with organic fertilizers, spraying with insecticides from pests. Irrigation implementation.
March 14, 2018
Moon in Aquarius
Waning moon
Sowing and planting are not recommended. It is recommended to carry out spraying and fumigation, cutting trees and bushes, weeding
March 15, 2018
Moon in Pisces
Waning moon

March 16, 2018
Moon in Pisces
Waning moon
Recommended planting of celery, radish, bulbous, grafting trees and berry bushes. Excellent time for cultivation, watering and fertilizing
March 17, 2018, Sat
Moon in Aries
New moon
Sowing and planting are not recommended
18 March 2018
Moon in Aries
Waxing Crescent

March 19, 2018
Moon in Aries
Waxing Crescent
Sowing and planting are not recommended. Recommended soil preparation for sowing, pest control, weeding and mulching
March 20, 2018
Moon in Taurus
Waxing Crescent
It is recommended to sow lettuce and cabbage for growing at home or in a winter greenhouse
March 21, 2018
Moon in Taurus
Waxing Crescent
It is recommended to sow lettuce, greens, beans, eggplants, tomatoes, peas, beans, cauliflower, white cabbage, perennials and annuals, fruit bushes. Branch pruning. Thinning seedlings and weeding.
March 22, 2018
Moon in Gemini
Waxing Crescent

March 23, 2018
Moon in Gemini
Waxing Crescent
Removal of excess shoots, weeding, mulching, preparing a good place for lawns and beds, fighting pests and diseases (spraying and fumigation)
March 24, 2018, Sat
Moon in Cancer
First quarter

March 25, 2018
Moon in Cancer
Waxing Crescent
Recommended sowing for seedlings: tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, peppers
March 26, 2018
Moon in Leo
Waxing Crescent

March 27, 2018
Moon in Leo
Waxing Crescent
Sowing and transplanting horticultural crops is not recommended. The planting of shrubs and trees will go well. The right moment for preparing beds and lawns for planting, mulching, for pest control
March 28, 2018
Moon in Virgo
Waxing Crescent

March 29, 2018
Moon in Virgo
Waxing Crescent
It is not recommended to plant and transplant vegetables, fruit trees, to sow seeds. From flowers it is recommended to plant asters, crocuses, dahlias, gladioli, irises. Recommended loosening, cultivation, hilling, mulching trees, spraying
March 30, 2018
Moon in Libra
Waxing Crescent
It is not recommended to plant and transplant vegetables, fruit trees, sowing for seeds. From flowers it is recommended to plant asters, crocuses, dahlias, gladioli, irises. Recommended loosening, cultivation, hilling, mulching trees, spraying
March 31, 2018, Sat
Moon in Libra
Full moon
Sowing and transplanting are not recommended

Table of sowing vegetables according to the lunar calendar for March 2018

vegetable culture
Eggplant, zucchini
Sunflower white and cauliflower, asparagus
7, 8, 18, 20, 21
Root parsley, potatoes
8-10, 19-23, 27
Lettuce, spinach, parsley on greens, sweet pepper
8-11, 20-24
Beets, radishes, radishes, peas, beans, beans
Celery, swede, turnip, corn
9-12, 20-24, 25, 27
Tomatoes, cucumbers, melon, watermelon, carrots, parsnips on the root
19-24, 27, 28
Dill, fennel, cumin, cilantro, mustard
6-10, 20-25, 27
Onion on a turnip, horseradish
7, 9, 11, 20-23, 26
bulbous flowers planting
22-24, 26, 27
Flowers from seed sowing
12-14, 21-24

Unfavorable days for sowing seeds and planting in March 2018

1-3, 16-18, 30, 31

The main thing is to have time to do all the planned work on time.

Video - What to Sow in March

Lunar planting calendar

In the Lunar calendar of gardeners for March 2019, not only all the “good” and “bad” planting days are marked, but detailed recommendations are given for work throughout the month.

Phases of the Moon in March 2019

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Favorable landing days in March 2019

The table shows the most favorable days for sowing seeds for seedlings.


10, 11, 12, 15, 16


10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 23, 24

Sweet pepper

10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 23, 24

23, 24, 25, 26, 27


Favorable days for sowing seeds

10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 23, 24

Radish, radish

1, 2, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29

Greens different

10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 23, 24

10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 23, 24, 28, 29

Favorable days for sowing and planting flowers in March

Unfavorable days for sowing seeds

Favorable days in March 2019 for planting seedlings, cuttings and grafting

culture favorable days for planting seedlings graft
fruit trees 22, 26, 27, 28, 29 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23, 24
gooseberry, currant 15, 16, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29
raspberry, blackberry
Strawberry wild-strawberry

Attention! The table shows the most favorable days for planting and sowing seeds, but this does not mean at all that planting cannot be done on other days. Nothing should be planted in prohibited days.

A moment of attention! Dear visitors " suburban area”, so as not to search the Internet for the Lunar Seed Calendar every time, add it to your bookmarks. This can be done in 2-3 seconds and then also quickly removed.
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Lunar sowing calendar for March 2019 gardener, gardener, florist (table)

The table shows the phases of the moon, its position in the signs of the zodiac and recommended work for gardeners - gardeners - flower growers for each day of the month.

Waning Moon in Capricorn


  • in the greenhouse - sowing greens, spinach, celery, leeks, radishes, carrots, beets. Control of pests, diseases, weeds. Picking seedlings. Distillation of onions, garlic on a feather. Top dressing, pest, disease, weed control.
  • Flower growers- a good day for planting corm flowers.
  • Not recommended- disturb plant roots
  • In the garden- cutting dry branches, grafting trees.
  • Blanks- salting, sauerkraut.

Waning Moon in Aquarius


  • In the greenhouse, on the windowsill– weeding, thinning seedlings, loosening, mulching, hilling. Pest and disease control.
  • Not recommended- germinate seeds, sow, plant, transplant, water and feed.
  • In the garden- removal of overgrowth, cutting of dry branches

New moon

Moon in Pisces

The lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners for March 2019 does not recommend working with plants during the new moon

Waxing Moon in Aries


  • In the greenhouse, on the windowsill- you can loosen dry land, thin out seedlings, hill up. Treat plants for diseases and pests.
  • Not recommended- plants are very sensitive to damage, postpone all crops, planting, transplanting, picking, pinching, watering and top dressing
  • In the garden- sanitary pruning of trees, shrubs, cutting of diseased, dry branches, overgrowth.

Waxing Moon in Taurus

Taurus- fertile sign of the Zodiac (Days of the Root) Lunar boarding calendar gardeners recommends:

  • On the windowsill- early ripening tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, incl. red, late and early, colored, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, broccoli for open ground.
  • in the greenhouse- sowing radishes, greens, lettuce, mineral dressing, watering. Laying potatoes for sprouting.
  • Flower growers- an auspicious day and perennial flowers.
  • Not recommended- transplanting, picking, loosening in the root zone.
  • In the garden- forming pruning, preparation of cuttings for grafting. Grafting and regrafting of trees. Treatment of wounds, whitewashing of trunks.
  • Blanks- pickling and sauerkraut

Waxing Moon in Gemini

Twins- unproductive zodiac sign (Flower Days)

  • in the greenhouse- sowing dill, cumin, fennel, cilantro, beans, peas, leeks, early radishes. Plant transplant. weeding, loosening the soil.
  • Flower growers- sowing and planting ampelous and.
  • Not recommended- pruning fruit trees
  • Blanks- pickling and sauerkraut

Waxing Moon in Cancer

Cancer- a very fertile sign of the Zodiac (Leaf Days) The lunar calendar of gardeners recommends:

  • in the greenhouse on the windowsill - early cucumbers, zucchini, zucchini, early cabbage, kohlrabi, head lettuce, physalis, marjoram. Pick. Planting seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers, cauliflower in a heated greenhouse. Watering. Forcing onions on a feather. Laying potatoes for sprouting.
  • Flower growers- auspicious day
  • Not recommended- use of pesticides
  • In the garden- grafting and re-grafting of trees. Application of mineral fertilizers. Planting shrubs.
  • Blanks- pickling and sauerkraut

Waxing Moon in Leo

a lion- infertile zodiac sign (Days of the Fetus)

  • in the greenhouse- loosening of dry land, weeding, preparation of beds. Majority vegetable crops sowing is not recommended. The exception is lettuce, scorzonera, fennel, basil.
  • Not recommended- watering, top dressing, pinching, pinching pruning fruit trees.
  • In the garden- in warm weather, spraying trees on sleeping buds

Waxing Moon in Virgo

Virgo- Zodiac sign of medium fertility (Days of the Root)

  • in the greenhouse- picking and transplanting seedlings. Preparation of beds, thinning seedlings, weeding, pest and disease control. Mineral top dressing of root crops.
  • Flower growers- an auspicious day for sowing annual flowers.
  • Not recommended- seed soaking
  • In the garden- cutting of excess branches of trees and shrubs. Graft.

Full moon Moon in Libra

The lunar calendar of gardeners, gardeners, flower growers does not recommend disturbing plants during the full moon

Waning Moon in Libra

Scales- Zodiac sign of medium fertility (Flower Days)

  • in the greenhouse- sowing radishes, radishes, carrots. You can transplant plants, thin out seedlings, loosen, weed the beds, cut off the above-ground part of the weeds (they do not sprout for a long time). Phosphorus is well absorbed.
  • Flower growers- a good day for planting corms and cuttings.
  • Not recommended- to graft, pinch, pinch.
  • In the garden- clipping of undergrowth, pest and disease control (spraying over dormant buds). In the southern regions, planting and transplanting fruit trees and shrubs.

Waning Moon in Scorpio

Scorpion- fertile zodiac sign (Leaf Days) Sowing calendar for March 2019 recommends:

  • in the greenhouse- sowing radishes, greens, root parsley,. Planting seedlings of undersized tomatoes, cucumber, root celery. Soaking seeds. pepper, eggplant, . If the soil has thawed, you can.
  • Flower growers- favorable days for planting annual, perennial and bulbous flowers.
  • Not recommended- pruning, division of corms and roots.
  • In the garden- preparation of cuttings for grafting, grafting, application of organic fertilizers. Trees cannot be cut.

Waning Moon in Sagittarius

Sagittarius- unproductive sign of the Zodiac (Days of the Fetus)

  • in the greenhouse and in open ground(if the earth has thawed) - sowing radishes, onion seeds, spring garlic cloves. Planting leek, parsley, dill, celery root. Digging, loosening the soil. Top dressing of vegetables with elevated fruits.
  • Flower growers- planting corms and climbing flowers.
  • Not recommended- stepson, dive, pinch, cut (plants are sensitive to mechanical damage), germinate seeds, water.
  • In the garden- planting seedlings of fruit trees and shrubs. Spraying against pests.

Waning Moon in Capricorn

Capricorn- a sign of the Zodiac of medium fertility (Days of the Root) The calendar of gardeners - gardeners recommends:

  • in the greenhouse on the windowsill - soaking seeds, sowing seedlings of beet seeds, root celery. In open ground - sowing of early radishes and potatoes, root parsley, sorrel, horseradish, spring garlic, white cabbage, carrots, horseradish. Vegetables will be resistant to stress, well stored. Digging of the earth, introduction of organic fertilizers. Thinning seedlings, loosening.
  • Flower growers- good day and corm flowers.
  • Not recommended- disturb plant roots
  • In the garden- pruning of trees and shrubs, planting stone fruits, summer apple trees, pears. Pest and disease control, root organic top dressing.

Waning Moon in Aquarius

Aquarius- infertile zodiac sign (Flower Days)

  • In the days of Aquarius, it is better not to work with plants, to give them the opportunity to rest. You can loosen the soil, mulch crops, plantings, fight pests and diseases. Refrain from watering - this can lead to root rot. It is better to transfer all plantings and crops to other days.
  • In the garden- you can cut dry, broken branches, cut out shoots, spray trees on sleeping buds.

Not hard to sow - hard to keep

An apartment is far from the most suitable place for growing seedlings: there is not enough light, excessively hot and dry air dries the leaves, the roots freeze on cold windowsills and therefore do not work well. Plants have to develop in adverse conditions for up to three months - almost as long as they then grow in open ground. Stronger seedlings are obtained by those who sow seeds after waiting for the March sun.

The saddest thing is when the seedlings begin to "fall". The reason is illness. There are no varieties resistant to it. It has been established that the disease develops in thickened crops with high humidity of air and soil, with a lack of ventilation.


Contributes to the development of the disease and acidic soil. Often seedlings are affected by the black leg shortly after picking.

Knowing the causes of the disease, you can eliminate them.

Plant healthy seeds in healthy soil

To disinfect the soil in which seedlings will be grown, it is traditionally recommended to shed it with a hot (70-90 degrees) solution of potassium permanganate (1.5 g per 5 liters of water). But not all experts approve of such disinfection, believing that manganese can adversely affect the balance of plant nutrition.

You can spill the soil 1-2 days before sowing the seeds with one of the biofungicides:

  • Hamair (1 tablet per 5 liters of water)
  • Alirin-B (1 tablet per 5 liters of water)
  • trichocin (3 g per 5 liters of water)
  • soak seeds untreated by the manufacturer before sowing for 1-2 hours in a solution of phytosporin-M (according to instructions).
  • Fungicide Previkur Energy soil can be watered not only before sowing, but also two weeks after it, i.e. already seedlings (3 ml per 2 liters of water).

Good illumination

It is not difficult to sow rather large tomato seeds less often. It is even better if they are sown not in a common seedling container, but in small cassettes with a retractable bottom, so that later they can be transferred into more spacious cups or cassettes without damaging the root system. In addition, in cassettes isolated from each other, the risk of spreading the disease from one plant to another is reduced. A diseased seedling is easy to remove, replace the mixture in the cassette and re-sow.

moderate watering

Do not overmoisten the seedlings - a simple task. Seedling containers must have drainage holes through which excess water will escape. Watering warm water in the morning, so that by the evening the top layer of soil is ventilated. In order for the seedlings to remain dry in the root collar zone, the soil surface is sprinkled with clean sand or a mixture of sand and wood ash (layer thickness is about 2 cm). And since ash reduces acidity, it is also added to the soil mixture before sowing, if there is a lot of peat land in it.

Seedlings in cassettes

What to do if the seedlings are still sick? Remove diseased seedlings immediately. If the plants are already quite large, you can try to root them in water by cutting the stem to a healthy part. When the roots appear, the cuttings are planted in separate cassettes or cups. Even if successful, it is advisable to put the revived plants separately.

The rest of the seedlings are provided with good lighting, increased ventilation, and reduced watering. The surface of the soil is sprinkled with a mixture of well-washed river sand and wood ash. After 1-2 days, the soil is shed with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate. You can spray the seedlings with herbal infusion: half fill the glass container with onion peel, pour warm water and insist in a warm place for two days.

22.02.2019 12 444

Lunar sowing calendar for March 2019

With the beginning of spring, gardeners and gardeners have significantly increased work, both on the site and at home. It is necessary to sort out and prepare the seeds, take care of the greenhouses and create favorable conditions for young seedlings. Naturally, the organization of the workflow can cause a number of difficulties, especially for young and not experienced summer residents. That is why during the planting season it is recommended to use the tips that the lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener provides for March 2019.

What garden work should not be forgotten in March?

The list of "March" works is quite extensive. It is on the quality of the implementation of many of them that the quantity of the crop and the health of the crops will depend. First of all, you need to remember the following:

  • be sure to plant young seedlings of peppers, tomatoes and eggplants in separate cups. This measure will allow you to get a healthy root system and greatly facilitate the transplant process in the future. Remember that immediately after transplanting the culture during the day can not be exposed to the sun;
  • sow a second batch of tomatoes, which will later go for conservation. Also, do not forget to sow flower seedlings for transplanting into open ground;
  • to get early greens, you can sow dill, parsley and lettuce in special boxes on the windowsill;
  • check the gladiolus bulbs after wintering and get rid of the diseased and damaged ones. Also, do not forget to carefully examine the dahlia tubers. Place healthy roots in boxes with wet sawdust. If the sawdust dries out quickly, moisten it with a spray bottle a couple of times a week, but make sure it is not too wet;
  • sort out the potatoes set aside for planting. Dispose of the rotten tubers, and spread the healthy ones in a thin layer in boxes and take them out into the sunlight;
  • look at indoor plants. With the onset of March, many of them started active growth and require a transplant;
  • sort through the seeds purchased earlier and check them for germination. If necessary, buy the missing seeds. It is best to take products from different manufacturers.

Despite the fact that in March there is still snow and the onset of frost is possible, nevertheless, one should not forget about inspecting the garden plot.

Auspicious days in March 2019

You can understand which days are best to start gardening work by looking at a special table. Despite the fact that the dates given are advisory in nature, most experienced summer residents are happy to adhere to them. Indeed, plants planted at different times can not only have differences in development, but also in yield. This is due to the influence of the moon on our planet and all life on it. So, let's figure out when it is best to do planting and other work in March, and when it is worth giving up on them.

  • Auspicious days - 8-12, 15-19.
  • Neutral days - 22, 23, 24, 29.
  • Unfavorable days - 5, 6, 7, 21.

The table below summarizes the favorable and bad days for each individual culture.

You can be guided by the data given in this table, or you can build your schedule depending on the availability of free time or personal desire.

Lunar sowing calendar for March 2019 gardener and gardener

What to do at the cottage in March?

The first trip to the country in March should begin with a careful inspection of trees and shrubs. In general, the list important works in the garden might look like this:

  • if there is too much snow on the branches, be sure to shake it off. Otherwise, heavy wet snow can damage plant branches, leaving you without a crop;
  • if you see damage on the branches or trunk, be sure to lubricate these areas with garden pitch;
  • firmly trample down the snow near the trunks. This measure will significantly complicate the approach of rodents to the bark of shrubs and trees;
  • with the onset of spring, rodents begin to actively multiply, which is why it is necessary to place traps on the site or decompose poison from rodents. In this case, you need to act as carefully as possible so as not to harm other animals;
  • dig grooves in advance to drain water. Pay special attention to the places of its usual accumulation;
  • if the snow on the beds with strawberries and strawberries has melted, bring it from other parts of the garden. So you will protect the plants from unexpected frosts.

Work in March is quite diverse, it is necessary to take into account all important points and don't miss a single point. With the help of the moon sowing calendar you can manage your time wisely. The tips given in it will be useful not only for beginners, but also for experienced gardeners.

March is characterized by the beginning of the season for planting plants in open ground, if, of course, the weather permits. This is the period of planting the first spring flowers, and gardeners and gardeners are also preparing greenhouses and greenhouses for planting vegetables and ornamental plants this month.

On March 1 and 2, the Moon is in Virgo, and you can safely plant bulbous perennials in flower beds that are not afraid of low temperatures. March 3 - 4, the Moon is in Libra, and you can loosen the soil.

From March 5 to March 12, it is not recommended to carry out active gardening, replanting flowers and planting trees. You can engage in loosening the soil, pruning trees and shrubs, as well as weeding. On March 13 and 14, you can do spraying and fumigation of plants, as well. March 15 and 16 are ideal for planting celery, radishes, onions. It is recommended to engage in the cultivation and watering of plants.

From March 20 to 22 is a good period for any garden work, planting sunflowers, all types of cabbage, potatoes, beets, turnips, carrots, Jerusalem artichoke and other root crops with a long shelf life will be successful.

On March 25 and 26, the constellation Pisces allows you to plant vegetable crops in seedlings. Do not forget to fertilize the soil, this will contribute to the active growth of plants. From March 27 to March 31, it is not recommended to actively replant plantings, otherwise their growth and development will be suspended.


Moon in the sign of the zodiac

Moon phase

Moon in Virgo

Moon in Virgo

Moon in Libra

Moon in Libra

Moon in Scorpio

Moon in Scorpio

Moon in Scorpio

Moon in Sagittarius

Moon in Sagittarius

Moon in Capricorn

Moon in Capricorn

Moon in Capricorn

Moon in Aquarius

Moon in Aquarius

Moon in Pisces

Moon in Pisces

Moon in Aries

Moon in Aries

Moon in Aries

Moon in Taurus

Moon in Taurus

Moon in Gemini

Waxing Crescent

Moon in Gemini

Waxing Crescent

Removal of excess shoots, weeding, mulching, preparing a good place for lawns and beds, fighting pests and diseases (spraying and fumigation)

Moon in Cancer

Moon in Cancer

Moon in Leo

Waxing Crescent

Moon in Leo

Waxing Crescent

Sowing and transplanting horticultural crops is not recommended. The planting of shrubs and trees will go well. The right moment for preparing beds and lawns for planting, mulching, for pest control, for pruning trees

Moon in Virgo

Waxing Crescent

Moon in Virgo

Waxing Crescent

It is not recommended to plant and transplant vegetables, fruit trees, sowing for seeds. From flowers it is recommended to plant asters, crocuses, dahlias, gladioli, irises. Recommended loosening, cultivation, hilling, mulching trees, spraying

Moon in Libra

Waxing Crescent

It is not recommended to plant and transplant vegetables, fruit trees, sowing for seeds. From flowers it is recommended to plant asters, crocuses, dahlias, gladioli, irises. Recommended loosening, cultivation, hilling, mulching trees, spraying

Moon in Libra

IN lunar calendar gardener-gardener for March 2018, Moscow time is indicated.
