Pisces horoscope for August 2017

General horoscope for Pisces for August 2017

The last summer month of 2017 will be a positive period for most representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign. It is recommended to tighten the tails in all important areas of life and not leave the solution of problems for later. Now you can handle everything on "Hurrah!" The main attention is recommended to be given to professional issues. As the stars note, it is precisely on how fulfilled you will feel in terms of your career that your mood and attitude to “struggle” with other problem situations will be so good.

Also at this time, you can make plans for the future. As you should, think about what you want. Having outlined clear goals, it will be much easier to translate them into reality. If you suddenly feel sad, do not let gloomy thoughts take over you. It happens to everyone! Go to friends or relatives as soon as possible. Do not be afraid to pour out your soul to them and seem weak. Close people, for sure, will understand and support you, raising your mood in no time.

Horoscope work and finance Pisces for August 2017

In August 2017, the horoscope advises all representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign to take their main job duties especially seriously. Otherwise, they will respond very quickly with dissatisfaction from the boss, or at least your colleagues, who may have to deal with your problems and cover up mistakes (since their career depends on it).

If you make certain mistakes in your work (from which no one is immune), the stars advise you to carry out the so-called work on mistakes. How carefully you analyze the problem situation now depends on whether you can adequately overcome similar phenomena later. So don't feel like you're wasting your time doing this. This is an investment in your professional future.

To avoid financial problems, Pisces should be extra careful when filling out the documentation. Do not be lazy to once again check the correctness of entering data into securities, otherwise you can "hit" a serious amount. Income, in general, promises to be stable, and by the end of the month, they will probably even please with an increase.

Love horoscope and Pisces family for August 2017

As the stars note, those representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign who are in a relationship in August 2017 will have to face not the most pleasant behavior of the second half. If you don't like something, don't be afraid to tell your partner about it. Otherwise, this may become a habit for him, and when you, nevertheless, speak out later, a real scandal will break out - after all, the passion believed that everything was in order and now your claim will most likely be accepted with hostility.

But to start a new relationship now is not the best period. Lonely Pisces, for the most part, will be passionate about solving work issues and relationships with parents or other older relatives. It is unlikely that your constant distraction will appeal to a new partner. Therefore, the connection, if it starts, is likely to stop very quickly.

Pisces health horoscope for August 2017

The energy potential of Pisces during this period will not work at the highest level. Therefore, the heavenly bodies advise you to fully restore your strength and, when choosing, say, go to a noisy party or stay at home and just lie on the couch, stop at the second option. Now more than usual, proper rest is important.

Favorable and unfavorable days August 2017 Pisces

Auspicious days for Pisces August 2017 - August 3, August 6, August 11, August 20, August 25, August 29, 2017.

Not auspicious days Pisces August 2017 - August 8, August 16, August 22, 2017.

You are on your way to positive changes, and they will not keep you waiting. Follow the proverb “Patience and work will grind everything” - and everything will work out perfectly!

Work, career. Pisces August 2017

For many, August is the holiday season, but for you, it's the season of hot work. Moreover, you will have to work without raising your head and literally gritting your teeth. And nothing can be done - be patient, especially since the reward is just around the corner. Bosses and entrepreneurs will be able to revive a long-standing project, and in this they will receive real help from their subordinates. The employee will perform a large amount of work, he may have to take on additional responsibilities, but the stars see great benefits from this. Efforts will not go unnoticed - the attention of the authorities, the support of colleagues and the financial reward are guaranteed. For all matters of a professional nature, the best time is the first half of August. In the second half, problems will begin, and most likely they will be associated with one of the partners. It is possible that the people you were counting on will begin to evade obligations or they will need time to discuss, calculate, analyze everything. There's nothing you can do about it - wait, and in mid-September you will receive an answer. It will not be one hundred percent what you expected, but you cannot call it negative either.

Money. Pisces August 2017

In terms of finances, August is quite successful, money will come in regularly, and their number will increase markedly. Approximate dates for receipt of the most significant amounts are August 2, 3, 11, 12, 20, 21, 29, 30. Perhaps this month you will be returned old debts.

Love, family. Pisces August 2017

In personal life - nothing serious happens, most likely, all forces will be given to work. But in the second half of August, a loved one will noticeably cool down, begin to avoid meetings, avoid explanations. You will want to untangle everything, settle it, but you should not count on it until mid-September, so let everything go as it goes. IN more this applies to love and married couples, whose relationship has long been fragile, unsteady. And it's too late to find out who is right and who is wrong, it is better to be patient and wait. Children please, in their affairs there is a completely favorable streak.

Pisces in August 2017 will experience deja vu, as in February they already experienced similar sensations due to eclipses.

Also, Pisces in August 2017 will need self-control after the 13th, when the "passions" subside after the eclipse, but confusion will enter the arena of everyday life. It is important to understand - a week before the eclipse and 7 days after - not the best period for making rash acts, making decisions. Let everything take its course.

Complete solar eclipse The 21st will also try to affect the well-being and actions of Pisces. Health and career may be under attack, but if you treat this event with philosophical tolerance, devastating consequences are not expected in August.

love horoscope as of August 2017, Pisces

The horoscope for Pisces for August 2017 advises to live according to the principle: "the spool is small, but expensive." Married couples, where there is a representative of the Pisces zodiac sign, can survive conflicts, quarrels, misunderstandings. Extra self-criticism in August 2017 is useless. Making claims to your half is also superfluous. Now emotions are ruled by the power of eclipses.

In August, they need your insight, sincerity, patience. New acquaintances are unlikely to lead to Mendelssohn's waltz.

Favorable days for love in August 2017 for Pisces: August 1, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 16, 17, 18, 19, 27 and 28.

Pisces financial horoscope for August 2017

August 2017 is not the best "friend" of working Pisces. Now it's time to rest - and specifically, by the sea or the river, and in general - to be away from the workplace.

The active Sun will not allow you to focus on business relationships, it will be difficult to control the course of events.

If the vacation ended before August, it's more efficient to focus on the details of a long-running project. Monotonous work Pisces this month will bring more benefits.

Auspicious days for money in August 2017 for the sign of Pisces: 4, 5, 7, 8 and 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, as well as 23, 24, 26, 27 August.

Pisces health horoscope for August 2017

The horoscope for August 2017 strongly recommends that you refrain from drinking alcohol, especially on the days before, during and after eclipses.

The first two weeks of August Pisces can devote time to physical health - give up heavy food, enjoy a variety of seasonal vegetables.

After the middle of the month, it is also not recommended to abruptly start active physical exercises and plentiful feasts.

Taking into account the astrological trends in the Pisces horoscope for August 2017, surgical interventions and deep cosmetic procedures will have to be postponed until calmer times. Emergency operations must be carried out with caution.

Monthly horoscope for 2017 Pisces

Horoscope for August 2017 Pisces will bring a romantic mood. Free Pisces can now easily fall in love, start new relationships. The tendency to flirt increases, attention from the opposite sex increases. August is a good time for dates, with the exception, perhaps, only on August 15 and 17.

In an existing relationship, engage in some joint creative activity. This will greatly unify you. Add romance, find time for joint entertainment, relaxation. Pay attention to children, but not individually, but together with your loved one. If you only have children in your plans, remember that August is a good time for conception (the exception is August 4, 7, 15, 17, 21 and 24).

In general, August will bring a lot of thoughts and talk about relationships. In the first half of the month, you can discuss existing situations, in the second half of August, you can think about past situations, both in current and past relationships. This will help to find the cause of conflicts and failures, and eliminate it in the future.

The horoscope for August 2017 for Pisces also promises an increase in activity at work. It will be easier for you to cope with tasks that require energy, activity. But monotonous tasks, on the contrary, can quickly tire and cause irritability. Relations with colleagues will become more open and clear, but not without conflicts. You can avoid them, because the initiator of most of them will be you yourself.

In the first half of August, the horoscope advises Pisces to avoid excessive risk and potentially dangerous situations. Do not participate in adventurous projects of your friends and like-minded people, as this may not be safe.

In the second half of August, the horoscope recommends taking decisive steps in your career. If, for example, you want to get a new position or an increase in salary, try contacting your superiors directly. The probability that now you will be heard is quite high, besides, you probably have facts and achievements with which you can confirm your request.

Horoscope for Pisces by date of birth for August 2017

If you were born on March 11-12 of any year, then Saturn will square the Sun in your birth chart.

Personal love horoscope for Pisces for August

A personal love horoscope for August is compiled for free based on the date, time and place of birth.

Horoscopes for Pisces:

Compatibility horoscope: Pisces zodiac sign in August 2017 - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Pisces in August 2017 will experience deja vu, as in February they already experienced similar sensations due to eclipses.

Also, Pisces in August 2017 will need self-control after the 13th, when “passions” subside after the eclipse, but confusion will enter the arena of everyday life. It is important to understand that a week before the eclipse and 7 days after is not the best period for making rash acts, making decisions. Let everything take its course.

A total solar eclipse on the 21st will also try to affect the well-being and actions of Pisces. Health and career may be under attack, but if you treat this event with philosophical tolerance, devastating consequences are not expected in August.

Love horoscope for August 2017, Pisces

The horoscope for Pisces for August 2017 advises to live according to the principle: “the spool is small, but expensive”. Married couples, where there is a representative of the Pisces zodiac sign, can survive conflicts, quarrels, misunderstandings. Extra self-criticism in August 2017 is useless. Making claims to your half is also superfluous. Now emotions are ruled by the power of eclipses.

In August, they need your insight, sincerity, patience. New acquaintances are unlikely to lead to Mendelssohn's waltz.

Favorable days for love in August 2017 for Pisces: August 1, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 16, 17, 18, 19, 27 and 28.

Pisces financial horoscope for August 2017

August 2017 is not the best “friend” of working Pisces. Now it's time to relax - and specifically, by the sea or the river, and in general - to be away from the workplace.

The active Sun will not allow you to focus on business relationships, it will be difficult to control the course of events.

If the vacation ended before August, it's more efficient to focus on the details of a long-running project. Monotonous work Pisces this month will bring more benefits.

Auspicious days for money in August 2017 for the sign of Pisces: 4, 5, 7, 8 and 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, as well as 23, 24, 26, 27 August.

Pisces health horoscope for August 2017

The horoscope for August 2017 strongly recommends that you refrain from drinking alcohol, especially on the days before, during and after eclipses.

The first two weeks of August Pisces can devote time to physical health - give up heavy food, enjoy a variety of seasonal vegetables.

After the middle of the month, it is also not recommended to abruptly start active physical exercises and plentiful feasts.

Taking into account the astrological trends in the Pisces horoscope for August 2017, surgical interventions and deep cosmetic procedures will have to be postponed until calmer times. Emergency operations must be carried out with caution.

Horoscope for August 2017

Horoscope for August 2017:

Pisces woman and man

In August 2017, Pisces will re-evaluate life values, as a result of which completely different priorities will appear. In the last month of summer, Pisces will want to try to live differently, to see what they could only hear about before, to taste life, and this will be quite successful. It can be said that for the first time in their lives, Pisces will put personal interests first and begin to fulfill their secret desires and cherished dreams. The first thing they do is take a vacation and book a ticket to a resort or buy a ticket to a dispensary. Pisces, in general, do not know how to live for themselves, but now they urgently need to unwind, throw off this burden of self-sacrifice, have a good rest and treat themselves to everything that only has enough money for.

Horoscope for the 1st decade of August for Pisces

During the first decade of August 2017, Pisces will enjoy a carefree life, where there are no responsibilities, problems and assignments. There is only rest, communication, acquaintance, entertainment and spa treatments. At some point, it may seem to you that you are in heaven. Even if everything seems to you unreal or fragile like a house of cards, you should not break it or spoil your mood prematurely. Enjoy your vacation, enjoy new sensations and impressions. Pisces during this period will be able to open up and learn a lot of new things. Do not be afraid of change, be open and confident in your abilities. The stars advise Pisces not to take everything to heart and not to experience every minor trouble as a whole tragedy. You tend to exaggerate, but not now. Look at the world with different eyes, go on a journey, see how other people live and how you could live. The only thing that will help you overcome innate shyness is a frequent change of scenery. If possible, make it so that every day something new and more interesting awaits you. And remember that the author of the script of your life is you and no one else. It is only in your power to change the course of events to the one you wish. It depends on you what will happen tomorrow. And remember, if you can't change the circumstance, change your attitude towards it. You are omnipotent. Use it. Even in the case when your trips will not have anything to do with resorts, try to take an example from other people, learn from them to enjoy life.

Horoscope for the 2nd decade of August for Pisces

Some representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign, in the second decade of August 2017, due to circumstances, will not be able to quit their jobs and will work for the entire period, although not always at their workplace. Most of them will go on business trips, to advanced training courses and to other cities in order to expand the sales market. The favorable impact of Uranus on the professional sphere of life of Pisces will help to achieve the desired results and carry out everything that was planned. A little more courage and initiative, and you can take the reins of government into your own hands. During this period, you will discover wonderful organizational and leadership skills, you can easily organize and lead a team. These qualities will be noticed and adequately appreciated by the higher authorities. So, ahead of you is a promotion and a good monetary reward. Do not be afraid to express your opinion at the collective meeting and make your rationalization proposals. Believe me, almost everyone present will support you. You need to believe in yourself, in your strengths and abilities. And for this you just need to take the first step and stop being shy of the public. Good luck in all matters is guaranteed to you. So don't guess and don't doubt. Go boldly forward without looking back.

Horoscope for the 3rd decade of August for Pisces

In the third decade of August 2017, the favorable location of Venus will help single representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign to meet their soul mate. They will fall madly in love and will be capable of the craziest things for the sake of their object of adoration. Family Pisces expects absolute harmony, sincere and deep feelings, complete mutual understanding and trust at the end of the month. Although, sometimes flashes of wild passion will dilute this idyll and safe harbor with notes of jealousy and passion. You can be calm, feelings will not fade away, and your loved one will surround you with care and attention. You can relax and enjoy. Although it would not hurt you from time to time to make pleasant surprises for your beloved. The stars strongly recommend that Pisces at the end of August forget about their daily worries and affairs for a while, get away from the hustle and bustle and plunge into the world of beauty and fascinating. You will want to start living anew and radically change your usual way of life.

“During the month, representatives of the Pisces sign will work hard, which will lead to stress on the body, a health horoscope will help prevent serious illnesses”

What awaits the representatives of the Pisces sign in 2017?

at the Women's Club!

The Fire Rooster is imposing and active. Each sign of the zodiac gets along in their own way with this proud, combative and energetic bird.

Pisces are generally transformed, it is unlikely that we will be able to recognize them in the new clothes of Fire. In keeping with Pisces and the Fire Rooster, Pisces is impulsive, ambitious, and even rebellious, which partly explains their 2017 horoscope.

Pisces this year will be able to express themselves in creativity and get romance with a vengeance. 2017 is a fast-paced year, so you need to be prepared for a huge number of events that call for action and personal transformation.

The stars advise Pisces to be restrained and strong-willed. The Fire Rooster appreciates strong natures and rewards them with what they deserve. So don't give in to your desires if by postponing pleasure you can achieve something better.

Discoveries and communication

2017 will develop for Pisces on the rise. A quiet start will be crowned with a dynamic and lively conclusion. The rooster craves struggle, movement, action and accomplishments. And Pisces will receive from him additional energy, which they urgently need to solve pressing issues. Thanks to the help of the patron of the year, Pisces will be able to begin to solve their problems, and with the help of their rich imagination, to find original ways achieving success.

Each month will provide Pisces with food for thought and conclusions. Pisces will easily find inspiration, and by focusing on their strengths, they will be able to reveal their talents.

In the year of the Fire Rooster, Pisces become very sociable, and this should not be ignored. It is useful for them to spend more time with friends and relatives. The dynamic Rooster will inspire all the signs of the zodiac to have fun and be active, so go on adventures with your loved ones!

Intelligent, creative natures are not always able to stay alert and energetic for a long time. Pisces need powerful nourishment in their race. They love the atmosphere of mystery, mysticism. Modest, sympathetic and caring, Pisces needs an energetic push from the Fire Rooster in order to finally get together and resolve difficulties with a pinpoint blow.

This year, representatives of the sign may suddenly break into a long journey, which will enrich them with knowledge and impressions. The experience of the trip will open up opportunities and perspectives for them, bring them closer to understanding themselves and their place in the world.

In 2017, Pisces realize that they are not limited by any framework: if someone else could accomplish a feat, they will definitely be able to. They are surprised at their inspiration, the passion with which they embark on adventures, even the joy associated with countless curiosities is surprising.

New ideas and the ability to be link between the parties to the conflict make Pisces indispensable at work and among friends. What the representatives of the sign will begin to do in 2017 will become the foundation for three whole years, including the year of the Rooster.

They may want to start their own business or carry out their own project at work, which is best to start in February, when the first step can be taken easily and naturally. The same is true for December: without looking far from reality, it will be easy to start realizing your dream. Along the way, Pisces will have to be creative, use all their imagination to connect dream and reality, creating something innovative.

Profession and study

For almost a whole year, the work of Pisces will be highly appreciated, at least if they have put enough effort into it and have fully worked out the problem posed to them. Thanks to this state of affairs, the representatives of the sign will quickly advance, and at the end of this wonderful fruitful period, there will be an ideal time to analyze and revise the results, goals and long-term plans.

By the end of the summer, many Pisces will have the opportunity to change jobs, start their own business, or take on a new project that is important to them. During this period, it is worth making new connections, expanding the network of useful acquaintances.

In addition, Pisces will feel inspired, full of strength and ideas, at this time it is very useful to create. The main thing is to deal with all the nuances before September, there is a high probability of falling under a flurry of previously unresolved issues, forgotten trifles, missed deadlines and other minor but unpleasant incidents.

Pisces should not forget about one of their main distinguishing features- the ability, under favorable, calm circumstances, to solve work issues very quickly and efficiently. Therefore, you can not leave a pile of unfinished business for later, it is better to do it right away. And even more so, do not forget about important or unpleasant things that you don’t want to do at all - these are the ones that should be done in the first place.

As for the financial component, the year of the Rooster is suitable for both savings and large purchases, it is better not to spend money on trifles. Pisces should always have an airbag, so they should not empty their accounts for dubious acquisitions.

Young professionals born under the sign of Pisces are advised by the stars to get a job in the media. Young Pisces will fit perfectly into the team and quickly grasp the essence of the work, and the pay will please them.

For Pisces students, the year is favorable, but study will require a lot of work. They will be able to excel in science and public speaking. The energy, developed imagination, suspended tongue and intelligence of Pisces will amaze many, admiration is guaranteed.

Pisces should not be afraid to express their bold ideas out loud, many of them will be accepted by the authorities with a bang. Throughout the year, they must be restrained from ill-considered spending, rash actions and hasty judgments. The energy of the Rooster is intoxicating, prudence disappears, and people do not at all what would be useful for them.

Love and passion

2017 - great year to start a romantic relationship or improve the emotional connection in an existing one. A love horoscope promises lonely Pisces a meeting with a person who understands them well. Family Pisces will feel a surge of enthusiasm for solving problematic issues in a relationship, will encourage a partner to open up and will be open themselves.

Love horoscope determines the best time to get better personal life for Pisces - June and July. This is the perfect time to meet the right person, so get out to people more often, get to know each other and chat.

Those who already have a partner should focus on renewing relationships, adding color, brightness, and risk to them. The Fire Rooster patronizes adventurers and daredevils, so spend more time alone with your partner, choosing extreme types of entertainment.

Do not worry if in August you experience some disappointment from a romantic connection. The love horoscope defines this time as the return of worked out problems that you can easily solve in just two months.

Women of this sign may show increased emotionality, they openly show feelings, show true emotions, which attracts people to them very much. Regarding single representatives of the sign, there is a possibility of a large number of intrigues that do not turn into a long relationship.

Therefore, a woman must learn to separate the wheat from the chaff, since her desire is focused on creating a strong union filled with love and understanding, and not on looking for random connections. A woman in a relationship becomes brighter, captivates her partner with new images - an energetic, businesslike and strict lady, but later suddenly becomes perky, cheerful child prone to pranks.

It is during this period that a man can establish mutual understanding with his wife. It suffices to point out the frequently emerging disagreements and ask for their calm and detailed discussion. A single man is likely to fall in love quickly, but also quickly lose this illusion.

Pisces women this year can sometimes experience increased vulnerability and sentimentality - noticing this, it is better to carefully monitor your words and actions. In addition, a woman a little more often than a Pisces man will look at the world a little pessimistically. And in order to get rid of the symptoms of sadness and longing painlessly and quickly, you should immediately contact your friends and relatives, especially since they will be happy to help.

Winter, spring, summer, autumn and again winter

  • January. Pisces always perceive January as somewhat exhausting. But January is ideal for relaxation, meditation, intellectual pursuits and imagination!
  • February. Pisces manifest themselves as independent and strong personalities, they learn to refuse and overcome obstacles.
  • March. The insight and prudence of Pisces will arouse the admiration of others, in March people will strive for contact with Pisces.
  • April. Pisces, if lonely, attract exactly the kind of love that they dreamed of. If they already have a partner, then the union will become deeper and more fruitful. Otherwise, you can relax and not strain yourself too much.
  • May. Time for fun and relaxation. A month of family idyll and active participation of Pisces in entertainment.
  • June. Important point in life, much is revealed on the other hand, the negative moments of the past become necessary for a happy present and future.
  • July. It's time to discover yourself, find out your dreams and goals. July will be the period when Pisces will be able to change their path in life, get to know themselves and lay a solid foundation for a happy future.
  • August. Passionate and energetic month. Pisces are passionate about work, important negotiations and affairs.
  • September. Probably career advancement. Pisces no longer try to suppress their anger or rage, they are not afraid to take what they deserve.
  • October. A month of joy and activity for Pisces. They need to have fun with friends, not to focus on trifles and actively relax.
  • November. You can devote to contemplating and thinking about life, and it is best to do this in nature.
  • December. Magic will cover Pisces with their heads: who, if not they, can feel the atmosphere of the impending holiday and all its meaning? They will be happy, lucky and admired by others.

Pisces were hiding under the mask of exaltation and detachment - and suddenly they show their true nature! Active, active, full of energy and will. Of course, others will be surprised, but Pisces themselves will experience no less surprise. Such is the fire - it gives life, joy and warmth. The Fire Rooster put a wing here, but only in part, he revealed what has always been in Pisces, without introducing anything radically new.

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You will be able to prove yourself as an excellent worker - hardworking, rooting for a common cause. Therefore, is it any wonder that both a high income and gratitude from the authorities will soon await you.

  • Favorable days for Pisces in August 2017: 3, 6, 11, 20, 25, 29 August.
  • Difficult days for Pisces in August 2017: 8, 16, 22 August.

Horoscope for August 2017 Pisces woman

love horoscope

August 1 - August 10. During this decade, due to the accumulation of personal planets, it will be difficult for you to pay attention to anything other than work. Ideal if you and your loved one work together. Then time pressure will only bind you stronger and your feelings that arose earlier will only get stronger.

August 11 - August 20. A real friend and patron will appear in your life. If in the depths of your soul you realize that this person is yours, then you will not hesitate and tempt fate, but immediately show your true attitude towards him. He may offer to start a life together, and without hesitation you will agree, even if you know him for a week without a year.

August 21 - August 31. The third decade will force you to pay attention to a person from your environment. You knew him before, but only now you will feel with some sixth sense that he has been indifferent to you for a long time, although he will never admit it. Because of the position of Mars, you will not be able to deny yourself the pleasure of flirting a little with a fan and quickly enough you will feel that his passion for you is not a figment of your fertile imagination.

Romantic date. Love in August can overtake you at the workplace. Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to meet with the chosen one except in the office, try to make sure that no one knows about your dates - this is in your own interests.

Family horoscope

You will immerse yourself in household chores and devote all your free time to cleaning, cooking, finding economy stores and other ways to cut the family budget. True, hardly anyone will appreciate your efforts. Most likely, relatives will consider that working for the good of the family is your normal state. And in principle, you should not have other desires. You will want to get more respect and dignity for yourself.

Secret of happiness. For most of the month, you will spend a lot of energy on household chores. You should stop and think - is it worth it to tear yourself up like that? Don't waste your money on unnecessary things.

Holiday Horoscope

Pisces are not the biggest workers of the Zodiac, but in August you will surpass even your Virgo antipodes, as you will declare that rest is a change of activity. And indeed, after a working week, you can enthusiastically work in the country and still do homework.

Place of power. You will be happy to stay at work longer than usual and still help lagging colleagues. A purely Japanese respect for work will wake up in you, so you will be pleased to be where you will observe well-coordinated activities.

Horoscope of work and money

You will develop a good relationship with colleagues, you will want to learn more about them, maybe you will even begin to maintain friendly relations with someone, spend time together after work. Your boss treats you generally well, but will point out that you need to be more ambitious.

Purchase of the month. Do you dream of high quality household appliances, devices that will help you cope with household chores. Allow yourself this luxury and unload yourself a little.

Horoscope health

This month you will be able to do a lot of useful things. For example, quit smoking or go on a diet and even manage to lose weight. And the reason will not be the desire to attract someone's attention. You will transform only because you want to be attractive to yourself. Try not to turn off the chosen path.

Horoscope for August 2017 for Pisces men

Love. Your beloved Pisces can spin an office romance. It's good if you work with him, but if not, your life may be tainted with doubts and suspicions. Track his return, come up with a bunch of household chores for him, say that you simply can’t do it without his help. You can even refer to your poor health, your partner is a rather compassionate person and will not allow himself to offend his beloved woman with betrayals, at least while she is unwell.

Tone. Your loved one will be very busy household, garden. If you share his passion, then you will spend all weekends in shops and in the garden, and your hard worker will enthusiastically dig in the ground and grow an unprecedented crop, the subject of his pride.

Finance. Your partner will work hard and save a lot of money by managing the family budget correctly. You should support it in every possible way, as all this will save you a lot of money - both now and in the future.

Hobbies. He will begin to show interest in his health, read literature on maintaining good physical shape, study various diets, “hook” the family on a natural, healthy diet.

Horoscope for August 2017 Pisces child

0-6 years old. Your Pisces baby will be your most important and most hardworking assistant. You can safely instruct him to wipe the dust, clean the dishes or even wash the floors, he will do everything with enthusiasm and pleasure.

7–12 years old. Little Pisces will want to feel what it's like to make money. You can play a little in the profession - and pay for some child work around the house. But it is even better to agree with one of your friends or neighbors so that your child has a complete illusion of real work from an outsider.

13–17 years old. Teen Pisces will cause you anxiety - during the period of active growth, the child is likely to show some health problems. You can visit doctors, devote a lot of time to his well-being and examinations. Now is a good time for such actions.

Read the horoscope for August 2017 for other zodiac signs:

pisces zodiac sign in august 2017

Horoscope for August 2017 Pisces – General points

Business activity and success in August 2017 will be changeable, losses and failures will be intertwined with success and positive moments. In general, August is not very suitable for solving business issues and career development It's more of a rest time. If possible, it is better to take a vacation for this month. From August 1 to August 19, you should not expect much success. It is best to devote yourself to household chores and home improvement, meeting with friends. But after the 21st, it will be possible to plan and start any business. It's a great time for self-realization. But we should not forget that it is in this month, in its early days, that Jupiter falls at an unfavorable angle to Pluto, which makes the entire period very problematic for Pisces. Do not get involved in any conflicts, avoid rallies, protests, mass events. There is a serious threat for you to suffer. This month you may suffer as a result of a dispute, quarrel, conflict. You risk running into trouble by coming into conflict with some influential person. Try this month to smooth out any conflicts, slow everything down, even keep silent somewhere ...

August 2017 is a very quiet month in terms of relationships. There will be no significant events this month. After the 5th comes good time for holiday romances and short acquaintances. Relationships that have arisen at this time will not continue and will not burden you with obligations. It's time to relax and enjoy life. Dedicate this period to relatives and friends, meetings with which will delight you. You can organize some unusual and interesting leisure for everyone.

From August 16 to August 24, cash receipts are possible, including significant ones. In the same period, there will be a chance to make large acquisitions that will turn out to be successful. Feel free to go shopping: everything you buy these days will serve you for many years. Unfavorable days for paperwork and signing important papers: August 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. On the same days, you can’t take a loan and generally work with banks and credit institutions financial difficulties may arise later. The most important contracts must be concluded from the 10th to the 14th. However, August is unfavorable for issues related to borrowed money, so try not to use other people's finances this month.

Almost all of August is changeable in terms of work and career. Here successes will be replaced by failures and vice versa. Most bad days- from 1 to 7 August, then there will be an improvement in the situation, and from 9 to 13 August, an upswing and success in work is expected. August 25 is the right day to demonstrate professionalism, to show that you are capable of much. Do not be afraid to fight with a strong opponent, your chances of success are very high. Management, influential people and business partners ready to support your endeavors. But in general, August is not very suitable for business and career. It is better to postpone the adoption of all important decisions until the very end of the month.

But with trips in August 2017, everything is fine. Feel free to go on trips - they will bring Pisces a lot of pleasure and unforgettable impressions! The period from the 25th to the end of the month is especially good for business trips in general and business trips in particular.

The most favorable days for health: 9, 10.11, 12, 13 August. In general, August is a month of strengthening, strengthening health. Your body is full of energy. It is highly desirable to exercise regularly in August, this will especially strengthen your body, make it more stable and resistant to adverse external influences. This month there will be two eclipses - lunar and solar, which will affect the health of Pisces. Your well-being will noticeably change after this month. It will match your spiritual level. The noble and selfless representatives of the sign of Pisces will be in excellent health in the coming months, and if they were sick before, then healing. Many ailments can leave Pisces forever. And even with an officially incurable disease, positive changes will appear. But if your lifestyle was far from spiritual development: you deceived, betrayed, did not keep promises, shied away from responsibility, gossip, cheated, just did dirty tricks to someone, expect retribution for this with your health. If in the coming months you become seriously ill or you are diagnosed with a dangerous illness, treatment should not be sought from doctors, it's all about lifestyle. Change your lifestyle, your views, and the disease will recede by itself.

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