November 1st to 10th. You have the courage and willpower to change the usual course of things in the sphere of relationships. One has only to make an effort, and you can achieve what you want from a partner, from your union. If you are more focused on self-realization than on building a cell of society, then you should understand that it is through partnership that new prospects for professional growth will open up for you. as well as personal. From November 3 to 6, you will be able to surprise your loved one and those who know you well. It will be a pleasure for you to behave in an unpredictable way and in a way that you have never behaved before.

From 11 to 20 November. During this period, the relationship in a couple will have a shade of friendly and partner support. There may not be enough passion, but there will be understanding and romantic conversations to the souls. The desire to be alone with your thoughts from November 13 to 16 will most likely not give you if you are on the lookout. opportunity to meet your spouse. This may be an older person related to a non-traditional culture for you. On November 19, an offer to relax and have fun will be a great temptation for you. Acquaintance with a presentable man will be more like a flash of feelings with momentary pleasure than a long-term meeting. But from November 10 to 12, be attentive to the signs of fate and to people who appear on your way.

November 21st to 30th. You will be hard to miss. You will not be deprived of the attention of men. Until November 27 you
It will be hard to contain your feelings. In couples, tension can arise from flared jealousy. On November 28, 29, you may receive a marriage proposal.

Family horoscope

You will need all your female wisdom to direct the passion and thirst for freedom of your faithful in the right direction. It is important for him to feel like a leader in a relationship. It will be difficult for children to focus on their studies. Excessive self-confidence and unwillingness to recognize authorities can manifest itself in disobedience. The health of your parents will be of concern to you.

Health Horoscope

Your future well-being will be on top. Endurance and enthusiasm, energy and friendliness will be indicators of good health. In November, excess energy will require its output. Try to be more often in a team, in public places. From November 1 to November 10, discipline and moderation in everything will contribute to the healing and strengthening of the body.

Horoscope of work and money

In November, you will be able to feel the support of management and senior workmates. Until November 10, office equipment, vehicles, close relatives and employees can let you down. During this period, you need to be very careful on a business trip and when working with documents, and from November 15, be careful with your property.

Horoscope for November 2016 for Pisces men

Love. Until November 10, your loved one will often think about how to improve relations with you. This zodiac period will allow him to understand himself, in his understanding of partnerships. Tell him more often that he is the best.

Tone. Self-confidence and interest in life will be supported by the optimal functioning of his body. He can hardly complain about his health. The ability to subtly feel the mood of people and caution will help him avoid troubles and dangerous situations in the second decade of November.

Finance. This is a period for reconsidering the ways of earning. After November 10, situations of loss of proven sources of income may arise. It is necessary to take a broader look at the world and not limit yourself in the search for new, alternatives financing. It is worth thinking about conducting joint projects with foreign partners.

Job. In October, the ability to properly express yourself and your talents will affect relationships with colleagues and the quality of work. Until November 11, the signing of new contracts and the device for new job will slow down.

Friends. He will be drawn to those. who can learn something. The circle of his acquaintances will expand due to visiting people. In early November, it may be difficult to understand each other.

Leisure. Do not be surprised if you find him reading smart books more and more often. In addition, various sports or scientific experiments will be to his liking. Your loved one may be interested in traveling or watching educational programs about other cultures.

Read also the horoscope for other zodiac signs for November 2016:

In November 2016, representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces are waiting for difficult tasks and business, and therefore tension is guaranteed. Work is work, but you should not forget about health - this valuable advice give you all-seeing stars.

Work, career, business

For all professional matters best time for the zodiac sign Pisces - the first and second decades of November 2016. During this period, you can count on successful negotiations, improving relations with colleagues from other cities or countries, as well as receiving good dividends for the work done in the past. New interesting proposals with good prospects for the future are also possible. However, despite the general improvement in business, one should not lose vigilance. The problems of the past are still relevant and will once again remind of themselves in the third decade of November 2016. As before, your opponents are not going to retreat and are ready to deprive you of a serious share of your property. The most violent conflict will take place in the last week of the month. And then you will understand that the war is not over yet and, perhaps, the main battles are yet to come. Therefore, at any time, be ready for defense and do not lose sight of the little things. The employee will improve relations with superiors, colleagues will listen to his words, but there will be problems with someone from the environment or with old friends. Apparently, we will talk about old debts or some other financial obligations.


The financial situation in November 2016 will improve somewhat for the zodiac sign Pisces, but not enough to consider it stable. Someone will have to pay off old debts, repay loans, and someone may lose part of their property due to the fault of the environment. Be attentive to money and other valuables and exclude any possibility of loss. In this regard, the most difficult time is the third decade of November 2016.

Love, family

Personal life in November 2016 is not particularly stable among representatives of the Zodiac sign Pisces. And if the first and second decades of the month are relatively calm, then the third decade is nervous and restless. Parents are likely to have problems with their children, and in some cases they will lead to large expenses. Lovers are waiting for disappointments and resentment, and if finances play a big role in relationships, then the situation will only worsen from this. It is difficult to say who is right and who is wrong here, one thing is clear - there are no winners in disputes of this kind.

November 2016 for Pisces is the time interesting achievements at work or in society. Representatives of the sign need to pay attention to the period from November 22 to 25 - at this time it is possible to sign a serious contract or successful activities related to teamwork or helping friends. In addition, such activities can bring success quite quickly - already on November 13-22, most likely, the first results will appear.

General horoscope for November 2016 Pisces

The horoscope for November 2016 for Pisces draws attention to the days of November 9, 17, 18, and November 26 - on these dates, a feeling of deja vu is possible, when it may seem to Pisces that they have already been in similar situations. Probably, Pisces in November 2016 will often remember their childhood and try to catch some kind of mystical relationship with their real life.

In November 2016, Pisces should also be aware of the dates of the most powerful impact of the Black Moon. So, on days 5, 10, 11, 18, and also on November 28, you should not trust strangers and rely heavily on someone. Likewise, promises made these days may not be fulfilled.

In November 2016 Pisces on the new moon, which will be November 29-30, it is best to think about your future in a positive way, you can even dream a little.

This month, Pisces will probably be able to find harmony between themselves and the world, they will easily communicate with their loved ones.

Career and money horoscope for November 2016 Pisces

In November 2016, Pisces will most likely have to discuss important work projects between November 4 and 6. So, thanks to high-quality work and correctly set priorities, Pisces will be able to achieve an early rise in the career ladder and entrust them with more responsible tasks. At the beginning of the month, Pisces can discuss their responsibilities with management a lot.

The horoscope for November 2016 for Pisces draws the attention of representatives of the sign to the fact that until November 22, their career may depend on travel and the successful implementation of representative functions.

Pisces in November 2016 should pay special attention to the dates of the influence of the Black Moon. So, on November 5, 11, 18 and 28, some confusion in business is possible.

In November 2016, teamwork will be most successful for Pisces, however, most financial issues will most likely be decided by management, and not by representatives of the Pisces sign.

Pisces in November 2016 may want to spend money uncontrollably. The reason for this may be the transition from November 9 to the sign of Aquarius of the planet Mars, which is responsible for spending money. In this regard, Pisces in November 2016, especially on the days from 11 to 13, as well as from November 24 to 27, need to control their expenses and try to protect themselves from unnecessary expenses.

Auspicious days for career and financial affairs in November 2016 for Pisces: November 22 - 25.

Love horoscope for November 2016 Pisces

The horoscope for November 2016 for Pisces draws special attention of the representatives of the sign to the presence of the planet Mercury, which is responsible for personal relationships, in the sign of Scorpio until November 13th. In this regard, Pisces may have an increased state of anxiety. In addition, the impact of the Black Moon, which is strongest on November 5, can also cause some difficulties. For example, Pisces, communicating with someone on this day, can understand that they are trying to deceive them or do not agree on something.

Fortunately, this tense situation will end after November 13, when the planet Mercury will make the transition into the sign of Sagittarius. In this regard, Pisces, most likely, the former anxiety will disappear and a clear vision of the situation will appear.

In November 2016, Pisces is best to have serious conversations with their partner on the days from November 18 to 20, as well as November 22 and 23.

In general, we can say that November 2016 for Pisces can be divided into two parts. So, until November 12, bright and sexual emotions will prevail in the personal relationships of Pisces, and after November 12, a period of vigorous activity will begin.

auspicious days for love relationship in November 2016 for Pisces: November 14, 18-20, 22-23.

Health Horoscope for November 2016 Pisces

The November 2016 horoscope for Pisces invites the representatives of the sign to take their health seriously this month, and especially on the days of the Black Moon - November 5, 11 and 18. Pisces in November 2016 should in no case close their eyes to the possible symptoms of diseases that appear these days and immediately seek qualified help.

In November 2016, Pisces should avoid self-treatment and visits to specialists in alternative and alternative medicine.

As the horoscope for the Pisces woman for November 2016 says, the month will prove to be more successful than ever for the development of relationships on the personal front, whether you are already in a strong and stable relationship or just looking for your love. Expect pleasant surprises and the cutest gifts from your soulmate. For the time being, single women are advised by our accurate horoscope to prepare for an abundant amount of attention from literally everyone, from random passers-by to friends who suddenly violated the boundary of simple friendship. The main thing: do not withdraw into yourself and do not build too much castles in the air. It is best to smile more and trust the flow of life - everything will work out in the best way!

Financial horoscope for Pisces woman for November 2016

Finances, according to the tradition of this autumn period, will once again fade into the background. Social ties will play a decisive role in obtaining material prosperity. Being as polite as possible with customers, friendly with colleagues and cautious with competitors, you can be on the crest of a money wave. In addition, it will be useful to pay close attention to sources of additional income that are just on the surface, but have not yet been noticed by you. Think, for example, about how to get rid of unnecessary things, bailing out a decent amount for them. Creativity is the keyword of the month! - says the horoscope for Pisces-woman for November 2016.

Horoscope for November 2019 Pisces - life is a zebra.

All in stripes. There are (and many) chances. But without preparation, only cats will be born.

Pisces November 2019 Horoscope is one of the most successful months of the year. November is good for:

  • health,
  • balance restoration,
  • travel,
  • impressions.

Most representatives of this sign will rush into the future. How to realize your creativity without outside help and investment? Someone needs new connections. Others are professional development. And the third give new cool gurus.


Astrological forecast for November 2019 for Pisces

The first and second decades of the month are the most positive and significant period for the whole of 2019. Can:

  • develop spiritually and personally,
  • expand your connections.

There is a maza to realize your projects and plans. And also - advance in terms of intelligence.

First decade of November Pisces

The beginning of the month will plunge Pisces into a whirlpool of difficulties and hemorrhoids. And Pisces cannot do anything without the help of close friends.

It is the first decade of the month that will separate the lambs from the goats. And if Pisces wants financial success, then you need to work. And work again. Some representatives of the sign shine with dependence on those with whom Pisces had a fight in the past. It will start with trials and conflicts, and end with legal things. Fortunately, you will be pleased with surprises from relatives. And if the Fish itself rushes on a journey, then first you need to finish everything.

Pisces - second decade

The middle of the month will cause Pisces to move in different directions. Otherwise, you will be flooded with monotony and dullness. With energy, you are doing well, but Pisces scores on everything for this. so as not to drown in the abyss of dullness and monotony.

Be as optimistic as possible. And believe in your creativity!
And don't forget about ease of communication. She will help you in terms of personal life.

No need to stir up a glass of water with emotions. Can you find a hobby? Or buy yourself a new hobby!

Family Pisces will have to spend a lot of time and effort and money on household chores. AND household issues. Do not be ashamed to call a plumber or electrician to your house (yet you know where Pisces' hands grow from). Take care of your health in your free time. Well, hardening. And others.

Pisces - third decade

The third decade of the month is the time of an unexpected decision of all possible problems. At least for health reasons. At least in my personal life. Or because of financial problems.

You shine with such acquaintances that you do not pay the slightest attention to an obstacle!

Just a little, look for answers and advice in your own past experience. When you find it, give yourself to creativity (it will lift you up the social ladder).
The only one who will be cool is Pisces businessmen. At the end of the month, an unmeasured financial takeoff awaits you. Shokapets.

Horoscope for November 2019 Pisces What to do?

You need to dream! November 1st, that's right! That's right: right now, you don't need to make any lists, specific plans, or arrange negotiations. No, all you have to do is close your eyes and let your imagination run wild. What do you see? Lock? Island? Art Museum? An autograph session? Midnight ball? Swimming in the lake? Camping in the woods? Do you fall in love even deeper? Whatever it is, it's important. Well, it is important that Pisces take this seriously.

It is your subconscious mind that is sending you a message. The very thing that Pisces wants to get. By November 5th, the riddle may confuse you. Don't let this sit on your head and confuse you unnecessarily. Romance is what you need on November 10 and 11.

Well, don't waste time working or cleaning your closet. Or for repairs. Pisces, ask yourself what you really want from your better half on November 15th, 16th and 17th. Think before you speak on the 23rd and 24th. Surprisingly beautiful, life-changing romantic, professional and creative themes. And it will happen on November 29 and 30. All this you need to understand. And accept!

Horoscope for November by date of birth

Pisces born in February will have a chance in November.
You can improve your position. But for this you need to join a group of like-minded people. Well, or resort to the help of friends.

  • But for those of you who were born on March 10-14, you need to be afraid:
  • self-deception
  • pride,
  • adverse influence.

Hypnotists, spiritualists, mushroom lovers will especially draw you into their nets. Be careful, otherwise you will fall into bondage to these alpha males (well, or females).

But Pisces, born on March 4 - 7, is waiting for fanaticism in all forms (religious, ideological, military-political and others) ... Well, beware of drugs and drunkards. You don't know the measure. NOT in one or the other!

Lunar calendar for Pisces for November 2019

Auspicious and unfavorable days


All other days this month we classify as an aquarium for those who once loved the ocean

Financial horoscope for November 2019 Pisces

This month, you need to deal with the accumulation of money, and not their thoughtless spending.
Well, it’s better not to spoil the relationship with anyone! And then you will be left without a dough at all! You can invest. But not all. And only in a joint business with a friend / girlfriend.
The crisis can be avoided if Pisces thinks through everything. You can count on a decent arrival on November 7, 23, 27. Furniture and household appliances you can buy (but only if you study the market in advance). Otherwise, how to give a drink, representatives of your sign will buy something typical or not. And yes, Pisces will be spent in November. From the series - for the home, for the family.

Finances in November: 4, 7, 14, 18, 23, 27

Career horoscope for November Pisces

Career horoscope for November Pisces - what do you dream about in terms of career? Think about this on the 1st! This is all the more real if something hurt recently. This is a sign that your dreams and your reality do not match. And that means it's time to change that. November 2nd and 3rd personal life excites Pisces a lot more work. There's so much going on there. That's also possible. The main thing is not to forget about career aspirations.

By November 5th, something strange might be on your desk. You love riddles! Well, try to solve this one. You know, romance doesn't just exist in Italian restaurants and candlelit dinners.
On the romantic 10th, 11th and 12th, think about what makes your job so dreamy. And then stop thinking about it, and enjoy! On November 15, 16 and 17 everything you want at work is very important. And you can't beat it. Express yourself accurately on November 23rd and 24th, 2019. Pisces, your creative development will not go unnoticed. And this will happen on the key November 29 and 30.
