In the spring, sorrel appears one of the first on the beds. This perennial, very frost-resistant and unpretentious in cultivation, provides us with early tender greens, rich in various vitamins (such as A, B and C), several types of acids and trace elements, among which a very large percentage is iron and potassium. In the spring, sorrel is able not only to fill the need of an organism that has starved for useful substances over the winter, but also to tone it up.

Shchi, vegetable purees, fillings for pies - this is not a complete list of what is prepared from sorrel. It is not only tasty, but also healthy. There is practically no such gardener who does not have a cherished bed with the earliest greens.

Growing conditions

Even for those who do not know how to plant sorrel and how to care for it, having familiarized themselves with the basic rules, it will be very easy to grow it. You should know that you can stay in one place for no more than 4 years, and then you need to pick up a new one.

To collect good harvest as early as possible, the beds are placed on timely watered and carefully weeded. Moreover, it is necessary to pay attention to such a weed as wheatgrass, which interferes with the normal growth of sorrel, and immediately remove it.

Loamy, peaty and slightly acidic soils are excellent for growing this greenery. The beds can be located in partial shade - the sorrel tolerates such conditions normally, and even its greenery remains juicy and tender longer.

When to sow sorrel

For those who want to constantly have fresh greens, sorrel can be sown three times a season - in early spring, summer (June, July) and late autumn, before the onset of cold weather.

  • Early spring sowing begins as soon as the soil is ready for processing. Harvest can be had in the same season.
  • Planting sorrel in summer is favorable in June-July. It is very well strengthened before the cold weather, and already in early spring gives the first shoots.
  • Before winter, the seeds are planted in late October or early November, so that they do not have time to germinate before the cold weather. With such a landing in the spring, you can also get an early harvest.

Sowing sorrel

Before planting, sorrel seeds should be soaked in water. But you can not do this.

The bed must be carefully dug up, since the sorrel will grow on it for 3-4 years. For better growth make top dressing, which includes humus (half a bucket), urea (1 teaspoon) and nitrophoska (2 tablespoons).

  • On a loosened bed, grooves are made 1 cm deep and seeds are poured into them. The distance between them should be 5-10 cm.
  • Sprinkle the seeds on top with a thin layer of earth and lightly press it with the back of your hand.
  • Planting sorrel ends with watering, and the earth is not moistened very much, and it is better to use rainwater for this.
  • If the bed is covered with polyethylene film, seedlings can be expected in 4-5 days. On an uncovered bed, sorrel will germinate in 2 weeks.
  • When shoots appear, they need to be thinned out, leaving a distance of at least 5 cm between the bushes.

Care rules

Knowing how to plant sorrel makes caring for it even easier. The main requirements are timely loosening of row spacings, weeding and watering. If necessary, thin out overgrown plants, leaving a distance of 5 cm between them.

In order for the harvest to be plentiful, every time after pruning the leaves, it is recommended to feed the sorrel with a liquid mixture. mineral fertilizers, which should be dominated by nitrogen.

In the fall, be sure to fertilize the beds with compost or humus at the rate of 2 buckets per 1 sq. m, and in the second year of planting they again do the same top dressing.


Having learned how to plant sorrel and how to care for it, it remains to learn how to harvest. It would seem that there is nothing complicated about this, but there are some subtleties, paying attention to which, you can ensure a good harvest all season.

You can collect sorrel leaves from May, during the summer and until autumn. Before you start picking them, you need to weed the bed, and after collecting, loosen the row spacing.

You should know that the best time to collect is when the sorrel has formed a rosette consisting of at least five leaves. They are very carefully cut at a height of 4 cm from the ground, so as not to damage the growth point (apical buds). Usually 4 crops are harvested per season. On average, it can be about 2 kg per 1 sq. m.

As soon as the sorrel begins to form arrows, the harvesting of the leaves stops, and the arrows are beveled.

In order to have this source of vitamins and minerals on your table in winter, sorrel can be frozen (and this is the easiest way to harvest) or canned. The recipes for these methods are simple, and you can always choose the one that suits you.

Now, knowing how to plant sorrel, and making sure that it is very easy to grow, probably, even those who bypassed this source of fresh greens with their attention will want to plant it in their beds.

To grow sorrel is to get a crop of a plant rich in vitamins and minerals, which also has a pleasant taste.

Sorrel (Rumex) - perennial herbaceous plant. It has been cultivated since the Middle Ages, in Russia for a long time it was considered an ordinary weed, therefore, as a garden crop, it began to be grown in recent centuries. The root system of the plant is pivotal, the fleshy root penetrates deep into the soil. The leaf plates are large, long, collected in a dense basal rosette.

Sorrel is one of the earliest vegetable crops, a breath of freshness after a long winter cold, a storehouse useful elements. Green leaves reach for the sun as soon as the snow melts. In May, it is already possible to harvest the first crop - the length of the leaves reaches about 10 cm. During the season (harvesting should be completed in July), 4-5 cuts are made with an interval of 10-15 days. Then the leaves coarsen, the concentration of oxalic acid becomes high, which is not very useful for humans.

When to sow sorrel in open ground

The plant, its seeds begin to germinate at +3 ° C: seedlings are not required to grow, they can be sown immediately in open ground. When to plant sorrel?

There are three optimal time sowing:

  1. Early spring– sow as soon as tillage becomes possible. Harvest in the same season.
  2. summer sowing- spend it after harvesting vegetables early term maturation (June). Sorrel will have time to take root well before the onset of winter cold
  3. Sowing before winter late autumn (late October-early November) - wait for severe cold weather with night frosts and dry weather, as the seeds should not have time to germinate before the onset of winter. When sowing in winter, it is useful to fill the rows with high-quality humus, mixed in half with garden soil.

In the last two cases, sorrel will delight you with the first green harvest next spring.

It is best to sow sorrel in the spring when the soil is saturated with moisture. During summer sowing, regular abundant watering of the beds will be required.

Why does the sorrel not rise

Often people do grossest mistake: sow sorrel deep, which is why the seeds do not break through a thick layer of earth. Sorrel seeds are very small, sow them no deeper than 1 cm. To do this, make the furrows “symbolic”, only slightly indicating the direction of sowing with a corner of a chopper. After sowing, carefully fill the furrows with earth.

What kind of sorrel is best to plant?

Sorrel is large-leaved, yields excellent, tolerates cutting easily and grows back quickly with regular watering. It does not degenerate for a long time and does not freeze.

Site selection

The plant thrives in moderate shade.

The soil needs fertile, sufficiently moist, but without stagnant water. Optimum occurrence of groundwater at a depth of more than 1 m. It grows best on loamy and sandy soils rich in humus. A slightly acidic soil reaction is preferred.

How to plant sorrel seeds in open ground

1 g of weight contains about 1000-1500 seeds. Seeds germinate for about 2 years.

Soil preparation

Dig up the site, free from weed grass. On depleted soils for digging, apply fertilizer: 6-8 kg of humus or compost, 20-30 g of superphosphate and 15-20 g of potassium chloride per 1 m².

How to prepare a bed for planting sorrel, look at the video:

How to plant sorrel seeds

  • keeping a distance of 15-20 cm between them.
  • In the spring, plant the seeds to a depth of 8 mm-1 cm. Friendly seedlings will appear in 8-11 days, and if you cover the crops with a film, after 3-5 days. After a week of growth, thin out, leaving a distance of 5-7 cm between plants.
  • When sowing in summer, the soil must be saturated with moisture - a couple of days before sowing, water the bed well so that the soil gets wet well.
  • When sowing before winter, the bed is prepared in advance so that the soil settles and the seeds are not washed away by precipitation into the deep layers of the soil.

It is necessary to sow as little as possible, seed germination is excellent, and after seed germination, seedlings must be thinned out so that the plants do not clog each other. Ideally, leave at least 2-3 cm between individual plants so that the sorrel is large and beautiful.

How to sow sorrel, look at the video:

Care and cultivation of sorrel in the open field

sorrel in open ground:


  • During the period of active growth, water regularly and plentifully.
  • In hot weather and dry soil, the ground part will actively develop, which will provoke earlier unwanted flowering (under normal conditions, it should occur in the second year of growth).

To maintain the quality of green produce, flower stalks should be removed.

Top dressing and mulching

  • Loosen the soil in early spring, mulch the area to maintain the moisture level, fertilize (1 bucket of mullein solution in a ratio of 1 to 6 with the addition of 10-25 g of potassium-phosphorus fertilizers per 1 m²).
  • To maintain the yield after each cutting of the leaves, it is necessary to feed with a complex of mineral fertilizers, with an emphasis on the nitrogen component.
  • In autumn, add 4-5 kg ​​of humus or compost between rows.

Sorrel should be cultivated in one place for no more than 4 years, then the planting must be renewed.

Diseases and pests of sorrel

False powdery mildewpossible disease oxal culture. This will not happen if the seeds were treated before planting.

The sorrel leaf beetle can destroy your crop. Spray the plant with a solution of garlic, sprinkle with ash or tobacco dust.

The benefits of sorrel

Sorrel is rich in minerals (potassium, iron), proteins, sugars, organic acids (oxalic, malic, citric), contains vitamin C and carotene. In folk medicine, sorrel is used as a choleretic, hemostatic agent, the juice of the plant has an antiseptic effect, improves metabolism, and normalizes the work of the stomach. You should not abuse it, because acids can have a negative effect on the kidneys.

Fresh sorrel leaves are used in the preparation of salads, sauces, mashed potatoes, everyone's favorite "green borscht", it retains its beneficial features both fresh and canned.

Sorrel seeds in the photo

If you have a sorrel bed, it makes sense to grow your seed. To do this, leave 2-3 bushes in the ground, and do not cut the leaves from them. Flowering culture begins around May, and seed ripening occurs in the first half of July. Sorrel panicles, on which the seeds are collected, acquire a brown tint, and after that they are cut, tied into whisks and dried for ten days. Next, the seeds are threshed by rubbing the panicles with the hands and blowing out the garbage. Seeds retain their germination capacity for 4 years, but only if they are stored in a dry place.

Before growing sorrel from seeds, the seed must be soaked in water, wrapped in gauze and left for 48 hours. During this time, they will be saturated with moisture and sprout faster.

You can put the seeds in a cloth bag. Only fill it half way. Then simply submerge the bag in water. Perfect option- water at normal room temperature. Before planting sorrel seeds, soak the bag in water for 12-18 hours. Then remove it from the container, pour the seeds (by that time they should already swell well) and spread them in a thin layer on some dense fabric. Cover them with the same cloth that you used when soaking. Further, they will need to be kept in any warm place. You need to wait until the first seeds start to hatch. When this happens, aerate the seeds and start sowing.

If you want the seeds to sprout well and be strong, then you can first add a little nutrient fertilizer to plain water.

Before growing sorrel from seeds in the country, the soil must be prepared in advance. If it is supposed to plant in the spring, then the soil must be prepared in the fall. It is better to grow sorrel on fertile loamy soil. Soil acidity is not special significance for a crop, however, the place where you will grow the crop should not be swampy, or be in a lowland where water can stagnate.

Processing a site for growing sorrel involves deep digging, cleaning the soil from weeds, roots and lumps. During digging, wood ash and humus 4-5 kg/m2, superphosphate 30 g/m2, nitrogen 20 g/m2 are added. In the spring, immediately before sowing seeds in open ground, the bed must be re-loosened and leveled with a rake.

How to plant sorrel in open ground with seeds (with photo)

Sorrel is sown in open ground with the help of seeds, and there is no particular reference to the time of sowing. When to plant sorrel when growing a crop from seed? Given the unpretentiousness and frost resistance of the crop, planting can be carried out throughout the warm season: in spring, summer, or late autumn, in order to get an early harvest next spring.

Sorrel seeds are planted in small (1-1.5 m) rows 4-5 cm deep, at a distance of about 20 cm from each other. Further, seed can be planted in the furrows. From above, the seeds are sprinkled with earth so that they are in the ground no deeper than 1.5-2 cm - otherwise, most of the seeds simply cannot break out of the ground, and the seedlings will be very weak.

Look at the photo - sorrel seeds germinate in 1.5-2 weeks:

Sorrel entrances on day 10 in the photo
Sorrel entrances for 21 days in the photo

Care of beds includes obligatory weeding and removal of weeds. Simultaneously with weeding, row spacing is loosened.

Already at the end of May, young leaves appear, reaching a height of 7-10 cm. They can be cut off and harvested next time in 2 weeks. They finish harvesting at the end of July, just by this time the leaves will accumulate a lot of acid and become rough, it is undesirable to eat them.

In late spring and during the first two summer months (June and July), the young leaves of the plant contain a lot of citric and malic acid, as well as a large amount of vitamin C, potassium, iron, sugar and proteins. During this period, you need to stock up on vitamins for the winter.

With the advent of warm spring days, sorrel leaves are among the first to sprout in the garden. A green vegetable is often used in cooking for cooking. It has a pleasant taste with sourness, rich in vitamins and minerals. How to grow sorrel from seeds in the open field, we will describe in the article.

Description of leaf vegetable

Sorrel belongs to the buckwheat family and is a perennial plant. Its root is taprooted and branched, therefore, it can penetrate up to 25 cm into the soil. At the root, there are buds on the head, from which the development of deciduous mass occurs. Their base can have a different shape:

  • heart-shaped;
  • annular;
  • swept.

The edge of the leaves is always even. On fertile soils, the leaves can be up to 10-15 cm in size. On the sheets, you can see a pronounced vein in the center. If you cut the leaves at the outlet, then there is a faster awakening of the kidneys. After that, the greenery begins to grow again.

In the second year of life, sorrel may have erect, ribbed stems. If they are not cut off in time, they can grow up to 50-100 cm. Over time, reddish inflorescences form on the stems. The leaves then begin to coarsen and become fibrous.

Sorrel is a highly sought-after type of leafy green. because it contains many health benefits:

The amount of vitamins and minerals largely depends on the plant variety. They also differ in the speed of maturation, the shape of the sheets. The most popular include the following varieties:

  • Altaic;
  • ordinary garden;
  • large-leaved;
  • broad-leaved;
  • Belleville;
  • Lyon.

Sorrel leaves are cut several times during the summer. The most delicious leaves of a popular vegetable are always in spring and autumn. The plant belongs to cold-resistant species and can germinate at a temperature of + 3-4 o C.

Choice of landing site

Sorrel does not like open sunny areas. Suitable for growing a place in partial shade from growing trees. The level of soil acidity will also not affect its growth and development. However, green vegetable loves to grow on loamy soils. It is recommended to sow sorrel seeds where onions or pumpkin plants grew before. There he will grow even better.

It is advisable to choose a place for sowing seeds in the fall and prepare the site in advance. On the planned site, it is worth making organic fertilizers in the form of compost and ash. Nitrogen fertilizers are suitable as top dressing. They are applied to the soil 1-2 weeks before sowing seeds in open ground. The bed must be dug up, weeds removed, loosened and leveled.

This crop grows well, so a small plot of land is enough to be enough for a family.

When to sow sorrel in open ground?

Since sorrel is perennial, it grows in one place for 4 years. The first 2 years will be the most productive, after which the yield will begin to decline. Despite the unpretentiousness of the culture, you need to pay attention to the soil, and then you can get an excellent harvest. . It can be sown three times a year:

Sowing time is determined by the gardeners themselves, depending on when they want to get fresh green leaves. However, planting sorrel in the spring is considered the most fruitful.

Planting sorrel seeds

In addition to the beds for sowing seeds, you should also prepare planting material. So that the seeds sprout together and then please with juicy and tasty leaves, they need to be soaked in water. Planting material is wrapped in gauze and left in this form for a couple of days. They will swell, absorbing moisture, and then rise faster.

To make the seeds more stable and strong, nutritious fertilizers can be added. This will give the best germination and guaranteed yield. Dry seeds can also be sown. In moist and prepared soil, they will also sprout, but a little later.

Seeds are sown in grooves, to a depth of 2 cm. The distance between the rows should be about 15 cm. After sowing, the soil in the garden should be mulched with peat. It is recommended to cover the bed with a film to create the effect of a greenhouse. This will help the seeds sprout faster, and the first green sprouts will appear in 5-6 days. Without the use of a film, seedlings appear after 2 weeks.

Growing sorrel in open ground

With the appearance of 3-4 leaves on the first shoots, sorrel can be thinned out. At any time this plant needs watering. Sorrel must be watered in spring and summer. Mature plants also react positively to moisture. In dry land, the stem quickly throws out flower stalks.

It is also important to weed the bed in a timely manner, to loosen the soil. Mulching can reduce this amount of work. This must be done after each watering of the garden.

For the winter, sorrel roots are best covered. Suitable for this:

  • rotten sawdust;
  • humus;
  • compost.

IN spring time preferably in the process of loosening the soil add ash and humus. Feeding will stimulate the growth of young leaves? and they grow up faster.

A month and a half before the onset of frost, it is better to cut the leaves. Otherwise, at the first frost, they will go limp and fall. In this state, the leaves will block the access of oxygen to the root system.

Diseases and pests

Sorrel is rarely exposed to various diseases and pest attacks. If such signs are noticed, they must be eliminated. The main pests and diseases of sorrel:

  • downy mildew - expressed in the appearance of spots with a gray coating on the back of the stems, which can be eliminated with a Bordeaux mixture;
  • rust - small spots of yellow-brown color with dark spores form on leaves and petioles when there is a violation of the temperature and humidity regime;
  • sorrel aphid - sucks juices from the plant, however, in the process of collecting leaves, sorrel cannot be processed, this can be done in autumn with an infusion of bitter herbs: wormwood, oak bark;
  • larvae and beetles of the oxal leafworm and caterpillars of the sawfly - you can get rid of them by spraying the plants with an infusion of garlic, nightshade or tomatoes.

Sorrel rarely gets sick, but if there are similar symptoms, then you should try to immediately respond and not start the garden. It is also recommended to change the place for planting sorrel. The vegetable can be called unique because it is easy to grow. It will grow anywhere and will require minimal cost in care.

Sorrel is a perennial plant that is resistant to cold. In one place, the culture can grow for 4 years, then you need to sow sorrel in another corner of the garden. Sorrel has a strong branched root that grows up to half a meter in the ground. The plant is able to withstand not only short-term frosts, but also severe frosts down to -25 ° C. Sorrel grows well on slightly acidic fertile soil.

What do we know from history?

Asia and Europe are considered the birthplace of sorrel. And now sorrel grows there very abundantly. The wild plant has been known to people since time immemorial. There are more than 200 species of sorrel in the world.

In the 12th century, sorrel was first mentioned as a garden crop. For many years, the Russians believed that sorrel is a weed and tried their best to get rid of it. Naturally, no one used this plant for food. In the last few centuries, people began to grow sorrel in their gardens. As a vegetable crop, common sorrel is grown in vegetable gardens. In the people it is customary to call it "sour".

In Russia, many summer residents do not really like sorrel and in vain, it is advisable to take at least a small piece of fertile land in order to grow this vegetable crop. Sorrel is very useful for humans, it contains several acids at the same time: citric, ascorbic, oxalic and malic.

Sorrel belongs to very early and unpretentious cultures. As soon as the snow melts, and the spring sun begins to warm the earth, the first shoots appear. Already at the end of May, young leaves appear, reaching a height of 7-10 cm. They can be cut off and harvested next time in 2 weeks. They finish harvesting at the end of July, just by this time the leaves will accumulate a lot of acid and become rough, it is undesirable to eat them.

In late spring and during the first two summer months (June and July), the young leaves of the plant contain a lot of citric and malic acid, as well as a large amount of vitamin C, potassium, iron, sugar and proteins. During this period, you need to stock up on vitamins for the winter. From sorrel, you can cook many delicious and healthy meals: cook green borscht, bake pies or a pie, make mashed potatoes or add to a salad. Sorrel can be eaten not only fresh, but also canned. During conservation, all the useful properties of the plant are preserved.

Sorrel is popular not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine- it is used as a choleretic and blood-stopping agent, as well as for the treatment of scurvy. Doctors warn that excessive consumption of sorrel can harm a person, the kidneys will not be able to cope with a large amount of acid.

Popular varieties of sorrel: Broad-leaved and Malachite. The first has a loose rosette and elongated leaves. This variety is frost tolerant and drought tolerant. Malachite ripens very early, up to 2 kg of crop can be harvested from 1m2 of area. The first harvest can be harvested 1.5 months after planting the seeds. The rosette of leaves is compact, the leaves resemble the shape of a spear.

See the photo for sorrel varieties:

On sale you can also find less popular varieties of sorrel: Spinach and Broadleaf. They are low in oxalic acid.

How to grow sorrel

Grow sorrel on suburban area very easy, you need to start by choosing a suitable place. In order to get a good harvest, it is necessary to allocate a moist piece of land, but only without stagnant moisture. The soil must be freed from weeds, especially the sorrel does not like the neighborhood with wheatgrass grass. good soil- sandy loam or loam, generously fertilized with humus. Sorrel will also grow well on peat-drained soil. It is important to observe the following rule: groundwater should be at a depth of 1 m from the surface of the earth. On slightly acidic soil, sorrel will also grow well and delight you with its rich harvest, and liming the soil with a pH of 4.5 is not necessary.

How to prepare the soil before planting

If you want to get a good harvest, you need to take care of the soil in advance. It must be prepared in the fall. Add 6 kg of humus and 30 g of potassium chloride and superphosphate to a pre-allocated plot of land. This amount of fertilizer is calculated for 1m 2 of land.

With the onset of spring, just before sowing sorrel, the soil must be fed with this mixture: take 2 g of ammonium nitrate and potassium salt, 4 g of superphosphate and 40 g of urea, add 3 kg of humus, mix all the components thoroughly and fertilize the soil.

Planting sorrel

When can sorrel be planted? There are no exact landing dates. If you have such an opportunity, then sorrel can be planted in early spring, and in the southern part of the country you can plant sorrel in the summer if you have a free plot of land. When planting late (in summer), it must be borne in mind that the plant needs to have time to ascend and take root even before the onset of cold weather. This takes 1, maximum 1.5 months. So if you have a desire, you can plant a plant today and harvest the first crop in mid-September.

Of course, if you are not going to grow sorrel for sale, but for yourself, then it is better to plant sorrel in early spring. At this time, there will be more moisture in the soil than in the middle of summer and you will not have to waste time watering.

When planting, keep in mind that the sorrel will not rise quickly. If there is very little moisture, then it can ascend unevenly, and in some places it may not “hatch” at all.

Standard landing rules:

  1. Observe the distance between rows - at least 20 cm.
  2. The distance between plants is 5 cm.

How to prepare seeds for planting

It is advisable to prepare the seeds before planting in advance, if you are in a hurry and you don’t have time to prepare at all, you will have to sow the seeds directly from the bag.

For those who want to get 100% germination, we offer a simple way: the seeds must be soaked in water, wrapped in gauze and left for 48 hours. During this time, they will be saturated with moisture and sprout faster.

If you want the seeds to sprout well and be strong, then you can first add a little nutrient fertilizer to plain water.

Growing sorrel from seeds

When the soil is ready, you can start planting seeds. You can buy them in specialized stores by weight (which is much cheaper) or packaged in paper bags. When buying, pay attention to the expiration date of sorrel seeds.

Before you start planting, you need to free the ground from weeds. As already mentioned earlier, landing can be carried out at any time, except for winter. In early spring, as soon as the soil is ready for cultivation (not earlier than mid-April), it's time to get to work. There is moisture in the soil, which means that the seeds will germinate well.

Pre-soaked seeds must be sown in the soil (if the soil is not moist enough, it must be well watered). The sowing depth of sorrel is 1.5 cm. The distance between rows is 20 cm, you can save money and make rows with a distance of 15 cm. There should be free space 5 cm

Sowing should be mulched with peat mixture or simply sprinkled with earth. After 2 weeks, the first shoots should appear. If you cover the bed with seeds with a film, then on the 5th day you can expect the first shoots.

As soon as the seeds sprout, it is necessary to thin out the sorrel. The distance between plants should be 10 cm. After 50 days from the moment of sowing the seeds, it will be possible to harvest the first crop.

If you sow seeds in the summer, then this can be done in mid-June or July, just after harvesting onions planted on greens or radishes. Summer sorrel will have time to strengthen before the onset of frost and next year in the spring will give a good harvest.

Winter sowing can begin in October or November, taking into account that the seeds do not have time to germinate before the onset of frost. You can harvest the first crop in the spring. Please note that winter sowing does not give 100% germination, so the yield will not be very high.

Subtleties of sowing:

  • it is more convenient to make grooves in the soil with a chopper, use a thick stick or a metal pin;
  • make grooves with a stick, pick up seeds in your hand. Please note that they are very small;
  • scatter them evenly over the furrow;
  • Gently crush the seeds on top with soil. Soil layer - 1 cm, this will be enough. If the soil is heavy, then the seeds will not be able to break through.

How to care for sorrel

Despite the fact that this garden crop is considered unpretentious and frost-resistant, sorrel loves watering very much. When the air temperature reaches above 26 ° C, and the summer is dry, the rosette will develop poorly, and soon the sorrel will begin to bloom. This reduces the quality of the future crop. The plant should be watered regularly summer period. To prevent flowering, the first flower stalks should be removed as soon as possible.

In the spring, as soon as the sorrel begins to grow, it is advisable to loosen the soil and mulch. It does not hurt to fertilize, dilute 25 g of phosphorus or potash fertilizer in a bucket of water and water the soil liberally.

In autumn, humus or compost must be added to the aisles. For 1 m 2 of land, 5 kg of fertilizer is taken. Just the compost is good at mulching the bare sorrel roots.

One year later, you need to pay good feeding: for 1m 2 of soil, you need to take 20 g of urea and potassium chloride and 30 g of superphosphate.

Harvest Rules

When it's harvest time, you'll guess. It is better to cut the leaves young, they will have less oxalic acid, and therefore more benefit. As soon as 4-5 leaves appear on the outlet, they can be cut off with a sharp knife. Step back from the surface of the earth 3-4 cm and make an even cut. Harvest carefully so as not to damage the apical buds of the sorrel. You can also pick the leaves by hand, but then be very careful not to damage the outlet.

Before you start harvesting, it is advisable to free the sorrel from weeds, and loosen the soil between the rows with a chopper. Harvest in the morning or evening. From one outlet, you can cut leaves up to 5 times.

As soon as you see that the sorrel began to throw out flower arrows, they must be cut off so that the plant does not weaken. After each such manipulation, it is necessary to apply a mixture of mineral fertilizers with nitrogen fertilizers in order to further increase the yield.

In the dry season (in summer, when there is little rain), it is better to feed the sorrel with liquid fertilizers, and in the rainy season - dry.

As soon as 3 or 4 years have passed since the planting of sorrel, this plant will no longer be suitable for harvesting and eating. So that sorrel does not go to waste, it can be used for distillation. In autumn, the plant is dug up together with an earthen clod and sent to the cellar for storage. The temperature in the room should not rise above +2 ° C and fall below 0 ° C. At the end of winter, sorrel can be buried in the ground in a greenhouse and watered abundantly. After 20 days, you can harvest the first crop.

If the area of ​​​​the greenhouse is large, then you can dig in the sorrel immediately after digging up the plant. Then you can harvest in the winter.

How to deal with pests

The main disease of sorrel garden culture is powdery downy mildew. To prevent this disease, it is necessary to heat the seeds. In addition, the leaves are very fond of aphids. To get rid of pests, sorrel can be sprayed with a decoction of tobacco, and after harvesting the plant, destroy the remnants.

Often, when growing sorrel, many summer residents are faced with the fact that holes appear on the leaves - this is the work of the sorrel leaf beetle. It is enough to treat the sorrel with wood ash and this problem will be solved.

Sometimes small yellowish or brown spots appear on the leaves. Such plants need to be cut and thrown away, and the rest should be processed with healthy sorrel.

How to grow sorrel on your site, watch this video:
