Service as a group of objects 5 letters

I m
A settlement in which the inhabitants were engaged in trade and crafts (in Russian state IX - XIII centuries).
II m.
Smooth furrow, a bed with crops.
III m.
1) reduce. to noun. row I 1., 4) 2) caress. to noun. row I 1., 4) IV m.
1) reduce. to noun. row III
2) caress. to noun. row III

-dka; m.
see also row, row
1) reduce. to row 1)
2) s.-x. Smooth furrow, a bed with crops.
Hoe in the rows.
Straight rows.
Weed two rows.

1) Construction, when people in the ranks stand on the same line, one near the other and facing the same direction.
2. unfold
Those who stand in such a formation.
3) Long a number of because items.

(from Polish. szereg from Hung.)
see also rank
1) Build, build, when people stand one next to the other, on the same line.
Line up in two lines.
Stay in one line.
Ranks of soldiers.
2) what a long series of what-l. items.
Line of cars.
A line of poplars.

I carry neperekh.
1) Become larger, longer, taller, increase as a result of the life process.
ott. Get older, mature, develop (about children).
2) Increase in volume, size, number; grow.
ott. trans. Get stronger; intensify, strengthen.
ott. trans. Increasing the strength of your sound, become more sonorous, loud.
ott. trans. Increasing in size, it becomes visible (when approaching, when visibility improves, etc.).
3. trans.
Become higher in cultural, moral, etc. respect; improve.
II Nesov. neperekh.
1) To live, to spend childhood, the early years of one's life, to develop in any place, in any conditions.
2) Have distribution; to grow (of plants).

grow, grow; grew, -la, -lo; growing up; grew up; nsv.
a) (St. - grow up) As a result of the life process, become bigger, taller, longer, etc. (about a person, animal, plant, etc.)
Grow fast, grow slowly.
Grow in height, in width.
Stop growing.
The boy was weak and did not grow well.
Grows by leaps and bounds (very fast)
b) resp. To spend somewhere, in some conditions of his childhood, early years.
Ross in the village.
The child is raised by his grandmother.
Grow in friendly family.
Grow up in poverty, in luxury.
Grow at home, on the Volga.
Growing up without a father.
Ross in war time.
this T. To be some in childhood, in the early years of his life.
Grow up an orphan.
The boy grew up healthy, strong, cheerful.
Grow up selfish.
She grew up as a weak girl.
a) (St. - grow) Increase quantitatively, in size, in volume.
Wealth is growing.
The city is growing.
The demand for goods is growing.
Prices are rising.
The population is growing.
A new area of ​​the city is growing rapidly.
Grow like mushrooms (very fast)
b) resp. Become stronger in its manifestation (about a feeling, property, state, etc.)
Anxiety is growing.
The popularity is growing.
The power of the state is growing.
The influence and authority of the leader is growing.
The consciousness of citizens is growing.
He grows dissatisfied with himself.
Interest in politics is growing rapidly.
3) (St. - grow up) Improve, develop.
Grow quickly as a specialist.
Stop growing as a director.
The artist grows with each new job.
The talent is growing.
Grow in someone's eyes (gain more and more respect, authority)
a) only 3 liters. Have distribution somewhere. (about individual plant species, tree species); grow.
Algae grows in the seas.
Mosses and lichens grow in the tundra.
Palm trees grow in the south.
Cranberries grow in swamps.
b) resp. To be, to be somewhere. (about plants)
Grass grows under the windows.
Spruce grows in front of the house.
Apples and strawberries grow in the garden.
Daisies grew in places.
Clover grows in the meadow.

- although the grass does not grow

see vegetables

garden bed
I unfold
1) reduce. to noun. ridge 2) 2) caress. to noun. ridge 2) II well. local
The edge of the body of a cart and sleigh, formed by longitudinal or transverse poles.

garden bed
I see the ridge
II -and; pl. genus. - -doc, date. - -dkam; and.
see also bed, bed
1) A small mound of dug up or imported land in a garden, flower garden, etc.
Make a garden bed.
Dig up beds.
Plant a bed of strawberries.
A bed of carrots, dill, beets.
Take a bed for cucumbers.
Narrow, wide bed.
Digging in the beds (colloquial; work in the garden, flower garden, etc.)
Only from the garden! (about the highest degree of freshness of vegetables, herbs)
2) The edge of the body of a cart or sleigh, formed by longitudinal or transverse poles.


1. On the bushes of greenhouse red fruits,Fat, pot-bellied, do you recognize them?How big berries hang on branches, They eagerly ask for a vegetable salad.

3. Green fat woman
I put on a lot of skirts
Standing in the garden now
Like a ballerina in a tutu

5 . Head on a leg, peas in the head

8. Make everyone around cry
Although he is not a fighter, but ...

9. Although he did not see the ink,
Turned purple all of a sudden
And shines with praise
Very important…

10. It can be very different - Green, yellow, red. And he is burning and sweet, It is worth knowing his habits. He himself is the main spice! Did you know?

12. It grows - in the ground,
Known all over the world.
Often on the table
Shows off in uniform

14. For a curly tuft They dragged a fox from a mink. Touch - smooth, Eat - sweet.


2. He bites - but not a dog.
There is a tooth. But where is the mouth?
White wears a frock coat.
What is it, tell me...

4. Red cheeks, white nose.
I sit in the dark all day long.
And the shirt is green
She is all in the sun.

6. Green piglets grew up in our garden, Sideways towards the sun, their tails are crocheted. Our piglets play hide and seek with us

7. In these yellow pyramids
Hundreds of delicious grains

11. This is not a toy at all -

plant from the garden

Alternative descriptions

Garden or ground fruit

Plant grown on ridges, root vegetable

. "Inhabitant" of the garden

. "Mundane" fruit neighbor

Eggplant, for example

To each his own time

plant grown in beds

Garden gift

garden child

Inhabitant of the garden

Both potatoes and onions

And turnips and carrots

Zucchini or tomato

M. vegetable and vegetables cf. church general south. billie psk. sowing sowing. Vegetable garden, edible tops and roots: onions, cabbage, carrots, turnips, beets with tops, etc. also garden fruits, like cucumbers, watermelons, and old-fashioned, and tree, garden fruits, also boiled and sugared: spicy and compound vegetables. Vegetable row, merchant or vegetable grower. Vegetable, old pickle, deep dish, cup. Vegetable grower, church eagle Kaluga vegetable garden We got a vegetable grower. Vegetable vegetable trader; church vegetable grower, vegetable garden; koshnitsa, basket for vegetables; place for storing vegetables, vegetable, basement, outlet, vegetable store

Carrot in essence

Carrot, cucumber

Born in the garden, useful in salad

garden dweller

Garden product to the table

cucumber or tomato

Cucumber, beet (general)

Parsley, but not a clown

Turnip or cabbage

Beetroot, cucumber, radish or onion

edible plant

Tomato, cabbage, eggplant (common)

Dill, parsley, celery - in a word

The fruit grows on a tree, but on the ground

What is an artichoke

. "mundane" fruit neighbor

. "inhabitant" of the garden

Fruit grows on a tree, but on the ground?

. "Mundane" fruit neighbor

Beetroot, cucumber, radish, onion (general)

Beetroot, cucumber, radish, onion (general)

Fruit grows on a tree, but on the ground?

Cucumber, beet (general)

Look at the pictures and solve the easiest crossword about vegetables:

View answer

Answers: 1. Pumpkin, 2. Carrot, 3. Potato, 4. Pea, 5. Beetroot, 6. Tomato, 7. Onion, 8. Cucumber.

1. Before we ate it, everyone had time to cry.
3. Green branches grow in the garden, and red children are on them.
5. Grass above the ground, burgundy head under the ground.
6. A red nose has grown into the ground, only a green tail is on top.
8. In summer - in the garden, fresh, green. And in winter - in a barrel, strong, salty.
10. Although he did not see the ink, he suddenly became purple, and very important shines with praise ...
2. They dug it into the ground in May and did not take it out for a hundred days, and in the autumn they began to dig not one, but ten.
4. Green, red, yellow fruits, who are they, do you recognize them?
7. This vegetable is a pumpkin brother - it also looks fat. He lay down under a leaf on a barrel between the beds ...
9. In the garden - a yellow ball, but he does not run galloping, he is like full moon, delicious seeds in it.
11. One hundred clothes and all without fasteners

View answer

Answers: 1. Bow; 2. Potato; 3. Tomato; 4. Pepper; 5. Beets; 6. Carrots; 7. Zucchini; 8. Cucumber; 9. Pumpkin; 10. Eggplant; 11. Cabbage.

1. Almost a potato, but sweet, it grows in America.
3. It grows very long and occupies the floor of the garden. This pumpkin vegetable is a brother, in the summer everyone eats it.
5. This pumpkin is exotic, it grows in the tropics on a liana.
8. Red cheeks, white nose. I sit in the dark all day long. And the shirt is green, she is all in the sun.
9. Even though she grew up in the garden, she knows the notes “sol” and “fa”.
10. What kind of strange zucchini is a barrel all in hems, maybe I had a dream? It's simple…
2. This vegetable is the commander. If you cooked it, do not forget to take off your uniform ...
4. Cabbage turnip.
6. Our piglets grew up in the garden, sideways towards the sun, crochet tails. These little pigs are playing hide and seek with us.
7. There is a freak in the middle of the garden, evil to everyone, but sweet to everyone.

Crossword with answers "What grows in the garden?" for younger students

Shilkina Tatyana Anatolyevna, educator of the State Budgetary Institution KO "Meshchovsky Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors", Meshchovsk, Kaluga Region.

Description: this crossword will be useful class teachers, educators of extended day groups, teachers additional education. It can be used in individual or group work in lessons on the outside world, extracurricular activities.

Target: development of children's interest in the plant world.
- deepen and expand children's knowledge about vegetables;
- learn to solve crossword puzzles;
- Develop children's curiosity and creativity.

“What does the green garden dream about?”
What does the green garden dream about?
For us, for people, this is a mystery, a riddle.
I will tell you this strange secret,
I heard her in the garden by accident.
The cabbage said: “I dream - in cabbage soup.
After all, you go look for people like me!
I know that cabbage soup is not possible without me,
Living without cabbage is unspeakably difficult!
Grumbled displeasedly big tomato ...
“What nonsense are you, madam!
To live without cabbage is a mere trifle!
But without me - that's for sure - nothing!
I dream of getting into the autumn salad,
Said the dark brown grouchy tomato.
Boastful carrot with girlfriend parsley
They laughed at them (because here are laughter!):
“The people will manage without you, gentlemen,
And without root crops - alas - nowhere!
The pointless argument was stopped by potatoes:
"Friends, stop! Cool down a little!
We are all important to a person - this is a fact:
Cabbage, carrot, parsley, tomato.
After all, we have vitamins, useful protein.
On the table to the person we will appear on time.
Believe that our dreams will come true
And we'll hit our turn in the bellies."
I heard such a conversation in the garden,
And I realized that we will be in perfect order,
After all, they themselves want vegetables in the kitchen,
To feed adults and funny guys.

Vegetables are a piggy bank of vitamins (from the Latin word "vita", which means "life"). Thanks to their healing properties vegetables become "doctors" of sick people. Carrots and beans treat anemia for those guys whose cheeks need to turn pink. Pepper escorts scurvy out of the body, that is, it heals the gums. And lettuce and tomato makes fat people lose weight. Cabbage cures stomach ulcers, and turnips, zucchini, eggplant and watermelon help those with liver pain. Grandparents who have high blood pressure turn to pumpkin, parsley and beets for help.
More than 120 species are grown in the gardens of our planet. vegetable crops and 70 horticultural crops.

Crossword "What grows in the garden?".

1 - What vegetable is also called "blue"?

2 - Both green and thick
A bush has grown in the garden
Dig a little:
Under a bush...
3 - Yellow chicken
It puffs up under the tyn.

4 - Round, not a ball,
With a tail, not a mouse,
yellow like honey
But the taste is not the same.
5 - There is a house without doors, a thousand soldiers inside.

6 - And green and thick -
A bush has grown in the garden
Started to pinch -
They began to cry and sob.

7 - This vegetable is called "snake grass". He repels snakes.

8 - Without arms, without legs,
Crawls on the boat.
9 - The red maiden has grown into the ground.

1 - Our piglets grew up in the garden
Side by side to the sun
Crochet ponytails.

2 - And curly, and magnificent,
And emerald green
Not in the garden, gentlemen,
I'm more beautiful, ode!

3 - There is one beauty -
And blush and slim,
Though he lives in a dugout for a century,
And great respect from all,
Who passes near
Bows low.

4 - What vegetable is both sweet and bitter?

5 - The caftan on me is green and the heart is like a kumach,
Tastes like sugar, sweet
It looks like a ball.
6 - Which vegetable is called "extraordinary berry". Its name is translated from Italian as "golden apple".

7 - What is red outside,
white inside,
With a green tuft on his head?

Answers to the crossword "What grows in the garden?".
Horizontally: 1 - eggplant;
2 - potatoes;
3 - pumpkin;
4 - turnip;
5 - cucumber;
6 - bow;
7 - garlic;
8 - peas;
9 - beets.
Vertically: 1 - zucchini;
2 - cabbage;
3 - carrots;
4 - pepper;
5 - watermelon;
6 - tomato;
7 - radish.

Thank you for your attention!
