♌ Leo

8 lunar day

Sunrise 12:12

Sunset 02:57

Waxing Crescent

Visibility: 62%

Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time zone: Europe/Moscow (UTC+03:00) Calculation of the phase of the moon on 04/1/2016 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or login.

Characteristics of the Moon on April 15, 2016

On the date 15.04.2016 V 12:00 The moon is in phase "Waxing Crescent". This 8 lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in the sign of the zodiac Leo ♌. Light percentage The moon is 62%. Sunrise moon at 12:12 and sunset at 02:57.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 8 lunar day from 11:06 04/14/2016 to 12:12 04/15/2016
  • 9 lunar day from 12:12 04/15/2016 until the next day

The influence of the moon on planting and caring for them according to the lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener April 15, 2016

Moon in the zodiac sign Leo (− )

Moon in sign a lion. infertile sign. The most favorable time for rest and creativity for people and rest for plants.

Auspicious in lion:

  • harvesting for long-term storage of all crops, including digging potatoes;
  • digging bulbs and tubers;
  • collection of seeds, fruits and root crops for seeds, collection of seeds medicinal plants, collection medicinal herbs;
  • when sowing and harvesting sunflowers under this sign, oil seeds are well preserved and do not grow moldy, and an excellent quality of oil is obtained;
  • cut flowers, they are better stored during transportation and do not fade for a long time in a bouquet;
  • cutting unnecessary shoots and forming a crown;
  • preparation of products for future use: canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, preparation of juices and wine.


  • planting trees and ornamental shrubs from which it is not supposed to reap a rich harvest;
  • transplanting plants with strong roots;
  • plowing, loosening, hilling, weeding, spraying, fumigation from pests and diseases;
  • grafting, haymaking, deforestation;
  • sowing-planting early maturing, drought-resistant plants, planting barren trees and shrubs;
  • bakery.

Sowing, planting and rooting of the following crops are possible in a lion:

  • vegetable: skortsioner;
  • spicy greens: valerian, mustard, fennel;
  • fruits and berries: grapes, gooseberries, walnuts, plums, cherries;
  • field: alfalfa, sunflower, rice, sorghum, cotton;
  • flowers: cornflower, sweet pea, calendula, forget-me-not, poppy, mattiola, daisy, violet;
  • indoor plants: tailed amaranth, protruding aphelandra, jasmine-shaped gardenia, calla lilies, hybrid calceolaria, camellia, bashful mimosa.

Unfavorable in Leo:

  • watering, feeding;
  • remove cabbage from the barrel, because cabbage dries up.

8 lunar day (− )

April 15, 2016 at 12:00 - 8 lunar day. on this day, the plants have every chance to acquire a great impulse, which will be able to help them throughout the month. The moon does not stop its growth, the vitality of plants continues to increase. Plants diligently suck out water and minerals from the earth.

This day is characterized by unstable energy. This is an intermediate stage between the first and second phases of the moon, as a result of which the 8th lunar day is considered unfavorable for work in the garden and garden.

  • harvesting tops and leaves;
  • watering plants.
  • rooting, planting, transplanting, cuttings of vegetable, fruit, gourds, greens, berry bushes, wild strawberries and strawberries.

Waxing Moon (+ )

The moon is in phase Waxing Crescent. circulation vitality and plant juices, the activity of the biofield is directed from the roots up, from the center to the periphery. This is the period of the most intensive development of the aerial parts of plants.

The seed planted at this time receives a program for more active upward growth, intensive development of above-ground biomass. By pruning plants during this period, we awaken dormant buds and new shoots quickly grow from them. It is important to know the measure when pruning, otherwise the plant may bleed and die.

On the growing moon it is favorable:

  • sowing, planting and transplanting green, leafy, fruit and melon crops;
  • boarding and transfer fruit trees, berry bushes and strawberries;
  • tillage, watering and mineral dressing, rooting of cuttings;
  • graft.

On the growing moon is not favorable:

  • Budding. The roots at this time react little to damage, but the survival rate and viability of the root system are reduced, therefore, plants planted and transplanted during this period should be constantly monitored.

Influence of the day of the week (±)

Day of the week - Friday, this day is under the auspices of Venus - a mysterious, mysterious and bright planet. It has long been considered Women's Day. On this day, girls and women were supposed to rest, not to load themselves with any business.

Since Venus patronizes grace and beauty, creating a feeling of peace in a person, on Friday it is best to take care of the garden and its landscaping, at the same time freeing the site from everything unnecessary. The best thing is to prepare for the coming week. And in no way try to do all the work in the garden until the end of the working day.

April is a month of contrasts. If at its beginning the weather usually looks more like winter than spring, then at the end it often seems that the cold is already behind. But it's not.

In most cases, in mid-May, return cooling and even frosts are observed, which can destroy heat-loving crops. It is for this reason that there is a list of plants that are recommended to be grown in seedlings, sowing seeds in boxes in mid-spring. What to plant in April?

What is planted and sown in April

Watermelons and melons. In March, it is too early to plant them, because by mid-May they will grow to such an extent that they will clutter up all the window sills. And in the first half of April - perfect! Just remember that they are extremely thermophilic, so you can plant them on the beds no earlier than mid-May and provided that the long-term weather forecast does not promise cold snaps.

Cucumber. Another representative of the gourd family. Sometimes cucumbers are planted even immediately in open ground, but still, this is fraught with a shortage of crops due to late ripening fruits. Therefore, the optimal month for sowing cucumber seeds for seedlings is April, preferably the first half.

Pumpkin. Pumpkin, even more often than cucumber, is sown immediately on the beds. But there are two adverse factors that can ruin the crop. Firstly, May is a rather contrasting month in terms of precipitation. Pumpkin seeds can either dry out in the ground or rot. Second, the return of cold in mid-May can increase the likelihood of rotting of barely germinating seedlings. As a result, the summer resident is left without a pumpkin. To reduce these risks, it is advisable to plant it for seedlings in mid-April and move it to the site when the weather stabilizes (usually the second half of May).

Tomatoes. Indeed, it is not too late to plant them in early April, especially early-ripening varieties. So, do not be upset if you thought to do it back in March, but for some reason could not or did not dare. In the same way, early-ripening varieties of bitter or sweet pepper can be sown. These restrictions are removed if there is a greenhouse capable of extending the vegetation period of plants by 3-5 weeks. In this case, it is possible to lay late seedlings of any varieties, preferably greenhouse deterministic ones (for tomatoes).

Corn. This culture grows well in the middle lane and when grown in a seedless way. However, seedling specimens give more early harvest long-awaited ears. Optimal time- mid-April. Corn is slightly more cold-resistant than the above species, so it can withstand non-critical May cold snaps.

Cabbage. It is customary to plant any type of cabbage in April, and this is a reasonable approach. Cabbage is thermophilic, and the short summer middle lane ends too soon for her. In order for the heads of cabbage to ripen, cabbage seeds should be sown for seedlings in the first half of the month.

some flowers: dahlias, carnations, sunflowers, asters.

The peculiarities of April plantings include the fact that the plants do not need to be illuminated, since the daylight hours already exceed 12 hours, and also the possibility of earlier planting of some cold-resistant species (corn, sunflower, flowers). The latter is convenient for unloading window sills, when by the beginning of May the seedlings are already becoming overall. If long-term forecasts do not promise severe cold, then why not make it easier for yourself?

Thus, the seedling method protects the summer resident from weather risks, accelerates the fruiting of plants, increases their productivity and prolongs the favorable time for fruit ripening, since the ovaries form earlier. We wish you success in the coming season!

To choose the most auspicious days for sowing vegetable and flower crops, as well as for other work in the garden and in the garden, it is necessary to check the table of work of the gardener, gardener and flower grower.

Lunar seed calendar for April 2019

The calendar shows Moscow time.

  • Favorable days for sowing, planting and transplanting
  • Unfavorable days for sowing, planting and transplanting
April 1 2019, mon, Waning Moon in Aquarius, in Pisces from 17:47, IV quarter Flower Days. Infertile time till 18 o'clock. Pay attention to the preparation of greenhouses and greenhouses, but do not disturb the plants. In the evening, when the Earth's satellite enters the sign of Pisces, a favorable time for agriculture will begin. See the list of work for the next day.
April 2 2019, Tue, Waning Moon in Pisces, IV quarter Leaf Days. Fish will provide you with a plentiful and tasty harvest, but not suitable for seeds. Depending on the region - sowing for seedlings, in greenhouses or in open ground of cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, pumpkins, celery, parsley, parsnips, carrots, rutabaga, eggplants, zucchini, lettuce. Planting potatoes, as well as flowers: begonias, gladioli, gloxinia, cannes, amaryllis and other bulbous, tuberous and bulbous flowers in the garden and at home. These are excellent days for planting and transplanting any plants, but refrain from watering and treating plants with chemicals. Feed seedlings and house plants only with natural fertilizers. Trimming trees and shrubs, re-grafting. Soil preparation in greenhouses and greenhouses.
April 3 2019, wed, waning moon in Pisces, fourth quarter
April, 4 2019, thu, New Moon days, Moon in Aries from 05:54 Fetal Days. An extremely unfavorable time of the lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners. On New Moon Days, crops, plantings and transplants are prohibited. Give yourself a break from plants and them from you. You can only weed and thin out seedlings, spray plants from pests and diseases. In the garden, you can cut dry and diseased branches from shrubs and trees. Compost laying, preparation of greenhouses and greenhouses for planting.
5th of April 2019, Fri, New Moon at 11:50, Moon in Aries
April 6 2019, Sat, New Moon days, Moon in Taurus from 16:04
April 7 2019, Sun, Growing Moon in Taurus, I quarter Root Days. Very fertile days of the lunar calendar. Planted plants will delight you with a plentiful and tasty harvest that can be stored for a long time. But he has one drawback - the plants will not be suitable for seeds. Carry out all the sowing and planting of plants planned for this month. I will not get carried away by listing crops, plant everything that the weather allows! But, since Taurus plants grow stocky and undersized, albeit beautifully flowering, it is better not to plant large plants.
Any care for the garden, vegetable garden and houseplants. Just be careful with the roots - it's better not to damage them.
April 8 2019, Mon, Waxing Moon in Taurus, I quarter
April 9 2019, Tue, Waxing Moon, I quarter, in Gemini from 0:15 Flower Days. Gemini is a sign of average fertility, good for plants that require support, ampelous or creeping, as well as root crops. The summer resident's lunar calendar recommends sowing green, legumes, melons, climbing fruit and ornamental crops, cabbage, strawberries, cucumbers, beets, asparagus, fennel, lettuce, nasturtium, sweet pea clematis, melons, lianas and others. Planting grapes.
Pinching and pinching tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. Intensive watering in the garden and vegetable garden, application of mineral and organic fertilizers. Pay attention to strawberry beds - loosen the soil and remove last year's leaves.
In the garden, you can carry out sanitary and shaping pruning of trees and shrubs. Treat the damage that the plants have acquired over the winter.
Indoor plants and seedlings: picking, introducing organic and mineral fertilizers, preventive measures against pests and diseases, loosening the soil. Transplantation of indoor plants, cuttings. Sow annual flower seeds.
April 10th 2019, Wed, Growing Moon in Gemini, I quarter
11 April 2019, Thu, Waxing Moon, I quarter, in Cancer from 6:29 Leaf Days. The most productive sign, giving a bountiful harvest. The fruits are tasty and very juicy, so they are not stored for a long time and are unsuitable for seeds.
Sowing of almost all crops: pumpkin, melons, leafy, legumes, green manure, sunflower, tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkins, peppers, radishes, beets, lettuce and others. You can plant early potatoes or lay them out for germination. Planting hydrangeas, rhododendrons, deutsia and others. Pruning of trees and shrubs, transplanting flowers and indoor plants, cuttings. Application of mineral fertilizers, planting seedlings in open ground or greenhouse. Hilling, loosening, watering.
It is desirable to finish all work on the 12th in the middle of the day in order to give the plants peace during the quarter moon change.
12th of April 2019, Fri, Waxing Moon in Cancer, II quarter from 22:07
April 13 2019, Sat, Waxing Moon, II quarter, in Leo from 10:47 Fetal Days. Leo is an infertile sign. Let the plants rest and get creative. Plan your future garden and flower garden, make crafts and decorations for the garden. It is allowed to sow only sunflower, lettuce, fennel and basil, the rest is not desirable. Transfers are prohibited. Formative pruning and top dressing can be carried out ornamental trees and shrubs, loosening and mulching of tree trunks. Take care of restoring order on the site - today is the time to repair the greenhouses and prepare the beds for the coming season. You can repair an old damaged lawn.
14 April 2019, Sun, Waxing Moon in Leo, II quarter
April 15 2019, mon, Waxing Moon, II quarter, in Virgo from 13:12 Root Days start at 13:12 on the 15th. Virgo is an average fertility sign, especially good for sowing annual ornamental crops - lobularia, sweet pea, calendula. Landing any garden plants. Sow bell peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, radishes, squash, lettuce, root and leaf celery, beets, dill, cumin, valerian, other herbs, flower and medicinal plants for seedlings, in a greenhouse or in open ground. Dividing, planting and transplanting perennial flowers.
Top dressing and watering as needed, picking, thinning.
You can plant trees and shrubs if the snow has melted (grapes, honeysuckle, wild rose)
You can continue these works the next day until 14:22.
April 16 2019, Tue, Growing Moon in Virgo, II quarter
April 17 2019, wed, Waxing Moon, II quarter, in Libra from 14:22 Flower Days. The scales will give plants a crop with high quality seeds that will be suitable for long-term storage. Sowing for seedlings of all types of cabbage, pumpkin crops (with the exception of cucumbers), melons, watermelons, beans, tomatoes, leaf lettuce, ornamental climbing crops: nasturtium, sweet peas and others. Planting and transplanting indoor and garden plants, including trees and shrubs. Grafting and rooting cuttings. You can't water.
April 18th 2019, Thu, Full Moon days, Moon in Libra On the days of the Full Moon, planting and sowing are prohibited, except for legumes. Don't disturb the plants. Pay attention to renovation suburban buildings, restoring order in the house and on the site.
April 19 2019, Fri, Full moon at 14:12, Moon in Scorpio from 15:44
20 April 2019, Sat, Full Moon days, Moon in Scorpio
April 21 2019, sun, waning moon III quarter, in Sagittarius from 19:03 Leaf Days. The Moon in Scorpio gives fertility and gives birth to steadfast, strong and hardy plants, which will reward you with a bountiful harvest, suitable for long-term storage and for seed purposes. Therefore, the Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener recommends planting and sowing root crops in a greenhouse and open ground: potatoes, carrots, radishes, garlic, beets, root parsley, radishes, turnips, swedes, horseradish, parsnips, rhubarb.
Sowing seedlings of early ripening tomatoes, pumpkins, cucumbers, cauliflower and white cabbage, sweet peppers, eggplants.
Feed and water seedlings and houseplants. Great days to work with all kinds of flowers, especially cacti and succulents - feel free to plant and transplant. On this day, it’s good to do lawns - repair old ones or lay new ones.
In the garden - planting and transplanting all types of fruit and berry trees and shrubs, sanitary and rejuvenating pruning, vaccinations, top dressing, watering.
The use of any chemistry is excluded both in working with plants and in everyday life.
April 22 2019, Mon, Waning Moon in Sagittarius, III quarter Fetal Days. Sagittarius is a sign of average fertility, good for planting decorative tall plants. It is also possible to plant mustaches of strawberries, onion sets and spring garlic. Sowing red cabbage, radish, Jerusalem artichoke, sweet potato, peanuts, onions on greens and blackberries can give a good result. Weeding, loosening the soil with crops and houseplants.
In the garden - treatment of frost holes and wounds in fruit trees, sanitary pruning of trees, shrubs and large indoor plants, such as hibiscus, ficus, oleander, removal of overgrowth, treatment against diseases and pests.
It is not necessary these days to dive seedlings and germinate seeds.
April 23 2019, Tue, Waning Moon in Sagittarius, III quarter
April 24 2019, wed, waning moon III quarter, in Capricorn from 1:52 Root Days. Capricorn gives fruit small size but the harvest will be good. According to the lunar calendar of plants, the sowing of all types of root crops is favorable: potatoes, beets, radishes, radishes, rutabaga, root parsley, turnip onions, parsnips.
Sowing cold-resistant flowers, planting green, spicy and medicinal plants - dill, parsley and others. Soaking seeds, loosening the soil. Feed indoor flowers with dry fertilizers. In the garden, planting seedlings and trimming shrubs and trees, grafting.
25th of April 2019, Thu, Waning Moon in Capricorn, III quarter
26 April 2019, Fri, Waning Moon III quarter, in Aquarius from 12:30 Flower Days. In the days of infertile Aquarius, planting, transplanting, sowing, watering and fertilizing are not recommended. Plants grow weak and do not yield. True, these are excellent days for breeders. You can do pinching, weeding, thinning seedlings, pinching and loosening the soil - these days, plants especially need air. Formation of beds, care of a lawn.
April 27 2019, Sat, Waning Moon in Aquarius, IV quarter from 1:19
April 28 2019, Sun, Waning Moon in Aquarius, IV quarter
April 29 2019, mon, Old Moon IV quarter, in Pisces from 1:11 Leaf Days. Very productive days of the Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener. Plants will have tasty fruits and strong roots. Planting potatoes if weather and region permits. Sow on seedlings or in open ground annual vegetable and flower crops, as well as radish, root celery and swede. Application of organic fertilizers. disembarkation vegetable seedling in the greenhouse or on the beds. Postpone treatment against diseases and pests for other days.
April 30 2019, Tue, Waning Moon in Pisces, IV quarter

ATTENTION! This is an archived page, currently up to date:

Lunar calendar for the gardener 2016 - Sowing, picking seedlings.

The table of the lunar calendar on this page is a thematic selection from the universal one made for the convenience of planning work related to work in the garden. Garden strawberries are present in this section, since it is more convenient for us to view the work related to it in the "garden" section of the calendar.

April picks up water, opens flowers.

In April, they continue to care for seedlings of tomatoes and peppers, sow cabbage and cucumber seeds for seedlings. The most responsible and time-consuming procedure at this time is the picking of seedlings. After the snow melts, you need to remove the foliage on the site, which they did not have time to remove from the fall. Plots with strawberries are cleared of old leaves and mustaches. When the earth warms up a little, you can sow dill, lettuce. At the end of the month, seeds of cold-resistant plants (carrots, onions, radishes) can be sown.

In April 2016, the lunar month is almost a week late compared to the calendar month, the most favorable days for sowing vegetable crops such as tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage for seedlings fall in the second decade of the month (on the growing moon).

ATTENTION! Our moon calendar gardener is underway by Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference between Moscow and local time * )

(During this period, we have planned sowing for seedlings of tomatoes early maturing varieties for open ground, for landing without picking)
from April 10, 2016 08:58 (Sun)
to April 12, 2016 11:06 (Tue)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Gemini

Unfavorable time for watering seedlings. Loosening the earth, thinning seedlings.
from 12 April 2016 11:06 (Tue)
to April 14, 2016 16:53 (Thu)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Cancer

Pruning of plants is prohibited. Pinching vegetables is unfavorable. auspicious time for carrying out watering of plants, introduction of mineral fertilizers. Sowing seedlings of superdeterminant tomatoes, early ripe varieties of pepper, physalis. Sowing seedlings of pumpkin seeds; green, spicy-tasting, medicinal crops, seeds of cold-resistant flowers in a greenhouse under a film. Seeding possible cucumbers for seedlings. Planting seedlings of early and mid-season varieties and hybrids of cauliflower and white cabbage for late consumption in a cold nursery. Sowing corn. Possible picking tomatoes and peppers.
from 14 April 2016 16:53 (Thu)
to April 17, 2016 02:22 (Sun)

Waxing Moon in Leo

sown these days lawn grass rises in an even layer. Covering plantations of perennial onions and last year's parsley with a film in order to obtain earlier greenery. Possible time for tillage: plowing, digging, cultivation, weeding.
from 17 April 2016 02:22 (Sun)
to April 19, 2016 14:24 (Tue)

Waxing Moon in Virgo

During this period, it is better not to sow anything. Favorable time for planting aromatic and medicinal crops, green. Transplantation (transshipment) of seedlings tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, physalis in large containers.
from 19 April 2016 14:24 (Tue)
to April 21, 2016 18:53 (Thu)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra

Unfavorable time for watering seedlings. Favorable time for sowing melons (zucchini, squash, pumpkins, cucumbers, etc.) for seedlings. According to weather conditions, transplanting cucumber seedlings into a greenhouse for additional shelter. Sowing seeds of broccoli and kohlrabi, cauliflower for autumn consumption in a cold nursery. Sowing in open ground of all leafy and leafy vegetables, cabbage seedlings, legumes(beans), aromatic plants, as well as seeds of rhubarb, lovage, perennial onions. It is possible to plant asparagus and corn.
from 21 April 2016 18:53 (Thu)
to April 23, 2016 21:03 (Sat)


It is not recommended to sow, plant, replant anything, carry out any work with plants. It is possible to thin out seedlings, loosen and mulch the soil, collect garbage, prepare ridges, etc.
April 22, 2016 08:23 Moscow time - astronomical full moon
from April 23, 2016 21:03 (Sat)
to April 24, 2016 15:46 (Sun)

Waning Moon in Scorpio

Watering and fertilizing with organic fertilizers. Putting potato tubers in a warm room for germination, spring garlic and onion sets for heating. Sowing black onion for growing sevka. Favorable time for seedling picks(including tomatoes and peppers). Soil cultivation: loosening, mulching. Root begonia tubers are planted in pots. Soaking seeds of zucchini, pumpkins and cucumbers and sowing them in greenhouses, under film shelter or seedlings (according to weather and regional conditions). Planting seedlings of white cabbage. Sowing seeds of late varieties of cauliflower in the nursery for autumn consumption. In the southern regions, it is possible to plant seedlings of pepper, tomatoes, eggplants in greenhouses under additional cover; planting seedlings of zucchini, pumpkin, squash in open ground under shelter.
from 24 April 2016 15:46 (Sun)
to April 27, 2016 02:54 (Wed)

Waning Moon in Sagittarius

Planting early potatoes. Sowing black onion for growing sevka, planting spring garlic. Spring tillage: digging, loosening, hilling, thinning seedlings of vegetable crops.
from April 27, 2016 02:54 (Wed)
to April 29, 2016 11:47 (Fri)

Waning Moon in Capricorn

Favorable time for sowing early radishes. Laying out potato tubers for germination. Sowing root parsley, parsnip, early varieties carrots under the covering material. Transfer undersized varieties tomatoes. Top dressing with organic fertilizers. Treatment of plants against pests wintering in the ground.

Description of our method planting tomatoes to the greenhouse and VIDEO you can see by clicking on the picture.

April 29 (16.04 style) - Irina (Arina) Nursery
- On this day, cabbage was sown in nurseries

from April 29, 2016 11:47 (Fri)
to April 30, 2016 23:59 (Sat)

Waning Moon in Aquarius

Extremely bad days for sowing and planting. Preparation of greenhouses and greenhouses for the season. Covering the ridges with a film in order to warm them up faster and preparing steam ridges for pumpkins and zucchini. Loosening the earth, thinning seedlings, weeding, spraying against pests and diseases, applying organic fertilizers. - I propose to make a table with sections: Moon data and date, vegetables, flower garden, garden. And to distribute the information on these graphs.

Folk signs about the weather:
"If the waters break late in April, then the summer is bad"
"There is no water in March - there is no grass in April.

Based on one rather interesting folk omen, compiled (for Moscow, St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod).

* To determine the local time of the lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad, you need to subtract -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.

With the help of our Lunar calendar of gardeners and gardeners, you can choose the most favorable days for sowing seeds for seedlings.

Moon phases in April 2016

  • New Moon 7.04.
  • Full Moon 22.04.
  • Growing Moon from 8 to 21. 04.
  • Waning Moon from 1 to 6 and from 23 to 30. 04.

The most favorable days for sowing seeds in April 2016

Attention! The calendar contains favorable days for planting, but this does not mean that nothing can be planted on other days. Do not sow seeds only in prohibited days. A dash in the table is not a prohibition, but only the absence of favorable days.

culture favorable days for sowing culture favorable days for sowing
zucchini, pumpkins 1, 25, 26 parsley on greens 10, 11, 14, 15
beans, peas 10, 11, 19, 20, 21 parsley root 1, 2, 3, 25, 26, 29, 30
strawberry 10, 19, 20 radish, radish 1, 2, 3, 25 — 30
cabbage 14, 15 lettuce, chard 10, 11, 14, 15
potato 23, 24, 25, 26 beet 2, 3, 25, 26, 29, 30
bow on feather 10, 11 tomatoes 10, 11, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21
onion on turnip 2, 3, 25, 26, 29, 30 dill, cilantro 10, 11, 14, 15
carrot 2, 3, 25, 26, 29, 30 garlic 1, 25, 26, 27, 28
cucumbers 14, 15, 18, 19 sunflower 14, 15
eggplant, pepper 10, 11, 14, 15 annual flowers 10, 11, 14, 15
hot pepper 1, 27, 28 tuberous flowers 25, 26

Lunar calendar for planting fruit trees for April 2016

The most favorable days for planting trees in April 2016

culture culture favorable days for planting
Apple tree 2, 3, 25, 26, 29, 30 sea ​​buckthorn, irga 25, 26, 29
cherries 2, 3, 25 honeysuckle 2, 25, 29, 30
Rowan 7, 8, 28 hawthorn 3, 26, 30
hazel (hazel) 2, 3, 25, 29 pear, quince 2, 3, 29, 30
raspberry, currant, gooseberry 3, 25, 30 cherry, plum, apricot 2, 3, 29, 30

Unfavorable days for sowing and planting in April 2016

Lunar calendar of gardeners and gardeners for April 2016

date Moon in the signs of the zodiac Recommended works.
April 1, 2016 Fri. Waning Moon in Capricorn Capricorn is a fertile sign of the Zodiac, you can safely plant all kinds of vegetable crops in a greenhouse, a network of seeds for seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, annual and perennial flowers. Try to water all the seedlings abundantly on this day.
April 2, 2016 Sat. Waning Moon in Aquarius Sowing and planting is not recommended. Spend a day working with the soil in the greenhouse and in the garden: weeding, loosening, thinning. Pruning trees, shrubs, but do not plan watering for April 2, the roots will need more air than moisture.
April 3, 2016 Sun. Waning Moon in Aquarius
April 4, 2016 Mon. Waning Moon in Pisces By Lunar sowing calendar it is recommended to sow cabbage, leeks, pumpkin (cucumbers, zucchini) for seedlings for growing in a greenhouse. Under the film, you can sow radishes. It is better to refrain from watering.
April 5, 2016 Tue. Waning Moon in Pisces
April 6, 2016 Wed. Waning Moon in Aries Prohibited days for working with plants, no planting, transplanting and sowing.
April 7, 2016 Thu. New Moon Moon in Aries
April 8, 2016 Fri. Waxing Moon in Taurus
April 9, 2016 Sat. Waxing Moon in Taurus A good time for planting cabbage (any), zucchini, cucumbers, greens. Plant cold-resistant annual and perennial flowers under the film.
April 10, 2016 Sun. Waxing Moon in Gemini Gemini is a bad sign for gardeners and gardeners. You should not engage in sowing, planting and transplanting plants today. You can carry out sanitary pruning of trees in the garden, fruit bushes, treatment from pests and diseases.
April 11, 2016 Mon. Waxing Moon in Gemini
April 12, 2016 Tue. Waxing Moon in Cancer The Moon is in the most fertile sign of the Zodiac. The ideal time for planting any vegetable and flower crops. Grafting and pruning garden trees, feeding, watering.
April 13, 2016 Wed. Waxing Moon in Cancer
April 14, 2016 Thu. First Quarter Moon in Leo If you're planning on laying your lawn this spring, then today is a great time to do so. And planting flower and vegetable crops is better to postpone for a few days. Good results will give the treatment of plants from pests. Do not disturb the soil under plantings - injured roots will not heal for a long time.
April 15, 2016 Fri. Waxing Moon in Leo
April 16, 2016 Sat. Waxing Moon in Leo
April 17, 2016 Sun. Waxing Moon in Virgo Virgo is a neutral sign in the sowing calendar. Landing at this time does not provide any advantages, but does not threaten any losses. It is allowed to plant seedlings of cold-resistant vegetables and flowers in open ground.
April 18, 2016 Mon. Waxing Moon in Virgo
April 19, 2016 Tue. Waxing Moon in Libra Libra is not a favorable sign for gardeners and gardeners, it is better to abandon sowing and planting and do pruning, weeding, grafting, and pest control. Water these days also very sparingly.
April 20, 2016 Wed. Waxing Moon in Libra
April 21, 2016 Thu. Waxing Moon in Libra Before the full moon, it is not prohibited, but it is not recommended to sow seeds, pick or plant seedlings.
April 22, 2016 Fri. Full Moon in Scorpio Prohibited day for working with plants.
April 23, 2016 Sat. Waning Moon in Scorpio It is highly undesirable to disturb the plants on the first day after the full moon.
April 24, 2016 Sun. Waning Moon in Sagittarius Sagittarius is a good, fertile sign. All types of gardening are recommended - garden work(especially planting root crops and controlling pests that live in the ground). Do not overwater the soil when watering, this threatens to rot the roots.
April 25, 2016 Mon. Waning Moon in Sagittarius
April 26, 2016 Tue. Waning Moon in Sagittarius
April 27, 2016 Wed. Waning Moon in Capricorn Favorable time for sowing root crops, planting potatoes (provided that the earth is warm enough) Plant seedlings of vegetables in the greenhouse, cold-resistant vegetable and flower crops under film cover. Feed the seedlings organic fertilizer, water abundantly - plants need a lot of moisture these days.
April 28, 2016 Thu. Waning Moon in Capricorn
April 29, 2016 Fri. Waning Moon in Aquarius According to the Lunar sowing calendar, gardeners and gardeners are not recommended to carry out work on planting and transplanting seedlings, as well as watering and feeding plants. It is better to devote these days to soil care, pest control, sanitary pruning.
April 30, 2016 Sat. Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius

For more information about the work of gardeners, gardeners and flower growers in April, read the article

The moon, no doubt, affects the growth and fertility of garden and garden plants. Using centuries of observations and astronomical information about the positions and phases of the moon, you are sure to achieve a rich and tasty harvest.

April 1: Moon in the constellation Capricorn. You can safely soak seeds, transplant seedlings or plan to fertilize the soil. Any top dressing will be effective: Capricorn loves care and concern for the future harvest.

April 2 and 3: these two days will pass under the influence of Aquarius, which is considered a barren sign. It is preferable to do pinching or pruning branches.

April 4 and 5: growth and development will be affected by the presence of the Moon in the sign of Pisces, since this sign is fertile. You can do planting seedlings and watering, as well as loosening the soil. The best time to start planting pumpkins.

April 6 and 7: The moon will move into the unfavorable constellation of Aries for landing. It is best to switch to tillage: plowing, hilling, weeding. These two days can also be spent on caring for plants, for example, removing the whiskers from strawberries.

April 8 and 9: with a position in the constellation of Taurus, any landing will be excellent, since this sign is considered one of the most prolific. Its influence is especially beneficial on perennial plants, shrubs and trees.

April 10 and 11: the energy of Gemini will improve development climbing plants, and also when planting these days, melon, beans, strawberries and strawberries will develop well. You can deal with pests and carry out preventive spraying.

April 12, 13 and 14: The moon will move into the constellation Cancer. It is believed that its influence has a positive effect on the planting and transplantation of all plants, especially annuals. Abundant watering will saturate the plants well, and the vaccination will be successful.

April 15 and 16: the constellation of Leo this time will deprive gardens and orchards of fruitful influence, so it’s a good idea to take a break from work in the garden and garden, and also let plants grow calmly. You can do the formation of the crown and the removal of tendrils or dried shoots.

April 17, 18 and 19: the days when the Moon is in the constellation Virgo are not the most fertile, but climbing or creeping plants can be planted. Division works effectively. perennials or their transplant.

April 20 and 21: under the influence of the Libra sign, roses develop well, tuberous plants and fruit crops.

April 22, 23 and 24: Scorpio activity days are very good for planting any type of plant. Nightshade and tuberous, as well as bulbous flowers develop especially well.

April 25 and 26: The moon is in the constellation of Sagittarius, and this sign is infertile, but under its influence, decorative ones develop well and bloom quickly. flowering plants. You can do pest control.

April 27 and 28: The moon is back in Capricorn. These days can be devoted to planting and transplanting onion and root vegetables. Plan to harvest cuttings at this particular time.

April 29 and 30: Moon in Aquarius. It is best to pinch and pinch. If you plan to harvest for seeds, these two days are perfect for you.

Look into the lunar calendar to accurately calculate your strength and help plants develop properly. All the best, and don't forget to press the buttons and
