In the middle of winter, gardeners and gardeners begin to purchase seeds for planting seedlings. Tomatoes, the best varieties and reviews of which we will consider today are sold in huge quantities in stores. Almost every novice vegetable grower, choosing from an assortment, focuses on the external data of the variety, but not on recommendations for planting, and this is wrong. Which tomato seeds are best for open ground, and which ones are suitable for growing in greenhouses? That is what you need to pay attention to. As part of this review, we will try to help as much as possible with the choice of the most suitable variety.

How to choose the right tomato seeds: reviews of gardeners

Any gardener who has been working on his site for more than a year will say that the variety should be chosen as adapted as possible to the climate of the region and to the characteristics of the soil. For example, in the southern regions, tomatoes can grow both on high-quality black soil and on mixed soil. In varieties adapted to the south, the leaves will grow in such a way as to hide the fruits from the excessively scorching sun.

If you need to grow tomatoes in northern latitudes, then you need to choose those that are specially bred for the climate. It is cold-resistant, early maturing. Such varieties will be demanding on the composition of the soil, the leaves on them are rarer than those bred for the south. Sparsely growing foliage allows the fruits to receive the maximum amount of sunlight, heat and minerals.

Manufacturers of tomato seeds, according to gardeners, rarely indicate the regional destination on the packages, and you have to choose the most suitable one yourself, which is why we wrote this information.

It is also important to pay attention to the timing of maturation. Almost everything is suitable for the southern regions, because the harvest can be obtained from the latest varieties. For the northern and eastern regions of Russia, only early ripe ones are suitable, for middle lane- early and mid-season.

A good harvest cannot be obtained if you do not take care of the tomatoes, including tying the bushes consistently. If there is no time or desire for this, then it is better to choose undersized variety. The bushes will be compact, do not take up much space and save time on tying.

Classification of tomatoes by type of growth

It is worth paying attention to when choosing this information in order to accurately obtain a crop. Varieties are classified as follows:

  1. Indeterminate - these are varieties where the central stem grows indefinitely. For the most part, they are suitable for growing in greenhouses, but they can bear fruit well in the southern latitudes in the open field.
  2. Determinant. If you are thinking about which tomato seeds are best for open ground, gardeners' reviews will be almost unanimous: these are the ones. The bushes are medium in size, bear fruit well without greenhouse shelter in any regions of Russia. Early ripe.
  3. Superdeterminant. Ultra early maturing varieties, undersized, adapted for regions with a capricious, cold climate.

Choice by purpose

An important factor in choosing tomato seeds is their purpose. That is, what they will be used for: in salting, for fresh salads, for juice or for long-term storage fresh. You need to read the following information:

  • - These are large fruits with a thin skin and fragrant, fleshy pulp;
  • for canning - these are small and even small fruits, few seeds, tight pulp and dense skin;
  • universal - fruits are medium, tasty juicy pulp, tight skin, suitable for salads and juice making, as well as for canning;
  • for storage - only late-ripening varieties with good keeping quality, tight skin are selected, the fruits are small and dense.

The color, size, flavors and shape of tomatoes are not the main criteria, and their choice depends only on personal preferences.

Should I choose a pure variety or a hybrid?

Any novice vegetable grower asks this question. To decide which tomato seeds are better, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of hybrids and pure varieties.

Advantages of a pure variety: low cost of seeds, you can harvest seeds yourself in the future, stable characteristics.

Disadvantages of the variety: smaller yields compared to hybrid tomatoes, low resistance to various diseases.

Pluses of hybrids: high yields, stable fruiting, friendly ripening, resistant to diseases, excellent presentation.

Cons: seeds are more expensive than varietal seeds; it will not be possible to procure material for further planting on your own.

The best early varieties for open ground

Based on reviews, we have chosen seeds of early-ripening tomato varieties that are suitable for growing in open ground. These are determinant species, the maturation time of ultra-early ripening is from 75 to 90 days, early ripening - from 90 to 110 days.

  1. Beta is one of the most popular ultra-early varieties for outdoor cultivation. Fruits weighing about 60 grams, the height of the bush is half a meter, the yield is plentiful. The variety can be grown under any weather conditions, even with a consistently absent sun, tomatoes grow perfectly, only the taste becomes more sour. The purpose of the fruit is universal. Judging by the reviews, the best tomato seeds in Russia are these, as the variety is adapted to all regions.
  2. White filling - the bushes are taller, stronger, fruits weighing up to 130 grams, abundant fruiting. The color is scarlet, the skin is thin, the pulp is sugar. Purpose - salad. It is zoned for the entire Central part of the country, the Volga-Vyatka region and Altai.
  3. Alpha - early variety for making salads. Bushes of 40-50 centimeters do not need a garter, so they are suitable for the busiest and laziest. Fruits up to 60 grams, fragrant, juicy, very tasty. Can be grown outdoors throughout Russia.
  4. Explosion is an early ripe variety of salad destination. The bushes are low, but very sprawling, you need to stepson. Fruits up to 90 grams, with a thin scarlet skin. The pulp is fleshy, juicy. Adapted for the whole of Russia and cultivation in the open field, resistant to both cool weather and the dry season.
  5. Snow White - suitable only for the Central Black Earth region. Not afraid of drought, heat and low temperature disease resistant. The bushes are medium in size, the fruits are small (average weight 50 grams), but very tasty and fragrant. Fruiting is high, from a meter of land you can collect up to 6 kilograms of tomatoes of a beautiful presentation.
  6. The Far North, although adapted for the whole country, feels better in the northern and central parts. Resistant to cold, bushes up to 65 centimeters, fruits from 80 to 90 grams. The color of the tomatoes is bright red, the taste is excellent; the destination is universal. Fruiting is plentiful, ripening is friendly.
  7. "Sanka" - for the Central Black Earth region. The fruits literally stick around the bush, the average weight is 90 grams. The purpose is universal. The taste is pleasant, with a slight sourness, the pulp is juicy and aromatic.
  8. What are the best tomato seeds on Sakhalin? Of course, the Sakhalin variety, which is adapted for outdoor cultivation. Early ripe, fruits up to 110 grams, high yield. The flesh is fleshy, the color is red. Bushes up to 50 centimeters, but sprawling, you need to stepson. Not afraid of drought, heat, temperature drop, you can get a high yield in any part of Russia.

Seeds for open ground mid-season

Mid-ripening tomatoes ripen in 110 to 120 days on average. Bushes of medium size - from 70 centimeters to a meter. Almost all types need to be tied up, stepchildren. What tomato seeds, according to amateur gardeners, are the best from this category?

  1. The grandee is a beautiful heart-shaped tomato, pink, juicy, incredibly fragrant and tasty. Salad destination. Bushes from 70 centimeters, high fruiting. Regionally adapted for cultivation in the open ground of the Urals, Far East and Siberia.
  2. table - universal option. When salting, it does not burst, in a salad it is juicy and fragrant, the juices are thick and saturated. The bush is medium, the fruits are 70-90 grams. It is not afraid of cold, heat, drought, or heavy rainfall. Suitable for growing in any region.
  3. Gift of the Volga region - adapted for the Far East, the North Caucasus and the Central Black Sea region. This is a salad variety, it is well stored and transported. Bushes from 70 to 90 centimeters, abundant fruiting. The color of the tomato is reddish-orange, the sweet taste is accentuated by a slight sourness.
  4. Delicacy - salad option. The color is pink, the taste is rich, fragrant. Fruits up to 120 grams, pulp juicy, sugary. Zoned for all regions.
  5. The yellow ball is an amazing variety. Tomatoes are saturated yellow in color, their shape is round, the presentation is excellent. Productivity is high, on average, one bush gives 2.5 kilograms of crop. Adapted to open ground and for cultivation in all regions.
  6. Gold of the Kuban is another representative of the yellow color. Suitable for growing in the Central Chernozem region and the North Caucasus. Purpose - for conservation. The taste is excellent, saturated both in salting and when consumed fresh.
  7. Emerald standard - green tomato! This is one of the new varieties, but already quite in demand. Fruits up to 110 grams, bush up to a meter. Fruiting is plentiful. Recommended for cultivation throughout Russia.
  8. The sugar giant is the real king of tomatoes! Fruits from 250 to 300 grams, color - pink, pulp - sugar. Taste qualities without complaints, purpose - salad. Recommended for cultivation throughout the country.

Late varieties for open ground

The vegetation period of such tomatoes is from 120 days, therefore, when grown in open ground, you can get good harvest only in regions with a warm climate - the southern part of Russia. Which tomato seeds are best for open ground from this category?

  1. Wonder of the world - for lovers of yellow tomatoes. The shape is really wonderful, these tomatoes are incredibly similar to lemons, both in color and in shape. The fruits are medium in size, fruiting is high, maturation is friendly. It is unpretentious to the soil, is not afraid of drought, heat, low temperatures and heavy rains.
  2. De Barao is a late variety, the fruits are small - up to 30 grams, but tasty. The shape of the tomato is oblong, intended for canning. According to gardeners, they do not burst when salted, they are good in fresh salads.
  3. Finish - great option for cooking tomato juice! The fruits are large - up to 90 grams, incredibly juicy. The color of the tomatoes is red-orange. Suitable for growing in the Lower Volga region and the North Caucasus.

Having learned which tomato seeds are best for open ground, you can safely go to the store and select according to your preference.

At the end of the review, we will tell you how to harden the seeds and protect the seedlings from pests. In the meantime, we propose to review the best seeds tomatoes for greenhouses according to gardeners.

Greenhouse tomato seeds

If you are going to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse, you should take care of good penetration of sunlight and ventilation. If the conditions are created, then you can proceed to the choice. The best tomato seeds, according to reviews, are:

  1. Pink raisins are an early variety. Tomatoes are small, oblong, pink in color. Purpose - for conservation and salting. But even fresh, they are beautiful - fragrant, rich in taste, with a slight sourness.
  2. Ilyich F1 - early ripe handsome red-orange. The fruits are large - up to 150 grams, round neat shape. Moderately juicy, fleshy. Suitable for both pickling and fresh consumption.
  3. Search F1 - early maturing, high-yielding variety. The fruits are round, red, medium in size. It is not afraid of temperature fluctuations, therefore it is also suitable for open ground, but only in the southern part of Russia. Hardy, disease resistant. Purpose - salad.
  4. The Black Prince has long established itself as a leader among tomatoes. The color is red-black, or pink-black, fruit weight up to 400 grams. The taste is delicate, sweet, the pulp is sugar fleshy. Bushes up to two meters, so only a high greenhouse, caring hands will do. Purpose - salad.
  5. Renet. On low, neat bushes (about 40 centimeters), beautiful rounded fruits grow up to 100 grams in weight. The taste is sweet, rich, the pulp is juicy, the color is red. Purpose - salad.
  6. Honey drop - tomatoes really look like droplets (in shape), the color of sea buckthorn honey! The fruits are medium-sized, bush up to 2 meters. The taste is sweet, rich, intended for canning.

All varieties can not be listed, there are so many of them. Gardeners recommend paying attention to the seeds of tomatoes Gardens of Russia. This manufacturer has established itself as one of the best. The seeds of this brand are trusted by more than half of gardeners. The prices are democratic, the quality is guaranteed.

How to choose seeds?

You need to buy material for planting only in specialized stores. If in doubt about any variety, just consult the seller.

The packaging should contain the main characteristics of the variety. It is impossible, when planting tomatoes for the first time, to stop at one variety, you need to take at least four, and then choose the most suitable one from them. We reviewed the best tomato seeds according to reviews, but everyone has their own opinion, experiment!

How to harden seeds and protect from pests?

Seed treatment in potassium permanganate will protect against viruses. It is necessary to dilute a gram of powder in a glass of water, place the seeds in gauze and soak in the solution for twenty minutes, then rinse with water.

After washing, the seeds must be hardened. In the same gauze (wet), puts them in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. After two days, the material is ready for planting! Hardened seeds will give strong seedlings that will not be afraid of the cold!

Even the best Siberian tomato seeds for greenhouses, according to gardeners, can give a low yield with temperature fluctuations. That is why it is strongly recommended to harden the seed.

Last time I already talked about, and the article also mentioned planting dates and how to choose the soil for tomatoes. Here, at the request of readers, I want to pay attention to the seeds. After all, few people know, especially among young gardeners, which varieties are the best and most productive for Siberia.

Of course, the best thing would be to collect them from fresh tomatoes, which are proven, but some do not have such an opportunity or are simply reluctant to suffer with the collection.

Therefore, I’ll say right away: buy seeds from trusted sellers and see the date on the pack when they were collected.

All tomatoes are divided into groups according to the type (type) of the bush:

1. Determinant;

2. Semi-determinant;

3. Indeterminate.

The determinant group can be planted both in open ground and in a greenhouse (greenhouse). They do not require to be tied up and stepsoned because of the density of side shoots on the bush. Standard tomatoes also belong to them - they have a lower height of the bush and they are planted mainly by those who need less care for this vegetable.

Semi-determinate varieties are intended for planting in open ground. These tomatoes grow very long and, if the top is not cut off at a height of 80 cm, they can grow up to 120 cm. They can also be left unstepped to harvest a lot. But if you experienced gardener, then you can resort to this technique for the rapid fruiting of the bush.

Well, at the end of the third subspecies are indeterminate. They have an excellent harvest, a friendly return of fruits, grow above 120 cm. These varieties require pinching and forming tomatoes, and also a mandatory support for a garter. If they are compared with determinant ones, then they have much longer fruiting, higher yields, and the fruits, respectively, ripen later.

As they say, what seeds you pick up, so they will grow with you. Let's decide on what parameters we will determine the plants.

1. Let's start with the ripening dates, they are definitely needed for Siberia.

2. Taste qualities and where it can be applied (salad, preservation, juice).

3. What is the height of the bush? This is also what many people want to know.

4. Well, and, accordingly, the mass and yield of a tomato.

Since summer in Siberia is not as long as we would like, we will consider early and medium early varieties.

Variety "Sanka":

A favorite variety of undersized tomatoes, which has established itself in Russian market from a great side.

  • The earliest term of maturing from seedlings is 70 - 80 days. Of course it all depends on the region.
  • The height of the bush is 50 cm, but sometimes it can reach 60. Standard shrub.
  • The average yield is 15 kg. per m².
  • Fruit weight in the greenhouse 150 gr. In the ground 80 - 100 gr.

Since this variety is not a hybrid, it can easily be used to collect seeds for the next planting.

If you have a dark side in your garden, do not despair, these tomatoes grow even where there is not much light. And another one salient feature the "sleigh" has a very well developed immunity to various diseases.

Siberian precocious:

This tomato, also very popular with gardeners, has proven itself from all sides.

  • Early maturing variety. The time from sowing the seeds to the full ripening of the fruits is less than 110 days.
  • Round fruits (red) weigh from 60 to 100 gr.
  • The height of the bushes is 40 - 70 cm. They belong to the determinant type.
  • The yield reaches 10 kg per m².

Resistant to any vagaries of nature, and also well developed immunity to many diseases. Due to the fact that the seeds grow together, tomatoes can be harvested at a time. and also quickly recycle. If they are already harvested, they can ripen already in the light indoors.

Far North:

This tomato belongs to cold-resistant varieties, it easily tolerates low temperatures, and most importantly, it will give a good harvest. And that's not all, even if the summer is rainy and there is little sun, the fruits still have time to ripen and give you a full and good harvest.

  • Early ripe. From shoots to the first fruit is 90 days.
  • The bush is undersized, not more than 50 cm.
  • Tomato weight 60 - 70 gr.
  • The yield is very high from one bush, you can get 1 kg of tomato.

The variety is good because it can be easily used as a decoration in vegetable slices. The fruit is very juicy, but when cut it releases little juice.

By the way, from these tomatoes, the most delicious tomato juice is obtained.

Resistant to many diseases, including rot, as it was created specifically for the northern regions, where there is a lot of rain and little sun.

Lucky F1:

  • The variety belongs to early ripe hybrids. From seed germination to harvest is 84 - 87 days.
  • The height of the bush is 70 - 80 cm. The bush itself is determinant.
  • Fruit weight 120 - 140 gr.
  • Yield 13 kg per m²

Tomato is resistant to a number of diseases, also very good for salad.

Since this is a hybrid, you will not be able to collect seeds from it. This is a small disadvantage.

Bull's heart:

One of the largest varieties. Since I'm from Altai Territory, I can safely say that my wife and I have been planting this variety for more than one year. He always pleases us with taste and large fruits in the form of a heart.

  • Mid-season variety, from germination to fruit 120 - 130 days.
  • Plant height 120 - 160 cm. The plant is powerful, with few leaves.
  • The yield from one bush is 4-5 kg ​​in the ground, 10-12 kg in the greenhouse.
  • Fruit weight 300 - 500 gr., Can reach 600 - 800 gr.

The taste of the bull's heart is sweet (due to the high sugar content in the pulp) with a slight sourness. The peel of these fruits is thin, the fruit itself is fleshy, there are no veins.

Tomato is best for salads. Suitable for canning only in cut form, can be used for ketchups, juices, dressings.

It is better to form it correctly in this way, leave 1 - 2 stems, remove the remaining shoots, and also remove the foliage to the first brush with the ovary.

This variety also has an advantage: you can collect seeds from it for the next sowing.

By the way, tomatoes of this variety require a mandatory garter along the length of the stem, and if necessary, tomatoes can also be fixed.


Those who prefer to bother a little with tomatoes and plant them in the ground, I offer the excellent variety "Countryman".

  • Early ripe variety 100 days.
  • Bush height 70-75 cm.
  • Fruit weight 70 - 90 gr.
  • Productivity 4 kg per bush.

The fruits of this wonderful variety look like plums. Well suited for mixed vegetables, salting, canning, as well as for fresh eating. The taste is sweet and palatable. Disease resistant.

Low-growing tomato varieties that do not require pinching for open ground

Most summer residents choose low-growing tomato varieties. So why are gardeners so fond of them? I can easily answer this question.

1. The yield of these varieties is very high.

2. Almost no attention is required.

3. Most low-growing varieties can not be pinched.

4. Very friendly fruiting.

5. Tomatoes give the crop before the onset of late blight.

Now let's look at low-growing tomato varieties that do not require pinching and are well suited for open ground.

Buyan Yellow:

This variety is great for cool climates. The advantage of this vegetable is: excellent taste and, most importantly, easy care.

  • Early ripe variety, from sunrise to the first harvest only 100 days.
  • The height of the bush is 50 cm. Standard, compact.
  • Weight 80 - 120 gr. Comes up to 180 gr.
  • The yield is very high.

A characteristic feature, it is very good for open ground and greenhouses, and, most importantly, does not need pinching and garters. Resistant to tobacco mosaic viruses. The tomatoes of this variety are also very fleshy and juicy.

Most best tomatoes for salting, as the skin is strong and does not crack.


The variety is intended for cultivation in open ground conditions, belongs to the determinant species. This famous tomato does not require a lot of courtship, that is, pinching, as you already understood, and the formation of a bush. And I can also say about him that he is very tasty.

  • Mid-season variety 100 - 110 days from germination to harvest.
  • Bush height 60 - 65 cm.
  • The mass of the fetus is 80 - 120 gr.
  • The yield is very high.

Delicious sweet and sour variety will not leave anyone unattended. No wonder it is very popular every year.

But even this variety has disadvantages:

1. If they are not watered in time, then these tomatoes have a high susceptibility to blossom end rot.

2. These fruits are prone to cracking, so they need proper watering. That is, with it, the fruits are filled with pulp and the skin also increases, then they remain intact.


Practically not afraid of frost, specially bred for Siberia.

  • Early variety 95 - 105 days.
  • Bush height 35 - 40 cm. Determinant, not standard.
  • Fruit weight 150 gr.
  • Productivity 3 - 4 kg per bush.

The variety is resistant to diseases, especially to phytophthora. Although the skin is thin, the fruits still do not crack. The pulp is juicy, practically without seeds. Sweetish in taste. The fruits are good, both whole and for canning.


Very good grade more and more popular every year.

  • Early ripe 85 - 180 days.
  • Bush height 40 - 50 cm. Determinant not standard.
  • Fruit weight 80 - 100 gr.
  • The yield is high.

Frost-resistant unpretentious variety. Simultaneous ripening of fruits, long storage. It is used fresh, preserved and processed.


A good undersized variety that does not require pinching, but tomatoes will still develop better if the stepchildren are removed at least to the first brush.

  • Early ripe variety 95 - 110 days.
  • Bush height 40-50 cm.
  • Fruit weight 80 - 100 gr.
  • Productivity 2.5 - 3 kg per bush.

Tomatoes must be harvested before the first frost. The pulp is juicy with a sour taste. The variety is disease resistant. Again, he is afraid of wireworm pests, Colorado potato beetle, slugs, whiteflies. You can only fight by spraying, tar with liquid soap. Preparations are universal.

  • Early ripe 95-105 days.
  • The height of the bush is 50 cm. The determinant type does not require pinching.
  • Fruit weight 50 gr.
  • Yield 8 - 10 fruits per stem

The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour, the fruit is fleshy. It is very easy to care for because of the small growth, you can even not tie it up. Resistant to diseases and temperature extremes. Most the best option uses: salting, preservation.

The best varieties of tomatoes of Siberian selection for 2019

From year to year, Siberian selection pleases us with its varieties. These bred tomatoes were invented specifically for Siberia. They are more resistant to temperature changes, diseases, have time to ripen in a short summer, and most importantly, they have excellent yields.


A very interesting hybrid with excellent taste and high yield. For its value, we plant it every year and 2019 will be no exception.

  • Early ripe 90 - 100 days.
  • The height of the bush is 50 - 70 cm. We refer to standard determinant plants.
  • Fruit weight 150 - 200 gr.
  • Productivity 10 - 12 kg. per m².

Delicious, fleshy, juicy fruits are gaining more and more attention from gardeners due to the fact that it grows and bears fruit throughout the entire period. The variety is resistant to diseases, especially late blight, which improves it in the eyes of the summer resident. Very long shelf life of fruits, they do not crack and do not soften. Fresh tomatoes are used, preparations for the winter, as well as for cooking various dishes.

There is of course a drawback, as without it. Tomatoes need mineral fertilizer, in very large quantities.


One of the wonderful varieties bred by Siberian breeders. Fruits are large-fruited, very tasty with sweet pulp and strong aroma. I’ll deviate a little from the topic, although this variety does not have a large harvest, as we would like, but it steadily bears fruit in any climatic conditions.

  • Early ripe 100 - 110 days.
  • The height of the bush in the ground grows 50 - 70 cm. In greenhouses up to 120 cm.
  • Fruit weight in soil up to 250 gr. In the greenhouse up to 400 gr.
  • Yield 3.5 kg. from each bush.

The variety is intended both for salads and fresh. Resistant to disease, little susceptible to pests. Not suitable for long term storage. The taste of the tomato is sugary, very tasty, whoever tries it once will want more. It has one minor minus: since the peel is very thin, they can crack. But it perfectly tolerates cold, heat, severe drought.

By the way, the fruits should not be used in conservation. So try not to plant too much.


This is a very productive variety, for which they love it. Specially grown for the harsh conditions of Siberia.

  • Early ripe 90 - 100 days.
  • Bush height 110 - 130 cm. Pool determinant.
  • Fruit weight 100 - 150 gr.
  • Productivity 6 - 8 kg per bush.

This variety is not suitable for greenhouses, as it was bred for the Siberian regions and does not tolerate heat well. In addition to the beautiful appearance, the plantain is immune to the disease, and most importantly, frost resistance. Tomatoes are good fresh, as well as for squeezing juices and making pasta.


Tolerates temperature extremes, bred specifically for Western Siberia.

  • Early ripe 100 - 105 days.
  • The height of the bush is 40 - 50 cm. Determinant type, standard.
  • Fruit weight 60 - 110 gr.
  • Yield 5 kg. from the bush.

Does not require a garter and pinching. Resistant to various diseases, especially late blight. Tomatoes are versatile in use.


A favorite variety for summer residents for its high yield, and most importantly, it is similar to the Bull's Heart variety, which is described above. To be honest, they are similar in taste and appearance.

  • Medium early variety 105 - 120 days.
  • The height of the bush is 60 cm, but can reach 150 cm.
  • Fruit weight 100 - 130 gr. reaches up to 400 gr.
  • The yield is high.

Plants have good immunity to diseases, but sometimes a tick can attack, to get rid of, the leaves and stem must be wiped with soapy water.

Fruits are not very suitable for conservation, only in cut form, due to their large size. Sweet taste.

If you want to get a big harvest, you need to regularly water and remove weeds, as well as obligatory loosening.

Believe me, a very good variety, you will be satisfied.

Cow's ear:

It is also very popular with gardeners. Seeds can be collected independently for subsequent seedlings.

  • Mid-season 110 - 115 days.
  • High bush reaches more than 150 cm. Indeterminate, not branched.
  • Fruit weight 100 - 140 gr.
  • The yield of 1 m² can be obtained up to 7 kg.

The skin of the tomato is dense, thanks to which they do not crack. The pulp is fleshy, juicy, a lot of seeds. Ox ear tomatoes are well used fresh for salads, snacks and other dishes. Ripe tomatoes make excellent juice. Resistant to various diseases, cold. The only disadvantage is that the bush needs to be formed.

What varieties of tomatoes are best for polycarbonate greenhouses:

Greenhouses in our time can be found in almost everyone in the garden, especially from polycarbonate. They perfectly changed the film cover, which is constantly torn. Polycarbonate has a much higher service life, it is 6-15 years, depending on the thickness and manufacturer. And so there is no difference in what to plant, it's up to you.

I want to offer some wonderful varieties that you will like.

Eagle's beak:

  • Mid-season 100 - 115 days.
  • The height of the bush is 1.5 - 2 meters. Indeterminate type, very high.
  • The mass of the fetus on the first hands is 500 gr., And the further the higher, the less.
  • Productivity 10 - 14 kg per m².

The fruits are fleshy and very sweet. Good for salads, juices and various sauces. Tomatoes are well stored and transported. Even if you read the reviews you will find that this strain is perfect.

Pride of Siberia:

This variety is also best planted in a greenhouse. Of course, it is also possible in open ground, but then it is better to do it in the warm regions of Siberia.

  • Early ripe 85 - 100 days.
  • The height of the bush is 1.5 meters.
  • Fruit weight 700 - 900 gr.
  • Productivity from 1 m² 20 kg.

The taste is very juicy and pleasant. Resistant to various diseases. This variety still has a drawback, it is a greenhouse whitefly, but it is easy to get rid of it with 1 ml confidor. for 10 liters of water. Props and tying are required for these tomatoes.

Siberian troika:

A large tomato, unpretentious in courtship, behaves well in a greenhouse, but can also be planted in the ground.

  • Mid-season variety 105 - 115 days.
  • The height of the bush is 50 cm. The plants are determinate, standard with a strong stem.
  • Fruit weight 150 - 250 gr.
  • Yield 5 kg. from the bush.

Easily adapts to any climate, hot or dry. Resistant to any diseases, including pests. Well suited for any preparations, juices, ketchups. In general, this variety has no cons.

Abakan pink:

As soon as this variety appeared, it immediately became to the liking of summer residents in Altai. He is greatly appreciated.

  • Mid-season 110 - 120 days.
  • Stem height 140 - 150 cm. Determinant bush is not very sweeping.
  • Fruit weight for greenhouses 250 - 300 gr.
  • Yield 5 kg. from the bush.

Disease resistant, requires shaping and garters. This variety is best used for salads, juices and ketchups. These tomatoes are delicious in taste.

Well, that's all it seems about all the varieties that I know told. It's up to you to decide which ones you plant and which you don't.

Since December, gardeners have been choosing tomato varieties, some have been using old proven varieties, while others have been looking for new tomato varieties. We will tell you about new varieties of tomatoes, and also give brief description and analysis of varieties already known to you. We offer you the best tomato seeds.

New varieties of tomato seeds

Large-fruited low-growing tomatoes suitable for low greenhouses. "Paradise" - a variety 1.2 m high, fruitful (in each brush - 6-8 large, up to 200 g, red fruits).

"Raja" - undersized, early, dark red, large-fruited (up to 300 g). "Hermitage" is a variety suitable for the North-West, early, plentiful, with aligned round red fruits of about 100 g in weight.

"Native" - ​​an early standard variety with potato leaves, resistant to cold weather, with round, leveled fruits of 100-180 g of raspberry color, allows the formation of 3-4 stems.

Of last year's most interesting tomatoes: "Igranda" - an early abundant variety with fleshy red rounded fruits weighing 150 g (resistant to sudden changes in temperature); "Pavlovskaya rose" - an early variety with dense, pink, ripe fruits suitable for canning (resistant to bad weather); "Bif" - mid-season variety with red fleshy dense fruits round shape(about 200 g).

Hybrid "Resource" has red fruits weighing up to 150 g, bears fruit for a long time. The hybrids "Sister", "Delight" and "Elton Jones" have the same properties, but the latter has fruits that look like small oranges. Hybrid "Torbay" refers to salad tomatoes, its pink fruits reach a weight of more than 200 g.

The large-fruited hybrid "Russian Troika" with a height of only 50-60 cm produces fruits weighing about 200 g, and the Major hybrid is generally an adornment of the garden, since a low bush will give birth to fruits weighing up to 300 g! The same large fruits are produced by the hybrids "Simon", "Darling", "Cuplet", "Ace" and the varieties "Chosen" and "Ryabchik".

In the northern collection, new varieties have appeared that are resistant to adverse weather conditions - "Chanterelle" with orange fruits about 120 g in weight and "Baltic" with fleshy sweet, red fruits about 150 g.

Small-fruited low-growing tomatoes suitable for low greenhouses. "Skorokhod" is a plentiful, unpretentious variety, only 50 cm high (and therefore suitable for small greenhouses), bears abundantly with medium-sized red fruits.

Biotekhnika offers this season the varieties Lollipop (unpretentious, with small red fruits up to 40 g), Emerald Gem (tall, multiple, with small (30-40 g) green plum-like fruits), -105 "(also for salad purposes, determinant, fruits 50-80 g each) and" Raisins "(early undersized, with small dense pink fruits).

Poisk offers varieties of tomatoes: Yellow Delicacy (non-stepson, with fleshy fruits about 100 g), Picket (Siberian series, non-stepson, low, with elongated fruits up to 60 g of bright red color), tomato firm "Aelita" "Sanka" (ultra-early, ultra-determinant, that is, all fruiting on stepchildren, and therefore does not stepchild, fruits are dense red 80-100 g).

Last year's varieties: "Northern blush" - ripening period 100 days, plant height 1.2 m, red rounded fruits weighing 90 g; "Demidov" - a fruitful, standard variety with a height of only 70 cm, with potato leaves and pink sweet fruits weighing 100 g, for salad purposes; "Pepper" - with elongated medium-sized (80 g) fruits with a sharp tip, pepper-shaped, a very productive variety of standard form with a height of only 60 cm; "Successful" - a variety with red small (50 g) fruits, gives the main crop on two or three lower brushes; "Hermitage" - a variety suitable for the North-West, early, plentiful, with aligned round red fruits about 100 g in weight, very plentiful; "Igranda" - an early abundant variety with fleshy red rounded fruits weighing 120 g (resistant to sudden changes in temperature); "Pavlovskaya rose" - an early variety with a dense maturing, pink, suitable for canning, resistant to bad weather.

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground.

Tomatoes of the Siberian series for open ground (low - up to 80 cm, but large-fruited): Siberian Trump, Uvalen, Lyuban. In addition to them, new, very early ripening tomatoes “Buyan”, “Leader of the Redskins”, “Flash”, “Pink Souvenir”, “Blush of Petersburg”, “Sunny Bunny”, “Nimble” are suitable for open ground.

Ultra-early tomatoes. Of greatest interest are ultra-early varieties and hybrids, because even in cold and short summers they can be grown without seedlings. But for this it is necessary to sow in the very first days of May under good shelter, immediately in place, always on insulated soil (for example, on a 10-12-cm layer of fluff and feathers from an old pillow under the soil to a depth of 15-20 cm). Typically, these tomatoes are just recommended for open ground. As a rule, their fruits do not exceed 100-150 g, and the height of the plants is about 50 cm. These tomatoes usually do not stepchild. Of the varieties (you can take your own seeds), these are Flash, Buyan, Pink Souvenir, Sunny Bunny and Duckling. Of the hybrids (you can’t use your own seeds, because they are often underdeveloped and do not pass on their properties to offspring, and therefore no one knows what will grow from such seeds) you can call tomatoes “Leader of the Redskins”, “Katya”, “Ninulya”, “Rumyanets Petersburg”, “Nimble”, “Solerosso”, which ripen in the open ground even near St. Petersburg. There are also large-fruited super-early hybrids "Bringing good luck" and "Gayas Bekseev", which give fruits weighing about 200 g or more. Of course, all these tomatoes grow well in greenhouses.

Note. In the North-West, it is better not to plant tomatoes in open ground. They should be kept under cover (preferably not under a film, but under double lutrasil or spunbond). In practice, they never fully ripen, and very often a beautiful green fruit, when cut inside, turns out to be affected by phytophthora.

Small-fruited tall tomatoes for high greenhouses. Of the early ripe varieties "Bon Appetita" has small red fruits weighing about 100 g, but there are up to 100 pieces, and most importantly, the fruits are tied in any weather. "Red Caramel" and "Yellow Caramel" are plum-shaped, small-fruited (only about 40 g), but very plentiful, sweet and decorative hybrids of a long fruiting period.

Large-fruited tall tomatoes for high greenhouses. Hybrid "Semko" - disease-resistant, early ripening, with fleshy sweet red fruits of 200-400 g each, as well as "Semko 18", F1 hybrids ("Important Person" - large red, "Juggler" - red). The company "Sedek" put on sale varieties of the Siberian series "Velmozha" (pink large-fruited), "Raspberry Meat" (large), as well as its own varieties "Pink Tsar" (tall, salad-going, with fruits up to 300 g of raspberry color) , "Raspberry delicacy" (tall, with dense dark pink fruits up to 300 g).

Poisk has released Sherry Lady (Dutch early hybrid with even, dense, bright red round fruits 200 g), Ikarus (salad variety, tall, with large red fruits 300 g), Kozyr (with red fruits up to 200 g), "Rose-Marin" (tall variety with large pink fruits 550 g).

"Semko-Junior" pleased us with the hybrids "Diorange" (stress-resistant, early, up to 180 g) and "Malika", as well as the "Townsville" variety - an early ripening Dutch hybrid up to 150 cm tall, with round fleshy red fruits 150-180 G.

Firm "Gavrish": "Poznan" (early ripening variety, tall, racemose, orange), "Dobrun" (high variety, storable, with fruits up to 150 g).

Of last year's novelties, we can recommend the Tyutchev tomato (red fruits weighing 400-500 g). From mid-ripening tomatoes, a group of hybrids "Faith, Hope, Love" can be distinguished with red fruits weighing about 230 g; they have a long shelf life. Two hybrids - "Zhenaros" and "Belle" - give red fruits weighing more than 300 g. They are interesting in that they can set fruits when high temperatures(as you know, tomato pollen is usually sterilized at temperatures above 35-40 ° C, and in summer in greenhouses without forced ventilation, the temperature, as a rule, reaches 40-42 ° C).

The Caliber hybrid has red fruits weighing about 200 g for salad purposes, the Flint hybrid is characterized by abundant fruiting, and the Poet hybrid is resistant to temperature fluctuations and sets fruits in any weather (the pulp is fleshy, tasty, fruits can reach a weight of 600-650 G). The Sancho Panza hybrid has fleshy, slightly flattened, tasty yellow fruits and a long fruiting period.

Hybrid "Chance" gives pink fleshy fruits weighing about 300 g, bears fruit for a long time and abundantly. Excellent varieties have the same characteristics (you can take seeds from your own fruits) from the Siberian Seeds series. These are "Stellate Sturgeon" with salmon-pink fruits in the form of a fungus, "Golden Domes" with yellow domed fruits, "Bear's Paw" with red fleshy fruits, "Sugar Buffalo", "Three Fat Men" and many others of this same series. In Siberia, their fruits reach 800-1200 g, in the North-West - only 350-450 g. They are distinguished by good taste, long and abundant fruiting.

For lovers of large tomatoes, you can still recommend varieties"Raspberry Surprise" with fruits up to 700 g, "King Giant" and "Eternal Call" with red fruits weighing up to 1000 g, as well as "Pink Honey", whose pink fruits in Siberia can reach 1500 g!

Tomato is a vegetable that is quite popular among all gardeners. It is not only tasty when eaten fresh, but also subject to pickling and pickling. To grow tomatoes, you need to choose the right seeds that, with their quality characteristics, would correspond to the climate of the region. What are the best tomato seeds for open ground? We invite you to find out the answer to these questions from the article.

The best seeds for outdoors

Tomato seeds for open ground - choose the right one

To choose the most productive varieties of tomato seeds, you need to divide into types, depending on the speed of ripening.

Tomatoes, with early term maturation

These varieties are distinguished by ripening within ninety days after the appearance of the first sprouts, they are characterized increased yield, besides, the latest bred varieties resist well the attack of pests and infection with diseases:

  • Variety Marusya: its fruits are similar in appearance to a plum, they are small in size (about one hundred grams) and have a fairly strong skin, which helps the tomatoes of this variety to tolerate transportation and storage perfectly. Tomato bushes do not grow tall, they rarely reach a height of one meter, but they are abundantly covered dense foliage, thanks to which, tomatoes are well hidden from scorching sun rays. This variety has a high yield, more than sixty tons of tomatoes can be harvested from one hectare. That is why Marusya is recommended to grow not only in their own gardens, but also in large farms.

  • Variety Ksyusha: the fruits of this variety are distinguished by a slightly flattened shape, their size is slightly larger than that of the previous variety (about one hundred and fifty grams). This variety is most often used for eating unchanged, due to its good taste qualities. This variety is hybrid, thanks to which it perfectly withstands the onslaught of pathogens of various diseases.

  • Deserving special attention are varieties like Andreyka, Nevsky and Flash.

Tomatoes, medium ripening

This type of tomato is most convenient for growing in your own garden, due to the fact that its fruits ripen just in the middle of the season, after early and before late varieties:

  • : ripens within one hundred and fifteen days from the moment the first sprouts appear. It got its name from its resemblance to the skin of a peach. The pulp of these tomatoes is quite sweet and fleshy, they reach a weight of two hundred grams. An excellent choice for both canning and eating fresh.

  • : this variety is characterized by the fact that when harvesting its fruits in an insufficiently mature or even unripe form, it lies perfectly (up to two months) and ripens outside the ground. Tomatoes are often quite large - about three hundred grams. Bourgeois bushes are also large and strong.

  • : this variety has an important positive quality- it grows and develops beautifully even with not the most good conditions weather. The fruits of the rich man appearance reminiscent of plums, their weight reaches one hundred grams. This is a fairly good variety for canning whole.

  • Also popular with gardeners are varieties such as Princess, Iron Lady, Katenka, Veselchak and others.

Tomatoes with late deadline maturation

This species includes those tomatoes that are fully ripe, starting from the one hundred and twentieth day that has passed since the moment when the first shoots appeared.

  • Variety Sugar brown: as the name implies, tomatoes are dark, almost brown in color. In addition, they have a rounded shape and a relatively small weight of one hundred and fifty grams. Its bushes are quite high, as a result of which they require a mandatory garter. This variety is considered medicinal, some scientists prove its effectiveness in the prevention of cardiovascular and cancerous diseases.

  • : fruits of this variety differ small size(about seventy grams), they have a slightly elongated shape. They ripen in about four months after seed germination. Is different good performance yields, even under unstable weather conditions.

Now you know which tomato seeds are the best. for open ground. When planning to plant tomatoes on, you should use the seeds of varieties of varying degrees of ripeness. This will allow all summer season enjoy fresh vegetables.

See also video:

Varieties of tomatoes for open ground
