Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


Poinsettia is considered the most festive plant due to its flowering period - Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. The Star of Bethlehem flower (another name is Euphorbia) has been known since the time of the Aztecs, who used red pigment to dye textiles and create cosmetics.

Poinsettia care after purchase

Bright scarlet petals in harmony with lush green foliage create a unique ensemble that can decorate any home. It is worth noting that the Christmas star flower is a capricious plant, so even small changes in temperature can cause leaf fall. Proper care of the poinsettia after purchase will help maintain the viability of the flower so that it can please the household for a long time:

  • A houseplant will certainly need acclimatization, so you should not rearrange spurge from one place to another. Give him time to get used to the new conditions.
  • You should also ensure timely watering of the poinsettias. A beautiful plant does not tolerate drought, but can react negatively to too much soil moisture. It should be watered only when the top layer becomes hard and dry.

Poinsettia transplant and care

Touching spurge during flowering is strictly prohibited: it can lose its bracts. It is better to wait until spring, when only foliage remains on the trunk. In order for the plant to bloom again, the poinsettia transplant must follow the following rules:

  1. The new pot should be a few centimeters larger than the one in which the plant was grown.
  2. Carefully removing the poinsettia from the old container, plant it at the same depth.
  3. You can leave a layer of soil on the roots so that the Christmas flower with red leaves takes root faster.
  4. Then you need to loosen the soil and add water. It is better not to water the plant through a saucer, because the remaining liquid can cause root rot.
  5. Some gardeners recommend trimming the leaves before transplanting, but this is not necessary.


High-quality land is the key to further flowering, so you should not collect it in the nearest park. It is better to buy fertile soil in a flower shop, paying attention to the composition. The soil for poinsettia must necessarily contain peat, leaf, clay-turf mix. Do not forget about the drainage layer, which helps prevent root rot.

How to cut a poinsettia

The main condition for the repeated flowering of a plant such as poinsettia is home care and timely circumcision. When the leaves begin to turn yellow at the flower, it's time to get rid of them. The poinsettia should be carefully cut with secateurs, retreating 17 cm from the soil level. This is necessary in order for the plant to bloom again and acquire the correct shape. After this procedure, the New Year's poinsettia flower goes into a dormant period, which lasts about 2 months. Throughout this time, do not fertilize the soil, and the amount of irrigation should be minimized.

How to propagate poinsettia at home

Euphorbia cannot reproduce by seeds in an apartment, so the hostess will have to make some efforts to get a second copy. by the most in a simple way to propagate poinsettia at home is to cut the cuttings from the top. After that, the flower must be treated with charcoal, preventing the development of various diseases that prevent further reproduction. Do not water the plant before the procedure, it should remain moderately dry.

Reproduction by cuttings

The process of propagation of poinsettia by cuttings is distinguished by some features:

  1. After cutting off parts of the crown, you need to get rid of the poisonous juice by putting the shoots in warm water for half an hour.
  2. Cuttings should be planted in a pot with peat soil and watered well.
  3. Need to cover the flower cling film and leave it in a well-lit area.
  4. Periodically, the soil must be ventilated so that the cuttings do not rot.
  5. Once every 3-4 days, you need to moisten the plant, not forgetting to spray the sprouts that have appeared.
  6. After that, the spurge can begin to feed.
  7. After a month, the polyethylene protection should be removed.

How to make it bloom

After a long flowering, the plant begins a dormant period. At this time, you need to minimize watering, exclude the introduction of top dressing. To make the poinsettia bloom again, you need to cut it in March or April. This will not only stimulate the growth of milkweed, but also make it more branchy. The temperature during the dormant period should not be higher than 20 ° C, otherwise the Christmas star may die.

Poinsettia care at home should also be competent. It is necessary to limit the access of light to the sprouts. This applies to both natural and artificial light sources. For the formation of flower buds, you need to keep the pot in the dark for at least 8 hours a day. You can cover it with a cardboard box that does not let the sun's rays through. This isolation should last 2-3 weeks. When the buds appear, the plant should be watered abundantly, continuing to fertilize.

Why do poinsettias turn yellow and fall leaves

During the dormant period, spurge begins to throw off foliage, and this is normal. However, if the poinsettia leaves turn yellow and fall off a few days after purchase, there must be good reasons for this:

  1. temperature difference. The indoor flower does not like the cold, so the pot cannot be leaned against the window and exposed to frost.
  2. The plant has been in plastic packaging for too long.
  3. The air is too dry.
  4. Poinsettias lack moisture or too much water.
  5. Prolonged absence of light (if this is not a dormant period).
  6. Invasion of pests.

Why don't the leaves turn red?

What makes a Christmas star blush? This is facilitated by a process called photoperiodism. The alternation of bright light with its absence causes the leaves of the plant to turn red (pink, white, depending on the purchase). What most people mistakenly think of as a flower is actually a bract that is found in the center of the leaf.

Why doesn't the poinsettia turn red? Most likely, the owner did not follow the rules of photoperiodism. In order for a beautiful flower to once again please the household with its beauty, all conditions should be provided. How to care for poinsettia to achieve redness? During the day, you need to expose the plant to sunlight, and in the evening - hide the pot in a dark place. It should be remembered that artificial lighting can also be harmful and disrupt the natural flowering process, so it is better to cover spurge with something.


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How to care for poinsettia at home (there is also the name "poinsettia" on the Internet), this beautiful flower Christmas star? The plant is unpretentious, the care process is not complicated, acceptable even for beginners. Let us consider in more detail all the nuances and features of growing poinsettia.



For the comfort of the poinsettia, diffused bright light should be provided, excluding direct sunlight. In summer the best option will be the removal of the plant to the open air, but the flower should be carefully protected from precipitation. If only room content of poinsettia is intended, it is necessary to organize thorough regular ventilation of the room.

Important! The lack of light in winter for the plant poses a threat of dropping foliage during flowering, so in the evening you need to organize additional lighting.

In the autumn months, on the contrary, it will be necessary to achieve conditions for a shortened daylight hours.

How often to water?

A strict watering regime is not for this Christmas beauty. Depending on the time of year, the scheme of moistening the earthy coma is different.

  • In the summer, poinsettia needs frequent abundant watering, but, nevertheless, the plant is very afraid of dampness and overflows are not acceptable for it. In order not to be mistaken, you need to feel the soil, deepening your finger as much as possible. If the ground is still wet at a depth of two centimeters, watering is canceled.
  • In winter, after the end of the flowering period, watering should be moderate, without waterlogging and without drying the substrate. Water is used only warm filtered. Water until water begins to seep into the pan. Excess water from the pan is removed.


poinsettia requires regular temperature maintenance. Both in summer and in winter it should not fall below 18 degrees. Room temperature for the plant is quite comfortable. The exception is the dormant period, at which time the temperature is adjusted to 12-14 degrees. Sharp fluctuations in temperature are absolutely excluded for the plant, it can shed its leaves or refuse to bloom.

Soil composition

Optimal for poinsettia is a slightly acidic substrate - a mixture of leafy and soddy soil, sand and peat in a ratio of 3: 3: 1: 1

It is very important to provide the plant with good drainage. To prevent compaction of the soil after watering, it is useful to carry out regular loosening or penetrate it through several places to allow air to enter.


There are no special requirements for the container in which the poinsettia will live, but still too spacious pot she does not need- this threatens with moisture retention and root rot. It is enough if its diameter protrudes 3 cm compared to the diameter of the crown.


After the end of the dormant period from spring to autumn, regular top dressing (every two weeks) with a mineral fertilizer complex contributes to the beginning of flowering of the poinsettia. In the summer, fertilizing with a complete mineral fertilizer is optimal for the plant, and during flowering with potash fertilizer for decorative flowering specimens.

It is better to apply fertilizers in moist soil, optimally combined with irrigation.


Poinsettia is characterized by rapid growth. To keep the bush neat and decorative, after each flowering, the plant is cut short(read how to do it correctly). The thing is that new, tender, colored leaves are formed only on young shoots.

Trimming the flower, leave the stems about 10 cm high from the soil. In the future, they simply maintain the shape of the crown, avoiding thickening. The cuttings left during the thinning process can be used as planting material if the plant needs to be propagated.


Poinsettia needs an annual, which should take place in April-May. In March, the stems are cut by a third and the plant is kept in a warm, well-lit room, poured with warm water. After the appearance of fresh leaves, the flower is transplanted.

  1. In a new, larger pot, drainage is done, the soil is poured into a few centimeters, and the plant moves into it, by transshipment.
  2. The voids are filled with soil.
  3. After the room maintain a constant temperature of 20 degrees.

Reference! After transplanting, poinsettia needs abundant watering and spraying.

What to do immediately after purchase?

Immediately after purchase, you must provide proper care for poinsettia at home. The acquired flower can be placed on the windowsill with plenty of sunlight and without drafts. Painless acclimatization of the plant is guaranteed in a room with a temperature of at least 16 degrees. Getting used to the new conditions will last three weeks. After this time, the flower should be transplanted from the store container with transport soil into a new pot with universal soil, in which you need to add a little sand and vermiculite. It is also important to remember good drainage.

Given that the purchase of poinsettia falls on winter period, give up the idea of ​​​​acquiring it in the markets. There is a high risk of getting a plant with frozen roots.

Features of growing a flower in open ground

  • For successful cultivation Poinsettias require fertile, well-drained soil. You can place the planting in partial shade, as the poinsettia planted in open ground does not like direct sunlight.
  • The need for top dressing directly depends on the fertility of the soil. If there are no problems with this indicator, fertilizer is applied once a month according to the 12-12-12 scheme, if the soil fertility is not high, the scheme is changed to 20-20-20.
  • Watering is carried out at the base, as the soil cover dries. To prevent fungal diseases from affecting the poinsettia, it is important to prevent stagnant water. It is also necessary to loosen the soil after watering according to the diameter of the crown.

Will it survive the winter?

Wintering in the open air of poinsettia is beyond their strength. safe temperature at which the plant can stay open ground, +7. If the thermometer falls below this value, the plant is dug up and kept indoors.

How to properly take care of the house in winter?

Acquired in December, the plant blooms intensively for two months, during which the poinsettia should be kept in a well-lit, warm room, and then a dormant period begins. You can understand that the plant is going to sleep by looking at the new green leaves above the bracts. The bracts themselves wither and fall off.

  1. In February, the stems of the plant should be cut to 15 cm in height, keeping 4-5 buds on each.
  2. The flower is placed in a darker place and watering is significantly reduced.
  3. The earth should be moistened once every ten days, avoiding overdrying.
  4. Exclude top dressing.
  5. If possible, you need to lower the temperature to +14.

What to do if it does not bloom?

  • Well-lit window sill (with a covered radiator).
  • No drafts.
  • The temperature is not lower than +20.
  • Always moistened earthen lump.
  • No excess moisture in the pan.

If the poinsettia is not a new guest in the house and its next annual, you can use Albert Ekke's technology. Create long (up to 14 hours) dark nights and short days for this tropical flower using a dark film or a cap that does not let light through at all.

Diseases and pests

  1. Excessive waterlogging of the soil or insufficient watering lead to wilting and leaf fall.
  2. Low temperatures or drafts can cause leaves to drop without signs of wilting.
  3. Insufficient lighting also leads to wilting and leaf fall.
  4. If the air in the room is too dry or the plant is hot, the edges of the leaves turn yellow or brown, and the inflorescences fall off.
  5. Often poinsettia is affected by spider mites. This is indicated by yellow dried leaves or the death of parts of the plant.
  6. Rolled leaves with oblong wavy spots, a sign of damage to the plant by thrips.
  7. The insects cause great harm to the plant. Their appearance is indicated by the formation of honeydew on the leaves.

We talked about what to do if the plant sheds leaves in December or suffers from other ailments.

If one day the paths of the grower and poinsettia intersect, then parting is no longer possible. The already magical holiday of Christmas, thanks to this amazing plant, takes place in quivering anticipation of the flowering of unforgettable stars.

The poinsettia is a member of the Euphorbiaceae family, with over 2,000 species ubiquitous throughout the Earth. Among annuals and perennials, there are both herbaceous representatives and subshrubs, shrubs and trees. All parts of the plant contain milky juice, which is a poison that causes severe irritation. Poinsettia blooms from December onward, which is why it has acquired the name “Christmas star” among the people.

At home - in Mexico, Costa Rica and Guatemala - poinsettia reaches a rather large size (3 meters in height), while a shrub grown at home will be a bush no more than 50 cm high. In its natural form, the plant is characterized by dark green jagged oval foliage (each leaf 10-15 cm long) and unremarkable small flowers yellowish color, forming inflorescences in the form of rosettes.

Poinsettia species and varieties

The main decoration of the plant are catchy bracts, usually painted in bright red. It was they who became the subject of close attention of flower growers and breeders, through the efforts of which a wide variety of varieties have been bred today:

  • classic poinsettias with bright red bracts, among which varieties stand out especially Redfox Premium Miro with almost white pale bracts, Mars And Eckespoint Freedom Red (both with rich red bracts);

  • exquisite poinsettias with white bracts, such as cultivar Enduring White with pale yellow bracts;

  • delicate poinsettias with pink bracts, such as the cultivar Amazon Peppermint - its bracts are pale with yolk;

  • expressive poinsettias with yellow bracts, which varieties have Cinnamon Star (pale with pink bracts) and Lemon Snow (pale yellow bracts);

  • calm poinsettias with purple bracts inherent in varieties Dolce Rosa (bright purple with rare white inclusions), Enduring Pink (bright purple), Floristera Pink And purple rain (both with pale purple);

  • original variegated poinsettias , represented by varieties Eckespoint Primero Gingle Bells with white spots on rich pink bracts and Winter Memories Red with a purple pattern on white bracts;

  • spectacular terry poinsettias , which are distinguished by an unusual shape of bracts, making them look like roses, like varieties Winter Rose Red with rich red bracts with a purple hue and Winter Rose White with white bracts with a yellow tint.

Poinsettia home care

The euphorbia family itself is not a whimsical plant to care for, however, the most beautiful euphorbia (it is also the most beautiful poinsettia) is difficult to attribute to undemanding ones.

Poinsettia at home copes very badly with drafts, waterlogging, sharp temperature fluctuations and insufficient lighting. In the presence of at least one of the listed conditions, it sheds foliage. For poinsettia, the best location in the house would be a well-lit window with bright diffused light.

Read also Coleus home care, as well as growing this plant from seeds at the link.

Watering the poinsettia

An important aspect of poinsettia care is watering. Watering is carried out as the surface layer of the substrate dries.

In the summer, they are plentiful, and with the advent of autumn they are reduced, while the water from the pan should be regularly drained, thereby maintaining the roots in a healthy state.

Ground for poinsettia

Poinsettia transplant

Poinsettia transplantation is best done after the end of the dormant period - in April-May.

To do this, you need to pick up a pot with the correct dimensions - a little larger than the previous one so that by inserting them into each other, you get a gap of 1-1.5 cm.

Poinsettia fertilizer

Top dressing is made in 2 stages. in spring and summer periods apply universal fertilizers, including nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, or fertilizers for deciduous ornamental plants saturated with nitrogen.

Additionally, it is possible to accelerate the growth of poinsettia using humus, humus or bird droppings. At the 2nd stage - from September to November - fertilizers are applied for decorative flowering plants. When flowering occurs, any top dressing is stopped.

Trimming poinsettia at home

Pruning only has a positive effect on poinsettia. The shortening of all stems in March by one third will serve as an incentive for growth. At least 5 new buds should be left on each stem.

Moreover, slices can be used as planting material for new plants, which will be discussed later. Also, in the summer, formative pruning is periodically carried out by pinching the tops.

Poinsettia rest period

As usual, the poinsettia stops blooming in early March, when it sheds its leaves and goes into a state of rest. At this time, it is advisable to trim the stems to about 1/2 of their length and select a dark or very shaded cool place for the pot, which will later contribute to good plant growth and flower formation.

Observing the temperature regime in the region of 10 ℃ (no more, but even less is better), the pot is left to be stored there for 1-2 months. The entire dormant period requires watering the plant with much smaller volumes of water, but the surface layer of the soil should not dry out anyway.

Both pruning and transplanting of the poinsettia must be done with gloves that will protect the hands from its poisonous juice, which can lead to skin irritation and poisoning if it enters the stomach.

Poinsettia bloom

With a decrease in daylight hours below the 12 o'clock mark, the Christmas star begins to prepare for flowering, foreshadowed by the coloring of the bracts. In the last days of September, it is important to cover the pot from light penetrating from somewhere at night (moonlight, street light inclusive).

This is achieved by covering the plant with a cardboard box or a dense plastic bag. For 10 weeks, the poinsettia must be in absolute darkness for at least 14 hours a day, and even very small amounts of light can destabilize its internal clock, which ultimately leads to a shift in flowering time.

During the flowering period in winter, abrupt changes in temperature, drafts and cold are especially dangerous for the poinsettia. While the plant is flowering, it is recommended to keep the humidity in the room and its temperature at about 20℃ (necessarily not less than 16℃).

Reproduction of poinsettia by cuttings

Poinsettia is most successfully propagated at home by cuttings. Optimal time for this - from April to May. Again, cutting cuttings should be done using gloves to avoid being contaminated by the plant's toxic sap.

The cuttings formed as a result of spring pruning, which are from 10 to 15 cm in length, must be cleaned of the lower leaves, then the places of cuts should be washed with water in order to eliminate the remaining juice.

Then they take disposable plastic cups, make drainage holes in their bottom and pour the soil mixture into them. The best rooting is achieved by coating the lower sections with a root formation stimulator, after which the shoots are stuck into the substrate by 3 cm and covered with a film.

The location of the cups should be provided with regular ventilation and an ambient temperature of approximately 15-21℃. Watering is done not so as to make the soil wet, but to moisten it a little.

By creating optimal conditions for cuttings, rooting can be expected after 2 months, and when this happens, you can replace the cups with individual pots and care for new plants as adults.

Poinsettia from seeds at home

Of the other methods of reproduction, it should be noted natural - seed, however, it is completely unsuitable for the house, inferior to cuttings in all respects. Poinsettia grown from seeds will not inherit the valuable qualities of the parent.

Diseases and pests

There are many diseases that poinsettias are susceptible to.

In cases of injury mealybugs And scab , pests are eliminated mechanically, using a swab dipped in alcohol, or washing the plant with soap diluted in water. With large accumulations of harmful insects, it is advisable to treat with insecticides (actara, phytoverm, vermitek).

For the presence of flowers thrips , which are fought with the same methods (among insecticides effective in this particular case, Fufanon and Aktellik should also be distinguished), indicates foliage twisting with deformations and punctures.

Leaves may prematurely turn yellow and fall due to dry air, then the plant needs frequent spraying from a spray bottle with settled water.

Color unevenness And uncharacteristic spots on bracteria (covering leaves) occur due to sudden temperature changes, irregular fertilizing and insufficient light levels.

Poinsettia or the most beautiful euphorbia (Poinsettia) is the flower of the New Year and Christmas for residents of European countries. Rosettes of red leaves resemble beautiful stars. The plant is striking in its beauty, unusualness, originality. Flowers appear in winter, on the holiday of Christmas. The blossoming seems to add to the miracle of birth, encouraging people to decorate their homes, acquiring an amazing poinsettia. There are many Christmas legends about this amazing flower.

Bracts - leaves surrounding inconspicuous flowers - give a fabulous look, the rest of the leaves are ordinary - green. Flowers are not particularly beautiful, nothing remarkable in them: they are small white flowers. It is the bracts, bright leaves around the inflorescences, that give all the splendor to the plant. Crimson red coloring is no longer the only choice. Buyers in stores are offered varieties with yellow, pink and spotted bracts.

When buying the most beautiful spurge in the store, people sometimes admire the flowering at home only once. The second time, it is difficult to make a flower bloom if you do not know the rules for caring for it. By choosing an unblown Christmas star, you get a chance for the longest flowering even without knowledge of agricultural technology. But as it turned out, caring for a busansetia is not difficult if you follow some of the nuances. Trying to make a flower bloom again is the dream of every enthusiastic florist, which is quite feasible!

Christmas star lighting

Flowering is an important period, poinsettias need plenty of light at this time. In winter, there is not enough light, the day is too short, additional lighting is required. South window - the most the best place for poinsettia. There is no need to be afraid that the sun will burn the Christmas star, in winter the rays are too weak for this. On the contrary, the plant sheds leaves with a lack of lighting. Illuminate the poinsettia with additional light sources if you notice that it looks sickly.

Temperature regime in the care of poinsettia

Many are pleased with the long flowering of poinsettia. The Christmas star blooms in December and gives bright colors until the end of March. It is worth remembering that the cold is detrimental to the flower, you need to protect it from drafts and low temperatures. When buying, you need to take care of the safety of the plant: it is carefully packed and transported in a car.

Provide the plant at home with the usual room temperature - + 18-24 degrees. The poinsettia will also withstand a temperature of 14 degrees above zero, but it will not be able to live in it for a long time. In spring and summer, after flowering, poinsettias need coolness: + 16- + 18 degrees. This will be a kind of dormant period, thanks to which the flower will gain strength for a new flowering.

Watering and humidity

The Christmas star needs a lot of water, the lack of moisture is perceived very painfully. It is necessary to water the paunsetia abundantly throughout the growing season. However, daily watering is not always required. You should check if the earth in the pot has dried out. It is best to water with settled water at room temperature.

It is important to create optimal conditions, the plant loves humidity, does not tolerate too dry air. Our apartments are heated in winter, so the humidity may not be enough. Poinsettia will be capricious - shed leaves, flowers. In order to prevent trouble, it is enough to buy an ordinary air humidifier, which is useful, by the way, not only for the Christmas star, but also for human health.

How to feed a poinsettia

Buy fertilizer for flowering plants and please the beauty with additional nutrition. This will positively affect the state of the flower, allow the development of lush leaves and bracts.

  • Every two to three weeks during the period of active growth, in the fall, the plant is fed with solutions of complex mineral fertilizers.
  • When the Christmas star forms buds, potash-phosphorus fertilizers are used.

Poinsettia transplant

Transplantation is required after the end of flowering. The plant needs fresh soil and more space. The best time for transplantation is the spring months - March, April, May. After flowering, the poinsettia is cut short (more on this below) and transplanted into a looser pot.

gardening shops sell special formulations land for euphorbia, it is best to use them. The composition of the soil includes: leafy soil (2 parts), clay turf (3 parts), peat (1 part), sand (1 part). To ensure excellent absorbency and remove excess water, it is necessary to put a layer of expanded clay on the bottom of the pot. The capacity for transplantation is taken small, slightly freer than the previous one.

How to crop a poinsettia photo

During transplantation, the plant can be injured, it is better to transplant it together with a clod of earth by transshipment, trying to maintain the integrity of the root system.

How to trim the poinsettia after flowering at home will tell another video:

Pruning the poinsettia is necessary for the proper formation of the bush, in order to avoid the formation of many stems, which will be very thin, take strength from the plant, which can lead not only to a lack of flowering, but even to the death of the plant.

Propagation of poinsettia by cuttings

Trimmed tops will be an excellent planting material. The resulting cuttings are used for rooting.

Poinsettia propagation by cuttings photo and video

  • 7-10 cm in length and a few buds are enough for the cutting to become a new viable plant.
  • Cut cuttings are slightly dried in the air for two hours to stop the release of juice.
  • After that, aging in a root solution is desirable, which will become a good activation for the formation of roots.
  • We take the ground for euphorbia, fall asleep in cups with drainage holes and “plant” the cuttings to a depth of 2-3 cm. Moisten the substrate, cover with cut plastic bottles. During rooting, do not allow the temperature to drop below twenty degrees Celsius.

Remember that the poinsettia is not a completely harmless plant; poisonous juice is released when pruned. No cutting work with bare hands Be sure to wear rubber gloves. All accessories are washed after work warm water. Don't forget to wash your hands thoroughly. Do not let children touch the poinsettia, keep away from animals. Poison juice can cause poisoning.

How to make a poinsettia bloom Caring for a poinsettia after flowering

Poinsettia started up new shoots after pruning and will bloom soon photo

In order for the poinsettia to please with flowering many times, you just need to know the features life cycle plants in natural conditions. By simulating periods of dormancy and active growth, you can easily achieve beautiful flowering.

Do the following:

  • Water with less water when the poinsettia has faded. Resetting leaves after flowering is normal, do not be afraid.
  • When only bare branches remain, cut off all the tops. Most of the plant should be cut to a height of up to 10 centimeters;
  • After pruning, a transplant is carried out without damaging the roots, along with an old clod of earth.
  • In the summer, a dormant period begins, the poinsettia should rest and gain strength before the next flowering in December. She is placed in a dark cool place.
  • At the end of the dormant period of 2-3 months, we put the poinsettia in a bright place, increase watering.
  • Feed the Christmas star at the beginning of active leaf growth.
  • Numerous processes are best removed, leaving only a few of the strongest. By the way, cut shoots can also be easily rooted.
  • In September, responsible time begins. Beautiful flowers by Christmas will be obtained subject to necessary conditions. Buds are laid in autumn, flowers appear in winter. Many flower growers have mixed feelings, they do not know what to do to make the flower bloom. In autumn, daylight hours remain long, while poinsettias need a short one. She should sleep 14 hours, 10 hours awake in bright light. Move it to a dark cabinet or cover it with a cover after 10 hours of exposure to light. Water moderately, without excess moisture.
  • Two months of such conditions will provide further development flower. Bright bracts will bloom, after a while flowers will appear.

By fulfilling the conditions listed above, you will receive a blooming poinsettia for the New Year and Christmas holidays.

How to care for a poinsettia at home Poinsettia transplant video blooming poinsettia

In winter, a beautiful poinsettia, a Christmas star, appears on the shelves of flower shops. We’ll talk about home care today, because many after the purchase simply don’t know what to do with the flower, as a result, the plant often dies.

Poinsettia is a beautiful or Bethlehem star - a tropical plant, the Euphorbiaceae family. It is also called the most beautiful euphorbia. In the wild, lovely bushes reach gigantic sizes, grow up to three meters high.

Although the plant blooms with nondescript flowers, it has become a symbol of Christmas and new year holidays because of the bracts, brightly colored red. Winter flowering has made the plant very popular in Russia, where there is not enough rich colors at this time.

How to grow poinsettia at home

The plant looks beautiful on the windowsill against the background of snow-covered trees, you can see the beauty for four whole months. Moreover, poinsettias with leaves of pink, burgundy, and white are now bred.

A properly grown, well-groomed and timely cut plant will bloom once a year. Many complain after purchase that the flower quickly loses its decorative effect, sometimes along with the leaves. Below we will look at why this happens. Now we will learn in more detail what to do with the plant so that it becomes an ornament, and not the cause of a headache.

Poinsettia, how to care, photo

To some, the care of a tropical miniature shrub is very difficult. Some even throw away the flower when it begins to shed its leaves, thinking that it is dead. You just need to know a few features when growing poinsettia. Then you can easily achieve annual flowering and even propagate the plant.

What to do with poinsettia after purchase

We usually buy a flower in winter, at the beginning of its flowering. All plants are sold in special transport soil and small pots. This soil in its composition is very poor for a flowering plant. But, precisely because it is impossible to touch a flower during such a period, we do not transplant it, we do not cut it, we do not carry out such actions at all.

The plant brought from the store just needs to be placed on a bright windowsill in a cool room, just do not make a draft.

Most likely, when fading, the poinsettia will shed its foliage, the quality of the soil and the change in the microclimate will affect. But you should not be afraid of this, later it will begin to give new shoots and bloom.

I want to talk a little about choosing a flower. First of all, look deep into the bracts, where the flowers are. We need to assess their condition, they should not be fully opened to the stamens, do not buy a plant with wrinkled, dried flowers, which means that the plant is already fading.

We look at the condition of the shoots, they should be evenly colored, without spots and sit tightly in the ground.

Poinsettia Lighting

Tropical plant with a short flowering day. That is, poinsettia blooms only in winter, when it starts to get dark early in our country. Many do not know this feature and turn on bright lighting next to the flower, thus confusing it.

In normal mode, the flower needs bright light, but not under direct sunbeams, otherwise all the decorativeness will go away and in general the flower may get burned.

Most often, the plant is planted on the southeastern windows, so that it has enough light, it is illuminated with lamps. At the same time, it must be remembered that daylight hours cannot be artificially increased by them, otherwise they will not bloom.

Temperature regime

During the flowering period, we reduce the temperature to +14 - +18, most importantly, not lower than +12. In normal times, you can keep +18 - +24, in no case overheat the flower.

Poinsettia reacts sharply to a sharp temperature drop and can even shed foliage, completely refuse to bloom.

When the poinsettia fades and "hibernates", then the temperature and lighting should be reduced. You can rearrange it in a cool shaded room.

The plant is very afraid of dampness, overflowing is worse for it than a temperature jump. You can not arrange a strict watering regime, for example, twice a week. Humidity and temperature conditions are different in every season. Yes, and a lot depends on the composition of the soil, one dries faster, the other holds moisture longer.

Before watering the poinsettia, check the soil, with your fingers we go deep into the pot as far as possible. At a depth of two centimeters, the soil is still wet, we cancel watering, we wait until it dries completely.

We water the plant with slightly warm water, always filtered or melted. It is better to water from a watering can, a kettle with a spout. We pour water until it begins to seep into the pan. Then pour out the excess from the pan.

top dressing

The poinsettia blooms during the winter, with a dormant period in the spring. Therefore, it is necessary to feed it in the same way as other winter-flowering plants, for example, Persian cyclamen.

We start top dressing from the month of May and once every two weeks we apply fertilizer throughout all winter months, we finish in March-April, we focus on the flowering of the plant.

As a top dressing, we use a special ready-made mixture of fertilizers for milkweed. We bring in wet soil, it is better to combine with watering.

What to do after flowering

It is very important to provide the room beauty with the right rest after flowering. The plant expends a lot of energy, especially if it blooms for a long time. Often after that even loses foliage.

I already wrote above, there is no need to be afraid of this, the phenomenon is quite normal. We simply cut off the shoots and remove the pot from a bright place in partial shade. We also reduce watering, we remove top dressing completely. In this state of rest, the plant will be six weeks, the time from March to May.

Poinsettia how to prune a plant

The plant needs pruning after each flowering. The fact is that beautiful red, white, pale pink leaves are formed only on young shoots. In addition, by doing pruning, we subsequently get a more lush bush.

Pruning is carried out at the end of flowering and leaf shedding. Then, with the help of a pruner, we cut off all the shoots, leaving 15 cm above the soil. The main thing is that we have one or two internodes left.

Then, after a while, you will see many young shoots begin to appear. The crown should not be thickened, so we leave no more than five of the strongest processes, cut out the rest. Yes, they can be used as planting material if you need to propagate the plant.

Reproduction of poinsettia

The flower is propagated at home only by cuttings. We cut out the cuttings that grow back after pruning. Requirements for them - strong shoots are needed, 15 cm long, with well-developed leaves.

During reproduction, there is one subtlety, you already know, all plants from this family on the cut secrete a thick white liquid, by the way, poisonous. It dries very quickly and therefore rooting is not always successful.

Then we take a small plastic cup, fill it with soil and just stick the cutting. We water and close the bag, accelerating rooting, in a year the plant can already bloom. We add perlite, coarse river sand to the soil for rooting, so that it is as loose as possible and retains moisture.

It is reasonable to cut the cuttings not only after pruning, but also the apical cuttings. The main thing is not to do this during flowering.

Under cover, water the cuttings frequently to keep the soil moist. After a month, we remove the greenhouse and keep the plant in its usual position, in the fall it should already be transplanted into a real pot.

How to transplant a poinsettia

The plant is usually transplanted when the roots become crowded, often two to three years pass. To do this, take a pot a couple of centimeters wider than the previous one and prepare the soil.

For the soil we will need:

  • Two pieces of leafy land
  • Part of the peat
  • Three pieces of sod land
  • Part of coarse river sand

In general, it is easier to buy ready-made soil mixture in the store. We also need pebbles or expanded clay for the drainage layer. We prepare the pot, make drainage, fill the soil, a few centimeters, then by transshipment we move the flower to a new pot, fill the voids with soil.

The transplant is done at the end of the dormant period, when shoot growth is activated, at this time it is easier for the plant to move to a new place.

How to stimulate flowering

The most important thing for us is to achieve flowering so that beautiful leaves appear on top of the shoots.

Starting from October, every evening, at about 5 p.m., we cover the plant with a dark bag, a box, or transfer it to a closet. After 14 hours, it turns out 7 in the morning, we pull it out to its original place.

Such a regimen will be important for our beauty for about two months, only then, when the kidneys are laid, we will return everything to normal conditions. And soon you will notice the appearance of decorative bracts.

Causes of poinsettia diseases

Most often, we observe leaf fall, this is completely normal, at the end of flowering, but it can be a sign of improper care:

  1. The plant is too hot
  2. Frozen while you were transporting it
  3. The flower lacks light
  4. Draft

Spots, raids, even holes may appear on the leaves, the latter may indicate too high acidity. If the salt content is increased, then you will see a whitish coating on the leaves.

Brown spots often appear along the edges of the leaves, this happens from improper watering, a sharp change in temperature, or unbalanced top dressing.

The plant has a chance to “catch” more serious diseases:

  • root rot
  • stem rot
  • Gray rot
  • brown rot
  • Marbling of the leaves

At different types rot, you can use special fungicides, for example - foundationazole. Processing takes place strictly according to the instructions, if the disease is noticed on time, then the plant can be quickly saved, but with the marbling that pests provoke, it will not be possible to expect success, the plant will have to be destroyed.

Sometimes the leaves are covered with a white coating, but not because of an excess of salt. This is powdery mildew, which is easily removed by treatment with a phytosporin solution.

Of the pests on the plant, we can also meet a large number of insects:

  • whitefly
  • thrips
  • Mealybug
  • spider mite
  • Shchitovki

You can quickly get rid of all of them by treating the plant with a special insecticide, the main thing is to notice the settlements in time, to prevent them from causing severe harm to the plant.

Poinsettia drops leaves in December, what to do

In early December, the plant begins to bloom. But it is at this time that the flower can surprise and throw off the foliage. Most often this is due to climate change (if the flower is brought from the store).

It is worth checking the ambient temperature, rather the poinsettias are just hot. Everything is in order with the temperature, so we look at the condition of the soil, there can also be such a reaction to improper watering.

Try to move the flower, maybe it is in a too dark corner. Just do not immediately need sharp contrasts, a fragile plant reacts to them very painfully.

The poinsettia flower in its full bloom is a very beautiful sight, but short-lived. It has long been considered a symbol of home wealth and comfort. This plant native to Mexico is well known to growers as spurge beautiful.

But in the people it is most often called " christmas star". Because it is during the Christmas period that her bright flowers from the leaves begin to brightly “light up” on our windowsills.

Poinsettia care requires the creation of favorable conditions. Then it will not cause you much trouble and will prolong its flowering. This beauty will always be a great gift for yourself and loved ones, and using the tips below, you can make her a perennial that delights with beauty every Christmas.

Varieties of poinsettia

The first thing you will encounter before buying is the choice of variety. Here are its main varieties when grown at home:

  • Oak Leaf - the first artificially bred variety, the shape of the leaves resembles oak;
  • Cortez Burgundy - rich shade of crimson leaves;
  • Cortez Red - its leaves are scarlet in color, there are dark green veins;
  • Premium Red - classic poinsettia, the leaves are pointed, the center of the flowers-blossoms is yellow;
  • Premium Miro - white-pink buds, have some curvature and compactness;
  • Winter Rose White - delicate milky-colored leaves, their compactness will remind a beautiful winter rose;
  • White Star - another representative with white leaves at the top, they are elongated, pointed and resemble a star;
  • Da Vinci - named after the painter, striking with the elegance of pinkish foliage with red splashes;
  • Jingle Bells - as if creating a New Year's mood for everyone, its carmine leaves seem to be wrapped in white flakes.

Actually varieties of this beautiful indoor flower a lot of. From the most innocent white shades to rich crimson. Choosing exactly your variety, you can easily get lost in all this diversity.

Attention! When choosing a poinsettia, carefully examine it. The stems of the plant should be completely hidden by green leaves, and the bracts should be uniformly correctly colored. The presence of a green color on the bract most often indicates a poor condition of the plant.

For shopping, you should give preference to heated stores. Unfortunately in open markets, there is a great chance to stumble upon a plant with frozen roots.

What to do after buying a poinsettia

So, the purchase is made and you, satisfied, bring the poinsettia home. What to do next?

First, choose a well-lit window sill for it. Keep in mind she does not tolerate drafts! While the poinsettia will acclimatize, create room temperature for it at the level of 16-17 degrees.

The process of getting used to it will last for about three weeks. After that, transplant it into the ground, after making good drainage, adding sand and vermiculite there.

This video shows how to care for the plant after purchase, how to prune it and how to get it to bloom next year:

Pests and diseases of succulent

Of course, this beauty can also get sick. Any non-compliance with the rules of caring for her can provoke the development of the disease. In poinsettia, the leaves may begin to turn yellow or turn pale, the foliage may fall off, the color may not become so saturated.

All these "symptoms" indicate that you have waterlogged the soil, put the plant pot in a draft, or violated the dormant period. All this can be easily avoided by eliminating the root cause.

From pests this beauty most often suffers from attack by thrips, spider mites and mealybugs. If the problem is identified in time, it will not be difficult to get rid of it. Wipe the plant with soapy water and rinse under a warm shower (but do not over-moisten the soil).

Poinsettia: home care

How to care for a poinsettia? In practice, everything looks rather difficult. You will have to provide several conditions for this.

Plant placement

As mentioned above, poinsettia loves bright places, completely hidden from the draft.

In the summer it is better to take her out into the open air, from this she will only feel better.

If this is not possible, you can simply ventilate the room often (without creating a draft, of course).

If the plant receives little light in winter, it will easily shed its foliage. Therefore, it is important to create for her additional sources Sveta.


The optimal and constant temperature for poinsettia is approximately 17-20 degrees. The extreme lower limit is permissible during the flowering period - 14 degrees. During the dormant period, the border can shift up to -12 degrees. In general, the main thing does not like the plant - this is a sharp fluctuation in temperature.

Particular attention should be paid to air humidity. Excessively dry air causes the poinsettia to shed its foliage.

Spray the leaves with warm water as often as possible. This will lead not only to her better "well-being", but also get rid of the spider mite.


In summer, the plant should be watered much more often than in winter, when it has faded.

It is extremely important not to use cold tap water.

And do not allow excessive formation of moisture in the soil.

Otherwise, the roots can easily rot from this. Ideally, if the soil is of medium moisture.

top dressing

Poinsettias require mineral fertilizer every two weeks from spring to autumn. In summer, it is also necessary to feed with the composition of mineral fertilizer plus a solution of mullein.

During flowering, mineral dressings are not applied.. It is enough to apply potash fertilizer.


In the spring of every year The most beautiful poinsettia needs a transplant. Around March, the stems need to be cut by a third and left in a warm room. It is important that the sun's rays get there. Water with warm water.

And after the appearance of the leaves, you should immediately transplant the flower into a pot a size larger than the latter. After transplantation, the temperature in the room must be maintained optimally at 20 degrees. Water and spray the poinsettia regularly with lukewarm water.

After the emergence of shoots leave only the five or six strongest of them. The remaining shoots are removed and can be used as cuttings for further propagation.


Since the poinsettia grows quite quickly, after flowering it must be pruned. To prevent unnecessary large sizes. The poinsettia flower is sheared, leaving it about 10 cm tall from the ground.


Reproduction of poinsettia occurs cuttings in spring and summer.

Since there is a milky juice inside the plant, the cuttings must first be placed in warm water to drain.

After that, they are taken out, dried and rooted in a soil consisting of a mixture of peat and sand.

Two-liter pots are perfect for planting cuttings, each of which can hold two cuttings.

Advice! Many advise dipping poinsettia cuttings in root to accelerate growth. If you also want to speed up the process, you can use this experience.

Poinsettia cuttings are deepened by no more than 1 cm so that rotting does not happen. The temperature is elevated, the approximate range is 24-28 degrees. Also, pots with cuttings will need regular airing and spraying.

Poinsettia after flowering

After the flowering phase, the poinsettia inevitably comes rest time.

March-April, the beauty does not bloom at all, green leaves appear completely on top of the bracts. Even in such a period, she requires attention:

  1. Place it to a shady place where it will be cool (12-15 degrees)
  2. Spend pruning. Shoots 10 cm high will be enough
  3. Reduce watering to a minimum. You can even let the soil dry out a bit from watering to watering.

In this state, the flower will stay for about one and a half or two months.

In fact, caring for a capricious poinsettia is not so difficult. The main thing is to observe favorable conditions for it.

Having done everything right, you will increase its decorative ability several times, and a pot of dense green vegetation with bright colors will become the object of everyone's attention and admiration.

poinsettia able to decorate your home during the winter holidays. This plant blooms shortly before the New Year, for which it received its second name - christmas star. Such a flower can be given as a gift or used as a decoration. holiday table. However, in order for the poinsettia bush to please you with its beautiful flowering, behind it needs to be properly cared for.

This plant is native to Central America. For good growth and it blooms needs conditions close to tropical.

What to look for when buying a poinsettia

To bright beautiful flower pleased you on New Year's holidays, it is necessary to approach the acquisition very responsibly. Read the recommendations of experts and make the right choice.

  1. When choosing a flower in the store, carefully inspect the bracts and leaves. They should be red or yellow-green in color. The surface of the leaf blades should not contain pollen. A plant with yellow leaves and pollen has already begun to bloom and will shed its bright bracts very soon.
  2. The poinsettia bush should have an even, beautiful shape and the same number of leaves on all sides.
  3. If the flowers and bracts have a greenish color, this is a sign of poor plant quality. In a healthy poinsettia, the bracts may be red, white, pink or yellow, depending on the variety.
  4. A healthy bush should not have dry, withering or rotting shoots, diseased twisted leaves. In addition, there should be no traces of pests on the leaves.
  5. It is very useful when buying to check the soil in a pot. If the soil is excessively damp, the flower may be affected by root rot.
  6. When choosing a Christmas star in the store, look at those copies that are unpacked and freely standing on the counter.
  7. Pay attention to the dimensions of the poinsettia. An adult flower is twice or three times the size of the pot in which it is planted.

It is best to purchase a Christmas star in specialized stores. If the temperature is low outside, you need to transport the flower wrapped in thick paper and placed in a large box or bag.

How to transplant a flower after purchase

If the flower was purchased just before the holidays, it is better to postpone the Christmas star transplant for a while.

Home care provides complete rest for a few days after purchase.

Categorically it is not recommended to replant the poinsettia during the period of bright flowering- it can lose its bracts and lose its attractiveness. It is most reasonable to carry out a transplant in spring time. In April, the poinsettia flower ends its rest period, and it begins to release young leaves.

It is better to choose a large and spacious pot for poinsettia. The soil should be slightly acidic. You can prepare your own mixture of leaf, peat and clay-turf soil. Be sure to take care of the drainage layer to ensure the outflow of excess fluid. Transplantation is best done by transshipment - this way the plant will experience less stress. It is desirable to transplant together with an earthen clod, then the bush will take root faster in a new pot.

Christmas star care at home

It is very important for the poinsettia flower to be in a well-lit area, but direct sunlight can harm the plant. On the other hand, in the shade, the leaves will begin to fall off the flower, and it will lose all its attractiveness.

A particularly large amount of light will be required by the plant in winter, during the period of active flowering. Additional resources can be used for this purpose. artificial lighting.

Temperature regime

Since the poinsettia reacts very poorly to drafts and temperature fluctuations, it should be kept away from windows, air conditioners and fans.

The optimum temperature for growing this flower at home is +18 - 22 degrees Celsius.

If the air temperature drops below +10 degrees, the plant loses its bracts and stops growing and developing.

During the dormant period, you should not change the temperature regime dramatically, it is enough to lower the temperature at night by a couple of degrees.

In the summer, a pot with a Christmas star can be placed on an open veranda or balcony.

Air humidity and watering rules

A dry and hot climate is very harmful for the Christmas star. During the heating season, poinsettia must be sprayed with settled water at room temperature.

During flowering, the poinsettia should be watered abundantly. It is very important not to allow the water in the pot to stagnate or the soil to dry out. If the top layer of soil in the pot is dry, the plant can be watered. An hour after watering, you need to drain excess water from the pan.

top dressing

It is necessary to feed the poinsettia in spring and summer with complex mineral fertilizers. This needs to be done twice a month.

During the active flowering of poinsettia, fertilizing with potassium preparations for flowering will be required. indoor plants. You can use fertilizer for cacti.

And during the flowering period, he needs to be fed with potash fertilizers specially designed for flowering plants. Also, the flower responds well to fertilizers for cacti.

plant care calendar

Poinsettia care and reproduction is carried out depending on the season:

  1. February-March the plant is in a dormant phase. At this time, he does not need too much heat air and moderate watering with a small amount of water.
  2. April or May the plant can be transplanted into a larger pot. Care at this time is carried out according to standard rules. The plant needs enough heat and moisture. Additional lighting is not required at this time. If there is no need to transplant the poinsettia, you can trim.
  3. In July the plant is subjected to pinching, removing all unnecessary processes. 1.5 cm or more is removed from each shoot.
  4. August-September the plant enters a period of active vegetation. At this time, it is very important to provide the flower with maximum lighting. The pot with the plant can be placed on the sunny side.
  5. Early October The plant is getting ready to bloom. At this time, it will need to be placed in the dark daily for 14-16 hours for 2 months. To do this, you can cover the plant with a cardboard box.
  6. December the period of active flowering begins. As soon as buds begin to appear, the plant must be moved to the light.
  7. In January poinsettia is finishing blooming. After the bracts fall, it is necessary to cut off all the shoots, leaving 10-15 cm on each.

How to stimulate new flowering

After the Christmas star begins to fall leaves, reduce watering and stop fertilizing. The soil in the pot should be almost dry.

  1. In early April, the plant is pruned, which gives it a new impetus to growth. At this time, the flower will need intense lighting, regular abundant watering and top dressing. For feeding use special mineral fertilizers. Transplantation should be carried out when it becomes clear that the plant has actively moved into growth.
  2. To stimulate the plant to bloom for the New Year holidays, it will take a long time in complete darkness. You can start such “Long Nights” in October. At night, the plant is cleaned in a closet or covered, and taken out into the light during the day.
  3. As soon as the bracts form on the plant, you can return to the usual care regimen.

At the end of March, the plant enters a dormant period and completely sheds its foliage. At this time, they stop watering it and leave it in a cool room with subdued light. You can only water occasionally so that the soil does not dry out completely.

Reproduction of poinsettia at home

At home, poinsettia can only be propagated cuttings. Under natural conditions, this plant can also propagate by seeds.

When choosing a cutting, you should give preference to the most strong shoots with 5-6 leaves. The length of the shoot is at least 7 cm. You can use for propagation shoots that remain after transplanting and pruning an adult plant.

Trimming the shoot is required under the lowest node. The lower leaves should be removed and the cutting should be placed in water for 10 minutes to let the poisonous milky juice of the plant come out.

The cutting should be planted in well-drained soil. From above, the container with the handle is covered with a jar or plastic wrap. The plant needs bright, abundant lighting, but not in direct sunlight - they can cause burns.

Periodically, the sprout should be ventilated and sprayed with water at room temperature.

It takes about a month for the cutting to root. After the appearance of young leaves, it is necessary to pinch the shoots to form a beautiful bush shape.

Pests and diseases

Poinsettia may experience yellowing and loss of foliage. This can be caused by a wide variety of factors - improper watering, being in drafts, lack of lighting.

In excessively dry air, a spider mite can start on a plant. This red spider weaves a web on the underside of the leaves. To destroy this pest, you can wash the leaves with tobacco infusion or ground sulfur. You can buy ready-made products in the store.

To kill a mealybug or scale insect, wash the leaves with a sponge or cloth with soap and water. Next, the plant is thoroughly washed with warm water from the shower. If such a measure proves to be ineffective, it is necessary to look for special means in stores.

It should be remembered that the poinsettia is very poisonous plant. The milky juice of this flower can cause very severe skin irritation. Therefore, children or pets should not be allowed near the flower in order to avoid severe poisoning.

with the onset of the New Year holidays, the flower shop shelves are literally filled with amazing plants with red, pink or apricot bracts that stand out against the background of lush green leaves. No wonder the beautiful poinsettia is called the "Christmas star" in another way, because it is on Christmas days that the flower takes on a particularly decorative look.

Poinsettia is a very picky culture and requires special conditions, so many unlucky flower growers prefer to get rid of a plant that has stopped blooming. However, if you take care of the flower with knowledge and love, the poinsettia can grow beautifully at home, every year, from the beginning of December to the end of March, delighting with its unusual outfit.

Description and features of the plant

The botanical name of the beautiful poinsettia is Euphorbia pulcherrima. In the wild, it grows in the form of a lush bush, reaching a height of 4 m. The plant belongs to the genus Euphorbia, its homeland is Mexico and Central America, where the shrub, hiding from the tropical heat, has chosen semi-shaded places on fertile soils.

Euphorbia is the most beautiful (this is another name for the plant) has straight hollow stems and oval elongated leaves with intricately jagged edges. The flowers that the plant throws out once a year are inconspicuous in appearance and are small yellow balls. The special attraction of poinsettia is given by bracts - leaves located on the stem of the flower. If in other plants the bracts are usually small and barely noticeable, then in this culture they are the same size as the main leaves, moreover, they are painted bright red. In nature, such a defiant color is necessary to attract bees and other flying insects to pollination.

In order for the poinsettia to bloom, it must be in the dark for more than 12 hours a day. This is due to the fact that the bracts of this plant contain unique photoreceptor proteins, which, with a significant reduction in daylight hours, contribute to a change in their natural color. With the onset of late autumn, when the day decreases sharply, the bracts become bright red. In crops bred by breeders, they can be not only red, but also apricot, pink, yellow and other colors. There are varieties with variegated and striped leaves.

In nature, the most beautiful poinsettia blooms for no more than two months. At home, with proper care, new varieties of this crop can delight with their flowering appearance for six months, after which the color of the bracts begins to fade and they fall off. The plant enters a dormant phase.

Like all representatives of the genus Euphorbiaceae, poinsettia secretes milky juice. This caustic white substance, which appears on the cut of a stem or leaf, is considered slightly poisonous. Scientists have proven that poinsettia juice is safe for human life, however, pruning and transplanting the plant should be done with rubber gloves.

Buying a poinsettia

Sellers and carriers of flower crops do not always comply with the rules for transporting delicate goods. The flower may freeze slightly, stand in a draft, or suffer from improper watering. Therefore, before you buy a poinsettia, you need to consider the plant from all sides and pay special attention to the following nuances.

  1. The plant should be compact, with many dark green elastic leaves. You should not buy a flower with leaves that are brown at the edges, as this defect is a sure sign of damage by harmful insects. If the leaves turn yellow and curl, the plant may have suffered from dampness and cold, and this leads to the appearance of root rot.
  2. A plant that is just about to bloom has many light green or pinkish buds without pollen. Yellow pollen is a sign that the poinsettia has been in bloom for a long time and will soon shed its bright decoration.
  3. The soil in the pot should be moderately moist. The flower does not tolerate complete drying or waterlogging of an earthy coma.
  4. Bracts should have a uniform saturated color, without spots and inclusions. Any deviations in the color of the bracts indicate improper cultivation of seedlings. Such a plant may soon die.

Having bought a copy that you like, you need to properly transport it home. Since poinsettia is usually bought in winter, it is necessary first of all to ensure that the plant does not freeze on the way. The flower pot must be installed in a cardboard box and delivered to the destination as soon as possible.

You should not buy beautiful poinsettia in outlets located on the street. After standing for several minutes in cold air, the flower will inevitably die.

Poinsettia Care

The life cycle of a poinsettia consists of three phases: flowering, dormancy and vegetation. At home, the plant does not always bloom again. This is because few flower growers know how to care for this plant, how often to water the poinsettia, how to cut and propagate it correctly.

When growing this crop in large volumes, various growth inhibitors are used to obtain a lush and leveled bush. After the purchase, having lost the supply of additional trace elements, the flower changes - soon the trunk begins to become bare, beautiful bracts fall off. This can be avoided by creating favorable conditions for the plant, watering and feeding on time.

Location and lighting

During the period of growth and flowering, the best "home" for poinsettia will be sunny, draft-protected places. It is better not to grow this culture on the northern windows, because due to the lack of light, flowering will be very short.

IN winter time for a flowering plant, it is necessary to extend the daylight hours with the help of artificial lighting. In autumn, when spurge is just about to bloom, on the contrary, in order to reduce daylight hours, the plant is covered with dark material or a cardboard box for 14 hours a day for two months.

The poinsettia does not tolerate drafts, but loves fresh air very much. Therefore, the room in which this capricious beauty is located must be often ventilated.


The plant does not tolerate sudden temperature fluctuations. During the growing season and flowering, the optimum temperature is + 20 ° C, during dormancy - + 15 ° C. The minimum temperature threshold that a flower can withstand for a short time is + 12 ° C.

It is not recommended to take the poinsettia to the balcony or veranda in the cold season, even if they are glazed. In addition, contact between the leaves of the plant and cold glass should not be allowed. This may kill the flower.

During the dormant period, the plant should be kept in a cool room where the air temperature does not rise above + 15 ° C. Therefore, you can not put a container with a flower next to the heaters.


In the summer, the most beautiful euphorbia requires frequent and plentiful watering; after flowering, the number of waterings can be reduced. It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the earthy coma, to prevent its complete drying up and at the same time not to flood the plant.

Water must completely saturate the soil mixture, freely pass through the drainage, and its residues must seep through the drainage hole into the pan.

When watering the beautiful poinsettia, the water in the pot should not be allowed to stagnate. This will inevitably lead to the formation of root rot.

The water used to water the plant should be slightly warmer than room temperature. From cold water the flower sheds its leaves. In addition, the water should not contain chlorine and other chemical elements, so tap water must be defended before use.

Air humidity

Like any flower crop that is native to tropical forests, the most beautiful euphorbia loves high humidity. Therefore, the air next to the plant should be sprayed twice a day with clean warm water. When carrying out this procedure, it is necessary to avoid getting moisture on the leaves, as they can become stained.

If the room is very hot and dry, there is a possibility of reproduction of the main pest of poinsettia - the spider mite. During dormancy, spraying is stopped, and with the onset of the summer season, it is resumed.

Top dressings and fertilizers

Feed the poinsettia only during the period of growth and development. As soon as flowering begins, stop fertilizing. As top dressing, you can use complex mineral fertilizers designed specifically for ornamental plants. Feed the flower twice a month.

By the state of the plant, you can always recognize what exactly it lacks. So, if the leaves turn yellow and fall off, this is a sure sign that the flower is standing in a draft. Pale inflorescences and spots on the leaves indicate that a large amount of water has entered the plant parts. Root rot, accompanied by falling leaves and inflorescences, occurs due to too frequent watering.


The most suitable time for transplanting poinsettia is the end of April and the beginning of May. In early March, the plant that is planned to be transplanted is cut off by 1/3 of the stems and the flower pot is placed in a warm place until new leaves appear. At this time, it is very important to provide enough light and regular watering with warm water.

As soon as young greens appear on the shortened shoots, the flower can be transplanted. The soil is prepared by mixing turf, peat, leaf soil and sand in equal proportions. The finished mixture should be quite loose and not too acidic. It is necessary to remember about the drainage device.

The capacity for plant transplantation should be slightly larger than the old pot. The poinsettia is carefully pulled out, trying not to damage the root system, and, placed in a new container, sprinkled with soil substrate. Then the plant is placed in a warm place, regularly watered and humidified.

After a while, new shoots will appear. Of these, you need to leave 4-5 of the strongest, and remove the rest.

crown formation

Poinsettias are pruned twice: after flowering and after emerging from dormancy. As soon as the plant fades, the stems are shortened by more than half, leaving 5 buds. The container with the flower is kept in a cool, dry place. The rest period lasts about two months. Watering the plant at this time should be extremely rare, only when the earth ball is completely dried up.

With the beginning of the growing season, in May, the flower is transferred to a warmer room and all weak shoots are cut off, leaving 4-5 most developed and powerful shoots. The result should be an even, not too thick crown.

Reproduction of poinsettia

In nature, the most beautiful spurge reproduces by seeds, at home only with the help of cuttings. Best time for breeding poinsettia - spring and summer.

To rejuvenate or propagate a plant, the following manipulations must be done.

  1. Choose a young shoot and cut off a cutting with 3-5 developed buds. The length of the handle must be at least 7 cm.
  2. Trim the shoot as close to the bottom node as possible.
  3. For a few minutes, place the cutting in a glass of warm water in order to wash off the milky juice that has come out from the cut.
  4. Then the future plant is placed for half an hour in a container with Kornevin or another drug that stimulates the formation of the root system.
  5. A soil mixture is prepared from peat, humus and sand, watered abundantly and cuttings are planted to a depth of no more than 1 cm. The minimum soil temperature should be + 26 ° C.
  6. Pots with sprouts are covered with plastic wrap and placed in a warm, bright room. When growing seedlings, it is necessary to ventilate and spray plantings from time to time, and also protect them from direct sunlight.

Rooting usually lasts at least a month. Young sprouts are transplanted into larger pots and cared for as adult plants. The first flowering comes in a year.

Poinsettia diseases

Poinsettia is often subject to various diseases, the most common of which are gray rot, fusarium, powdery mildew.

  • Gray rot

If the room where the poinsettia grows is very humid, the flower can become ill with gray rot. This is evidenced by a gray coating on the stems and shoots, as well as brown spots on the leaves. If measures are not taken in time, the leaves will gradually fade and fall off, and the plant will die.

You can fight gray rot with the help of preparations "Skor", "Fundozol", "Chistotsvet".

  • powdery mildew

A grayish coating that appears on the front and back of the leaves indicates that the plant is affected. powdery mildew. If the plaque is carefully scraped off, then under it you can find dark spots. At the beginning of the disease, you can get rid of the lesion with the help of Fitosporin-M. If the disease is advanced and has affected most of the plant, stronger preparations must be used for processing, for example, Topaz or Skor.

  • Fusarium

The shoots of a plant affected by Fusarium turn black and gradually die off. To prevent the spread of this fungal disease, the affected plants are removed, and the remaining plantings are treated with "Baktofit" or "Tekto".

Pests of milkweed beautiful

If you detect pests in a timely manner, then getting rid of your favorite plant will not be so difficult. With a small number of insects, you can do with rubbing the leaves with soapy foam. To do this, you need to take a piece of laundry soap, make a solution and wipe the leaves of the plant with it.

In the event that the bush is large, you can spray it with a spray bottle. A few minutes after applying the soap solution, the flower is placed under the shower and the soap residue is washed off under running warm water. To fix the result, a plastic bag is put on the plant and tied at the bottom so as to completely stop the access of air. Not a single pest can withstand such a gas chamber.

Having once bought the most beautiful poinsettia, you will want to admire this peculiar plant every year at Christmas. This is quite possible if you create the appropriate conditions for your pet and skillfully care for the flower.
