

















The Incas



America was inhabited by 40 thousand years ago by immigrants from Asia.

Most of the residents were hunting And fishing , but in the south it was developed agriculture (potatoes, sunflower, cocoa, tobacco, tomatoes, corn ). Of the pets were - dogs and llamas . The Indians did not know iron, plow and wheel, firearms.

  • tribal orders
  • At the head - the leader
  • Pagan beliefs, clergy - priests


The Maya culture developed over a vast territory exceeding 325 thousand square kilometers, approximately where the Mexican states of Yucatan, Campeche, Quintana Roo, Tabasco, the eastern part of the state of Chiapas, most of Guatemala are currently located (with the exception of a narrow strip of the Pacific coast) , Belize and the western part of Honduras and El Salvador. On this vast territory, the most diverse climate, vegetation, and relief are presented, that is, there are various ecological systems that served as protection for the Maya from time immemorial.

In fact, the Maya included different, but similar in their ethnic composition, groups with more or less close physical features, who spoke different languages, forming a single linguistic branch (so far, 24 Mayan languages ​​​​are spoken in this area) and inherited the same culture.

Territory occupied by civilization Mayan. The border of the Maya culture is highlighted in red, the territory of the Mesoamerican civilization is highlighted in black


"Great person"






slaves (prisoners of war, criminals, debtors)

Mayan cities were built from huge boulders. Built in the city center temple pyramids like the Egyptian ones.

The streets perpendicular to each other were paved with stone slabs.

Uxmal - the northwestern capital of the empire.

Copan - the southeastern capital of the empire.

Palenque the western capital of the empire.

Tikal - the central capital of the empire.

Chichen Itza - the northern capital of the empire.


Calendar created





Writing -


Priests -

custodians of knowledge


The main industry of the Aztecs was irrigated agriculture . In addition to corn, which served as the main food, beans, pumpkins, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, agave, figs, cocoa, tobacco, cotton, and cacti were planted, cochineal was bred on the latter - insects that emit purple dye, a kind of mash - pulque was made from agave juice; besides her favorite drink was chocolate, which was brewed with pepper.

Aztecs bred turkeys, geese, ducks . The only pet was a dog. Dog meat also got into the food. Hunting did not play any significant role.

The tools were made from wood and stone . Blades and tips made of obsidian were especially well processed; flint knives were also used. The main weapons were bow and arrows, then darts with throwing boards.

The Aztecs did not know iron. Copper, mined in nuggets, was forged, and also cast by melting a wax mold.







The Aztecs were famous jewelry crafts. In the art of casting, forging and chasing gold, the Aztecs achieved great skill. Bronze appeared late in Mexico and was used for religious and luxury items.

Weaving And embroidery Aztecs are among the best achievements in this area. Aztec embroidery with feathers was especially famous. The Aztecs achieved great skill in ceramics with complex geometric ornaments, stone carvings and mosaic from precious stones, jade, turquoise, etc.

Worked in cities schools where they taught counting, reading, writing history, oratory.

Great attention was paid to the development of poetry.





The Incas(more correctly Inca) - the creators of one of the oldest civilizations in South America. Originally an Indian tribe of the Quechua language family, who lived in the 11th-13th centuries on the territory of modern Peru, later the dominant layer, as well as the supreme ruler in the state they formed Tahuantinsuyu(XV century).

They achieved a highly developed social system without even mastering the wheel. To maintain the integrity of a geographically extended state helped highly developed road system.

The Incas carried out complex surgical operations, mastered the art of mummification. They built stone structures without the use of cement, while their buildings withstood such earthquakes that the later Spanish buildings collapsed to the foundation.





made laws

Led the army

Resolved issues of war and peace

Provincial rulers

High priest

Chief Controller


blood relatives

The Incas

top positions


know the conquered


Controlled the whole country

down to every

peasant yard


Completely powerless


THE INCAS- the only civilization of pre-Columbian America in which bronze was known (in Mesoamerica only copper was known). In addition to copper and bronze, the Incas smelted a large amount silver, gold and their alloys, among which the most famous tumbag (low-melting, high mechanical and aesthetic qualities alloy of 1 part of gold with about 2 parts of copper). The Incas also knew platinum.

The richest monuments of Inca jewelry ("golden garden" in the Koricancha temple with plants, birds, butterflies, figures of people and animals made of gold and silver) almost completely died.

The main form of Inca art was painted and figured ceramics , among which the most interesting are the "facial vessels", which make up a magnificent gallery of realistic portraits.






KIPU- knot letter

  • The peoples of America began to engage in agriculture early and mastered a number of useful plants unknown in other parts of the world.
  • They formed class societies and emerged states.
  • They created their own original culture - writing, calendar, achieved success in astronomy and mathematics, architecture and fine arts.

When the first Europeans arrived on the American continent, they encountered a civilization that was very different from anything they had ever seen before. The locals had no idea about many concepts that had long and firmly taken root in the Old World. The peoples of pre-Columbian America did not use the wheel, did not make iron tools, and did not ride horses.

The more surprising is the fact that the Indians, as the Europeans called them, managed to build several fairly advanced civilizations. They had cities, states, long paved roads between settlements, writing, astronomy, and unique art artifacts.

The civilizations of pre-Columbian America arose independently of each other in two geographical regions - in Mesoamerica and in the Andes. Until the Spanish conquest, these areas were the centers of the intellectual and cultural life of the continent.


This geographical area covers the territories of central and southern Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. The first people appeared here in the 12th millennium BC. Cities and states arose in the third millennium BC. From then until the start of Spanish colonization, several advanced cultures arose in Mesoamerica.

The earliest civilization was the Olmecs, who lived on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. They had a huge impact on the traditions of all subsequent peoples who settled in this region.

Olmec culture

Most ancient art pre-Columbian America is represented by very unusual and mysterious artifacts. The most famous monument of the Olmec civilization are giant heads made of basalt boulders. Their sizes vary from one and a half meters to 3.4 meters, and they weigh from 25 to 55 tons. Since the Olmecs did not have a written language, the purpose of these heads is unknown. Most scientists are inclined to the version that these are most likely portraits of ancient rulers. This is indicated by the details of the headdresses, as well as the fact that the faces of the sculptures do not resemble each other.

Another direction of Olmec art is jade masks. They were made with great skill. Already after the disappearance of the Olmec civilization, these masks were discovered by the Aztecs, who collected and stored them as valuable artifacts. In general, the culture of pre-Columbian America was formed under the strong influence of this ancient people. Drawings, figurines and sculptures of the Olmecs are found hundreds of kilometers from the territories once inhabited by them.

Mayan civilization

The next great culture of Mesoamerica emerged around 2000 BC and lasted until the era of European colonialism. It was the Maya civilization, which left behind a huge number of works of fine art and architectural monuments. The highest rise of Maya culture occurred in the period from 200 to 900 AD. During this era, pre-Columbian America experienced the heyday of urban development.

The frescoes, bas-reliefs and sculptures of the Maya are made with great grace. They are pretty accurate in proportion. human body. The Maya had a written language and a calendar, they also created a detailed map of the starry sky and were able to predict the trajectory of the planets.

Mayan art

Color images do not hold up well in humid climates. Therefore, not so many Mayan wall paintings have survived to this day. Nevertheless, fragments of such images are found everywhere in the ancient cities of this people. The surviving fragments testify that the art of pre-Columbian America was not inferior to the best works of the classical civilizations of the Old World.

The Maya achieved great skill in the manufacture of ceramics, including painted ones. From clay, they sculpted not only dishes, but also figurines depicting gods, rulers, as well as scenes from Everyday life. The Maya made jewelry from precious stones and were engaged in woodcarving.

Many sculptures and bas-reliefs have been preserved, which reflect the history of pre-Columbian America of that period. Maya artists often left important events imprinted in stones. public life. There are inscriptions on many images, which greatly helps historians in interpreting the plots presented on them.

Mayan architecture

The culture of America during the Maya experienced its heyday, which could not but be reflected in architecture. In cities, in addition to residential buildings, there were many specialized buildings. Being keen on astronomers, the Maya built observatories to observe celestial objects. They also had ball courts. They can be considered the forerunners of modern football fields. The balls themselves were made from the sap of the rubber tree.

The Maya erected temples in the form of a sanctuary on top of which. Special platforms were also built, reaching four meters in height and intended for public ceremonies and religious rites.


On the territory of modern Mexico, there is an abandoned city of the ancient Indians with well-preserved buildings. Nowhere did the architecture of pre-Columbian America reach such heights (literally and figuratively) as in Teotihuacan. The Pyramid of the Sun is located here - a giant structure 64 meters high and with a base of more than 200 meters. Previously, there was a wooden temple on its top.

Nearby is the Pyramid of the Moon. This is the second largest building in Teotihuacan. It was built later and was dedicated to the great goddess of the earth and fertility. In addition to two large ones, the city has several smaller four-tier stepped structures.

Images in Teotihuacan

Almost all buildings in the city have frescoes. The background is usually red. Other colors are used to depict characters and other details of the drawing. The subjects of the frescoes are mostly symbolic and religious, illustrating the myths of pre-Columbian America, but there are also scenes of everyday activities. There are also images of rulers and fighting warriors. There are many sculptures in Teotihuacan, including those that are elements of the architecture of buildings.

Toltec culture

Little is known today about what pre-Columbian America was like between the decline of the Mayan civilization and the rise of the Aztecs. It is believed that at this time the Toltecs lived in Mesoamerica. Modern scientists draw information about them mainly from Aztec legends, in which real facts are often intertwined with fiction. But archaeological finds still provide some reliable information.

The capital of the Toltecs was the city of Tula, located on the territory of present-day Mexico. In its place, the remains of two pyramids have been preserved, one of which was dedicated to the god Quetzalcoatl (Feathered Serpent). On its top are four massive figures depicting Toltec warriors.

Aztec culture

When the Spaniards sailed to Central America, they met a mighty empire there. This was the state of the Aztecs. We can judge the culture of this people not only by architectural monuments. Thanks to the Spanish chroniclers, who described the civilization they saw, information about the poetic, musical and theatrical art of the Aztecs has been preserved.

Aztec poetry

The poetic art of pre-Columbian America seems to have had a long tradition. In any case, by the time the Spaniards appeared, the Aztecs already had poetry competitions held with a large crowd of people. In poems, as a rule, there were metaphors, words and phrases with a double meaning. There were several literary genres: lyric poetry, military ballads, mythological tales, etc.

Visual arts and architecture of the Aztecs

Tenochtitlan was the capital of the Aztec Empire. Its buildings were dominated by architectural forms that were invented by the previous civilizations of pre-Columbian America. In particular, a 50-meter pyramid towered over the city, reminiscent of similar Mayan structures.

Drawings and bas-reliefs of the Aztecs depict both scenes from everyday life and various historical and religious events. There are also pictures of human sacrifices that were held during religious festivities.

One of the most unusual and mysterious artifacts of the Aztecs is the Stone of the Sun - a large round sculpture with a diameter of almost 12 meters. In the center of it is the sun god, surrounded by the symbols of the four past eras. A calendar is inscribed around the deity. It is believed that it served as a sacrificial altar. In this artifact, the culture of pre-Columbian America reveals several of its facets at once - astronomical knowledge, cruel rituals, artistic skills merge into a single whole.

Inca culture

The peoples of pre-Columbian America reached a high level of development not only in the central part of the continent. In the south, in the Andes, the unique civilization of the Incas flourished. This people was geographically cut off from the Mesoamerican cultures and developed separately.

The Incas achieved great skill in many arts. Of great interest are their patterns on fabrics, called tokaku. Their purpose was not only to make clothes more elegant. Each of the elements of the pattern was also a symbol denoting a word. Arranged in a certain sequence, they formed phrases and sentences.

Music of the Incas

The musical art of pre-Columbian America has partly been preserved in the Andes, where the descendants of the Incas live, to this day. There are also literary sources from the time of colonization. From them we know that the Incas used a variety of wind and percussion instruments. Music accompanied religious rites, many songs were associated with a cycle of field work.

Machu Picchu

The Incas were also famous for their unique city built high in the mountains. It was discovered in 1911 already abandoned, so its real name is not known. Machu Picchu means "old peak" in the language of the local Indians. The buildings in the city are made of stone. The blocks are so precisely adjusted to each other that the skill of the ancient builders surprises even modern specialists.

Culture of North America

The Indians north of what is now Mexico did not build stone structures such as the Pyramid of the Sun or Machu Picchu. But the artistic achievements of the peoples of pre-Columbian America, who lived in the region and Missouri, are also quite interesting. Many ancient mounds have been preserved in this region.

In addition to simple mounds in the form of a hill, in the valley of the Mississippi River there are stepped platforms, as well as mounds, in the outlines of which the figures of various animals, in particular snakes and crocodile, are guessed.

The influence of the art of pre-Columbian America on modernity

The Indians are a thing of the past. But the current culture of America bears the imprint of ancient pre-colonial traditions. So, the national costumes of the indigenous peoples of Chile and Peru are very similar to the clothes of the Incas. In the paintings of Mexican artists, stylistic devices characteristic of the Maya fine arts are often found. And in the books of Colombian writers, fantastic events are intricately woven into a realistic plot with ease familiar to Aztec poetry.

In its development, America was very different from Europe, Asia and Africa: after all, it was almost isolated from them. But here, too, states arose, civilizations flourished Mayan, Aztecs And inca who achieved significant success in crafts, sciences, architecture and art.

People came to America about 25-40 thousand years ago from Northeast Asia. Gradually, they moved south, mastering vast territories. Rare contacts with Europe did not play an important role either for America or for Europe. When in 1492 G.Columbus reached America, it was inhabited by many tribes with different levels of development; some of them created highly developed civilizations, the most famous of which are the civilizations of the Maya, Aztecs and Incas. Each of them not only relied on their own achievements, but also assimilated the cultural traditions of the conquered peoples.

Columbus decided that he was near India, and called the local inhabitants Indians. Later America received another name - New World(Unlike old world Europe, Asia and Africa).

In terms of the level of development, the states of pre-Columbian America are comparable to the Ancient East. They used the labor of slaves, but free farmers and artisans, united in communities, prevailed. The power of the rulers, who relied on officials, increased. Priests enjoyed great influence.

Mayan pyramid. Chichen Itza

The main occupation was agriculture, in which the Mayans, the Aztecs, and the Incas achieved high efficiency, despite the absence of draft animals and the simplest tools. They skillfully took into account the peculiarities of climate and soil, created terraces for crops on mountain slopes, irrigated arid lands and drained swamps. The Aztecs created bulk island-beds in the lakes. The Indians grew corn, potatoes, tomatoes, cocoa and cotton.

Not a single civilization of pre-Columbian America knew such achievements, widely used in the Old World, as the wheel, the potter's wheel, iron smelting. From gold, silver and copper, the Indians made jewelry and objects of religious worship. Only the Incas tamed large animals - they bred a llama, which they used to transport goods and obtain wool.

The Maya, Aztecs, and Incas all followed different pagan religions, but their beliefs had much in common. Their deities were closely associated with the sky, celestial bodies and natural phenomena, so astronomical observations and calendar calculations became part of religious rites and were performed very carefully and with amazing accuracy. Holy rites accompanied all daily activities. Human sacrifice played an important role.

Maya and Aztecs

In the VII-VIII centuries. Mayan civilization flourished on the Yucatan Peninsula in Central America. Crafts, sciences and arts flourished in their city-states (Palenque, Chichen Itza, etc.). But later internecine wars weakened them.

North of the Yucatan in the XIV-XV centuries. the mighty state was created by the Aztecs. They subjugated the surrounding tribes. The power of the Aztec ruler increased and spread to the entire central part of present-day Mexico. In their capital Tenochtitlan, there were up to 100 thousand inhabitants.

The technique of stone construction of the Maya and Aztecs is striking. Its best examples are temples in the form of pyramids and palaces of rulers, as well as fields for ritual ball games.

The Maya developed a writing system based on hieroglyphs, supplemented by pictures. Among the Aztecs, pictorial writing with elements of hieroglyphs has been known since the 14th century. material from the site

State of the Incas

In the west of South America, a powerful state was created by the Incas. From the 12th century The Incas subjugated their neighbors. Over time, a state with a strong central authority arose here. Its leader was considered a descendant of the Sun and bore the title Supreme Inca. The power of the Incas stretched from north to south for almost 5,000 kilometers and conquered many peoples. Paved roads with hanging bridges and tunnels connected the capital city of Cusco with the outskirts.

The ruler owned all the land in the state. He himself received the harvest from the "fields of the Supreme Inca", and the priests - the harvest from the "fields of the Sun". The harvest from the rest of the lands was distributed among everyone.

The Incas created the knot letter quipu(meaning "knot"). A kipu is a string (or stick) with multi-colored knotted laces tied to it. With the help of a quipu, important information (for example, on tax collection) could be revived in memory.

On this page, material on the topics:

  • inca maya aztec abstract

  • Pre-Columbian America history of the Incas in abbreviated form

  • Aztecs and Incas. The Aztecs subjugated almost all of Central America. They called themselves "Mexico". Hence the name of the modern country. The Aztecs were courageous warriors. When going into battle, they put on the skin of a leopard. Eagle-headed helmets protected their heads. The Aztecs raised boys as future warriors. When the boy was 10 years old, he was cut off, leaving only a small pigtail on the back of his head. The boy wore it until he brought the first prisoner. After that, he was considered a real warrior. The Aztecs learned to grow gardens and orchards on the water. From reeds they made huge rafts. Silt from the bottom of a lake or river was laid on them, it was tamped down and plants were planted on it. The rafts were close to the shore. The roots of trees and plants sprouted and served as a kind of anchor that held the raft in place. Such floating gardens and kitchen gardens gave very good harvests.

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    ancient america

    "Maya culture" - States and peoples of pre-Columbian America. An example of the hieroglyphics of the ancient Maya. Ruins of the city of Uxmal. Pyramid of the "Magician" in Uxmal. Aerial view of the center of ancient Palenque. Architecture. Star observations. The Maya developed the most advanced writing system in all of pre-Columbian America. Ancient observatory.

    "Pre-Columbian culture" - 3. Art of the Aztecs. Inca ceramics. Yucatan Peninsula. Maya empire. Stadium 8th century. The main attraction of Chichen Itza is the Pyramid of Kukulkan. There were two centers of ancient civilization. 5. Art culture Incas. Jewelry decoration. Earrings. Relief on the Gate of the Sun at Tiahuanaco. Copan. Mayan city.

    "Culture of pre-Columbian America" ​​- Culture of the Incas. "Sun Stone" - the solar calendar of the Aztec Indians. Mayan artistic culture. Characteristics art of the peoples of pre-Columbian America. Textbook illustration, p. 53 Describe the above monument. Lesson plan. Teotihuacan. Aztec art. Ritual urn (detail). MYSTERIOUS RUINS: traces of a great civilization.

    "Culture of the Aztecs" - According to the myths, the universe was divided in a horizontal direction. Aztec mosaic mask. Life must be maintained at the highest cost. Nagual - a patron spirit in the form of an animal or plant. Xochipilli. Aztec club. Golden bells. Around 1390, the Great Temple was founded in the center of the city.

    "Architecture of the Indians" - The Mayan solar calendar was very accurate. Specific forms and orientation could not have a serious impact on European culture. ANCIENT AMERICA Temple architecture of the Indians. Aztecs and Incas. In the capital of the Incas there was a majestic temple of the sun, trimmed with gold. Written sheets were collected in a book.

    The life of the Incas and Aztecs Krishtal Valery A student of the 10th grade of the MOU "Secondary School No. 4" of the city of Kimry, Tver Region

    Inca Empire

    The Inca Empire, or, as the Incas themselves called their country, "The Land of Four Parts". The last name is due to the fact that the country was divided into four provinces: Kuntinsuyu, Colyasuyu, Antisuyu and Chinchasuyu with the capital in the city of Cusco. The foundation of the country is attributed to the legendary Inca Manco Capac. The very word "Inca" never referred to the name of the tribe, it denoted only the ruler of the state. Under his successors, the territory of the state was constantly expanding, especially when a regular army was created under Yaruar Huakak.

    Abandoned city of the Aztecs of the 16th century

    Conquering any state or city, the Incas resettled other tribes on their territory, due to which the national element that could lead to a liberation war disappeared. In the conquered territories, the state language of the Incas, Quechuan, was introduced on a mandatory basis, which also contributed to the unity of the vast country. The symbol of the power of the country was the city of Cusco, one of the most beautiful cities in the world, on the territory of which hundreds of palaces and temples were located. The main square in the city was Wakapata (sacred terrace), from which roads branched off to the four main provinces of the country. Palaces towered there, one of which had an area of ​​30 by 160 meters. The wealth of the Inca rulers can be judged at least by the fact that when the old Inca emperor died, his body was embalmed and placed in the palace, which from now on became a sanctuary. His successor was to build a new palace for himself. No European ruler could afford such a luxury.

    The Pyramid of the Sun is the largest pyramid in Teotihuacan.

    But most of all, the temple complex of Cusco Coricancha (golden courtyard) amazed with its splendor. Its main building was the temple of the sun god Inti, in which there were a huge number of tons of gold alone. Golden windows, doors, walls, roofs, floors, ceilings, religious objects amazed people. The center of the temple was a multi-meter disc of pure gold, symbolizing the Sun God. Near the temple there was an Intipampa courtyard (a golden field), on which there were trees made of gold, plants and herbs, deer, butterflies, shepherds, etc. Moreover, all this was done in full size and everything moved (!) With the help of the most skillful mechanisms . It was truly a miracle without equal in the world.

    Temple complex Cusco Coricancha

    No less pride of the empire were its roads, which are not inferior to modern highways. One of these roads was 5250 kilometers long - the longest highway in the world until the beginning of the 20th century. The roads were up to 7.5 meters wide, and in some places were located at an altitude of 5160 meters above sea level. At a certain distance from each other, inns with warehouses were built on the roads.

    Inca roads

    Stone statues of Easter Island. Chile

    The Incas also had a state post office, which looks almost fantastic. Despite these magnificent achievements, the Incas did not know either the wheel or the written language. However, they had writing, but in the form of a “knot letter”: the threads in this knot denoted either gold - a yellow rope, or a soldier - red, etc. The numbers were indicated by knitting a certain number of knots. However, this did not interfere with the development of science and poetry. The life of the Incas was unthinkable without religious rites, which, like those of the Aztecs, were distinguished by incredible cruelty. The "caste" of professional priests, headed by the high priest, was responsible for the performance of the rites. The Inca gods were Inti - the God of the sun, Mama Kilya - the Goddess of the moon, Mama Pacha - the Goddess of the earth, Mama Kochi - the Goddess of the sea, and others. inordinate amount.


    Inca writing

    Inca Sun God - Inti

    During each of them, thousands of people were thrown onto the altar, whose blood flowed in rivers from the altars of the insatiable gods. Moral values ​​were also trampled, reduced, in the end, to zero. Religious fanaticism and cruelty, combined with depravity, corroded from the inside, like rust, an outwardly brilliant empire. On November 15, 1532, a detachment of Spaniards-conquistadors, led by Pizarro, crossed the Andes and entered the land of the Incas. The history of the collapse of the Aztec state was completely repeated. Taking advantage of the strife that began among the Incas in the struggle for the throne, Pizarro with a small handful of people defeated the greatest empire, which soon turned into a Spanish colony.

    Inca rulers: 1. Manco Capac (1150) 2. Sinchi Roca 3. Lloque Yupanqui 4. Maita Capac 5. Capac Yupanqui 6. Inca Roca 7. Yaruar Huakak 8. Viracocha Inca 9. Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui (1438-1471) 10. Tupac Inca Yupanqui (1471-1493) 11. Huayna Capac (1493-1527) 12. Huascar (1527-1530) 13. Atahualpa (1530-1532)

    Like the idol on clay feet from the book of the prophet Daniel, the Inca empire looked menacing and majestic, but if we take a closer look, we will see that its foundation was, like that of the idol, clay. Built on false religion, cruelty and depravity, the Inca empire collapsed, leaving behind miserable degraded tribes of unfortunate people who do not know how to sew clothes, or shoot from a bow, or build on their own.

    Aztec Empire

    The main task facing the rulers was the constant waging of war, participation in which was considered the highest happiness. Moreover, the conduct of the war did not pursue the goal of enrichment, but the service of the gods. This is the fundamental difference between the wars of the Aztecs and the wars waged by the Europeans, the purpose of which was to expand the territory, capture slaves, treasures. For the Aztecs, all this faded into the background. Moreover, the service and veneration of God consisted, first of all, in bringing him human sacrifices from among the captives.

    The Aztec temples had the shape of a pyramid, on top of which there were two mini-temples dedicated to the main gods. According to the beliefs of the Aztecs, human blood was the food of the gods, and therefore the more people, namely people, and not animals, were thrown onto the altar, the kinder God should have been to the Aztecs. On weekdays, not to mention the holidays, thousands and thousands of people were thrown onto the altar. It is estimated that in just a few years up to 150 thousand people were killed in this way. When waging war, the Aztecs tried not to kill, but to capture enemies in order to sacrifice them.

    human sacrifice

    human sacrifice


    In a cult to another god, the god of fire, Huehueteotl, whose temple was also at the top of the pyramid, the captives were burned on a very slow fire, reveling in their torment. Small children were sacrificed to the god of fertility Tlaop, killing them in the most cruel way. Women were sacrificed to the goddess of the earth. The Aztecs even had a god of human sacrifice, Xipe Totec. Worship of other gods was of the same nature. Reading these descriptions, it is sometimes hard to believe that millions of people were killed in this way. But archeology today gives a positive answer, every day adding thousands more victims that are found during excavations. It is worth noting here that, by burning children, the Aztecs believed that they were not doing anything terrible and special.

    This people has a price human life was reduced to nothing, and even simple moral principles were completely rejected. Against the backdrop of these atrocities, art and culture flourished, the most magnificent palaces with gardens and galleries, huge pyramid temples that went into the sky, canals, dams, and schools were built. Poetry and philosophy developed, but a people without a foundation of faith in the true God could not long exist. Its degradation began, terrible debauchery and cruelty filled the life of the Aztecs.

    Aztec mythical eagle

    Sacred Stone of the Sun

    Aztec temple

    Aztec temple

    Once great people turned out to be incapable of anything, miserable and insignificant, and therefore when a handful of Spaniards led by Hernando Cortes entered Tenochtitlan on November 8, 1519, the Aztecs were in their full power, mistaking them for gods, due to their skin color and clothes. Soon, Cortes won the full confidence of the Aztec ruler Montezuma, then captured him along with countless treasures. A few years later, the huge Aztec empire collapsed under the pressure of several hundred Spaniards, being completely degraded and unable to conduct any military operations.

    Aztec rulers: 1. Acamapichtli (1376-1395) 2. Huitzilihuitl (1395-1405) 3. Chimalpopocu (1405-1428) 4. Itzcoatl (1428-1440) 5. Montezuma the First (1440-1468) 6. Ashayacatl (1468- 1483) 7. Tison (1483-1486) 8. Ahuizotl (1486-1502) 9. Montezuma II (1502-1520) 10. Kuntlaulak (1520-1520) 11. Cuautemoc (1520-1521)

    On August 13, 1521, the Spaniards captured the last ruler of the Aztecs, Cuauhtemoc, and a number of his supreme advisers, at the same time the magnificent Aztec capital was also defeated. Thus ended the existence of the Aztec state. Today, small Indian tribes live on the site of the ancient state, even appearance which speaks of their complete degradation. These poor and miserable people look with awe at the ruins of huge temples and pyramids that their distant ancestors erected.

    Mother Earth. Mound in the shape of a snake. State of Ohio, USA. Beginning of a new era
