The novel "War and Peace" is a great work of Russian and world literature, a grandiose epic, the hero of which is the Russian people, who showed unprecedented heroism and patriotism in the struggle for the freedom and independence of their homeland in the war of 1812.

The huge life material of this novel is united by a single idea, "I tried to write the history of the people," says Tolstoy. The people, according to Tolstoy, are not only peasants, but also nobles, those people who are worried about the fate of the country, who are in the whirlpool of great events. A colossal wave of anger rose among the people after the French attack. All Russian people, with the exception of a small handful of court aristocrats, could not imagine how they could live under the rule of the French. Every Russian acted as he found it possible for himself. Who stepped into active army who went to the partisan detachments. People like Pierre Bezukhov gave part of their money to equip the militias. Many, like the Smolensk merchant Ferapontov, burned shops and their property so that nothing was left for the enemies. And many simply gathered and left their native places, destroying everything after themselves.

Tolstoy notes in the Russian people a simple, sometimes incomprehensible feeling of patriotism, which was expressed not in loud phrases about love for the fatherland, but in decisive actions. Residents of Moscow left the ancient capital without any call. Tolstoy emphasizes that for Muscovites there could be no question of what would be good or bad under French rule in Moscow. It was simply impossible to live like this, as it was the worst of all.

The same thing happens in other cities and villages of the Russian land. On the territory where the enemy had already entered, he saw the hatred and genuine indignation of the people. The peasants refused to sell food and hay to the French. A partisan movement sprang up spontaneously, without any order from above. According to Tolstoy's figurative expression, "the partisans picked up fallen leaves that fell from the common tree of the French army, and sometimes shook this tree."

Not only the common people, but also the advanced layers of the nobility and intelligentsia were imbued with bitterness towards the enemy. No wonder Prince Andrei says that they smashed his house, and now they are going to ruin Moscow, insulting it every second ”And therefore, according to his concepts, they are not only enemies, but also criminals. Prince Andrei honestly fulfills his duty by joining the army at the very beginning of the war, although before that he had decided that he would never be a military man again. He did not stay at the headquarters, as he was offered, but goes to the forefront of events. The heroism and genuine love of Russians for their homeland was especially clearly manifested in the Battle of Borodino. On the eve of the battles, Andrei Bolkonsky says: “The battle will be won by the one who firmly decided to win it ... and who will fight harder ... Tomorrow, no matter what, we will win the battle.”

Defending their home, their family, their homeland, the right to life, the Russian people showed amazing fortitude and self-sacrifice, showed miracles of courage. They aroused surprise in Napoleon, who had been invincible so far, and then fear. It is impossible not to be proud of the Russian people. And there is no doubt that such a people has a great future.

Reading 14 min. Published on 04/10/2017

Patriotism in the literal sense of the word means love for the Motherland, such as it is, with all its advantages and disadvantages. A patriot is a person who loves his Fatherland, devoted to his people. Patriotism is a high, dominant feeling. Patriotism is the basis of any ideology. If patriotism embraces the majority of the people, then this society has the power to solve any problem. The one that was decided by the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

In the XX century. committed two aggressions against Russia. But if the first attack (1914) was a military confrontation involving Germany and Russia, then in 1941 it was crusade against Russia, since the question was about the life and death of our state, about whether it should be free, independent, or fall into enslavement, or even be completely lost from the historical surface of mankind.

The highlanders have a saying: "To measure the height of a mountain, one must climb to its top." The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 was such a pinnacle in the manifestation of the patriotic feelings of the Soviet people, which became a convincing test of the invincibility of our multinational state.

Our people had a glorious patriotic past - symbols of unbending fighting spirit in the fight against the invaders: the beaten Swedes on the Neva (1240), the Germans on Lake Peipsi ("Battle on the Ice", 1242), the Mongols on the Kulikovo field (1380 .), again the Swedes - in the Battle of Poltava (Peter I, 1709) and at Gangut (1714), the Turks at Cape Tendra (Admiral F.F. Ushakov, 1790), at Izmail (Generalissimo A.V. Suvorov, 1790) and at Sinop (Admiral P.S. Nakhimov, 1853), the defeated French (1812 - 1813) - you can’t count everything. The German fascists were well aware of this and tried to do everything to destroy our main heroic tradition - to beat, destroy, drive the enemy from their native land until complete victory. Hitler was well aware that the centuries-old patriotism of the Russian people would give the Soviet Union moral superiority over Germany. Therefore, even before the war, regarding the Russian people, he demanded: mercilessly exterminate, shoot at the slightest suspicion of disobedience, drive into slavery by the millions (according to the plan - 15 million people).

The noble liberation goals of the sudden outbreak of war were warmly supported by the entire Soviet people. The slogan "Everything for the front, everything for victory!" entered the main meaning of the life of all our people.

The heroic deeds of Soviet soldiers became a massive manifestation of patriotism - from the defense of the Brest Fortress to the hoisting of the Victory Banner over the Reichstag and the defeat of Japan.

For thirty-two days, the fighters and commanders of the Brest garrison, representatives of 30 nationalities and nationalities, fought fierce defensive battles in groups and alone. The Germans heard the singing of "Katyusha" muffled from the underground floors. Most of the Soviet soldiers and officers fell in unequal battles.

Mass heroism was shown near Moscow. “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind!” - this is the call of 28 Panfilov heroes, sounded throughout the country and supported by all the people. Near Stalingrad, a new patriotic appeal was born: "There is no land for us beyond the Volga!" - and the House of Sergeant Pavlov courageously held the defense until full release cities. On the Kursk Bulge, in an unprecedented battle of 1200 tanks and self-propelled artillery installations on the ground and thousands of aircraft in the air (only Lieutenant Alexander Gorovets, having entered into battle with 20 enemy bombers, personally shot down 9 enemy aircraft), our victory heralded a radical change in the war.

During the war years, there was no division, regiment, battalion, company that did not have its own heroes. Everyone was different: from soldiers, junior commanders to generals.

The first multiple manifestation of the highest patriotism was the many thousands of volunteers in the military commissariats. Only in Moscow during the first three days of the war, more than 70 thousand applications were received from residents with a request to be sent to the front. Many patriots, rejected, as it was then said, for health reasons or having "armor" (ensuring stay in the rear), rushed to the line of fire. In the summer and autumn of 1941, about 60 divisions and 200 separate regiments were created. militia numbering up to 2 million people. The militia was joined by those who did not pass the medical examination, and who had a “reservation”, and were not subject to mobilization due to age.

From the first days of the war, the world learned about the feats of Soviet pilots, incredible for many peoples who had already surrendered to Hitler, about the ramming of German aircraft. Already on June 22, 1941 Art. lieutenant I.I. Ivanov cut off the tail of an enemy bomber with the propeller of his I-16. In the same month, pilots jr. Lieutenant S.I. Zdorovtsev, ml. lieutenant M.P. Zhukov, ml. Lieutenant P.T. Kharitonov (all three are the first Heroes Soviet Union since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War). In a night battle, for the first time in world practice, Jr. went to ram. Lieutenant V.V. Talalikhin. In total, during the war years, 636 pilots rammed enemy aircraft. At the same time, more than half of the pilots saved their cars and continued to fight. A ml. Lieutenant B.I. Kovzan made 4 rams, each time defeating the enemy and death.

The highest patriotism was shown by Soviet soldiers, who covered enemy firing points with their bodies. The first such feat was accomplished by Jr. political instructor A.K. Pankratov, who on August 24, 1941, at a critical moment in the battle, sacrificed his life to ensure a successful attack by the unit. Soldiers and officers of S.U. rushed to the embrasures of the enemy. Kulikov, A.A. Udodov, Alexander Matrosov - a total of 215 people; 134 of them received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Note: not one of the Nazi soldiers dared such a feat during the entire world war.

The patriotism that gripped the Soviet people in the field of defending the Fatherland was clearly manifested in the partisan movement deployed behind enemy lines. The first detachment of volunteers was created on the day the aggression began - June 22, 1941. The partisans maintained contact with the underground workers of cities and villages, received information from them and transmitted them to Moscow. The destruction of trains and raids on the rear of the enemy caused enormous damage to the invaders: more than 1 million Nazis were killed, 20 thousand railway echelons were derailed. As a result of sabotage and sabotage, the "contribution" of the occupied regions of the USSR to the German economy amounted to only 1/7 of what Hitler "received", for example, from France.

Sublime patriotism during the war manifested itself among the population of the occupied territories, which opposed the advance of the occupiers into the interior of the country. The amazing feat accomplished by Ivan Susanin in the winter of 1613 was repeated more than 50 times by our compatriots under the conditions of the Nazi invasion. These are 18-year-old scout Nastya Drozdova and 86-year-old watchman Matvey Kuzmin, forester Nikita Alexandrov and worker Trofim Prushinsky. "Susanians" became a combat detachment of a millionth army of fighters against fascism behind the front line.

The war highlighted the best patriotic qualities of Soviet citizens - home front workers. The life of people during the war years was associated with death: at the front - from a bullet, shell, bomb; in the rear - from hard work, malnutrition, disease. The Soviet front and rear during the war years functioned as a single organism. Today it is difficult to imagine how it was possible to transport more than 1,500 enterprises to the east and put into operation during six months of tense wartime. The machines were installed in workshops without walls. They started producing planes and tanks when there were no windows or roofs. Snow covered working people, they did not leave the shops, they lived in the shops.

The labor of millions of citizens, ennobled by the patriotic idea of ​​defending the Fatherland, gave amazing results. Tank T-34 became the best tank of the war. "Katyushas" brought terror to the enemy. The PPSh submachine gun became the main type of small arms, and new aircraft gained an advantage in the air. In 1944, the USSR began to outstrip Germany in the production of military products: armored vehicles - 3 times, aircraft - 2.6 times.

During the war years, rural residents showed high patriotism. The labor force there was made up of women, old people and teenagers. Crop yields fell due to the war. However, for 1941-1944. the country received more than 70 million tons of grain.

Even prisoners in the camps during the war showed concern for the fate of the motherland. 95% of those who stayed behind barbed wire joined the labor competition, the number of "refuseniks" was only 0.25% of all able-bodied. However, the role of prisoners should not be exaggerated, as some historians do - the maximum population of the Gulag was more than 40 times less than the total number of workers, employees and collective farmers in the country's national economy.

True patriotism was shown by millions of Soviet citizens who sacrificed their last piece of bread for the sake of victory over the enemy. People voluntarily handed over money, bonds, jewelry, things, products. Collective farmer I. Ponomareva from the Sverdlovsk region sold a cow, bread, and transferred the money to the defense fund. A mother of six children from Novosibirsk (the surname has not been preserved) brought two pairs of mittens and a silver spoon to the Red Army fund. Pasechnik K. Golovaty donated 100 thousand rubles for the construction of the aircraft. A resident of besieged Leningrad (the surname has not been preserved) brought a piece of soap, a gold pendant and 60 g of sugar to the collection point. In total, the defense fund received 17 billion rubles. in cash, 131 kg of gold, 9,519 kg of silver, etc. These funds were used to build 2,500 combat aircraft, several thousand tanks, 8 submarines, and other weapons. Mass patriotism manifested itself in the donor movement: 5.5 million people participated in it, donating 1.7 million liters of blood to save the wounded.

During the war years, patriotic muses were not silent. Together with workers, collective farmers, other representatives of the national economy, fighters at the front, artists fought and brought victory closer - writers, poets, composers, artists, artists. Through prose, poetry, music, and visual arts, they educated Soviet people in the spirit of ardent patriotism and hatred of the enemy, "equating the pen and the word with the bayonet." The works reflected people's hatred of fascism, confidence in their defeat. The voice of radio announcer Yuri Levitan has become a symbol of hope and confidence in victory. (Hitler ordered Levitan to be hanged first after the capture of Moscow). The words of the songs "about four steps to death", about a mother's tear at a crib, about the love and fidelity of wives, mothers, girlfriends, who are waiting for their warriors with victory, touched the soul.

Artistic front-line brigades carried a high spirit of patriotism among the masses of soldiers. As a symbol of steadfastness and resistance in the fight against fascism, the famous 7th Symphony by Dmitry Shostakovich, created by the composer in besieged Leningrad. They attacked the poems of Konstantin Simonov, Alexander Tvardovsky, the works of Mikhail Sholokhov, newspaper editorials by Ilya Ehrenburg under the slogan "Kill the German!"

Film workers made a significant contribution to patriotic education. To raise the morale of the Red Army, satirical film collections were originally created, where the Germans, led by Hitler, were ridiculed. And since 1942, full-length films have appeared. The people cherished their actors, who, themselves experiencing the hardships of the war, created memorable patriotic images that warmed the hearts of people at the front and in the rear. There were often cases when the fates of artists and their heroes were tragically intertwined. For example, the heroine of the film "Rainbow" Fedosya's son dies at the hands of a German, and at the same time, the son of actress Elena Tyapkina, who played this role, dies at the front. (The film "Rainbow" was awarded the Stalin Prize, the Prize of the National Council of Film Reviewers of the USA (1944) and during the war years triumphantly marched through the screens of the USSR, USA, France and other countries. US President Franklin Roosevelt in a telegram to Stalin noted that he "Rainbow "Understood without translation, and it will be shown to the American people in its proper grandeur."

During the war years, everyone was seized with high feelings of patriotism - from an ordinary collective farmer from the most distant region to people's commissars in Moscow. Everyone took a direct part in the hostilities, including those who today are ironically called "golden youth". Many of those who went to the front did not return home. The eldest son of I.V. Stalin Yakov, son of M.V. Frunze Timur, son of A.I. Mikoyan Vladimir, son of N.S. Khrushchev Leonid, nephew of K.E. Voroshilov Nikolai died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, like many other people from families of high-ranking party workers.

A certain force of the anti-fascist movement was the patriotic part of the "white emigration", who advocated the victory of their compatriots over Germany. So, A.I. Denikin declared that "the fate of Russia is more important than the fate of emigration." P.N. Milyukov, believing that Stalin, restoring the territory Russian Empire, actually realized the “ideals of the white movement”, which prompted him to make an appeal to the Russian emigration to take the side of the USSR, etc. The Russian poet and historian Boris Vilde (shot by the Nazis), a descendant of the famous freethinker A. Radishchev K., took part in the Resistance movement. Radishchev (died in a concentration camp), a direct descendant of E. Pugachev P. Durakov, the daughter of the great composer A. Scriabin Ariadna Scriabina, Princess Zinaida Shakhovskaya, "Red Princess" Vera Obolenskaya (beheaded in prison) and many other emigrants. And this is not surprising. After all, most of them were brought up in a system of stable Russian spiritual values, among which patriotism, a feeling of love for the Motherland has always been in the first place. When they were reproached that, by defending the Soviet Union, they were thereby defending Stalin, the émigré writer M. Osorgin replied: “... when bombs are thrown at the Moscow Kremlin, they are not thrown at Stalin, but in the heart of Russia, in its historical existence.”

The patriotism of our people during the war years was multifaceted. His characteristic features were:

  • the conviction of the Soviet people in the rightness of their cause, selfless love for the Motherland;
  • nationwide character (the whole people rose to fight the enemy - from small to large, it is not for nothing that this war is called "people's, sacred");
  • international character, which consisted in the friendship of the peoples of the USSR, their joint desire to defeat the enemy who treacherously attacked the Motherland;
  • respect for the national dignity and national culture of the peoples of Europe and Asia, readiness to assist them in liberation from the invaders;
  • the mass heroism of the Soviet people at the front and in the rear;
  • reliance on the richest centuries-old history, cultural and heroic traditions;
  • high sacrifice in the name of freedom and defense of the Motherland.

The patriotism of the Soviet people, shown during the Great Patriotic War, showed that the heroism of the front and rear is not a one-time impulse of fanatics blinded by ideology, but a natural result of a long process of forming the personality of a patriot of one's country - a defender of the Motherland, a worthy citizen of the Fatherland.

Those who in the media and literature vulgarize the patriotism of our people in the Great Patriotic War, find themselves in a military situation, will not go for the sake of the Fatherland with their breasts into an embrasure, a ram, volunteers for the militia, etc. Many “specialists” in the war, having slacked off from service in the Russian army, do not go to places where they are shooting to find out the real situation for transmission to the media, they do not voluntarily donate blood for those who, in the name of their well-fed well-being, were injured and injured in combat operations with bandits and terrorists. They don't go to hospitals for wounded soldiers, veterans' organizations for war veterans, orphanages for orphans, and hospitals for seriously ill children. They won’t go, they won’t hand over - “they have such a job.” But their lies about patriotism are quite “easy” to stop: deprive them of high fees, they will immediately stop lying. After all, this is not a free business - to pour mud on the Motherland.

In the 90s. 20th century the high sense of patriotism was undermined. Now the task is to revive it among all our citizens, young and old. In our opinion, its cultivation should be based on:

  • on objective coverage of our historical past, regardless of time (grand-princely, tsarist, Soviet, modern), political, ideological, economic state of the state;
  • on illustrations of the heroic struggle, deeds, talents of Russian citizens in the wars to defend the Fatherland - excellent examples to follow;
  • on the development of intransigence towards modern ill-wishers and enemies of the Fatherland;
  • on the exclusion of bacilli of the superiority of some people over others, manifestations of chauvinism and nationalism in Russia;
  • on the eradication of hatred, confidence in an easy victory over any opponent.

The patriotic education of Russian citizens will yield positive results only if this work permeates all the structures of our society: kindergarten, school, army, university, family, labor collectives, public organizations.

Stepanischev A.T., Khasanov R.Sh.

Heroism of the Soviet People in the Great Patriotic War as a Factor in Patriotic Upbringing

Issues of patriotic education of youth are considered. It is proved that one of the most important educational resources in Russian history is the heroism of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. It is concluded that the central place in the system of patriotic education should be given to the traditions of heroism and self-sacrifice of the multinational Soviet people.

Key words and word-combinations: patriotism, heroism of the Soviet people, social adjustment and education of youth.

The issues of patriotic education of youth are considered. It is proved that one of the most important educational resources Russian history is the heroism of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. The thesis is substantiated that the central place in the system of patriotic education should be given to the traditions of heroism and selflessness of the Soviet multinational people.

Key words and phrases: patriotism, heroism of the Soviet people, socialization and education of youth.

UDC 371.4:94 (47) "1917/1991" LBC 74.200 + 63.3 (2) 6

THEM. Sampiev






modern conditions the problem of implementing the educational function of institutions and agents of socialization became actual. If in Soviet period the upbringing of the younger generation was recognized by all subjects of the educational space as the most important task of the school along with the acquisition of knowledge and competencies in educational process, then the last decades are distinguished by a purely utilitarian approach to education, aimed largely at obtaining high rates of formal knowledge assessments within the framework of the Unified State Examination. In addition, the family, as a traditional institution of primary socialization, has ceased to fulfill the educational function in full, as evidenced by the observations and studies of sociologists.

The general decline in the quality and effectiveness of educational work with the younger generation can be judged by the widespread manifestations of delinquency among young people. It is in this environment that nihilism, deviations, and cruelty towards the weaker - children, the elderly, animals - are increasingly manifested. Falling out of a normal family as a traditional educational environment, along with the cult of promiscuity, violence, cruelty, selfishness and permissiveness imposed on television.

ty forms far from the best qualities in fragile souls. What was previously considered a deviation is gradually becoming normal today, and, on the contrary, the norm is perceived as something exceptional, borderline.

At the same time, “swimming” through the perilous sea of ​​the Internet, with its temptations and special morality of anonymity, is gaining more and more influence. As a result, in the attitudes of public consciousness, flaunting lack of culture, aggression, rudeness, irresponsibility, lack of spirituality gradually began to be perceived as something normal. Obviously, it is among the representatives of the younger generation that the system of “values” of consumer culture spreads most easily: selfishness, primitivization, consumerism, freedom as will without responsibility, unmotivated aggressiveness, etc. .

Education is a multifaceted complex process that covers many spheres of society, and includes moral, patriotic, physical, aesthetic and other forms that complement each other. One of the most important and socially effective areas of educational work is patriotic education. The opinion of sociologists is fair that the main goal of patriotic education is the formation of citizenship of the younger generation, a conscious perception of historical knowledge about the past and traditions of their people, their heroic struggle, respect for state symbols, education of loyalty and love for the Fatherland, intransigence towards its enemies.

Patriotism is understood as a set of such socially significant characteristics as respect for society and the historical heritage of one's country, respect for one's own culture and traditions, responsibility to society, developed citizenship and legal awareness. According to A.N. Vyrshchiikov and M.B. Kusmartseva, "... patriotism is a kind of format of life orientations of a Russian citizen in the implementation of his life strategy, corresponding to the real social interests and expectations of the surrounding team, society and the state, impressed in his mind, found in the sense of his own existence and objectified in the way of life » .

Patriotic education is not only teleological, forming the necessary result, but also instrumental, speaking, as noted by K.D. Ushinsky, and a task, and an effective pedagogical tool. However, in recent times, the ideas of patriotism, unfortunately, have begun to hide behind frankly nationalist, neo-fascist organizations and figures who seek to replace the meaning of patriotism as love for one's homeland with xenophobia, hostility to everything foreign. In this regard, the thought of A.N. Vyrshchiikov and M.B. Kusmartsev that patriotism is not a movement against something or anyone, but a movement for the values ​​that society and man have. From this, the authors draw an important conclusion: the highest value is a person who knows how and is able to love, and the highest value of a person himself is love for his homeland. And love and hate are incompatible, antagonistic in their essence. True patriotism is the source of courage,

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heroism and strength of the Russian people, an integral part of the national idea, necessary condition greatness and power of Russia.

In our opinion, there is no other such large-scale and universally significant event in the history of the Russian peoples as the Great Patriotic War. According to L.V. Namrueva, "the memory of the Great Patriotic War, with all its problems, mistakes, gaps, is practically today the only historical event of the past that unites the Russian people" . Moreover, this event brings together all representatives of the peoples of the CIS - tens of millions of people. That is why one of the most important resources for fostering interethnic tolerance and mutual respect for Russian citizens is the heroism of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. This approach is also dominant in the public mind: 62.7% of respondents consider patriotism and 63% - heroism the main factors of victory. At the same time, the indicators for all age groups of young people differ slightly.

In the public consciousness of Russians, the Great Patriotic War is a national symbol, and its consequences are assessed as outstanding in world history, which is convincingly shown by the results of sociological studies. Acting as the main structure-forming element of the spirituality of the people, the historical memory of the military brotherhood in the Great Patriotic War is undoubtedly a factor in its rallying and mobilization to solve the socio-political and economic tasks facing it.

Contrary to skeptical opinions about the younger generation, research shows a grateful attitude of young people towards veterans. So, to the question “Do you think our country cares enough for war veterans?” “No” was answered by 71.3% of the respondents, among whom most of them were 18-24-year-olds (76.2%). In second place are 25-39-year-old respondents, among whom 65.5% of respondents consider care insufficient. At the same time, in the mass consciousness, the fact of insufficient attention of the state to veterans was also noted: for example, more than 26% of those surveyed called them “The Generation of Winners who failed to take advantage of the fruits of the Victory” . It is also clear from the survey materials that it is precisely “mass heroism at the fronts” (84.6%) that arouses the greatest sense of pride among the respondents.

Russian Federation, like the Soviet Union, of which it is the legal successor, is a multinational and polyconfessional country, many peoples have coexisted in it for centuries. As V.I. Tyutkov, the cause of patriotic education is impossible without instilling love for the Motherland, for one's home, the desire and ability to preserve and increase the traditions, values ​​of one's people, one's national culture, one's land. In order for this multitude of peoples, languages, cultures and confessions to live in harmony, supra-ethnic, supra-regional, national patriotism must be inclusive, unifying, truly nationwide. The humanistic nature of true patriotism is an axiom, as is its inextricable dialectical connection with interethnic cooperation and peace, the connection with a high culture of interethnic relations. All-Russian, all-people patriotism and interethnic harmony are closely related to each other, they act in a dialectical unity.

Bulletin of the Volga Institute of Management 2016. No. 5 (56) 12. I

However, there are figures who falsely interpret the concept of patriotism, who denigrate the good name of entire peoples, incite ethnic hatred, and preach frankly xenophobic and pro-fascist sentiments among young people. At the same time, the method of falsifying the history of the Great Patriotic War is also used, in particular, the heroic participation in it of the Caucasian and some other peoples of the former USSR.

Among the most odious one can be called blasphemous even by the inconsistency of its content with the name of S.P. Kulichkin “Get up, the country is huge”, published in the series “ National security Russia ”(M., 2005), essentially aimed at only one goal - to pit the Russian peoples, divide and oppose them (which Hitler failed to put into practice). Another pearl of this "writer" - "The Black Tulips of Perestroika" - was published in the magazine "Young Guard" (2004, No. 11-12). . A certain writer I.V. Pykhalov in the libel "For what Stalin evicted the peoples", published by the Moscow publishing house "Yauza-Press" in 2008.

Unfortunately, there are many such examples. These "writers", distorting and falsifying history, turning it into an "arena of political struggle", do not receive a timely and worthy assessment of their provocative activities either from the prosecutor's office or from Roskomnadzor. The lack of response to such extremist materials significantly harms the patriotic education of young people, opposes the Russian peoples, and destroys the unified spiritual and educational environment formed by the Great Victory. The absence of a tough response to the provocative intrigues of xenophobes is one of the essential gaps in patriotic education. To refute all these fabrications, there is a huge number of historical documents and memoirs, it is enough to cite the authoritative words of a true patriot, hero great victory Marshal G.K. Zhukova: “In ... the days of severe trials, the peoples of the Caucasus did not flinch, did not lose faith in the strength and power of the unity of the multinational Soviet state.<...>The calculation of the Hitlerite command, that with the arrival of the Nazi troops, the peoples of the Caucasus will move away from the Soviet Union, failed.

The 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, as a world-historical event, became a national holiday and gave a new impetus to the system of patriotic education of youth. Undoubtedly, in the future, an important place in patriotic education must and will be given to the glorious traditions of heroism and selflessness of the multinational Soviet people. At the same time, it is important to resist attempts to falsify history, to stop the use of destructive ethno-political myths in highlighting the contribution of all Russian peoples and the peoples of the former USSR to the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Bibliographic list

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4. Ushinsky K.D. Selected pedagogical works: in 2 vols. M., 1974. Vol. 2.

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V.A. Ruchin, A.V. Ruchin Sociocultural Risks of the Events of October 1917

The specificity of sociocultural risks of Russia during the radical transformations of the institutions of family, education and entrepreneurship that emerged in severe conflict of different models of development is considered. The analysis is focused on the reasons for the collapse of the Orthodox civilization, which happened as a result of its collision with the Marxism ideology.

Key words and word-combinations: education, family, entrepreneurship, social institution.

The specifics of sociocultural risks in Russia are considered in the context of a radical transformation of the institutions of the family, education, entrepreneurship, which arose against the backdrop of an acute conflict of carriers. various models development. The causes of the collapse of the Orthodox civilization, which arose in the course of its collision with the ideology of Marxism, are analyzed.

Key words and phrases: education, family, entrepreneurship, social institution.

UDC 354:94(47)"1917/1991" LBC 66.3(0),123+63/3(2)6

V.A. Ruchin, A.V. Ruchin



The Great October Revolution is an event on a global scale, during which a fundamentally different picture has developed social institutions. The process of transformation of society took place in the conditions of a fierce class struggle, which ended with the coming to power of supporters of Marxism and the emergence of a new combination of components of Russian society.

The work was financially supported by the Russian Humanitarian Foundation, project “Russia in 1917: Institutional Resource, Social Risks and Civilizational Collapse” (No. 15-33-12009).

Bulletin of the Volga Institute of Management 2016. No. 5 (56)

MAOU "Zemskaya Gymnasium"


Subject :

"Patriotism is the basis of heroism"

Fulfilled : student 10 "B" class

Sergeev Artyom

Head: Pashko N.V.

teacher of history and social studies


year 2014

“Patriotism is love for the Motherland” is a common, well-known meaning. But, in my personal opinion, it does not reflect the true essence of the great word "patriotism". Let's try to look deeper, to open all the secret doors.

What does it mean to love your country? After all, it is obvious that one can love the Motherland and only in words. Say: “How beautiful our country is, how happy I am to be born and live here,” and then earn a fortune and go abroad, never returning, sometimes not even remembering my native, once beloved land.

In fact, patriotism means that you know and appreciate the past of your country, take an active part in its present and think and care about its future. A person who considers himself a patriot must know and respect his native culture, native traditions, native language to treat your fellow countrymen with respect. It is believed that love for one's country is an unshakable value that should be brought up from the earliest years in the family, at school, in society as a whole.

This value, I believe, cannot be manifested only in words. A real patriot is characterized by actions, everything that he is able to do for his Fatherland, how he will behave if it is in danger. Undoubtedly, patriotism has always been the engine leading to victory. Fighting spirit, the desire to prevent the enemy from invading our native land and love for it have performed and will continue to perform miracles. Perhaps not every person is able to neutralize a terrorist or undermine an enemy tank. However, he can accomplish small feats by inspiring others.

But I have repeatedly wondered whether the current generation of young people, in the event of a military threat, will be able to go to the front to defend their country with the same desire and zeal, as it was during the Great Patriotic War. In those tragic times, boys under the age of 18 specially added their age in their passports so that they could certainly personally stand up for their great State. Is the current rising generation capable of such a thing? I doubt. Moreover, it's no secret to anyone that more and more guys of military age are striving, by all means, to evade military service, excelling in all sorts of ways - from falsifying medical certificates, to simply trying to hide from representatives military registration and enlistment office. What if there is war tomorrow? Who will go to meet face to face with death, not being afraid of it, thinking not about themselves, but about their Motherland?

And so we touched on another meaning of patriotism - self-sacrifice. Let us recall the same Great Patriotic War - did those who, under the pouring rain of bullets, under the most terrible shelling and bombardment, go to fulfill orders, saving lives, liberating the captured cities, thought about themselves, their lives? Was it the thought of the forthcoming reward that prompted them to act bravely? After all, no. They perfectly understood that the future of their country depends on them, only they can save many innocent lives.

It is also worth remembering that a true patriot will always find a place for a heroic deed, sometimes a feat that will benefit his Fatherland. And I, to my incredible happiness, managed to get to know such a person personally. His name is Vyacheslav Alekseevich Bocharov.

It happened on the thirteenth of March this year. It was a significant day in my life. At my school there was a meeting with such a great man, the Hero of Russia. Having gone through the Afghan war, the First and Second Chechen companies, who committed a heroic deed during the release of hostages in a school in the city of Beslan, he is a true patriot of his Motherland, the embodiment of honor and courage.

Vyacheslav Alekseevich spoke about the heroes of our country, starting from the time of the First World War, showing their courage and the heroism of their deeds, letting us all understand that such people should not be forgotten, they must be remembered and honored. The heavy topic of the events of 2004 in the city of Beslan was touched upon. We all remember those terrible three days from September 1 to September 3, but few people know and remember the names of the heroes who gave their lives to save thousands of people who were captured by terrorists. He himself, participating in the operation to free the hostages, rescued several people, “lay down” several terrorists and scouted out valuable information about their location, which later played an important role in the release operation. He was seriously wounded in the head, and the fact that he survived is a real miracle.

I paid special attention to the fact that he did not talk much about himself. Basically, he talked about his comrades-in-arms, about their exploits and words, very important and correct, which they said, some before their death. I was struck by the story of how one fighter, having heard the click of a grenade explosive mechanism in his bag, lay down on the bag, covering it completely with his body. Thus, at the cost of his own life, he saved the lives of his comrades. Here it is - a real act, here it is - genuine heroism.

So, we tried to look into the true essence of the concepts of "heroism" and "patriotism", concepts that cannot but resonate in the soul of every Russian person, because our country is one of the few countries with such a complex history, one of the few countries that have raised such many true heroes and patriots!

1. The concept of a sense of patriotism.
2. Selflessness of the Russian people.
3. Patriotism and heroism of the nobility.
4. Anti-popular mood of the aristocracy.
5. The role of Andrei Bolkonsky in the novel.

Patriotism is a special feeling that lives in the human soul. This is devotion and love for the motherland, its people, readiness for sacrifices and deeds in the name of it. These bright feelings have been inherent in the masses of the people since ancient times. Inspired by a sense of patriotism, the people did truly amazing things - they rose to fight the enemies and won, despite neither the advantages of the enemy, nor the conditions of the battle. At the heart of this feeling lies devotion to the native people, the desire to help him, to give all his strength to protect him. Historical reality suggests that the Russian people, starting from the time Kievan Rus, was subjected to constant attacks from outside. And in such cases, not only warriors, but also ordinary people rose to defend the country. The creation of an epic novel by L. N. Tolstoy, dedicated to the courage of the Russian people, can also be considered a manifestation of patriotism. In two works, the author recognizes the people as the decisive force in the historical process. In his vision of historical reality, Tolstoy was closest to the views of Russian revolutionary leaders. Moreover, the idea of ​​creating a novel came to the writer under the influence of the mood of the 60s of the XIX century, at a time when the movement of revolutionary democrats began to take shape.

Beginning his narrative, Tolstoy described in the introduction of the novel the first clashes between Russian and French troops in 1805. The battles of Shengraben and Austerlitz were described quite accurately, in which the Russian troops were defeated. But even in the description of the lost battles, the writer does not forget about the courage of soldiers and commanders. The author tells with sympathy about P. I. Bagration, who led his troops into the battle near the village of Shengraben. There is another inconspicuous hero - Captain Tushin, a simple and modest man who shares the life and views of the soldiers. The authorities showed their dissatisfaction with regards to the inability to comply with the ceremonial military regulations. But in battle, it was Tushin who demonstrated heroism, valor and courage - with a handful of soldiers he held the fortifications for a long time, despite a serious onslaught from the enemy, who did not expect "the audacity of firing four cannons that were not protected by anyone." With an unsightly, ugly appearance, but with a beautiful and pure soul of a patriot, Timokhin appears before the reader, "whose company alone was kept in order." At the same time, the soldiers do not see the point in fighting on foreign territories and cannot hate the soldiers of the enemy army, and disunited officers are not able to convey to their subordinates the need for combat operations.

A different state arises among soldiers and officers after Napoleon's army begins to move in Russia. This war is becoming a popular, liberation war, and the whole great country is taking part in it. All ranks and estates are supporting the Russian army: merchants and peasants, nobles and artisans. “From Smolensk to Moscow in all the cities and villages of the Russian land,” people rose up and went to their enemy. The motto of the liberation movement in Russia was the statement: "It is better to destroy, but not to give to the enemy." Merchants, to the detriment of their cause, began to refuse assistance to the French army.

The reader may recall the behavior of the merchant Ferapontov. He forgets about personal goals at a tragic moment for his country, and this patriotic feeling makes common people and a wealthy merchant related: "Bring everything, guys ... I'll set it on fire myself."

The patriotic impulse of Natasha Rostova on the eve of the surrender of Moscow to Napoleon becomes similar. Such a feeling was characteristic of the nobles, who preserved national traditions. Andrei and Marya Bolkonsky, Natasha Rostova, Pierre Bezukhov are the writer's favorite characters. It is on the example of two families - the Bolkonskys and the Rostovs - that Tolstoy shows the selflessness of the Russian nobility. These families, like no other, were close to the Russian people, respected and loved the nature and culture of their country. Their national and moral inquiries during difficult events for the country formed the basis of a well-coordinated patriotic impulse. This is "hidden patriotism", expressed in actions, not in words. Thanks to this feeling, everyone understood that the surrender of Moscow into the hands of the enemy was not cowardice or betrayal, but a cruel necessity. “It was impossible to be under the control of the French: that would be the worst of all. They left before the Battle of Borodino, and even faster after it.

The people's partisan movement rose in an unstoppable mighty wave: “The cudgel of the people's war rose with all its formidable and majestic strength. “And it’s good for that people ... who, in a moment of trial, without asking how others acted according to the rules in similar situations, will easily and easily pick up the first club that comes across and nail it until the feeling of insult and revenge is in their soul will not be replaced by contempt and pity. Here Tolstoy shows many different destinies: the fate of the partisan detachments of Dolokhov and Denisov, and the fate of a simple deacon who united a real forest army with his will, and the elder Vasilisa, who exterminated hundreds of enemies. The writer describes the behavior of the aristocracy with completely different feelings. One can clearly see the contempt for the human class, which has gone far from its own people. Callousness, envy, cruelty and stupidity are the brightest characteristics of the regulars of Madame Scherer's salon. Court gossip and complex intrigues, gossip and career mouths are the main vital interests of these people. It was this soulless crowd that opposed the appointment of the “old man” M. I. Kutuzov to the commanding post.

This category of anti-patriotic people includes both Boris Drubetskoy and Berg, who got into the army only for the sake of a service career, for the sake of the desire to become commanders of the masses. Andrei Bolkonsky characterized them with the following words: "They are only occupied with their little interests and wait only a minute to get an extra cross or ribbon."

This character occupies a special place in the overall composition of the novel. He searches for the meaning of his life for a long and difficult time, but becomes a real hero thanks to his love for his homeland.

He strives to live for others, so that "my life did not go on for me alone." In heavy war time the prince shows himself to be a true patriot and an officer who preserves his honor as a warrior. He wins the sympathy of his subordinate soldiers, who affectionately call him "our prince", are proud of him and love their commander.

But not only field battles give birth to heroes. Pierre Bezukhov fights enemies in captured Moscow. He shows the best soy spiritual qualities and rushes to the aid of a girl, an Armenian woman, and it is because of this that he is captured. He could not remain indifferent to other people's suffering, and without realizing it, he went to heroic deeds.

In these images, to which the author treats with sympathy and love, there are real heroes. An invisible force emanating from hundreds of inhabitants of the Russian land helped them to overcome doubts and survive during the battles, and the name of this force is patriotism.
