Anatoly Wasserman

Chronic comments on Russian history


Hello! Something about this book.

From the end of March 2011 to the end of June 2012, three times a week - on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - in the morning broadcast of the NTV channel (at 06:05 with a repeat at 07:05) I said “Hello! Something about ... "and then 3 minutes (in the first issues - a little more than 2, in some - almost 4) stated this" something about "one of the most relevant news.

Of course, much of what I mentioned has long since lost its relevance. But still, a slice of what the country and the world lived for more than a year is of some interest to me - and, I hope, to readers. Therefore, my speeches from that time are collected here in chronological - and not thematic - order.

The release schedule for the morning comments was determined by my participation in mind games. Sometimes I return from tournaments by Monday evening. The morning in Russia begins in Chukotka, so the program goes late in the evening Moscow time, and in Moscow it is broadcast in recordings. So I went to Ostankino in the evening on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. The morning of these days, I and the editor of the program - the head of the site "Russian Observer" Egor Stanislavovich Kholmogorov - spent watching the main news, choosing what deserved the most attention, selecting facts on the chosen topic (it was mainly Vladislava Dmitrievna Yavorskaya, an employee of the same site ). By about 1 pm I was sending Kholmogorov to e-mail draft text, by 14 received his comments, by 15 sent the final version.

The text is written before the air because air time is expensive. I improvise in the frame exactly twice as slow as I read from the teleprompter. The speed of reading aloud - with the correct intonations and semantic pauses - I have 800 printed characters (including spaces) per minute, and free improvisation - only 400. Therefore, I improvise only on Internet TV, where time is not limited, and when I need to bring it to Viewers the most content in the least time, getting ready in advance.

Often in the text it is necessary to indicate stress, because it is not always obvious. This is done with a capital letter in the middle of the word: other ways are not always visible on the teleprompter screen. But the letter “e” in foreign words is far from always under stress: for example, in the famous surname Spencer-Churchill, the stress in each half falls on the first syllable.

TV viewers prefer not a monologue, but a variety of images. Therefore, two video blocks on its topic were inserted into each episode, accompanied by a voice-over text. I wrote this text, but NTV announcers read it. After all, the video material must be selected exactly at the time of reading the text, and I appeared at the studio only at the beginning of the preparation of the main part of the morning block - shortly before 20:00. And the selection of video illustrations is not a matter of minutes. Yes, and you need to mount them with a second precision - which means that it is also a long time. So we prepared the off-screen text in advance - immediately after receiving the monologue by e-mail. I even tried to endure different style offscreen and main text. In the texts of the monologues, the off-screen part is in italics.

A couple of times the schedule was broken. For example, I was informed about the murder of Muammar Muhammedovich Gaddafi already on the way to Ostankino. I had to suddenly prepare a monologue - in less than an hour. But the transmission team managed to do everything: the selection of facts, and the search for illustrations, and video editing.

For various reasons, a few more monologues had to be edited right in the studio. Here, as a rule, I cite the text, refined from the videos posted on the aforementioned Russian Observer website.

Many texts did not go on the air. For example, the first experiments, where the format has not yet settled down, are not even intended to be shown. Nevertheless, even in them I put thoughts that seem to me true to this day. Sometimes, right during the preparation of a commentary for one news item, another, more important one, appeared. Some of these delayed monologues went on the air later, but if, as they say in the media, the informational occasion has left, then there is no need to show the material dedicated to it. There were also technical failures. So, one of the monologues I recorded at the studio of the Odessa TV channel ATV in September 2011 (I stayed in Odessa to participate in the 9th World Championship in the sports version "What? Where? When?"; alas, our team's game as they say, it didn’t roll), because of an organizational overhead, I got to Moscow late, and a monologue prepared for the next day was aired, but this one was not shown.

A monologue dedicated to a previously known event or the anniversary of an event can be prepared ahead of time. Therefore, there were days when two or even three releases were recorded. In the collection, everything is ordered by the time of writing the text (or making amendments to it that appeared already in the studio). Date - year, month, day - and time are indicated before each monologue. Also indicated (from memory or according to the site "Russian Observer") the date of the broadcast, if there was one, or a note that the monologue was not on the air.

Twice in all the time I was late for the shoot. Once I sent a trial home recording to the studio, and its quality turned out to be too low, but I found out about it belatedly, although I still managed to record material in the studio, at least for showing west of the Urals. The second time a business meeting (after all, television is not my only occupation) dragged on so much that, with the consent of the producer of the morning broadcast, I did not rush to Ostankino, but arrived outside the schedule - on Sunday - and the material went on Monday air.

For the convenience of counting the number of printed characters - that is, the sounding time - I wrote down all the numerals in words. When preparing the texts for printing, I tried to replace this record with a digital one. But some phrases look more natural when written numbers verbally.

From the texts in this book, I deleted the repetitive opening (the same as in this preface) - for this I had to edit the beginning in some monologues - and the standard phrase that ended each of my speeches on the NTV morning air. I saved it in two places, where without it the monologue turned out to be clearly incomplete. And - for all other issues - I quote it here:

I hope to tell you more next time.


Insor's next report imitates bustling activity again

The main, in my opinion, the center for generating ideas for the top leadership of the country is the Institute modern development- once again said: the main obstacle to the development of Russia is the lack of democracy.

Meanwhile, for a quarter of a century in a row, life has shown us undoubted examples of the beneficial impact of democracy on Russia. The democratic elections of the heads of enterprises ensured the unrestrained plundering by the red directors of everything entrusted to their care, so that even the legendary Chubais privatization was perceived as something useful compared to Ryzhkov's. The democratic elections of the heads of cities and subjects of the Federation have added hundreds of colorful examples to the world list of incompetent robbers. Although, of course, both talented managers and honest fighters for the common good won the elections, but they didn’t make a difference.

The main thing is that the whole world experience has long proved that democracy is not a hindrance to bureaucrats. From the fact that the Americans renamed bribery into lobbying and embezzlement into a public-private partnership, nothing has changed for the better. The apparent prosperity of the Shining City on the Hill is the result of completely different reasons, and not all of them can be reproduced in other places. And there is no anti-tank ditch thousands of kilometers wide around Russia, and we are not accustomed to plunder other countries ...

In general, the world is large and diverse. If INSOR employees do not like the country and the people around them, no one prevents them from choosing others that are more in line with their personal beliefs.

2011-03-17 12:34, was not on the air

letter forty five

Defense of a hopeless cause is noble but foolish

I deeply respect each of the signatories of this call to declare Khodorkovsky a prisoner of conscience. Extremely talented people. They have done so much for the national culture that the list of official recognitions of their merits will take up a hefty volume. Not to mention Viktor Anatolyevich Shenderovich ...

Moreover, they are undoubtedly right. Mikhail Borisovich is indeed a prisoner of conscience. His own conscience drove him so far along the unrighteous path of early Russian business that one recalls the words of the knight Lancelot in Yevgeny Lvovich Schwartz's The Dragon: “Everyone was taught. But why did you turn out to be the first student, such a beast?

In May 2005, the Meshchansky District Court of Moscow found him guilty under seven articles of the Criminal Code, including fraud, misappropriation of other people's property, tax evasion, and sentenced him to nine years in prison. In September, the Moscow City Court on cassation reduced the term to 8 years. Khodorkovsky's associates were also convicted. So, the head of the Yukos security service, Alexei Vladimirovich Pichugin, was sentenced to life imprisonment for organizing contract killings.


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The eminent intellectual leads his chronicle of Russian history with his characteristic thoroughness, wit and unusual angle of view. You will be able to take a different look at many events recent years- starting from the new term of President Putin, ending with the crisis that we are promised. In addition, Wasserman talks about the consequences of all these events that await us in the near future.


Hello! Something about this book.

From the end of March 2011 to the end of June 2012, three times a week - on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - in the morning broadcast of the NTV channel (at 06:05 with a repeat at 07:05) I said “Hello! Something about ... "and then 3 minutes (in the first issues - a little more than 2, in some - almost 4) stated this" something about "one of the most relevant news.

Of course, much of what I mentioned has long since lost its relevance. But still, a slice of what the country and the world lived for more than a year is of some interest to me - and, I hope, to readers. Therefore, my speeches from that time are collected here in chronological - and not thematic - order.

The release schedule for the morning comments was determined by my participation in mind games. Sometimes I return from tournaments by Monday evening. The morning in Russia begins in Chukotka, so the program goes late in the evening Moscow time, and in Moscow it is broadcast in recordings. So I went to Ostankino in the evening on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. The morning of these days, I and the editor of the program - the head of the site "Russian Observer" Egor Stanislavovich Kholmogorov - spent watching the main news, choosing what deserved the most attention, selecting facts on the chosen topic (it was mainly Vladislava Dmitrievna Yavorskaya, an employee of the same site ). At about 1 pm I sent Kholmogorov a preliminary text by e-mail, by 2 pm I received his comments, and by 3 pm I sent the final version.

The text is written before the air because air time is expensive. I improvise in the frame exactly twice as slow as I read from the teleprompter. The speed of reading aloud - with the correct intonations and semantic pauses - I have 800 printed characters (including spaces) per minute, and free improvisation - only 400. Therefore, I improvise only on Internet TV, where time is not limited, and when I need to bring it to Viewers the most content in the least time, getting ready in advance.


Insor's next report imitates bustling activity again

The main, in its own opinion, center for generating ideas for the top leadership of the country - the Institute of Modern Development - once again announced: the main obstacle to the development of Russia is the lack of democracy.

Meanwhile, for a quarter of a century in a row, life has shown us undoubted examples of the beneficial impact of democracy on Russia. The democratic elections of the heads of enterprises ensured the unrestrained plundering by the red directors of everything entrusted to their care, so that even the legendary Chubais privatization was perceived as something useful compared to Ryzhkov's. The democratic elections of the heads of cities and subjects of the Federation have added hundreds of colorful examples to the world list of incompetent robbers. Although, of course, both talented managers and honest fighters for the common good won the elections, but they didn’t make a difference.

The main thing is that the whole world experience has long proved that democracy is not a hindrance to bureaucrats. From the fact that the Americans renamed bribery into lobbying and embezzlement into a public-private partnership, nothing has changed for the better. The apparent prosperity of the Shining City on the Hill is the result of completely different reasons, and not all of them can be reproduced in other places. And there is no anti-tank ditch thousands of kilometers wide around Russia, and we are not accustomed to plunder other countries ...

In general, the world is large and diverse. If INSOR employees do not like the country and the people around them, no one prevents them from choosing others that are more in line with their personal beliefs.
