
In February 1930, Pope Pius XI addressed the clergy and believers with a call for a "crusade" against the USSR. This appeal served as the beginning of a broad anti-Soviet campaign in many countries, which, according to the organizers of this campaign, was supposed to make it easier for the imperialists to prepare for war against the USSR.

Pius XI borrowed the idea of ​​a "crusade" from the arsenal of the Middle Ages. From the end of the XI century. to the end of the 13th century. At the call of the popes, a number of military-colonization campaigns to the East were organized, which were called the "Crusades". According to the statements of the popes, church preachers and reactionary bourgeois historians, the crusades were organized allegedly in order to "liberate the Holy Sepulcher" in Jerusalem, which was then under the rule of the Turks.

In fact, the crusades were military and predatory campaigns in the East, and it was not at all the struggle of Christians with Muslims, with the "infidels", that lay at the heart of them.

Various classes of the then society took part in the crusades: large feudal lords (kings, princes, barons, dukes), striving to conquer new rich lands and increase incomes, small knights (nobles), who went on crusades with the aim of plundering and seizing lands and serfs. Many of them expected to get rid of debts for participating in campaigns. The crusades were also attended by the masses of the peasantry, downtrodden and crushed by serfdom, whose situation at that time was extremely difficult. Going on campaigns, they expected to free themselves from feudal oppression, run away from their owners, find freedom (serfs who went on a campaign were freed from serfdom). The crusades were supported and subsidized by the trading cities of Italy (Venice, Genoa, etc.), which hoped to win trade routes to the East with the help of the crusaders.

The crusades, which brought enormous wealth to the church, contributed to the rise of religious fanaticism among the population. The popes arranged special money collections and even introduced taxes on the organization of crusades, and the property of non-returning participants in the campaigns became the property of the church. Thus, the crusades, inspired and organized by the popes, raised the political weight of the papacy and served as a new source of increasing wealth and strengthening the influence of the church. The declassed rabble took an active part in the crusades: tramp and criminal elements who were looking for opportunities to plunder.

In 1095, Pope Urban II, at a church council in Clermont, called on the Christian world to a crusade to the East.

In 1096 the first crusade began. Unorganized crowds of peasants, bandit knights and the criminal rabble that joined them moved from France, Germany, England, Scandinavia, Italy and Spain to Constantinople. Passing through the Christian states of Europe, they plundered cities and villages, raped, causing universal hatred for themselves.

The first detachments of the crusaders were defeated by the Turks, but already in the autumn of 1096 new detachments moved to the East. When the crusaders reached Constantinople in 1097, the Christian Greeks, whom the crusaders supposedly went to help against the "infidels" (Turks), saw that they were dealing with rabble, with rude barbarians who were looking only for personal gain, and began to take measures against the crusaders who tried to plunder Constantinople. From there, the crusaders moved to Asia Minor, making terrible devastation along the way and massacring the local Muslim population. Only in 1099 did the crusaders reach Jerusalem and on July 15 they took the city. Christ's army staged a massacre in the city, alternating with solemn divine services. Eyewitnesses report that the crusaders literally walked through pools of blood. They killed men, women, smashed children's heads on stones. The crusader army plundered everything that could be plundered: houses, churches, shops, public institutions.

Map of the Crusades. The path of the first campaign is indicated by crosses, the third - by dashes

The crusaders created four small Christian states (Jerusalem, Antioch, Tripoli and Edessa) on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, where they introduced the same orders that existed in Europe: with the rule of feudal lords and the enslavement of peasants (some of them came crusaders, but mainly Muslims, Arabs and Syrian Christians). The clergy played an important political role in these states. The Crusades brought great wealth to the church. The Italian trading cities, which received a number of trading privileges, greatly benefited from the campaigns. Karl Marx notes that the Italian coastal states as a result of the first crusade "... enriched by free trade with the East, and well-paid transportation of pilgrims increased their fleet».

The conquests of the crusaders were fragile. With their atrocities and heavy oppression, they aroused the hatred not only of the Muslim population, but also the enmity of Christians, in particular the Greeks. In 1144, the Turks captured the Edessa state of the crusaders. Pope (Eugene III) began to call for a new campaign.

In 1147 the second crusade began, in 1189 the third. Following this, with short breaks, five more campaigns were organized. The last - the eighth - was launched in 1270. By organizing new crusades, the ruling classes of Europe hoped to divert the attention of the peasants from the class struggle that had become aggravated in European countries. Oppressed by feudal lords and monasteries, the peasants rebelled against their oppressors. They burned monasteries and feudal castles. In order to distract the peasants from the struggle against the oppressors, the church began again to call for a crusade to the East.

The predatory goals of further crusades were often not even covered by religious motives. During the fourth crusade (1202-1204), organized by Pope Innocent III, the crusaders, at the instigation of Venetian merchants who sought to defeat their trading rival, the city of Constantinople, took this city (in 1204). Constantinople was then the capital of the Christian (Orthodox) state - Byzantium. In Constantinople, "Christ's soldiers" staged a robbery and massacre.

Here is how the historian describes the deeds of the crusaders in this city: “These three days of robbery in the glow of a fire surpass any description. After many years, when everything had already returned to its usual order, the Greeks could not recall the scenes they had experienced without horror. Detachments of crusaders rushed in all directions to collect booty. Shops, private houses, churches and imperial palaces were thoroughly searched and looted, unarmed residents were beaten ... In particular, the barbaric attitude of the Latins towards art monuments, libraries and Byzantine shrines should be noted. Bursting into temples (Christian ones! - M. Sh.), the crusaders threw themselves on church utensils and decorations, broke open the shrines with the relics of saints, stole church vessels, broke and beaten precious monuments, burned manuscripts ... The bishops and abbots of the monasteries subsequently described in detail, as an edification to posterity, which shrines and how they acquired in Constantinople. Although they described the history of theft, they called it holy theft…”. Pope Innocent III tacitly approved of these crimes. In the words of Marx, “the pope, having expressed his indignation for the sake of decency, finally gives absolution to this bestiality and the vileness of the“ pilgrims ”.

This is how the Crusaders acted, the army called by the Pope to "liberate the Holy Sepulcher"!

Capture of Constantinople by the crusaders in 1204 Fresco of the 16th century.

No less shameful for the papacy was the children's crusade. In 1212, about 30 thousand children, deceived and blinded by religious fanaticism, moved from France to “liberate Jerusalem” (in 1187 it was again conquered by the Turks). Soon another 20,000 children left Germany. Most of them died on the way, many were sold into slavery.

The history of the crusades shows that in the past, the church and the ruling classes covered up their selfish goals with religious slogans.

Objectively, the Crusades contributed to the strengthening of trade relations with the East and familiarization of Europeans with Eastern culture.

The popes organized "crusades" not only against Muslim countries, but also against Christian countries, which, for one reason or another, aroused the wrath of the Roman rulers. So, in the XIII century. they organized bloody campaigns against the rich cities of southern France and ruined them. The popes organized campaigns of crusading bands against the Slavic peoples in order to conquer them and at the same time to spread Catholicism among them.

From the book History of the Middle Ages, told to children author Le Goff Jacques

CRUSADES - Isn't it true that the crusades were the same mistake, the same inglorious and reprehensible episode? - Yes, today this is a widespread opinion, and I share it. Jesus and New Testament(Gospel) teach peaceful faith. Many of the early Christians


§ 14. Crusades Causes and goals of the Crusaders' movement On November 26, 1095, Pope Urban II spoke to a large crowd in the city of Clermont. He told the audience that the Holy Land (as Palestine was called in the Middle Ages with its main shrine - the Coffin

author Team of authors

THE CRUSADES CAUSES AND BACKGROUND OF THE CRUSADES According to the traditional definition, the Crusades are military-religious expeditions of Christians undertaken from the end of the 11th century. in order to liberate the Holy Sepulcher and other Christian shrines

From the book World History: in 6 volumes. Volume 2: Medieval Civilizations of the West and East author Team of authors

THE CRUSADES Bliznyuk S.V. Crusaders of the Late Middle Ages. M., 1999. Zaborov M.A. Crusaders in the East. M., 1980. Karpov S.P. Latin Romania. SPb., 2000. Luchitskaya S.I. Image of the Other: Muslims in the Chronicles of the Crusades. M., 2001. Alpandery R, ​​Dupront A. La chretiente et G idee des croisades. P., 1995. Balard M.

From the book Europe and Islam: A History of Misunderstanding by Cardini Franco

The Crusades At that time, a feeling of anxiety and fear was spreading among the Christians of Western Europe, associated with the expectation of the end of the world, as well as with the changes caused by demographic growth and political and religious struggles. Such sentiments made

From the book Knights author Malov Vladimir Igorevich

From the book Volume 1. Diplomacy from ancient times to 1872. author Potemkin Vladimir Petrovich

Crusades. At the end of the 11th century, papal diplomacy was able to take advantage of the broad movement to the East that had begun in the West - the crusades. The crusades were directed by the interests of very diverse groups of Western European feudal society.

From the book History of the Cavalry [with illustrations] author Denison George Taylor

1. The Crusades At the end of the 11th century, when chivalry was already a firmly established institution, an event took place in Europe that was reflected in history for many years both in this part of the world and in Asia. We have already spoken about the close connection of religion with chivalry and about her big

From the book Kipchaks, Oguzes. Medieval History of the Turks and the Great Steppe by Aji Murad

The Crusades The Middle Ages are called the Dark Ages, and they really are. People will never know the whole truth about them. Catholics destroyed chronicles and books of those years. They came up with thousands of ways to kill the truth. They did the most amazing things. Here is one of her tricks. Church

From the book Underestimated Events of History. The Book of Historical Fallacies the author Stomma Ludwig

The Crusades In 1042, in Châtillon-sur-Marne, at the foot of the Champagne hills, Ed (Odo) de Lagerie was born into a wealthy noble family. When he was twelve, his father sent his son to school at the cathedral in nearby Reims, where his teacher was one of the minor founders of

From the book of the World military history in instructive and entertaining examples author Kovalevsky Nikolay Fedorovich

Crusades The idea of ​​crusades A rather gloomy trace in history was left by the spiritual and knightly Orders, especially the Teutonic and Livonian, as well as the crusades of the 11th-13th centuries, the main striking force of which were the feudal knights. The mastermind behind the first crusade

From the book History of Religions. Volume 1 author Kryvelev Iosif Aronovich

THE CRUSADES (39) The Crusades constituted an epoch not only and not so much in the history of religion, but in general civil history. Being formally religious wars, the purpose of which was considered to be the mastery of the main shrine of Christianity - the "Holy Sepulcher", in fact

From the book History of the Cavalry [no illustrations] author Denison George Taylor

From the book Applied Philosophy author Gerasimov Georgy Mikhailovich

From the book General History. History of the Middle Ages. 6th grade author Abramov Andrey Vyacheslavovich

§ 19. Crusades Causes and objectives of the crusader movement On November 26, 1095, Pope Urban II spoke to a large crowd in the city of Clermont. He told the audience that the Holy Land (as Palestine was called in the Middle Ages) with its main shrine - the Coffin

From the book General History [Civilization. Modern concepts. Facts, events] author Dmitrieva Olga Vladimirovna

The Crusades The Crusades are a broad military and colonization movement to the East, in which Western European sovereigns, feudal lords, chivalry, part of the townspeople and the peasantry took part. Traditionally, the era of the Crusades is considered the period from 1096

In February 1930, Pope Pius XI addressed the clergy and believers with a call for a "crusade" against the USSR. This appeal served as the beginning of a broad anti-Soviet campaign in many countries, which, according to the organizers of this campaign, was supposed to make it easier for the imperialists to prepare for war against the USSR.

Pius XI borrowed the idea of ​​a "crusade" from the arsenal of the Middle Ages. From the end of the XI century. to the end of the 13th century. At the call of the popes, a number of military-colonization campaigns to the East were organized, which were called the "Crusades". According to the statements of the popes, church preachers and reactionary bourgeois historians, the crusades were organized allegedly in order to "liberate the Holy Sepulcher" in Jerusalem, which was then under the rule of the Turks.

In fact, the crusades were military and predatory campaigns in the East, and it was not at all the struggle of Christians with Muslims, with the "infidels", that lay at the heart of them.

Various classes of the then society took part in the crusades: large feudal lords (kings, princes, barons, dukes), striving to conquer new rich lands and increase incomes, small knights (nobles), who went on crusades with the aim of plundering and seizing lands and serfs. Many of them expected to get rid of debts for participating in campaigns. The crusades were also attended by the masses of the peasantry, downtrodden and crushed by serfdom, whose situation at that time was extremely difficult. Going on campaigns, they expected to free themselves from feudal oppression, run away from their owners, find freedom (serfs who went on a campaign were freed from serfdom). The crusades were supported and subsidized by the trading cities of Italy (Venice, Genoa, etc.), which hoped to win trade routes to the East with the help of the crusaders.

The crusades, which brought enormous wealth to the church, contributed to the rise of religious fanaticism among the population. The popes arranged special money collections and even introduced taxes on the organization of crusades, and the property of non-returning participants in the campaigns became the property of the church. Thus, the crusades, inspired and organized by the popes, raised the political weight of the papacy and served as a new source of increasing wealth and strengthening the influence of the church. The declassed rabble took an active part in the crusades: tramp and criminal elements who were looking for opportunities to plunder.

In 1095, Pope Urban II, at a church council in Clermont, called on the Christian world to a crusade to the East.

In 1096 the first crusade began. Unorganized crowds of peasants, bandit knights and the criminal rabble that joined them moved from France, Germany, England, Scandinavia, Italy and Spain to Constantinople. Passing through the Christian states of Europe, they plundered cities and villages, raped, causing universal hatred for themselves.

The first detachments of the crusaders were defeated by the Turks, but already in the autumn of 1096 new detachments moved to the East. When the crusaders reached Constantinople in 1097, the Christian Greeks, whom the crusaders supposedly went to help against the "infidels" (Turks), saw that they were dealing with rabble, with rude barbarians who were looking only for personal gain, and began to take measures against the crusaders who tried to plunder Constantinople. From there, the crusaders moved to Asia Minor, making terrible devastation along the way and massacring the local Muslim population. Only in 1099 did the crusaders reach Jerusalem and on July 15 they took the city. Christ's army staged a massacre in the city, alternating with solemn divine services. Eyewitnesses report that the crusaders literally walked through pools of blood. They killed men, women, smashed children's heads on stones. The crusader army plundered everything that could be plundered: houses, churches, shops, public institutions.

These three books of hers are of undoubted interest to the Russian Orthodox Patriot. Is it true, we cannot agree with some of her conclusions and statements, but we will definitely indicate these places and explain why we cannot agree . So, the books of Tatyana Vasilievna are "an instruction for warriors of the spirit who have a courageous heart, mind, honor and dignity, a call to defend what was created and preserved for us by our great ancestors".


3.1. Vatican crusade against the USSR-Russia

At the end of February 2009, the Russian media bypassed the following message: “The Russians want to return Soviet Union. Most Russians would like their state to resemble the Soviet one. These are the results of a survey conducted by the "Gallup" in Russia".

3.1.1. Poland is the weak link in the coalition of national forces in Eastern Europe

So, in 2009, so many years after the collapse of the USSR, "the majority of Russians" still yearn for the lost Soviet statehood.
Probably, many of this majority asked themselves the question: “What forces contributed to the collapse of the country, the memory of which makes them so nostalgic?” Usually, the destroyers include political, economic and informational forces, that is, what is obvious and lies on the surface.
But there was another force that had a particularly destructive effect, while being in the shadows, behind the scenes.

This force was Vatican. There is so much talk now about the desirability of a union between the Vatican and the Moscow Patriarchate that we are sister churches, that we have much in common. In this regard, it would be nice to find out with whom we are invited to unite. We will begin to understand this just from the history of the organization of the collapse of the USSR, where one of the main roles was played by Pope John Paul II. Let's say more, without the intervention of the pope, this would not have been possible.
As expressed it Timothy Garton Ash:“Without the pope, there would be no Solidarity (resistance movement against the government of the then Poland. - Auth.). Without Solidarity, there would be no Gorbachev. Without Gorbachev, there would have been no fall of communism.” The “fall of communism” in this case was expressed not in the collapse of the ideology that now “lives and wins” in the West, but in the collapse of the statehood of the Soviet Union and its allies - the countries of Eastern Europe, which have long, in fact, moved away from the communist ideology. Only a few symbols and names remained from it.
It was an external facade that hid a completely different system. It was called Soviet, socialist. But it's not about the name. At its core, it was a construction-oriented system. national statehood + , objectively impeding creation of everything global, including the Global Khaganate. Confrontation of the national And global lies at the heart of modern political and economic confrontation. During the existence of the Soviet Union, it was he who was the core of everything national, around which the countries of Eastern Europe and the countries of the Third World united, also choosing the path of national statehood. The USSR formed this coalition of national forces, and this coalition rested on it. Thanks to this, the national could defend itself and repel the attacks of the global.

This situation, of course, did not suit the global forces, the forces of the Khazarocracy.
During the Cold War, attempts were repeatedly made to undermine the bloc of national forces. In the 1970s, a strategic decision was made - first, undermining the union from within, by decomposing one of the members, provoke a rebellion, a revolution of all. And then inflict a fatal blow on the core of the alliancethe Soviet Union. Thus, the question arose in which state to lay that mine, which would subsequently blow up the entire system of national statehood so that small fragments of it remained.
The implementation of this plan was not easy. In order to turn some state into an explosive device capable of blowing up the entire system of national forces and creating the prerequisites for the destruction of its core, it was necessary to think through a number of conditions to which the State must comply.
First, this state must play significant role in a coalition of national forces, so that the situation in it really affects everyone.
Secondly, since the main blow was directed against the key Russian statehood as the foundation of the national system, it is necessary that this state organically carried an anti-Russian charge in its depths. That is historically strongly opposed Russia, politically and spiritually.
Thirdly, it is necessary that this state was organically connected with the West, which is the core of the coalition of global forces. Organic connection in this case means a historical union with the West in political and spiritual (religious) terms.
Only one country met all these three requirements - Poland.

3.1.2. "Everything that has happened in Eastern Europe in recent years would not have been possible without the presence of the Pope in all this"

When they decided on the state-mine, it was necessary to work out strategy subversion aimed at destroying systems of national statehood led by the USSR .
This strategy was to form within Poland such a force that would be able to act in two directions against its own national statehood and against the USSR as the vanguard of the national statehood system in the world.
John Paul II took an active part in the formation of such a force and acted as its spiritual leader.
The authority of the Pope made it possible to ensure scale And openness subversive anti-state activities in Poland. John Paul II, a Pole by nationality, gave the revolutionary movement a special pathos and nationalist character. Polish Catholicism has historically been the center of the struggle against the Russian Empire + .

[+ And it's understandable why. The heresy of papism in any country is always directed against its statehood, for since the 11th century, the Pope of Rome has been trying to establish his power over the whole world, arguing, where possible, fire and sword, the dogma of papism that the priesthood is higher than the kingdom! The world behind the scenes has long been using papism for its own purposes of establishing its world domination. In Russia, Pope Kirill I (Gundyaev) of Moscow is now the evangelist of papism, behind which stands the same world behind the scenes.]

And under the spiritual leadership of John Paul II, the process of disintegration of the system of national statehood of the USSR and its allies went at a rapid pace.
In June 1979, the Pope undertook his historic trip to Poland and stayed there for nine days, which then turned the world upside down. In his sermons, lectures and addresses, he did what was later called "a revolution in the minds of the Poles".

Bronislaw Geremek, a former foreign minister of Poland and a member of the Solidarity movement, recalls: “In 1979, the pope wanted to convey to us that the regime could not exist without popular support, and he said: "Don't Support Him"( ).
It is no coincidence that a year later a movement was formed in Gdansk Solidarity, who organized a strike at a local shipyard, and almost the first thing the members of the movement did,they hung a portrait of John Paul II on the factory gate.
This is followed by a rapid rise in traffic. Solidarity, to whom the pope renders all-round spiritual and financial support.
The financial support of the Vatican has allowed for an explosive growth in the number of Solidarity- in 18 months 10 million members.
A wave of strikes shook the country. The Polish government was in fear, and the Kremlin expressed deep concern. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR Andrei Gromyko then he said: “We must not lose Poland. The Soviet Union lost 600,000 soldiers and officers in the struggle to liberate Poland from the Nazis. In August 1980 Lech Walesa makes demands to the government of Poland. The Pope, seeing on TV how Lech Walesa and the workers pray, declares: "Walesa is sent by God, by providence itself".
Addressing the two chambers of the Polish Sejm at a solemn ceremony in honor of the 25th anniversary Solidarity. its former leader and Poland's first democratic president Lech Walesa said that this movement "inspired" Pope John Paul II. "Then the Polish people and many others woke up from their sleep." According to Walesa, Poles were "awakened" by John Paul II's first visit to Poland as pontiff in 1979 year. It was after this that the Solidarity and protests began against the communist regime.
"Revolution in the minds of the Poles" 1979 prepared a revolution 1989 after which the process of the collapse of socialist statehood in the USSR and the countries of Eastern Europe went especially fast.
New York Times wrote about it: “Historians and statesmen agree that John Paul II played a huge role in creating the labor movement Solidarity in 1980. After a series of largely dramatic events led by this organization, in the summer of 1989 the communist regime collapsed in Poland. And this, in turn, caused political upheavals in other socialist countries from East Germany to Bulgaria..

After 1979, dad made two more trips to Poland in 1983 and 1987. He succeeded ignite the flame of revolution which affected millions of Poles. But it all started then with his trip in 1979. As the former head of the Polish state said general Jaruzelsky; "She served as a detonator".
It is known that shortly after the election of Karol Wojtyla on October 16, 1978 as the head of the Roman Catholic Church, the KGB informed the Politburo that the decision of the Vatican was taken under pressure Zbigniew Brzezinski, then serving as Security Adviser to the President of the United States Jimmy Carter .
Ronald Reagan, officially became President of the United States on January 20, 1981, retained Brzezinski as a security adviser in his administration. He took vigorous steps to establishing close contacts with John Paul II, considering him and Poland as the key to the destruction of the "evil empire" + . It was this name that was then glued to the USSR.

[+ For the activities of Andropov, the head of the KGB and a deeply undercover agent behind the scenes of the world, at this time, see .]

As follows from the biography of the pope, written Carl Bernstein and reporter for the Vatican Marco Politi, The relationship between the American President and the Pope began with an exchange of letters shortly after Reagan's inauguration. This was followed by secret visits to the Vatican by Ambassador Vernon Walters and director of the CIA William Casey. They assured the Pope that The United States will provide financial, material and political support to the movement Solidarity. In addition, they provided the pope with a lot of valuable intelligence information about events in Poland and other countries that the pope was supposed to visit during his long trips. In February 1981, as unrest grew in Poland, intelligence was handed over to the Pope containing photographs of the concentration of Soviet armed forces on the Polish border. Shortly thereafter, the media circulated reports that the Pope, in a letter to Leonid Brezhnev threatened to fly to Warsaw and stand in front of Soviet tanks if they invaded Poland (Michael Satchell "The end of communism", U.S. News & World Report, 4/2/05).
In December 1981, Polish leader Wojciech Jaruzelski announced in the country martial law. Thousands of Solidarity members were arrested, hundreds were charged with treason and subversion. Movement was prohibited and Walesa was arrested.
Six months later, in June 1982, Reagan visited the Pope. During this visit that brought them closer, John Paul II blessed Reagan to launch a "crusade" against the Soviet Union to destroy it. Reagan advisor Richard Allen wrote that both leaders considered the collapse of the Soviet empire inevitable, while putting at the forefront more spiritual than strategic grounds. Both leaders, according to the adviser, shared the general opinion that some kind of "religious plan based on supernatural powers", and the president expressed absolute confidence that "Dad will help change the world." Allen writes: "It was one of the greatest secret alliances of all time. Not an alliance in the usual, official sense of the word, but not legally formalized in any way collusion".
Massimo Franco, writer, journalist, member of the London Institute for Strategic Studies, emphasizes that this agreement was directed against Soviet statehood: "Pope John Paul II and President Reagan formed a secret alliance against Moscow, the results of which allowed to accelerate the collapse of the USSR"
(Massimo Franco. The Pope and the President. Rome and Reagan against the Russians, 2009).
According to US government sources, three weeks after this meeting, Reagan signed a secret directive aimed at ensuring that the "crusade" through Poland against the USSR with everything necessary. In secret cooperation with the Vatican and through it from the United States to help Solidarity money, faxes, computers, copiers and printing machines, printing equipment, communication equipment, etc., were smuggled.
"The Pope launched an aggressive religious and political offensive", and became "a passionate catalyst for the revolution"... (Michael Satchell. The end of communism, U.S. News& World Report, 4/2/05)
In 1985, it became clear that the Polish leadership was no longer able to control and contain the revolutionary movement in the country. From the Reagan-Papa meeting in 1982 until 1985, Washington, through the CIA, pumped Solidarity$50 million.
Reagan Ambassador Vernon Walters visited the Vatican between 1981 and 1988 every six months to exchange top secret economic, military and political intelligence information
In 1986, Jaruzelski announced a general amnesty in the country, including the release of more than 200 political prisoners, and dropped the charges against Walesa.

John Paul II returned to Poland in 1987 and celebrated a solemn Mass outdoors in Gdańsk in front of an enthusiastic crowd in 750 000 Human. Repeating over and over again that Polish workers have the right to self-government (well, just a true Marxist), the pope declared: “No more effective fight, how Solidarity".
In mid-1989, Poland held multi-party elections, which were won by candidates from Solidarity. After that it started the process of the collapse of the Warsaw Pact, and then the USSR. Hungary opened its borders with Austria, allowing East German citizens to flee to West Germany. Demonstrations began demanding independence in Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. Demands for freedom spread to Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and Romania. In East Germany, the Berlin Wall was destroyed.
The hurricane of change launched by the pope's trips to Poland was rapidly approaching to the main point of its destructive historical destinyto the USSR.
The Catholic Church became one of the main forces of the anti-Soviet struggle, and John Paul II became its spiritual leader and inspirer.
Vitaly Pavlov, who headed the KGB office in Poland from 1973 to 1984, writes in his memoirs: "Cardinal Wojtyla" often appeared in the column of operational reports on subversive anti-government activities". And further: “Cardinal K. Wojtyla was one of the most militant anti-communists, inspirer of various anti-government and anti-Soviet speeches from the church pulpit. (Vladimir Voronov. "Operation" Papa ". Top secret, 2005).
Against the background of the growth of these speeches and the spread of the revolution that threatens the existence of the USSR, Gorbachev takes a course of refusing to help the pro-Soviet regimes of Eastern Europe, betraying them and leaving them to the mercy of fate, or rather, enemies.
December 1989 the pope arranges his first meeting with Gorbachev and meets with him in the Vatican. They announce that the Vatican and Moscow are establishing diplomatic relations. Note that the leadership of the USSR did not have diplomatic relations with the Holy See until August 1962 considered the Vatican one of the centers of global "anti-Soviet influence".
Gorbachev, in his passionate admiration for the West, became completely politically blind and lost not only the sense of responsibility for the state and people, but even the elementary instinct for self-preservation.

Then, during his visit to the Vatican, after a long confidential conversation, the pontiff invites Gorbachev's wife to join them. Gorbachev at the same time bestows high praise on the pope: “Raisa, I present you to His Holiness John Paul II, who is the highest authority on the planet"(Michael Satchell. The end of communism, U.S. News & World Report, 04.02.2005).

In 1991, the “highest authority”, in gratitude for the compliment, helps inflict the final mortal blow on the USSR, making trips to Poland and Baltic republics, from where his irreconcilable anti-Soviet messages quickly spread throughout the territory of the USSR.
In December 1991, the pope-led crusade against the USSR reached its goal. The Soviet empire was destroyed and its fragments fell under the power of an external center.
By the way, Gorbachev publicly acknowledged the key role of John Paul II in regime change in the countries of Eastern Europe, which resulted in their enslavement by the West. Gorbachev said: "Everything that happened in Eastern Europe V last years, would not be possible without the presence of the pope in all this, without great role, even the political one he played on the world stage" (La Stampa, March 3, 1992).
This "great role" of the pope in the implementation of the Khazarocracy's strategic plans to fight Russian statehood provided him with fantastic support from the world behind the scenes. Therefore, it is not surprising that John Paul II was on the papal throne for a very long time - 33 years.
But his predecessor was the head of the Vatican for a surprisingly short time - only 33 days...


In our apostasy times, the slow but steady movement towards the unification of the Orthodox Church and the "sister church" - the Catholic Church is becoming more and more clearly visible. The heresy of ecumenism finds its admirers and defenders even among the bishops, successors of the Apostles, called and ordained by God to keep the teaching of the Mother Church in purity, as determined by the Holy Councils, rules and regulations of the Apostles. We will not cite the well-known testimonies of many saints: from the holy Reverend Theodosius of the Kiev Caves to the holy Righteous John of Kronstadt about the pernicious apostasy of Catholics from the true faith and falling into heresy. The best accuser of them will be the Patriarch, the High Hierarch of Rome, Martin the Confessor.
Suffered in the year 647 by the emperor Constans II under the Byzantine heretic Patriarch Paul of Samosad for the Truth and purity of Orthodoxy against the Monophylite heresy, subjected to humiliation, insult and beating by a mocking crowd, the holy elder was exiled to Tauric Chersonesus, where he died of poverty, hunger, cold and painful eldership in 655. His honest relics were raised by Sts. Cyril and Methodius, Slavic teachers, along with the relics of St. Clement, Pope of Rome. The holy bodies of Saints Martin and Clement were sent to Rome, and the head of each and the right hand remained in Chersonese.

Surprising and instructive for us is the veneration of the Roman primate by the pious Tsar John the Terrible, who erected in Moscow a majestic cathedral in honor of Martin the Confessor of the Pope of Rome. Also known is the church in honor of this saint in the Arkhangelsk region. Perhaps this is not the only evidence of the veneration of the Roman Patriarch by the Russian people, who did not deviate from the Truth in the face of the progenitors of the future ecumenists, who united light with darkness, good with evil, life with death.
The message of the holy elder Philotheus Elizarov of the Three Saints Monastery near Pskov to the Sovereign and Grand Duke Vasily the Third comes to mind, in which he writes that “... the first Rome fell from the Appolinarian heresy, the second Rome fell, conquered by the Turks, descendants of the Hagarians. The third Rome - Moscow - stands, but the fourth will not be.
The prophecy is precious for us in that, as Alexander Nechvolodov writes, “the views of the Russian people of that time, their deep faith in God, as well as a remarkably penetrating understanding of those lofty tasks that lie on the Russian sovereigns in collecting lands under their own hands are clearly visible.” in the name of the establishment of the Orthodox faith and peace among the peoples.
The Russian People deeply perceived the succession of the First and Second Rome, realized Holy Rus' as the guardian of Orthodoxy. When, in 988, Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir was baptized in Chersonese, as a sign of the churching of power, he was presented with a choice of honest heads of two Roman patriarchs: Clement and Martin. St. Clement suffered for the enlightenment of the pagans, and Prince Vladimir was faced with the task of baptizing pagan Rus', so he chose and took with him to Kiev the Honest head of St. Clement, which is still kept together with the myrrh-streaming heads in the Holy Dormition Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The holy head of Pope Martin remained in Chersonese. Subsequently, during the invasion of the Turks and Tatar hordes, the temples and crypts with ossuaries in Chersonesos were destroyed. The fate of the honest relics was unknown.

In 2002, on the feast of the Vladimir Icon Holy Mother of God On September 8, at the site of the excavation of one of the ancient temples in Chersonesos, after a prayer service to the Hieromartyrs of Chersonesus, the Honest head of wax color, strong and durable, was revealed to Priest John. On Easter 2003, the Saint revealed his name. This year, as well as later in 2008, Easter coincided with the day of memory of Martin the Confessor. The miracle of finding the holy relics of Martin the Confessor was also confirmed by the Pochaev elder Akhila (in the schema Theodosius). For the sake of brevity, we will not describe all the miracles and sacred occasions that were performed with the priest through prayers to the Saint. After the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, with the blessing of the elder, the Honest Head was taken to the Monastery of the Royal Martyrs at Ganina Yama near Yekaterinburg, on Russian Golgotha.

Passing through Moscow, Fr. John miraculously placed the Head on the throne in the altar of the cathedral built by Ivan the Terrible in honor of Martin the Confessor (B. Kommunisticheskaya St., 15 in Alekseevskaya Sloboda). On the road myrrh-streaming began; waves of fragrance spread throughout the carriage, and many sick people almost went berserk when they were near the shrine. The honest chapter is still in the Yekaterinburg diocese.
At the time of the current secret preparation and calls for “fraternal unity” with Catholic heretics, the Lord, through the appearance of the Honest Head Martin the Confessor of the Pope of Rome, reminds us that after the fall of the Vatican into heresy, the primacy of Rome passed to Byzantium and calls us to confession, upholding the purity of our Apostolic Faith. Let us recall the sad historical experience of the union with the Catholics (the Union of Florence of 1439), 14 years after which the Second Rome, Byzantium, fell. Unification can take place only after the repentance of the West in heresy. And we can contribute to this repentance.

Sacred in meaning is the icon of three Hierarchs: the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, who blessed Kievan Rus; Hieromartyr Clement, Pope of Rome, heavenly intercessor and intercessor for Prince Vladimir, Baptist of Rus' and St. Martin the Confessor of the Pope of Rome, calling in recent times to confession and repentance for the revival of "new Rus' - according to the old model."
If the secret of the patronage of the first two saints of our Russian land has already been revealed, then the secret action and intercession of the third saint has not yet been fully revealed to us. By the providence of God, the holy relics of the confessor have been revealed to us right now, when the process of “surrendering” Orthodoxy is going on more and more clearly before our eyes and there are rumors that the Pope has already been invited to Moscow. Disclosure of the feat of confession and worldwide veneration of St. Martin, who stood in the Truth in the First Rome, could remind the “transoceanic” popes where the true line of the apostolic Teaching lies and what needs to be done in order to return to the bosom of the Mother Church, and we, the Orthodox, could be vigilant and “not lukewarm”, because the Dulles-Brzezinski plan has already reached its final stage.

O. John (Streshnev)
Russian Orthodox Edinoverie Church

3.1.B. It is possible to escape from the machinations of the servants of Satan only by being in the Right Faith

Let us understand that any person living on earth can be saved from the intrigues of Satan's servants only by calling on God's help. The most powerful protection and help of God is given to the third. That is why the servants of Satan hate this People so much, that is why they invent themselves in search of means of decomposition and destruction of at least one of this People.
Yes, the Lord God powerfully and reliably protects His chosen Russian People! But to whom much is given, the demand is much higher! That is why sons and daughters of the Russian people, if they wish to be saved, must be in the Right Faith and profess all dogmatic fullness Orthodox Church of Christ, and, first of all, to confess, without which no statehood is possible, and without it it is not possible to effectively resist the servants of Satan and defeat them.
Yes, Russia is in trouble, having a government that destroys statehood and serves not the people, but the world behind the scenes! But the development of events and the course of history in Russia depend not only on the authorities. If we continue to passively observe the insane actions of people who think of themselves that they are the power in Russia, and do not come to the mind of Christ, do not want to understand what the greatest service the Lord God has placed on the Russian People (this service gives the most powerful protection from the intrigues of the servants of Satan, but also the greatest responsibility is required from the People of God for the charitable bearing of this Cross-Service), then the wrath of God on the Russian People will continue, and the ZhID will continue to scour the Russian Land with a scorpion.

For those who have forgotten or do not know yet, we recall that since the time of the Wedding of Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible to the Kingdom (January 16/29, 1547) the Russian People has been a person who has his own and extremely responsible mission in the salvation of the peoples of the whole world!
State criminals who are in the Russian leadership, without a doubt, will receive appropriate remuneration still here in life
at least human hatred(as, for example, the recently dead Gaidar!), and those whom the Lord God blesses to live until the resurrection of Russia under the sovereign hand of the Tsar-victor, “They will no longer be sent to Siberia, but they will execute everyone” , according to the words of the Monk Seraphim. (See the prophecy of St. Seraphim of Sarov.) Today's church reading is about the same Prophet Issia (Thursday of Holy Cross Week): Hear therefore the word of the Lord, slanderers, rulers of this people which is in Jerusalem (now these are Orthodox Christians who profess the entire dogmatic fullness of the Teachings of Christ and live in Russia) . Since you say: "We made an alliance with death and made an agreement with the underworld: when the all-striking scourge passes, it will not reach us, because we have made a lie a refuge for ourselves, and by deceit we will cover ourselves." Therefore thus says the Lord God: Behold, I am laying for a foundation in Zion a stone, a tested stone, a cornerstone, a precious one, firmly established: he who believes in him will not be ashamed (under the stone here one should understand both the God-Anointed Tsar Himself and the one who establishes hierarchical relations between people). And I will set judgment as a measure, and righteousness as a scale; and hail shall destroy the place of deceit, and the waters shall drown the place of concealment. And your covenant with death is broken, and your covenant with hell will not stand. When the all-striking scourge comes, you will be trampled. How soon he will go, grab you; he will walk every morning, day and night, and one rumor about him will inspire horror(Isaiah 28:14-19). Let us draw your attention to the fact that it is no coincidence that the Church of Christ reads this text every year during Great Lent! It is fasting that always strengthens us to be firm in goodness (about this).

Icon Tsar-redeemer Nicholas II
(troparion and prayer, another prayer)
He atoned for the sin of betrayal of the Russian People
in particular, and the priesthood, which committed this sin of perjury of the Cathedral Vow of 1613 long before February 1917, without taking out on Proskomedia a piece from the seal of the fourth prosphora for Him, as for the Anointed of God and for the Head of the earthly militant Church
About the redemptive feat of Tsar Nicholas II
see and others our website content .
To obtain larger size- you need to click the mouse

But while we do not need the Autocratic Autocratic power of the God-Anointed Tsar, while some madmen, including those in the cassocks of Orthodox clergy, blaspheme Emperor Nicholas II, the Lord God sees that the Russian People have not yet come into the mind of Christ, and therefore the Angel of the Lord continues and will continue to pour out new cups of disasters ... About the Russian People, see the prophecy of the Prophet Isaiah in the church reading for Tuesday of the Week of Gregory Palamas

The state crimes listed by Tatyana Vasilievna of the current government of Russia are only part of the disasters from the cup of the Angel of the Lord. " And there will be more!”- Abel the Seer warns us through the centuries.

Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear! (Matthew 13:9).

6. My faithful ones, a little more and My indignation will pass

An Orthodox person, of course, must understand the time in which he lives. He must understand what the servants of Satan are preparing to trap him in their nets. Because, who is forewarned is forearmed, which means that the chances for an Orthodox person to avoid demonic traps increase.
But an Orthodox person is strong, first of all, by the power of God. That's the only reason he's invincible even if he physically dies. But the Lord God gives His Strength and His Protection to a person, if he so desires, if only he understands that without God and without His Anointed, a person and those close to him will face death both here on earth and after physical death.
Our means of communication with the Almighty, Just and Merciful God is through prayer and our charitable or unpleasing deeds. And it is clear that in order to be heard by Almighty God, it is necessary pray and in accordance with the teachings of Christ.

Let's remember the church reading on the very first day of Great Lent (we were supposed to read these words): 15 And when you stretch out your hands,
I close my eyes from you ; and when you multiply your supplications, I can not hear : your hands are full of blood . 16 Wash yourself, cleanse yourself; remove your evil deeds from my eyes; stop doing evil; 17 learn to do good look for the truth save the oppressed, defend the orphan, intercede for the widow. 18 Then come and discuss says the Lord . If your sins be as scarlet, they will be as white as snow; if they are red like purple, they will turn white like a wave. 15 If you want and obey you will eat the good things of the earth ; 20 but if you deny and persist, then the sword will devour you: for the mouth of the Lord speaks (Isaiah 1:15-20). See an explanation of these amazing words.

Those. salvation Lord God through the Prophet Isaiah on the first day of Lent promises to everyone, including all non-Orthodox people, no matter how terrible and bloody sins were on the conscience of this person. You just need to want something and start to obey Almighty God, seek the truth and, of course, bring forth the godly fruits of renunciation(repentance!) from his terribly sinful or almost sinless life.

We are on our side We wish you all to come to the Mind of Christ(for this, the Angel of the Lord pours out new bowls of disasters on the Great Russian People)! And regardless of religion (at the moment), and regardless of nationality, accept Orthodoxy and find salvation like here on earth(from the servants of Satan and their insidious designs) and in Heaven(for Eternal Life with Christ Jesus). Prophecy of St. Abel, see more complete.
The texts of Holy Scripture and the prophecies of many holy fathers speak of the coming resurrection of Russia.
On our website, this is stated in the following works by Roman Sergiev:
“ ”.

This work is based on 5 chapters from the Book of the Old Testament Prophet Isaiah and 4 chapters from the Book of Proverbs of Solomon. These Scriptures Orthodox Church every year during the first 2 weeks of Lent teaches his children the right Faith. Isaiah 1-5 contains3 prophetic speeches about the end times , for the God-chosen Russian People and about the earthly Church of Christ in pre-Tikhrist times. Prophet Isaiah comforts, supports, encourages all those in the right Faith even if they have an abundance of scarlet and purple sins, sternly reproves and warns all royal traitors and apostates from Christ and His Teachings. King Solomon constantly reminds about the need every Christian gain the wisdom and mind of Christ for his God-pleasing service to the King of Heaven and the King of the earth.

“ ”.

In this job in accordance with the Teachings of the Church of Christ are considered prophecies the Old Testament Apocalypse Third book of Ezra about the last days: about the victorious king and about the resurrection of Russia, about the death of the Antichrist and his servants and about the salvation of the faithful; explains the need to study revealed texts Old Testament and faith in a miracle; explained hierarchy of the commandments, the need for the salvation of the right faith and permissibility of obedience only to their legitimate kings. Reflections on Anointed One , which is saved Almighty before his day .

“ ”.

“ ” .

In this job the patristic understanding of the texts of Holy Scripture read by the Orthodox Church on the week of the prodigal son is given. In the course of the discussion, the topic of spiritual fornication is considered and the attention of spiritual fornicators is drawn to what awaits them according to the word of God. Explains why a natural person cannot assimilate the spiritual. The spiritual meaning of despondency is explained. The purpose of these notes is to point out that without fidelity to your king, first of all, to the Anointed of God, unity with the Lord is impossible .

“ ”).

Topic of this work: strengthening the faithful before the current and yet to come trials, a warning to the crooks. Conclusions are made based on reading the book of the prophet Malachi and Psalm 84 in the light of the teachings of the Church of Christ . A very relevant example of a charitable life Saint Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow. Prophet Malachi convicts the people of God for the lack of proper piety, for neglecting to pay tithes to God. Especially strong are the accusations of the lack of fear of God in the priesthood, neglect in the matter of worship. Very important prophecies that our land will bear fruit to the Second Coming of Christ: under the sovereign hand of the victorious Tsar she will assimilate and profess the dogma of royal power .

“or Repent; for the kingdom of God is at hand.”

In this job These notes discuss the history of Russia in the light of the prophetic words of the Reverend about the 3 yokes. Also about the future of Russia in the light of the prophecies of other saints of God. Explanations are given about the role of the Tsar-father in the life of God's heritage according to the teachings of His Church, on the difference between the concepts of "cathedral" and "council".

Video sermon " Cathedral Oath of 1613"Look and listen (9min18"). The sermon was said after the Liturgy on March 6, 2010 uncircumcised centuries old liturgical texts . Fragment from the new film about. Roman tells about Tsarist Power and Ivan the Terrible (19min19").

7. Two imperial cores in the modern world and their historical confrontation

Studio "Abode" of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra presents a film-lecture with the participation of a political scientist, head of the department of the General Staff of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Tatyana Vasilievna Gracheva on the topic " Two imperial cores in the modern world and their historical confrontation". The first part of five can be downloaded (1024Mb, 25min36"). T.V. Grachev says: We must not lose heart, we must mobilize ourselves spiritually! We need, in connection with the war against Russia, the world behind the scenes, spiritual mobilization. It is she who will help us cope with the evil that is attacking us, Russia, our People!"
Whole movie lecture(the quality is worse) watch (107 min).

On this topic, the video "Blue Berets" with the song " Shoulder straps of Russia " ("For the Fatherland, for shoulder straps, the last battle has not yet been given!") 4min07".

The second part can be downloaded (1024Mb, 25min36"). Part 2 of the video file briefly analyzes the history of the Khazar Khaganate, the existence of which is deliberately hushed up and not widely disclosed in history books around the world. It is also of interest Short story occurrence of the tribe of Dan. " Russia took over from Byzantium, and Moscow has become the Third Rome! Russia is the Spirit of Christ! The spirit of Khazaria is the spirit of Antichrist. The policy of Khazaria is the policy of the world behind the scenes: war has become a form of government. Look for the future in the past! "
Watch the video with the Blue Berets song " Because we are Russian! " (3 min).

The third part can be downloaded (1024Mb, 25min36"). Part 3 of the video file analyzes the direction of the flight of the Khazars after the defeat of the Khazar Khaganate. Modern "rulers of the world" - physical and spiritual heirs of the ancient Khazars. The democratic idea is a Kabbalistic idea, and therefore religious in essence, where the idea of ​​subordination to the will of God is replaced by the idea of ​​human autonomy (godlessness). The Khazar project is a merciless program global control and total destruction, the result of which should be, according to the plan of the servants of Satan, coming of antichrist.
Everyone who participates in globalization, who sees the good in global politics, in the global economy, in global religion, they are either already participating or ready to participate. in the implementation of misanthropic intentions world behind the scenes. For the people of the Spirit of Christ, these words are a call for spiritual mobilization. Look for the future in the past! "
Watch the video with the song by Sergei Trofimov " Outlaw "(3min44").

The fourth part can be downloaded (1024Mb, 25min36"), the fifth (final) - (135Mb, 4min10"). In the fourth part, Tatyana Vasilievna says: "The world currency is beyond the control of any sovereign state. The surrender of the national currency is the surrender of national sovereignty. The faith of each person and the strength of this faith are important! Our salvation depends on this, even now, when they cynically say that they have practically reached their goal. D. Rockefeller: "We are on the threshold of global changes. All we need is suitable large-scale crisis, and the peoples will accept the new world order».
They staged this crisis for the nations to accept this new world order. G. Kissinger is an adviser to the Pope. State chimera: the leadership of the country ceases to serve its country and its people, and begins to serve the global state. Freemasonry is the tentacles of the Khazar anti-system. " To master the world, it is necessary to master Russia!» Russia - main obstacle to establish a new world order. That is why Russia becomes the main target. Attack on Russia. One of the main lines of attack on Russia is an attack on Russian history, attack on the monarchical idea, an attack on the imperial idea, on the idea of ​​imperial Orthodox statehood . “The danger of Russia is in Russian nostalgia for the Empire. “Obviously, Russia’s goal is to restore old Russian Empire. Not the Soviet Union, but the Russian Empire' they are afraid. They are afraid of the restoration of Orthodox statehood, they are afraid of the restoration, creation and strengthening of the Third Rome, which is based on the Orthodox Faith. They are afraid of the idea of ​​the Russian Empire. Therefore, there is an attack on our history, there is a discrediting of everything that is connected with Russian Empire. Therefore, there is a discrediting of those periods of our history when it was especially strong. "There is no crazier idea than going to war with Russia, but that's what Obama is aiming for." We can expect the world economic crisis to turn into a military phase. 533.7 billion US dollars are planned for anti-guerrilla wars, for wars with a people who will allow themselves to disagree with the new world order. The war in South Ossetia and the victory in it was in spite of everything and in spite of everything. The Russian army in this war demonstrated that it belongs to the tortured, but great Russian people. “Brothers, we are not many, but the enemy is strong. But God is not in power, but in truth. Let's not be afraid of many enemies, because God is with us! On that we stood, we stand and we will stand and so we will win!
Watch the video with Katya Ogonyok's song "
Her judgment is yet to come

And a toast to the Russian martyr people.

Although after death he did not know glory,
How often do we now
He was the Generalissimo of the Power,
That protected the world for the umpteenth time.

And let our affairs be bad today,
And let us now live in the realm of lies,
He was the Leader, the Leader of his era
And we will remember more than once about him.

We remember everything - history will judge:
Her court's turn will come -
Like from a plow to atomic weapons
He led the country confidently forward.

We will remember the power of the military parade,
What happened in that victorious year,
The rise of the country, rebuilt temples
And a toast to the Russian martyr-People.]

Listen to A.Kharchikov's song Comrade Stalin (3min34"), download (3.26Mb)

The piercingly wise Stalin looks at me from the portrait.
He forced everyone to respect his native country of the Soviets.

We fought for Stalin, we lived brightly under Stalin.
They did not give up with Stalin and the Russians were in spirit.

Joseph Vissarionovich, you are my leader and priceless friend.
Today I know for sure that everything you did is right -

You smashed the damned enemies, you crushed the Jewish reptiles.
And the strength of your truth lies in the fact that you gave everything to Russia.

I call you "you", my Soviet Emperor,
Worthy of them worthy, the Scourge of God for renegades.

In our United Union, we considered you the Father,
The wisest, glorious, most honest, stern and kind Stalin.

In earthly history, Stalin, you are the Warrior and Genius of the century,
Master of the Superpower, synonymous with the Superman

Raising you to the banners, we will get Judas again.
And again, in the struggle with an unbending soul, we will become Russians.

With you, Comrade Stalin, we will regain our freedom,
We'll save Moscow from thieves, we'll slam demo-freaks.

With you, Great Stalin, our beloved Russian Georgian,
Let's go through all the trials and save Russia in battles!

[We intend to continue news reports on the new book by Tatyana Gracheva, if the Lord God bless.]

To realize "WHO was our Russian Tsar Nicholas" (St. Right. Pskovoezersky Elder Nikolai Guryanov), we cite the books of Roman Sergiev “ The expiatory sacrifice of the holy Tsar Nicholas became the key to the inevitable resurrection of Tsarist Russia". By clicking on one of the lines, you will go to a more detailed table of contents, and from it you will find texts that will help you understand the greatest feat of the Holiness of Emperor NICHOLAS ALEKSANDROVICH, in fulfillment of the Will of God, HAS BEEN SIMILAR to our Lord Jesus Christ in the redemptive feat! It was through the hands of His Anointed One – the Holy Tsar Redeemer NIKOLAI ALEXANROVICH – that the Lord saved the God-chosen Russian People from extermination by the servants of Satan and made IMMINENT resurrection of Tsarist Russia.

About the great redemptive feat of our Sovereign, raised and accomplished by Him in the image and likeness of the Redemptive Feat of Christ the Lord, see the news reports of our site. We also recommend visiting the site. "NICHOLAS II REDEDED THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE'S TREASON!" two sermons are placed on the Christ-like redemptive feat of Tsar Nicholas, said after the liturgy on May 19, 2008, performed according to the full Imperial rank.

On our site you can see the portraits of Emperor Nicholas II, painted during his lifetime. Look

For the need to pray for the coming Russian Tsar the Conqueror and how to do this in practice, see the work:.

On Orthodox Radio of St. Petersburg on Sunday, July 20, Father Roman spoke about the need to pray according to the Imperial rank and about the need to take out particles on the Proskomidia, and for the Tsar-redeemer Nicholas II and for the coming Tsar from the Royal House of Romanov through the female line. The conversation can be downloaded at the address of the news message: " Royal Priest on the radio with the Royal theme". At the same address, you can read and download the conversations of Father Roman with Zhanna Vladimirovna Bichevskaya already on Moscow Radio in her author's program "From Heart to Heart". Chinu, no abbreviations

Everyone revered the blessed memory of the Spiritual Pskovoezersky Elder Nikolay Guryanov can find on our website the rarest and most valuable books about the Elder, written by the person closest to him - the clerk of Stratz, his cell-attendant Schema-nun Nikolai (Groyan): "an ardent prayer book of the Russian land for the whole world", " ", “ ” ""

After reading these books, you will find out why the enemy of the human race rises against the Holy Crowned Royal Family with such force. On the Friend of Tsarev - the "Man of God", the Holy New Martyr Gregory the New (Rasputin), slandered by the enemies of God, the Tsar and Russia. Learn the Truth about the Holy Blessed Tsar John Tsar John Vasilyevich IV Grozny and get answers to many other burning questions about which the Lord announced through the mouth of His Satisfier - the "Pillar of Russian Elderhood" - the spirit-bearing Elder Nikolai Guryanov

In the light of the stormy discussions that often arise now around the most ancient symbol of Russian National Culture - Gamma Cross (Yarga-Swastika) our website contains an extensive selection of material on this issue: See about the Russian Cross of the Resurrection of Russia.

You and I remember that the Lord God pointed out to Emperor Constantine the Great that he would win with the cross. Let's pay attention to the fact that only with Christ and with the Cross The Russian People will defeat all their enemies and throw off, finally, the hated yoke of the Jews! But the Cross with which the Russian People will win is not simple, but, as usual, golden, but for the time being it is hidden from many Russian Patriots under the rubble of lies and slander. In news reports made from books Kuznetsov V.P. "The history of the development of the shape of the cross". M.1997;Kutenkova P.I. "Yarga-swastika - a sign of Russian folk culture"SPb. 2008;Bagdasarov R. "Mysticism of the Fiery Cross" M. 2005, tells about the place in the culture of the Russian people of the most fertile cross - the swastika. The swastika cross has one of the most perfect forms and contains in itself in graphic form the whole mystical mystery of God's Providence and the whole dogmatic fullness of the Church's doctrine!

Moreover, if we keep in mind that The Russian People is the third God's Chosen People(Third Rome - Moscow, Fourth - not to happen; what the swastika is a graphic And of the whole mystical mystery of the Providence of God, And of the entire dogmatic fullness of the Church's doctrine, then a completely unambiguous conclusion suggests itself - Russian people under sovereign hand soon to come The victorious king from the Royal House of Romanov ( They swore to the House of Romanov God in 1613 to be faithful to the end of time ) will defeat all his enemies under the banners, on which, under the face of the Savior Not Made by Hands, a swastika (gamma cross) will flutter! In the State Emblem, the swastika will also be placed on a large crown, which symbolizes the power of the God-Anointed Tsar both in the earthly Church of Christ and in the Kingdom of the God-chosen Russian People.

On our website you can download and read the wonderful work of the general and writer Pyotr Nikolaevich Krasnov “”, which is an unfading wreath to the valiant soldiers and officers of the Russian Imperial Army, who laid down their belly for Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland. After reading this book, you will learn what Russian The Imperial Army was stronger than all the armies of the world and you will understand who General Pyotr Nikolaevich Krasnov is. A soldier of the Russian Army, a Russian Patriot, an Orthodox Christian will deprive themselves of a lot if they do not find time to read this very blessed little book.

A unique book in which a specialist investigator, being an Orthodox person, obviously through the prayers of the holy Tsar-Redeemer Nicholas II and the New Martyr John, the faithful Tsar's servant - cook I.M. Kharitonov, who died together with Tsar Nicholas II and His Family in the basement of the house of engineer Ipatiev, was able to show the ritual nature of the murder of the God-Anointed King by the servants of Satan.

The attempts of the Russian people to understand what happened to the Royal Family in Yekaterinburg on the night of July 17-18, 1918 did not stop and will never stop. Truth is needed not only to restore historical reality, but also to understand the spiritual essence of the martyrdom of the Sovereign and his Family. We do not know what they experienced - the Lord judged them to languish under arrest for more than a year, in complete obscurity, in an atmosphere of hatred and misunderstanding, with a burden of responsibility on their shoulders - for the fate of the Motherland and loved ones. But, having endured what was allowed, having accepted everything from the hands of God, they found humility, meekness and love - the only thing that a person can bring to the Lord and, most importantly, whatever pleases Him. The work of Pyotr Valentinovich Multatuli, a historian, great-grandson of one of the faithful servants of the Sovereign, Ivan Mikhailovich Kharitonov, is unusual. This is not a scientific monograph, but detailed, scrupulous investigation of the Yekaterinburg atrocity. The purpose of the author is, as far as possible, to come closer to the spiritual understanding of what happened in the Ipatiev House. The work used materials from the archives of Russia and France. Many papers published for the first time

All news reports on the book of Peter Valentinovich Multatuli on our website, see the library

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Save you Lord!

Pope Francis performs first canonization in his life

On May 12, in St. Peter's Square, he canonized 800 martyrs from Otranto and two Latin American nuns. According to Vatican Radio, the head of the Roman Catholic Church, among other things, noted:

« Today the Church offers for our veneration a whole series of martyrs who were together called to the highest witness of the Gospel in 1480. About eight hundred survivors of the siege and capture of Otranto were beheaded near that city. They did not want to renounce their faith and died confessing the Risen Christ. Where did they find the strength to stay true? It is precisely in faith, which makes it possible to see beyond the human eye, beyond the boundaries of earthly life, that makes it possible to contemplate “open heavens” – as St. Stephen - and the living Christ at the right hand of the Father».

In our world, sometimes it happens that the reckoning of a particular person or group of people begins to acquire a political sound. It is possible that something similar could happen to the martyrs of Otranto. Recall that they accepted death from the soldiers of the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II. This sultan, known by the nickname the Conqueror, is a cult hero of Turkish history and politics. It is with him that the great victories of the Ottoman Empire are associated, including the capture of Constantinople. In 1480, the troops of Mehmed II landed with an army in Italy, just in the Otranto region. After the siege, the Ottoman soldiers took the city. 800 men of working age were invited to convert to Islam. They refused, for which they were beheaded, the legend goes.

It is possible that this was the case. Although for Mehmed II, who was a dervish, such cruel behavior was extremely uncharacteristic. However, in the present day, in the 1990s, the Archdiocese of Otranto initiated a study of this history in order to consider the possibility of canonization of the townspeople. In 2007 the Pope Benedict XVI launches the process of canonization of 800 martyrs of Otrant with the wording as murdered " out of hatred for faith". So Pope Francis only completed the work begun by his predecessors. Regarding the solemn announcement in the Vatican of the decision on new saints, the Turkish press has so far limited itself to only brief informational remarks. The only thing that the leading Turkish newspapers Milliyet and Zaman did was to add to the reprints of the news the formula that 800 residents of Otranto were “allegedly” executed for refusing to convert to Islam, thereby challenging the Vatican’s main postulate about the suffering of martyrs “out of hatred for the faith.”

The canonization was the second significant act of the Vatican, touching Turkey, in two weeks of May. Earlier this month news agencies reported on the reprint of the Pope's book Francis « In heaven and on earth”, in which he, in particular, condemned the Armenian Genocide. As the current pope noted, being then a cardinal Bergoglio, in the twentieth century, the Turks razed cities and villages to the ground, because they presented themselves as a god. Given that in the first two months of his pontificate, Francis, for the first time in the history of the schism between Catholics and Orthodox, invited the Patriarch of Constantinople to Rome for his enthronement, accepted the latter’s invitation to visit Istanbul and Jerusalem, and also held a number of meetings in the Vatican with representatives of the North African and Middle Eastern Churches, it begs next output. It is possible that in the matter of reformatting the Greater Middle East (let's use this American term), it is planned to introduce a new, additional religious factor. If so far only the confrontation between Shiites and Sunnis within the framework of a single Islam has been taken into account, then, perhaps, now the factor of Catholicism can be added to them.

This has already happened in this region at the dawn of the second millennium from Christmas when, as a result of the Crusades blessed by Rome, the Kingdom of Jerusalem was formed in Palestine. It existed for a relatively short time, from 1099 to 1291, but left behind a number of clues. In particular, political technologies for the development and distribution of militant Catholic orders were worked out here -. Orders were not subordinate to either the Pope or the King. They were largely independent and were not required to carry out military service, but in fact participated in all major battles. After the fall of the kingdom, the orders transferred their activities to Europe, where the same Templars began to represent a very impressive force, for which they were destroyed by the French monarch Philip the Handsome, and in 1312 the Pope Clement V disbanded their order. By the way, the current head of the Roman Catholic Church, Francis, comes from, perhaps, the most .

The current Vatican can find itself again in the Middle East only with the active support of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, which is also called the Ecumenical. This is not an exaggeration. If in Istanbul itself the heirs of Byzantine Constantinople are locked up in the Phanar quarter, then outside of Turkey, the influence of the Ecumenical Patriarch extends to the USA and Europe, Greece and Jerusalem. Until now, the governor of the Phanar, the patriarch Bartholomew in political games was significantly limited by the need to adapt to the official Ankara. The accession of Pope Francis to the throne seemed to give room for maneuver. And in the first days of the procession of Francis, Patriarch Bartholomew made a number of careless remarks, when he even suggested that the old schism between Catholics and Orthodox would soon be healed with the prospect of creating a new super-Church ( those. ecumenism, betrayal of Orthodoxy and entering into an alliance with Rome, which plundered Constantinople during the “fourth crusade” in 1204 and the subsequent giving of the Constantinople hierarchs themselves, who accepted the (“Florentine”) in 1439 union with Catholicism , which led to the final decline in morals in Byzantium and the capture of Constantinople by the Turks in 1453 - ed. ed ). Then the capabilities of the ruler of Constantinople could be reinforced by the power of the Vatican, which would have an unpredictable impact on the geopolitical situation in the Middle East region.

As can be seen, the Turkish authorities have calculated this option. The answer followed instantly. The Turkish police took Bartholomew under heavy guard after the appearance of " information about the planned assassination attempt». As reported On May 10, Reuters, the Turkish prosecutor's office received an anonymous letter outlining the assassination plan (while the press secretary Dositheus Anagnostopoulos said that the Patriarch did not receive any direct threats, but learned about the alleged plot from the Turkish media, which was later confirmed by the Turkish police - ed. ed .). The assassination attempt was scheduled for May 29, which marks the 500th anniversary of the conquest of Constantinople by the Ottomans. In turn, the Patriarch of Constantinople commented on the discovery of a conspiracy against himself as follows: I am not worried because I am protected first of all by God and secondly by the Turkish authorities and the Turkish government". This reaction is understandable. After all, under the pretext of the need to protect Bartholomew from intruders, Ankara could well make him restricted to leave the Phanar quarter for a long time. In any case, at the moment, the Patriarch of Constantinople will not be entirely up to Pope Francis.

Time will tell what the Vatican will do next in this situation. Let's notice one thing. Not so long ago, the Pope's former personal secretary John XXIII, archbishop Loris Francesco Capavila drew attention to the great similarity that exists between John XXIII and Francis. In an interview with the Vatican Insider Internet portal, the 98-year-old elder said that both pontiffs are united by love for the periphery. John XXIII was Bishop of Rome for less than five years, from 1958 to 1963. Prior to his election as pope, he was a diplomat of the Vatican, and served as papal nuncio (envoy) to Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey and France. He is especially famous for being the initiator of the convening of the Second Vatican Council ( who justified the Jews in the betrayal of Christ - approx. ed ), as a result of which part of the communities departed from the Roman Catholic Church ( it is no less symbolic that there were two popes bearing the name of John XXIII. In addition to what was mentioned above - who justified the Jews in their betrayal, in the history of Rome there was another John XXIII - "antipope"(cm. Leo Taxil. "Sacred Nativity"). Moreover, he was such an odious person that after him, for almost 500 years, none of the pontiffs took the name John - ed. ed ). There is much to ponder here, given the comparison made by Archbishop Loris Francesco Capavila.

Stanislav Stremidlovsky

Vatican crusade againstCCCR-Russia

At the end of February 2009, the Russian media bypassed the following message: The Russians want to return the Soviet Union. Most Russians would like their state to resemble the Soviet one. These are the results of a survey conducted by the "Gallup" in Russia".

So, in 2009, so many years after the collapse of the USSR, "the majority of Russians" still yearn for the lost Soviet statehood.

Probably, many of this majority asked themselves the question: “What forces contributed to the collapse of the country, the memory of which makes them so nostalgic?” Usually, the destroyers include political, economic and informational forces, that is, what is obvious and lies on the surface.

But there was another force that had a particularly destructive effect, while being in the shadows, behind the scenes.

This force was Vatican. There is so much talk now about the desirability of a union between the Vatican and the Moscow Patriarchate that we are sister churches, that we have much in common. In this regard, it would be nice to find out with whom we are invited to unite. We will begin to understand this just from the history of the organization of the collapse of the USSR, where one of the main roles was played by PopeJohn PaulII. Let's say more, without the intervention of the pope, this would not have been possible.

As expressed it Timothy Garton Ash: “Without the pope, there would be no Solidarity (resistance movement against the government of the then Poland. - Auth.). Without Solidarity, there would be no Gorbachev. Without Gorbachev, there would have been no fall of communism.” The “fall of communism” in this case was expressed not in the collapse of the ideology that now “lives and wins” in the West, but in the collapse of the statehood of the Soviet Union and its allies - the countries of Eastern Europe, which have long, in fact, moved away from the communist ideology. Only a few symbols and names remained from it. It was an external facade that hid a completely different system. It was called Soviet, socialist. But it's not about the name. At its core, it was a construction-oriented system. national statehood, objectively impeding creation of everything global, including the Global Khaganate. Confrontation national And global lies at the heart of modern political and economic confrontation. During the existence of the Soviet Union, it was he who was the core of everything national, around which the countries of Eastern Europe and the countries of the Third World united, also choosing the path of national statehood. The USSR formed this coalition of national forces, and this coalition rested on it. Thanks to this, the national could defend itself and repel the attacks of the global.

This situation, of course, did not suit the global forces, the forces of the Khazarocracy.

During the Cold War, attempts were repeatedly made to undermine the bloc of national forces. In the 70s, a strategic decision was made - first, undermining the union from within, by decomposing one of the members, provoke a rebellion, a revolution of all. And then deal a fatal blow to the core alliance - Soviet Union. Thus, the question arose in which state to lay that mine, which would subsequently blow up the entire system of national statehood so that small fragments of it remained.

The implementation of this plan was not easy. In order to turn some state into an explosive device capable of blowing up the entire system of national forces and creating the prerequisites for the destruction of its core, it was necessary to think through a number of conditions that the state must comply with.

First, this state must play significant role in a coalition of national forces, so that the situation in it really affects everyone.

Secondly, since the main blow was directed against the key Russian statehood as the foundation of the national system, it is necessary that this state organically carried in its bowels an anti-Russian charge. That is historically strongly opposed Russia, politically and spiritually .

Thirdly, it is necessary that this state was organically connected with the West, which is the core of the coalition of global forces. Organic connection in this case means a historical union with the West in political and spiritual (religious) terms.

Only one country met all these three requirements - Poland.

When they decided on the state-mine, it was necessary to work out strategy subversion aimed at destroying system of national statehood headed by the USSR.

This strategy was to form within Poland such a force that would be able to act in two directions against its own national statehood and against the USSR as the vanguard of the national statehood system in the world.

John PaulIItook an active part in the formation of such a force and acted as its spiritual leader.

The authority of the Pope made it possible to ensure scale And openness subversive anti-state activities in Poland. John Paul II, a Pole by nationality, gave the revolutionary movement a special pathos and nationalist character. Polish Catholicism has historically been the center of the struggle against the Russian Empire.

And under the spiritual leadership of John Paul II, the process of disintegration of the system of national statehood of the USSR and its allies went at a rapid pace.

In June 1979, the Pope undertook his historic trip to Poland and stayed there for nine days, which then turned the world upside down. In his sermons, lectures and addresses, he did what was later called "a revolution in the minds of the Poles".

Bronislaw Geremek, a former foreign minister of Poland and a member of the Solidarity movement, recalls: “In 1979, the pope wanted to convey to us that the regime could not exist without popular support, and he said: "Don't Support Him" (http:// www. inosmi. en/ print/218647. html) .

It is no coincidence that a year later a movement was formed in Gdansk Solidarity, who organized a strike at a local shipyard, and almost the first thing the members of the movement did, - they hung a portrait of John PaulIIat the factory gate.

This is followed by a rapid rise in traffic. Solidarity, to whom the pope renders all-round spiritual and financial support.

The financial support of the Vatican has allowed for an explosive growth in the number of Solidarity- in 18 months 10 million members.

A wave of strikes shook the country. The Polish government was in fear, and the Kremlin expressed deep concern. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR Andrei Gromyko then he said: “We must not lose Poland. The Soviet Union lost 600,000 soldiers and officers in the struggle to liberate Poland from the Nazis.

In August 1980 Lech Walesa makes demands to the government of Poland. The Pope, seeing on TV how Lech Walesa and the workers pray, declares: "Walesa is sent by God, by providence itself."

Addressing the two chambers of the Polish Sejm at a solemn ceremony in honor of the 25th anniversary Solidarity, its former leader and Poland's first democratic president, Lech Walesa, said that this movement « inspired» Pope John Paul II. "Then the Polish people and many others woke up from their sleep." According to Walesa, Poles were "awakened" by John Paul II's first visit to Poland as pontiff in 1979 year. It was after this that Solidarity was born and protests against the communist regime began..

"Revolution in the minds of the Poles" 1979 prepared a revolution 1989 after which the process of the collapse of socialist statehood in the USSR and the countries of Eastern Europe went especially fast.

« New- York Times» wrote about it: “Historians and statesmen agree that John Paul II played a huge role in creating the labor movement Solidarity in 1980. After a series of largely dramatic events led by this organization, in the summer of 1989 the communist regime collapsed in Poland. And this, in turn, caused political upheavals in other socialist countries from East Germany to Bulgaria.”

After 1979, dad made two more trips to Poland in 1983 and 1987. He succeeded ignite the flame of revolution which affected millions of Poles. But it all started with his trip in 1979. As the former head of the Polish state said General Jaruzelsky: "She served as a detonator."

It is known that shortly after the election of Karol Wojtyla on October 16, 1978 as the head of the Roman Catholic Church, the KGB informed the Politburo that the decision of the Vatican was taken under pressure Zbigniew Brzezinski, then serving as Security Adviser to the President of the United States Jimmy Carter.

Ronald Reagan, officially became President of the United States on January 20, 1981, retained Brzezinski as a security adviser in his administration. He took vigorous steps to establishing close contacts with John PaulII, viewing him and Poland as the key to destroying the "evil empire". It was this name that was then glued to the USSR.

As follows from the biography of the pope, written Carl Bernstein and reporter for the Vatican Marco Politi, The relationship between the American President and the Pope began with an exchange of letters shortly after Reagan's inauguration. This was followed by secret visits to the Vatican by Ambassador Vernon Walters and director of the CIA William Casey. They assured the Pope that The United States will provide financial, material and political support to the Solidarity movement. In addition, they provided the pope with a lot of valuable intelligence information about events in Poland and other countries that the pope was supposed to visit during his long trips. In February 1981, as unrest grew in Poland, intelligence was handed over to the Pope containing pictures of the concentration of Soviet armed forces on the Polish border. Shortly thereafter, the media circulated reports that the Pope, in a letter to Leonid Brezhnev threatened to fly to Warsaw and stand in front of Soviet tanks if they invaded Poland (Michael Satchell « The end of communism», U. S. news & World report, 4/2/05) .

In December 1981, Polish leader Wojciech Jaruzelski announced in the country martial law. Thousands of Solidarity members were arrested, hundreds were charged with treason and subversion. Movement was prohibited and Walesa was arrested.

Six months later, in June 1982, Reagan visited the Pope. During this visit that brought them closer, John Paul II blessed Reagan to launch a "crusade" against the Soviet Union in order to destroy it. . Reagan advisor Richard Allen wrote that both leaders considered the collapse of the Soviet empire inevitable, while putting spiritual rather than strategic reasons at the forefront. Both leaders, according to the adviser, shared the general opinion that some " based on supernatural powers religious plan, and the president expressed absolute certainty that " Dad will help change the world." Allen writes: "It was one of the greatest secret alliances of all time. Not an alliance in the usual, official sense of the word, but not legally formalized in any way collusion".

Massimo Franco, writer, journalist, member of the London Institute for Strategic Studies, emphasizes that this agreement was sent against Soviet statehood:"DadJohn PaulII and President Reagan formed a secret alliance against Moscow, the results of which made it possible to hasten the collapse of the USSR " (Massimo Franco. The Pope and the President. Rome and Reagan against the Russians, 2009).

According to US government sources, three weeks after this meeting, Reagan signed a secret directive aimed at ensuring that the "crusade" through Poland against the USSR with everything necessary. In secret cooperation with the Vatican and through it from the United States to help Solidarity money, faxes, computers, copiers and printing machines, printing equipment, communication equipment, etc., were smuggled.

"The Pope launched an aggressive religious and political offensive", and became "a passionate catalyst for the revolution"... (Michael Satchell. The end of communism, U.S. News & World Report, 4/2/05)

In 1985, it became clear that the Polish leadership was no longer able to control and contain the revolutionary movement in the country. From the Reagan-Papa meeting in 1982 until 1985, Washington, through the CIA, pumped Solidarity 50 million dollars.

Reagan Ambassador Vernon Walters visited the Vatican between 1981 and 1988 every six months to exchange highly classified economic, military and political intelligence information.

In 1986, Jaruzelski announced a general amnesty in the country, including the release of more than 200 political prisoners, and dropped the charges against Walesa.

John Paul II returned to Poland in 1987 and celebrated a solemn Mass outdoors in Gdańsk in front of an enthusiastic crowd in 750 000 Human. Repeating again and again that the Polish workers have the right to self-government (well, just a true Marxist), the pope declared: “There is no more effective struggle than Solidarity».

In mid-1989, Poland held multi-party elections, which were won by candidates from Solidarity. After that it started the process of the collapse of the Warsaw Pact, and then the USSR. Hungary opened its borders with Austria, allowing East German citizens to flee to West Germany. Demonstrations began demanding independence in Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. Demands for freedom spread to Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and Romania. In East Germany, the Berlin Wall was destroyed.

The hurricane of change launched by the pope's trips to Poland was rapidly approaching to the main point of its destructive historical destiny - to the USSR.

The Catholic Church became one of the main forces in the anti-Soviet struggle, andJohn PaulII- her spiritual guide and inspiration.

Vitaly Pavlov, who headed the KGB office in Poland from 1973 to 1984, writes in his memoirs: “Cardinal Wojtyla” often appeared in the column of operational reports on subversive anti-government activities". And further: “Cardinal K. Wojtyla was one of the most militant anti-communists, inspirer of various anti-government and anti-Soviet speeches from the church pulpit. (Vladimir Voronov. "Operation" Papa ". Top secret, 2005).

Against the background of the growth of these speeches and the spread of the revolution that threatens the existence of the USSR, Gorbachev is heading for refusal to help to the pro-Soviet regimes of Eastern Europe, betraying them and leaving them to the mercy of fate, or rather, enemies.

IN december 1989 the pope arranges his first meeting with Gorbachev and meets with him in the Vatican. They announce that the Vatican and Moscow are establishing diplomatic relations. Note that the leadership of the USSR did not have diplomatic relations with the Holy See until August 1962 considered the Vatican one of the centers of global "anti-Soviet influence". Gorbachev, in his passionate admiration for the West, became completely politically blind and lost not only the sense of responsibility for the state and people, but even the elementary instinct for self-preservation.

Then, during his visit to the Vatican, after a long confidential conversation, the pontiff invites Gorbachev's wife to join them. Gorbachev at the same time bestows high praise on the pope: “Raisa, I present you to His Holiness John Paul II, who is highest authority on the planet» (Michael Satchell. The end of communism, U. S. news & World report, 04.02.2005) .

In 1991, the “highest authority”, in gratitude for the compliment, helps inflict the final mortal blow on the USSR, making trips to Poland and Baltic republics, from where his irreconcilable anti-Soviet messages quickly spread throughout the territory of the USSR.

In December 1991, the pope-led crusade against the USSR reached its goal. The Soviet empire was destroyed, and its fragments fell under the power of an external center.

By the way, Gorbachev publicly acknowledged the key role of John Paul II in regime change in the countries of Eastern Europe, which resulted in their enslavement by the West. Gorbachev said: "Everything that happened in Eastern Europe in recent years, would not be possible without the presence of the pope in all this, without great role, even political, which he played on the world stage" (La StampaMarch 3, 1992).

This "great role" of the pope in the implementation of the Khazarocracy's strategic plans to fight Russian statehood provided him with fantastic support from the world behind the scenes. Therefore, it is not surprising that John Paul II was on the papal throne for a very long time - 33 years.

But his predecessor was the head of the Vatican for a surprisingly short time - only 33 days...

Secrets of the papal court.

Brzezinski - "Godfather" of Pope John Paul II

In 1978 the cardinals elected not Karol Wojtyla as pope at all, but Albino Luciani who took the name John Paul I.

He was the head of the Roman Catholic Church for 33 days - from August 26 to September 28, 1978.

Official cause of death: John Paul I died from a heart attack.

David Yallop in his book (In Gods Name, An investment into the Murder of Pope John Paul I) examines the circumstances of the death of the pontiff and comes to the conclusion that it was murder. The reasons for the murder must be sought in the religious, political and economic spheres.. The pope, due to his political views, would not have done what Karol Wojtyla did to destroy the USSR and its allies. But there were also financial reasons. Luciani decided to check the activities of the Vatican Bank that aroused his suspicions. That is, the pope encroached on the “most sacred”, on the idol of the tribe of Dan, on the golden calf, which the Khazarocracy worships. He, like John F. Kennedy, swung at their money.

Yallop writes that this murder was "committed by "secret power", the same force that was behind the kill John and Robert Kennedy».

This secret force needed to remove as soon as possible the pope, who went against her will, and put in place the one who completely obeyed this will, that is, Karol Wojtyla.

Here is how Yallop describes the events that took place on the morning after the assassination of the pontiff: “On Friday morning September 29, 1978 at half past four Sister Vincenza brought, as usual, coffee to the Pope's office. A few minutes later she knocked on the door of his bedroom ... There was no answer. After waiting a bit, Vincenza left. IN 4:45 she's back. The coffee tray was untouched... She knocked on the bedroom door, softly at first, then with more force. But there was no answer ... ".

As she later told Yallop: “It was a miracle that I survived, I have a bad heart. I pressed the bell to call the secretaries. Then I went to look for other sisters and wake up the papal secretaries - Diego Lorenzi and John Maggi.

The first thing Maggie's father did was call Secretary of State of the Vatican Jean Villot. IN 5:00 Villot was already in the papa's bedroom. Amazing thing, Vincenza's sister discovered the corpse at 4:45. After that, she sounded the alarm. At first there was panic, confusion... It was necessary to figure out what to do. This should have taken a long time. At least not 15 minutes. But Villot arrived in 15 minutes after discovery of the body. It seems that he was already waiting somewhere nearby to come first and quickly cover his tracks.

On the small bedside table was the medicine Luciani was taking for low blood pressure. Villot put it in his pocket and then carefully wiped the surface of the nightstand. He took off the glasses and slippers that dad had on. None of these taken items ever came up anywhere in the consideration of the circumstances of the death.

John Paul I died shortly after the meeting with Villot, which took place late in the evening of September 28, during which Villot served him a glass of champagne.

It was reported that the floor in the dead man's room was stained with vomit, which Villot himself cleaned up.

By 6 am Papa's apartment had been tidied up and washed to a splendid shine, so that there were no traces left.

“The secretaries packed all the dad's clothes, his letters, notes, books and even little reminder notes. By 6 a.m., all 19 rooms of the papal apartments were completely cleared of everything that was even remotely associated with the Luciani papacy.

Yallop notes that Villot then shocked the pope's inner circle by drawing up a completely fictitious conclusion about the circumstances that were associated with the discovery of Luciani's body.

Sister Vincenza gave two contradictory statements. One before meeting Villot, when she said that the body was in the bathroom, and the other after talking with Villot, when she said that the body was in the bedroom.

Villot immediately put forward an acute myocardial infarction as the cause of death of the pope and forced the people who were at that time in the pope's apartments to take an oath to keep everything they saw secret. Villot also instructed not to disclose information about the death until his special orders. Then, sitting in the Pope's study, he made several mysterious telephone calls, the nature of which he carefully concealed from the Pope's retinue.

It is worth noting another amazing fact. On the night of September 28, 1978, when Luciani died, the Vatican Guard received a strange order: "No security today."

This information is provided in his book. Eric Frattini. He supports Yallop's version of the murder of the pope, who, after its publication, was subjected to a stream of vicious accusations of the failure of his version of the murder.

Frattini names another person who, like Luciani, was silenced; "Father Giovanni da Nicola who informed the pontiff of the Vatican Bank's financial irregularities knew that his days were numbered." More precisely, there were four days left. Giovanni da Nicola "was found hanged in a remote Roman park frequented by transvestites and prostitutes." But there is no trace of this death in the newspapers of that era. Even the then head of the Roman Department of General Investigations and Special Operations of the Italian Police " Digos' doesn't remember it. Frattini is careful and flexible about the source of this information: "I was told about this by one person who worked in Rome for the Iranian secret service."

Villot arranged for the body to be embalmed that same evening, which was not only unusual but illegal. Why was Willo in such a hurry? During the embalming, he was also reported to have insisted that no blood be drawn from the body and that no organs be removed. After all, even a small amount of blood would be enough to establish the fact of poisoning. Following this, the (unheard of thing!) body cremation, and not his burial, as required by the church.

Yallop writes: “If Luciani died of natural causes, then Villot's actions ... are completely inexplicable. His behavior becomes clear only in connection with one specific conclusion: either Cardinal Villot was part of a conspiracy to kill the pope, or he clearly saw clear evidence in the bedroom indicating that the pope had been killed ... And Villot was determined to to destroy this evidence."

IN 6:00 the doctor called by Vijo arrived Renato Buzzonetti(not Professor Mario Fontana - the head of the medical service of the Vatican) and declared death from acute myocardial infarction. However, strangely, Buzzonetti did not draw up any conclusion about the death and did not sign any document.

Yallop writes: "The continued refusal to release the death certificate (if one exists at all) means that no doctor is prepared to publicly take legal responsibility to confirm that the cause of Albino Luciani's death was a heart attack."

Moreover, all 15 doctors on the staff of the medical service of the Vatican, at the time of the death of the pope refused sign the official Vatican version of the cause of death, or comment in some way on what really happened to the pope. Obviously, they are in the grip of circumstances: to admit their doubts about the official version of the Vatican is to provoke the wrath of the Vatican and the secret power that manipulates it, but to lie and sign the lies invented by the Vatican means to put yourself in a difficult position, if the truth will ever emerge. This will mean judgment. Therefore, the doctors preferred silence. All 15 people.

The silence of all doctors regarding the causes of Luciani's death, as well as the lack of a death certificate, speak for themselves, and the Vatican only added fuel to the fire by refusing Italian officials to conduct a post-mortem examination, which is provided for by Italian law. In such cases, it extends to the Vatican.

Doctor Carlo Fricerio, who was Luciani's attending physician until his death, said: "He (Lucani) had absolutely no heart disease (other than low blood pressure). In addition, his low blood pressure, at least in theory, guarantees him protection from acute cardiovascular attacks. The only time he needed treatment was the flu.”

Doctor Giuseppe da Rose, another of Luciani's personal physicians, was outraged by the Vatican's false version. He stated with certainty: "Albino Luciani was absolutely healthy."

The Vatican refused to agree to an autopsy. Why? Yallop writes that Cardinal Villot himself informed him of the reason for this refusal. He told Yallop literally the following: “...everything that happened was a tragic event. Dad accidentally drank a large dose of his medicine ... And if an autopsy had been performed, this fatal overdose would have been discovered. No one would have believed that His Holiness took this dose by accident. Some would suggest suicide, some murder. Therefore, it was decided not to conduct an examination.”

This statement by Villot meant that this time he admitted that the cause of death was not a heart attack at all. He essentially admitted that Luciani died of poisoning, while saying that it was an accidental overdose. But that was another lie from the Vatican.

Yallop continues: “Twice I spoke with Professor Giovanni Rama who was in charge of drug care for dad... to lower his blood pressure. Luciani has been a patient of Dr. Ram since 1973. He completely rejected the version regarding a possible overdose, which his patient allegedly allowed: “Accidental overdose is impossible. He was a very disciplined patient. He was especially attentive to medicines. He needed very little. In fact, he took minimal doses. The normal dose of his medicine is 60 drops a day, while 20 drops were enough for him. He was always very attentive in taking his medicines."

Obviously, dad was poisoned. Yallop believes that the following individuals may have been involved in the poisoning.

Archbishop Paul Marcinkus, chapter Vatican Bank - Institute of Religious Affairs(Istituto Opera Religious,IOR), frightened by Luciani's intention to check the strange transactions of the bank, which indicated that the bank was connected with illegal foreign exchange transactions, offshore banking deals and mafia.

Regarding this person, we note in passing with reference to air force that he was born in 1922 in the vicinity Chicago and became archbishop in 1969.

It is known that in childhood his idol was the gangster Al Capone. Imitating his idol, he participated in robbery raids, thefts and local showdowns. One of the priests took pity on him and rescued him from another prison. Then he helped me get an education. But he did not lose contact with the bosses of the underworld.

“Marcinkus' dexterity helped him find friends in the CIA as well. For some time he headed the secret services of the Vatican. He became Al Capone in a cassock. Marcinkus ran billion dollar deals, funded political parties and movements, controlled Italian-American organized crime.”

"Marcincus was one of the most powerful figures in the Vatican under two popes - Paul VI and John Paul II."

From 1971 to 1989 he headed the Vatican Bank.

It is known that John Paul I decided to put an end to the power of Marcinkus, which infuriated the Vatican banker. Their relationship was tense even before Luciano was elected pope.

In 1982, Marcinkus was involved in a bankruptcy scandal due to criminal activity. bank Ambrosiano with whom he had close ties. The Vatican Bank was the main shareholder of Banco Ambrosiano. Marcinkus escaped responsibility only thanks to the immunity that is guaranteed to employees of the Vatican. The archbishop was found dead on February 20, 2006 at his home in Sun City, Arizona. Cause of death unknown (

During a lengthy investigation into the crash "Banco Ambrosiano"» some prominent members of the secret Masonic lodge "P-2"Propaganda-2”) and its master himself Licho Gelli, as well as a number of well-known international financial scammers (RIA Novosti, February 22, 2006).

Licho Gelli, head of a secret hardline anti-communist Masonic lodge P-2, which implanted its members in the Vatican .

This neo-fascist organization in Italy had 2,400 members and was subordinate to a lodge in England. Gelli was a CIA agent with close ties to the Italian mafia. The Gelli lodge included senior members of the Independent Military Order of Malta ( SMOM), including commanders of the armed forces, heads of the secret services, head of the Italian financial police, 30 generals, 8 admirals, newspaper publishers, television and big business executives, as well as leading bankers, including Calvi.

Roberto Calvi, head associated with the Vatican BancoAmbrosiano.

Calvi was subsequently found hanged on June 19, 1982 under the Black Friars Bridge in London shortly after the bank went bankrupt due to $1.3 billion in debt. Traces of this money were traced to loans issued to 10 fictitious companies in Latin America, and to the activities of the mafia. In the case of the murder of Calvi, 5 people were subsequently brought to trial in Italy (

Michele Sindona, coordinator of banking relations between Gelli, Calvi, the mafia and the Vatican.

Cardinal John Cody Archbishop of Chicago, the largest diocese in the United States. Cody managed the financial transactions of the Vatican in the United States. Was involved in a well-known organized crime syndicate Chicago Mob, based in Chicago and founded in the 1910s years as part of the American mafia. He maintained special ties with the Gambino clan, involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Cardinal Jean Villot, the Secretary of State of the Vatican already known to us, who was also involved in the criminal activities of the Vatican Bank and was a Freemason.

These six people are tied to financial, criminal and political interests. But each of them individually did not have enough potential to carry out this murder, which requires large-scale preparation and the involvement of many people. . But these people were interconnected V net. What force bound them together? What power is behind this network, unites it, owns it, controls it and manages it? It was she, this shadowy force, holding all the strings in her hands, who was able to organize a conspiracy to kill Luciani.

The Italian mafia, connected by the people mentioned above, could act as a performer. But only as a performer. Although the Italian mafia is very strong, it is still not independent. As he writes in his study of the connections between the Vatican and the CIA S. Shearer, the mafia is "the servant of the CIA, especially in Italy. The mafia would never dare to kill the pope without CIA approval. If they dared to do such a colossal deed without the approval of the CIA, they would be smashed to shreds and their ashes scattered to the wind. The CIA, without a doubt, was capable of doing this. Vatican, And The CIA: Ghosts And Phantoms, May 19, 2005).

In the decades following the end of World War II, the CIA managed to establish itself in a special position in Italy. The USA got involved in a titanic struggle with the Soviet Union for control over Italy (and not only over Italy, but over the whole of Europe). As a result, the CIA poured millions and millions of dollars into Italy as part of measures to prevent Italians from voting communist and bringing a communist (read pro-Soviet, because it was the USSR that was seen as the main enemy of the USA) to power. Note. ed.) government. And those measures also included pumping millions of dollars to the catholic church, which was perhaps the most powerful anti-communist organization in all of Italy at the time. Former CIA agent Victor Marchetti writes: "In the 1950s and 1960s, millions of dollars were sent every year to many businesses controlled by the Catholic Church and to many bishops..." (S.R. Shearer Liberation Theology, TheVatican, And The CIA: Ghosts And Phantoms, May 19, 2005).

So anti-Sovietism has practically become the doctrine of the Vatican. CIA money fell on the prepared soil of the centuries-old struggle of Catholicism against Russian statehood and Russian Orthodoxy.

In parallel with this, the CIA also involved the mafia in its fight, especially the clans Gambino and Inzerillo which, like the Catholic Church, were strongly anti-Soviet.

The CIA in Italy established close ties with freemasonry, and in particular with the Masonic Lodge P-2(Propaganda-2), whose activities were focused on the fight against the USSR and the Communist Party of Italy. The name of the lodge was chosen in memory of the once-existing lodge Propaganda, led by Giuseppe Masini during the 1848 revolution. P-2 was secretly working very closely with the CIA.

Informed Weekly "Panorama" published an extensive report, which provided new details of the plot to kill Luciani. Correspondents noticed that almost all the persons on the list of figures of the Roman Curia, including the Secretary of State of the Vatican, Jean Villot, were members of secret Masonic lodges, including the Grand Orient of Italy and P-2.

Fanatical anti-Sovietism became the common foundation for uniting the efforts of the Vatican and the P-2 Masonic Lodge. Through the CIA many representatives of the papal curia became members of this lodge. All this happened despite the fact that Pope Clement XII, back in 1738, anathematized everyone who belonged to Masonic organizations. This ban was lifted by Pope John PaulII.

As a result of the active actions of the American intelligence services, such an explosive mixture has developed - CIA, Vatican, Mafia and Freemasonry. This alliance formed anti-Soviet front, which network turned in the fight against the Soviet Union, the allied states of the USSR And pro-Soviet oriented political forces inside the Western countries, represented primarily by the communist parties. This is how the fight against communism was understood as a strategy of action and anti-communism like a doctrine.

All this anti-Soviet network covered Italy. The ideology of anti-Sovietism cemented it tightly. But at the same time, united ideologically, the cells of the network acted autonomously and had their own specialization. So it was often very difficult to say who is who and who does what and for whom. This is a web classic. Bishops and cardinals were members of the P-2, members of the P-2 were associated with the mafia and the Vatican. And the CIA was everywhere as a connecting and coordinating beginning.

A lethal arsenal of anti-Soviet forces was created. It included convinced anti-Soviet, fanatics who fiercely fought against the USSR and its friends. In all there was a cold war and for the participants in this secret anti-Soviet conspiracy, Shearer writes, all means were good, including illegal profits from currency speculation, embezzlement of funds, money laundering for the mafia. All these colossal cash flows went to the fight against "communism" in Italy, Latin America, Poland and all Eastern Europe. That is, against the influence and positions of the USSR in these countries. And after that, someone else claims that the Soviet Union collapsed by itself, without outside help?

The brains here were the CIA. In Italy in 1978 Nothing did not happen without approval CIA or "the world's ruling elite", which the CIA served. This elite is concentrated in the USA, and, as the professor says Wright Mills, she "single and collectively makes key decisions that have consequences for so many people that this is unprecedented in the world history of mankind." It was this ruling world elite who ordered the assassination of Luciani in the same way that they once ordered the assassination of John F. Kennedy and Salvador Allende, who became a threat to this ruling elite and the then emerging New World Order aimed at achieving world hegemony (S. R. Shearer Liberation Theology, The Vatican, And The CIA: ghosts And Phantoms, May 19, 2005) .

Luciani was against the Polish project aimed at creating conditions for the destruction of the USSR. And the Khazarocracy needed a pope who would not only be for, but be one of the central figures carrying out this project. He must be an accomplice in a criminal network Vatican - mafia - P-2 with the CIA at the head. Only one person met all these requirements - Karol Wojtyla. The choice fell on him. And he was chosen.

Brzezinski, who arrived at Luciani's funeral as an official American representative, remained in Rome until Wojtyla was elected head of the Vatican.

It is also known that, even as Archbishop of Krakow, Wojtyla was already in active correspondence with Brzezinski, who then held the post of national security adviser.

What, to achieve what goal, was this union aimed at? James Nicholson, then America's ambassador to the Vatican, said that "the strategic alliance between Washington and the Vatican was directed against the Soviet Union».

Such a colossal, ominous, united force rose to war against our state with the aim of destroying it, and it destroyed it, dooming many millions of people to destruction. But, having these insidious plans and carrying out their villainous goals, they shouted to the public everywhere about their good intentions towards the Soviet Union, hugged in front of the cameras with our leaders, who fell for the bait of their flattery and hypocrisy. These politicians allowed themselves to be drawn into an anti-state conspiracy and eventually became enemy mercenaries, giving the country and people to be torn to pieces by a wolf.

The situation with regard to our country, now a fragment of an empire called Russian Federation, hasn't changed at all to this day how it has not changed over the centuries of attempts by the Khazars to destroy Rus'. Having destroyed the Soviet Union, they immediately began to implement plans to destroy Russia as the only obstacle to the creation of the Global Khaganate. At the same time, they again turn to technologies already developed during the collapse of the USSR. These are assurances of friendship, the absence of any hostile plans. This is the same flattery and play on the vanity of our leaders. After Medvedev was elected, they said that they would use the same technologies of influence and pressure against him as they did against Gorbachev. They believe that Gorbachev and Medvedev have similar psychological weaknesses that can be used to force him to surrender Russia. Time passes, but this direction of the "strategic alliance" of the Vatican and the Khazarocracy against our statehood does not change.

That is why we need to figure out how the USSR collapsed and why Wojtyla became a dad. We need to learn, finally, that behind the assurances of the West in love and friendship for Russia, in fact, historically, Russophobia, hatred for Orthodoxy, our country and the desire to destroy them have historically been hidden. And “cute” meetings at the highest level and smiles caressing pride are what is called in the language of strategists "lull the enemy". To lull his vigilance, and then with a sudden blow to inflict a crushing defeat on him. In short: "Come to us, aunt cat, shake our mouse!".

All this must be understood in order not to surrender the country again and not to mistake the Khazars for saviors, not to mistake a wolf for a sheep. Khazarocracy brought Wojtyla to power. He knew who his master was and whose servant he was. They ordered, he obeyed.

In 1976 " Journal Borghese» published a list of 125 members of the higher clergy who were Freemasons in violation of church law. The list was taken from the Italian Register of Secret Societies and included the dates of initiation of these individuals into Freemasons and their secret code names. Compton cites this list, which includes the leaders of the radio and press of the Vatican, Catholic education, as well as numerous senior officials, cardinals and archbishops. It would seem that after this publication a scandal should have flared up with the excommunication of Masons from the Church. But for some reason, the publication of this list had no consequences.

John Paul II in his service to the Khazarocracy went the farthest. November 27, 1983 he issued a papal bull, which legalized membership in secret societies for Roman Catholics. That is, in 1983, canon N 2335, which had been in force for 200 years, was withdrawn from the Catholic legal code, which forbade Catholics, under pain of excommunication from the Church, to stay in Masonic lodges. This meant an official end to the struggle of the Vatican with Freemasonry and made it easier for the prelates to maintain links with mafia circles.

In the same year, 1983, the pope received the full members of the Trilateral Commission (about 200 people).

John Paul II also chose the sinister symbol used Satanists in the sixth century, which was revived at the Second Vatican Council. It was bent (broken) cross.

In the Middle Ages, sorcerers used it to conduct their black occult rituals. He represented the "mark of the beast".

Compton writes: "John Paul II wore this item and showed it to crowds of people who did not even suspect that it was a symbol of the Antichrist."

Remember the Orange Revolution, which brought to power in Ukraine a pro-American, more precisely, pro-Khazarian, anti-Russian and anti-Russian occupation regime.

Remember how it all began? As in Poland, it all started with a visit from the Pope Ukraine in 2001. This visit gave a powerful impetus to the revolutionary process. It was during the papal visit that Ukrainian nationalists rallied around a single spiritual symbol. The "Maidan", which was so carefully and skillfully organized by the American intelligence services, began and became possible after the papal visit. It is known that the father blessed Yushchenko for presidency.

After this visit of the Pope to Ukraine Nikolai Doroshenko wrote: “I have reason to believe that it was not the shepherd of believing Catholics who marched through the most ancient land of Holy Rus' under a glass bulletproof cap, but the fetish of the financial and military power of the West, which snatched from Russia the very cradle of its statehood - Little Russia».

The Vatican was the spiritual backbone of the Orange Revolution, which united around itself all anti-Russian extremist forces. This revolution was a revolt against Russia and against Orthodoxy as the foundation of our statehood and the viability of the Russian people, to which the Little Russians belong. It was both a murder and a suicide of a people misled by the Vatican, who carried out the order of the CIA and the order of the Khazarocracy.

After the death of Karol Wojtyla, he became the new pope Joseph Ratzinger who took the name BenedictXVI. In the Vatican, Ratzinger was one of the main architects of the alliance with the Khazarian world government, preparing the coming of the Antichrist.

Ratzinger is also a split with Ukraine. At one time he headed the special services of the Catholic Church, and, as they write about him, "it is unlikely that he will refuse to continue the policy of onslaught to the East, to Russia."

Catholicism is Christianity without Christ

Where are we going? What will be the limit of all current shocks? I mean not only wars, atomic or ecological disasters, but external and internal for the Churchrevolution , apostasy that has taken possession of the minds of entire nations that were once Catholic, andeven penetrated into the church hierarchy up to its very top . Rome seemed to be struck by blindness, Rome eternal was forced into silence, immobilized by another Rome -liberal Rome trying to take its place . The fountains of divine grace and faith are drying up, and the veins of the Church are everywhere spreading a deadlythe poison of naturalism .

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre “They betrayed him. From liberalism to apostasy"

Archbishop Averky (Taushev) writes: “From the numerous patristic predictions of the first centuries of Christianity, we know that the majority of Christians of the last time, who have died away in spirit, careless and lukewarm, will not recognize the Antichrist when he comes, and will willingly worship him as their spiritual leader, lord and master. And at first he will hypocritically show himself as the greatest zealot and patron all good things and even Christianity, but only without Christ and for many who are zealous for the canonical structure of the Church and for ecclesiastical discipline, especially about obedience and submission to ecclesiastical authorities, will be a strict canonist, severely punishing everyone who does not want to obey him and honor him, relying on the letter of church canons.

Pope BenedictXVI continued the work of his predecessor in building a new world order. On April 7, 2009, he called for the creation "world body of political power" to guide the global economy. The Pope said literally the following: "There is an urgent need for a real world body of political power" whose task would be "to manage the global economy in order to revive the economies hit by the crisis." “It is necessary that this authority be recognized worldwide and endowed effective power to ensure security for all".

This address of the pope was published on the eve of the meeting of the G8 in Italy, the very one where the world currency was already demonstrated, which should become one of the main pillars of the future system of world government. In fact, Benedict XVI called for its creation.

The words of the pope are not only phrases spoken on occasion. Behind them is a whole ideology of departure from Christian dogmas, which was the result of profound changes in Catholicism, which led to great apostasy .

These dramatic signs of apostasy were written by the Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre(1905-1991) in They Betrayed Him. From liberalism to apostasy” (St. Petersburg, 2007). Marcel Lefebvre spoke out against the innovations of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), which resulted in the process of the Great Apostasy.

The Second Vatican Council revolutionized the Catholic Church. He introduced a new theology, which began to proceed from the concept anthropocentrism.

Christian religious doctrine is built on theocentrism: God is at the center of everything"Man is from God and for God." But now the Second Council proclaims the "monstrous doctrine" - anthropocentrism: man is at the center of everything. The Council declared not God, but man "the center and summit of everything on earth", "the principle and end of all institutions." Man is in the center, and God is next to him, with him, in his service. Anthropocentrism means a utilitarian approach to God. The postulate "everything for God" was replaced by the slogan "everything for man."

Humanity lies in anthropocentrism pride. Pride has no boundaries. It is a continuous movement into the abyss of falling. And therefore anthropocentrism is very mobile, it changes along with the inevitable growth of human pride. And gradually the formula is introduced into the soul of people: “man is in the center of everything, he is self-sufficient". But then why does he need God? And then there is the formula "Man without God". But this is not the limit. The enemy of the human race throws as much firewood as possible into the fire of human pride along with thoughts: “You are so self-sufficient that you yourself can think up, create for yourself a religion that would not burden you, like the one you had. Look how many different religions and cults are around. Mix them up, take from their creed what suits you, what justifies your sins, your vile deeds, why do you need these pangs of conscience. You yourself will create an ideal religion for you and you will live in peace and security. This intoxicating cocktail is called ecumenism. Add more and more components to it and drink it as often as possible. Let's see what the effect will be."

The effect will not be long in coming, because ecumenism is not yet the bottom of the abyss called anthropocentrism. Further in the mind, as if by itself, but from somewhere outside (the soul, intoxicated with pride, loses sensitivity), the thought so caressing pride appears: “Well, what Is this a religion without a god? You were so self-sufficient that you could invent a religion for yourself. But you are not only self-sufficient. You are great. Prove your greatness, and create a god for yourself, choose him for yourself, vote for him, as you vote for presidents. Through democracy, I accustomed you to political voting so that, having become accustomed to it, you would not find anything surprising and unusual in spiritual voting. I will nominate you as well. It's okay that she's alone. You have been convinced for many years that the elections are absolutely formal. This is absolutism in a bright democratic caramel . Elections are a local spectacle where you are allowed to take part in extras. But now your role will increase significantly. You will participate in a global crowd. You will choose for yourself god, which will become yours at the same time president. We need your voluntary consent. Don't worry about the consequences. We have taught you for many years of democracy that your vote cast in the election of a political president was an empty formality without any consequences. We needed democratic rituals in politics in order to prepare you for the “elections” in religion. To the obedient acceptance of those candidates that the powers that be will offer you, and to a voluntary vote for those who will then defend not yours, but their interests. Here are the same rituals and the same voluntariness in which you are trained and accustomed to. It's even easier here. No need to think about who to choose. Here is one candidate. This is your future god. Cast your vote for him. We need you to do this voluntarily. You - an ordinary person all the time sought to rise. Your pride constantly haunted you. Now you have a chance to prove your “greatness” in the election not of some president, but of God himself.”

Anthropocentrism is anti-Christianity. Its consequences are atheism(denial of God) polytheism(paganism, polytheism inherent in the network world order) and, finally, antitheism(the struggle against God and bringing the Antichrist to power).

Anthropocentrism will cause terrible instability in the world. Why? Yes, because anthropocentrism is involved in the pride of man, who rebelled against God. The kindling of this pride in people will inevitably give rise to the growth of claims in countries and peoples, the clash of different pride on the basis of envy, competition, conceit and arrogance. All this bonfire in the soul will surely pour out into the bonfire of wars, into ethnoseparatism destroying statehood and civil wars into a revolution that will engulf the whole world. Anthropocentrism is the revolution. And the first revolutionary was known who was the devil who rebelled against God. The world as a result of anthropocentrism will be immersed in the chaos of endless wars and disasters, the so-called controlled chaos that will give grounds to the forces of evil that have planned all this to offer exhausted, blinded humanity, a new world order led by a global ruler.

An analysis of the danger of anthropocentrism in religious teaching in general and in Catholicism in particular is given so that we, “learning from the mistakes of others”, do not allow this tragedy in our own country, primarily through the rapprochement of the Russian Orthodox Church with the Vatican, succumbing to pro-Catholic moods and aspirations. As long as we keep the Orthodox faith and fight against evil, the ship of Holy Rus' will sail, protected by God, despite all the storms and storms around. The more Orthodox people there are in our people, the stronger their faith, the further we will be able to push back the onset of the terrible times that the adversary dreams of, and in this way we will save ourselves, and at the same time all unintelligent humanity.

Awareness of the colossal tragedy of everything that is happening in the world, analysis of these events and currents should not lead us to pessimism and despair from the fact that the forces of evil are steadily winning and implementing their plans on a global scale. We need an understanding of the full depth of the dramatic nature of the current situation in order to come to the conclusion that we cannot delay, that we need to gather all our strength, that we need a real spiritual mobilization throughout Rus'. Without this spiritual mobilization it is impossible to win on the fronts of the war of the spirit. Because the main, most fierce and most bloody battles are waged against us by an adversary on the battlefields of this particular war. He thinks that, having seen what victories he has already won, how many countries and religions he has conquered, seeing how mercilessly he destroys those singles who dared to oppose him, we will be frightened and surrender. He thinks we will lose hope. But the victorious history of Russia as the history of wars for faith and the exploits of our ancestors in them teaches us to understand what we are fighting for, what we are defending and for what we are ready to give our lives in these wars. This is our main weapon- native Orthodoxy. It teaches us such warm and saving feelings - faith, hope and love. This is what has always saved us, and will save us now. This is what should be inscribed on the banner of our future Victory. Hopelessness is the lot of cowards, capitulators and slaves of the adversary. Hope in God is the fate of victorious heroes, this is the fate of our people, who aspire to God with all their heart and trust in Him. Hope in God is the fate of Holy Rus', under the guidance of Christ, confidently going through the ages, through all the storms and trials on the course of Victory.

Theocentrism in Christ- This is victory, anthropocentrism- this is an inevitable defeat and, as a result, the most terrible - spiritual bondage.

The Catholic leadership, after the Second Vatican Council, embarked on this second path, the path of anthropocentrism, the path of perdition. Next, concrete steps begin to correct the dogma. The words and deeds of Christ are chosen arbitrarily from Scripture, speaking only of His human nature. In the "Mandatory Foundations", approved in 1969, it is recommended to exclude any reference to "cosmic miracles" (the calming of the storm, the multiplication of bread), as well as the mention of angels, demoniacs, Satan, and eternal fire.

The apostle Peter calls us: Be sober, stay awake because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour; resist him with firm faith." (1 Pet. 5:8). And here the opposite call sounds - to forget about the danger of evil and its existence. But then the person ceases to be "sober and awake" and becomes an easy prey for a roaring lion that devours its prey.

The devil is our most dangerous adversary and, according to the apostle, it is possible to resist him with firm faith. But if there is no devil, then the weapons of firm faith are not needed. So it turns out.

In New Catholicism, the miraculous is explained from the human side, which reduces the Savior to the level of some kind of psychic: “Jesus healed the sick, but this does not necessarily mean miracles in the sense in which we often hear about it. Some people have a natural gift for healing. Was Jesus one of them?

But according to this logic, it turns out that any psychic who performs miracles can be equated with God and, based on the performance of these miracles, can declare himself God. But this is the scheme of actions of the Antichrist. His coming will be accompanied by miracles. “False christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and miracles to deceive, if possible, even the elect" (Matthew 24:24-25).

Emphasizing the humanity of Christ while belittling His divinity is carried out with the same delusion with which the Arians once sought to "make Christianity more accessible to the pagans."

This formula dominance of the human over the divine contrary to Christian doctrine. In it, God does not take on the form of a man in order to save mankind by His example and His sacrifice, but a man can declare himself a god, as the Antichrist will do in his time. But the same formula is in dogma of the pope. After all, he is considered the vicar of God on earth. But if one person can be the vicar of God on earth, then another can be the same. So in the minds of people is laid in principle the possibility of transforming the human into the divine. Dogma about the Pope, so this the matrix of the antichrist and the preparation of his coming.

An amazing thing is happening rapprochement and even merging of modern Judaism and modern Catholicism. Modern Judaism, created by the Khazars, is formed on the basis of apostasy from Christ in the process of subjective interpretations Old Testament. Modern Catholicism is formed on the basis of apostasy from Christ in the process of subjective interpretations, but already New Testament.

Moreover, both used the same argument. Starting to de-Christianize the Old Testament, the Jews said that its interpretation was needed in order to make it accessible to ordinary people. Starting to de-Christianize the New Testament, the Catholics, following the heretics, Arians, also say that its interpretation is needed in order to make it accessible to the Gentiles. Not by chance the heresy of Arianism holy Anthony the Great named the last forerunner of the antichrist.

The preface to Archbishop Lefebvre's book "They Betrayed Him" ​​says that in some Catholic parishes, parents are advised not to place a crucifix in the nursery so as not to injure the children. It is proposed to replace it with "the image of a dog as a symbol of fidelity" - an image that they, having matured, will find in the catechism, where there will not be a word about the crucified Christ.

French Catholic theologians even change the words of the main Christian prayers. For example, in the Lord's Prayer at baptism, instead of "Thy will be done," the text "Let Thy will be a feast" is offered. This is how it is formed "the theology of the abolition of the cross, bypassing suffering."

“Abolishing the cross”, modern Catholicism not only refuses to bear it (“He who does not take up his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me” (Matthew 10:38) but also refuses the Resurrection (“Without Golgotha, there is no Resurrection”). This means the rejection of salvation in eternal life.

Circumvention of suffering directly contradicts Christianity, the example that Christ showed us in his earthly life. After all, standing in faith, fighting evil, is inevitably associated with self-sacrifice and suffering. Through them we gain the possibility of salvation: “He who endures to the end will be saved” (Matthew 24:13).

Bypassing suffering thus essentially means giving up faith and its defense.

There is another remarkable "innovation" in Catholicism. The New Testament is beginning to be considered in terms of Freudianism. It is believed that the language of Christ speaking about his Father cannot be acceptable to people familiar with Freud, since the word "son" suggests marriage, and God - the spirit. That's why, speaking of God, one should speak of the source of life and not use the word "Father".

What is called "arrived". They want to please Freud, not God. New Catholicism views the New Testament from a Freudian point of view. In this case, priority is given to the latter. Everything is correct and logical. Where the human dominates the divine, the carnal, the physical, the material inevitably begins to dominate the spiritual. Further head over heels into the abyss of sin and straight to hell. It is on this path that modern Catholicism pushes its adherents.

“For the heart of these people is hardened, and they can hardly hear with their ears, and they close their eyes, so that they will not see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and they will not understand with their hearts, and will not turn so that I heal them” (Matthew 13:15).

The rejection of the use of the word "Father" in the new Catholicism should be understood as the rejection of the concept of the "Trinity". The Holy Fathers wrote that the concept of the hypostasis "Father" in Christianity is higher than the concept of "God", because the "Father" is included in the concept of the "Trinity" and through Him this concept can be revealed and assimilated. The concept of "God" can be used in the plural. Jesus, in response to the accusations of the Jews, said, citing the words from Psalm 81 verse 6: “Is it not written in your law: I said: you gods? (John 10:34). And the full text reads: “I said: you are gods, and sons of the Most High- you all". That is, the Father Almighty - only one. The above explains that the concept of "Father" is higher than the concept of "God".

The rejection of the first concept has far-reaching spiritual, political and social consequences. This also means the rejection of the paradigm of vertical hierarchy with the Father at the top in favor of the horizontal one, which decomposes all networks. The consciousness on which the Orthodox faith, the Orthodox monarchical statehood and the Orthodox family are built, is hierarchical. Upstairs Heavenly Father- the head of the Heavenly Fatherland, further God's anointed sovereign at the head of the earthly Fatherland and still lower in the hierarchy is the father of the family as a small Church. The lower ones obey the Higher and bear responsibility before Him. Remove the concept of "Father" - the concept of hierarchy will go away and the spiritual core in a person, on which faith, the traditional state and family rests, will be destroyed. But after all, they are the main obstacles to the construction of the Global Khaganate, and therefore they are the main targets subject to total destruction. It turns out that the new Catholicism is acting in this direction, destroying the large hierarchy and planting a network where there is no vertical, but there is a horizontal with its paganism, cosmopolitanism and the replacement of the family with an irresponsible partnership.

The rejection of the concept of "Father" is also the rejection of the closely related concept "Fatherland". It is a transition from a patriotic consciousness to a cosmopolitan one, as necessary condition rejection of national statehood and the construction of the Global Khaganate.

An attempt to revise the basic tenets of Christianity is a “negative Christology coming from the earth. God is blurring in humanity. This is a terrible blurring of the boundaries of light and darkness. We add that this is also an attempt to replace the light with darkness.

In 1975, 10 years after the Second Vatican Council, Lefebvre states: “The popes (John XXIII and Paul VI) supported these innovations, and liberal ideas penetrated the Council widely ... One can see how much the liberals oppose our Lord Jesus Christ and His Churches".

These anti-Christian changes in Catholic doctrine are accompanied by anti-Christian ecumenism. “Ecumenism is not the mission of the Church,” says Lefebvre, “the Church should not be ecumenical, she must be missionary. The missionary church aims to convert to the true faith. Ecumenical - to find what is true in delusions and stay on this level. This means the denial of the truth of the Church. According to ecumenism, the Church has no more enemies. Those who are in error are brothers. Therefore, there is no longer a need to fight lies. Already practically no one and nothing is condemned, no doubtful teachings are rejected, heretics are not marked with a red-hot iron of dishonor. The flock of Christ's sheep is betrayed by plundering wolves." So writes Lefebvre in another of his books, They Cursed Him.

John Paul II in his sermons repeatedly called for ecumenism to unite all religions. This was one of his main tasks. He visited places of worship of many religions and performed joint prayers with representatives of non-Christian denominations.

He prayed at Lutheran churches. He was the first pope to visit in 1986 synagogue and established diplomatic relations between Israel and the Vatican.

Giovanni Caprile- the famous chronicler of the Vatican wrote then: “It was a truly historic event. The first and only visit in the life of the Church and the Jewish community since the time of St. Peter "(Il Giornale, April 13, 1986, apud Giovanni Caprile, "Il Papa al tempio ebraico di Rome,"La Civilta Cattolica, May 3, 1986).

John Paul II met with sorcerers and shamans and even took part in their rituals in the forest in Togo.

In 1986, John Paul II made a united prayer for peace in Italy together with the leaders of 12 religions, including Jews, Buddhists, Unitarians (this is a sect that does not accept one of the main tenets of Christianity - the dogma of the Trinity), followers of Zoroastrianism, Shintoism, Hinduism, pagan Cults in Africa and America. There were also Protestants and even Orthodox. They all prayed for peace with the Dalai Lama and put buddha statue on the altar. Pope John Paul II stated at the time that they all pray to the same god with the same purpose, and that their spiritual energy will bring a new climate of the world.

Under John Paul II was created Pontifical Council on interreligious dialogue. The Pope believed that common aspirations for peace would erase religious differences. He said that the day would come and united faith(that is, in other words, the faith of the Antichrist. - Auth.) and that people will profess all religions together. He advocated an approach in which all churches, religions, organizations and individuals would go to the extent of sacrificing the key principles of their religions. in the name of peace and security (Dana Gabriel, « Towards A One World religion», June 25, 2007).

Let us recall in this connection the words of the Apostle Paul: “For when they say: "peace and security" then sudden destruction will come upon them, just as childbirth comes upon a woman who is pregnant, and they will not escape.” (1 Thessalonians 5:3).

Professor MDA A.I. Osipov gives such explanations to these words: “Peace and security, humanity is looking for its entire history. The apostle speaks of the time when this goal will be achieved. (With the formation of one state on earth with a single government and a single King of the universe). Then the destruction of mankind will suddenly come ... It is also obvious that in the minds of all people the idea of ​​identity in essence of all religions(there is only one religion, and all existing ones are just its various modifications). This "one religion of the future" about which the modern Orthodox ascetic in America, hieromonk, wrote Seraphim Rose (1982), retain, perhaps, the former form multi-confessionalism. However, in essence, it will be ideology, since in it there will be a catastrophic substitution of the search for the Kingdom of Heaven and truth with its thirst for the kingdom of the earth and all its pleasures, the substitution of spiritual goals for worldly, pagan ones, so that all the efforts of this religion (i.e., all religions, including Christian ones) will be aimed at achieving only earthly goods ... Under the Antichrist will happen unification of all states of the world into one, led by him as King of the universe.“And authority was given unto him over every kindred, and people, and tongue, and nation.” (Rev. 13:7). No doubt he will solemnly anointed king heads of all churches and religions. This "anointing", along with "miracles", will be for pagan Christians one of the most convincing arguments that this King of the world is the come Christ. "And all the inhabitants of the earth will worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life" (Rev. 13, 8) (

On June 15, 1988, at a press conference regarding his break with Rome, Marcel Lefevre said: "A pope who mixed all religions is a shame."

Following the logic of Lefebvre, the widely discussed plans for rapprochement between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church can also be called “an impious and blasphemous project”, because it will symbolically put an “equal sign between truth and error” and include the ROC in the antichrist plans currently being implemented by the Vatican.

The collapse of national statehood through the virus of Catholicism

Modern Catholicism paves the way for the Antichrist and becomes his mercenary. He plays a special role in the implementation of such an anti-Christ goal as the collapse of national statehood, as one of the main obstacles to building a Global Empire.

How can this be done most effectively? Yes, it's very simple - destroying Christianity. What is the connection? - you ask. And here is what. Our remarkable philosopher I. Ilyin once expressed the idea that the guarantee of the strength and unity of the state is the strength and unity of its spiritual foundation. If this foundation is destroyed, the state will also be destroyed. Hence the logic: if it is necessary to destroy statehood, it is necessary to destroy its religious foundation. Moreover, we are not talking about one or even several states. No, Catholicism is the foundation of numerous states.

Therefore, the decay of Catholicism means undermining the foundations of statehood based on Catholicism on a global scale. Further, by aggressively pushing the spiritual leadership of Orthodox states towards rapprochement with Catholicism, one can easily launch similar destructive processes to overthrow Orthodox statehood. Here the main target, without any doubt, is Russia. So, with one shot they hit all the hares in the forest at once.

Thus, placing under the control of the leadership of the Vatican and all processes in the Catholic Church is one of the main activities of the Khazar leadership. Here the stakes are not just terribly high, they are global, because we are talking, ultimately, about the destruction through the virus of Catholicism of all Christian statehood in the world. That is why it is so important to ensure that leaders in non-Catholic Christian states come to the spiritual leadership who will be inclined to establish close contacts with the Catholic leadership. It is it that is called upon as mercenaries to ensure the processes of de-Christianization of Christian states in order to undermine their foundations and further liquidation. Dechristianization is the world's main and most dangerous weapon of mass state and social destruction in the hands of the Khazars, the servants of the Antichrist. The leaders of the Catholic Church became the carriers of bombs stuffed with a charge of de-Christianization.

This confirms the fact that the most important result The Second Vatican Council was the rapid de-Christianization Western states . Archbishop Lefebvre writes: “Already in his “Message to the Rulers” at the end of the Council, Paul VI asked: “What does the Church require of you? - and answered: - She demands from you only freedom. - It's horrible! I find it awful because it smells like hell. Freedom exists to obey God, it depends on the truth, depends on the good, depends on God! But no, they want to make something absolute out of freedom - regardless of anything. This principle, according to Lefebvre, leads to the destruction of all power in the family, in the Church, in religious societies. “This is truly an internal revolution. It contains the cry of Satan: “I will not serve! Leave me alone, let me live!" And our Lord commanded his apostles to preach the Gospel to all nations, and not to preach freedom!”

The Council formulated new guidelines in the field of relations with states. From now on, church law must adapt to the new social reality.

That is political, economic, material is placed above the spiritual, above the religious. The soul finds itself below, flattened, crushed under a heavy load of flesh and consciousness, unbridled, corrupted by nothing limited freedom.

In the separation of the Church from the state, Lefebvre sees a real betrayal: "It is finished in principle with the state professing the Christian faith." This is "the goal of the devil behind Freemasonry - the destruction of the Church ... with a ban on the state to build in the social sphere the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ."

As a result of this innovation, spiritual authority ceased to be at the top of the hierarchy in Catholic states, ceased to act as their binding bond. The triangle of hierarchical statehood, where the Church occupied the top position, turned upside down, and economic and political power turned out to be above spiritual power. spiritual power voluntarily obeyed economic power(represented by Khazar bankers) and political power, which is managed and controlled by the same bankers. Thus, the Catholic Church deprived itself of teaching in the field of morality, which resulted in the rapid de-Christianization of Catholic states, slipping into tolerance, ecumenism and cosmopolitanism as the basis for their denationalization and inclusion in the Global Khazaria.

In "They Cursed Him," Lefebvre writes about an existing conspiracy connected to the Second Vatican Council, which betrays the mercenary nature of the top Catholic leadership: “A conspiracy took place at this Council, a conspiracy was prepared in advance, for many years. Everything was done so that the discussion of the fathers was not free, so that groups aimed at destroying the Church could manipulate the bishops. Lefebvre suspects the pope of complicity in the conspiracy and does not exclude the possibility that his election was also the result of machinations.

The option is ideal and win-win. If a recruited, hired figure is placed on the papal throne, then the employers receive colossal opportunities for unlimited influence on the entire Catholic leadership and its flock, that is, on the entire Catholic world. After all, from the point of view of Catholic teaching, the Holy Spirit Himself obeys the pope. Thus, the pope is infallible, just as the Council under his presidency is infallible. But Lefebvre, exposing its dramatic consequences, for the sake of protecting the faith, goes to what this Council declares " false council”, rejecting, in fact, the false doctrine of the primacy of the pope. And this is an unprecedented case in the history of Catholicism.

Compared with the Orthodox Church, unlike the Catholic Church, “the authority of the Councils was never mechanically recognized in it. The Church mysteriously recognized the action of the Holy Spirit in the acts of the Council or did not recognize, as in the case of the well-known "robber councils", antiquity.

And then Lefebvre’s guilty verdict sounds: “I strongly affirm that the Council has carried out turn of the church to the world. I leave you to wonder who was the inspirer of this spirituality... This was the one whom our Lord Jesus Christ calls the prince of this world.”

In fact, this is an accusation of the Catholic leadership in Satanism, this is an accusation of him that they actually became mercenaries of the prince of this world.

The introduction of his spirit, the spirit of the world, Lefebvre considers the cause of the crisis of the church: “I would like to note the external causes of the crisis of the church, namely - liberal, earthly pleasure mentality that has spread in society... The Council has done everything to push the life of the world in this direction.”

The figure of the pope as the chief mercenary and leader of the mercenaries in spiritual power acquires decisive significance in all this conspiracy and collusion with the prince of this world.

We also need to know the mechanisms of these hellish Khazar scenarios in order to prevent the collapse of Orthodoxy in our country, just as the collapse of Catholicism took place.

The main thing for us Orthodox is to keep our faith as the only refuge for us. and salvation in all sorts of storms and not compromise with evil. The main thing is to prevent the formation of inner Vatican, which is one of the main threats to Holy Rus'.

The Catholic Church has now begun to show heightened activity in relation to the Russian Orthodox Church. This is evidenced by a number of intensive meetings held with representatives of our church.

This is confirmed by a number of recent news about joint contacts. I will cite only two of them.

Journal of Ecumenical News " Ecumenical news International» in the issue of April 6, 2009 commends the activity and personality Archbishop Hilarion, who was educated at Oxford and was the representative of the Moscow Patriarchate in European organizations in Brussels. In March 2009, he was appointed head of the DECR of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Hilarion is a member of the Central Committee World Council of Churches.

Archbishop Hilarion maintains close relations with the Vatican, as evidenced by a series of intensive meetings held in the fall.

September 18, 2009 Archbishop Hilarion of Volokolamsk, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, who is on an official visit to Rome, met with Pope Benedict XVI at his summer residence in Castelgandolfo.

During the conversation, which lasted about an hour, a wide range of issues related to bilateral relations between the Russian Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches were touched upon.

Archbishop Hilarion stressed the importance of the joint witness of Orthodox and Catholics about traditional Christian values ​​in the face of a secular world.

Archbishop Hilarion noted the need to build up the positive potential of bilateral relations, including interacting in the field of culture ...

At the end of the conversation, which took place face to face, Archbishop Hilarion introduced his companions to Pope Benedict XVI: Archpriest Igor Vyzhanov, DECR Secretary for Inter-Christian Relations, Father Superior Philip (Vasiltsev) of the Church of St. Catherine the Great Martyr in Rome, and J. Guaita and I.M. .Kopeikin (Departmental Communication Service).

June 30, 2009 a meeting was held at the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, Archbishop Volokolamsky, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate Hilarion with monsignor Vincenzo Paglia, Bishop of Terni-Narni-Amelia, Chairman of the Commission for Ecumenism and Dialogue of the Italian Episcopal Conference, confessor of the Community of Saint Egidio, and professor Adriano Roccucci, General Secretary of the Community of Saint Egidio. The meeting was also attended by employees of the DECR Secretariat for Inter-Christian Relations A.V. Dikarev and J. Guaita...

The participants of the meeting paid attention to the ways of developing relations between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Italian Bishops' Conference, individual Catholic dioceses in Italy and the Community of Saint Egidius. The parties agreed that in the new conditions, Orthodox-Catholic interaction is of particular importance, since the positions of both Churches on the most pressing problems of the modern world match (Departmental Communication Service).

Here the coincidence of these positions, given the above trends in the Catholic Church, causes concern.

Centuries of Russian history testify that the Vatican has always been an extremely aggressive enemy of our statehood and the Orthodox faith. And there is no need to harbor illusions that something will change now. At present, taking into account all the circumstances outlined above, their struggle against us will become more and more acute and subtly crafty character. And therefore it can be expected that the outer Vatican will form Vatican interior directly in Russia, in the bowels of the Russian Orthodox Church, in the ranks of the Orthodox community and in government bodies. Attempts will be made to create an army of mercenaries, fifth column to totally destroy everything from within, both faith and statehood. Spiritual weapons are incomparably stronger than atomic weapons, any of the most modern and even future weapons of mass destruction. Spiritual weapons destroy the soul and deprive people not only of the ability, but even of the thoughts of resisting the invaders. The destruction of the soul is followed by complete paralysis of the will, consciousness and physical destruction or self-destruction.

It must be assumed that huge forces and resources of the tribe of Dan, including financial resources, will be used to form the inner Vatican. After all, the Vatican has been firmly connected with the Rothschilds and their money for a very long time. Moreover, he depends on them and for this reason he became one of the main units of the Illuminati created by the Rothschilds - the leaders of the Khazarocracy.

As writes coleman, this alliance of the Vatican and the Rothschilds was formed a long time ago, back in the 19th century. When the Vatican was in financial trouble, the Rothschilds gave it a loan of 5 million. Thanks to the Pope GregoryXVI(1831-1846) awarded Kalman Rothschild with a papal order. Then The Rothschilds became financial agents of the Vatican, and the Vatican became an ally and instrument of the Rothschilds. Thanks to the Vatican, the Rothschilds managed to spread their political and financial influence in the United States and bring this country under their control.

One of the main results of this joint subversion of the Vatican under the leadership of the Rothschilds was the creation US Federal Reserve, which meant the loss of the sovereignty of this country and the occupation of it by the Khazarocracy.

So the financial platform of the Vatican, which is in the hands of the Rothschilds, gave birth to them spiritual union having common interests and fighting for common goals. The interests and goals of the Rothschilds became the interests and goals of the Vatican. A spiritual bloc was formed, focused on bringing the Antichrist to power. Russian Orthodoxy and Russian Orthodox monarchical statehood, which together form Holy Rus', have always been and are now the main obstacles holding back on the path to achieving these evil goals. Therefore, all powerful weapons Rothschild-Vatican bloc directed against Holy Rus' against our people.

You will say that the Russian Orthodox monarchical statehood has long been destroyed. This is true, but being destroyed physically, it does not cease to exist as a memory, as a lofty idea in the spiritual space, in the soul of an Orthodox person. And that means that Holy Rus' is alive and exists in the spiritual space. And this servant of the Antichrist is most feared. That is why they fight so fiercely against us.

The Vatican as an ally and instrument of the Rothschilds is dangerous and powerful in its destructiveness many times more than before. Therefore, this threat must be taken into account more than ever before. Union and cooperation with the Vatican now means union and cooperation with the Rothschilds, which are the functions of the Antichrist. Union with the Vatican will mean for our church nothing more than union with the Antichrist, with all the ensuing consequences for our faith, people and state.

Those who are in the position of forming such an alliance need to remember Russian history.

As Archbishop Averky (Taushev) writes: “No matter how from the side popes attempts to subjugate the Russian people, attempts, invariably and persistently repeated almost with every Grand Duke and Sovereign with the most flattering promises and proposals, they were always resolutely brushed aside. “We know the true teaching of the Church, but we do not accept yours,” so, for example, answered in 1251 Pope Innocent IV Holy Right-Believing Prince Alexander Nevsky in response to his invitation to enter under the shadow of the Roman throne, in return for which he was promised help against the Tatars: a crusade to liberate the Russian people from the Tatar yoke - a proposal that seemed so tempting after the disasters experienced from the Tatar invasion and the heavy oppression of the Tatar captivity.

Venerable Theodosius of the Caves about the Latins he writes: “By the multitude of their heresies they (the Latins) have dishonored the whole earth... There is no eternal life in the Latin faith.”

Reverend Maxim the Greek in the 16th century wrote: "In my writings I denounce every Latin heresy and every blasphemy, Jewish and pagan."

Rev. Paisius (Velichkovsky) (1722-1794) writes about Latinism that it broke away from the Church and "fell ... into the abyss of heresies and errors ... and lies in them without any hope of rebellion." And below: the Latins are “not the essence of Christians” (Works on the sign of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross. Rk.BAN, 13.1.24, ch. 11, fol. 39, 88v.).

Saint Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) (1807-1867):“Papism is the name of the heresy that embraced the West, from which, like branches of a tree, various Protestant teachings originated. Papism appropriates the properties of Christ to the pope and thereby rejects Christ. Some Western writers have almost explicitly uttered this renunciation, saying that it is much less a sin to renounce Christ than to renounce the pope. The pope is the idol of the papists; he is their god. Because of this terrible error, the grace of God departed from the papists; they are devoted to themselves and to Satan - the inventor and father of all heresies, among others, papism.

Rev. Ambrose of Optina (1812-1891):“The Orthodox Eastern Church from the time of the apostles and hitherto observes unchanged and intact from innovations both the teaching of the Gospel and the apostles, as well as the tradition of the holy fathers and the decrees of the Ecumenical Councils... The Roman Church has long veered into heresy and innovation...” And further: “ The Roman Church ... since it does not keep holy conciliar and apostolic decrees, but has strayed into innovations and wrong sophistication, it does not at all belong to the One, Holy and Apostolic Church ”(Collection of Letters of Blessed Memory of Optina Elder Hieroschemamonk Ambrose to lay persons. Ch 1. Sergiev Posad, 1913, pp. 231, 232, 235).

Saint Theophan the Recluse (1815-1894):“To believe that the Holy Spirit proceeds from God the Father is an obligatory dogma, but to believe in Latin that He also proceeds from the Son is deviation from the Church, heresy” (Letters on Christian Life. M., 1908, p. 37) .

Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt (1829-1908):“The words of our Savior Jesus Christ are true: “he who is not with me is against me” (Matthew 12:30). Catholics, Lutherans, and reformers have fallen away from the Church of Christ... they are clearly going against Christ and His Church... they do not respect fasting, they pervert the dogmas of the saving faith. They are not with us, against us and against Christ.”

“Hatred of Orthodoxy, fanaticism and persecution of the Orthodox, murders run like a red thread through all the centuries of the life of Catholicism. From their fruits you will know them. Is this the spirit commanded to us by Christ? If anyone, then Catholics, Lutherans and reformers can be said: “I don’t know what spirit you are.”

"Catholics have fallen away from the Head of the whole Church - Christ, having chosen the earthly head - the sinning pope."

“Profoundly alien to the Russian man was any idea of ​​any kind compromise with evil. He always felt in his soul its falsity and non-Orthodoxy and ardently rebelled against it...

So, if we want to be faithful to all the great past of our Motherland, personified in the holy saints of God, who shone in the Russian land, there is only one way for us - the path of uncompromising intransigence with satanic evil, excluding, of course, the imaginary Christian kiss with the Antichrist, for “what communion between light and darkness? What is the agreement between Christ and Belial? Or what part shall I return with the unfaithful?” (2 Cor. 6:14-15). And this path, of course, is truly Christian, truly ecclesiastical, as based on the word of God and the example of numerous saints of God, glorified by the Church precisely for this path!” (Archbishop Averky (Taushev). There is a time for everything, M., 2006).

Who is preparing the Eighth Ecumenical?

Today, there are serious fears and even anxiety due to the fact that the Orthodox Church is being artificially imposed spirit of destructive liberalism.

These fears have real grounds, as active preparations are underway for the so-called great Holy Council of the Orthodox Church.

The champions of ecumenism again began to convene Eighth Ecumenical Council.

It is no secret that preparations for this cathedral have been going on for a long time.

Back in 1961, on the island of Rhodes, on the initiative of Metropolitan Nikodim of Leningrad, who at that time headed the Department for External Church Relations of the MP, the so-called Pan-Orthodox Conference was convened, which was attended by ecumenically minded representatives of the Local Churches.

In 1976, a forum called the Pan-Orthodox Pre-Council Meeting met for the second time, no longer hiding that its goal was to prepare for the holding of the Eighth Ecumenical Council.

But Metropolitan Nikodim failed to realize his dream of convening the Eighth Ecumenical Council, which ecumenists first of all need to assert their heresy, due to the unexpected death at the feet of Pope John Paul I on September 5, 1978. Following the ecumenical tradition, the pope read the funeral service to Metropolitan Nikodim and he was buried in a Catholic church.

The circumstances of the death of Metropolitan Nikodim turned out to be deeply symbolic - he was a great admirer of the Catholic "church", dedicated his doctoral dissertation to Pope John XXIII, and perceived every trip to Rome as a "pilgrimage to the apostolic throne."

In his religious views, Metropolitan Nikodim clearly gravitated toward Catholicism. For example, he publicly admired Catholic cathedrals, arguing that they supposedly have true grandeur, unlike our less spacious Orthodox churches. Many personal testimonies of Metropolitan Nikodim serving "private masses" according to the Latin rite have been published.

IN 1969 By the merits of Metropolitan Nikodim, by a decree of the Holy Synod of the ROC MP, Catholics were admitted to the sacraments. But soon this scandalous decision was canceled.

It must be said that with the symbolic death of Metropolitan Nikodim, the heresy of ecumenism he preached and intensively propagated did not cease to exist in the Russian Church, since he managed to leave behind a galaxy of his disciples, whom he managed to ordain to the priesthood and put in leadership positions.

And the ideal and main dream of the metropolitan was "reunion with the great church of the West" through the holding of the Eighth Ecumenical Council.

In September 1991 year at the Swiss meeting "Orthodox Churches and the WCC", the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew (Arhondonis), together with the leadership of the ROC Allied Forces, adopted a joint statement that "Orthodox participation in the ecumenical search for the unity of Christians requires a constant purification of Orthodoxy". From what, excuse me, is it necessary to “purify” holy, infallible Orthodoxy? In the 6th chapter of his Masonic dissertation, Bartholomew directly speaks of the need to create "new canons" ...

Until the middle of the 19th century, the Orthodox Church did not even think about the Eighth Council, although before that the situation of the Church had been very serious more than once (the fall of the Latins (1054), the Florentine Union of 1453, Luther's reforms (1521) and so on. Only with the penetration of Protestant views into Orthodox theology, the idea arose of convening it ... Orthodox theologians of that time spoke not of the impossibility, but of the absence of the need to convene it, since the task of the Ecumenical Councils is denunciation of heresy. And since the heresies of the Latins, Protestants and other sectarians are condemned by the definitions of the Seven Ecumenical Councils, there is no need to convene the Eighth Council.

It seems that now the ecumenistically minded hierarchs have decided that the right moment has come to resume their unsuccessful attempt to convene and hold the Eighth Ecumenical Council.

Preparations for it are now in full swing. Pre-Council meetings and negotiations are being actively conducted. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew ten themes for discussion were put forward.

1 . Orthodox diaspora. Determining the jurisdiction of Orthodox associations beyond national borders.

2 . The procedure for recognizing the status of church autocephaly.

3. The procedure for recognizing the status of church autonomy.

4 . Diptych. Rules for mutual canonical recognition of the Orthodox Churches.

5 . Establishment of a common calendar of holidays.

6 . Rules and obstacles for performing the sacrament of marriage.

7 . The question of fasting in the modern world.

8 . Connection with other Christian denominations.

9 . ecumenical movement.

10 . The contribution of Orthodoxy to the affirmation of the Christian ideals of peace, brotherhood and freedom.

The question immediately arises: weren't these issues resolved at previous Ecumenical Councils and is it necessary to convene a new Ecumenical Council to solve them?

On this occasion, we can quote the words of the holy reverend Justin (Popovich):“The historical reality is obvious: the saints and the Councils of the Holy Fathers convened by God always had before them one or, at the most, two or three questions sharply posed to them by the great heresies and schisms that perverted Orthodox faith who tore apart the Church and seriously threatened the salvation of human souls, the salvation of the Orthodox people of God and all of God's creation. Therefore, the Ecumenical Councils have always had a Christological character, that is, their central theme - the only theme and the main gospel - has always been the God-Man Jesus Christ and our salvation in Him.

Thus, the Ecumenical Councils defended the purity and correctness of the faith, so the issues discussed at them were mainly dogmatic. The forthcoming Eighth Ecumenical Council does not have dogmatic issues on the agenda, on which no decisions have been made at previous Councils.

For the Orthodox, the holding of the Eighth Ecumenical Council would be useful only in one case: if it followed a correct ecclesiological assessment and condemnation of the heresy of ecumenism that prepares the coming of the Antichrist.

But such a topic will not be raised, since the purpose of this council is to legitimize this heresy of heresies, as St. Justin (Popovich) called it. And the ecumenists collect it in order to justify their apostasy, their treacherous actions in relation to the Orthodox faith.

They hope by a majority of votes at this "council" to change the canons that prevent breaking down the barriers between the Orthodox Church and the teachings of pseudo-Christian confessions. And then, referring to the authority of the Eighth Ecumenical, to force the Orthodox, under the pretext of obedience, to obey and fulfill their will, which will be aimed at uniting all religions in single religion of the new world order.

Concerning first four paragraphs, then all of them were discussed at the Seven Ecumenical Councils and the holy fathers adopted decrees that we only need to fulfill. Nevertheless, the claims of the Patriarchate of Constantinople to rule the Orthodox peoples along the lines of the Latin confession are obvious.

Fifth point was also considered at the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea, and all Orthodox were commanded to adhere to the calendar in accordance with the Julian calendar. However, ecumenists are striving to introduce a new calendar style, coinciding with the Latin.

Point six introduced by Bartholomew to satisfy the renovationist whim: married episcopacy and bigamy among priests.

Seventh point- the abolition of fasts by ecumenists (relaxation), contrary to the definitions of the Seven Ecumenical Councils.

The last three points- nothing but assertion of the heresy of ecumenism.

From the above points it is absolutely clear that for the Orthodox there is no need to hold a council, but this council is necessary for the ecumenists to establish their heretical views and give them an authoritative status.

Ecumenism is a new religion in which all religious boundaries are erased, which is necessary for the reign of the Antichrist. It can be said that ecumenism is the faith of Antichrist. As St. Justin writes about it: “Ecumenism is a common name for the false churches of Western Europe. Their common name is all-heresy."

It turns out that the main goal of the "council" is not to condemn the already widespread heresy of ecumenism, but to legitimize it. Therefore, the followers of this false doctrine have stepped up their activities so much and are in a hurry to hold the so-called pan-Orthodox council.

December 9-17, 2009 in the Orthodox Center of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in Chambesy(Switzerland) held a meeting of the Inter-Orthodox Preparatory Commission, convened for the purpose of further elaboration of the issues on the agenda of the Eighth Ecumenical Council. The assembled hierarchs announced that they were already considering the last questions. (http:// sobor8. en/23 dec-09- telegramma. html) . But at the same time, information about the "eighth ecumenical" is rather scarce, and it seems that they are carefully hushed up. As a result, many do not even suspect that in a very short time they will be forced to face the fact of gross violation of the Orthodox Faith, betrayal of Tradition, patristic teaching, violation of the canons.

Let's turn to the prophecies of the Holy Fathers about the upcoming Eighth Ecumenical Council:

Reverend Kuksha(Velichko): “The end times are coming. Soon there will be an ecumenical cathedral called "saint". But it will be the same "eighth council, which will be a gathering of the godless." On it, all faiths will unite into one. Then all posts will be abolished, monasticism will be completely destroyed, bishops will be married. Newsletter calendar will be introduced in the Universal Church. Be carefull. Try to visit God's temples while they are still ours. Soon it will be impossible to go there, everything will change. Only a select few will see it. People will be forced to go to church, but we will not have to go there under any circumstances. I beg you, stand in the Orthodox faith until the end of your days and be saved!”

Archbishop Theophan of Poltava: “I don’t know anything about the Eighth Ecumenical Council yet. I can only say in the words of St. Theodore the Studite: "Not every assembly of bishops is a council, but only an assembly of bishops who stand in Truth." A truly Ecumenical Council does not depend on the number of bishops gathered for it, but on whether it will philosophize or teach Orthodoxy. If he departs from the truth, he will not be universal, even if he calls himself the name of the universal. The famous "robber's cathedral" was at one time more numerous than many ecumenical councils, and yet it was not recognized as ecumenical, but received the name "robber's cathedral"!..» (Service to the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council, October, 11th day, Theotokion according to the 6th song of the canon to the Holy Fathers).

Archimandrite John (Krestyankin), Pskov-Caves Monastery: “Keep the covenants that were given by the predecessors of Alexy, who is now elevated to the Patriarchal throne. First. So that we have an old style! We cannot accept anything else. Second. To be strictly Orthodox. We have never treated all non-Orthodox with hostility. We have a clear conscience in this regard. But we went our strictly delineated path! Both our predecessors and we, who are now leaving from day to day to the other world, call on you to preserve the purity of Orthodoxy. Third. About how to sacredly preserve the Church Slavonic language. Fourth. Some are now afraid of the Eighth Ecumenical Council. Do not be embarrassed by this, just calmly believe in God, for the Patriarch, who has gone into eternity, said in a personal conversation that if there is anything at the Eighth expected Ecumenical Council that is inconsistent with the previous seven Ecumenical Councils, we have the right not to accept it. Here is his testament, albeit in a private conversation, and I am already repeating it to you a second or third time in fulfillment of my conscience, for I asked these questions and I received answers to them. And therefore, nothing bothers me now: neither the transience of time, nor the election, nor what happened. All this can be summarized in one concept: we live in apocalyptic times. And therefore, watch, stand in the faith, be courageous and firm. And let everything be with you with love (1 Cor. 16:13-14).

Reverend Seraphim of Sarov: “There will be a time when, under the pretext of church and Christian progress, for the sake of the requirements of this world, they will change and pervert the dogmas (teachings) and statutes of the Holy Church, forgetting that they originate from the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, who taught and gave instructions to His disciples - to the holy Apostles about the creation of the Church of Christ and its rules ...

Woe to the one who subtracts or adds one word. Our Church has no vice; woe to him who dares to make any changes in the Divine services and the statutes of that Church, which is the "Pillar and Ground of the Truth" and about which the Savior Himself said that even the gates of hell will not prevail against her; that is, that it will remain unchanged until the end - until the second coming. Any desire to bring alleged improvement, changes in the rules and teachings of the Holy Church is heresy, the desire to create your own special church according to the invention of the human mind, deviation from the decree of the Holy Spirit is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which will not be forgiven forever.

Rule 2 of the VI Ecumenical Council reads: “Let no one be allowed to change or cancel the aforementioned rules of the apostles, Ecumenical and Local Councils and the Holy Fathers, or, in addition to the proposed rules, accept others with false inscriptions, compiled by some people who dared to feast on the truth.” And the Council act of the same council reads: “Three times anathema for every innovation and deed against the Church Tradition and the teaching and rules of the Saints and the blessed memory of the Fathers. Anathema, if anyone violates any written or unwritten Tradition of the Church.

“So, “the seven heads are the seven mountains” - the seven Ecumenical Councils, - “on which the woman sits” - the Holy Orthodox Church (Rev. 17, 9). It does not need to be added or subtracted, for the number seven is the number of fullness. (Hieromonk Pavel (Lebedev)).

Thus, we must understand that holding the Eighth Ecumenical Council is integral part special operations to establish a new world order, where actions take place in a religious space.

Let us resist every evil trick, so that our true Orthodox faith, transmitted by the Holy Fathers, be preserved in purity, without adding or subtracting anything.

* apostasy - renunciation of God.
