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Psychologists value pink for its beneficial effect on the psyche, and designers for its versatility and decorative possibilities. Well, most girls associate it with flowers, princesses, tenderness and everything that is so close to female nature, so a pink children's room is a real dream for them.

Psychological and physiological impact

Each color affects a person in its own way, and pink in this sense is one of the most positive. It promotes healthy sleep, good mood, reduces feelings of anxiety and stress, maintains a sense of healthy optimism, while not provoking excessive emotionality. In a pink nursery, a child subconsciously feels protected, and even noises in such a bedroom bother him less.

  • But there are also disadvantages. Firstly, pink can be too relaxing for the hostess of the room and distract her from her studies (but this can be completely fixed). And the second drawback is the possible rejection of pink in a girl's adolescence, when it can begin to seem synonymous with stereotyped or childishness. However, you can also prepare for such surprises with the help of competent design.

5 application secrets

Secret 1. How to choose a shade of pink

The reference pink is red diluted with white, so most of its shades are classified as warm colors. But not everything is so simple, because many of its shades can be cold if they have an admixture of lilac, blue, purple tones. Here's how you can navigate in the choice of the main shade:

  • Choose a warm shade if: the windows of the nursery face north, and there is not enough daylight in it, and also if the room is decorated in classical style and its variations (, etc.).
  • We choose a cold shade if: the windows of the nursery face south, and the interior of the room is decorated in a modern style (for example,), then you can choose cold colors: raspberry, magenta, fuchsia, lavender, etc.

Below are photo examples of "cold" and "warm" pink interiors.

Also when choosing colors and shades, consider the age of your daughter:

  • The bedroom for a newborn girl is best decorated in pastel colors so that nothing distracts her from regular sleep.

  • A girl from 3 to 11 years old is recommended already more saturated, but not yet bright shades of pink in the interior. They can be combined with other cheerful colors such as green, yellow or blue. Indeed, at this age, the child begins to actively explore the world, and the situation in the room should only contribute to this.

  • But teenagers aged 12 and older can be allowed to choose a brighter palette and even such contrasting combinations as pink + black.

Secret 2. How to enlarge a small nursery with pink

When choosing wallpaper or paint for walls, a bed or wardrobe, curtains or carpet for a small / narrow bedroom, keep in mind that pink, especially saturated, visually enlarges and brings any surfaces and objects closer, although it makes them lighter by the look.

  • Therefore, in a small room for walls or large furniture, it is better to use only a light shade of pink. But to create the effect of increasing space, you need to combine light pink with white, especially for walls.

That is, if all surfaces are light pink, then the room will neither increase nor decrease. But if you stick wallpaper on one or two walls, say, of a light coral color, and paint the rest of the partitions white, then you can move them apart and raise the ceiling a little.

Secret 3. How to decorate the interior "for growth"

To design a children's room in pink with the expectation of adolescence or even a student, you should take neutral colors as a basis - white, light gray, beige, and use pink exclusively in accents. That is, let the walls, table, cabinets and bed be calm and versatile, but let the curtains, bed linen, chair, carpet, etc. be pink. Then you, or rather the hostess herself, will be able to change them at any time to decor/furniture items that are more suitable for age and taste and easily update the entire interior design.

Secret 4. How to use pink as the main or secondary color

Whatever shade of pink you choose - bright or pastel, it, like any color, needs to be diluted. But if light pink shades can fill a room by half or more, then saturated ones, like fuchsia or magenta, are best used in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:4 with other colors. After all, their effect on the psyche will no longer be so pacifying, and from the point of view of design, bright colors will simply overload the interior of the bedroom.

Secret 5. What colors go with pink?

For the design of a pink nursery, combinations are suitable:

  1. With white

White color will make pink softer, more delicate and fresher. Both colors can be taken as a basis and diluted with an additional one or two colors.

  1. With beige and cream

Beige and all its variations are a great alternative to white. More suitable for classic and, as well as for the design of the room "for growth".

  1. With gray

It makes our hero more serious, more refined, and in his environment he becomes softer and more cheerful.

  1. with yellow

Yellow color can successfully complement the calmness of pink with its cheerfulness. If you feel that the girl lacks activity, then the yellow colors in the room will only benefit her.

  1. with green

Nature is the best colorist and it is she who has combined green with pink in roses, peonies, carnations and other flowers. Therefore, this combination can be called the most harmonious in any shades.

  1. With blue, mint and turquoise

The most boyish color goes well with the most girly shade. Such an alliance is more suitable for a room decorated in a modern style.

  1. With related tones - violet, lilac, lilac, purple

With its neighbors in the color spectrum, pink can make wonderful combinations, especially if they are presented in the form of textiles. Carpets, curtains, pillows and blankets will make the pink bedroom interior stylish.

And last tips:

  • Keep in mind that the tones of the same scale are most successfully combined with each other: cold or warm.
  • Worst of all, red and orange are combined with the hero of the article.

Photo gallery of ideas

And now we bring to your attention a photo selection of various ideas for the design and decor of a nursery in pink tones (scroll the photo to the right).



Ceiling Design Ideas

When a little princess grows in the family and it is time to arrange a separate children's room, many parents are confused. If a boy needs a car bed and bright unusual furnishings to be happy, then a subtle girlish nature needs a more scrupulous approach to choosing furniture, color and style of interior design.

Pink furniture for the girl remains ideal solution to create soft and cozy interior both for very young children and for young ladies of school age.

The Mia Sofia online store offers to buy pink children's furniture in ready-made sets with an expanded selection of current variations. Universal design solutions perfectly complement the overall interior of the apartment and help the child quickly adapt to the peculiarities of independent living.

Pink children's furniture - what is the secret of popularity?

Any color carries a certain charge of mood. Pink children's furniture for girls gives a special aesthetic pleasure and helps to reduce feelings of anxiety. In addition to healthy sleep, soft shades inspire optimism and calmness without excessive emotionality.

Pink children's furniture not only provides comfort, but also allows the girl to feel protected, which is especially important when adapting to her own separate room.

That is why almost all parents who are looking for ready-made solutions in the interior for their daughter strive to pick up and buy pink children's furniture.

How to buy pink children's furniture "for growth"?

When choosing furniture, do not forget that children tend to grow constantly, regularly changing preferences and interests. In order not to make repairs in the room of your beloved daughter every couple of years, we recommend buying pink children's furniture with the expectation of the entire period of early and teenage development.

How to do it?

First of all, choose ready-made interiors with a base of neutral shades (beige, light gray, white, etc.), where pink only helps to set the accents. Ideally, the main items (table, cabinet, cabinets, etc.) should be made in neutral colors, and curtains, bedspreads, carpet and some pieces of furniture are in pink.

As the young mistress of the room grows older, she can easily change these elements, transforming the familiar environment in accordance with new preferences. Want to know more secrets to using pink to bring out the potential of your interior? Leave a request on our website, and Mia Sofia specialists will give detailed advice on choosing the perfect furniture for a nursery!

Pink children's room - where to buy in the right configuration?

Delicate and refined furniture collections from the Mia Sofia catalog are ready-made interior masterpieces for creating the perfect atmosphere in the room of your beloved daughter! We offer some of the best kits, carefully selected professional designers and approved by parents.

What is included in the classic finished interior:

    • Spacious and comfortable bed with a modern orthopedic base.
    • Nightstand.
    • Desk.
    • Children's wardrobe or corner module.
    • Chair.
    • Additional items (lamps, racks, etc.).

Pink children's rooms can be equipped with single-tiered and (as well as cribs for the smallest), complemented by individual furniture products and various design variations.

Leave a request for the kit you like, and we will not only help you pick up additional items, but also arrange the most favorable delivery to any city in Russia!

A cozy pink children's room is the dream of almost every little princess or romantic teenage girl. Why not make your wish come true? With the help of various shades of pink in combination with white, beige, yellow, green, light lilac and other colors, you can create a beautiful comfortable interior, contributing to the development of tenderness, sophistication and good manners in the daughter.

The effect of color on a child

For a girl, a room in pink tones will become a place of relaxation, quiet games, creative activities and thoughtful study. Color is a symbol of calmness, maternal love and optimism, its influence makes the child feel absolute comfort and security.

In many kindergartens, teachers hang soft coral curtains in bedrooms and playrooms to make it easier for children to calm down and feel at home.

Design options for little ones

There are three approaches to decorating girls' rooms in pink color:

morning dreams

At a young age, girls have the opportunity to feel what it means to be a fairy or a princess, so the nursery should be as gentle as possible.

The combination of pastel colors is taken as the basis: cream, light pink, lilac, beige. As contrasting colors they take: coral, muted burgundy, light lilac. The room is decorated with dazzling white, almost weightless organza fabrics, a canopy over the bed, as well as many exquisite decorative elements: white photo frames, coral pillows, a lot of fluffy toys. the main objective- create an atmosphere.

The combination of colors makes the room visually more spacious.

Little lady

Pink, brought up according to strict rules, should be a little conservative. Over saturated colors than in the first version. The intensity of the palette is offset by strict but high-quality light wood furniture.

If pink is the main color, painting the walls, choose extremely delicate shades. Do bright accents You can use various interior items (furniture, curtains, paintings, vases with flowers, toys, books), colorful wall ornaments, patterned windows. And, on the contrary, if you want to use rich pink elements, choose muted or neutral tones as the basis for the design - white, cream, light lilac.

Bright shades are allowed to be used only pointwise

Light Vanguard

Repairs are recommended to be done in such a way that bright, revitalizing elements can be easily introduced during the child's growth. The nursery in pink has become boring for the baby, but the opportunity to make cardinal updates is not expected in the near future? Arrange the upgrade in an informal style.

Was the original design variant of tenderness and calmness? Add bright pink curtains, dark lilac or deep purple pillows, bedspreads to the interior.

Children love change, especially when they are in charge - invite your daughter to choose some bright decorative items (vases, mirrors, picture frames, flower pots, bookshelves, ottomans). So with early age you teach the baby to create home comfort.

Pink in a teenage girl's room

A bedroom in light pink colors will visually expand the space, make it more spacious. Wall decoration in tea rose color or a choice of wallpaper in white and pink stripes, a multi-tiered ceiling with smooth outlines, a beige rug - this is one of the options. beautiful interior children's.

Room for a girl adolescence don't style it in sweet vanilla, it's best to dilute it with additional shades of cream, brown, light green or even gray. It is these combinations that will help create a modern and stylish design for a growing daughter.

Paying tribute to designers, it is worth noting that dullness and everyday life are a thing of the distant past, giving way to bright and original solutions. Today's life is filled with colors, comfortable details, while remaining quite spacious and functional. A good example is the pink children's room. It is clear that such a design is typical for a girl's abode, since this glamor does not suit the boys at all. Using a palette of these tones, you can create a cozy atmosphere for a girl of any age by choosing a style that suits your spirit.

What to Consider

Before you plunge headlong into the purchase of materials for repairs, furniture and accessories, you must initially decide in what design the children's home will be designed and choose color scheme. We take into account the age of the young lady. For babies under 3 years old, it is better to make the room light, using the most delicate colors, older teenage girls will surely like rich bright accents.

It's not that the room background will turn pink all over - this color scheme is successfully combined with a large color spectrum, for example, green, yellow, blue, gray, etc. Adding white will make the room fresher and more spacious. Sandy tones are ideal for classic settings, yellows will give vivacity, and combinations of raspberry backgrounds with green notes are considered universal. For modern design you can take as a basis the union of glamor and metallic. Pink looks great in combination with "native" colors that textiles can be decorated with.

When choosing a palette, you should also consider the location and size of the room. Warm gamma is suitable for rooms where there is little natural light (windows face north). For light spaces, you can focus on cold shades (magenta, raspberry, fuchsia, etc.).

Interior styles

Now it has become fashionable to renovate apartments in a certain genre. When decorating the world for your child, in addition to the wishes of the parents themselves, it is worth considering children's preferences, which can be completely different. The pinkishness of the general background, of course, is liked by the vast majority of girls, which cannot be said about the setting - one child will prefer fabulous rooms with canopies and lace, while the other will prefer more attractively restrained content.

Pink children's room in the style of minimalism

Despite the fact that the modern minimalist direction is somewhat strict and concise, the design in this style is perfect for young active teenagers. It is important to choose functional furniture so that it is compact, roomy, and has smooth lines. Here you can place a built-in wardrobe with mirrored doors, a bed, desk, a couple of armchairs for receiving guests.

The side planes are painted or pasted over with plain wallpaper, and one of them can be decorated with canvases with a graphic print or a 3D picture with a floral image. Complex plasterboard structures on the ceiling should be abandoned in favor of a matte stretch film, painting or whitewashing.

Curtains of a strictly style, blinds or roll structures are suitable for minimalism, and posters, photographs in strict frames, a couple of green flowerpots will act as decor.

Pink nursery in shabby chic style

The name of the style speaks for itself. Translated from English, it means “shabby chic”, from which you can judge what kind of furniture and decoration will be present. The main element here will be a rough, artificially aged (or really rare) classic wooden set. Plastic and synthetics have no place here - preference is given to natural materials or their plausible imitation. Wall surfaces can be decorated with paper or fabric wallpaper, floor - parquet board and whitewash the ceiling.

An important detail is the elegance of the situation. The room must be filled with typical English accents, which will be present in decoration, furniture, textiles. Dairy wallpapers with small floral prints in the form of roses or other flowers, decorative ornaments - figurines of sheep, dogs, horses, wrought-iron furniture elements, frosted curtains with light pink ruffles and bows - all this will recreate the real atmosphere of good old England and will definitely please a young lady .

Pink nursery in scandinavian style

Choice Scandinavian design will help solve the problem of space and light in the nursery. The walls are painted or pasted over with plain light pink wallpaper. It is possible that the tones different surfaces slightly different, then the background will not look dull. Also, textiles will help to revive the interior: bed linen in rich colors, sheepskin bedspreads, woolen patterned rugs, flowerpots on the windowsill, light curtains. The furniture should be compact, made of wood, preferably white, as this tone is the main one in this direction.

Pink nursery in Provence style

To create the spirit of a French village, you need to rely on the classics - the plastered ceiling plane will perfectly match the wall wallpaper in a small hot pink flower or vertical stripes, as well as an aged parquet board.

A bed, a chest of drawers, bedside tables, a table and chairs made of wood or imitating materials can be milky white or pinkish in color, have carvings, paintings. It does not hurt to add a wicker rocking chair, a dressing table to the interior, and for little girls you can add baskets for toys, a small table for tea drinking with chairs, soft handmade dolls.

The spirit of the direction is emphasized by decorative elements in the form of floral patterns, images of cockerels, bird cages, shells and other items on maritime theme. In textiles there are polka dot patterns, Vichy check, thick stripe. Curtains often have additional decorations in the form of bows, ruffles, lace inserts.

Pink nursery in oriental style

Oriental style is quite colorful and varied. There are several directions here, but since we are talking about the “pink-faced” nursery for a girl, it is better to focus on Indian chambers. The color spectrum here will be more saturated, it will be represented by purple and reddish-pink shades. Roughly plastered walls can be complemented with ornamental inserts. The furniture is not numerous, has squat forms, carving is welcome.

The main attention should be paid to textiles and decorations. Silk curtains of rich color (you can use several contrasting fabrics at the same time, for example, coral with carmine color) will perfectly complement decorative pillows made of the same material. There should be quite a lot of them, especially on the bed, which, in most cases, is crowned with a luxurious canopy. An obligatory element is an Indian carpet. The genre will be complemented by a variety of figurines, figurines of animals (elephants, snakes), colored glass lanterns with dark pink hues.

Finishes and materials

For children's "apartments" you need to try to select only natural materials. It is important to think about the color scheme here. The specificity of the pink color lies in the fact that more saturated palettes can bring closer and heavier surfaces, so in small rooms it is better to combine them with milky white, especially for walls. A good solution would be to design one or two wall panels in coral tones, and leave the rest whitish. This will help to significantly expand the space and increase its height.

Sometimes parents tend to make repairs with a future in mind. Since a girl's love for a pure pink interior can change with age, it is better that this color scheme is not the main one. It can be expressed in textiles - curtains, carpet, bedding, and the background will be based, for example, on the beige spectrum.


The floor surface is covered with laminate, parquet or linoleum. Since the room should be warm, cozy and bright, you can choose a light beige or ivory shade. Definitely need to lay a carpet - even a small one, it will create a comfortable environment, and Small child will be able to sit on it during the game.


To create original textured effects, you can clad the walls decorative plaster. Also good option there will be wallpaper for painting or with a variety of small drawings, according to the style. Often, designers use a "striped" design - both on the walls and on the ceilings.

One of the walls can be pasted over with photo wallpapers with images corresponding to the age and style: colorful pictures with princesses are suitable for the little ones, and landscapes, animals, megacities or abstractions for the older ones.


Design methods ceiling surface quite a bit of. The ceiling can be painted, whitewashed, wallpapered, decorated with a stretch glossy or matte film. Modern version- usage drywall sheets, from which you can create multi-level structures, form bizarre ceiling figures and equip them with hidden lighting. Here, the lightest pink tones, white or ivory shades are used.

Children's room furniture

In the setting, the main thing is not to overdo it so as not to clutter up the space. It will be enough to install a bed, wardrobe, desk, bedside table or chest of drawers. At the same time, the furniture should be as comfortable and functional as possible, contain enough shelves, drawers to accommodate everything you need.

Whitish furniture looks great against the background of "blushed" walls. For girls younger age you can decorate the facades of the cabinets with vinyl stickers with images of flowers, animals, etc. An excellent option for a nursery is a wardrobe built into a wall niche, the doors of which are made mirrored or with a thematic pattern.

Decor and lighting

There should be quite a lot of light in the room, so lighting installed both on the ceiling and in specific areas requiring additional lighting. A central chandelier or spotlight system will play the role of general lighting, and a bedside sconce or night lamp will create a soft light in the evening when preparing for bed (some children are afraid to fall asleep in complete darkness). Work zone should also have an additional bright lamp - a wall or table lamp. Lampshades selected in the right style will become a kind of decor for the space.

You can dilute the monotonous pinkishness of wall surfaces with the help of photographs, paintings in white frames or panels (compositions of artificial butterflies are now popular). In spacious rooms, 3D paintings will look advantageous, creating a feeling of infinity. Of course, textiles play a big role in decorating. Light pink curtains with a floral print, a canopy, decorative pillows, soft rugs will greatly decorate the interior, make it gentle, feminine. Soft toys, vinyl stickers are suitable for younger girls' rooms preschool age. These elements are easy to remove from the interior when the child grows up.

Little pink children's room

It is important to make a small children's room as light and spacious as possible, so a white or snow-pink palette will act as a background. The ceiling is better to whitewash or paint in White color, and two-level structures here will be superfluous, as they will significantly reduce the space.

In choosing a furniture set, a loft bed will be a good option, under which there will be a desktop, wardrobe or game Zone. It is better to give preference to white facades, perhaps with raspberry-pink accents.

You should not get carried away with decoration, so as not to clutter up the background with all sorts of excesses. Quite enough original lamps, soft rug, wall mirror in the original frame.

Pink nursery design - photo

To understand how beautiful, comfortable and stylish a children's room in pink colors can look like, it is not enough just to get acquainted with the information, it is better to see various options personally. In our article we have collected photos good examples ready-made designs from which you can draw interesting ideas and embody them in the living space of your child. Enjoy watching!

Cute trinkets in pink

Little girls dream of having a pink room. Such rooms resemble the boudoirs of little princesses and look very gentle, cute and romantic.

Colors have always influenced the mood of people and pink is no exception.

Girls feel peace and comfort in a pink room, which positively affects the psyche of children.

Pink hearts for charming girls

Designers are very fond of this color. The design of such nurseries will allow you to enjoy the whole gamut of ideas: furniture various styles, a variety of accessories and decor will be perfectly combined with each other in this interior.

White decorative bows on a bright pink wall background

Pink is quite contrasting, it can be warm and cold. Rooms are created quite differently.

Warm palette. If red is diluted with yellow or orange flowers then you get a very delicate pink shade, such as coral, pink ash and terracotta, etc.

A room painted in such colors will be very comfortable and cute.

Flower wonder girl's bedroom

Bed linen, lampshades and decor in the same floral hues

Cold palette. Pink diluted with blue, lilac or purple gives a cold tone.

Lavender, various shades of crimson and fuchsia are what we get from mixing these colors. Modern style will look great in cool pink shades.

Pink storage system combined with black roses on the walls

At the very beginning of work on the room, you need to consult with the child which color he prefers.

Gentle bunnies in a cute children's bedroom

Combination. Having thought over the main color, you need to decide what it goes best with.

But it is enough to remember the rule that it is better to combine warm with warm shades, cold with cold.

Cheerful curtains with checkered ruffles

For a nursery in pink, you can apply the following options:

White. Furniture and walls in white color will perfectly refresh and make the room more warm and cute, as well as bring an atmosphere of fun and celebration.

Lilac dancing ballerinas on the light surfaces of the bedroom

Grey. The gray shade will bring peace and tranquility to the room. It perfectly mutes the pink palette and gives a sense of stability.

White peas on graphite textile

Solar. The yellow tone illuminates everything around and brings the warmth of a summer day into the room. It invigorates, amuses and gives strength.

Decorative elements in yellow color

Emerald. Green goes well with pink even in nature.

Rose in this color looks more gentle on the green stem of the flower. There will be complete harmony in the nursery if it contains green and pink tones.

Grass geometry on various items in the room

Heavenly. This combination is not often used. If you choose the right shades of blue and pink, you get a pretty stylish modern interior.

Sea blue on the wardrobe

Textiles in lilac, violet and lilac colors add brightness and activity to the children's bedroom.

Brown bows surrounded by a large tree on the wall

Sweet Kitty on the panels of the children's locker
