To date, science has about seventy thousand all kinds of crustacean creatures. They live in any water bodies. With this diversity, many varieties have not yet been studied by science. Scientists note only some representatives of the underwater world. Among them are sea lobster shrimp, hermit shrimp, mantis shrimp and hermit crab.


Thanks to evolutionary development, the hermit crab has received many adaptations that allow it to feel comfortable in the ocean. For example, its hind legs were shortened to make it easier for the animal to move with a heavy house on its back. At the same time, the front part of the body of these crustaceans is securely covered with an impressive layer of chitin, but the abdomen is soft and devoid of any cover. The size of the animal usually does not exceed 1 inch, i.e. 2.5-3 centimeters.

Interestingly, the question of what a hermit crab looks like cannot be answered unambiguously. The fact is that to protect the abdomen, he uses the most miscellaneous items. The classic version of the house is the shell of a sea mollusk, in which the animal hides during an attack or hunting.

As the cancer grows, it sometimes has to change to a larger shell. Most often, he prefers something light, since such a house is not so difficult to move from place to place. Scientists say that sometimes there is even a kind of exchange of shells between hermits! One of them taps on the other's hiding place, offering a deal. If the second does not agree to it, then he simply closes the entrance to his shell with a claw.

If there are no mollusks nearby, then hermits can use any objects suitable for protection instead of shells. It can be, for example, a piece of a bamboo stem or any other solid object that reliably protects the delicate body of an animal.

Habitat and food

Hermit crabs live on the shores of Australia, Indonesia, the Marshall Islands, Malaysia and so on. Various species are found almost all over the world from the Indian to the Pacific Ocean. They live in the shallow waters of the seas and oceans. The greatest depth at which they meet is 80 meters. Some species live on the shores or in forests located directly next to the ocean.

Food varies depending on the habitat. Land hermits feed on spoiled fruits, fallen coconuts, and small insects. Marine species are primarily predators and their frequent food is annelids, dead fish, and molluscs.


Mating games and the fight for a female in hermit crabs begins in the spring and can last all summer. The hermit mother carries eggs inside her house. After maturation, young, larval-like crustaceans immediately float up into the water column. It will take a few more “rebirths” and molts before the soft crustacean sinks to the bottom in search of its first house. It is necessary to find an apartment in size, because in a large space it will not be possible to spread small legs. The adolescent period for the hermit is the most difficult and unpredictable at this time more larvae will be eaten.

Every season the crustacean should grow, for this you need to find a larger snail. An increase in size begins only after finding a new living space.

Sea hermit crabs are the cleaners of the beaches of Anapa. For food, they prefer dead underwater animals, thereby quickly cleaning the bottom. Thanks to hermit crabs, divers see a beautiful plain under the water.

natural enemies

At the larval stage, the hermit crab often becomes the prey of other marine life. An adult hermit crab, thanks to the "house", has fewer enemies. The most dangerous moment in the life of cancer is moving to a new "apartment". During this period, his soft body is not protected by anything, so the hermit can become an easy prey for every large animal.

During the breeding season, when cancer is looking for a new home, it can be very restless. Sometimes a hermit crab kicks its weaker relative out of its shell and appropriates it for itself. Even with a house on his back, a hermit crab does not feel completely safe. Its main enemies are cephalopods, octopuses and squids, which with strong jaws can crush the protective shell of a hermit crab in a second.

For a comfortable life, cancer needs an aquarium with a size of 40-80 liters (for small ones) and 70-150 (for large species). For a good life, these creatures need stable air humidity and the right temperature. So, in an aquarium, the humidity should be from 70 to 85% at a temperature of 24-30 degrees. Remember that humidity is the most important indicator for crayfish, because they breathe through the gills and at low rates they can get sick or die a painful death.

Moss for reptiles, which can be found at any pet store, does a good job of maintaining moisture. In addition, crayfish can eat it. You can use special sponges, but they get dirty quickly and need to be changed every 2-3 weeks. Do not forget that they need a special substrate. Best of all, very fine sand will play its role, because any other filler can scratch the fragile body of the animal. You can replace it with compressed coconut fiber.

Among other things, crayfish are very fond of playing and climbing. Therefore, their house needs to be equipped natural stones or other toys. Crayfish need to be provided with access to salty sea and fresh water. It is best to install two special containers for this, which animals can use on their own.

From the video "Hermit crab in the aquarium" you will learn a lot useful information.


There are no problems with feeding crayfish. The fact is that hermit crabs calmly eat any kind of food, because in their natural environment they consume any available food. They will gladly eat the leftovers from your table, canned food. They will not refuse fruits and seafood, which are very important for maintaining optimal levels of vitamins. Feed them meat, cereals, groceries and rolled oats. If today you did not cook anything, then the crayfish will gobble up specialized food. True, crayfish do not eat much, so let's eat in small batches and see how they react to it.


The main role in reproduction belongs to females. The body of the female regularly produces eggs (sometimes up to 15 thousand at a time!), Which she carries on her abdomen. After a week, larvae emerge from them, already ready for swimming and life in the water. They molt four times and turn into young crayfish.

In wildlife, the process of reproduction does not stop throughout the year. In artificial conditions, hermits do not breed. At the same time, cancer lives a maximum of about 10-11 years.

The hermit changes its shell as it grows. He looks for one where he will be comfortable. But it's not always easy to find the perfect home. Then cancer is content with what it finds. In nature, you can see hermits who live in corks, cups, bamboo particles, etc.

Some crayfish who are looking for a home offer their relatives to exchange shells. They knock with their claws on the neighbor's hiding place. If individuals are satisfied with the option, they change shells. If not, then peacefully disperse.

Despite the name, hermit crabs cannot live without company. Therefore, in the aquarium you need to keep at least two individuals. Keeping these animals in captivity suggests that they are calm. Crayfish show aggression infrequently.

Hermits are orderlies of the aquatic environment. They eat everything that comes their way. Due to this specificity, the places where crayfish live are always clean.

To date, science has about seventy thousand all kinds of crustacean substances. They live in any water bodies. With this diversity, many varieties have not yet been studied by science. Scientists note only some representatives of the underwater world. Among them are sea lobster shrimp, hermit shrimp, mantis shrimp and hermit crab.

Crustaceans, hermit crab and hermit crab, their description

Shellfish are huge group of arthropods. These include many varieties sea ​​world. These are crabs, shrimps, crayfish and sea crayfish. Currently, scientists have more than seventy thousand of these creatures. Almost all reservoirs are mastered by these animals.

Crustaceans are active creatures. But in some cases, you can see not so mobile forms. These include sea ducks and sea acorns. Scientists note that not every crustacean lives in a reservoir, there are those who enjoy spending their day on land.

There are crustaceans that can grow both small and large. They can change the color of their body and even disguise themselves as the surrounding soil. Many crayfish actively move, while others, on the contrary, like to lie on pitfalls.

Hermit crab: description

The hermit crab is a vagrant living in shallow sea waters. He has small house on his back, with which he moves on sand and stones. Thus, he finds food in the form of organic debris and small algae. Once you see a clam shell, you should know that a hermit crab can live in it. Its legs and compound eyes will stick out of the shell, and several antennae can also be seen. The antennae are the organ of touch and the organ of smell.

Hermits live in the shells of rappans, gibulls, nassas and ceritiums. Many individuals living in the shells of rapans can be large. Young hermits may occupy a variety of shells, including rissos or tricolia.

Unfortunately, without constant protection in the form of a shell, animals are attacked by numerous predators. In this regard, the hermit crab has no choice but to fit into an empty shell and hide. In this case, the shell will eventually adapt to the new owner.

The claws of the hermit are usually large in size, so the animal chooses a larger shell, after which it blocks the passage with its claw to be safe. At the same time, it is not possible to pull out a hermit crab in this position. He never, under any circumstances, leaves his home. The only exception can only be the need to move to a new house, as it has become cramped in the old one.

hermit crabs able to grow throughout life. Therefore, the housing issue worries almost every one of them. At the same time, they can find many empty shells at the bottom, but animals never attack snails. They are harmless and colonize only in free shells. If there is no free housing, the hermit can settle in with other crustaceans.

An interesting fact is that the crustacean, in the absence of housing, offers an exchange to its relatives. To do this, cancer taps on the sink. In the event that the relative is not against the new tenant, then he taps the claw in response. If he does not agree, then he assumes a threatening posture and does not let his relative to him.

There is a place in Florida where three types of hermits live. Scientists, examining them, realized that they did not understand each other's language.

In the Crimea, on the Black Sea coast, two types of hermit crab live. This crayfish-cybanaria and crayfish-diogen:

  1. Cancer Diogenes was named after the famous philosopher of Greece. He lived in a barrel and preferred flat shores. Such crayfish are considered small, as they do not reach more than thirty millimeters in length. They have varying colors. As a rule, it is gray or pink in color.
  2. Cancer Clibanaria lives near the rocks. It is several times larger than the first representative. As a dwelling, he prefers the rappan shell. Externally has beautiful shade coral reef.

Other inhabitants of crustaceans: lobster and praying mantis

There are other equally popular representatives of crustaceans. They should be attributed lobster and praying mantis:

Hermit crab: description

The hermit crab is a unique representative of the underwater world. They call him a pet. Many do not know that the hermit has little in common with other equally well-known varieties of crabs. The hermit crab lives in large colonies. Up to a hundred individuals can live in one settlement.

Externally, the crustacean has a soft and vulnerable body. Its abdomen serves as a defense and is used as a sea shell. The crab constantly lives in its shell and does not allow any of the other crustaceans to it.

As it develops and matures, the hermit crab changes its place of residence. He goes in search of another new shell to match his body size. Lives exclusively in the shells of mollusks and snails. To date, there are more than five hundred varieties of hermit crabs that live throughout the world. most crabs live in salt water. The crustacean representative lives only at depths. It's easier to find a new sink there. There are types of crabs that like to spend time in coral reefs, near the water or along the coast.

They feed according to their habitat. In general, they are omnivores. But the smallest representatives of crustaceans can massively eat seaweed. Some large crabs feed only on shellfish. Others prefer corals for lunch. Large hermit crabs are able to feed on other crustaceans. Quite often, both hermit crabs and crayfish are settled in aquariums. At home, they are also able to survive with proper maintenance and care. At home, they need to be fed with fresh vegetables and fruits.

Immediately run to the central beaches of the resort. Everyone wants to dive into warm waters Black Sea. In the shallow water of sandy beaches, curious eyes immediately meet with spiral shells that scurry along the bottom, leaving long traces. It is easy to pick up a defenseless crustacean and notice how it slowly shows its body. These are the famous hermit crabs, local inhabitants of the beaches of Anapa.


The body of the crayfish fits snugly in a spiral shell, only the head and three pairs of legs are visible from the shell. The left and right front legs have claws of different sizes, a large claw serves as a sash for the house of the crustacean. The remaining pairs of legs serve to hold the body inside the shell. The lower part of the body is soft, without cuticle. The development of the body of the hermit crab is uneven, the right side grows faster than the left. Thus, water ventilation of the entire space of the shell occurs. The crustaceans living on the seabed in Anapa can reach sizes up to 6 centimeters.


Two types of hermit crabs can be found in the sea of ​​Anapa: Diogenes hermit and Clibanaria hermit.
Little diogenes have chosen sandy beaches, it is they who leave their tangled footprints in the sand. Sandy hermits settle in oblong shells of reticulate tritium.

Another type of hermits, Klibanaria, have chosen the stone bottom of pebble beaches. Klibanaria are larger than their sand relatives, their coloring is brighter due to the variety of colors. external environment. It is not uncommon to find that the klibanari rented the house of the rapana itself.


Mating games and the fight for a female in hermit crabs begins in the spring and can last all summer. The hermit mother carries eggs inside her house. After maturation, young, larval-like crustaceans immediately float up into the water column. It will take a few more “rebirths” and molts before the soft crustacean sinks to the bottom in search of its first house. It is necessary to find an apartment in size, because in a large space it will not be possible to spread small legs. The adolescent period for the hermit is the most difficult and unpredictable at this time more larvae will be eaten.
Every season the crustacean should grow, for this you need to find a larger snail. An increase in size begins only after finding a new living space.

Marine hermit crabs are cleaners. For food, they prefer dead underwater animals, thereby quickly cleaning the bottom. Thanks to hermit crabs, divers see a beautiful plain under the water.

The name Diogenes, our crustacean received in honor of the Greek philosopher Diogenes, who, like a true hermit, was sealed in a barrel. Moreover, legends say that it was on the shores of the Black Sea that barrel-shaped Diogenes spoke his thoughts.

It turned out that best friend the hermit crustacean is not a person, but an anemone - a marine organism of the polyp class. Hermits invite sea anemones or anemones to settle on the roof of their house. Anemones are known to have stinging cells that protect their owner from intruders. Actinia for the remnants of crustacean food provides an indispensable service to our hero.

One of the most unusual and funny animals that can live in your aquarium is a crayfish. Today we will get acquainted with such a variety as a hermit. Find out where he lives and what environmental conditions he needs.

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The hermit crab is one of the most common terrestrial species on our planet. It can be found on the area from the Indian to the Pacific Ocean. It is known that these animals prefer to live in shallow water, but some individuals prefer to settle at a depth of 50-80 meters.

The largest colonies of these can be found in tropical and subtropical waters. He prefers to live in shaded areas on the coast or on a sandy beach. Likes to live in small groups and is very suitable for home breeding.

However, most of the hermits, nevertheless, prefer to live on land. They go far enough from the water and return to their native element only during the breeding season. The color of cancer can be quite diverse: from light or bluish to dark or purple. There are white and red individuals. Juveniles are usually white or cream in color. It is noteworthy that in captivity this cancer can live 10-12 years.

It is known that cancer is active in the evening or at night, much less often during the day. If the temperature in the terrarium is below 18 degrees, then the pet will hibernate. Next, we will talk in more detail about the most popular varieties of these creatures.


At the moment, the following types of crayfish are the most popular:

  • Cancer diogenes - medium-sized crayfish, the length of which is about 30 mm, which vary in color from gray to pink.
  • Clibanarius is a lover of rocky coasts, which is several times larger than Diogene-type crayfish, has a rather bright unusual color.
  • The red-legged type is another popular variety, differing from others in that it feeds only on cyanobacteria or algae.

Among others, in our country you can find the Mexican type of steppe, blue-striped, black hermit crabs.

For a comfortable life, cancer needs an aquarium with a size of 40-80 liters (for small ones) and 70-150 (for large species). For a good life, these creatures need stable air humidity and the right temperature. So, in an aquarium, the humidity should be from 70 to 85% at a temperature of 24-30 degrees. Remember that humidity is the most important indicator for crayfish, because they breathe through the gills and at low rates they can get sick or die a painful death.

Moss for reptiles, which can be found at any pet store, does a good job of maintaining moisture. In addition, crayfish can eat it. You can use special sponges, but they get dirty quickly and need to be changed every 2-3 weeks. Do not forget that they need a special substrate. Best of all, very fine sand will play its role, because any other filler can scratch the fragile body of the animal. You can replace it with compressed coconut fiber.

Among other things, crayfish are very fond of playing and climbing. Therefore, their house must be provided with natural stones or other toys. Crayfish need to be provided with access to salty sea and fresh water. It is best to install two special containers for this, which animals can use on their own.

From the video "Hermit crab in the aquarium" you will learn a lot of useful information.


Let's talk more about what to feed this animal. Hermit crabs are very fond of meat fillet and fresh shrimp. They also eat frozen krill well. They also like fruits such as: apples, pears, grapes, strawberries or bananas. They are also respectful of boiled eggs, eggshell. When feeding, avoid any plants of the onion family. In addition, feed the crayfish every day and remove leftover food from the aquarium.

Who do they get along with

When you get these animals, you should not forget that hermits are social creatures. To feel comfortable, they need to live in a group, so always keep them in the amount of 2 or more individuals to build comfortable relationships and friendships.

In addition, it is also known that the hermit gets along very well with sea anemones and zoantaria. The hermit and sea anemone is one of the most successful symbiotic relationships. Hermits coexist well with various types plants. It is best to organize the cohabitation of these animals with plants such as bamboo, venus flytraps and cleoma.


Almost all diseases in these animals develop against the background of poor conditions. So, the worst effect on them is raising the limits temperature regime and reduced humidity. At the first symptoms of lethargy or deviations from the usual behavior, you need to show your pet to a veterinarian.


Unfortunately, at home, hermit crabs are not able to reproduce. If you want to watch the birth of small crustaceans, it is best to buy an already pregnant female from a pet store or from breeders.

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Video "Hermit crab in the wild"

From the video "Hermit Crab in the Wild" you will learn a lot of interesting things about the behavior of these creatures.

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Of all the representatives of the fauna of our planet, crustaceans are perhaps the most common. About 73 thousand representatives belong to this biological subclass. They live in various water bodies, both salty (oceans and seas) and freshwater (lakes and rivers). The latter include the most famous types of crayfish, for example, hermit crab, it is about him that will be discussed in our today's article, we will try to give detailed description of this species and talk about the intricacies of keeping at home.


Thanks to evolutionary development, the hermit crab has received many adaptations that allow it to feel comfortable in the ocean. For example, its hind legs were shortened to make it easier for the animal to move with a heavy house on its back. At the same time, the front part of the body of these crustaceans is securely covered with an impressive layer of chitin, but the abdomen is soft and devoid of any cover. The size of the animal usually does not exceed 1 inch, i.e. 2.5-3 centimeters.

Interestingly, the question of what a hermit crab looks like cannot be answered unambiguously. The fact is that to protect the abdomen, he uses a variety of objects. The classic version of the house is the shell of a sea mollusk, in which the animal hides during an attack or hunting.

As the cancer grows, it sometimes has to change to a larger shell. Most often, he prefers something light, since such a house is not so difficult to move from place to place. Scientists say that sometimes there is even a kind of exchange of shells between hermits! One of them taps on the other's hiding place, offering a deal. If the second does not agree to it, then he simply closes the entrance to his shell with a claw.

If there are no mollusks nearby, then hermits can use any objects suitable for protection instead of shells. It can be, for example, a piece of a bamboo stem or any other solid object that reliably protects the delicate body of an animal.


There is a sea hermit crab in the following reservoirs:

  • Baltic Sea;
  • North Sea;
  • coast of Europe;
  • Mediterranean Sea;
  • coast of the Caribbean islands.

Usually these animals live in shallow water, although some species prefer to go down to 70-90 meters under water.

What are hermits

An incredibly large number of species of hermit crabs live in the seas and oceans. Outwardly, they are quite similar and differ most often only in color. The table below lists the names of the most common of these animals:

Russian name Scientific name English name

Steppe hermit crab Clibanarius sp. Tawny hermit crab

Clibanarius cruentatus Gold-spotted hermit crab

Mexican red leg hermit crab Clibanarius spp

Orange-striped hermit crab (Clibanarius infraspinatus Orange-striped hermit crab)

Blue-striped hermit crab Clibanarius longitarsus Blue-striped hermit crab

What does a hermit crab eat

The next step in getting to know a hermit crab is describing its diet. Like his relatives, he belongs to the omnivores, i.e. eats elements of plant and animal food. Some of their favorite foods include:

In some cases, hermits may also eat carrion or food leftovers from nearby sea anemones. If these crayfish go ashore, they may occasionally eat coconuts, fruits, or small insects.


The main role in reproduction belongs to females. The body of the female regularly produces eggs (sometimes up to 15 thousand at a time!), Which she carries on her abdomen. After a week, larvae emerge from them, already ready for swimming and life in the water. They molt four times and turn into young crayfish.

In wildlife, the process of reproduction does not stop throughout the year. In artificial conditions, hermits do not breed. At the same time, cancer lives a maximum of about 10-11 years.

Life in an aquarium

Hermit crab in an aquarium is an ideal choice for beginners. Caring for him is a simple matter. It is important to remember that these animals definitely need drip acclimatization. It is worth making it slowly, for 60 minutes or more, so that the pet has time to get used to the quality of the aquarium water. Also, do not worry if you suddenly notice that the animal is shedding, this may be due to a change in habitat.

Keeping a pet is recommended in a sufficient amount of water (about 50 liters for one individual). The recommended temperatures are 22-27°C, and the pH level is 8.1-8.4. Hermits can be fed dried algae, but often they can take care of themselves by finding food in the sand and living stones. These crayfish eat brown algae, also called cyanobacteria.

These marine animals are not recommended to settle next to the aggressive inhabitants of the aquarium. Although hermits have defenses, they can be attacked by certain invertebrates, for example. At the same time, the crayfish themselves are very peaceful and kind, so they will never harm their neighbors in the aquarium.

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