All types and varieties of carnations are extremely attractive, thanks to the variety of colors and splendor of flowering, these plants will turn your flower bed into a real work of landscape art. Some types are ideal for borders, while others will be a wonderful backdrop for.

Types and varieties of garden carnations

All types of carnations are flowers belonging to the clove family. They are the most common perennials cultivated in floriculture practice as biennials and perennials.

More than 25 types of soda cloves are known, but only 5 of them are widely used, which, in turn, have many subspecies and varieties. Depending on the crop, the cultivation of cloves has its own specifics.

carnation pinnate- the plant is low, up to 25-30 cm, the flowers are solitary - pink, red. Petals obovate, palmately dissected. Shoots form a dense bluish-green turf. It blooms in July-August, loves calcareous, loose, warm soils. Its varieties are: iozotis, (height 40 cm), semperflorence (25 cm) with remontant terry flowers.

Carnation pinnate "Terry carpet", mix. Incredible ornamental plant : growing, forms a neat green carpet, over which a large number of fragrant double flowers bloom. Widely used in the design of rockeries, borders and. Grow in a way. At the optimum temperature of +16…+20C shoots appear within 7-14 days. Landing is carried out in open ground when the threat of a return of frost has passed. Prefers light, calcareous soils, sunny location. Flowering in June-September. Plant height 30 cm.

Carnation plume (musky)- height 50 cm, different colors of terry flowers with a strong spicy aroma.

Carnation sandy- a miniature plant with pinnate-fringed flowers. Her decorative form"Nostalgia". Numerous white flowers with fringed edges will decorate mixborders, borders, and with abundant flowering. Placed in a sunny place with light permeable, calcareous soil. The culture is unpretentious. It tolerates transplant well. Flowering in July-August. Plant height 20-30 cm.

carnation grass- low plant (up to 20-25 cm), elongated leaves, dark green, sometimes with redness. It has a wide variety of flower colors (with a dark rim and light dots, dark pink and carmine). The grass blooms from the beginning of June for almost two months. Based on this species, many varieties and hybrids have been created.

Carnation grayish-blue "Moulin Rouge", mix. The bright mix of carnations is intensely Pink colour with a delicate aroma. Abundant flowering will decorate any flower garden, border or mixborder. At the optimum temperature of +16…+20 °C shoots appear within 7-14 days. Placed in a sunny place with light, permeable, calcareous soil. Unpretentious. Flowering in June-July. Plant height 25 cm.

Dutch carnation- a rare combination of flower beauty, aroma and general unpretentiousness. As a result of many years of hybridization on the basis of this species, large-flowered, terry, remontant greenhouse varieties have been obtained.

As you can see in the photo, all types of carnations are extremely beautiful and are a real decoration of the garden plot:

Among the hybrid carnations, the following varieties are especially popular:

"Breath of Love" - high, up to 45 cm perennial, partially blooming in the year of sowing. The flowers are simple, with petals of uneven color, very narrow at the base and strongly dissected. Has a pleasant smell.

"Spring Beauty" - height up to 30 cm. Fragrant double carnation with pink double flowers.

"White Ladies" - height 25 cm. Carnation flowers of this variety are white, terry, with a strongly jagged edge, fragrant. Cup with brownish border.

"Sam Barlow" - white double flowers with a well-marked brown calyx. Has a strong smell.

Look at the photo - this variety of perennial carnation is compact, similar to the previous ones, but the petals with almost rectangular short teeth:

Reproduction of perennial carnations in landscape design (with photo)

Carnation is an unpretentious culture, although individual species have their own specific requirements. Common to all species is photophilous, and therefore open spaces are assigned for these colors. sunny places, and in the closed ground in winter they light up.

Plants are unpretentious to soils, but prefer loams. When growing perennial carnations, it must be remembered that these flowers do not tolerate excess moisture, this is especially true for perennials. Watering is required systematic, but not plentiful.

The need for fertilizer in cloves, especially annuals, is large, but it does not tolerate fresh organic ones. Soils are usually filled with complete mineral fertilizer, adding well-rotted manure (humus).

Reproduction of perennial cloves is carried out by seeds, cuttings, dividing the bush.

Seeds are sown in early April in boxes or soil. The emerging shoots dive into pots of 3-4 pieces. Planted in a permanent place in May. Plants bloom in the 2nd year.

But the easiest way to propagate perennial carnations is by dividing the bush, which can be done both in spring and autumn (in September-October). Perennial carnation cuttings root well when cut in the spring.

In landscape design, carnation is widely used in landscaping, it is a necessary component in continuous flowering gardens, flower beds, mixborders, flower beds, as it blooms from June until frost. Perennial carnation (pinnate and grass) after pruning wilted flowers can bloom a second time.

An excellent backdrop for carnations is the lawn. It is effective among stones, tile coverings, creating free outlines, unpretentious drawings. But the combination with different types of carnations is not recommended. Separate arrays of carnations should be of different sizes and combinations. clove c ornamental grasses, edelweiss, but the neighborhood with, and other large perennials is completely impossible.

Here you can see photos of carnations in landscape design and in bouquets:

Carnation flower beds retain their decorative effect for 3-5 years, after which they need to be renewed. But in the cut carnation, perhaps, breaks all records. Its flowers can stand in water for more than 10 days.


General characteristics

Among the varieties there are one, two and perennial plants. The flower stem is smooth, knotty, herbaceous or semi-lignified. The leaves are narrow, elongated, opposite, green or bluish-gray.

Flowers and fruits

Flowers solitary or collected in inflorescences, a wide variety of shades: white, cream, yellow, red, purple. Each variety of carnation has its own flowering time, the length of the peduncles is different, and the size of the flowers is also not the same. The fruit is a box.

Optimal growing conditions, planting and care

Light-requiring, cold-resistant, for successful growth you need light soil, with a low level of moisture. The perfect place for planting carnations is a place that is exposed to direct sunlight. Before planting, the soil is fertilized with organic matter, seedlings are planted at a distance of 0.2 m from each other.

Reproduction methods

Seeds and vegetatively. For vegetative propagation, two methods are possible - cuttings and layering.
Vegetative propagation- the only way to get pure species plants (carnations easily give hybrids). Carnations need to be propagated quite often, because many species are juveniles, that is, they live only 3-4 years, and indeed perennial species lose their decorative effect with age.
Very few species reproduce by dividing the bush, since most carnations have a powerful main root, from which side shoots diverge. Sometimes some of them take root on their own, thus giving new plants. The division of the bush is best done in early spring, then new plants often bloom in the first season.
All carnations without exception propagate by cuttings, but for annual species it does not make sense. For cuttings, calcined sand or perlite is used. It is better to take cuttings in late May - early June, when vegetative shoots are already well distinguished from peduncles. For rooting, vegetative shoots 3-9 cm long are considered the best, depending on the type of carnation, but with at least 3-4 pairs of leaves.
Reproduction by layering is possible in carnations with long vegetative shoots. To do this, an incision is made at the internode in the direction from below to the top to a depth of 1/3 of the thickness of the stem. Then this part of the shoot is pinned to the ground, covered with sand and the soil is regularly moistened. After the formation of roots, the new plant is separated from the mother liquor and transplanted.
Seeds often propagate species grown as annuals and biennials. They are often sold as cultivar types, meaning that plants grown from seed are known to be heterogeneous in color.


Carnation is a flower used to decorate rock gardens, lawns, for group and parterre compositions. In the cut, garden and Turkish cloves look good.

Species, varieties, forms

(Dianthus barbatus)

Biennial or perennial herbaceous plant with a straight simple or slightly branched stem up to 60 centimeters high. It has bright green or with a reddish tint, hairless, petiolate leaves with a solid edge, oval-lanceolate or linear in shape. Basal leaves form a rosette. Small (about 1-1.2 cm long) monophonic pink, red, purple, purple, white or variegated flowers form corymbose inflorescences, supported by bracts from below. The fruit is a box.

(Dianthus chinensis)

One-, two- or perennial plant with a straight stem about 70 centimeters high. Leaves are lanceolate or linear. In this carnation, flowers up to 2.5 centimeters in diameter form a corymbose inflorescence. A number of forms have single flowers. At the base of each flower there are 4 bracts ending in a point. The corolla is painted in pale lilac with a red spot in the middle.
Among others, the most popular is the garden form of Geedewig's carnation ( annual plant with large flowers).

Carnation garden or dutch

(Dianthus caryophyllus)

Perennial carnation, forming dense thickets. It has bare straight stems about 70-80 centimeters high and narrow-linear, lanceolate or subulate leaves. Large (diameter from 2.5 to 10 centimeters) flowers are most often collected in inflorescences. There are forms with single flowers. Corolla petals can have a wide variety of colors: white, pink, red, yellow, red-orange, white with red spots, and so on.

Currently, about 200 varieties are grown, divided into several main groups:

(Dianthus allwoodii)

A hybrid carnation obtained by crossing a garden carnation and a pinnate carnation. These are short-lived (3-5 years) perennial plants, 25-35 cm high. Cloves are terry, fragrant. Leaves are bluish. The plant is fast growing. In conditions middle lane only those varieties that look like g. pinnate, that is, low and small-flowered, can winter under cover.

The most famous old varieties of this series are "Doris" ("Dons"), "Jan" ("Ian"), "Helen" ("Helen"). This group of hybrid carnations is now in the focus of breeders, carnations with a two-color color of flowers are especially popular - "Checkmate" ("Checkmate"), "Meridian" ("Meridian"), "Kiwi Magic" ("Kiwi Magic")

(Dianthus alpinus)

Perennial species 20-25 cm tall with magnificent red flowers, in the middle with a purple circle to a white dot. Successfully grows on a stony site - a rock scree. Varieties and hybrids are more resistant and more common in cultivation. Its variety D. alpinus "Albus" with white flowers is popular.

(Dianthus amurensis)

Perennial with bluish-green leaves. Height flowering plant up to 55 cm, usually less. Stems numerous, branched, ascending. Leaves linear-lanceolate. Flowers 1, rarely 3 at the ends of branches, up to 4 cm in diameter, pale lilac-pink, with a dark ring on the petals, which fades by the end of flowering. Blooms from mid-June for more than a month and a half. Seeds ripen in August or September. It looks good on alpine slides, and even lawns, but it is advisable to plant it in fairly large groups.

(Dianthus andrzejowskianus)

Perennial plant 30-70 cm high. Stems solitary or several, simple, almost round, bluish-green, glabrous. The leaves are narrowly linear, fused at the base into a long (10-20 mm) sheath. The flowers sit at the top of the stem in a dense capitate inflorescence. Calyx 10-15 mm long, with lanceolate teeth. Petals are pinkish-red or purple, serrated at the edges, slightly hairy on the upper side. Flowering in June-July, fruiting in July-August.

(Dianthus hybrida)

A huge group of varieties, usually of complex origin. The parents of most of them were garden carnation and pinnate, with the addition of other species. As a result, perennial plants were obtained, not more than 30 cm high, with simple and double flowers, mostly white, pink and red, with a strong smell. Frost-resistant, but in snowless winters need shelter. They have gray-green foliage. Varieties are propagated by cuttings and division of bushes.

Carnation hybrid "Doris"

Carnation with pink double flowers with a bright red spot in the center. Plant height up to 26 cm, has a pleasant smell

(Dianthus pavonius)

It has neat pads 15-17 cm in diameter. The leaves are oblong, hard, with three veins. Reaches 15 cm in height, blooms in July-August with pink or crimson flowers with a yellow-brown underside. Flowers solitary up to 3 cm in diameter with a fringe along the edge.

(Dianthus carthusinorum)

Evergreen perennial 50-70 cm tall. Stems 4-sided simple, leaves linear, pointed. The flowers are dark pink or purple, collected in capitate inflorescences of 6-14 pieces, surrounded by apical leaves. The cup is purple. The blades of the petals are sharp-toothed along the edge. Blossoms in June - July 55-65 days, gives self-sowing. Winter-hardy.

(Dianthus knappii)

Perennial or semi-shrub, forming a tall disheveled bush. Stems ascending, up to 45 cm, slightly branched. The inflorescences are usually in two bunches at the top of the stem, surrounded by bracts, each of several flowers, having a diameter of about 2 cm. yellow flowers, although rather pale. It blooms in the second half of June, on average 40-45 days. Does not tolerate wet winters.

Has a range of varieties:

"Yellow Harmony" - a variety with larger and denser inflorescences of natural sulfur-yellow color.
"Canary" - the color of the flowers is almost lemon, the height of the bushes is up to 35 cm.

(Dianthus plumarius)

Perennial plant up to 30 cm high. The flowers can be single or double, the petals are cut along the edge. This is a fragrant carnation, very decorative. Blooms in June. Has a lot garden forms and cultivars, most of which are hybrids with grayish blue carnation and some other species. Although the original species is hardy, some varieties can freeze and get wet in winter.

(Dianthus arenarius)

Perennial, forming dense tussocks, with barren, densely leafy, shortened basal shoots. Flowering stems are erect or ascending, 10-30 cm high, simple or sometimes branched at the top, glabrous, bluish or green. Leaves of sterile shoots are linear or linear-lanceolate, straight or crescent-curved; stem leaves up to 2 cm long, soldered at the base into the vagina. Flowers fragrant, often solitary. Petals are white, rarely pinkish. Flowering in June-July, fruiting in July-August. Does not tolerate dampness.

(Dianthus campestris)

Plant up to 30 centimeters high. The flowers are small (about 2 centimeters in diameter), red-pink. Flowering is abundant, at the end of June.

(Dianthus repens)

Cushion perennial. The leaves are narrowly linear, bluish, opposite. flower stems up to 10 cm tall, single-flowered. The calyx is cylindrical, up to 5-6 mm in diameter, purple tinted. The petals are pink, with elongated nails, slightly narrowed at the base and widened towards the serrated edge of the petal plate. Flowering in mid-summer. Reproduction is only seed, cuttings take root worse.

(Dianthus superbus)

Perennial with creeping rhizome. Stems up to 60 cm high, often solitary, ascending. Leaves linear-lanceolate, acute. The flowers are large, on long stalks, fragrant. The calyx is joint-leaved, cylindrical, 4-5 mm in length, with lanceolate sharp teeth. Petals are pink, purple or almost white. It blooms in June-July, in October there is often a secondary flowering. Can grow in partial shade. It bears fruit in July - August, giving abundant self-sowing. After flowering, the bushes weaken and hibernate poorly, short-lived, blooms weaker every year, but self-sowing hides this drawback.

Variety mix "Lushnaya"

When sown in the ground, it blooms the next year, when sown for seedlings in March - April, it blooms in the year of sowing. Height up to 35 cm, diameter of flowers 3 cm. A mixture of white, pink and purple flowers. The petals are strongly dissected, some plants have colored spots at the throat and veins of the petals.

(Dianthus versicolor)

Herbaceous perennial, 10-20 cm high. The stem is hairless, the leaves are linear-lanceolate. Flowers up to 3.5 mm wide, fragrant. They are pink, there are forms with purple or white petals. Blossoms in June - July, bears fruit in late July - August. Propagated by seeds, gives self-sowing. Some of the plants bloom in the year of sowing in September, abundant flowering from the second year.

(Dianthus gratianopolitanus)

Cushion perennial up to 25 cm tall. The leaves are narrow, linear, bluish-blue. The flowers are simple, white, pink, carmine, fragrant, 2-3 at the ends of the peduncles. Blooms from the end of June 35-40 days. Most terry varieties are hybrids with pinnate cloves. It self-sows and can be used as a groundcover in a suitable location.

(Dianthus subacaulis)

One of the undersized and at the same time richly flowering carnations, narrow gray-blue-green leaves of which weave dense, thick pads. Its cultural form with a double flower is distinguished by its special charm. The species is unpretentious, easy to grow. Need protection from winter dampness.

(Dianthus deltoides)

A perennial plant with a thin rhizome, forming loose tufts composed of flower-bearing and vegetative shoots. Stems ascending, up to 40 cm high, pubescent with short hairs, like leaves. The leaves of the vegetative shoots are obtuse, with short cilia at the base; leaves of generative shoots are sharp, rough along the edges, fused at the base into a short sheath. Flower with a diameter of 12-15 mm. Petals are pink-red, with a ring of purple spots and a few long hairs, sharply serrated along the edge. Flowering from June to September, fruiting from July. Winter-hardy.

It has many varieties, some of them are:

(Dianthus fischerii)

Perennial with an elongated rhizome, forming a loose turf. Stem 30-60 cm high, erect, usually branched, glabrous or leafy, green or sometimes glaucous. The leaves are pointed, at the base fused into the vagina. Flowers solitary or two, sitting at the end of the stem or its branches, forming a loose few-flowered corymbose panicle. Petals are dark pink, 10-12 mm long, spotted at the base. Blooms from June to September. Propagated by seeds. Self-seeding possible. Cuttings and gives layering.

(Dianthus freynii)

Perennial up to 10 cm tall. Straight stem. Gray narrow linear green pointed leaves. Stem leaves in two pairs. Bright pink single flowers. Petals are toothed.

Carnation has always been a symbol of Victory for us, we are used to seeing it on greeting cards. And at the same time, she is one of the most beloved garden flowers decorating flower beds in personal plots. "Divine flower" - this is how its name is translated from Greek. And this is the real truth. Delicate delicate aroma and countless varieties will satisfy the most demanding taste of lovers of garden flowers. A nice bonus to beauty is the ease of care for it.

Varieties and types of carnation grass perennial

Carnation is a perennial pinnate - a terry variety of a plant. Its dense low bushes play with bright colors, giving the flower bed an unusual look. The flowering of this variety lasts several months, which will allow you to enjoy the aroma of cloves throughout the summer. A variety of colors and a compact form allows the plant to be used to create an alpine slide.

Perennial Dutch carnation (garden) is distinguished by its continuous flowering, which begins in June and continues until the frost. Obtained by crossing different types of carnations.

Perennial carnation Shabo - a variety with large flowers of various shades. Terry inflorescences are very diverse, the petals are stacked in fancy buds that have wavy or corrugated edges. The plant has a captivating aroma.

Turkish carnation is a kind of perennial carnation, a rather unpretentious variety. Large flowers combine several colors - this is the main difference between the Turkish carnation and other species.

Growing carnation herbs from seeds

Grass seeds are planted in the ground, waiting for good weather, when the cold passes. Sow from mid-April until the end of May. In addition, the plant is not afraid of cold weather and negative temperatures, so it is quite acceptable to sow before winter: the seeds will undergo natural stratification during the winter and seedlings will appear very quickly in early spring.

The optimal distance between rows when planting is about 10 cm, the embedment depth is 1-2 cm.

The distance in the row is also left at least 10 cm.

Carnation is photophilous, so it is recommended to choose an open place for the plant, accessible to sunlight.

The soil should be light, with low acidity, well loosened. Ensuring soil drainage is the key to full-fledged flowering of carnations. Stagnation of water can destroy the plant, cause root rot, stem damage, and fungal infections. In winter, grass grass does not need shelter, as it is frost-resistant.

Growing seedlings of carnation grass perennial

Vegetative propagation is divided into two types: cuttings and layering. Cuttings make sense only in perennial species. For rooting, shoots up to 9 cm long are used, selecting them between the end of May and the beginning of June:

  • cut just below the knot;
  • remove the lower leaves;
  • placed in a substrate, creating sufficient moisture for them (can be covered with a film or jar);
  • expect the appearance of the first roots in 2-3 weeks.

Reproduction by layering is rarely used, since it requires a fairly long stem. With this method, an incision is made on the underside of the internode of the shoot, and then pinned to the ground with the cut down. Sprinkle the treated area with soil and provide sufficient moisture. After the formation of roots, the new plant is separated from the mother liquor and transplanted into more spacious conditions.

Choosing a place, preparing the soil of a perennial carnation grass

The grasshopper prefers well-lit sunny places that are protected from direct sunlight. sun rays. Landing is carried out when the air temperature rises above +15°C.

The carnation begins to bloom at the end of June and for a month and a half serves as an ornament to the summer cottage. After flowering, mature seeds are often self-sowing. Seeds can be sown immediately in open ground, this is done in May, when the air and soil are warm enough.

Experienced gardeners sometimes sow seeds in the fall to sprout in the spring. However, more often grass is sown on seedlings and already grown seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place.

In this case, at the beginning of spring, the seeds are sown in boxes with soil. Carnation grass loves fertile loose soil. At the bottom of the boxes it is necessary to lay a drainage layer of expanded clay or shards. Soil composition most suitable for sowing flower seeds:

  • sod land 1 part;
  • peat 1 part;
  • sand 0.5 parts.

Seeds are sown in rows, watered and covered and sprinkled with a layer of sand. The boxes are covered with a film to create a greenhouse effect.

Perennial carnation care

Like any garden flowers, carnation grass needs care. The main thing is to follow 2 basic rules:

  • Application of fertilizers.
  • Timely watering.
  • Too much moisture can kill the flowers, so be careful not to let the water stagnate.

When the bush is fully formed, its shoots are strong and powerful, and the flowers are not afraid of winter frosts. Therefore, it is not necessary to cover them for the winter.

Top dressing carnation grass perennial

Carnation grass needs feeding and fertilizer with useful substances. A complex of minerals is especially suitable, with the help of which the flower will feel better and healthier. Also, from time to time, special substances for flowering plants can be added to the flower growth.

Propagation of carnation grass perennial

For this, vegetative shoots about 10-12 cm long are suitable, although longer ones can be used. From the handle, you need to remove the leaves on the two lower nodes. Then, with a blade, cut a shallow longitudinal groove from the bottom of the cutting - upwards, to the second internode. Planted obliquely with a cut down in a light sandy substrate. For complete success, it is important that the planting mixture is pre-disinfected, for example, with a solution of potassium permanganate, or calcined. Perlite can also be used for rooting. After planting, moisten the substrate, cover the cuttings with foil and place in partial shade. If you root the cuttings in the house, then it is better to do this on the eastern windowsill, on the street - in the greenhouse, and it is better to hide them in the shade of the plants. It is very convenient to root in an incised (at a distance of 1/3 from the top) plastic bottle with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters.
Three or four cuttings fit there. But do not forget to first fill a third of the container with fine expanded clay or crushed foam, and only then pour the substrate. After planting, the incised top of the bottle is combined with the bottom and sealed with tape. The cork in the first days is opened as necessary for ventilation, after a week and a half you can open it completely. Water carefully so that the water flows down the edge of the bottle. Use a loose, moisture-permeable and sufficiently nutritious mixture for planting. Humus, peat and sand are usually mixed (1:3:1). You can also take a ready-made universal substrate with a neutral pH reaction by adding a little sand to it. If there is no mineral fertilizer in the purchased soil, it is advisable to include complex fertilizers in the planting mixture according to the instructions, reducing the dose by half.

For planting the cuttings, separate plastic pots with a diameter of 9 cm are used. Put the watered cuttings together on a warm, illuminated windowsill and cover with spunbond. This creates some kind of greenhouse planting effect. Keep the soil moist.

By the renewed growth of the tops, you determine whether the cuttings have taken root. After that, gradually accustom them to the open sun. At the same time, you can start feeding with a solution of mineral fertilizers.

Propagation of carnation grass by perennial layering

From time to time, part of the garden carnation bushes falls out, so it is advisable to renew them annually. In a not too thickened flower bed, when there is no threat of damaging neighboring plants, part of the bush is planted. If this is not possible, set aside a few lashes from each bush and sprinkle them with earth. Over time, the layers take root, they can be separated and transplanted to a new place. For this method of propagation of carnations, it is important to use just a few shoots. A sprinkled large bunch, as a rule, becomes moldy and dies. Or in the spring (possible even after flowering), green young shoots are torn off and planted, putting together several pieces. At the same time, the soil is tightly pressed around them and watered. It is better to do this in rainy weather. Planted in partial shade, it is desirable to mulch the soil to retain moisture.

It is very convenient to plant cuttings in pots dug between shrubs, and you need to dig them on light soil with deepening, and on heavy soil - slightly to one side, turning the surface of the soil towards the light. In the first case, irrigation moisture will collect in the hole and last longer, and in the second, on the contrary, it will drain. And then, when planting in a permanent place, you will not need to pay much attention to the plant - just cross and water. And it does not matter that plants in rotated pots will not grow vertically relative to the pot, all this is easy to adjust when planting in a permanent place. Similarly, in pots, layering can also be rooted by placing containers (or even better, small bags of soil) under the shoots. They will have to be looked after before rooting.

Perennial carnation pests

There are no special pests that would prefer grass grass in nature. Medvedki and earwigs like to eat roots, shoots of plants. To combat these pests, a standard set of methods is used. First of all, this is autumn digging, due to which most of the pests die from low temperatures. For the winter, you can also set a trap for a bear. Manure is placed in a small dug hole. As a rule, this attracts insects that like to winter in such conditions. In early spring, you can dig a hole and destroy insects. If preventive measures have not brought results, they fight with bears with a strong solution of laundry soap, which is simply poured into the mink.

Sowing tomatoes in a snail according to the method of Yulia Minyaeva

Earwigs are caught with simple bait. To do this, put a little wet grass under a small board. In such a shelter, insects usually hide from the scorching sun, where they can be destroyed.

The use of carnations in landscape design

It is often used to decorate rockeries and alpine slides. It is good in large flower arrays and in single plantings. They can decorate Japanese garden stones.

In order to shade beautiful bright flowers, they need to pick up a softer and more neutral tone of the surrounding plants. Carnation looks great surrounded by yarrow, graceful gypsophila, broom cochia. The feathery colors of carnations go well with blue irises. One of the most spectacular combinations is planting carnations with roses.

Carnation is one of the most beautiful and popular flowers. However, when buying a bouquet of carnations in a flower shop, few of us think about the variety of varieties of this plant that exists in the world. Despite the beauty of cultivated carnations, which are grown to decorate human life, varieties that live in the wild bring no less pleasure. One of these types of carnations is the herb carnation. beautiful plant, which has recently been increasingly used for landscape design can decorate household plot, bringing notes of wild nature into it, dilute it with lively bright colors. How to grow carnation grass on your site - further.

The herb has been known for a long time. According to historians and biologists, this wild flower adorned the flower beds of noble people two millennia ago. It belongs to the European plant species.

Carnation grass is a perennial crop. It can successfully grow and develop for 4-6 years. The bush of the plant consists of a large number of stems, the length of which is up to 40 cm. The leaves are sharp shoots, the width of which is about 1 mm. One inflorescence is located on one shoot. The color of the inflorescences depends on the variety of the plant and has a wide palette. It is thanks to this that this flower has a large number of fans among landscape designers. In general, carnation grass flowers have pale pink and purple hues. There are varieties that can combine several different shades in their inflorescences.

In mid-latitudes, carnation grass begins to bloom in mid-June, when persistent warm weather sets in. The flowering period of the plant averages 45 days. Carnation grass sprouts at an air temperature of more than + 15 °. Under normal conditions, the seeds of the plant germinate within 9-10 days after sowing.

Carnation grass: growing from seeds

Planting from seeds is not a very popular method among flower growers. Although this process is much easier than "tinkering" with seedlings, it gives slightly worse results. Firstly, carnation grass when sown can produce inflorescences different color, and secondly, this flower, when sown closely, gives poor seedlings, which can simply die due to a lack of nutrients and neighborhood weeds.

The preparation of the soil and seed for work begins in late April - early May. The soil is disinfected to prevent fungal diseases and the appearance of pests. Sowing seeds of carnation grass is produced in limited containers with a predominance of sand. Since this plant is quite thermophilic, the temperature in the room where the seeds will grow must be maintained within + 16 ° С ... + 20 ° С for two weeks. This will help the seedlings not only grow faster, but also get stronger.

To achieve a longer flowering flower bed, sowing seeds is carried out in several stages. Carnation grass seedlings are planted when the threat of frost is minimal. With weak seedlings, it can be kept longer in a greenhouse or greenhouse. For landing in the ground, it is enough that 4 pairs of full-fledged sheets form on the shoot.

Growing carnation grass with seedlings

This method is most preferable when propagating this plant. In a vegetative way, grass is propagated in three ways:

  1. cuttings. It is used mainly for the propagation of perennial varieties of carnation grass. To carry out this operation in late spring, early summer, the most suitable shoots for it are selected. Their length should not exceed 10 cm. A neat cut is made immediately under the node and the lower leaves are removed. The future cutting is placed in a specially prepared substrate. In this case, the seedling needs to provide the seedling with conditions of high humidity. To do this, the container with the substrate can be covered with polyethylene or agrofiber.
  2. Reproduction by layering. This technique is used extremely rarely, since it requires stems of great length. With this operation, a small incision is made in the region of the lower internode. Then the process is carefully broken so that its end looks up. The incision site is dug in with earth and the process is provided with increased humidity. After roots appear on the process, it is split off from the maternal shoot.
  3. The division of the bush. Since perennial species of grass are small bushes of plants, reproduction by dividing the bush is often used, which gives the most predictable and positive results. To achieve the flowering of the bush in the same year, the division process must be carried out no later than the end of March.

Carnation grass: care

Grass, like most types of carnations, is a fairly unpretentious plant that does not require constant care. Timely watering and the introduction of organic matter will help to achieve good results in growing crops.

When planning watering, it must be borne in mind that the clove herb does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil very well, so you should definitely monitor the condition of the soil and water it in doses to prevent water stagnation.

When powerful shoots are formed, the plant bush becomes frost-resistant, enduring winter without problems. Therefore, for the winter it can not be covered.

Diseases of clove grass

Although the grass is unpretentious under normal conditions, it is still susceptible to damage from certain diseases. Compared to greenhouse flowers of this species, carnations growing wild, or those growing in a flower bed, are less susceptible to disease. Grass grass is especially bad for proximity to heavy metals, which causes its poor growth near highways. Most often, the carnation is sick if it grows near tulips. All the diseases that a tulip suffers from are necessarily transferred to its neighbor. However, such a "symbiosis" can be fatal for the tulip. The fact is that copper preparations, which treat a diseased carnation, can lead to death for the "neighbor".

Fusarium. This is quite common fungal disease. Spores of the fungus - the source of the disease - affect the vessels of the plant. A diseased plant can be identified by dried yellow, but not fallen leaves. The flowers of the affected carnation do not fully open or do not bloom at all. Most of the stems of the bush rot along with the root system. With an increase in humidity on the stems of the plant, spores of the fungus can be observed, which are small pinkish pads.

The cause of the disease can be fungal spores, which feel very good in moist acidic soil when high temperature. Untreated soil before planting is guaranteed to cause disease. Also, excessive soil moisture, which carnation does not like, can become a risk factor.

For the prevention of plant diseases with Fusarium, it is necessary to significantly reduce the application of nitrogen fertilizers, and increase the feeding with potassium-phosphorus mixtures. The soil is also mulched with sand or fine gravel. If infection nevertheless occurred, then it is not recommended to plant carnations at this place for the next 5-6 years.

When the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to remove plants with obvious traces of the disease as soon as possible, treat the rest, as well as the soil near them, with fungicide solutions at the rate of 10 mg of the drug per 10 liters of water. After 10-15 days, the treatment must be repeated.

Alternariosis. Another fungal disease that brings a lot of trouble to gardeners. The disease is manifested by the appearance of small black-olive spots around the veins of the sheets, which form a kind of plaque. Also, similar brownish spots appear on the stems of plants, which leads to their decay.

The infection appears from diseased plants and rotting vegetation residues in the soil. Warm weather with heavy rainfall is considered ideal conditions for the development of alternariosis.

To avoid the appearance of the disease in flowerbeds with carnation grass, a standard set of measures is carried out to prevent fungal infections. It includes soil mulching, an increase in the proportion of phosphate-potassium fertilizers, and a change in planting site. When preparing seeds, they must be treated with fungicides or heated to a temperature of + 50 ° C.

For the treatment of still healthy plants, solutions of such substances as: Bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride are used.

Among other fungal diseases that are often found in carnations, rust can be noted. It manifests itself in the form of brown swellings on the leaves of the plant.

The cause of the disease, like other fungal ones, is excess moisture, lack of potassium, excess nitrogen. Prevention and fight against rust is not fundamentally different from the fight against other fungal diseases.

Clove pests

There are no special pests that would prefer grass grass in nature. Medvedki and earwigs like to eat roots, shoots of plants. To combat these pests, a standard set of methods is used. First of all, this is autumn digging, due to which most of the pests die from low temperatures. For the winter, you can also set a trap for a bear. Manure is placed in a small dug hole. As a rule, this attracts insects that like to winter in such conditions. In early spring, you can dig a hole and destroy insects. If preventive measures have not brought results, they fight with bears with a strong solution of laundry soap, which is simply poured into the mink.

Earwigs are caught with simple bait. To do this, put a little wet grass under a small board. In such a shelter, insects usually hide from the scorching sun, where they can be destroyed.

Carnation grass: photo

Carnation grass, flowering: video

The flower, which will be discussed in the article, translated from Latin sounds like “flower of Zeus”, or “divine flower”. For many nations, it is a symbol of valor and courage, tenderness and love, a talisman and a talisman against evil forces. It is familiar to us as a flower of official holidays, a male flower, probably because of its strict and concise, but elegant form. All this is about him, or rather, about her, so familiar and unknown, easily recognizable and at the same time delightfully different beauty carnation!

Despite the fact that most of us know the carnation as a cut crop, there are many in its arsenal garden species and varieties that can make our flower garden indescribably attractive. This is a very common and beloved garden culture, which is understandable. Spectacular double and non-double flowers of various colors, wonderful aroma, long flowering and unpretentious care are just a small part of its advantages.

In wild nature different kinds carnations have a wide distribution area - from steppes and flat meadows to grassy mountain slopes and rocky mounds. This is probably why this flower is also popularly called stars, sparks and field dawns. Also, do not confuse cloves with a well-known spice, these are different plants. Carnation spice is the fruit of the clove tree, and with the carnation flower, it has in common only the name, and, perhaps, some similarity in aromas.

Do not confuse cloves with a well-known spice, they are different plants. Carnation spice is the fruit of the clove tree, and with the carnation flower, it has only a name in common.

So, carnation (lat. Dianthus) is a genus of perennial herbaceous plants and shrubs from the clove family, widespread throughout Europe, as well as in Asia, Africa and North America. Today, there are approximately 350 species and a huge number of magnificent varieties in the world. Tall varieties of large-flowered forms are often grown for cutting, and medium and short ones - as a garden decorative culture. Some types of carnations are cultivated as annuals and biennials, others are grown as perennials.

Carnations are characterized by a smooth knotted stem, herbaceous or semi-lignified, located oppositely elongated leaves of a green, gray or bluish hue. Flowers solitary or collected in inflorescences, small or relatively large, simple or double, with fringed or smooth petals, depending on the species. There are not only red or white carnations, but also yellow, pink, cream, purple.

Some varieties have flowers with colored strokes and dots, a contrasting border. The fruit of the clove is a box with many small black seeds. Different species and varieties differ significantly in the height of the peduncle, the shape and size of the flowers, in the timing and duration of flowering, as well as in the conditions of detention.

In the wild, various types of carnations have a wide distribution area - from steppes and flat meadows to grassy mountain slopes and rocky mounds.

And it should be noted that the species and varietal diversity of this plant is so great that it can become material for a separate book. Therefore, within the framework of this article, we will consider only a few of the most famous types of cloves.

Carnation garden, or Dutch (D. caryophyllus)

Carnation garden, or Dutch, is a perennial herb, usually cultivated as a biennial. The tallest (up to 80 cm) of all types of carnations. Large, often double flowers can be located both singly and be collected in inflorescences. Prefers fertile moist soils. On the basis of garden cloves, many spectacular varieties have been bred, and the most famous of them are Shabo and Grenadine cloves.

Carnation Shabo(Dianthus caryophyllus var.scabaud) is one of the most famous varieties, bred in the 19th century by the French pharmacist Chabot, whose name this magnificent flower received. This is a small compact shrub with a height of 30 to 60 cm, with cranked stems, leaves with a bluish bloom and double or simple large flowers - up to 7 cm in diameter. The color scheme leaves room for imagination - the buds are red, white, pink, purple, yellow flowers. Remontant variety, flowering lasts almost all summer, from late June to late autumn.

Carnation Grenadine(Dianthus caryophyllus var. grenadine) - showy plant with stems up to 70 cm high. Leaves with a silvery tint. The flowers are large, are both simple and double, some with fringed edges. The flower has a pleasant strong aroma. The color scheme is very diverse, and the flowers themselves are white, red, pink, both plain and variegated. Blooms from late June to August. Ideal for cutting, the carnation can stand in a vase for about ten days. In the garden, it will decorate lawns, mixborders, rockeries. Light-loving plant, prefers moist fertile soils without moisture stagnation.

clove grenadine

Turkish carnation (Dianthus barbatus)

Turkish carnation, or bearded, is the most popular garden plant, which can be found in almost every second garden. And this is understandable! After all, the Turkish carnation has very spectacular flowers, moreover, it has a long flowering - for a month and a half, starting from mid-June. It is a perennial plant, usually grown as a biennial. It grows in the form of small bushes 20–35 cm tall, and in the first year only a rosette of flowers appears, and the plant blooms in the second year, in June. Large inflorescences-shields, resembling hats, have a diameter of up to 12 cm and consist of terry or simple small flowers different colors with a diameter of 1 cm. There are varieties with flowers of the same tone - white, pink, purple, scarlet - and varieties with variegated color, two- or three-color, with a border or eye. Turkish cloves have a very delicate aroma.

This carnation is able to grow not only in the sun, but also in partial shade. Pretty cold hardy. There are two varieties of Turkish carnation - undersized and tall (15–20 cm and 60–80 cm, respectively).

The most popular and decorative varieties:

- a medium-sized bush with charming dark flowers with a snow-white center.
- a plant 45 cm high with delightful large inflorescences of deep red color with a white eye.
- a carnation 50 cm high with luxurious large white inflorescences, it is distinguished by the duration of flowering.

Chinese carnation (Dianthus chinensis)

Herbaceous perennial, often grown as an annual or biennial. It grows in the form of a small bush up to 50 cm high. Dwarf forms reach 15 cm. In nature, it grows in Korea, Mongolia and northern China, as an ornamental plant it is cultivated all over the world. The leaves are narrow, long, paired, pointed, sometimes twisting. Over the years of breeding, many spectacular varieties have been bred with bright flowers- white, raspberry, lilac, red, purple, which open throughout the season. Flowers are monochromatic, bicolor and variegated, with a contrasting border and eye. Petals serrated, sometimes fringed. There are terry, semi-double and non-double varieties. The flowering period is almost all summer, from June to August. There are remontant, continuously flowering varieties, there are varieties that bloom once.

carnation chinese

Due to the compact root system, undersized Chinese carnation bushes can be successfully grown not only in the garden, but also at home on balconies, in pots and containers.

Carnation Chinese Geddeviga(Dianthus chinensis var. heddewigii) is a variety of Chinese carnation. A very decorative plant 20–40 cm high, with large flowers up to 5–7 cm in diameter, monophonic or two-, three-color, white, red, pink, lilac. Flowering is from July to October.

- a particularly compact variety, plants no more than 20 cm in height. The flowers are purple-pink in color, the flowering period is long.
- bushes up to 30 cm high, flowers of red and pink colors are interspersed with white zones.
Diana- an unpretentious variety, a plant of small height with a variety of flower colors - white, red, raspberry, etc.

Carnation grass (Dianthus deltoides)

This type of carnation is quite widespread throughout Europe in the wild. A small perennial plant, 15–25 cm tall, forms a dense aboveground cover, covered with a spectacular scattering during flowering. delicate flowers 1.5 cm in size, red, crimson, crimson, carmine or white with a pink border. The leaves of this carnation are small, narrow, dark green in color. Blooms profusely and for a long time, about 2 months, blooms in June. Gives abundant self-seeding.

carnation grass

In horticulture, grass grass is often used as a groundcover, and it also looks great in rockeries. At the moment, many varieties of this carnation have been bred with different colors of flowers, differing in the timing and duration of flowering.

Popular varieties:

- an elegant carnation with white flowers that look like stars. Blooms throughout the summer.
- a plant 20-25 cm high with bright crimson flowers, flowering continues from June to August.
- shoot height 15–30 cm, five-petal white flowers with a pink center.

Carnation pinnate (Dianthus plumaris)

An unpretentious herbaceous ornamental perennial with knotty stems about 30 cm high, one of the most popular types of carnation in gardening. Fragrant flowers of medium size, about 3 cm, can be simple and double, a variety of colors - from white to dark red. Blooms in May, flowering lasts about a month. There are also remontant varieties that bloom again in autumn.

Popular varieties:

- carnation with very beautiful double flowers of dark pink color.
- Terry white flowers 3-4 cm in size, leaves with a bluish tinge.
Sonata- a variety with double flowers of pink and raspberry color. Blooms from July to September.

Sand carnation (Dianthus arenarius)

A perennial plant 10–30 cm high has numerous shoots and forms dense sods. Stems are green or gray. The flowers are solitary, about 2.5 cm in size, the petals are white or pink, dissected, like a fringe, have a pleasant aroma. Blooms in June - July.

Under natural conditions, sand cloves can be found in sandy meadows or in pine forests.

popular variety Nostalgia- miniature bushes with numerous wonderful white flowers resembling a white cloud.

Alpine carnation (Dianthus alpinus)

Another species related to undersized carnations. Plant height - 10-25 cm, fragrant flowers of white, pink, crimson flowers, with a red circle in the middle. Petals are toothed. Blooms in June - July. Since the homeland of the plant is the Eastern Alps, alpine carnation grows well on rocky areas, on rocky screes. In the garden, of course, they will feel great in rockeries and alpine slides.

Popular varieties:

Rubin- a variety with charming flowers of pink, raspberry or lilac shades. Blooms in June - July, may re-bloom in August.
weiss- a plant 15–25 cm high with snow-white flowers with jagged petals, blooms almost all summer, may re-bloom in August.

Optimal Growing Conditions

A huge number of species and varieties of this flower (we tried to describe some of them in a nutshell above) makes it clear that each of them has its own characteristics of cultivation and care. But still there are some general rules, which can be attributed to almost all carnations.

Place. If you want to achieve lush flowering from your carnation, you need to plant it in open, well-lit sunny places.

The soil. Carnations love fertile loamy well-drained soil, do not tolerate stagnant moisture.

Watering. Carnations should be watered regularly and plentifully, but waterlogging should not be allowed. When watering, avoid getting water on flowering buds.

Fertilizers. Plants are responsive to nutrition mineral fertilizers. During the season they are fed twice or thrice: a month after planting, in the budding phase and during flowering.

Care. Carnation is a non-capricious plant and, as a rule, caring for it is not difficult. You should regularly destroy weeds, loosen the soil after rains. Faded buds must be removed in a timely manner.

Periodic pinching stimulates tillering. To obtain larger buds, stepchildren should be removed in the axils of the leaves. Tall varieties need support so that they are not bent or broken by the wind.

Reproduction. Carnation is propagated by seeds and vegetatively - cuttings or layering. As a rule, perennial varieties are vegetatively propagated, with annuals it does not make sense. Carnations should be propagated regularly, since many species are juveniles, and even perennial varieties lose their decorative effect in the 3rd–4th year.

Carnation in a garden landscape

Carnations are flowers that will look great in a vase, in a separate flower garden, and in the overall design of the garden. Huge range of varieties different sizes, shapes and colors opens up wide possibilities for using carnations in the planning of flower beds, rock gardens, rockeries, flower beds, allows you to create various forms landscape.

Low-growing perennials are used in the design garden paths, they make spectacular borders. The lights of carnation flowers look great and surrounded by stones on an alpine hill and in rockeries. With the help of carnations, you can very effectively arrange steps or plant flowers between stone slabs.

Bright colorful carnation flowers will look amazing against the backdrop of green lawns. Some types of carnation, such as clove grass, can be used as ground cover. The compact root system makes it possible to grow individual carnation varieties not only in open ground, but also in tubs, boxes, planters, with which you can originally decorate gazebos and outdoor terraces.

Tall varieties are often grown for cutting, but they will also fit perfectly into any flower garden, and will look great in separate plantings. Solid varieties look spectacular and paired with roses, and against the backdrop of conifers.

The space for using carnations in a garden landscape is very wide and largely depends on your imagination!

In a word, the space for using carnations in the garden landscape is very wide and largely depends on your imagination! It should only be remembered that carnations can easily cross-pollinate with each other, so it is advisable to grow different varieties in isolation from each other.

If your garden does not yet have these wonderful delicate flowers, you should definitely get them. After all, among the many spectacular species and varieties of carnations, every gardener will be able to choose a plant to his liking, which will ideally fit into the appearance of the garden and add bright summer colors to it, giving himself and the world a drop of harmony and beauty. Bright carnations are the best fit for the definition of "summer flowers", which are not yet so common on summer cottages. So why not become a trendsetter in garden fashion, at least within your dacha? Inspiration to you!
