18.06.2019 01:31 Pulchella

18.06.2019 01:13 Pulchella wrote a message in the topic "":

18.06.2019 00:06 SquirrelLena wrote a message in the topic "":

17.06.2019 23:45 Adel wrote a message in the topic "":
The summer before last, I had fun, sprayed on the leaf and brexil and plantafol and phytosporin, I remember the summer was cold, the tomatoes did not get sick. Last hot summer, I already successfully scored on all spraying, as well as this one. I left for 2 weeks, I'll be back on the weekend to see what's going on in the greenhouse. Pasynkov, probably through the roof.

17.06.2019 23:38 Milanja snow wrote a message in the topic "":

17.06.2019 23:23 Mongol wrote a message in the topic "":

17.06.2019 23:13 larsen wrote a message in the topic "":
Irina, my God, what Elizabeth Stuart, this is fantastic! I kept wondering why you have only one bole in your garden (am I right?). And after looking at your photos in different topics, I realized that with such bushes no boles are needed. Thank you for finally showing your realm, it's a culture shock for me. Of course, I assumed something like that, and you showed some photos before, but what I saw these days is simply amazing, unreal, fabulous ... I don’t know what other words to choose, there aren’t enough of them for such beauty …


"Play" with cereals the author of this article, Tatyana SHIKANYAN, started in 2005, having read books, looked at cereals in English and French gardens and was impressed by the collection of cereal connoisseur Tatyana Zheltovskaya. And today she is sure: cereals are an indispensable attribute of a small care garden ...


Cereals - starring in the garden

I'll start with cereals who deserve the lead roles. For me, the number one star is strong, powerful, architectural reed lightning (Molinia A rundinacea ), in August - September, raising ears to a height of 2-2.5 m. Thisbushy cereal with yellowing foliage in autumn. Despite its impressive size, it can be placed in the foreground, the garden is perfectly visible through a transparent veil. The plant is especially spectacular under the rays of the setting sun, as well as in the morning in hoarfrost or dew drops.

Nothing worse than more gracefullightning blue(Molinia caerulea ), with narrow (from 3 to 10 mm) flat leaves and growth up to 1.5 m. The peak of its decorative effect occurs at the end of summer and autumn, when sprawling purple panicles appear.The original appearance of this cereal will certainly attract attention. Green-leaved varieties differ in the degree of spreading of the bush and its height, any of them is a miracle how good and elegant.

Curious variegated lightning blue (M . caerulea var . variegata ) only 40-50 cm high with longitudinal yellowish-cream stripes on the leaves, this is not a soloist, but quite a reliable member of the "garden choir".

lightning set in motion by the slightest breath of the wind, swaying with amazing lightness and elegance, they fascinate us by demonstrating the strength of their stems. The maximum decorative effect of the plant is gained in three to four years. Molinii are cold-resistant and unpretentious, they are heat-growing plants. Here I want to make a digression and tell you that cereals are cold and warm growing. The first ones wake up early in the spring, they quickly mature and slow down their growth with the arrival of heat, the second period of their activity falls on autumn. Heat-growing ones start late, when the soil warms up thoroughly. Knowing how this or that grass grows helps to use it correctly in the garden and work with it competently.

Perennial lightning grow slowly at first, but after three or four years you get showy plant, the only concern of which is watering in a drought. They love damp, even clotting soils, from acidic to alkaline, they feel great in the sun and in partial shade. Eat good varieties, I have tried Fontane’, KarlFoerster’, ‘ Transparent', slightly differing from each other only in the color of the spikelets.

Lightning is great for decorating the coastal zone. These are accent plants, so give them enough space if you plant them in a mixborder, surround them with low neighbors that do not interfere with admiring the shape of the bush. Lightning in the rose garden looks original. Get them in the garden - you won't regret it!

Considered by many to be the best garden tapeworm, a powerful, heat-growing, short-rhizome perennial miscanthus sinensis(miscanthus sinensis ), with upright two-meter stems. The contrast of its upwardly directed stems with unblown inflorescences with arcuately curved leaves tending down like a jet of a waterfall is stunning. Panicles open in September, turning raspberry-purple or silver and fan-shaped. The beauty is incredible! The quiet rustle of leaves, even in calm weather, pacifies. And how beautifully its leaves rustle in the wind!

Among over a hundred varieties miscanthus chinensis there are also wintering well in the Moscow region, however, mulching and dry shelter for the winter are required. In addition, try to choose the most winter-hardy and early flowering varieties. This miscanthus is not easy for beginners to master, but once you adapt to its demands, you will be rewarded. No species can compete with it for the beauty and variety of varieties that bloom from August to October. They differ in the shape and size of the bush, the color of the inflorescences - from white and pink to burgundy. They vary in shape, size and color of the leaves. They are both straight and gracefully curved, green, yellowish, pinkish or brownish with longitudinal or transverse stripes of white, cream or yellow color. Sultans turn silvery white when wilted. The typical fall foliage color is yellow, but there are varieties that take on shades of red and brown.

To miscanthus got accustomed, put him on sunny place, protected from cold winds, into fertile, loose, moist soil. He will like the neighborhood with a large stone on the shore of a reservoir, where the air is always humid. Miscanthus do not tolerate drought well. need to be watered regularly. With good proper care grow quickly and powerfully, which allows them to better winter. It is worth buying mature plants, they are more resistant. Good results are obtained by sheltering for the winter with sphagnum moss or boards. When sprouts appear (in mid-May), miscanthus is fed several times with liquid nitrogen fertilizers, and during the season with organic matter, which will allow you to gain a decent mass in a short summer. In the Moscow region, miscanthus after division are restored for a long time.

I have been growing a hybrid for a long time. miscanthus giant(M iscanthus x g iganteus). This is a powerful upright plant up to 3 m high with weeping, dark green leaves 2.5 cm wide with a white stripe in the middle. It forms a slightly sprawling turf, blooms late and may not bloom in short or cold summers. Panicles are pink when blooming and then become silvery. It looks good by the pond, suitable as a screen or an accent in the background. Doesn't need cover.

Miscanthus sugarflower (M. sacchariflo en s) I banished for uncontrollable character . Powerful, strong roots spread at breakneck speed and jump over the limiter if it is low or if they find a hole in it. Such "arrogant" specimens in my small garden with an abundance of plants are not needed.

An ideal example of a structural cereal, one of the most interesting for central Russia, is reed grass(C alamagrostis acutiflora) . Already in June, he expels upright, human-height stems. It blooms earlier than other cereals, numerous narrow and long (up to 20 cm) panicles appear in July, quickly turn brown and retain this color in winter.

Cold growing plant. It grows very quickly in the sun and in partial shade, unpretentious, drought-resistant. Unlike many other cereals, it feels good on heavy clay soils. Varietal reeds do not have underground shoots and are not aggressive.

Two of its luxurious varieties are widely known, which will decorate any garden.

"Karl Foester"- prima in the world of ornamental cereals with gracefully curved, shiny, dark green leaves and strictly vertical two-meter shoots. Lush panicles will be slightly shorter when planted in the shade. At the beginning of dissolution, they have a pinkish tint, over time they shrink and turn brown, then lighten to a wheaten hue.

"overdam"- in my opinion, even better than "Karl Foester". It is lower (150-160 cm) and less durable, forming a slowly spreading tussock. Leaves with longitudinal creamy stripes are good, from a distance they even seem creamy. Pink inflorescences after flowering turn into compressed brown panicles. Grows early and grows quickly in both sun and partial shade. Reeds in the garden are pronounced verticals, exclamation marks, it would be nice to place them in the right places.

General Purpose Cereals

For some gardeners, herbs are associated with the steppe, because it seems to them that they cannot find the right ones for the shade. Absolutely not! There are such candidates.

For example, muskingumen sedge(Carex muskingumensis), or palm. Sedges are similar to grasses, but their stems are trihedral. Numerous narrow leaves of this perennial are located in bunches (“palms”) at the ends of weak stems growing up to 60-80 cm. The green tussock is slightly spreading. It blooms of little interest in June-July. Green remains until the middle of winter. In early spring, it must be cut off, as it is cold-growing. It grows well in the shade, and on moist soils and in the sun. It can be used as a groundcover.

In gardens, it is better to plant not a species, but a variety "Wachtposten", characterized by stronger stems. Very good low "Silberstreif'(syn. "Variegata") with a bright white stripe along the edge of the green leaf.

My favorite is beauty deschampsia soddy(Deschampsia With espitosa ). Her Russian names are rustic - pike, meadow, but Latin did not let us down. This perennial forms dense tussocks of thin, long, dark green, wintering leaves, such charming "skirts" with a diameter of 1-1.5 m and a height of up to 40 cm. in June-July, shoots up to 120 cm high rise above them with graceful spreading panicles and small shiny green, yellowish or pale purple spikelets, straw when ripe. They look like a transparent, swaying cloud over a green bump. Pike can be planted in the foreground, looking at the garden through her veil is especially intriguing.

All pike are unpretentious and long-lived plants, they grow well on any soil, preferring wet, in partial shade and in the sun. They grow well in deep shade, but hardly bloom.

Pike care is practically not required, only in early spring or very late autumn they need to be cut. If by the time the young leaves grow back, you forget about it, then you will have to admire the gray-haired, not very neat tussock until the young leaves grow back.

Pike has many varieties that differ from each other in the height of the stems, shades of spikelets and the length of the leaves. Some of them grow in my garden:

Bronzeschleier- 1.7 m high and 75 cm wide. Panicles change color from green to bronze-brown.

Goldtau- lower and smaller, 1 x 0.5 m, grows slowly. It is distinguished by spectacular dark red leaf tips.

Goldschleier-- size 1.75 x 0.5 m, the color of the spikelets is golden yellow.

From my point of view, pike varieties differ only in nuances, so if you do not position yourself as a collector of them, you can limit yourself to one.

The largest specimen of pike grows in my garden on a retaining wall, right in front of the bedroom windows, it is the first plant that I see in the morning, looking out of the window, and it never disappoints me. The most advantageous places for pike are at the turn of the path, in the corner of the mixborder, as a tapeworm on the lawn. It is magnificent in mass, forming huge clouds of fluffy spikelets that change color depending on the season. In a mixborder, it is successfully combined with astilbes, Rogers, buzulniks, daylilies. Tolerates very acidic soil, therefore suitable for a heather garden. Irresistible in late summer and autumn, covered with dew or hoarfrost.

There is another species in this genus - winding pike (D . flexuosa ) with an interesting variety " Aurea(syn . ‘Tatra Gold '). The height of this tiny shade-loving flowering plant only 10-15 cm, the leaves are bright yellow-green. Prefers to grow on acidic fertile soils in partial shade. Here is such a funny little thing for lovers of rarities.

Eat cereals, which are suitable for creating bright color accents. An example of this sheep evergreen(Helictotrichon sempervirens), extraordinarily ornate with beautiful blue evergreen foliage. The height of the hummock is 30-50 cm, on suitable soil it grows up to a meter in diameter. The leaf is narrow, linear, hard, almost white inflorescences in narrow panicles on a straight one and a half meter stem. Blooms in July. Commercially available varieties, in my opinion, almost do not differ from each other and from the species plant.

Grow sheep stands only in a sunny, warm place. It is a perennial with a deep, fibrous root system that requires dry, loose, poor soil; it turns green in the shade and on oily soil. Does not tolerate wet and heavy soils! In hot and humid conditions, the sheep blooms weakly, rust may appear on the leaves, therefore, if it is not possible to provide it with suitable conditions, it is better not to start at all. It is advisable to rejuvenate the bush every 4 years, only young plants are effective. It grows well in dry areas, loves stones and gravel, and creates a luxurious blue accent in any flower arrangement.

If you need a bright garden yellow spot, get a variegated form "Aureovariegatus"(syn . "Aureomarginatus", "Aureus") meadow foxtail(A lopecurus pratensis). Its height is 30 cm, the leaves are golden in green stripes, erect, slightly drooping by autumn. Foxtail is not aggressive and stable. Each peduncle ends in a dense cylindrical inflorescence (fox tail!) Up to 10 cm long - a green silky spikelet, which then turns brown. At the time of flowering reaches almost a meter in height. Spikelets appear in late spring - early summer, they are expressive for a month and a half, and then it is better to cut them off. In the sun the variety is bright yellow, in the shade it turns green. It needs well-drained, humus-rich soil, and moderate watering in dry weather, and then it will grow actively. Withered inflorescences are desirable to cut off to cause a new wave of leaf growth by autumn. Foxtail is great for mixborders, rockeries, for creating bright spots near the lawn or shrubs, it is appropriate near the water, even on flooded shores.

Have all the cereals taken root in my garden? I have already said that I abandoned the sugar-flowered miscanthus, removed the aggressive, albeit very decorative, bright blue elimus, variegated falaris, and elegant spartina. Accidentally managed to limit the incredibly aggressive mannik large(G lyceria maxima). His grade "Variegata" 50-60 cm high with creamy, longitudinal stripes on the leaves planted in a narrow gap between the retaining wall and the film of the reservoir and still needs to be looked after. Remember, if you started it, then it will be difficult to completely destroy it later. A piece of root, simply thrown into a natural reservoir, grows into a huge profusely flowering curtain. In an artificial reservoir, plant only in a container. I think that manna will be great in a pot placed near a pond or on a patio, I must try it.

If there is a minimum care garden, then cereals are its indispensable participants. These plants do not require special care, except for autumn or spring pruning of old shoots, watering and fertilizing. If they are planted in a suitable place, they will grow without transplants and division for many years, becoming more and more beautiful.

Cereals will not bore you, at different stages of development they reveal new facets of their charm. Let them into your garden!


The fashion for cereals arose in Europe and America about 40 years ago. landscape designers began to be widely used to create the so-called "naturgaden". At first, these were wild-growing "natives", and then - and garden plants imitating them.

Natur gardens are simple, light and natural. To create one, it is not necessary to have a remarkable imagination and delicate taste, because nature itself can suggest ideas. One of the advantages of such a garden is its decorative effect throughout the year. Many cereals are especially beautiful in late autumn, when, after the first frosts, small silvery droplets appear on the leaves and inflorescences. And even on harsh winter days, tall plants with a snow cushion on spikelets are pleasing to the eye.

Most cereals are unpretentious and can grow on poor soils without requiring regular watering and top dressing. Often they need only spring pruning of shoots.

Due to their unusual appearance, cereals go well with many plants. They can be used almost everywhere - in rock gardens, near a reservoir and even in "front" flower beds. Although there is an opinion that it is better not to plant cereals next to such spectacular flowers as cannes, roses, begonias, such compositions look very harmonious and unusual.

The range of herbs from the cereal family is unusually wide. The color of the leaves is also varied - from various shades of green to yellow, brown and even bluish-blue. In addition, there are also variegated varieties, the green leaves of which are painted in white, yellow, cream, burgundy stripes and specks.

Perhaps the most undemanding herb - sesleria blue. This evergreen perennial is well able to survive a snowless winter and frosts down to -30 ° C. Sesleria feels good both in open sunny places and in the shade. Such a lawn will be a treat for the eyes even in “bald”, little snowy winters.

Popular in ornamental gardens "tall, staunch, early growing and early blooming" reeds. The grass also winters well and tolerates heat. However, there are heat-loving species that are not recommended to be grown in Russia: Calamagrostis foliosa, Calamagrostis nutkaensis, Calamagrostis ophitidus. Caring for the plant is simple: you need to control the growth of the turf and cut off the hard aerial part in the fall: it does not have time to rot over the winter. Reed grasses are aggressors, therefore, when planting, the area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir growth is limited.

Plant well in dry areas of the garden. elimus sandy (vlosnets, couch grass). Narrow bluish-gray leaves of the plant reach a meter in height. Elimus is also growing rapidly, going beyond the boundaries allotted to it. Participants advise planting this cereal in a bottomless container dug into the ground.

If you do not have the opportunity to water your garden often, another drought-resistant cereal will help you out - gray fescue. The plant forms a compact bluish tussock, looks good in rockeries, next to sedums, cloves, hostas. The grass hibernates without shelter. Every 2-3 years, a fescue tussock needs to be divided. Forum users recommend planting a plant directly into the ground, through seeds, and not seedlings (it needs a lot of light).

Worth your attention and soddy pike (meadow). A perennial grass up to one and a half meters high, blooms in June-July with golden yellow spikelets. Leaves remain decorative in winter. The plant is well planted next to astilba, irises. The grass looks spectacular against the background of shrubs, various kinds mulch (gravel, bark, pine nut shells), next to broadleaf plants. forum member Skissa notes that the plant has a problem - by the end of the season it is affected by rust, but varietal plants are not susceptible to this:

- If you need 3-5 bushes for design, it is better to buy a variety. If you plant a large array, then dig up and once a season, for prevention, treat it from rust.

Haretail, or lagurus- unpretentious annual grass up to 20 cm high, with inflorescences in the form of fluffy tails. The plant grows well in sunny areas, in rock gardens. This cereal is often framed by flower beds and rabatki. It looks good in front of roses and other shrubs.

Setaria (bristle, mice, mogars)- a tall plant (more than 1 m) with beautiful dense inflorescences with bristles, similar to caterpillars. Setaria is an excellent material for dry flower arrangements. It is better to plant mice in a mixborder, on a rocky hill, near fences and outbuildings. In order for the cereal to bloom early, the seeds are sown in April for seedlings, the seedlings must be thinned out.

Cereals such as feather grass, cortaderia, pennisetum(foxtail pinworm), emperor, pampas grass(kortaderia) - very spectacular, but it is better not to plant them in our climate: they are whimsical and thermophilic. Some of them can be grown in containers that are brought indoors for the winter.

Instead of pampas grass middle lane forum member ssss-xxx advises to grow a cereal that is not so demanding on heat - miscanthus. IN good conditions it can grow up to 2 meters. The silvery or reddish-brown inflorescences of the plant are a wonderful decoration of the garden, especially in winter. There are also variegated varieties of miscanthus, for example, "zebrina".

You can’t tell about all the cereals in one article. At your leisure, we advise you to take an interest in such spectacular herbs:

  • switchgrass millet- up to 2 meters in height, with wide panicles of pinkish or reddish color, grows on any soil;
  • maned barley- very beautiful, plastic cereal, goes well with other plants, with stones, snags, excellent in flower arrangements;
  • hakonekloa- this grass will give the garden a Japanese flavor; in our climate, it feels best on slopes, forest areas, near water bodies;
  • ryegrass (high, bulbous)- a plant with white-striped leaves, reaches a meter in height, prefers sunny places, easily propagated by tubers;
  • barley high (Siberian)- cereal with very beautiful silvery inflorescences; required condition for cultivation - good drainage, stagnant water is detrimental to it;
  • lightning (blue, reed)- a real fountain with a height of 0.6 to 1.5 m, blooms in July-August with purple inflorescences, does not require shelter for the winter;
  • sheep viviparous- cereal with leaves with a bluish tint, grows up to 2 meters; loves sunny places, fertile, drained soils; recommended neighbors: asters, sedum, catnip;
  • barley transylvanian- perennial up to a meter in height with beautiful burgundy panicles;
  • foxtail (alopecurus)- a plant no more than a meter high, used to create lawns in shady places;
  • drop seed- fragrant cereal, grows in one place for decades, forms a low (up to 40 cm) tussock, inflorescences rise at a height of 80 cm, in autumn they acquire an orange-copper color.

Read more about cereals in. This video will tell you about the selection of plants for an ornamental garden. Which cereals to plant to form a lawn, and which ones are not worth it, will advise.

Ornamental grasses have an amazing ability to fit into any landscape. With their help, you can create original and very expressive garden compositions even on poor soils. In terms of attractiveness, such plants are not inferior to many flower crops, and are often the main decoration of the garden or adjoining territory. In order to independently make a spectacular cereal flower bed on your site, you should learn more about the types, growing conditions and the rules for combining ornamental grasses and cereals.

Cereals, like flowers, are divided into annual and perennial, heat-loving and frost-resistant, differ in height and growth rate. Most of these plants have small and inconspicuous flowers, and are valued for the color and shape of the leaves. The decorative effect is fully manifested after the growth of the curtain or when sowing cereals in a certain area, but single plants cannot always boast of such attractiveness.

Undersized plants include plants with a height of 15 to 40 cm. These cereals are indispensable in the design of borders, framing garden paths, look great in carpet flower beds. Most often they are planted in rocky gardens, rock gardens and rockeries, creating an imitation of natural corners.

Medium-sized cereals include plants with a height of 40 to 90 cm. Representatives of this group are very effective in group plantings, and are most often used to create multi-tiered flower beds. Graceful stems with bright panicles or spikelets give the effect continuous flowering in mixborders, they also look good when planted in separate groups in the garden.

Cereals that reach a height of 90 cm or more are considered tall. They are usually used in multi-level flower beds as a background. In addition, plants planted in a row can serve as a screen or screen, hiding from prying eyes cozy corners in the garden.

The most popular cereals for the garden

Type of cerealsNameShort description
Undersized Perennial lush bush with needle-like leaves and gray-green soft panicles-inflorescences. Coloration varies from silver and olive to blue. It is necessary to plant only in sunny places, otherwise the decorative effect of the plant is lost.
The plant is perennial, forms a compact bush up to 30 cm tall. Has sharp long leaves light green with white stripes
An annual frost-resistant plant, characterized by incredibly spectacular inflorescences. When growing, it forms small neat bushes. Sow in early spring and fall
Annual cold-resistant grass with beautiful thick panicles. It is necessary to plant in open sunny places, because in the shade the plant loses its attractiveness.
medium height Annual grass, forming dense bushes about half a meter high. Valued for graceful spikelets with long awned needles, which at the time of flowering have a pink-purple hue
Perennial grass, thin spikelets of which are decorated with hair-like awns. When growing, the feather grass looks like an iridescent silky carpet, silvery or pinkish in color.
Biennial heat-loving grass that requires shelter for the winter. Valued for long fluffy spikelets that can be white, pink or purple, depending on the variety
Perennial grass with bright colored leaves. It grows well in lighted places, near artificial reservoirs. It blooms rarely, throwing out white-silvery panicles.
Tall Spectacular heat-loving perennial. Planted in sunny areas, be sure to cover for the winter. The decorativeness of the plant is given by large lush inflorescences-panicles, white, pink and light yellow.
Moisture-loving annual grass, forming a dense curtain. Decorative due to flat hanging spikelets, which are green at the beginning of flowering, and then acquire a rich bronze hue
Luxurious perennial that forms large curtains. The plant has many species that differ in color and shape of the leaves. Spikelet inflorescences can be white, pink, burgundy

Rules for planting cereals

Plant selection

To create a composition of cereals and herbs, everything must be accurately calculated. Cereals grow best on poor soils, so fertilizing the site before planting is not worth it. abundance nutrients in the ground leads to excessive growth of curtains, the bushes cease to hold their shape and fall apart. This is especially true for tall cereals. Another important condition is good drainage. If water stagnates on the site, the roots of the plants will rot, which will certainly affect appearance and growth rate.

Soil moisture is of paramount importance when choosing plant species. Moisture-loving cereals include:

Poor moisture tolerance

When choosing plants, be sure to study all the information about them. You should not buy seeds just because the cereal in the picture looks very beautiful. As you know, the decorativeness of leaves and inflorescences strongly depends on the location of the site and the composition of the soil. You need to focus on other criteria - height, ability to grow, resistance to cold and other negative influences. If you have not dealt with cereals and herbs before, get 2-3 varieties of undersized annuals that do not require special care to start.

Composition rules

If you decide to create a flower bed of cereal species, follow the basic rule: all plants in the same area should have similar requirements for growing conditions. In addition, you should properly combine plants according to color scheme(which may change throughout the season), the height and spreading of the bushes.

On a cereal bed, catchy decorative elements are not welcome, it is better to use several picturesque boulders or make a dumping of fine gravel. For a multi-tiered flower bed and a mixborder, low borders decorated with ceramic mosaics or natural stone. Cereals look very harmonious next to coniferous plants and rose bushes, go well with daylilies.

When landing near a gazebo, a high fence or a house wall, cereals can be combined with climbing plants that will act as the background. Wild grapes, hops, ivy and discreet creepers of various types are best suited for this.

The size of the plot matters a lot. If the area is small, the presence tall plants, planted in separate groups, will contribute to the shading of the garden and further reduce the area. In a spacious garden, on the contrary, high compositions of cereals are welcome, both in the form of flower beds and as tapeworms.

How to plant

First you need to prepare a place: the selected area is cleared of weeds and plant debris, after which it is deeply dug. This can be done both in autumn and early spring. It is not necessary to apply humus or other fertilizers, since ornamental grasses and cereals prefer poor soil.

Next, the ground is leveled, giving the site the desired shape. The next step is markup. Here it is very important not to make a mistake with the size of the bush, because if you leave little space, a neat flower bed will turn into dense thickets. Marking is done with sand, outlining a place for each plant, taking into account the width of an adult bush. After marking, seedlings of cereals can be planted or sown directly with seeds.

Most cereals tend to grow strongly, oppressing the weaker plants in the neighborhood. To prevent this from happening, you should think in advance about ways to curb growth. For example, you can dig in strips of slate or plastic, setting the desired boundaries for each of these cereals. Particularly aggressive species are best planted in plastic containers of the appropriate size.

Some cereals at the seedling stage can be oppressed by neighboring plants, so it is not recommended to sow them directly into the ground. You can arrange a small temporary bed nearby and sow seeds there. Seedlings of cereals are also planted there until it is strong enough. When the plant develops well and begins to form a bush, it can be safely planted in a permanent place.

Video - Ornamental grasses and grasses in landscape design

They are less whimsical in care and create a feeling of lightness and airiness.

Features of care

You can plant cereals at almost any time convenient for you. The main thing is that there is no heat on the street or winter does not come. Planted before winter, cereals perfectly tolerate frosts and immediately turn green with the advent of spring.

We have already said that ornamental grasses do not need special care. It will be enough for them if, after the snow melts, you clean up the area: remove dry branches, cut off diseased and dried shoots, dried inflorescences and leaves.

Self-seeding is typical for cereal crops. Therefore, in the spring, inspect carefully and remove excess shoots. They are practically not attacked. The only enemies for them are and.

You can cope with such a misfortune with the help of plain water. Pour the affected bush with a powerful jet of water from. If pests are persistent, spray with soapy water.

Decorative cereals with photos and descriptions

In height grows up to 30-60 centimeters. Its leaves are narrow and flat. Spikelets are usually golden in color and dense. The flowering period falls at the end of summer.

Seeds are planted in the ground in late February - early March by pressing a couple of millimeters into the ground. The sown area should be in a warm place with a temperature of 22-25 degrees. Then the first shoots will appear in three to six days.

Two or three weeks after germination, diving and transplanting into small pots can be carried out. With the onset of cold weather, it is better to hide the plant indoors or cover it with dry leaves and spruce branches.
With the help of peristoschetinnik, they decorate the banks of reservoirs, terraces, or create a background in the background.


An ornamental grass from the grass family. An unpretentious plant that grows in the subtropics and tropics. Very high. Some bushes reach a height of up to two meters. The leaves are broad and hard. The spikelet is like a fan, open to one side.

The genus Miscanthus includes 16 species. Each of them has its own distinctive features.

All types of miscanthus are propagated by both seeds and seedlings. They are unpretentious and really do not like when they are transplanted. And this procedure must be carried out periodically, especially if the central part of the bush begins to dry out. Prune in early spring.

An unusual cereal plant, which is one species - the ovoid haretail. Most likely, it was so named due to the fact that the spikelet has an egg-shaped shape, and from afar it resembles a hare's tail.

Straight stems grow up to 95 centimeters long. It grows in Mediterranean countries. It is also found in Ukraine. The habitat halo shows that the plant needs a mild climate. Frosty winters are not tolerated well.

To grow a haretail on the site, it is necessary to collect seeds in the autumn. By this time, they are fully ripe and dry. Planting begins in April in greenhouses or small pots. After two weeks, you can transplant to a prepared place in the garden.
With the advent of warm sunny days (May), you can sow seeds in open soil. It is best to mix the seed with sand and press it into the ground a couple of centimeters. The distance between the holes is 10-15 centimeters. Shoots appear 10-12 days after sowing.

The haretail is an unpretentious plant. Feels equally good in open spaces and in pots on. It tolerates dry seasons well, provided that abundant watering is provided.

beautiful herbaceous plant grass family with bluish leaves. The bush resembles a hummock of the correct hemispherical shape. The leaves are thin, long, arrow-shaped. The inflorescences are small and thin, kept on a long, up to 150 centimeters, stem.

Ideal for dry, depleted areas. In shady areas and on fertilized soil, it begins to actively turn green. Dislikes damp soil. If the climate is hot and humid, it blooms poorly.

It is recommended to plant in the spring. When the plant fades (July), the spikelets should be cut off, and the next year in the spring, the stems should be completely cut off. It tolerates winters well, but after severe frosts it loses its attractiveness.
It propagates both by seeds and by planting a bush. Seedlings should be grown in pots. It is better to divide the shrub in early spring, so that by autumn the plant will take root in a new place and get stronger.

Blue fescue - unusual ornamental plant gently- blue color. Just like sheep, it has the shape of a regular tussock 35-40 centimeters high. Perfectly complement the design of the site, planted with low grass. Can be used for decoration, ponds, park areas.

Does not need special care. To make an unusual plant pleasing to the eye in blue, plant it in sunny places. With a lack of sun, the leaves turn the usual green color.

The soil may be depleted, but must be drained. Her flowering period is from June to late autumn. Spikelets are thin, gray-green on a long stem.

If the plant has been growing on your site for three years, it's time to start planting it. From now on, such a procedure should be carried out every two years. This will keep it attractive and saturated color fescue.

Important!It does not need special preparation for winter. You don't even have to hide it.

The plant is propagated by seed, seedling methods and by dividing the bush. Seeds are bought in stores or collected from their own at the end of the flowering period. Sowing the soil is easy.

It is enough just to scatter the seeds around the site. They will stick to the ground themselves. They also sow seedlings in boxes. Require plentiful and create a greenhouse effect using a film. This applies only to seedlings in boxes.

It is placed in a warm sunny place, and after the first shoots appear, it is transferred to a cooler one. If a young shoot has formed at least two leaves, you can plant the plant in pots, and from May - in the garden.

A perennial herbaceous plant, whose name comes from the word cut, due to the fact that it has very thin and sharp leaf tips. Tall, up to three meters, densely growing ornamental plant.
The foliage is concentrated at the base. Spikelets with a female flower are lush, with long silky hairs, lowered down. The men are bald. Flowering period - August - October.

The plant is characterized by vegetative and seed reproduction. Seedlings are first grown from seeds. Sow them in March - April. Feature of crops - cold. This is necessary for the seeds to ripen.

The finished seed is planted in sandy-peat soil in boxes. They are stored in a ventilated area at room temperature. The first shoots appear after two weeks.

From the second half of May, seedlings can be planted in open land. Only adult cortaderia, older than five years, bloom. With the onset of warm, serene spring days, those planted before can be seated.

In care, cortaderia is unpretentious. Perfectly takes root in open spaces with poor soil. If your area gets the least amount of rainfall, water once every two weeks. It is necessary to fertilize and feed the soil near the cortaderia in the spring. With the advent of autumn, so that the plant survives the winter better, it is recommended to tie the stems into bunches and press them to the ground. Young shoots are covered with dry leaves.

Important!Decorating the site, plant cortaderia in bunches.

The most beautiful (Graff's feather grass) is a flowering herbaceous plant of the cereal family. There are more than three hundred species. It grows up to one meter in height and has thin, long, arrow-shaped leaves. Small spikelets no more than seven centimeters long are collected in elegant panicles.

No wonder the plant was called the most beautiful. During the flowering period, the panicles descend a little to the ground, fluff up, and it seems that air feathers are scattered in heaps across the green field.

To grow a cereal of extraordinary beauty, you need to stock up on seeds. First, seedlings are prepared, which germinate for one to two months. When the sprouts are strong, you can plant in open ground(May - June month).
The best soil for feather grass is dry and limestone soil. If groundwater passes close to the surface at the site, drainage is recommended before planting the feather grass. Water the plant only until it sprouts.

Did you know?The most beautiful feather grass is listed in the Red Book of Ukraine and Russia.

Does not tolerate accumulation of moisture in the root zone. All he needs is regular weeding in the area. For the winter, it is recommended to cut dry leaves and flowers.

Features of creating a composition from cereals

The main principle in decorating a garden plot is properly selected plants. That is, in one place only lovers of the sun and moisture should grow, in the second - only lovers of arid rocky soil, in the third - those that do not tolerate drafts, etc.

It should also be borne in mind that each type of cereal should be in harmony with its own kind and other plants. For example, low-growing cereals go well with flowers, suitable for decorating paths, for creating compositions in a rocky garden.
Fescue is best suited for this role. Large open areas sow the territories. Tall cereal crops will serve perfectly as a green hedge. They can divide the site into zones.

Also suitable as a background. Most representatives of this species are very fond of moist soil. Therefore, if on garden plot there is a reservoir, feel free to plant miscanthus around it, pennisetum shaggy or gray.

When working on landscape design, remember that all cereals do not like to grow in crowded areas. And many also grow very actively, while oppressing other, weaker cultures. If the area is small, decorate it with fescue or sheep. Stylish neat bushes will enliven your garden.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that any ornamental cereal belongs to those types of plants that he planted and forgot about them.

When we talk about our garden plot, we often talk about flowers, shrubs, trees. And rarely it comes to herbs. But herbs, especially cereals, become a real decoration of any garden. 200 species of these plants are known, which can be planted both singly and combined with other plants, creating unusual flower ensembles.

Features of cereal grasses and their care

ornamental cereals
A great addition to any garden or lawn. Plant them along paths, along the edges of flower beds, decorate rockeries or alpine slides with them, and you will be surprised how the landscape has changed.

Cereals in the garden you can plant a wide variety. Color, height, dimensions may vary. But the main thing is to know the measure and understand biological features plants, so that they please you annually (as a rule, perennial cereals).

Herbs that can be grown in the garden include not only representatives of the cereal family, but also cattail, rush, sedge. At any time of the year they attract attention:

  • in spring - these are bright green carpets; elegant and bright curtains,
  • in the autumn summer period form inflorescences of various shapes: panicles and spikelets,
  • in winter, under snow caps, they seem unusual and mysterious, like aliens from other worlds.

Cut off, they continue to look attractive for a long time. They look great in dry bouquets, florists create unusual compositions.

Important: Herbs for the garden are not only decorative, they do not require special agrotechnical care practices. And this is a trend contemporary gardens- an element of light neglect.

They easily tolerate excess moisture and prolonged lack of water, while being little affected by pests and diseases. An important feature is that they take root well and get along with other cultures, so they can be combined with any plants. These unpretentious cereals for the garden even novice gardeners can grow.

Low-growing types of cereals

Good to know: Some cereals cultivated in southern regions"in the open air", in the northern - grown at home. In the summer, they are put in tubs on terraces and gardens, and in the fall they are brought back into the house. For example, millet pogonaterum (indoor bamboo).

Figure 1. Maned barley

  • barley maned refers to unpretentious perennials. Usually grown as an annual crop, as it can freeze in winter. This is a representative of cereals ornamental crops. Forms dense bushes with spikelet inflorescences, which are placed on long awns. During the flowering period, the awns change color, which can be seen in the photo . The plant can propagate by self-sowing. Low-growing cereals are ground cover crops, their height is not more than 20-50 cm. They look good in planting carpet flower beds, borders, rocky gardens and slides. It can also be used as a frame for paths or paths.
  • haretail , whose inflorescences, small and fluffy, really look like hare tails. Grows up to 50cm. It looks very elegant, decorative and in dry compositions. Withstands partial shade, which is not typical for all cereals.
  • blue looks like a fluffy spherical bump of blue color. It is good both as an independent plant and planted in rows along the paths. Against the background of stones and ponds, it looks exotic. It grows quickly, literally in 2 years. Then it needs to be divided for a new landing. High winter hardiness: winters well without shelter.

Medium-sized species

Flower beds and multi-tiered mixborders lose a lot without medium-sized cereals growing up to 50-100 cm. The most attractive of these species are feather grasses. When the wind blows, they look like huge, swaying "waves". They are good for lawn, especially in plantings in groups. The combination with wild flowers is also interesting: daisies, poppies, cornflowers.

Figure 2. Feather grass: group planting along the path

  • Feather grass , his jackets on the lawn look unusual. The most delicate is the most beautiful feather grass, the pubescence of which looks like thin threads that entangled the plant. Reaches 80 cm. This is a perennial with dense tufts. Grows in one place up to 10 years. Does not tolerate transplant well.
  • Setaria italian , its varieties are grown as fodder plants. But more it is valued for its attractive appearance: it is decorated with yellow or green panicles hanging down. It looks equally beautiful as a tapeworm and when planted in groups. Setaria forms large bushes. Drought-resistant, but with frequent watering more lush. In dry bouquets, when cut, panicle inflorescences “keep their shape”, so florists are interested in it.
  • Peristoschaetinka shaggy - a perennial that needs to create barriers, as it grows quickly and strongly. Height 30-60cm, forms panicles-spikelets. It looks shaggy because the golden spikelets are surrounded by bristles.

tall species

Perennial ornamental grasses that attract attention are tall cereals. Reaching a height of more than a meter, they create a background in compositions consisting of several levels. They can be used as screens. It is easy to create a cozy and picturesque corner along the banks of the reservoir. They create impenetrable "walls" of ears and panicles, blooming in the height of summer. They form a colorful background, since panicles of different inflorescences have different colors.

Figure 3. Lightning blue in a group planting

Good to know: Ornamental grasses and conifers are not a common combination. Evergreen dark conifers are associated with constancy, while cereals are a symbol of constant movement.

  • Lightning blue - Another interesting plant belonging to ornamental cereals. It reaches a height of 1 meter, and is absolutely not demanding on growing conditions. Attractive due to grayish leaves and lilac inflorescences. Cut, dried, used in flower bouquets and flower arrangements. Moliniya decorate the shores of artificial reservoirs. Looks natural, planted next to shrubs and trees. In autumn, curtains turn yellow and orange which gives the garden a picturesque look.
  • Two-way reed source (falyaris) widely used in landscape design. Cultivated only variegated form with a height of 90-120m. Falyaris attracts attention with leaves: green, with white or cream stripes. It grows well in the sun, but is resistant to shading. Drought tolerant and winter hardy. It can be cut, giving a certain shape.
  • Hasmanthium broadleaf (wild oats) it seems inconspicuous in appearance, but it gives a special flavor to group plantings. The inflorescences are slightly flattened and arranged in a parallel plane. It seems that earrings are hanging on the stem. A lighted area and humidity are what wild oats need. Reaches 1.2 -1.5 m in height. Flowering occurs in autumn.

This is interesting: autumn garden will not look dull and nondescript with cereals. Panicles, spikelets, foliage until frost looks decorative and gives the garden a rich, deep and fabulous look. They will decorate the appearance of any home with bright colors, giving it a special flavor.

We examined the photos and names of only a part of the varieties of ornamental grasses, more photos of interesting herbs can be seen in the article about.

Miscanthus in garden design

Figure 4. Miscanthus in garden design

In our country, only two are known decorative forms this perennial plant, forming large tufts. This giant cereal is rightfully considered one of the most popular. No one can compete with him in terms of showiness, abundance of forms and varieties. In addition, it is distinguished by excellent adaptability to different conditions.

Therefore, in the design of the garden are simply irreplaceable. Most famous varieties- This:

  1. Miscanthus giantus - a hybrid of unknown origin. Stems erect with stiff, linear leaf blades. Turf quickly "spreads". The flowering period falls on late summer: panicles appear with pink tint becoming silver over time. Used as a background, in the background of the flower garden.
  2. Miscanthus sinensis - a powerful cereal up to 3m. height. The foliage is linear, hard, rough. Spikelets form unusual white, fluffy panicles. Shelter is needed for the winter. 100 varieties of this species are known, which differ not only in the shape and color of the inflorescences, but also in the leaves. Some varieties can be grown in the middle lane.
  3. Miscanthus sugarflower interesting inflorescences - white-pink and silver. Flowering occurs in July, but is beautiful all autumn due to foliage that changes color. It grows well in the middle lane, hibernates without shelter. Prefers sunny, open spaces, does not bloom in the shade. But the most favorable climate is damp and warm.

Good to know: When choosing a variety, you should know that most miscanthus are thermophilic and cannot tolerate harsh winters. Choose varieties that can overwinter under cover.

You can create a whole garden of cereals, the compositions of which are very diverse. The main thing is to show imagination. If you take only miscanthus, then groups in mixborders, near water bodies will delight the eye all summer and autumn, since they are decorative throughout this period. When planting them, do not forget to take into account growth and biological characteristics.

Secrets of growing cereals

Conventionally, cereals are divided into three groups:

  • drought-resistant,
  • moisture-loving,
  • growing near water bodies or on swampy soil.

The site is usually drawn up using the first two types, and the third is planted near artificial reservoirs. Most perennial grasses are unpretentious in care. They don't need to be fertilized. But when the soil dries out, watering is important.

Important: Do not fertilize the ground before planting. This can lead to the active growth of bushes and their "collapse". These crops grow well on "poor" soils.

When choosing cereals for a garden, the names of the varieties should tell a lot, for example, about the period of active growth of the crop. Those that love heat are active in summer, those growing in cool conditions wake up early in spring, they have a dormant period in summer, and actively grow in autumn. If you know these features, you will enjoy beautiful scenery from spring to autumn. In winter, evergreen views will decorate the landscape.

To the uninitiated eye, cereals are inconspicuous, you do not immediately pay attention to them. But by combining the bright colors of flowers with inconspicuous curtains of cereals, you can create unique compositions that are fabulous in their unusualness. They will give the garden sophistication, depth and a special chic that cannot be created without hard, linear leaves and spikelets of cereals.

Herbs in autumn

The video below shows a selection of photos of the use of herbs in landscape design. Herbs look especially advantageous in autumn. Some of these ideas can be borrowed and used in your own garden.
