
  1. To form in students an idea of ​​​​the surface of their native land.
  2. Learn to work with the map.
  3. develop cognitive activity children, observation, ability to analyze and draw conclusions.

Equipment: physical map of the region, photographs of ravines, quarries, dumps.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment, communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson

The sun is shining over Russia
And the rains rustle over it.
In the whole world, in the whole world
There is no country of her relatives!

Why in the whole world there are no relatives of the country? ( Russia is our Motherland, the country in which we live. This is our house, which is impossible not to love. )

Today I invite you on a journey through our native land. We will pass the territory of our region from east to west and from north to south.

2. Work on a new theme

We have a companion with whom we will travel.

Get to know him!

good, good,
Looks at all people
And people on themselves
Doesn't tell you to look.
(Sun )

Of course it's sunshine! It will travel with us around our country, or rather, we will be its companions.

We start our journey.

(The sun is fixed over the East European Plain).

Where are we staying now? What can you say by looking at the map?

(We stopped at the East European Plain. This is a plain, because on the map it is shown in light green. And on it, like patches, yellow spots).

Let's try to uncover the secret yellow spots(slide view).

What is special about the relief of this plain? (Here the surface is uneven, there are hills)

So what is the secret of yellow spots? (These are hills).

Yes. These are highlands and hills, which is why this plain is called the "hilly plain".

And now we are on our way to the capital of our Motherland. (The sun is fixed over Moscow).

In the European part of Russia, in the interfluve of the Oka and Volga, we see a bright circle - this is how the capital of Russia, Moscow, is designated. The Moscow region is located around Moscow. Its borders are shown in yellow.

The Moscow region is located very conveniently - in the center of land and river roads that run from north to south and from west to east. Moscow is not only the capital of Russia, but also the main city, regional center Moscow region.

The Moscow region covers an area of ​​4,700 square kilometers. This is more than the territory of such European states as Belgium, Denmark or Holland. The Moscow Region borders on seven regions.

Guys, look at the map of the Moscow region, show and name these seven regions. ( Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Ryazan, Tula, Kaluga, Smolensk, Tver regions).

Guys, look at the map and determine what surface shapes are in the region, what they are called.

(The sun is fixed in the northwestern part of the Moscow region).


The surface of the Moscow region is mostly flat and is part of the East European hilly plain. The highest, hilly part of the Moscow region is the northwestern and western. Here is Smolensko-Moskovs some hilly plain, upland. On this hill, the hills, as it were, form a chain, a ridge. On territory of the Moscow region, this ridge is called Klinsko-Dmitrovskaya.

Guys, I want to add.

Indeed, the Moscow region is located in the center of the East European Plain. The north of the region is occupied by the swampy Upper Volga lowland. To the south of it is the hilly Smolensk-Moscow Upland. Here, near the town of Uvarovka is located the highest point of the region (310 m above sea level). The northwestern edge of this hill is known as the Klin-Dmitrovskaya ridge. The rivers originating to the north of it flow into the Volga, and those that begin to the south into the Oka (with the exception of Yakhroma).

Guys, where is our sun located? (Our sun located in the south of our region).

Using the height scale, determine which surface shapes are to the south. What are their names?


The southwestern and southern parts of the region are occupied by the slightly hilly Moskvoretsko-Oka Plain, on which a small upland stands out - Teplostanskaya.

You said that the southwestern part of the Moscow region is occupied by the Moskvoretsko-Oka Plain. It includes the Teplostan Upland, on which The highest point in Moscow is 253 m.

Guys, Our sun is located? ( to the north east). What is the surface on this part of the region?


The north and east of the region are flat plains. In the east, this plain is heavily swamped and is part of the Meshcherskaya lowlands, Meshchery.

Klyazma river in Vladimirskaya Meshchera G . Petushki

Well done boys! Everything you said is correct. I would like to add only that the Meshchera lowland, Meshchera, is a vast plain located in the Central Federal District, occupying the eastern part of the Moscow Region, the southern part of the Vladimir Region and the northern part of the Ryazan Region. According to this, they distinguish: Podmoskovnaya Meshchera, Vladimir Meshchera and Ryazan Meshchera. In the north of the lowland, the height above sea level is 120 - 130 meters, dropping to 80 - 100 meters in the southern part of the lowland. In the center of the lowland from the city of Yegoryevsk to the city of Kasimov stretches a small hill, composed of sands and loams - the Meshchersky Range, its average height is about 140 m and maximum - 171.8 m (Aryushina near the village of Savinskoye Orekhovo - Zuevsky district).

3. Physical education

The wind is blowing in our face
The tree swayed.
The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter
The tree is getting higher and higher.

4. Continuation of a new topic

The surface of the Moscow region is composed mainly of sand and clay. These substances are easily eroded by water. Therefore, everywhere in our region there are many ravines. How are ravines formed? (Answers of children).

Ravines destroy fertile lands. By this they cause great harm to the economy, so people are fighting against ravines.

Name several methods of dealing with ravines.

Paramonovsky ravine

There are a lot of ravines in our area. One ravine is located in our area, near the Klyazma River in the territory of the city of Korolev.

And what is the surface of Moscow? Look at the map of Moscow ( By most of the surface is flat).

Right. Most of it is flat, heavily swampy plain. Extensive and especially swampy swamps occupied the entire eastern part of Moscow. On the site of the modern squares of the Theater and the Revolution there was a swamp "Bad Ford". The territory of the modern All-Russian Exhibition Center was heavily swamped. Only the southern part of Moscow is a hilly Teplostanskaya plain, which, closer to the center, passes into the Sparrow Hills. But these are not real mountains, but one of the highest places in Moscow. The widespread opinion that Moscow stands on seven hills is not entirely accurate. These are just elevated, steep banks of rivers. For example, Borovitsky and Vagankovsky (the building of the Russian State Public Library - the Pashkov House is located on it) hills are located above the Moscow River, Tagansky - above the Yauza, Trekhgorny - above the Presnya River.

5. Fixing

  1. What is a plain?
  2. Which plain is shown in this diagram?
  3. Name the reasons for the appearance of a ravine.
  4. How do you feel when you look at these photos? (I propose to consider photographs of wastelands, abandoned quarries).

6. Summing up

  1. What did we learn in class today?
  2. What do we call home?
  3. Where is our region?
  4. What is the surface of our area?
  5. What harm does the ravine bring to people?

If you saw a ravine during the tour, tell us about it. Are there many ravines in your area? Are there beams in your area? Tell me about the one you saw on the tour.

Answer. There are a lot of ravines in our region. A ravine is a relief form in the form of relatively deep and steeply sloping hollows formed by temporary streams. Ravines occur on elevated plains or hills composed of loose, easily eroded rocks, as well as on the slopes of gullies. The length of the ravines varies from several meters to several kilometers. There are young (intensively developing) and mature ravines. The ravines are most within the forest-steppe and steppe zones. The ravines cause great harm agriculture, dismembering and destroying fields. To combat ravines, dams, retaining walls, etc. are used, and vegetation is planted, which delays soil erosion. Also in our region there are many beams. Balka is a valley with gentle overgrown slopes. During snowmelt and heavy rains, a temporary watercourse can move along the bottom of the beam. Especially many in the steppe zone.

Think about where it is easier to build cities, villages, lay roads, cultivate the land - on the plain or in the mountains. How do people use the surface in your area?

Answer. There is little land suitable for agriculture in the mountains, which means mining, hunting and cattle breeding will prevail in the mountains. In the open spaces of the plains, if available good soil and sufficient humidity - agriculture, in an arid climate - cattle breeding.

On the resettlement of people, their way of life big influence renders the relief of the area, the richness of the subsoil with minerals. Most of humanity lives on the plains, where it is easier to build cities, lay roads, and farm. In the mountains there is a danger of earthquakes and other natural phenomena that are not found on the plains.

However, in the mountains, natural conditions are more diverse and the resource base is richer than on the plains.

In our region, most of the population lives on the plain, where cities, industrial enterprises, and mines are being built. In the villages, people are engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding. In the mountains, these are small industrial cities associated with the extraction and processing of minerals. They do not have agriculture. But tourism is well developed.

What cases of irresponsible attitude of people to the surface of their region do you know? Is it possible to compensate for the damage done to nature in these cases? How to do it?

Answer. There is a problem with abandoned mines in our region. For example, in the city of Kopeysk, Chelyabinsk Region, the most dangerous mine in the Chelyabinsk Region is located in the center of the city. Every hour, 250 cubic meters of water arrives in it, which at any moment can come to the surface of the earth. When water fills the abandoned mine to the brim, part of the machine-building plant and hundreds of residential buildings will slide into the quarry. The problem is very serious, as there are many such mines around the city. The problem can be solved by recultivating the mines, although this costs a lot of money.

check yourself

1. Tell us about the surface of your region.

Answer. The relief of the Southern Urals is very diverse. It has been formed over millions of years. Within the Chelyabinsk region there are various forms relief - from lowlands and hilly plains to ridges, the peaks of which exceed 1000 m.

A mountain section of the conditional border "Europe-Asia" passes through the territory of the region: along the Ural-tau and the Ural ridge. The longest ridge in the Chelyabinsk region is Urenga, its length is about 65 km. The ridge is decorated with ten peaks over 1000 m high.

2. How is the surface used in your area?

Answer. In our region, most of the population lives on the plain, where cities, industrial enterprises, and mines are being built. In the villages, people are engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding. In the mountains, these are small industrial cities associated with the extraction and processing of minerals. They do not have agriculture. But tourism is well developed.

3. What does it mean to protect the surface?

Answer. This means it is necessary to minimize the harm that mining causes to the environment, it is necessary to more fully withdraw all the useful from the already extracted raw materials. This will ensure that more of the necessary substances are obtained and reduce the dumps of unnecessary ones.

To restore lands disturbed by quarries and waste rock dumps, special work is carried out - reclamation. To do this, the dumps are leveled, soil is poured on top and trees and bushes are planted. Quarries are turned into stakes, on the banks of which recreation areas are created.

To decrease Negative influence agriculture to the surface, it is necessary to carefully cultivate it. The growth of ravines is stopped by planting plants on their slopes.

4. What participation can schoolchildren take in protecting the surface of their region?

Answer. Protecting the surface means fighting against ravines, planting vegetation on their slopes, informing the administration of the settlement about abandoned quarries and dumps discovered. Take part in environmental cleanups.

Homework assignments

1. Write in the dictionary: ravine, beam.

A ravine is a relief form in the form of relatively deep and steeply sloping hollows formed by temporary streams.

Beam - a depression with gentle slopes overgrown with plants.

2. Draw what the surface of your edge looks like. You can fashion a model of some of its sections (hill, ravine, mountain range) from plasticine, clay or raw sand.

3. If there is a ravine in your area, ask adults if it has existed for a long time, how it has changed during this time, what people are doing to stop its growth. Think about how you can help adults.

Answer. We have several ravines. They have been around for a long time. Ravines cause great harm mainly to agriculture, dismembering and destroying fields. To prevent the growth of ravines, they make obstacles that delay the flow of water into the ravine, sow on the slopes perennials, if necessary, some slopes are covered with earth. In our region, the ravines are constantly monitored. Due to this, the growth of ravines almost does not occur.

Remember what seas, lakes, rivers there are in Russia. What do you know about the water resources of your region?

There are a lot of seas, lakes and rivers in Russia. Seas: Black, White, Baltic, Okhotsk, Laptev, Azov and others. Lakes: Caspian Sea, Baikal, Ladoga, Onega. Rivers: Volga, Yenisei, Lena, Oka, Irtysh, Amur.

Our region has significant reserves of water resources, most of which are lakes and ponds. We also have rivers. And reservoirs.

Most of the names of the lakes come from the Tatar and Bashkir languages. In the names of reservoirs, the word “kul” is often found, which means “lake”. Such, for example, are the names of the lakes Abatkul, Bolshoi Kremenkul, Tabankul, Bolshoy Terenkul, Zyuratkul. The largest lakes of the region: Uvildy, Turgoyak, Big Kisegach, Itkul, Irtyash.

Lake Uvildy is the largest lake located at the foot of the Ural Mountains. The water in it is slightly mineralized, very clean and transparent. For the unusual shade of water, the lake is called the blue pearl of the Urals.

Another beautiful lake in the Southern Urals is located near the village of Turgoyak, north of the station of the city of Miass. This large and deep lake Turgoyak, surrounded by mountains and coniferous forests, has an area of ​​25 square kilometers. Lake Big Kisegach is located 8 kilometers northeast of the city of Kasli, and has a tectonic origin. The source of the lake is the river Chartonyshka.

Many lakes are places of recreation, used as a place for fishing.

1. Solve the crossword.


2. Central Siberian ... Answer: Plateau
4. An artificial mountain created by man from industrial waste. Answer: Terrikon
7. One of the natural factors that has a destructive effect on rocks and soil. Answer: wind
8. Elevation, rising above the surface of the earth to a height of more than 200 meters. Answer: Mountain


1. A large flat piece of land plowed up for crops. Answer: Field
3. Mining site for shallow minerals. Answer: Quarry
5. A large ravine formed in the soil as a result of heavy rains. Answer: ravine
6. Deepening in the ground with gentle slopes overgrown with plants. Answer: Beam

2. Fill in the table. Write in what ways you can protect and restore the surface of your native land.

Causes of surface destruction

Surface restoration methods
Formation of ravines and gullies To stop the formation of a ravine, small potholes are buried and grass is sown in this place. Across a small ravine, low fences of willow stakes and twigs are placed. Over time, the stakes will take root, and a reliable living barrier will form for water flows. Trees and shrubs are planted along the edges and slopes of the ravine.
Incorrect plowing of land Plowing can only be carried out across the slopes. And steep slopes cannot be plowed at all.
landfills Waste sorting and recycling at special plants. Burtovanie, planting plants. If you find a dump, you must report it to the conservation society. Participate in garbage collection.
abandoned quarries Spoil heaps are leveled, soil is brought in and plants are planted. Valuable substances are extracted from waste heaps.

The surface of the Perm region is heterogeneous.

In the west and in the central part there is a hilly Russian Plain: in some places it is cut by ravines, crossed by river valleys. In the northeast and east are ancient Ural mountains.

The highest mountain - Tulymsky stone, whose height is 1469 m above sea level.

Stones in the Urals are called rocks that rise sharply above the rest of the area.

The mountains of the Middle Urals are quite destroyed. Their tops are rounded, dome-shaped, the height is negligible.

Between the Russian Plain and the Ural Mountains there is a low plain. It is composed mainly of gypsum and limestone. These rocks are easily eroded and dissolved by underground and river waters. As a result of their destructive joint action, caves, underground rivers, lakes, failures, underground voids were formed here. So, to the southeast of Perm there are many caves.

The largest of them - Kungur ice cave, known not only in our region, but also far beyond its borders. The length of the Kungur ice cave is more than five kilometers.

This is an underground palace! Doesn't get in here. Sun rays so even in the summer it stays below zero. Drops of water, seeping through the cracks, form icicles that grow from top to bottom (they are called stalactites) and from bottom to top (they are called stalagmites). In the rays of colored lanterns, all this sparkles, creating an amazing bright picture.

The cave consists of many grottoes and passages. Cave grottoes have different names: "Polar" (here is the kingdom of ice). "Meteor", "Coral", "Ether".

The most beautiful of them - " Diamond Grotto", ice crystals, which shine and sparkle even in the light of lit fires.

Meet in the cave and gloomy places such as the grotto" Dante"- in its depths, as if a stone monster lurked.

And in the grotto friendship of Peoples"There is a large underground lake, it is located at a depth of about 1300 m and three meters deep, which can be seen, as the water is crystal clear, and has a natural greenish tint, but very cold.

Every year curious tourists come here to see this amazing underground palace, even to meet New Year with a live Christmas tree. Amazing Fact- in the grotto" Giant"The Christmas tree can stand without crumbling without water, all year round and more years.

Here is such an amazing cave in the Perm region. For a long time her fabulous beauty remains in the memory.

100 km southeast of the city of Perm is located Orda cave.

What is its peculiarity?

This is the longest underwater cave in Russia, the second longest in Eurasia and the longest underwater gypsum cave in the world.

Orda Cave is a unique underwater city. There are a huge number of underground galleries that can be seen thanks to the clear water.

Explorers, geologists, geographers, biologists, studying karst phenomena of the Urals, conduct constant observations in the caves and their environs.

According to scientists, four-fifths of the territory of our region is rolling plains and one fifth mountains.

The flat surface is more convenient for agriculture and forestry, the construction of industrial enterprises, roads and residential complexes. Difficulties in human economic activity are created by mountains, ravines, karst formations. They hinder the construction of roads and industrial facilities, agriculture and mining. However, many of them are amazingly beautiful and majestic objects, such as Chuvalsky stone.

Ridge Chuvalsky Stone

Sawtooth ledge on the western slope

The Kuryksar ridge corresponds to the Mansi

The name is "cockscomb".

Mount Munin Tump

The volcanics of the Chuval Formation are often armored

Relief and attach peaks characteristic appearance

Ruined cities.

Type of lesson: learning new knowledge.

The purpose of the lesson: to form students' understanding of the surface of the Moscow region.

Lesson objectives.

To acquaint students with the concepts: ravine, beam, quarry, waste heaps, landfill.

Discuss the causes of their occurrence and measures to combat them.

To develop the cognitive activity of children, observation, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions, work with a map.

Cultivate respect for nature.

Methods and methodological techniques: conversation, cards with an individual task and for working in pairs, questions, visual material, a story based on the results of observation.

Equipment: projector, screen, presentation “The surface of our region”, textbook “The world around us” by A.A. Pleshakov, tests on the topic “My land”, workbook “ The world” A.A. Pleshakov, cards for work in pairs.

During the classes

I. Organizing time.

One two Three ( children clap their hands)
Listen and watch put hands on ears and eyes)
Three, two, one children clap their hands)
We start now put their hands on the desks).
Let's remember everything
To get five!

II. Repetition of previously learned material.

What big section did you start studying? ( Our region)

What is the name of our region? ( Moscow region)

What is included in our region? ( Moscow and Moscow region)

Map work. Slide.(Annex 1)

What color is our region marked on the administrative map of Russia? Show it on the map. (The student at the blackboard shows the territory of the region).

III. Checking homework.

What did you need to prepare for today's lesson on the topic “My Land”? ( Write a letter to a friend abroad about your region)

Reading letters to friends abroad.

Some students work with tests on the topic “Our land”. (Annex 2)

IV. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

Today we will continue talking about the Moscow region, but first let's remember:

What forms of the earth's surface do you know? (Plains, hills, mountains, lowlands, plateaus)

How are they indicated on the physical map of Russia? (Plains in green, uplands in yellow, plateaus and mountains in light brown and brown)

Working with the physical map of Russia . Slide.

Show on the map the plains and plateaus of Russia.

What mountains are in Russia? Show them on the map.

And where is the territory of our region on the physical map of Russia? (On the East European Plain)

Remember what kind of a plain it is? (hilly-flat)

What do you think we will talk about today at the lesson? ( student answers)

V. The message of the topic of the lesson. Slide.

Today in the lesson we will talk about the relief or surface of our region, environmental problems and the protection of the surface of the Moscow region.

What will help us to better understand the relief of our region? ( Map)

VI. Work on the topic of the lesson. Acquaintance with the physical map of the Moscow region. Slide.

Before you is a physical map of the Moscow region. Consider it carefully.

What can you say about the surface of our region, looking at the map? ( student answers).

Generalization of the answers with the display on the map: the relief of the Moscow region is predominantly flat: the western part is occupied by hilly uplands (more than 160 m high) - the Klin-Dmitrov ridge and the Smolensk-Moscow upland, and the eastern part is occupied by the vast Meshcherskaya lowland.

Work on the relief of the city of Moscow.

And where do we live?

What do you know about Moscow? ( Located on the East European Plain, the capital of Russia)

What do you think, what kind of relief will be in Moscow? ( student answers)

The city of Moscow also has hills and lowlands. According to an old legend, Moscow stands on seven hills: Borovitsky, Sretensky, Tversky, Trekhgorny, Shviva Gorka, Lefortovsky and Vorobyevsky.

The highest point in Moscow is located near the Teply Stan metro station, where Profsoyuznaya Street and Novoyasenevsky Prospekt intersect. The altitude here is 255 meters. On the dividing lawn of Novoyasenevsky Prospekt, there is a large boulder. This is a symbolic sign of the highest point of the city.

But the lowest point in Moscow is located near the Besedinsky Bridge, where the Moscow River leaves the city and rushes into the countryside of the Meshcherskaya lowland. Altitude here 114 m and is also symbolically marked by a large boulder.

Calculate the height difference in the city of Moscow. ( It is about 140 m)

What forms of the earth's surface are found in our region? ( Hills and plains)


Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson. Acquaintance with the forms of the surface gully and beam.

But in addition to hills and lowlands in our region, you can find other forms of surface such as - ravine and beam. Slide.

Which of you has seen a ravine or a beam? What can you tell about them? ( student answers)

The largest ravine in Moscow is located in the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve. It's called Voice Gully. Slide

Somewhere its slopes are relatively gentle, and somewhere more steep. In places, there are even anti-landslide barriers - retaining walls. In some places, stairs are installed on the slopes - without them, even on dry ground, it is not easy to climb.

A stream flows through the ravine below. The water in the stream is scalding cold. Its temperature is the same throughout the year. According to legend, the water from the springs and the stream is healing.

Slide. Textbook work.

Now let's work with the tutorial to get better acquainted with such surface forms as a ravine and a ravine. ( Reading by students of the text along the ravine and beam)

Work in pairs on cards.

Now, using the textbook material, find the similarities and differences between the ravine and the beam and fill in the cards with the table that are on your desks. (Annex 3)(Checking the task on the slide)

Do you think that ravines do good or harm to the surface of our region? (Student answers)

Ravines destroy large areas of fertile land. Therefore, people are fighting against ravines.

Small potholes are dug in and grass is sown in their place.

Trees and shrubs are planted along the edges and slopes of the ravine so that the ravine does not grow.

Across a small ravine, low fences of willow stakes and twigs are placed. Over time, the stakes become stronger and form a reliable living barrier to water flows.

What other forms of surface are found on the territory of our region? (ravines and gullies)

Slide. Work in notebooks. Fixing the material.

And now let's write down in notebooks everything that we learned about the surface of our Moscow region.

(The surface of our region is flat and hilly. There are ravines and gullies on the surface).


Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson. Ecological problems of the Moscow region.

And how do people use the surface of our region? (Student answers)

Slide. Summarizing responses : people build cities, roads, cultivate the soil for crops, extract minerals in quarries.

As a result of the use of the earth's surface, serious ecological problems. What are these problems and how are they solved in our region?

Problem number 1. Slide.

A quarry is a huge wound on the surface of the earth. Once upon a time, sand, clay, limestone were mined in the quarry. After the end of the development, the quarry remained abandoned, and over time it can turn into a ravine.

How can it be used? ( Student responses).

Generalization: fill up the quarry and triple the field or plant a forest in this place; can be turned into a pond and fish in it.

Problem number 2. Slide

Construction dumps are places of land occupied by construction waste (broken bricks, glass fragments, slabs, etc.). Such dumps occupy vast expanses of land, pollute the air and soil, and catch fire.

Measures to combat landfills:

Garbage is sorted and processed at special plants;

Landfills are leveled, covered with earth, plants are planted in their places.

Problem number 3. Slide

Wrong plowing hillside lands. If the furrows descend along the slope, then rain and melt water will descend along them, and this can lead to the formation of a ravine. Therefore, lands on a hilly plain are plowed only across the slope, so that rain and melt water does not wash the soil along the furrows.

Problem number 4. Slide.

Look at the unusual mountains that appeared on our planet through the fault of man. Such mountains are called waste heaps. They were formed from waste (waste rocks) during the extraction of minerals. Unfortunately, they do not decorate our planet at all, but on the contrary, they disfigure it.

Think about how dangerous waste heaps are? ( Student responses)

Summary of responses: they occupy fertile lands, pollute the air and water, and catch fire.

How do people deal with heaps? Slide.

Spoil heaps are leveled, soil is brought in and plants are planted. Valuable substances are extracted from waste heaps.

VII. Fixing the material. Game "Know me!". Slide.

And now let's check how well you know the forms of the earth's surface and which of them are in our Moscow region?

VIII. Summary of the lesson.

What did they talk about in class?

What forms of the earth's surface are there in our Moscow region?

How do people use the surface in our area?

Is it necessary to protect the surface of our region?

(Yes, in order not to violate the beauty of the earth, to prevent the appearance of ravines and landfills. I hope that when you grow up, you will try to do everything to make our Moscow region even more beautiful, and there were no such places that cause pain and resentment in your soul) .

Giving marks for class work.

IX. Homework. Slide.
