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Even at the stage of construction and arrangement of your home, it is important to consider the optimal heating system option for it. Today, owners of private houses, as a rule, are faced with a choice between water and electric heating, which in the first case is very difficult to install, and in the second case it is extremely costly to operate.

Therefore, cheap and simple air heating systems, which can be installed by the owner of any private building, are becoming increasingly popular.

When using almost any home heating design, the last element that transfers heat from the heat generator to all objects in the room, including a person, is air that has been heated by radiators, pipes, warm floors and other units.

Most often, all the problems, inconveniences and the lion's share of energy losses are hidden in these intermediaries. This weak link can be eliminated by using air heating, due to which thermal energy is transferred directly to the space of the heated room, because thermoregulation occurs due to the injection of heated air into the room.

Such a system includes the following components:

  • A network of air ducts allows warm air to be blown into rooms throughout the house for heating.
  • Water heater or heat generator for heating air.
  • Distribution fan heads, to control the movement of air flow through the house.

The main component of the heat generator is the combustion chamber, burner and heater. Cold air is supplied to the heat exchange chamber by the lower fan. When the fuel is burned, thermal energy is generated that heats the heat exchanger and the air circulating through it, which then goes up through the air ducts, being distributed through the rooms of the building.

In accordance with the specific type of unit, heat generators can operate on mains and liquefied gas in cylinders, or diesel. Burners are unpretentious and work when burning any fuel. In addition, they can be changed to new devices even in standard heaters.

True, together with them, the entire supply structure is installed. Exhaust gases are removed from the system by means of.

The coolant in the form of warm air is transported through special air ducts, which can have both round and square section. The first option wins in terms of aerodynamic characteristics and provides more free movement of the coolant through a pipe with a diameter of 10 to 30 cm.

The second one is easier to install and easy to place due to the boxes square shape 10x15 or 32x40 cm.

When arranging such heating in a separate house, there are advantages and disadvantages. Its advantages are such features as:

  • high efficiency, in some cases exceeding 90%;
  • unencumbered by a large number of complex, expensive and heavy parts such as radiators and steel pipes;
  • you can set the optimal microclimate conditions for each room;
  • almost instantaneous response to regulation temperature regime;
  • due to the fact that the fans are compatible even with solid fuel stoves, it is possible to heat absolutely all areas of the house without restrictions;
  • filter system on the path of circulating air, cleans it from allergens, dust and other particles;
  • built-in humidifying filter;
  • V summer period with forced air circulation and the heat generator turned off, it works as a powerful cooling system;

This heating design does not claim to be perfect, since it also has disadvantages:

  • this method of heating should be provided for by the design of the house even during its construction;
  • its installation is relatively complicated;
  • needs regular maintenance;
  • poorly amenable to modernization;
  • this method of heating makes you take care of the cleanliness of the filters and regulate the saturation of the atmosphere with moisture;
  • needs a backup source of electricity to operate effectively during interruptions in its supply from the main network.

In order to design an air heating system in your own private house, you must choose between two methods of its installation - two schemes for organizing air circulation: forced and gravitational.

  1. The first requires installation in the fan design, which would force the pressurized gas heated by the heat generator to circulate in the air ducts. It is installed under the heater, regardless of the type of system. The air drawn in by the fan is pre-cleaned from dust, dirt and microbes. It returns back through ventilation grilles or return ducts.
  2. The second scheme, functioning under the influence of gravity with the natural movement of air masses, works on the principle of changing air density. Its main advantage is independence from the power supply, because it does not have a fan powered by electricity. But such a system is not very stable and the movement of warm air can be hindered by the usual draft. In such a scheme, the heating of the same room is not uniform, so warm flows without control always tend to the ceiling and cold flows to the floor.

Designs using forward flow are most popular for self-organization of heating in own house. The principle of their operation is simple - the fan drives the air flow through the heater and further through the air ducts to all rooms.

The warm gas leaving the transport boxes heats the atmosphere of each room and exits through the ventilation or return shaft. This scheme of work is considered the cleanest, but it is not without its drawbacks. First of all, this is a significant share of irrational waste of energy.

Recirculating heating system. Nuances

This design is highly economical. It works as follows - the air heated by the heater diverges through the ventilation ducts to all rooms of the house.

There, he gives up his heat to the space of the room and the objects in it, and he himself cools, compensating for heat losses, and moves in the opposite direction to the energy source in order to heat up again and repeat the cycle of his movement.

Of course, the hygiene of this scheme raises questions, because harmful substances move along with the gas vicious circle constantly returning to the rooms of the house. Therefore, the recirculation movement is suitable only if there is no need for ventilation of the room.

Design and calculation of an air heating system

Before installing air heating with your own hands, you need to consider its scheme and design for a particular private house. To do this, an approximate draft of such a system is drawn up on paper.

Then, depending on the heating requirements in a particular building, parameters such as:

  • intensity of heated air injection;
  • optimal power of the heat generating installation to heat the premises of the corresponding area to the required temperature;
  • section of air ducts;
  • aerodynamic features;
  • the amount of heat loss on the surfaces of the premises.

It is advisable to coordinate a preliminary scheme with a complete set of components that meets all requirements with a specialist in order to avoid any errors and shortcomings that can lead to drafts, noise or vibration in the room.

Professionals can also help you choose the optimal model of a heat generator so that it provides a comfortable temperature and does not overheat.

It is best to mount the equipment in a separate, pre-designated room.

There are several types of air heating structures depending on their parameters.

According to air circulation, they are:

  • with the natural flow of air masses;
  • with forced air movement under the influence of pressure created by the fan.

Size and scale:

  • local, designed to heat one or two rooms in a small private house;
  • central - for heating multi-storey buildings and large warehouse or factory hangars.

According to the heat transfer implementation scheme:

  • supply air, which draws into the room and heats the outdoor air;
  • recirculation, that is, the same air moves, cooling and heating inside the room;
  • with combined recirculation, when indoor air is combined with fresh air from the street.

By location in the room:

  • suspended;
  • outdoor units.
  • Choice of heat source.

The source of thermal energy is always the heart of the entire heating system, therefore, the comfortable temperature of the premises of a private house depends on its type, power and design. There are two types of heat generators: mobile and stationary.

The first are represented by gas mobile heat generators, which are large in size. They are used for heating large industrial premises, for example, factory floors.

The second ones have an isolated combustion chamber and are designed for installation in special rooms with a smoke exhaust system. They are produced by manufacturers in two versions: as floor or suspended equipment. The second type of construction is called a heater, that is, it performs the function of heating only one room.

They are installed in suburban country houses, since such a device can warm up a small rear area in just a few hours.

The suspended structure is compact and produces a minimum of noise during operation. It is made of materials that conduct heat poorly, so it is safe to use even next to wooden walls.

The floor unit is much more powerful and larger, so with it you can even heat a wooden cottage with several floors.

Today, the use of heat pumps instead of boilers as sources of heat in the house is becoming more and more important. The cost of such installations extracting thermal energy from the environment is becoming more affordable, although it is still very far from ideal.

The principle of this kind of heating devices is similar to the operation of heating Split systems. Air having a temperature above absolute zero, in any case, has thermal energy, which such a pump takes from it, making it even colder outside.

The heat thus obtained is transferred to the internal air of the room, being distributed over its entire area.

It's pretty efficient system after all, the cost of electricity for the operation of fans and a compressor is only 1/3 of the heat received from the air. Therefore, the heat pump is one of the the best options, although the most expensive.

Mounting equipment

Self-installation of an air heating system in a private house requires the purchase of the equipment included in it: air ducts or tin pipes, a heat generator, a fan, outdoor air intake sleeves and decorative grilles.

Installation of the heating system is carried out in strict sequence:

  • Installation of the boiler and heat exchange chamber.
  • Fan installation.
  • Installation and breeding of air ducts in heated rooms.
  • Warming and insulation of pressure and intake channels.
  • Output to the street through a special hole in the wall of the house sleeves for air intake.

The first step is to install the main structural element - the boiler. It is mounted in the basement or a special storage room. Despite the fact that such a simple heating system can be assembled absolutely independently, only professionals can connect it to the main gas supply.

The chimney is made of cheap sheet metal. From above, the heat exchanger is joined to the supply air duct, and below, under the combustion chamber, a fan is mounted. On the reverse side, a return pipeline is brought to it.

The procedure for diluting air ducts in rooms begins with connecting flexible air ducts to the supply duct line. Most of the time they are round. Then a pipe is installed that performs the function of reverse thrust. Its diameter is larger, and the branching is less than for the feed.

Warming of sleeves prevents condensation of moisture on them. Then a throttle-type damper is mounted in the pipeline to control the volume of fresh air supply. After installation and docking of all nodes of the system, decorative work is carried out to hide pipes and wires in drywall boxes.

  • For fixing and docking the pipeline wiring, aluminum tape with a reinforced coating has proven itself optimally.
  • Attach pipe to ceilings best with clamps.
  • Air ducts designed to supply heated air must be located as low as possible near the floor, otherwise it will remain relatively cold.
  • If there is an air conditioner in the house, it is necessary to insulate all pipe structures so that vapors that form moisture condensate do not settle on them.
  • When using intake sleeves with many bends, bends and unequal pipe cross-sections, it is recommended to use additional dampers.
  • Installing additional filters to purify the air increases the cost of the entire system.

Air heating of a private house - reviews

“We have been living with such a heating system for a year now, and in practice we have developed a certain opinion with our own pros and cons. The good thing about it is that it does not stick out anywhere in the form of cast-iron radiators or pipes, there are only holes in the floor from where warm air comes from. During operation, there are no high costs because the burner runs on ordinary gas. The main disadvantage of such a system, I think, is that over time, the pipes become clogged with dust, which you have to breathe later.


Svetlana, Voronezh

Air heating is one of the new ways of heating private houses and cottages. Increased efficiency and ease of installation are increasingly increasing the demand for such systems.

The working scheme of air heating includes a minimum set of equipment:

  1. heat source (heat generator);
  2. air ducts delivering heat to heated areas.

Examples of home-made air heating are presented in detail on the Internet with photos and diagrams, but interest in such systems is not waning. The advantages of air heating include:

  • high efficiency, reaching 93%;
  • direct heat transfer to heated areas without pipes, heating radiators, etc.;
  • the possibility of creating a microclimate of the room by combining heating with a climate system;
  • power and low inertia of air heating, which allows you to quickly warm up the housing to the desired temperatures.

We will give several ways to arrange air heating of a private house on our own, note the pros and cons of each of the methods.

How to make air heating of a private house from the sun

The advantages of solar heating are obvious - the homeowner invests only in the purchase of equipment, and the heat source itself does not cost anything. Solar power plants pay off in about three years, and their service life is ten times longer (up to 30 years).

There are two types of solar heating: from solar panels And .

Benefits of solar heating:

  • absolute environmental safety;
  • ease of operation;
  • continuous development of production technology and reduction in the cost of equipment.

Among the shortcomings, we note:

  • low productivity of the station on cloudy days;
  • the still high cost of equipment and installation;
  • the need for accurate calculation and proper placement of equipment for maximum productivity.

Solar installations

The principle of operation of such installations is based on the formation of direct current by sunlight when it hits special semiconductors. Converter translates D.C. into a variable. The voltage that appears in the solar panels is transferred to the heating system. Energy can also be stored in a battery and then used on cloudy days.

Solar batteries are technically difficult, their production will require knowledge and skills. In addition, such equipment is usually used to. This type of heating is used where there is electric heating- or . If the installation capacity is sufficient, then it is possible to provide the house with hot water.

The efficiency of batteries depends mainly on the number of solar energy. In middle and northern latitudes, where there is not enough sun, it is recommended to use combined installations in which solar panels will play a supporting role.

Installations on solar collectors

The principle of operation of such installations is also based on the collection and conversion of solar energy, only the transformation occurs not into electrical, but into thermal energy. The coolant in the collector is heated by the action of sun rays and gives off its heat to the room. The performance of such an installation also depends on the amount of sunlight.

According to the type of heat carrier, heating installations are distinguished:

  • water and antifreeze;
  • air.

The procedure for installing a solar collector:

  1. Insulate the wall of the south side of the house with polystyrene foam and paint it with black paint.
  2. Sew wooden slats on top.
  3. From below, through the wall of the house and insulation from the edges, punch 2 convection holes for cold air, from above 1 for hot air. Hole diameter 20 cm.
  4. Sew corrugated board on the rails, which is covered with black plastic wrap (preferably glass) on top.

The principle of operation of the collector is very simple: the circulation of cold air from the house occurs through the lower openings, the heated air enters the house through the upper convection opening.

In November at noon at a temperature of 9 degrees on a sunny day, the air supplied to the house, the collector heats up to 46 degrees.

Scheme of solar air heating of a private house

How to make air heating with your own hands from the stove

When calculating air heating, it is assumed that 1 kW of heater power can heat 10 square meters of a well-insulated room. Fireplace inserts with a power of 10 kW, respectively, are able to heat a house with an area of ​​100 sq.m.

Natural convection systems

The air heating system from the stove (fireplace) involves the distribution of heat to other rooms of the house by streams of heated air. For this, flexible heat-insulating channels coming from the fireplace are usually used.

The movement of heated air flows can be natural and forced. If the air flow is directed vertically, then natural movement will be ensured, if hot air needs to be supplied over long distances horizontally, then forced supply is needed. The project of air heating a house from a fireplace should make the most of the possibilities of natural convection, which requires large-section air ducts.

Refractory materials and minimum aerodynamic resistance are the main requirements for air ducts. The length of the air duct from the fireplace to the room should be no more than 3 m. It should not have narrowings or bends. The natural air movement heating system can heat no more than 4 rooms. During installation, special attention is paid to the insulation of air duct sections near combustible materials of the building.

Forced convection systems

The principle is to collect air in the convection chamber and blow it into different rooms at home with one or more duct-type fans. The distance of heat supply is no more than 10 m. Flexible ventilation ducts or small diameter ducts.

Scheme of air heating from a furnace with forced convection

How to make air heating based on buleryan

The buleryan stove was designed for Canadian lumberjacks. Because of their unique characteristics, it spread very quickly, and today buleryan is used for heating housing, production, garages, greenhouses and other facilities.

The operation of the furnace is based on the principle of gas generation, i.e. "smoldering" combustion regime with oxygen deficiency. From below, cold air enters the furnace openings, and heated to 60 - 80 degrees air comes out of the pipes of the upper part of the furnace. The combustion mode in such a furnace is full, i.e. with afterburning of combustible gases in a furnace with air supply. The stove is very economical - one bookmark of firewood is enough for 6 - 8 hours.

Do-it-yourself air heating of a private house from Buleryan is arranged by connecting air ducts to the furnace pipes and distributing heat through air ducts throughout the house. Air ducts can be made of corrugated aluminum or tin. Air ducts transport hot air only from the stove, there is no return flow, which reduces the heating efficiency.

In the photo, the Buleryan oven. Production Canada

How to make air heating from cans

Do-it-yourself air heating of a private house from cans - an example self-manufacturing efficient heating system from improvised materials.

1. Fabrication of air flows

  1. You will need 196 soda cans, which you need to wash and make holes on the top and bottom.
  2. Fasten the cans together with silicone, making a pipe out of 14 cans. Only 14 columns of 14 cans. These are the channels through which warm air will enter the house.

2. Manufacture of the manifold box

  • For the box you will need plywood and a board, PVA glue, high-temperature silicone, mineral wool for insulation.
  • The board must be cut to size, the joints nailed and glued.
  • The finished dry box must be insulated with mineral wool.
  • In the top wall you need to make 14 holes for the size of the jar. These are places where warm air collects.

3. Manifold Assembly

It is better to see the assembly of the collector and its preparation for work - the whole process is shown in detail in the video at the end.

The collector is capable of heating the air up to 70 - 80° C. Using such a collector can significantly save the consumption of natural gas and electricity for heating.

This is what an aluminum can collector looks like


A variety of air heating systems allow you to choose a convenient and maximum effective scheme for each specific case. The popularity of air heating in the US and the EU is not accidental - the efficiency of such heating installations is about 90%, while that of water heating, which is popular in Russia, is no more than 60%. The future belongs to inexpensive and effective methods air heating, so now you need to select installations and use them to heat your homes.

Even before the onset of frost, you should start thinking about heating your home. In the case of apartment heating, there are several options for autonomous heating, which are often used - gas and electric. Both of these types of heating are mainly aimed at the same thing - heating the batteries, and therefore, in fact, the type of heating does not change.

However, the owners of private houses have a little more options. One of them is the air heating of the house, which we will talk about today.

What it is

We are all used to the standard methods of heating a home, but for many this option may turn out to be something incomprehensible, new. The home air heating system is modern way room temperature control.

For this, either an existing ventilation system is used, or created specifically for this task. Through it, air is supplied into the room, which is preheated to a certain temperature.

This method of heating a house has a number of undeniable advantages, which are accompanied by some disadvantages. We will analyze them further.

Advantages of air heating

All modern systems heating have positive and negative sides. Air heating of a private house is no exception in this regard, but it is worth noting that it has much more advantages than disadvantages.

If you already have a high-quality ventilation system in the house, then you will not need to spend money on additional batteries and pipes, we are not talking about installing them yet. At the same time, the heating itself very successfully copes with its task, and this happens without unnecessary energy costs.

Traditional heating is carried out at the expense of hot water, which, while moving through the system, quickly loses its temperature, and therefore it has to be heated more than we would like.

In the case of air heating, the efficiency is above 90%. If air pump for heating the house works properly, then the heated air will enter the room as quickly as possible, while the temperature will be evenly distributed throughout the volume.

Another positive side of this option is the ability to combine several important tasks together - heating and air conditioning.

If the project is drawn up correctly, and also implemented, in your house, first of all, air conditioning will be established, which does not lose its relevance throughout the year. Heating is added to it, which turns on only when necessary, with the onset of cold weather.

Do not forget about the financial side of the issue. With all its advantages, the price of air heating is approximately at the same level as that of its counterparts, but the energy costs are much lower, which directly affects the payback period.

At the same time, operation is as simple and convenient as possible - the equipment does almost everything for you. The most important thing is that the person himself practically cannot harm the operation of the system after it has been launched, because apart from choosing the desired temperature, a person does not really need to do anything. All together and became the reason that such heating has become very popular in Western countries.

Disadvantages of air heating

We named quite a lot of advantages of air heating, despite the fact that we did not talk about its durability, which is also at a high level, along with reliability. But everything can not be so perfect, because everything has its weaknesses.

The main disadvantage of air heating is the regular need for maintenance, on which the stability and durability of the entire system depends.

Of course - we are an inventive people and without problems we design air heating at home with our own hands, after which we ourselves can deal with its maintenance. But not all people are able to do this.

We must not forget about the dependence on electricity - as soon as the lights are turned off, the entire heating system will stop. There are several ways to solve such a problem. To begin with, you can install an autonomous power source in the house, or a regular uninterruptible power supply that can work for several hours.

The second option is more interesting and complex, and much more financial investments will be needed - this is solar air heating of the house with the help of solar panels. Although the option is expensive, it is environmentally friendly, and it will add autonomy to you significantly.

During sunny day electricity will be collected into the batteries, and then there are several ways to use it: it can immediately go to heat the house, and the excess is stored in batteries, or the electricity will be used for heating only if the batteries are already full.

As you can see, living in a private house has its own characteristics, which can definitely make life much more diverse and interesting, even if it adds worries.

Photo of air heating at home

Air heating together with the ventilation system must comply with sanitary rules and regulations. Two such systems can be connected for more efficient operation of each of them.

What is ventilation for?

The purposes of ventilation systems are simple and understandable for everyone: the system serves to remove exhaust air from residential premises. After all, when food is cooked, bathrooms are used, in a word, vital activity boils, the air acquires the following features: an increase in humidity, an increase in dust concentration, an accumulation unpleasant odors, lowering the amount of oxygen. Meanwhile, if bad smell and dust are just uncomfortable factors, then an increase in humidity can lead to water that will appear on the walls in the form of condensation.

So, the ventilation system serves to replace dirty air with fresh air. Ventilation can be exhaust and supply and exhaust. In the latter case, air heating, like the ventilation system, is done taking into account the possibility of heat recovery: that is, the exhaust air goes next to the supply duct, while giving it some of the heat. The simplest heat exchanger can significantly reduce heat loss through ventilation.


The standards are laid down in the annexes to SNiP 2.04.05-91. The air exchange rate for living quarters should be at least 0.35/hour. Simply put, the volume of air should be completely renewed approximately every 3 hours. For one person constantly present in the room, there must be at least 30 cubic meters of fresh air per hour. As for kitchens, there is a norm of 60 cubic meters / hour for electric stoves and 90 cubic meters/hour for gas stove for 4 burners. In addition, it should be possible to periodically ventilate the room with an air exchange rate of at least 180 cubic meters per hour. For this purpose, a window or transom is used plastic window, but you can use a hood.

For bathrooms and toilets - 25 cubic meters per hour for each room. If these bathrooms are combined, then the norm is 50 cubic meters per hour.

air heating

Air heating is required in order to maintain a comfortable temperature during the cold season. And what exactly is this temperature - painted in GOST 30494-96.
So, for residential premises, the norm is +20 degrees, for corner living rooms - +22 degrees. For the kitchen room - +18 degrees, bathroom - +25 degrees, and toilet - +18 degrees. Note that such norms are suitable for apartment buildings.

The power calculations commonly used by air-heating and ventilation designers are fairly average values ​​and it will be difficult to accurately determine heat losses. In addition, they change depending on the current temperature, wind and humidity outside.

But for quite a long time there has been such a technique that can be based on in the case of independent design. The instruction here is quite simple: 40 W of thermal power is needed per 1 cubic meter of space. We add 100 W of heat to each window opening. For each door that leads to the street - 200. The coefficient for corner apartments is 1.2-1.3, for private houses - 1.5. A regional coefficient is also applied: 0.7-0.9 for warm regions, 1.2-1.3 for the European part Russian Federation, 1.5-2.0 for the Far North and Far East. When the temperature is warmer outside, in order to regulate the temperature in the house without opening the windows, you can replace the radiator valve with a throttle or a thermostatic head.

Usually heating with warm air and ventilation are two different circuits that do not intersect with each other. However, in some cases, the ventilation and heating systems can be combined.

The first option is compact installations of the domestic industry. The source of heat in this case is the combustion of diesel fuel, electricity. So, the fan is activated, which provides the injection of heated air.

Such installations and their analogues are most often used in garages, small workshops, small industrial facilities as a system for periodic use. But in order to heat and ventilate a residential building, such devices are uneconomical.

Hot air heating with boilers combined with heating stoves and duct systems is the more common option. So, the combustion of fuel is provided not by the coolant, but by the air that is blown through the heat exchanger. Hot air flows through the duct system throughout the house. To reduce non-target heat losses, ventilation and heating systems are laid with heat-insulated sleeves, placed under the finishing floor between the logs, hidden in the walls and installed above the false ceiling.

The cold air that is forced out of the room goes to the street in whole or in part. Some of this air can be used again for heating.

Note that it would seem more logical to supply warm air through grilles, which are located as close to the floor as possible. So, due to convection, the air will evenly heat the room. But not in this case. Usually, the ventilation system supplies the air heated by the boiler from above, then the cold air masses are forced out into those exhaust grilles that are located below.

Heat pumps and ducted air conditioners

Sometimes you can find combined climate control systems, which include components such as:

  • Ducted air conditioner, which, depending on the weather, is able to heat, cool and dehumidify the air.
  • Dust filter.
  • An ultraviolet filter that disinfects the air.
  • Supply and exhaust ventilation system.

In this case, the source of thermal energy is electrical energy. Studying the reviews, it can be noted that such a scheme of work is very convenient. After all, you have only one control unit that controls absolutely all the characteristics from one point. Compared with the traditional system, where the fan is somewhere in the attic, air conditioners are in the rooms, and air heating through pipes is somewhere else, then such a system seems more thoughtful and improved.

It is also economical when compared with diesel systems, pellet boilers, bottled gas. The inverter compressor control system pumps 3.5-4.5 kW of heat into the premises for every 1 kW of electrical power.

In addition, with such a combined system, you can save the interior of the premises. Indeed, in this case, only ventilation grilles will be visible, since air heating, as seen in the photo, does not require the installation of wiring and radiators.

Of course, there are several disadvantages of this kind of scheme. The cost of the finished system is quite high. For example, if we take Chinese ducted air conditioners with a heat output of 15 kWh for heating, they will cost about 70,000 rubles.

An outdoor unit that extracts heat from atmospheric air, can function at a temperature not lower than -15 - -25 degrees Celsius. And with a drop in temperature outside, the efficiency of the system will only decrease.

An alternative to such a system is a geothermal heat pump. So, if in winter period the air cools down to a very low temperature regime, then below the freezing depth the earth is constantly warmed up to 8-12 degrees. A heat exchanger with a sufficient area is immersed in the ground - and you will have an almost endless resource of heat that needs to be pumped into your home.

Security questions

Of course, when designing, all the necessary fire safety requirements for ventilation and heating systems should be taken into account. Such requirements are fully spelled out in manual 13.91 to SNiP 2.04.05-91. However, only part of them applies to residential premises.

So, when using an air duct made of combustible materials, it should be laid in a shaft or a non-combustible sleeve. Combustibility should not be lower than group G1 - slightly combustible, the temperature of the combustion products - no more than 135 degrees Celsius.

It is allowed to use fans and their casings made of combustible material. Of course, galvanized air ducts are safer. It is these products that are used in industrial premises. For safety reasons, we recommend limiting the temperature of the air supplied to the living room to 60 degrees.

So be or not be this system - and This is how the question can be raised when the air heating of a private house is discussed. And if applied to our climatic conditions has already become a classic of the genre, there are many rumors and legends about it. It's time to clarify the situation, and FORUMHOUSE users will help us with this! But first, let's look at the experience of our compatriots living in the United States - is it applicable in Moscow and our other cities, at least partially.

OnlyOn :

I constantly communicate with relatives living in the American town of Janesville, not far from Chicago. The climate there is similar to ours. And in all the houses assembled by frame technology installed air heating and air conditioning systems.

The air heating system of the house works according to the following principle: the heater, electric, or powered by solid fuel or natural gas, is located in the basement of the house. Air is taken from the street and, heated in winter and cooled in summer, is distributed through air ducts throughout the house.

Read about how to choose your own for your home and country house.

And in each room under the windows, in the walls, in the floor there are exits closed with adjustable bars. Thermostats with manual or automatic air temperature control are installed on the walls at a level of 1.5 meters.

Let's see if we can use such a system in relation to our climatic conditions.

Forum user with nickname Traks.

- At our forum, it has already been discussed more than once, air heating of a house, and not only a frame one. But there are very few completed projects. It seems to me that this system, we have not yet justified the cost, as the equipment itself, as well as its installation and operation.

But the traditional, for us Russians, types and, hot water in radiators, stoves, fireplaces, heat generators, operated for more than one year - live and flourish.

So is it worth experimenting, because usually everything new needs in running and at first perceived with a certain amount of skepticism.

But our forum member with a nickname Anchous, going to equip his frame house with an area of ​​150 m2 with an air heating system.

– I want to separate heating and ventilation into two zones - public and sleeping, so as not to heat up what is not currently used in vain. I also plan to provide exhaust ventilation office, so that you could smoke there with a clear conscience.

Let us consider in more detail the principle of operation of such a system.


- It is planned to have a general circulating heating and a separate supply of fresh air to each zone, an extract, respectively, each also has its own separate supply and extract in the office.

The operating modes will be as follows:

  • Circulation with an inflow is the main mode when someone is at home;
  • Circulation without supply - maintaining the minimum required temperature when no one is at home;
  • Circulation without supply ( fast warm-up) - after SMS "Driving home";
  • Displacement ventilation - rapid ventilation, recirculation dampers are closed.

An article about the ventilation system is available at this .

But such a system also has its pitfalls.


– Ve Home ventilation heating is a complex system. H you need to calculate how many valves and other control devices you will have, because. all this can fail, and adjustment can stretch for an indefinite time, and cost a lot of money.

An air heating system is a complex engineering structure. And it is necessary to develop it at the stage of designing a house!

Also, with an air heating system, it must be taken into account that:

  • A filtration system is required;

Without it, the air heating system at home is a fiction, since the air in front of the stove must be cleaned. Otherwise, the furnace will burn waste products with the intake of combustion products directly into the room.

  • The mechanical filter must be cleaned every month, the electrostatic filter once a quarter, the coal filter once every six months;

If you clean less often, then the flow of dust into the heat exchanger increases, where it begins to burn out.

  • It is necessary to install an antibacterial filter, because. warm and humid air flows through the ducts.

But despite a number of complex technical issues, which you need to pay attention to, the use of a correctly calculated and installed air heating system, according to our user with the nickname TGSV has the following benefits:

– Not present in the heating system , which causes a significantly lower thermal inertia and much faster heating of the surrounding space than in the case of using water radiators.

Low inertia provides an opportunity for flexible control of air heating operation. The temperature in the heated room is controlled by built-in automation and a remote thermostat.

When the desired temperature is reached, the air heater turns off, and when it drops by 0.5-2g. (depending on settings) is activated again. The operation of the unit can be programmed by the hour and by the day. At correct calculation systems to provide a temperature of 20gr. the unit will turn on for 15-20 minutes per hour. And during the period when there is no one in the house and there is no need to keep 20g. then 5-10 minutes per hour.


- Air installation can be useful in the summer. It is the best suited for combination with cleaning, air conditioning and humidification systems.

Thus, in addition to centralized heating and ventilation, the user also acquires a central air conditioner. Those. collectively, this is the installation of a full-fledged climate control based on one air duct system, with the possibility of zonal air distribution throughout the house.

As additions, multi-stage air filters from mechanical to electrostatic, ultraviolet lamps for bacteriological cleaning, automatic are integrated into this scheme. The operation of the entire complex is controlled from a single control panel, including using technologies remote access through the Internet.

The experience of operating an air heating system by our forum member with a nickname is interesting Hope_Kyiv:

- I have a frame house with an area of ​​300 sq.m., plus a basement monolithic mezzanine floor of 70 sq.m. Heated area 250 sq.m. Gas heating, electric air conditioning. In 2010, 2,500 cubic meters of gas were spent on heating plus electricity costs - a fan for heating a house drives air through pipelines during the heating season for 20 c.u. for 6 months. Air conditioning costs about $1. in a day.


As mentioned above, an air heating system is the best suited for equipping it. But it must be borne in mind that the heat loss of such a house should be minimized and even at the design stage, space must be left between the walls for laying pipes and ventilation ducts.


- Large main air ducts, usually hidden in built-in wardrobes, under stairs, in corridors, attics, technical undergrounds. Air ducts with a section of 250x80 are bred through the rooms. if it is not possible to pass them under the floor or in the attic, then suspended ceiling eat no more than 100mm. Now there are more modern high-pressure systems that use flexible ventilation ducts with a diameter of 70mm.

An air heating system works best in combination with, but the experience of our forum member is indicative Andrew who decided to independently manufacture such a heating system based on a solid fuel boiler.


- I have a frame house 8x8. Insulation - foam plastic 15 cm - floor, ceiling and walls. Heating TT stove Professor Butakov installed in the attached garage. Four air ducts run from the stove to the corners of the house under the floor. Air is driven by a fan through the oven. Hot air outlet in the floor in the form of a conventional iron ventilation grille. Air intake is partly from the house, partly from the street through air ducts.

Thus, heating and ventilation of a private house are simultaneously carried out.


- In winter, at night it was -38 degrees outside. in the afternoon 31 gr., at home always + 25 + 27. Cold air (30-70%) from the street is mixed with warm (70-30%) from the house and through a filter (100 rubles) - a fan - the stove is fed into the house. Excessive pressure is created and if there are gaps somewhere in the house, then cold air from the street does not blow into them, but rather blows out of the house.

The stove itself, according to the forum member, is heated around the clock, without interruption. And the thermal energy from one bookmark of firewood is enough for 8 hours if it is fired with pine and 12 hours if it is fired with larch.

The outlet pipes on the furnace were combined with a tin box into one air duct. Hot air comes out from the top, cold air comes in from the bottom. Two insulated air ducts depart from the furnace to the left and right. And under the floor of the house, the air ducts are divided into rooms by a tee.

Sometimes you can hear the opinion that the air heating system is too noisy.


- I have warm air coming from the floor near the windows, creating thermal curtain near the window, rises up and climbs the grate, which is located in the hall near the stairs much higher than our head, therefore, we do not feel the forced flow.


- I don’t feel the movement of air, only if you stand near the grate, you can see that the curtain is barely noticeably swaying. No dryness either. Air duct with a diameter of 100 mm. with hot air, insulated with isover with foil enters the house under the floor. Next comes between the lag. And it comes out from under the floor in the four corners of the house.

Let's calculate the cost of a home-made system, it was spent:

  • Boiler - 25t.r;
  • Pipe, sandwich (6 meters) - 12t. R.;
  • Air ducts - 2t. R.;
  • Fan - 3t. R.;
  • Filter - 100 rubles;
  • Filter housing - 500 rubles;
  • Silencers (2 pcs.) - 2t.r.;
  • Furnace sealant - 200r;
  • Self-tapping screws - 100 rub.


- And before that, I water heating learned in the company. Boiler + pipes + radiators + work - they counted me for 320t.r.

FORUMHOUSE users can learn about the best and how to install an air heating system on their own, participate in a hot discussion on the "" topic. Watch our video about the secrets of air heating.
